Pope Rewrites Catholic History: The Trumpet Weekly The Trumpet Weekly

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J U LY 1 1 , 2 0 1 4
Nuclear material seized by rebels in Iraq 2
Pope: No one should work on Sunday 4
The German-American breakup 5
The immigration crisis, the president and the truth 7
Black Americans: True casualties of amnesty 9
ope Francis made a series of surprising statements
in an interview with the Spanish La Vanguardia
magazine published June 9, just afer he held his
much-publicized prayer meeting with Israeli and Palestin-
ian leaders. Little of this interview has made its way into
Western media.
Te popes answers reveal a disturbing truth about the
modern Vatican. Several times in the interview the pope
was confronted with areas where his church had made
mistakes in the past. But he never acknowledged them. He
never apologized. In each instance, he focused the blame
on someone else.
Te most dramatic example was Franciss statements
about Pope Pius xii. Before he became pope, Cardinal Eu-
genio Pacelli formed a political alliance with Adolf Hitler,
bringing him to power in exchange for special favors for
the Roman Catho-
lic Church. He
then went on to
become pope dur-
ing World Warii.
Tey have
said all sorts of
things about poor
Piusxii, Francis
said. But we need
to remember that
before he was seen
as the great de-
fender of the Jews.
He hid many in
convents in Rome
and in other Ital-
ian cities, and also
in the residence of
Castel Gandolfo.
I dont want
to say that Pius
xii did not make
any mistakesI
myself make manybut one needs to see his role in the
context of the time, he continued. For example, was it
better for him not to speak so that more Jews would not be
killed, or for him to speak? Franciss argument is that by
staying silent, Pius xii was able to quietly infuence things
behind the scenes to save some Jews. Had he spoken out,
Francis argues, Pius would have lost that infuence and
therefore been unable to save even a few Jews.
But then came perhaps the most shocking statement of
the whole interview: I also want to say that sometimes I
get existential hives when I see that everyone takes it out
against the church and Pius xii, and they forget the great
powers. Did you know that they [the Allies] knew the rail
network of the Nazis perfectly well to take the Jews to con-
centration camps? Tey had the pictures. But they did not
bomb those railroad tracks. Why? see HISTORY page 12
Pope Rewrites Catholic History
Pope Francis arrives for his
weekly general audience in
St. Peters Square at the Vatican.
JULY 11, 2014
Gaza Offensive to
Intensify as Rockets Fly
sraeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu hinted at a possible
ground incursion into the Hamas-
controlled Gaza Strip as the Palestin-
ian death toll mounted past 40 from
intensifed air strikes.
Rocket fre from Gaza that sparked
the military operation neared Dimona,
the southern desert town where Isra-
els suspected nuclear weapons facility
is located. Te army said one rocket
was intercepted and two landed on
Dimonas outskirts. Hamas claimed
As rocket fre surged, Netanyahu
said his military would respond even
more forcefully. We have decided to
intensify even further our attacks on
Hamas and other terror organizations
in Gaza, he said in a text message
today. Te military is prepared for all
Intelligence and Strategic Afairs
Minister Yuval Steinitz spoke explic-
itly of a possible ground ofensive and
reoccupation of Gaza, which Israel
evacuated in 2005 afer 38 years. With
hundreds of rockets fying for almost
a month, authorities authorized a call-
up of 40,000 reservists, and tanks are
massed along the border with Gaza.
Te worst fghting since November
2012 follows the collapse of U.S.-led
peace talks in April and the recent kill-
ings of Palestinian and Israeli teenagers,
further dimming any chance of renew-
ing negotiations soon. Te U.S. Embas-
sy said on its website that it will close
its Tel Aviv ofce tomorrow, citing the
security situation. Several rockets have
been intercepted over the city.
As the Israeli Air Force ramped up
its air strikes, the Palestinian death
toll in the past two days climbed to
43, about two thirds of them civilians,
including children, Gaza emergency
medical services chief Ashraf al-
Qedra said by phone. Some died afer
disregarding telephoned Israeli warn-
ings to fee before militants houses
were attacked, witnesses said. Te In-
terior Ministry in Gaza said by e-mail
that 60 houses were struck.
Militants have fred more than 300
rockets at Israel over the past two days,
the army said. Targets have expanded
to include Dimona, Jerusalem and
Tel Aviv, and as far north as Zichron
Yaacov, 88 miles (141 kilometers) from
Gaza. No fatalities or serious injuries
have been reported since the rocket
fre began.
