Safe Handling of Tcas Alerts
Safe Handling of Tcas Alerts
Safe Handling of Tcas Alerts
TCAS Alerts
TCAS RAs are not correctly followed in more than 40% of
cases according to a recent study published by Eurocontrol,
making non-compliance with TCAS RAs one of the top 5 Air
Traffic Management (ATM) operational and safety risks.
This article explains how the TCAS Alert Prevention (TCAP)
and AP/FD TCAS functions can improve the situation by
respectively reducing the number of RAs in congested
airspace, and assisting flight crews to follow TCAS RAs in an
optimum manner. The article also recalls the TCAS warning
procedure step-by-step, with and without the AP/FD TCAS
function and provides guidance for training flight crews.
The TCAS warning logic uses the current trajectory of the aircraft to predict (fig.2) Example of an
collision threats. This does not anticipate the expected level off when the aircraft RA triggered when
finishes its climb or descent and reaches its expected flight level. If another reaching a cleared flight
aircraft approaches on an adjacent flight level, it can trigger a “level off” RA, or a level, near an aircraft
“level off” with a corresponding “climb” or “descend” RA (fig.2). This is more likely flying on an adjacent
to occur in congested airspace. flight level
If an Operator has a mixed fleet configuration of aircraft with and without the
TCAP function activated, the flight crew can still manually select a lower vertical
speed when approaching the target flight level on any aircraft depending on the
Operator’s policy.
(fig.3) Principle of the
TCAP function
A380 aircraft delivered before July 2013 can be retrofitted using the activation Service Bulletin (SB)
Operators can retrofit TCAP on older A320 family and A330 aircraft. These aircraft must be fitted with a
minimum standard of TCAS and a minimum standard of FMG(E)C. The minimum TCAS computer standard
must be:
On A320 family aircraft, the TCAP function is automatically activated on aircraft equipped with the
On A330 aircraft, an activation service bulletin is necessary in addition to installing an FMGEC with flight
guidance standard HJ2 or H3.
The AP/FD TCAS can be installed on A320 family and A330 aircraft that comply with the minimum system
prerequisites listed below:
TCAS change 7 or T2CAS or T3CAS MOD 27740 or 27698 or 36559 or 34637 or 39146
FDIMU with new FDIU Standard S15 MOD 150037 or MOD 150038
MOD 57112 and MOD 56759 and (MOD 200939 (for TCAS) or
Wiring provisions
MOD 201160 (for T2CAS or T3CAS))
(fig.5) AP/FD
TCAS installation
status for A320
family and A330
● If the TCAS mode is not available or does not engage when the RA
is triggered, the PF disconnects both the AP and the FD and flies the
green on the V/S scale as per the standard TCAS warning procedure.
● If the TCAS mode engages when the RA is triggered, the PF can either
leave the AP ON and monitor that the V/S reaches the green zone on the
PFD, or manually follow the RA using FD guidance. The FD bars will
automatically appear when the TCAS mode engages if they were
previously switched off.
● If the RA was flown manually, the PF may adjust both the lateral and
vertical trajectory to resume normal navigation in accordance with ATC
instructions and may re-engage the AP and FD.
● If the RA was flown in TCAS mode, the flight guidance reverts to V/S
+/-1000 mode when clear of conflict to go back to the selected altitude.
The PF should then engage an appropriate vertical mode, or adjust the
V/S target, in accordance with ATC instructions.
The “Operational use of the TCAS” video available on the Worldwide Instructor
News (WIN) website provides detailed information about the TCAS and how to
use it. The video also describes the AP/FD TCAS function and provides answers
to frequently asked questions.
Refer also to our first Safety first article on AP/FD TCAS published in February
2009: “Airbus AP/FD TCAS mode: a new step towards safety Improvement”.
The TCAS WARNING procedure will be updated in May 2022 to standardize the
procedure on all Airbus aircraft (all aircraft types, with or without AP/FD TCAS)
and to comply with EASA and FAA regulation requirements. The procedure will
be amended as follows:
GO AROUND……………………………..…………………….PERFORM.
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Photos by Airbus, S. Ramadier
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