Middle East Chronology: 1970-02-16 - 1970-05-15
Middle East Chronology: 1970-02-16 - 1970-05-15
Middle East Chronology: 1970-02-16 - 1970-05-15
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3 (Summer, 1970), pp. 353-372
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4324617 .
Accessed: 03/03/2012 09:35
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February16, 1970-May 15, 1970
Mar.3: The Communistpartiesof Jordan,Syria,Iraq Israeli Deputy Prime MinisterYigal Allon said
and Lebanon announced the formation of their plans were made for 8 new Jewish settlementsin
own commandogroup,the "PartisanForces,"which occupied territories.
would place all its resources"at the service of the Mar. 11: Soviet Ambassadorto the US Dobrynin
joint cause." met with US Secretaryof State William Rogers
Israeli officials reported their discovery of an in Washington.
explosives cache in the Israeli settlement Qiryat Mar. 12: The SyrianArmyreportedsending 2 patrols
Shmona. behind Israeli lines in the Jawlan area, killing or
Mar. 4: Israel Radio broadcasta statementby Israeli wounding 25 Israelis. Israel reported 2 soldiers
Representativeto the UN Tekoah saying the gov- killed in the clashes.
ernmentwas bringing Lebanon-basedguerrilla ac- Egypt reported her jets making direct hits on
tivity to the attentionof the UN and international Israeli positions along the Canal, with 1 Egyptian
opinion and that "if these effortsfail," Israelwould plane downed.
"reservethe right of self defense." Mar. 13: An Egyptian military spokesman said 5
Mar.5: Speakingafter a meetingwith the US, Soviet, Egyptiancivilians were killed and 35 wounded in
British and French ambassadors,LebaneseForeign an Israeli air attacknear al-Mansuirah.
MinisterNasim Majdalini said that Israeli threats Mar. 14: JordanianPrime MinisterBahjatal-Talhini
against Lebanonwere unjustified,that the border expressedregret over the recent bombings of air-
had been calmerrecentlythan 2 months ago. planes and said the country "would undertaketo
One Israeli soldier was killed and 3 wounded outlaw" any "armedaggression"or bombing of
in an ambush near the border settlementZarit. civilian airplanesor airports "as well as the use
Mar. 6: Israel reportedher jets striking an Egyptian of civilian aircraft in international civilian pas-
radarstation at Damietta and downing 2 Egyptian senger trafficfor the transportof arms and spare
Mig-21s on a reconnaissancemission. Egypt said parts."
her jets had downed 1 Israeli jet and damagedan- Israel reportedher commandounits had crossed
other in the clash. the Canal at al-Cap and al-Tina and destroyed
Israel reported her commandos attacking an Egyptianbunkersand installations,killing 8 Egyp-
Arab guerrilla unit across the Dead Sea at Widi tians and losing 2 Israelis. Egypt said the attack
Zarqa,killing 3 Arabs,capturing3 othersand seiz- had been repulsed.
ing large quantitiesof arms. Fath and the Popular Front for the Liberation
Mar. 7: Israel reporteda "raidingunit" crossedinto of Palestine (PFLP) reportedlaunchingrocketat-
Lebanonand blew up 5 buildings, reportedlyused tackson Israelisettlementsnear the Jawlin area.
by Arab commandos,in the village Ayta al-Sha'b. Matr.16: Israel reportedher commandounits attack-
One Arab was reportedkilled and 2 takenprisoner. ing Syrianpositions,with 1 unit shelling an Army
The New York Times quoted accountsof "State camp at Qutayfahand sabotaginga power pylon
Departmentofficials"of Under Secretaryof State north of Damascusand another unit destroyinga
Elliot Richardson meeting with the Israeli and culvertand 2 pillboxes acrossthe cease-fireline in
Lebanese ambassadorsurging maximum restraint Syriawith both units reportedsafe. Syria reported
and adopting "all the possible steps to keep peace the attack,saying that 5 Syriansoldierswere killed
in the area." and 14 wounded in what was called an Israeli
U Thant announcedhe had summonedSpecial air attack.
RepresentativeGunnar Jarring to New York for Fath said that Israelihelicoptershad gone as far
talks beginning March 10. north in Lebanonas Rashayahand Yanta during
Mar. 8: Israel reportedthat 5 Arab commandoswere their attackon Syria but were driven off by com-
killed while attemptingto returnto Lebanonnear mando fire.
the Israeli settlement Zarit. Israeli jets on a reconnaissancemission reported
Israel reportedan Arab rocket attackon Israeli downing an EgyptianMig-21 and hitting another
settlementsin the Baysin Valley with no damage when they challenged the Israeli mission. Egypt
or casualtiesincurred. reporteddowning an Israeli jet in the clash.
Syrian PresidentAtasi warned that his country Israeli troops rounded up over 50 Arabs in
would act "stronglyand firmly"againstany attempt Hebron, reportedlyin connection with recent in-
to suppressthe Palestiniancommandomovement. cidents in the city.
Mar. 9: The Palestine Armed Struggle Command Mar. 17: A Lebanesemilitary spokesmansaid that
(PASC) announcedthat commandoshad attacked Israeli forceshad attackedvillages near Bint Jubayl
Israelibarracksin the Jawlin area (Golan Heights) for 2 days with 2 killed and 5 wounded in the
destroying some Israeli weapons and killing or attacks.
wounding a number of Israeli soldiers and had An Israeli military spokesman said that the
attackedan Israeli patrol in the area, killing most Israeli position at Nebi Yusha near the Lebanese
of its members. Israel said 1 Arab was killed and border had come under attack with no casualties
no Israelishurt in the clashes. reported.
Mar. 19: The New York Times published reports Suez. Egypt reportedthe loss of 1 plane and said
from "reliable diplomatic sources in Cairo" that 1 Israeli plane was damagedin the clash.
a large numberof Soviet troops and SAM-3 anti- Mar. 28: Syria reportedher troops had occupied 2
aircraft missiles arrived in the UAR in the last Israeli positions along the cease-fireline in the
week Jawlin area, destroying the positions, killing or
Mar. 20: Speakingon The New York Times report wounding all Israelispresent and demolishingen-
IsraeliDefense MinisterMoshe Dayan said "I hope gineering installations. Israel reported a small
we will succeedin preventingthe stationingof the Syrianunit launcheda bazookaattacknear Khisfin
new missiles in areasvital to our military hold on with 1 Israeli killed and 1 wounded.
the Suez Canal zone and to the effectivenessof Commando leader 'Arafit ended a visit to
our air operationsof deeperpenetration." Peking.
Mar. 21: The Israeli military commandsaid that an Mar. 29: Israeli former Commanderof the National
Army patrol killed 10 Arab commandosin a clash Defense College GeneralPeled said that as long as
east of Sodom and destroyedan Arab jeep and the Soviet SAM-3 missilesare not installed"within
captureda numberof weapons. 20 to 30 kilometersof the Canal,there is a mini-
Mar. 22: The Israeli military commandsaid 1 Arab mal dangerof involvement."
civilian was killed and 4 wounded in guerrilla Israel reportedthat 10 Arabs were wounded in
grenade attacksin the Gaza Strip. 2 grenadeattacksin the Gaza Strip.
Mar. 23: Announcing PresidentNixon's decision to Mar. 31: An Israelimilitaryspokesmansaid that jets
"hold in abeyance"Israel's request for additional struck Soviet built missile sites near al-Mansurah
aircraft, US Secretaryof State Rogers said that, with all planes reportedsafe. The UAR said that
"in making this interim decision on aircraft we 12 civilians were killed and 35 wounded in the
have no intention of jeopardizingthe security of attack.