Hamas Boosts Rocket
USA TODAY | July 10
he dramatically improved range
of Hamass rocket arsenal is allow-
ing the militant group to reach deeper
into Israel and expose a wider swath of
the country to risk, Israeli ofcials and
analysts say.
Afer its last major confict with Is-
rael in 2012, Hamas saw the advantage
of building long-range rockets to target
Israels population, said Lt. Col. Peter
Lerner, a spokesman for the Israel De-
fense Forces. All investments afer that
were in long-range rockets, he said.
raq has notifed the United Nations that Sunni militants
seized nuclear material from a university in the northern
city of Mosul last month as they advanced toward Bagh-
dad, the nuclear regulatory body of the United Nations said
on Tursday.
Gill Tudor, a spokeswoman for the International Atomic
Energy Agency, which is based in Vienna, said in a state-
ment that the organizations experts believed the mate-
rialthought to be uraniumwas low-grade and would
not present a signifcant safety, security or nuclear prolif-
eration risk.
Word of the seizure frst emerged in a letter to the
United Nations dated July 8 and seen by reporters from
Reuters, which quoted it as saying that terrorists from
the insurgent Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, known as isis,
had taken control of the materials.
Te letter said that almost 90 pounds of uranium
compounds had been kept at the university and that the
materials can be used in manufacturing weapons of mass
destruction, Reuters said.
Te mention of such weapons has a resonance in Iraq
where the American-led invasion of 2003 was justifed in
Washington and London by assertions that Saddam Hus-
sein had acquired weapons of mass destruction. None were
ever found by the invading forces.
By Iraqs account, the uranium had been used for scien-
tifc research.
By calling it low grade, the iaea seemed to rule out
any suggestion that the material was of the highly enriched
kind needed to create a nuclear weapon. Te uranium was
unsuitable for use in a so-called dirty bomb, in which
using conventional explosives are used to spread radiation,
Olli Heinonen, a former chief inspector for the agency, told
Nuclear Material Seized by Rebels in Iraq
And at the time of the end shall the king
of the south push at him: and the king
of the north shall come against him like
a whirlwind, with chariots, and with
horsemen, and with many ships; and he
shall enter into the countries, and shall
overow and pass over. Daniel 11:40
JULY 11, 2014
Central to that efort was Hamass
ability to get a Syrian-made rocket,
called the M-302, which can reach up
to 100 miles, representing a huge im-
provement on their capability, Lerner
In the current confict, one Hamas
rocket reached the Israeli town of
Hadera, traveling an estimated 68
miles, the deepest rocket strike ever
from Gaza. Te Israeli military said
Wednesday that 74 rockets overall
landed in Israel. Neither side showed
any sign of retreating as the Palestin-
ian death toll rose to at least 75.
Two years ago they were not able
to fre north of Tel Aviv, said Yossi
Alpher, a military analyst and former
Israeli intelligence ofcial.
Israel believes the Syrian-made
rockets were supplied by Iran. Te Is-
raelis raised concerns about the M-302
in March when they intercepted a
shipment of the rockets, which they
said were being smuggled by Iran into
In 2012, Hamas was able to
target Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, but
the group now has a larger number
of longer-range rockets capable of
reaching the cities, said Ephraim
Sneh, a former Israeli deputy minis-
ter of defense.
.S. dithering in the Middle East threatens years of
peace workand is destroying the countrys infuence
in the region. Many are blaming the president, calling him
weak and indecisive.
Te U.S. has abdicated its responsibility as an umbrella
of security and of dialogue in the Middle East, Hassan
Mneimneh, a senior fellow and Mideast expert at the Ger-
man Marshall Fund, told DW. U.S. policies in the region
have been nothing short of disastrous, he said.
Over just a few years, the Middle East has been trans-
formed into a region overcome by a single, highly-dan-
gerous crisis. Confict in Libya, Egypt, Iran and Syria, the
bloody fghting tearing apart Iraq and the dramatically
re-infamed Palestinian-Israeli confrontation are back at
the focus of world attention.
Following Palestinian rocket attacks and Israeli repri-
sals, the confict threatens to reach a new level of escala-
tion with a possible large-scale Israeli ofensive in the Gaza
Strip. Afer the peace initiative promoted by U.S. Secretary
of State John Kerry went nowhere, the Americans are now
seemingly powerless, their eforts in tatters.
