Tcas Performance Monitoring

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Performance Monitoring Regulations and Operational

TCAS is equipped with performance
monitoring software that continuously and Within the U.S., the guidance on the
automatically monitors the health and operational use of TCAS is contained in
performance of TCAS. The performance Advisory Circular (AC) 120-55C. This AC
monitoring operates whenever power is provides guidelines for developing flight
applied to TCAS. In addition, the performance crew training programs, procedures for
monitor includes a pilot-initiated test feature responding to an RA, a list of good
that includes expanded tests of TCAS displays operating practices, sample forms for
and aural annunciations. The performance providing reports on the performance of
monitor supports expanded maintenance TCAS, and suggested phraseology to be
diagnostics that are available to maintenance used when advising controllers of an RA
personnel while the aircraft is on the ground. event.

The performance monitor validates many of Information similar to that contained in AC

120-55C is included in ICAO Annexes and
the inputs received from other aircraft other documentation. Individual countries
systems and validates the performance of the have used the information contained in the
TCAS processor. Examples include own ICAO documentation to develop and
aircraft pressure altitude input and the promulgate their own requirements and
connection of TCAS to the aircraft procedures. There are differences in
suppression bus. procedures from State to State and these
differences can be found in a State's
When the performance monitor detects Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).
anomalous performance within TCAS or an
invalid input from a required on-board
system, the failure is annunciated to the Controller’s Responsibilities
pilot. If appropriate, all or a portion of the
TCAS functions may be disabled or The guidance for controllers regarding
inhibited. If the performance monitor TCAS operation for controllers is contained
disables any TCAS capability, full in the ATC Controllers Handbook (Order
operational capability will be restored once 7110.65) and in various policy letters issued
the detected failure is removed. by FAA Headquarters. The controller’s
responsibilities during a TCAS RA stated in
FAA Order 7110.65 are given below.
Requirements for Use
If an aircraft under your control jurisdiction
The information presented in this section informs you that it is responding to a TCAS
is to intended to provide a general RA, do not issue control instructions that are
contrary to the RA the crew has advised you
understanding of the operational use of that they are executing. Provide safety alerts
TCAS. FAA, ICAO, and other countries regarding terrain or obstructions and traffic
regulations contain the official guidance advisories for the aircraft responding to the
for TCAS use. RA and all other aircraft under your control
jurisdiction, as appropriate.

Unless advised by other aircraft that they are

also responding to a TCAS RA, do not traffic. Do not deviate from an assigned
assume that the other aircraft in proximity of clearance based only on "TA"
the responding aircraft are involved in the information. For any traffic that is acquired
RA maneuver or are aware of the visually, continue to maintain or attain safe
responding aircraft’s intended maneuvers. separation in accordance with current
Continue to provide control instructions, Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) and
safety alerts, and traffic advisories as good operating practices.
appropriate to such aircraft.
` When an RA occurs, the pilot flying should
Once the responding aircraft has begun a respond immediately by direct attention to
maneuver in response to an RA, the RA displays and maneuver as indicated,
controller is not responsible for providing unless doing so would jeopardize the safe
standard separation between the aircraft that operation of the flight, or unless the flight
is responding to an RA and any other crew can assure separation with the help of
aircraft, airspace, terrain, or obstructions. definitive visual acquisition of the aircraft
Responsibility for standard separation causing the RA. By not responding to an
resumes when one of the following RA, the flight crew effectively takes
conditions is met: responsibility for achieving safe separation.
1. The responding aircraft has returned
to its assigned altitude. To satisfy RAs, disconnect the autopilot and
maneuver using prompt, positive control
2. The flight crew informs you that the inputs in the direction and with the
TCAS maneuver is completed and magnitude TCAS advises. To achieve the
you observe that standard separation required vertical rate (normally 1,500 fpm
has been established. for a Climb or Descend RA), first adjust the
3. The responding aircraft has executed aircraft’s pitch using the suggested
an alternate clearance and you guidelines shown in Table 5.
observe that standard separation has
been re-established. Speed Pitch Adjustment
.80 Mach 2 degrees
FAA order 7110.65 also references AC 120- 250 Knots Indicated
55 to provide information on the suggested Airspeed (KIAS) 4 degrees
phraseology to be used by pilots to notify Below 10,000 feet
the controller about a TCAS event. The Below 200 KIAS 5 to 7 degrees
suggested phraseology is discussed in the
Table 5. Suggested Pitch Adjustment
following section on pilot's responsibilities.
Required to Comply with a TCAS Climb or
Descend RA
Pilot’s Responsibilities
Then refer to the vertical speed indicator and
make necessary pitch adjustments to place
In general terms, the following procedures the vertical speed indicator in the green arc
and practices have been developed regarding of the RA display. On aircraft with pitch
the pilot’s responsibilities and actions while guidance TCAS RA displays, follow the RA
using TCAS. These procedures and pitch command for initial, increase, and
practices are extracted from AC 120-55C. weakening RAs.
Respond to TAs by attempting to establish Excursions from assigned altitude, when
visual contact with the intruder and other responding to an RA, typically should be no
aircraft that may be in the vicinity. more than 300 to 500 feet to satisfy the
Coordinate to the degree possible with other conflict. Vertical speed responses should be
crew members to assist in searching for made to avoid red arcs or outlined pitch