Israel" and that "if steps are taken which might The 4 powersagreedto have their deputiesdraft
upset the current balance or if in our judgement a progressreporton their talks.
political developmentswarrant,the Presidentwill Apr. 1: Israel reported her jets attacking Egyptian
not hesitate to reconsiderthis matter." militarytargetsin the centraland southernsectors
The UN Commissionof Human Rights adopted of the Canal.
a resolutioncondemning"Israel'srefusal to apply" Apr. 2: Israel and Syria clashed in a land and air
the 1949 GenevaConventionto the occupiedareas. battle in the Jawlan area with Israel reporting
Ma,'. 24: Israel reportedher jets attackingEgyptian downing 3 SyrianMig-21s and losing 1 Phantom
military positions along the Canal. over Syrianterritorywith the 2 crewmencaptured.
Mar. 25: Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Allon said Syria reported killing or wounding 120 Israelis,
that while the Cabinetwould not decide the politi- downing 7 Israeli jets and capturing2 pilots with
cal future of Hebron, 250 Jewish families would 16 Syrians killed and 35 wounded and 2 planes
be allowed to settle there. and 2 tankshit.
An Israeli Army spokesmansaid that jets had Apr. 6: Egyptian spokesman 'Abd al-Majid denied
downed 4 Egyptianplanes in a dogfight over the that PresidentNasir had invited Presidentof the
Canal with all planes reportedsafe. Egypt said 1 World Zionist Congress Nahum Goldmann for
Israeli plane had been downed and another dam- talks in Cairo saying it would contradictthe de-
aged in the clash. cisions of the 1967 KhartuimConference.
Egypt reported that a commandoforce crossed Israeli Defense MinisterDayan said Israelwould
the Canal and blasted an Israeli Hawk missile not "exhaust"herselfto fly over "Cairo,Alexandria
site with mortars and surface to surface missiles and Aswan"but would continue strikes "to insure
6 miles east of the Bitter Lake area. that we keep our hold on the Canal"and said he
The US and the USSRformallyresumed2 power hoped "this distinctionexists with the Russians."
talks with a meeting between Rogers and Do- Apr. 8: Israeli jets struckwhat was called a military
brynin. installationat Bahr al-Baqar. Egypt said the raid
Israeli authoritiesimposed a 6 hour night cur- killed 30 children when bombs struck a reported
few on Hebron until further notice for "security school.
reasons." Dayan said that if the Egyptian children were
Mar. 26: Israeli jets attackedEgyptianmilitary posi- killed in the jet raid it was becausetheir classrooms
tions from al-Qantarahto the Gulf of Suez for were in a militarystructure.
over 4 hours. Apr. 10: Israelreportedheavyrocketattackson Israeli
Two Palestinian Arabs were sentenced by an settlements south of the Sea of Galilee. Israeli
Athens court to 14 and 17 years imprisonment planes launched a 1 hour bombing and strafing
for their attack on an El Al plane in December raid against the Jordanian positions killing, ac-
1968. cordingto Jordanianreports,6 civiliansand wound-
Mar. 27: Israel reportedan air battle over the Canal ing 10.
with her jets downing 5 Egyptian Mig-21s near Apr. 13: Israeli jets struck at Egyptianmilitary tar-
gets 20 miles east of Helwan and in the area of ended a tour of the Middle East and expressed
al-Manzalah. concernthat neither side was yet willing to make
One Arabwas killed and 9 woundedin a grenade concessions for a peace settlement. He said the
attack on an Israeli military vehicle in Gaza. US had a "keen awarenessof the sense of frustra-
Apr. 14: The Israeli Army weekly Bamachanepub- tion" of the Palestiniansand that there could be
lished a statement by Dayan saying he hoped "no peace that does not take due account"of their
the Russians "will establish themselves in places "legitimate concerns."
where we shall not be compelled to attackthem" Israeli jets attackeda Syrianmilitary camp near
and "leave us enough depth to defend the cease- the Jawlan area reportedlyused by troops who
fire line and carryout other essential operations."made the April 23 attack.
Fath reportedlaunchinga 9 hour daylight joint Jordanreportedthat 5 civilians were killed and
attack on enemy positions along a 12 mile front 3 wounded in an Israeli jet attack on a reported
in the JordanValley. guerrillabase near al-Salt.
Apr. 17: An Egyptianmilitaryspokesmansaid Army Representativesof the 4 powersmet to continue
forces had crossed the Canal and ambushed an drafting a progress report on their talks.
Israeli patrol, killing or wounding all members. Israeli defense officials announced they would
An Israeli spokesmansaid that 3 Israelis were close off a 750 acre site in Hebron for "military
killed and 6 wounded by Egyptianshelling across purposes."
the Canaland deniedthe reportedEgyptianlanding. Apr.25: A Syrianmilitaryspokesmansaid that fighter
Fath reported its commandos had ambushed bombers had attackedIsraeli "fortifiedpositions"
Israeli vehicles in Upper Galilee. in the southernJawlanarea,inflicting"heavylosses
Apr. 18: An Israelimilitaryspokesmanreportedthat and casualties."Israel reportedthat 4 SyrianMig-
security forces had killed .6 Arab guerrillas in 21s had attackedpositionsin the Jawlanarea caus-
clashes in Gaza and Upper Galilee. ing no damage.
An Egyptian military spokesman reported a Egypt reported 2 formationsof bombers made
fighterbomberraid on Israeli militaryinstallations raids on al-'Arish and Rafah, scoring direct hits
along the Canal with all planes reported safe. on targets. Israel reported downing 2 Egyptian
Apr. 19: Israel said an Egyptianjet was downed and bombersafter a raid on al-'Arishwhich causedno
2 others hit in an Egyptianraid along the Canal damage.
which killed 3 Israeli soldiers and wounded 8. Apr. 26: Israeli Prime MinisterMeir said Israel had
Apr. 20: An Israeli military spokesmanreported a "triedthroughdiplomats,journalistsand otherpeo-
3 hour Israeli air attackat military targets along ple to persuadethe other side to begin negotiations
the Canal. with Israel. But not a single one of them has come
Reuter quoted a Soviet press attache, George away with the impressionthat Nasser is ready to
Skuhatchev,as saying "the Soviet Union supports make peace."
the creation of a democraticstate in Palestine," A UAR military spokesman said about 200
that it supports "any struggle aimed at over- soldiers crossedthe Canal and destroyedan Israeli
throwing any racist state." A Soviet Foreign Min- fortifiedposition. Israel reportedrepelling the at-
istry official said no Soviet official "could have tack, killing at least 3 Egyptianswith no Israeli
made such a statement"since "Soviet policy in casualtiessuffered.
the area remainsunchanged." Israeliauthoritiesconfirmedthe arrestof former
Apr. 21: Egypt reported her planes scoring direct mayor of Gaza Munir Rayis, saying he was held
hits on Israeli militarypositions in the Sinai caus-
for questioning "on suspicion of being associated
ing "heavylosses"in Israelitroopsand equipment, with the commando organizations."
with 1 plane downedin the action. Israel reportedApr. 28: Egyptreportedher fighterbombersattacking
downing 1 Egyptianplane in the clashwhich caused Israelipositionsalong the Canalwith all planes re-
neither damageor casualties. ported safe. Israel reported downing 2 fighter
Apr. 22: The Israeli military command reported a bombersin the attack.
grenade exploded in Nabulus, wounding several Apr. 29: Israel issued a statementsaying "it has be-
tourists. The DemocraticFront for the Liberation come clear beyond any doubt" that Soviet pilots
of Palestine claimed responsibility for the in- "are flying operationalmissions from military in-
cident. stallationsunder their control in Egypt." The op-
Apr. 23: Two Israeli civilians were killed and 5 erational activity "has not extended so far to the
woundedwhen Syriansoldiersambushedtheir cars cease-fireline" and they have not been involved
near the Syrian cease-fireline. "in air combatsin this region."