Mneimneh blames President Barack Obamas indeci-
siveness: Much of the chaos that we are witnessing in the
region comes from the vacuum the U.S. has lef behind. Its
strategic umbrella and strategic vision are no longer there
to serve as anchors for the policy and the strategy of all the
local actors who are U.S. allies.
Security policy expert Victor Davis Hanson agrees. In a
sharply critical article, How Obama Lost the Middle East,
in the conservative magazine National Review (July 3),
the Stanford University professor accuses the president of
putting politics and ideology ahead of preserving hard-won
gains in the region.
Te liberal Washington Post agrees, saying the fghting
in Iraq is a particularly dramatic example of the failure of
current U.S. Middle East policy. Te papers Jackson Diehl
writes the Obama administrations strategy of re-creating
a unifed Iraq under a strong central government will, like
its previous Middle East schemes, prove a mirage.
Mneimneh also said it was the administrations inde-
cisiveness that was ultimately responsible for the chaos.
I couldnt otherwise explain why it was possible for Syria
to be an incubator for jihadism that is vaster and more dan-
gerous than what we have seen in Afghanistan.
Te Obama administration has developed a bad habit
of founding its Middle East strategies on wishful thinking,
Diehl writes. In the past year, it has supposed that Syr-
ian President Bashar Assad would peacefully agree to cede
power at a Geneva peace conference (and) that the Egyp-
tian generals who carried out a military coup would lead
the country back to democracy.
Likewise, Mneimneh said the weakness of Obamas Mid-
dle East policy is that it is consistently inconsistent. In recent
years, he said, there have been three contradictory Obama
Doctrines: Te frst [pertaining to Libya] was about how
American exceptionalism dictates that it is values and not
just interests that shape U.S. policy. Te second was about
whether we have to stick to our red line with regard to the
Assad regime using chemical weapons. And the third was
his West Point address in which he ignored U.S. exeptional-
ism altogether and went back to the point of stating that the
U.S. will act when U.S. interests are at stake and if it is a mat-
ter of values we leave it up to the international community.
Tis confusion has jeopardized the results of years of
U.S. eforts in the region. It is fair to say that America has
somehow managed to alienate friends, embolden enemies
and multiply radical Islamic terrorists, Hanson writes.
Te administrations indecisiveness has badly wounded
U.S. standing in the region. Te Obama administration
threatened the Egyptian generals with an end to the billions
in military aid if they continued human rights violations,
only for Secretary of State John Kerry to travel to Cairo a
short time later to sheepishly announce the resumption of
military aidonly a few days afer supporters of former-
President Morsi were sentenced to death en masse.
It is also doubtful that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri
al-Maliki will agree to American demands to form an in-
clusive government with representatives of all religions and
ethnic groups. He seems to have been able to get over the
American militarys failure to provide him with air support
in the fght against isis. Evidently, Iran and other allies are
compensating for the lack of American support.
Ultimately, the region needs an outside power to serve as
mediator, [Mneimneh] said.
The Failure of U.S. Middle East Policy
JULY 11, 2014
ISIS Topples al Qaeda
as Top Terrorist Group
LIGNET | July 9
he jihadist army that swept
across Iraq with stunning speed
has toppled al Qaeda from its rank as
the most feared terrorist group. Te
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (isis)
could tempt a desperate al Qaeda to
craf a plot to rival its 9/11 attack, grab
headlines and reestablish its leader-
ship of radical Islam.
Moving with speed and purpose, isis
conquered large areas of Iraq, wiping
away the political boundaries with
Syria and declaring a regional caliphate.
Neighboring countries and govern-
ments in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, both
U.S. allies, also are feeling threatened.
If isis can consolidate its gains, the
long-term threat to Israel and possibly
the United States will grow rapidly.
ot working on Sunday is true freedom, Pope Fran-
cis said on July 5 during an address on the subject of
industry and labor in the region of Molise, southern Italy.
Te issue of working Sundays, the pope said, afects not
only believers, but it afects everyone, as an ethical choice.
He continued: A work-free Sundaywith the exception of
necessary servicessays that our priority is not economics,
but the human being, gratuity, noncommercial relations,
rather family and friends, for
believers it means a relationship
with God and with the com-
munity. Perhaps it is time to ask
whether it is a true freedom to
work on Sundays.
Te region of Molise is beset
by high unemployment. Te
pope lamented the situation,
saying that unemployment robs
people of dignity. But here he
warned that creating jobs by
working on Sundays is not the
Catholic leaders have called
repeatedly for universal Sunday observance in Europe
even for those who are not Catholic and do not attend
church on Sundays. Franciss predecessor, Benedict xvi,
said that without the Lords day, we cannot live.