avoidance areas, and, if applicable, to If a TCAS RA response requires deviation
accurately fly to the green arc or outlined from an ATC clearance, expeditiously return
pitch guidance area. During an RA, do not to the current ATC clearance when the
maneuver contrary to the RA. In the traffic conflict is resolved and the TCAS
event that the RA direction conflicts with message “Clear of Conflict” is heard, or
an ATC clearance or instruction, follow follow any subsequent change to clearance
the RA. as advised by ATC. In responding to a
TCAS RA that directs a deviation from
TCAS expects the initial vertical speed assigned altitude, communicate with ATC as
response to a “climb” or “descend” soon as practicable after responding to the
maneuver advisory using 1/4g acceleration RA. When the RA is removed, the flight
within 5 seconds after issuance of the crew should advise ATC that they are
advisory. Initial vertical speed response to returning to their previously assigned
an increase or reversal RA is expected by clearance or should acknowledge any
TCAS using 1/3g acceleration within amended clearance issued.
2 1/2 seconds after issuance of the advisory.
Again, avoid red arcs or outlined pitch Unless approved by the Administrator,
avoidance areas and fly to the green arc or pilots are expected to operate TCAS while
outlined pitch guidance area. . in-flight in all airspace, including oceanic,
international, and foreign airspace.
If an initial corrective RA is downgraded or
weakened (for example, a Climb RA TCAS does not alter or diminish the pilot's
downgrades to a Do Not Descend RA), basic authority and responsibility to ensure
pilots should respond to the weakening RA safe flight. Since TCAS does not detect
and adjust the aircraft's vertical speed aircraft that are not transponder equipped or
accordingly but still keep the needle or pitch aircraft with a transponder failure, TCAS
guidance symbol out of the red arc or alone does not ensure safe separation in
outlined pitch avoidance area. Pilots are every case. Further, TCAS RAs may, in
reminded that attention to the RA display some cases, conflict with flight path
and prompt reaction to the weakened RA requirements due to terrain, such as an
will minimize altitude excursions and obstacle-limited climb segment or an
potential disruptions to ATC. This will also approach towards rising terrain. Since many
allow for proper TCAS/TCAS resolution of approved instrument procedures and IFR
encounters and reduce the probability of clearances are predicated on avoiding high
additional RAs against the intruder or other terrain or obstacles, it is particularly
traffic. For TCAS Version 7.0 and later. a important that pilots maintain situational
"green arc on weakening" is provided to awareness and continue to use good
guide the proper response. judgment in following TCAS RAs.
Maintain frequent outside visual scan, "see
In some instances it may not be possible to and avoid" vigilance, and continue to
respond to a TCAS RA and continue to communicate as needed and as appropriate
satisfy a clearance at the same time. Even if with ATC.
a TCAS RA maneuver is inconsistent with
the current clearance, respond appropriately The pilot is to inform the controller about an
to the RA. Since TCAS tracks all RA deviation as soon as possible.
transponder-equipped aircraft in the vicinity, The phraseology to be used by pilots is
responding to an RA for an intruder assures shown in Table 6.
a safe avoidance maneuver from that
intruder and from other transponder-
equipped aircraft.

Table 6. Recommended Phraseology for its clearance with ATC, the designated air
Reporting RAs Within U.S. Airspace traffic facility is expected to resume
providing appropriate separation services in
Situation Phraseology accordance with FAA Order 7110.65.
Responding to an “TCAS Climb” or Note: Communication is not required if the
RA “TCAS Descend” pilot is able to satisfy the RA guidance and
Initial RA report “TCAS Climb (or maintain the appropriate ATC clearance.
issued after RA is descent), returning
completed to [assigned A significant number of unnecessary RAs
clearance]” are generated when aircraft converge with
Initial RA report “TCAS Climb (or high vertical rates. Guidance in the U.S.
issued after returning descent) completed, Airman’s Information Manual (AIM), and
to assigned clearance [assigned clearance] recently adopted by some international
resumed” agencies, direct that the rate of climb or
Unable to follow a “Unable to comply, descent be reduced during the last 1000 feet
newly issued TCAS resolution of climb or descent.
clearance because advisory”
of an RA The AIM, for example says “attempt to
Controller No specific descend or climb at a rate of between 500
acknowledgement of phraseology is and 1,500 fpm until the assigned altitude is
any TCAS report defined reached” whereas EUROCONTROL
recommends reducing the rate to 1000 fpm.
The phraseology shown in Table 6 is Modern aircraft auto flight systems produce
suggested and should contain: (1) name of higher vertical rates during this phase of
the ATC facility, (2) aircraft identification flight in order to achieve maximum fuel
(ID), and (3) that the aircraft is responding efficiency. Many operators of these systems
to a TCAS RA. When a flight crew receives are reluctant to direct their crews to interfere
a TCAS RA to either climb or descend from with the auto flight guidance during the last
their assigned altitude, or the RA otherwise 1000 feet of climb or descent, either because
affects their ATC clearance, or their pending of reduced fuel efficiency or concern that
maneuver or maneuver in progress, the crew the assigned altitude might not be captured.
should inform ATC when beginning the This policy may be satisfactory for most
excursion from clearance or as soon as climbs and descents, however when an
workload allows in the following manner: aircraft is climbing or descending to an
“XYZ Center, (Aircraft ID), TCAS assigned altitude where there is traffic at an
Climb/Descent”. adjacent altitude, an unnecessary RA may be
Following such a communication, the
designated air traffic facility is not required While some operators do not address this
to provide approved standard separation to issue in their Airplane Flight Manuals
the TCAS maneuvering aircraft until the (AFMs) or Training Programs some do
TCAS encounter is cleared and standard address the issue during Line Operations
ATC separation is achieved. If workload Training with the result that some pilots
permits, traffic information may be provided follow the recommended guidance while
by the controller in accordance with FAA most do not. Operational experience shows
Order 7110.65. When the RA is removed, that good results are obtained by allowing
the flight crew should advise ATC that they the auto flight system to fly the last 1000
are returning to their previously assigned feet of climb or descent, except when there
clearance or subsequent amended clearance. is known traffic at the adjacent altitude. At
When the deviating aircraft has renegotiated this time the pilot should reduce the vertical


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