Egypt reportedher planes attackingIsraeli mili- US White House spokesmanZiegler called the
tary positions 60 miles east of the Canal,touching Israeli report "a matter of serious concern to the
off explosions and fires and encounteringno re- United States"and said the President"has ordered
sistance. a full and immediate evaluation of intelligence
Apr. 24: US AssistantSecretaryof State Joseph Sisco reportsand the implicationof them on the strategic
balancein the Middle East." legitimatearenafor the struggle,"declares"its total
Egypt reportedthat its forces had ambushedan independenceof all Arab regimes"and "aims at
Israeli patrol south of the Bitter Lakes destroying liquidating"Israel "politically,militarily, socially,
3 Israeli halftracksand killing their occupants. culturally,at the tradeunion level and at the total
Apr. 30: Israeli Foreign Minister Eban said Soviet liberationof all Palestine."
operational activity in Egypt was offensive, not May 7: Dayan warned that Israel might attack into
defensive and that its effect was "to enable, nay, Lebanonin retaliationfor shelling from Lebanon
to encourageEgyptianforces to develop a stronger onto the Israeli settlementQiryat Shmona.
attacking role" and called for international as- May 8: Israelreportedher soldiersoccupying4 Leba-
sistance to compensate for this "almost revolu- nese villages for 6 hours after guerrillas in the
tionary change" in the military situation. area blew up an Army personnel carrier near
Egypt reportedthat a battalionestimatedat 600 Matullah.
men struckIsraeli positions on the Canal opposite May 9: Israeli Ambassadorto the US Rabin said
al-Ballih destroying 3 Israeli tanks and several "we do not wish a situationin which Soviet pilots
armored vehicles and killing or wounding the or gunners will be in a position to engage our
Israeli defenders. Israel reportedthe attacksaying forces. But if they do, if we are attacked,we will
Egyptianforces were driven back acrossthe Canal be obliged to protect our freedom, independence
after a 12 hour battle, with 2 Israeliskilled. and security."
May 1: UAR President Nisir said Arab American Israel announcedthat commandosfrom Jordan
relationswere approachinga "crucialmoment"and clashed with an Israeli patrol in the southern
that any move by the US to insure "militarysu- Jordan Valley with 3 soldiers killed and 3
periority for Israel" would damage US interests wounded.
in the area "for decades and maybe hundredsof May 10: Eban said "in time of peace, the borderbe-
years to come." He said if the US wants peace, tween Israel and its easternneighborwill be open
"it must order Israel to withdrawfrom Arab ter- to travel and trade. . . . Israel will be divided
ritory"or, if that is not possible, to refrain from into two sovereign states, but will be one in its
giving Israelany furtheraid "as long as it occupies flow of life, its common existence."
our Arab territory."He said the UAR had taken Dayan warned if terror attacks by Arab guer-
the "initiative" and that the Soviet Union was rillas from Lebanon continue, Lebanese villages
helping Egypt not to "launchaggression"but "to would suffer the same destructionas those along
liberate our occupied lands." the Canal.
May 3: Dayan offered Egypt "an unconditionaland May 12: Israel reportedwhat it called a search and
unlimited cease-fire" . . . "because it would end destroy mission with tanks and armoredvehicles
the war and open the corridorto some kind of encircling6 Lebanesevillages betweenMt. Hermon
arrangement"but said Israel was "readyto fight and the Hasbani River, imposing a curfew and
physically to hold the . . . lines" at the Canal interrogatingthe inhabitants. Lebanon said the
"evenagainst Soviet aid." Israelis had reached the outskirts of Shaba' and
May 4: USSR Chairmanof the Council of Ministers Rashayahbut were stopped by fiercehand to hand
Kosygin, when asked to confirmreportsof Soviet fighting and said its Army lost 6 tanks while
pilots flying operationalmissions for Egypt, said destroying 7 Israeli tanks, 7 halftracks and an
"we do have an agreementwith the governmentof ammunitioncarrier,with 6 Lebanesesoldierskilled
the United Arab Republic under which there are and 15 wounded. Syria reportedits forces hitting
Soviet militaryadvisersin the troopsof the UAR." an Israelitank and downing 3 Israeli planes.
An Israeli military spokesmanreporteda clash The UN SecurityCouncil adopted a resolution
with Arab commandosalong the Jordan River in demanding"the immediatewithdrawalof all Israeli
which 21 Arabs were killed. Fath said it lost 19 armed forces from Lebaneseterritory."
men in the clash in the Baysin Valley. May 13: Israeli forces withdrew after their 32 hour
Fath reported that 2 Israeli jets were downed thrustinto Lebanonafter killing 30 guerrillasand
on April 30 during raids on Fath positions in taking 15 prisoner. Israelsaid 6 villages had been
south Lebanon. investigated, with 80 to 90 guerrillas found in
May 5: Israeli ForeignMinisterEban said Israel was each and said its forces had destroyed39 buildings
prepared in exchange for "true peace" to make used for housing guerrillasor storage. Fath said
concessions that might surprise the world. 30 to 40 commandoswere killed after commandos
May 6: The Unified Commandof Palestiniancom- destroyedseveralIsraelitanksand downedan Israeli
mando groups ended a meeting in Amman after helicopter, capturingits crew.
adopting a 12 point program for joint political Israel returnedto Jordan Fath commandoscap-
and military action. The programrejects "all so- tured at the Karamahoperation2 yearsago.
lutions based on peace and surrender"including May 14: Israel said an Egyptian navy missile boat
the November 1967 Security Council resolution, sunk an Israelifishingvessel 11 miles north of the
regards "the Arab soil surrounding Israel as a BardawilLagoon.
UK and Italy respectivelywere reported. $1,000 were reportedfrom Finlandand the Philip-
Mar. 8: An attemptwas made on Makarios'life when pines respectively.
assailantsfired on his helicopter. Police announced May 11: Cleridesand Denktashended their talks on
they had arrested3 men in connection with the legislative authority.
attempt. May 15: Norway's contributionof $120,000 toward
Mar. 9: An officialcommuniqueannouncedthe arrest UNFICYP was reported.
of 11 people in connectionwith the assassination
Mar. 13: Belgium's contributionof $50,000 toward Iran
UNFICYP was reported.
(See also General, Pakistan,Persian Gulf,
Mar. 14: Foreign Minister Spyros Kypianou ended
a 10 day trip to Belgrade,Paris, London,Brussels Saudi Arabia)
and Athens. 1970
Mar. 16: The governmentannouncedthat formerIn-
Feb. 18: The World Bank agreed to loan $6.5m to
terior Minister PolycarposGeorghiadeshad been
the AgriculturalDevelopmentFund of Iran to in-
shot to death outside of the capital.
Mar. 17: PresidentMakariosconfirmedthat Inspec- crease agriculturalproduction.