Te Catholic Church, through the Commission of
the Bishops Conferences of the European Community
(comece), has made several attempts to make it illegal
for people to work on Sunday, with exceptions for emer-
gency services, hotels and perhaps tourism and a few other
industries. It is currently working with trade unions in the
European Sunday Alliance to raise up a grassroots move-
ment in favor of Sunday observance. It has made little
progress so far, largely because there is no grassroots sup-
port for such a law.
EU law already entitles work-
ers to at least one day of every
week. Sunday-enthusiasts are
struggling to convince workers
that their lives will be better if
they were forced, by law, to take
Sunday of.
Te only way something
like Sunday observance can
be enforced is not through a
grassroots movement, but from
the top.
Te Trumpet has warned for
years that Sunday observance
will be forced on Europes citizens as part of the Catholic
solution to the Continents economy. For more information
on the grave dangers in this, read Trumpet editor in chief
Gerald Flurrys article Te Pope Trumpets Sunday.
Follow Richard Palmer: Twitter
Pope: No One Should Work on Sunday
Richard Palmer | July 8
Pope Francis delivers a
speech in Isernia, during his
visit to the Molise region.
Germany Lets EU
Fund Ailing Banks
he EUs bailout fund has moved
closer to being able to directly pump
money into troubled banks afer the
German government introduced a bill
allowing direct bank recapitalization.
Te draf law will now require ap-
proval in the Bundestag, but is planned
to enter into force in November.
Tis is an important step to
stabilize our fnancial sector and
to increase further the trust in our
common European currency, said
Finance Minister Wolfgang Schuble
on Wednesday (July 9).
He added that the law would help
rule out the risk that the taxpayer
would have to accept liability, as in the
fnancial crisis.
EU leaders agreed in 2012 that
the blocs bailout fund, the so-called
European Stability Mechanism (esm),
should be able to directly buy a stake
in a struggling bank if a country failed
to raise money from private investors
and national funds.
JULY 11, 2014
Tey later earmarked 60 billion
(us$81 billion) of the esms 500bil-
lion ($680 billion) fund for an in-
strument to handle direct bank
recapitalization. But Germany blocked
the scheme from entering into life,
amid fears that allowing the esm to
pump money directly to banks would
increase the liabilities of German
Its change of heart comes afer
meps and ministers set up an arsenal
of fnancial frefghting tools, includ-
ing national and EU-based resolution
funds, as well as rules setting out who
nly 27 percent of Germans regard the U.S. as trustwor-
thy; a majority view it as an aggressive power.
When candidate Barack Obama spoke in July 2008 in
Berlin near the Brandenburg Gate, he told a rapturous Ger-
man audience that peace and progress require allies who
will listen to each other, learn from each other and, most of
all, trust each other. It was supposed to be the opposite of
George W. Bushs cowboy diplomacy, which alienated the
Federal Republic of Germany and much of Europe. Yet six
years later, relations between Washington and Berlin are
more mistrustful than ever.
Many Germans have come to view America as a militaris-
tic rogue state, more dangerous even than Russia or Iran.
Te main problem is that President Obama has been
listening all too well to Germansspying on them from
more than 150 National Security Agency sites in Germany,
according to secret nsa documents that former contractor
Edward Snowden leaked to the weekly Der Spiegel.
Germans, who acutely remember the totalitarian surveil-
lance of Nazi Germany and East Germany, cherish their
strict data protection and limits on state monitoring. Te
pervasive spying on one of Americas most valuable part-
nersincluding the snooping on German Chancellor An-
gela Merkels cellphone from a roofop listening post at the
U.S. Embassy in Berlinhas enraged the German public.
Now, with the fresh revelation that the cia recruited an
intelligence ofcial as a spy, and the possibility of a second
spy in the Defense Ministry, the fury is reaching a tipping
point. U.S. Ambassador John B. Emerson was called on the
carpet by the German Foreign Ofce on July 4 about the
frst incident. On Tursday, Germany ordered the cia sta-
tion chief in Berlin to leave.
And the brouhaha isnt going away. German President
Joachim Gauck, widely revered for his years as a Protestant
pastor and human rights activist in the former East Ger-
many, said that if the spying allegations were true, enough
is enough. Karl-Georg Wellmann, a prominent member
of Merkels Christian Democratic party, is calling for the
expulsion of any and all U.S. agents.
Whats more, leading German politicians are calling for
reassessing negotiations with Washington over a trans-
atlantic free-trade agreement that could be vital to the
economic futures of both Europe and the United States.
And Interior Minister Tomas de Maiziere announced that
Berlin would terminate a no-spy agreement it has enjoyed
with the U.S. and Britain since 1945 and begin monitoring
them in Germany.
As Stephan Mayer, a spokesman for Merkels party, put
it, We must focus more strongly on our so-called allies.
So-called? Such statements, unthinkable only a few years
ago, accurately refect a broader antipathy toward America
among the German public, which largely sees Snowden as
a hero, particularly for his revelations about the extent of
American surveillance in Germany.
Ever since the Bush administration launched the Iraq
War in 2003which then-Chancellor Gerhard Schrder
vehemently opposedmany Germans have come to view
America as a militaristic rogue state, more dangerous even
than Russia or Iran. Indeed, a recent Infratest Dimap poll
indicates that a mere 27 percent of Germans regard the
U.S. as trustworthy, and a majority view it as an aggressive
Te result is that Germany is undergoing a fundamental
transformation. Afer the Nazi defeat in 1945, the repub-
lics frst chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, emphasized that
Germany had to end its tradition of trying to maneuver
between East and West as an independent power. Instead, it
had to bind itself to the West, economically and militarily.
Only Washington could guarantee a free and democratic
West Germany. But it is precisely this tradition that is com-
ing to an end as Germany begins to act on what it perceives
as its new national interests.
Already Germany is much more sympathetic to Russia
than the United States. Schrder, the former chancellor,
serves on the board of Gazprom and is a buddy of Rus-
sian President Vladimir Putin. Another former chancellor,
Helmut Schmidt, said that it was entirely understandable
that Putin would annex Crimea. Whats more, German
business interests dictate that Berlin seek to maintain a
friendly stance toward Moscow.
Similarly, Germans are allergic to any military confron-
tation with China, which has emerged as one of their most
important trading partners.
It shouldnt be entirely surprising that decades afer the fall
of the Berlin Wall, a reunifed Germany is moving from doc-
ile Cold War ally to a sovereign power that feels less inhibited
by its Nazi past and less indebted to the United States.
In trampling on German civil liberties, the Obama
administration is besmirching Americas image and al-
lowing Germans to feel morally superior to their former
If Obama is unable to rein in spying on Germany, he may
discover that he is helping to convert it from an ally into an
adversary. For Obama to say auf Wiedersehen to a longtime
ally would deliver a blow to American national security that
no amount of secret information could possibly justify.
The German-American Breakup
JULY 11, 2014
Related: Cyberattacks: Americas
Achilles Heel
will assume losses if a bank gets into
Te esm instrument is of particular
interest to the likes of Ireland, which
pumped billions into its stricken
banks between 2009 and 2011 and was
ultimately forced into a 67 billion
($91 billion) EU bailout as a result.
One of the provisions of the instru-
ment is that funding could be applied
retroactively, relieving the burden on
governments, although this would
have to be agreed on a case-by-case
basis by the governors of the bailout
Putting the direct recapitalization
rules into law this year was a key de-
mand of the European Central Bank
(ecb), which assumes its responsibili-
ties as the eurozones chief banking
supervisor in the coming months.
Germany Asks Top
U.S. Spy to Leave
he German government has asked
the cia station chief at the U.S.
Embassy in Berlin to leave the country,
an unusual action between allies that
represents a public expression of anger
over reported cases of U.S. spying in
Te representative of the U.S. intel-
ligence services at the Embassy of the
United States of America has been
requested to leave Germany, govern-
ment spokesman Stefen Seibert said
in a statement Tursday.
Seibert said the request for the cia
ofcials departure was made against
the backdrop of the ongoing investiga-
tions of the federal prosecutor general
as well as the questions pending for
months about the activities of the U.S.
intelligence services in Germany, for
which the Lower House of Parliament
has also established a parliamentary
inquiry committee.
German ofcials have also been
angered by the revelations of former
National Security Agency contractor
Edward Snowden of widespread U.S.
surveillance in Germany.
We have seen these reports and
have no comment on a purported in-
telligence matter, said Caitlin Hayden,
a spokeswoman for the National Secu-
rity Council. However, our security
and intelligence relationship with
Germany is a very important one, and
it keeps Germans and Americans safe.
It is essential that cooperation contin-
ue in all areas, and we will continue to
be in touch with the German govern-
ment in appropriate channels.