Feb. 23: Foreign Minister ArdeshirZahedi said the
tor Patatakos delivered a document implicating
Greek officersin the assassinationattemptand said country was prepared to sign a "temporaryac-
cord"with Iraqon navigationof the Shattal-'Arab.
he was convinced"beyondany doubt of the falsity
Mar. 2: Minister of Economy Hushang Ansary an-
of the document."
Mar. 20: Maki published reports that Patatakoshad nounced that at the end of the 4th development
plan, the governmentwould restrictfurtherpublic
accusedPresidentMakariosof believing Georghi-
sector industrialinvestmentand announcedexport
ades responsiblefor the assassinationattempt and
reportedlyshoweddocumentsproving Georghiades' Mar.4: The National IranianOil Company (NIOC)
Mar. 21: Executive Director of the IMF Lieftinck signed a 3 year agreementto supply Afghanistan
with petroleumproducts.
arrivedin Nicosia on a brief visit.
Mar. 30: The US pledged $3m toward UNFICYP The Shahended a month'svisit to Europe.
Mar. 13: Speakingto an Italian trade mission Econ-
providing other countries gave 60% of the cost
of maintainingthe Force. omy Minister Ansarysaid the countrywas an ex-
Apr. 5: The CyprusBulletin quoted President Ma- cellent place for internationalmanufacturingop-
karios saying that "irrespectiveof whether enosis erations because it offered not only domestic
is feasible or not, as a national aspirationit can- marketsbut the marketsof the Middle East,West-
not die" and saying he did not believe Greek ern Asia and eastern Africa as well and because
officerswere involved in the assassinationattempt. of export incentives.
Apr. 6: Cleridesand Denktashmet for talks on legis- Mar. 14: NIOC announcedthat 3 day negotiations
lative authority. with the Consortiumended, to be resumedin a
Apr. 10: Contributionsto UNFICYP were reported month to allow time to study questions under
of $50,000, $80,000 and $120,000 from Japan,
Austria and Denmark respectively. At least 5 people were reporteddead and 300
Apr. 14: US AssistantSecretaryof StateSisco stopped left homeless in earthquakesin northwestIran.
Mar. 19: Reuter reportedthat the USSR will supply
briefly in the country.
Six men including the late Georghiadeswere 16m roubles credit to the Iranian State Railways
formallychargedwith conspiracyto overthrowthe for the development of communicationsand the
government and murder President Makarios. laying of tracks.
Apr. 22: Two explosions occurredin Limassolwith JordanianKing Husayn ended a day's visit.
little damage incurred. Mar. 29: Foreign MinisterZahedi announceda gov-
ernment decision not to use force in its claim
Apr. 24: A bomb exploded at the people's organiza-
over Bahlrayn and said the governmentwould accept
tions building in Limassol, causing an estimated
?100 damage. the results of a UN mission sent to the island.
Mar.31: Chairmanof the USSR PresidiumPodgorny
Apr. 30: The Executive Council of the Provisional ended a 6 day state visit for talks with the Shah
Turkish Cypriot Administrationdecided to hold centering on increased trade and economic and
elections for the House of Representativesand the technicalcooperation.
TurkishCypriotCommunalChamberon July 5. Apr. 3: A US Eximbankloan of $15.2m for the pur-
May 3: The CyprusBulletin reporteda decision by chase of 15 locomotives from the US was an-
the Council of Ministers to hold parliamentary nounced.
elections on July 5, with electoralprocedurebased Apr. 12: The Ruler of Qatarended a 6 day official
on th-eElection Law of 1959. visit for talks on improvedrelationsand increased
May 8: Contributionsto UNFICYP of $50,000 and tradeand economicassistance.
Apr. 13: The (London) Times published an inter- was relieved of his post and replaced by $alah
view in which the Shah said the Gulf statesshould 'Umar'All, it was announced.
organizetheir own peace and security. He pledged Mar. 8: The USSR signed an agreementestablishing
Iranian cooperationwith the proposed Federation a permanent joint economic and technical com-
or with the separatestates if they chose to remain mittee to supervisethe implementationof projects
independentand emphasizedthat Iran would pre- providedfor undera 1959 CooperationAgreement.
vent the Tunb Islandsand Abu Musa Island from Mar. 10: The RevolutionCommandCouncil (RCC)
falling into hostile hands. announceda decision providing for the establish-
MoroccanMinister of Information Ahmed Se- ment of a ministerialcommitteeresponsiblefor the
noussiended a week'svisit afterreachingagreement conclusionand executionof all contractsand agree-
on culturalexchangeprograms. ments between Iraqi governmental agencies and
Apr. 14: Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs foreign parties.
'Umar al-Saqqafended a 5 day visit and said the Mar. 11: The RCC announceda settlement of the
2 countries would cooperate in defense of the Kurdishproblem with the Iraqi people consisting
Gulf region. "of two main nationalities:the Arab and Kurdish
Apr. 20: Negotiations with the Consortiumon pay- nationalities." Amendments to the Constitution
ments to the countryended without agreementbe- providefor a KurdishVice President,proportional
ing reached. representationof Kurds in the Legislature and
Apr. 22: The Ruler of Qatar ended a 2 week visit. Cabinet, and for Kurdish as an official language
Apr. 30: A West German agreement to provide with Arabic in areas having a Kurdish majority.
DM 25m credit for the "promotionof small-scale Plans were to be drawnup providing for develop-
industries"in Iran was reported. ment of the Kurdishareas in educationand agri-
May 1: The Middle East Economic Digest reported culture.
that the US Eximbankwould lend $7m in credits Mar. 12: Ministerof Youth AffairsShafiq al-Kamali
to 3 Iranian banks, to be relent to Iranian busi- began a 10 day visit to the USSR.
nesses for the purchaseof US capital goods. Mar. 13: KurdishleaderBarazini said the March 11
May 6: The Ministryof Financeissueda communique settlement"fulfilledthe ambitionsof the Kurdish
saying that the 2 day talks with the Consortium people and the objectives of its struggle for na-
"were concludedsatisfactorilyfor both sides." tional independence."
Mar. 15: In an interviewwith the Iraqi news agency
BarazTnisaid the developmentof naturalresources
Iraq would be the responsibilityof the centralgovern-
ment "becausethe laws and sovereignty of the
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict,Algeria, Iran, Jordan, state of Iraq are indivisible."
Kuwayt,Lebanon,Libya,Pakistan,PersianGulf, Mar.18: The RCCformeda 9 man committeeheaded
South Yemen, Sudan,Syria,UAR, Yemen) by Murtadi Hadithi to supervise the implemen-
tation of the March 11 settlement.
1970 Mar. 19: Al-Jumhifiyyah reported that the govern-
Feb. 23: Baghdad Radio reported that 13 people ment had made a special allocation of IDs 3m
"sentencedto death by court martial for involve- for reconstructionand development in the Ru-
ment in the 1959 Mosul insurrection"had been wandiz area.
released. Mar. 28: PresidentBakr said the RCC will "share"
Kuwayti Interior and Defense Minister Shaykh its powerswith a legislatureto be establishedsoon.
Sa'd al-'Abdallahended a visit. A 3 man Soviet military delegation began a 2
Feb. 25: The Pan-ArabBa'th PartyConferenceended week visit.
an 8 day meeting in Baghdadafter naming a new South Yemeni Defense Minister 'Ali Nassar
Pan-Arab Ba'th Party Command and voting in Hasani began a 3 day officialvisit.
favor of initiating a dialogue with the Pan-Arab Mar. 29: The RCC announcedthe following minis-
Ba'th faction in Syria. terial appointments:
Feb. 28: A former police officer,a former Army ser- Tahi al-Jazriwi:Industry
geant and 4 civilians were scheduled to be tried Murtadaal-Hadithi: Labor & Social Afais
for the January attempted coup. $alah 'Umar al-'Ali: Culture& Information
Poland signed an oil and fertilizersbarteragree- Khfilid Makki al-Hashimi: State for Military
ment. Affairs
Mar. 2: The government news agency reported the Anwar 'Abd al-Qadiral-Hadithi: Transport
execution of a police officer convicted of com- Hamid al-Jubuiri:Youth
plicity in the Januaryattemptedcoup. 'Adnan Ayyiib Sabri: Communications
The deathsentencein absentiaof formerpremier Ihsan Shirzad: Municipal & Village Affairs
'Abd al-RazzaqNayif was announced. MuhammadMahmfid:Constructionof the North
Mar. 7: Ministerof AgricultureMawlfidKamil 'Abd Nuiri Shawish: Public Works & Housing
The governmentreceivedthe Kuwaytiaid install- Feb. 19: The Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs
ment of JDs 1.157m. warned that if the union and management in-
volved in the Medreco shutdown fail to settle
their dispute within 48 hours, the Ministrywould
Kuwayt take steps to prevent a petroleum products crisis
(See also General, Iraq, Jordan, Persian Gulf) in the country.
Feb. 20: JordanianForeignMinister'Abd al-Mun'im
1970 Rifa'i ended a week's officialvisit.
Feb. 24: The National Assembly approveda bill to Feb. 21: The Medreco strike ended when workers
provide $28m in additionalaid to the UAR and and managementagreed to submit the dispute to
$14m to the Palestine LiberationOrganization. official mediation.
Mar. 4: Adviserto Saudi King Faysal,Kamil Adham Feb. 26: The formation of the Istiqlal Party, to be
arrivedfor talks with the Amir. headedby AhlmadAhmadHusayni,was announced.
Mar. 5: The Cabinetapprovedthe 1970/71 general Feb. 27: The 1970 general budget of ?Leb 736,-
budget of Ds 242.76m. 625,000 was published,with defense allotted ?Leb
Mar. 10: The Daily News reportedthe opening of 171,764,000 and education,?Leb 123,663,200.
an Iraqi trade center in Kuwayt. Mar. 4: A decreewas promulgatedlowering the an-
Mar.27: UAR Ministerof Economy& ForeignTrade nual tax paid by all banksoperatingin the country
Hasan 'Abbis Zaki ended a 4 day visit and said to the national Bank Deposit InsuranceOrgani-
the 2 countriesagreed to set up a joint committee zation from 0.2% to 0.15% retroactivefrom De-
on improvingmutual economic cooperation. cember 1969.
Apr. 6: Al Rai al-Am published a statement by a Syrian Minister of Interior MuhammadTawil
senior official replying to a query on Kuwayt's ended a 2 day officialvisit for talks with govern-
view of Qatar'sindependencesaying Kuwayt will ment leadersdescribedas "veryfrankand friendly."
be preparedto establish relations with the Arab Mar. 6: Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Hardin al-
Gulf FederalState. Takriti met with PresidentHilui.
Apr. 13: The Daily News reported changes in the Mar. 10: Two people were killed and 18 wounded
ambassadorialappointmentsincluding those posted when security forces clashed with squattersin a
to London, Washington, Algiers, Amman and Beirut suburbafter the forces began tearing down
Tokyo. the squatter'shomes.
Apr. 21: The Daily News reportedan announcement Mar. 11: The Daily Star reported that Minister of
by Financeand Oil Minister 'Atiqi that "all ports Interior Kamil Junblat decided that elections for
and customs laws, ordinance regulationsin force municipalcouncilsand muktarswould not be held
in Kuwaytshall be similarlyenforcedin Kuwayt's in 1970 becausethey would provoke"seriousrivalry
sector of the partitionedNeutral Zone." between the opponentsand supportersof Palestine
Apr. 24: Foreign Ministry Under SecretaryRashid commandoactivity in Lebanon."
'Abd al-'Azizal-Rashidended visits to Japan,India Mar. 13: Speakerof the Chamberof Deputies Sabri
and Pakistan. Hamadahcriticizedthe government'shandling of
Apr.29: A Bahrayndelegationled by ShaykhKhalifah the March 10 incident and its failure to take into
bin Salmanbegan a 2 day visit for talks with gov- account"the situationof the displacedpersons."
ernmentleaders. Mar. 16: A Yugoslav military delegation headed by
May 8: The Middle East EconomicSurvey reported Defense Minister Nikola Ljubicic arrived on a 4
a government offer to buy at par value shares day officialvisit.
held by Kuwayt's private sector in the Kuwayt Mar. 18: A commando officer was reported killed
PetrochemicalIndustries Co. to avoid losses to and 2 woundedin a clash March17 with Lebanese
shareholdersfrom "a freezing of the company's soldiers east of Bint Jubayl. A Palestine Libera-
capital or a deteriorationin the market value of tion Organization (PLO) spokesmansaid the 3
the shares." were lured into a trap when a Lebaneseofficer
May 12: Iraqi Vice PresidentHardin al-Takritiended asked them to identify 2 wounded men. The De-
a 3 day visit for talkson the Gulf and the Palestine fense Ministry said the Army had clashed with
problem. the commandos"who failed to identify themselves"
as they approachedan Army checkpoint.
Lebanon Mar. 20: InteriorMinister Junblat announcedmeas-
ures to avoid Army-commandodashes including a
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict,UAR) joint patrol, a halt to "indiscriminate"issue of
arms to villagers and the implementationof a
1970 Cabinet decision to form national guard units of
Feb. 18: The Medrecorefinerynear Sidon was forced southern Lebanesevillagers.
to close as a result of the labor strike begun Feb- Mar. 21: Dutch Foreign MinisterJoseph Luns began
ruarv 9. a 5 day visit.
Mar. 24: Three guerrilla officers were killed in a Apr. 26: The Ruler of Ra's al-Khaymahended a 4
clash with a band of cigarette and hashish day visit for talks with PresidentHiluiand govern-
smugglers. ment leaders.
Commercial talks with Soviet representatives Apr. 28: DirectorGeneralof Laborand Social Affairs
began in Beirut. 'Abbas Farhat said work permits were not to be
Mar. 25: Eight commandoswere killed in 2 clashes issued to foreigners when posts can be filled by
with villagers in Kahhalah. The first broke out nationals and that when issued, permits should
when commandos,accompanyingthe body of a be for limited periods.
guerrilla killed March 24, were caught in a traffic Apr. 29: Ministerof TourismKhatchickBabakianan-
jam, with 2 killed and 2 woundedand 3 Lebanese nounced that hotel rates for tourists would be
soldiers wounded. The commandoconvoy clashed reducedby 30%.
with the villagers again on its return from the May 8: EgyptianMinisterof Statefor ForeignAffairs
Syrian border,leaving 6 commandosdead. MuhammadFayiqended a 2 day visit "to exchange
Commandos dashed with units of Phalangist views on the Arab situation."
leader Jumayyil's army for 5 hours outside of May 11: Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
Beirut after the commando seizure of Jumayyil's 'Umaral-Saqqafbegan a 3 day officialvisit.