For years, Germany has sought to
be included in a group of countries
with which the United States has a
non-espionage pact. Tose nations
include Britain, Australia, Canada
and New Zealand.
Te Obama administration and that
of George W. Bush both resisted such
entreaties, in part because many U.S.
intelligence ofcials believe that there
are too many areas where German
and U.S. security interests diverge.
Te Germans do lots and lots of
stuf and dont tell us everything they
do, said a former senior U.S. intel-
ligence ofcial who worked extensively
with Germanys Federal Intelligence
Service, known as the bnd. U.S. poli-
cymakers turn to the cia and other
agencies for deeper understanding of
issues, including whether there are
gaps between the two countries in
their commitment to eforts to block
any nuclear weapons ambitions by
Iran, the former ofcial said.
Te arrest and raids are driven in
part by this business that they want
a no-espionage agreement, said the
former U.S. intelligence ofcial. But
its also being driven by internal
politics and the perception that the
Snowden disclosures made them look
Te arrest and raids in recent days
have also generated concern that
Germany may not be fnished round-
ing up alleged U.S. spies. Afer the
Snowden leaks, the cia evaluated
operations in Europe and put some
on hold because of fears of exposure
and ensuing tension with Germany
and other allies, a second former U.S.
intelligence ofcial said.
Chinese Hackers
Broke Into U.S.
Personnel Network
BBC | July 10
hinese hackers broke into a U.S.
government network in an attempt
to gain personal information on thou-
sands of employees, U.S. media report.
Firstreported by the New York
Times, the hackers in March allegedly
targeted those applying for high-level
security clearance positions.
Secretary of State John Kerry called
the incident an attempted intrusion
that was still under investigation.
Te report has not ofcially been
confrmed by the U.S. Homeland
In May, the U.S. charged fve Chi-
nese Army ofcers with hacking into
private-sector American companies
in a bid for competitive advantage,
in the frst cyberespionage case of its
Creation of BRICS
Foreign Exchange Fund
he Russian government signed a
draf agreement on the creation of a
$100 billion pool of currency reserves
that the brics countries are forming to
guard against fnancial shocks. Accord-
ing to the document, the countries dol-
lar reserves will remain on the balance
sheets of their central banks. However,
these reserves can be made available at
the request of one of the parties.
JULY 11, 2014
Vasily Yakimkin, a senior lecturer
at the Russian Presidential Academy
of National Economy and Public
Administration (ranepa), says two
substructures are being created under
the project. Te stabilization fund
with capital of $100 billion would
be a direct competitor with the imf.
China would contribute $41 billion,
Brazil, Russia and India, $18 billion
each and South Africa $5 billion. Te
second substructure would be a new
development bank [and] will come
into being with a start-up capital of
$50 billion, with each country con-
tributing $10 billion. As expected,
the agreements on the creation of
these structures will soon be signed
at the summit of the heads of the
brics countries in Brazil on July15,
Yakimkin says. Te structures will
start functioning starting in 2015.
He adds that each of the brics coun-
tries wants to host the headquarters
of the new institution.
Yakimkin says that the develop-
ment bank will fund various institu-
tional or infrastructural projects in
other countries, notably in Africa. Te
new currency fund will be a mutual
aid fund to be used in case one of
the brics countries encounters any
fnancial problems.
Related: Will Russia Try to Crash
the Dollar?
The Immigration Crisis,
President Obama and
the Truth
The worst danger of illegal immigration? Americas own
Flights Canceled After
Scabies Outbreak
order-security activists are
celebrating an announcement by
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
that fights carrying illegal aliens from
Texas to San Diego County have been
suspended, but warn an outbreak of
scabies among undocumented Central
Americans already processed and
released poses a health danger to their
Since last week, three fights car-
rying a total of 420 border-crossers
mostly women and childrenhave
arrived in the San Diego area. Most
have been processed and released. A
fourth with 140 aliens was scheduled
for Tursday, but that fight has re-
portedly been canceled.
Two senior Border Patrol sources
confrmed to wnd that, of those
released, more than 100 have been
diagnosed with scabies, and fve bor-
der agents have been infected as well
due to their contact with the illegals.
Multiple cases of fever have been
documented among children, as well
as several cases where children were
coughing up blood. Tuberculosis is
suspected in those cases. Also report-
ed, but unconfrmed, were possible
cases of the H1N1 virus.