son Bashir. The clash ended after the government May 14: An officialreportedthat Syrianregulartroops
securedBashir'srelease. accompaniedby Syrianbackedcommandosentered
Mar. 26: InteriorMinister Junblat ended a meeting the countryeast of Damascus,reportedlyto recover
of the Internal Security Council and announced the wreckage of a Syrian plane shot down by
that those responsiblefor the Kahhalahclash "are Israel.
now known and the entire matter is in the hands In an emergencysession of the Cabinet Presi-
of the judicialauthorities." dent Hilu declared that "our sister, Syria" had
The Interior Ministry said 1 security man was "violated Lebanese territory."
killed and 7 wounded when securityforces inter- May 15: The official who reported seeing Syrian
vened in the commando-Phalangistclash. troops cross into Lebanon said he had mistaken
Mar. 27: Shooting incidents by commandosoccurred commandosfor Syrianregulars.
in the Nasr quarterof Beirut. In shooting inci-
dents near the refugee camp at Borj Braineh 2
civilians,a Phalangistand a commandowere killed Libyan ArabRepublic
and 6 wounded. (See also General, Algeria, Lebanon,
Commandoskidnapped 14 customs officials on South Yemen, UAR)
the northernborder.
Mar.28: Threesoldierswere woundedin a commando
ambush of a military truck in Ba'lbak.
Mar. 8: The Revolution CommandCouncil (RCC)
Guerrillas released the kidnapped custom of-
issued 2 laws establishinga "LibyanGeneral In-
Mar. 29: The Popular Front for the Liberationof dustrializationOrganization"and an "Industrial
ResearchCenter"both autonomousbodies attached
Palestine (PFLP) said its memberslaunchedrocket
attacksagainst Americanpropertyin Beirut in re- to the Ministryof Industry.
Mar. 10: Libya Radio announcedthat nationalswill
taliation for US plans "to foment religious strife
and create civil massacresin Lebanon."American be prohibitedfrom working for foreign or inter-
national organizations without permission from
officialssaid the damageincurredwas either super-
ficial or slight. the Interior Ministry.
Mar. 11: Ministerof Petroleumand Minerals'Izz al-
Mar. 31: Lebaneseauthoritiesand commandosended Din al-Mabruikended a 4 day visit to the USSR
a meeting after announcingboth sides would con- and said Soviet officialshad shown "a firm desire
tinue to abide by the Cairo agreementand that and understandingto offer their services,potentials
the governmentwould investigate all recent inci- and experience."
dents of violence. Mar. 15: The RCC issued a law establishing the
Apr. 1: The governmentapologized to the US for LibyanNational Oil Corporation,replacingLipetco.
attackson Americanproperty. Mar. 21: RCC Chairman Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhafi
LibyanForeignMinisterSlih Buwayslrended a said that major projects involving principal na-
4 day visit. tural resourceswould remain the responsibilityof
Apr. 18: US AssistantSecretaryof StateJoseph Sisco the public sector but that foreign capital would
ended a brief visit and said the purpose of his be permittedin major and medium scale projects
Middle Eastmission was "to listen to all the voices if it leads to increasedproductionabove local re-
of all the people of the Middle East, friendly and quirementsor the introductionof advancedtech-
critical." nology into local industry.
Apr. 20: Al-Nahir published what it said was the Mar. 23: A South Yemeni delegation led by Prime
full text of the November Cairo agreement. MinisterHaythamended a 5 day visit after sign-
ing agreements on economic, cultural, technical, Feb. 20: The removal by King Hasan of Minister
military and financialcooperation. of State for Secondary,Technical and Advanced
Mar. 27: The RCC introduced a special graduated Education Reda Guedira was announced with
income tax of up to 3% to aid the Palestinian Prime Minister Larakiassuming the portfolio.
cause. Feb. 21: Larakiannouncedthat the governmentwas
Mar. 28: The last British troops left the country. prepared to begin negotiations with students on
Mar. 31: Speaking of the British withdrawal, their grievances.
Qadhdhafisaid "ourdemandsfor raisingthe prices Feb. 23: Two main student organizationsissued a
of crude oil, improving the conditions of the statementacceptingthe government'soffer of nego-
workers in the foreign companies and obtaining tiations but said studentswould continue striking
the full rights of the Libyanpeople, form part of until talks began.
the overall effort to realize social freedom for the Feb. 24: A Royal Decree was issued establishinga
masses." Supreme Council for Educationto act as a con-
Apr. 2: Qadhdhifi said the country must establish sultative 'bodyto the Ministry of Education.
self sufficiencyby avoiding over dependence on Feb. 27: The USSR signed an agreementto sell the
oil revenue and by diversifyingthe economy and country$44m worth of machineryand equipment
developingagriculture. in exchangefor citrusfruit, cotton,corkand canned
Apr. 8: Qadhdh.if said the governmentwould not sardines.
hesitate to take "unilateralaction" against foreign Morocco's ambassador to Mauritania Qasim
oil companiesif they continueto maintainan "in- Zhiri presented his credentials.
transigentattitude"towardsLibyandemandsfor a Mar. 3: King Hasan viewed the year'sdevelopments,
raise in the posted price of Libyan crude. commenting on the stability of the dirham, the
Apr. 15: President of Esso Standard Libya Hugh growth of the country'sGNP and Morocco'srole
deWynne confirmedthe company'sagreement to in the Islamicand Arab worlds. He said the busi-
begin price negotiations although Esso still be- ness sector of the economy would be "Moroc-
lieved that "there is no technical justificationfor canized"and said the success of Moroccanization
an increase in posted prices." remained"trainingqualifiedcadres." Negotiations
Apr. 22: Minister of Petroleum and Minerals al- with the students "to begin next week" must be
Mabriik rejected the price rises offered by Esso preceded by "a return by each individual to his
and OccidentalPetroleum as "far below" the re- normal activities."
quired level. Mar.5: The Councilof Ministersannouncedthe gov-
Apr. 23: The RCC approvedthe 1970/71 develop- ernmentwould suspendany student not resuming
ment budget of ?Lib 200m, with agricultureand his studies on March 7.
agrarianreform allotted ?Lib 50m, housing, ?Lib Mar. 7: The students'unions announcedthe end of
32.816m and transportand communicationsabout their strike.
?Lib 27m. Mar.14: A Frencheconomicdelegationended a 4 day
Apr. 28: Under Secretaryat the Ministry of Petro- visit to study prospectsfor increasedtrade.
leum and Minerals 'Isa Ghibliwi began a visit to Mar. 15: King Hasan announced an education re-
Japan for talks with oil company officials. form plan to include revision of teaching criteria
Apr. 29: Iraqi Vice President 'Ammish began a 3 and a reorganization of the Ecole Normale
day officialvisit. Superieur.
May 6: The country'soil price negotiatingcommittee Mar. 24: The AfricanDevelopmentBank announced
began new talks with the oil companiesoperating agreementto lend $2 8m to coverforeign exchange
in the country. costs for the purchase of electrical and telecom-
May 7: A 6 man Soviet delegation arrivedfor talks munications equipment.
with officials in the Ministry of Petroleum & Mar. 26: King Hasan announcedthe following min-
Minerals. isterial appointments:
May 15: MauritanianPresidentMokhtarOuld Dad- Driss Bin Umar Alami: Posts, Telegraphs &
dah ended a 4 day visit for talks on improved Telephones
bilateral relations and cooperation. BadreddinSenoussi: Youth & Sports
Abdel Karim al-Azraq: Finance
Morocco Mamoun Tahiri: Higher, Secondary& Techni-
cal Education
(See aso General, Algeria, Iran, Tunisia) Abdel Hamid Karim: Toutism
Mar. 28: Major General Bashir Bouali was named
1970 Chief of Staff.
Feb. 18: Speakingat a palace reception,King Hasan Apr. 24: Franceagreed to make available ?22m to
said that the dignitaries had "doubtlessheard a be used to ease the country'spaymentsdeficit and
lot of rumors"and that he wanted to "allay any to guaranteeprivate credit for purchaseof capital
anxiety the people may have." equipment in France.
Apr. 27: Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs a "statutoryprovision to remove all disparities"
'Umar al-Saqqafended a 4 day visit for talks on between East and West Pakistan "within a fixed
Gulf stability, the Palestine problem and Islamic period."
cooperation. Mar. 30: The Presidentissued the Legal Framework
Apr. 28: The police announcedthe discovery of a Order providing for a 313 member National As-
subversive network run by Syria's Ba'th Party sembly,with 169 seats held by East Pakistan. The
against the governmentsof Morocco,Algeria and country will be a Federal Islamic Republic with
Tunisia. the head of state a Muslim. Elections for the
The MoroccanNational Students'Union issued National Assembly will be held October 5 and
a statementcondemning "a terrifyingwave of ar- elections for the Provincial Assemblies, no later
rests and kidnappings"of members of the oppo- than October22.
sition party IJNFP. Mar. 31: PresidentYahya said he would not tolerate
May 6: SpanishForeign MinisterLopez Bravo ended resistanceto his restorationof civilian rule, even
a 2 day officialvisit for talks with King Hasan and if it meant using the Army to deal with resisters.
governmentleaders. Chairman of the Pakistan People's Party Ali
May 15: ForeignMinisterAbdel Hadi Boutalibended Bhuttoescapedinjurywhen an armedmob attacked
a 4 day visit to Holland for talks with government a processionhe was leading near Sahghar.
leaderson the Middle East situationand on closer Apr. 1: A PresidentialOrderwas issued announcing
relations and cooperation. formal dissolutionof One Unit of West Pakistan
into 4 provincesto be calledBaluchistan,the North
Pakistan West FrontierProvince, Punjab and Sind.
Apr. 8: The Govemors Conferencein Dacca decided
(See also General, Algeria, Kuwayt,Turkey) to replace the Basic Democraciessystem by local
1970 governmentsat the Union and District levels and
Peb. 27: The governmentannouncedthe "Monopo- to hold elections to the new bodies soon after the
lies and RestrictiveTradePracticesOrdinance"pro- ProvincialAssemblieselections.
and friend-
viding measuresagainst "undue concentrationof Apr. 11: A CommunistChineseeconomic
economic power, growth of unreasonablemonop- ship delegation ended a 9 day visit.
oly power and unreasonably restrictive trade Apr. 13: The US signed a loan agreement under
practices." which up to $83m worth of goods and commodities
Mar. 1: The IDA approveda credit of $20m to help will be supplied to the country.
finance the foreign exchange requirementsof the Apr. 15: The IDA announceda $13m credit to as-
IndustrialDevelopment Bank of Pakistan for its sist in financingcompletion of the Chadpurflood
loans to privateindustrialenterprises. protectionand irrigationproject in East Pakistan.
Mar. 2: Indian and Pakistani delegations ended a Pakistan Affairs reported a Dutch agreement
week's meeting for talks on the FarkkaBarrage to provide $38m assistanceto the country's4th
project with a communiqueannouncing "another plan and a Japaneseagreementto provide $30m
Secretaries'-levelmeeting" in India in 4 months. credit to assist financingthe purchaseof develop-
Mar. 10: The Shah of Iran ended a 5 day visit with ment goods from Japan.
a joint communique announcing agreement on Apr. 16: Journalistsin the main cties of the country
close bilateral ties in petroleum affairs including went on strike.
steps "to establish a jointly-ownedIrano-Pakistani PresidentYahyasaid Pakistanwould obtaintanks
Oil Corporation"and said the dispute between "elsewhere' if the US did not agree to Turkey
Iran and Iraq should be settled "in a friendly selling Pakistan 100 surplus US tanks and said
manner." "CENTOis a dead letter for us as a militarypact."
Mar. 18: JordanianKing Husaynended a 3 day state Apr. 22: The IDA announceda $lm creditto finance
visit. engineeringand consultingservicesfor the improve-
Mar. 19: An Indian Defense Ministry spokesman ment of the port of Karachi.
charged that a Pakistani Air Force plane over- May 11: The Governorof West Pakistanannounced
flew Indian airspace on March 17. the formationof a council of administrationcom-
Mar. 26: The new educationpolicy was adopted by prising the governors designate of the 4 new
the PresidentialCabinet. provinces to supervise the breaking up of the
Mar. 27: Saudi Mnister of Education and Health One Unit.
ShaykhHasan 'All Shaykhended a week's visit.
Mar. 28: PresidentYahya said he "must insist" that PersianGulf
all citizens, especially political leaders, become (See also General, Iran, Kuway, Lebanon)
"consciousof your responsibilities."He said the
National Assembly,to be electedin October,would 1970
be given 120 days to write a new constitutionor Feb. 21: The Chinesenews agencyHsinhuapublished
be dissolved and said the constitutionmust have reports by the Popular Front for the Liberation
killed while trying to cross into Ethiopiaafter the Feb. 23: Memberof the Ba'th PartyCommandMilik
rebels had been crushed. al-Amin said the Ba'thi government in Iraq bad
Apt'. 2: In a visit to Aba Island, Numayri said the "launcheda campaign to liquidate . . . all pro-
Mahdi family would be banned from their land gressive forces in the country."
which would be distributedamong the island'sin- Feb. 27: Commando leader Yisir 'Arafit began a
habitantsand announceda ?Sud 50,000 develop- "political"visit to the country.
ment plan for the island. Ma. 5: Iraqi Defense Minister Hardin al-Takriti
Apr. 3: FormerPrime Minister $adiq al-Mahdiwas ended a day's visit.
expelled from the country. Mar. 14: Memberof the National Commandof the
Apr. 4: Britain agreed to "contribute"to the coun- Ba'th PartyYuisufZu'ayyinended a visit to Cuba.
try's "economicand social development"and carry Mar. 28: The Arab Socialist Ba'th Party and the
out educational,scientificand culturalprojects. Arab Socialist Union ended a 2 day meeting in
Apr. 6: The New York Times quoted reports from Damascusafter agreeingthat a Joint Coordination
Beirut by supportersof the Imim saying that the Committee should meet monthly and that the 2
fighting in the White Nile area was larger than organizationswould exchange advice in various
the government admitted and that clashes were fields.
continuing. The Imim reportedlywas among the South Yemeni Defense Minister 'Arl Nassar
1,000 killed on Aba Island aftergovernmentforces Hasani ended a 3 day official visit.
launchedan air and artillerybarrage. Mar. 29: North Korea agreed to an interest free
Apr. 7: Numayrl announcedamnesty for insurgents ?1.5m loan to finance capital equipment imports.
in the anti-governmentuprising. Apr. 7: Speaking on behalf of the Head of State,
Apr. 10: The Presidentof the Chamberof Commerce Milik al-AmInsaid Iraq'spresent rulers were not
said the country'strade deficit was down to ?Sud true Ba'thists "becausewhere Bathists exist pro-
9m in 1969 and the country could look forward gressivesare not murderedand packedin prisons."
to a possible trade balance in the currentyear. Apt'. 10: The USSR signed an agreementproviding
Minister of Southern Affairs Joseph Garang for a 50% increase in bilateral trade exchanges
called on foreign banks operating in the country with the USSR exporting machineryand raw ma-
to participatemore fully in the country'seconomy terials in exchange for Syriangoods and Sm tons
by investing in agriculturaland industrialprojects of crudeto be deliveredover 5 years.
and said the governmentwas determinedto right Apr. 11: A trade delegationled by Ministerof Econ-
the imbalance between north and south despite omy and Foreign Trade 'Abd al-Halim Khaddim
the uprising. ended a 9 day visit to the USSR.