Te temporary warehousing and
subsequent release is creating an envi-
ronment for incubating and spreading
disease, warned Jef Schwilk of San
Diegans for Secure Borders Coalition.
Tey are just re-infesting them
over and over, he told wnd. Tey
treat them and immediately put them
in the decontaminated cells, which
is terrible. Also, bottles arent be-
ing sanitized, blankets are being
shared, its bad. Te people from the
frst twoplanes are long gone. Tey
dont care at all. Tey are just releas-
ing them. No relief in sight. Rumor is
they will be increasing the number of
fights into San Diego.
Considering there were over 100
cases of scabies out of 420, it is obvi-
ous that San Diegans will be dealing
with the outbreaks, and thats not
good, Schwilk said.
n Revelation Series: The Truth About the Apocalypse
n Revelation SeriesPart 2: The Light of the World
n Revelation SeriesPart 3: Apostasy in the First Century
JULY 11, 2014
Rick Perry:
Obama Immigration
Conspiracy Theory
exas Gov. Rick Perry repeated an
accusation that undocumented chil-
dren coming to the U.S. from Latin
American countries might be a result
of an ulterior motive by President
I have to believe that when you
dont respond in any way that you are
either inept or you have some ulterior
motive of which you are functioning
from, Perry said during an interview
Sunday on abcs Tis Week.
I dont believe he particularly
cares whether or not the border of the
United States is secure, Perry said
when he was asked by host Martha
Raddatz if he stood by comments
made in a June 17 interview with Fox
and Friends.
Tis president, I will suggest, is
totally and absolutely either inept or
making some decisions that are not in
the best interests of American citi-
zens, Perry said during that interview
with Fox News.
Perry also suggested that non-
Mexicans crossing the U.S.-Mexican
border are coming from Middle East-
ern countries such as Syria.
Perry is considering a second presi-
dential run in 2016 and has decided
to not seek another term as Texas
Perry said his criticism of federal
immigration policy precedes the
Obama administration, noting that
he has sent requests for more federal
border security to the White House
for the past decade. However, his re-
cent comments have taken on a more
personal tone, suggesting that Obama
is willfully allowing the current im-
migration crisis to unfold.
Afer Raddatz asked if Perry was
engaging in conspiracy talk, Perry
stood by his views and said the
number of undocumented children
currently being housed in facilities
along the border could hurt American
citizens in case of a natural disaster or
other unforeseen crisis.
If we have a major event, a hur-
ricane, that comes into the Gulf Coast,
I dont have a place to be housing
people who have been displaced be-
cause this administration is housing
them, Perry said.
s is his wont, President Obama is treating the border
crisismore than 50,000 unaccompanied children
crossing illegallyas a public relations problem. He still
hasnt enunciated a policy. He may not even have one.
Will these immigrants be allowed to stay? Seven times
was Obamas Homeland Security secretary asked this on
Meet the Press. Seven times he danced around the ques-
Presidential Press Secretary Josh Earnest was ostensibly
more forthcoming: Its unlikely that most of those kids will
qualify for humanitarian relief. Tey will be sent back.
Tis was characterized in the media as a harder line. Not at
all. Yes, those kids who go through the process will likely
have no grounds to stay. But most will never go through the
Tese kids are being fown or bused to family members
around the country and told to then show up for depor-
tation hearings. Why show up? Why not just stay where
theyll get superior schooling, superior health care, superi-
or everything? As a result, only 3 percent are being repatri-
ated, to cite an internal Border Patrol memo.
Repatriate them? How stonehearted, you say. Afer what
theyve been through? To those dismal conditions back
By that standard, with a sea of endemic sufering on ev-
ery continent, we should have no immigration laws. Deny
entry to no needy person.
But we do. We must. We choose. And immediate de-
portation is exactly what happens to illegal immigrants,
children or otherwise, from Mexico and Canada. By what
moral logic should there be a Central American exception?
Tere is no logic.
Stopping this wave is not complicated. A serious presi-
dent would go to Congress tomorrow proposing a change
in the law, simply mandating that Central American kids
get the same treatment as Mexican kids, i.e., be subject to
immediate repatriation.
Ten do so under the most humane conditions. Buses
with every amenity. Kids accompanied by nurses and social
workers and interpreters and everything they need on
board. But going home.
One thing is certain. When the frst convoys begin roll-
ing from town to town across Central America, the infux
will stop.
When he began taking heat for his laxness and indeci-
siveness, Obama said he would seek statutory authority for
eliminating the Central American loophole. Yet when he
presented his $3.7 billion emergency package on Tuesday, it
included no such proposal.