Apr. 11: Iraq signed an agreementon economic co- Apr. 14: The Interior Minister MuhammadRabah
operation and trade under which Sudan will im- al-Tawilannouncedthat citizens of the Gulf states
port oil from INOC and Iraq will buy products would no longer need entry, transit or exit visas
to a similar value. when visiting the country.
Apr. 14: Swedenagreed to loan ?Sud im to finance Apr. 22: Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade
water projects. Khaddim announced a government ban on the
Apr. 16: Interior Minister Hamadallahsaid that re- import of luxury goods in order to "reorganize
ports of arrestsof communistswere unfoundedand foreign tradein accordancewith the country'sneeds
spread by known agents to create confusion and and resources."
lack of confidence. Apr. 27: Al-Nahdr Weekly reporteda law providing
President of the Central African Republic guaranteesagainstpolitical risks and naturalization
Bokassaarrived for a visit. for foreign and Arabcapitalinvestedin touristand
Apr. 26: RepublicanOrder Number Four "for the development projects.
Protection of the 25 May revolution and its so- May 2: The Tapline pipeline was damagedwhen a
cialist aims" was announcedwith all who commit bulldozer accidentallyhit it in the Dera region
or aid the listed crimes against the state to be near the Jordanianborder. The government has
tried by military tribunals. not allowed its repair.
May 13: The RCC announced a decision by the May 14: The governmentbanned the entry of Saudi
Council of Ministers empowering the Councl to nationalsand raiseddues on goods bound to Saudi
order sequestrationof propertyof any person or Arabia by truck.
corporate body carrying on any activity against
the state. Tunisia
(See also General, Algeria, Morocco)
SyrianArab Republic
(See also Arab Israeli Conflict, Iraq, Feb. 21: Ministerof AgricultureAbdallahFarhatsaid
Lebanon,Morocco,Saudi Arabia) that within 2 years the government would no
1970 longer exploit agriculturalland directlyand would
follow a policy allowing "interaction"of the pub- for talks with government leaders on Japanese
lic, private and cooperativeexploitation of farm- cooperationwith the country'sprivate sector.
land. Mar. 15: The National Assemblyapprovedthe Cabi-
Feb. 28: An Algerian delegation led by Minister of net, made up of the February14 ministerial ap-
TransportRabah Ritat ended a 4 day visit after pointments.
signing 2 transportagreements. Mar. 20: The USSR signed an agreementfor trade
Mar. 13: ForeignMinisterHabib BourguibaJr. ended exchangesin 1970 worth $84m.
a 3 day visit to West Germanyand a day's visit Mar. 28: About 600 people were killed and several
to Paris. hundred wounded in an earthquakein Gediz in
Mar. 21: Franceagreed to help the countrymake up the KutahyaProvince.
the payments deficit between the 2 countriesand Mar. 30: Foreign Minister Caglayangilbegan a 5
give financialaid to public projectsand areasdevas- day official visit to Poland for talks on economic
tated by last year's floods. relations and Europeansecurity.
Mar. 24: FormerMinisterof Planning,Finance,Eco- Mar. 31: A new earthquakehit Gediz with prelimi-
nomics and Agriculture Ahmed Bin Salah was nary reports saying 35 were killed.
arrested. A series of earth tremorswere reportedin Ana-
Mar. 31: MoroccanMinister of Interior Muhammad tolia, causing24 deathsin the village of Siman and
Oufkir ended a day's visit. 95 in Emet.
Apr. 4: The High Court announcedthat Ahmed Bin Apr. 1: The Interior Ministryannouncedthe deaths
Salah was chargedwith high treason. from recent earthquakesas 1,084.
Apr. 9: Foreign Minister BourguibaJr. ended a 4 Apr. 3: WesternTurkeysufferedits 6th day of earth
day official visit to Holland with a communique tremors.
saying talks had centeredon defense matters,espe- Apr. 9: British Foreign SecretaryMichael Stewart
cially in the Middle East. ended a 5 day officialvisit
Apr. 16: The National Assemblyapprovedthe 1970 Apr. 16: The Minister of Finance Mesut Erez an-
investment budget of Ds 71m. nounced the 1970 budget of ?T 29,888m, with
L'Acuiorreporteda ?2.3m Swedish loan to the a deficit to be met by increasingexpendituretax
Societ6 Nationale d'Investissementto financetour- by as much as 100%.
ism and industrialprojects. Apr. 17: PresidentSunay ended a 5 day state visit
Apr. 19: Saudi Ministerof State for Foreign Affairs to Rumaniafor talks with PresidentCeausescu.
'Umaral-Saqqafarrivedon a 3 day visit. Apr. 25: An explosion occurredat the El Al Israel
Apr. 23: FormerMinisterof Defense Ahmad Mestiri Airlines office in Istanbul.
was readmittedto the Socialist Destour Party. May 2: Italian Foreign Minister Aldo Moro ended
West Germanyagreed to make DM 55m avail- a visit to the country for talks on "international
able to the government in development aid to as well as Middle East problems."
finance projects in the country's4 year plan. May 5: Pakistani President Yahya ended a 6 day
Apr. 25: The SocialistDestour Party'sCentralCom- state visit for talks which "covereda wide range
mittee ended a 2 day meeting with a resolution of subjects including bilateral relations, regional
stating that the public, cooperativeand privatesec- cooperationfor development,the situation in the
tors should become"elementsof competition,com- region and in the world at large."
plementationand cooperation"in the interests of
Apr. 30: PresidentHabib Bourguibaannouncedhe United ArabRepublic
would returnfrom Franceon June 1, 1970. (See also Arab Israeli Conflict,General,
Iraq, Kuwayt, Lebanon)
(See also General,Cyprus,UAR) Feb. 19: LebaneseInterior Minister Kamil Junblit
ended a week's visit for talks with government
1970 leaders.
Feb. 22: The Justice Party ended a 2 day meeting Feb. 20: Al-Ahrdmreportedthat the 1970/71 budget
with a joint communiqueapproving the attitude will give "priorityto the militaryspendingand all
of the party'sgeneral center and party leader and that is connected with it."
deploring the rejection by 41 party members of Peb. 22: Mali ForeignMinisterSory Coulibalyended
the 1971 state budget. a 2 day officidalvisit.
Feb. 23: A USSR delegation began a 2 week visit Feb. 25: Governmentspokesman'Abd al-Majldsaid
for talks on a new borderdemarcationagreement. "thereare no United Stateseconomicinterests"in
Mar. 6: The Middle East Ecoromic Digest reported the country, that "our dealings with foreign oil
the arrival"this week"of a 30 man Japanesetrade companies, American or others, are on a purely
mission headedby Presidentof Teijin Shinzo Ohya commercialbasis in which the United ArabRepub-