Without that, tens of thousands of kids will stay. Tens of
thousands more will come.
Why do they come? Te administration pretends its
because of violence and poverty.
Nonsense. When has there not been violence and
poverty in Central America? Yet this wave of children
has doubled in size in the past two years and is projected
to double again by October. Te new variable is Obamas
unilateral (and lawless) June 2012 order essentially legaliz-
ing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who came
here as children.
Message received in Central America. True, this execu-
tive order doesnt apply to those who came afer June 15,
2007. But the fact remains that children coming across now
are overwhelmingly likely to stay.
Dream Act, Not Violence Is Drawing Children Here
Charles Krauthammer, SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS | July 10
JULY 11, 2014
Potluck: Giving Free
Marijuana to the Poor
YAHOO NEWS | July 10
f you love smoking pot, live in
Berkeley and dont make a lot of
money, the city council has some good
news for you: Your pot may now be
An ordinance approved by the
Berkeley City Council says that at least
2 percent of all pot carried by medical
marijuana dispensaries must be pro-
vided at no cost to very low-income
individuals and families.
Te council defnes very low in-
come as individuals making $32,000
a year or less, or families of four col-
lectively earning $46,000.
And unlike the clichd image of
government cheese, the ordinance
further stipulates that the free mari-
juana shall be the same quality on
average as Medical Cannabis that is
dispensed to other members.
Te gps enabled Weed Maps site
provides a detailed list of all Berkeley-
area dispensaries and delivery ser-
vices. According to the information
provided there, one gram of medical
marijuana sells for an average of $15,
while an ounce of high-grade pot
can cost upwards of $400. Strains of
medical pot with lower concentra-
tions of the psychoactive element
Tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly
referred to at thc, are sold for less.
Its well established that getting a
medical marijuana card in Califor-
nia is not difcult. Technically, the
California Department of Public
Health lists only 11 approved condi-
tions, such as hiv-aids, cachexia
(wasting syndrome) and cancer. But
the list creates a near infnite loop-
hole for those wanting to qualify for a
pot access card by also including the
qualifying stipulation of any other
chronic or persistent medical symp-
tom that either substantially limits
a persons ability to conduct one or
more of major life activities as defned
in the Americans with Disabilities Act
ne of the sleeper issues surrounding the debate on
amnesty for illegal immigrantsan inconvenient one
that no proponent of a widespread amnesty wishes to
acknowledgeis the devastating efect so-called immigra-
tion reform will have on African Americans.
Te black unemployment rate is almost 11 percent, far
higher than that of any other group profled by labor statis-
tics. African Americans are disproportionately employed
in lower-skilled jobsthe very same jobs immigrants take.
As Steven Camarota asked in a recent column, why double
immigration when so many people already arent working?
Who will be harmed most by amnesty? African Ameri-
Te issue resurfaced this week when a YouTube video
emerged of two young African-Americans confront-
ing pro-illegal-immigration demonstrators in Murrieta,
California. Murrieta is one of the towns in which undocu-
mented minors are being relocatedand supporters are
squaring of with protesters.
Te young man argues: If somebody brought six chil-
dren to your house and you aint got no job, what are
you gonna do? Are you gonna try to go out there and take
care of these children and the children you got already
that you cant take care of? What are we going to do for
the people who are here who are starving already? We
got our own people that are starving and hungry . Why
would we add to the problem?!
He also laments the problems in black neighborhoods
where prices are upped on everything afer large groups
of immigrants move in.
Te young woman argues: Its just too much . We
already have our own poor people. Starvation, kids walk-
ing with no shoes . We dont need other peoples kids
to bring more problems . Youre gonna watch America
go spiraling down . Were already in debt as it is. [Now]
were gonna need more money to support these kids.
Why are Democratic politicians disregarding the con-
cerns and needs of black Americans in a push to address
the concerns and needs of foreigners? Amnesty propo-
nents speak of the need to grant others a better lifebut
what of the need to look out for our fellow Americans?
What of those black Americans whose ancestors quite
literally built this nation through the sweat of their brows?
Instead, Democrats are chucking aside black voters in
their rush to lock in the Latino vote (or so theyre hoping).
Taken for granted as a given come election-time, blacks are
now actively harmed as the Democrats vow to grow their
voting base through importing more and more of what
they see as future blue-voters.
Black attorney and member of the U.S. Commission on
Civil Rights Peter Kirsanow, serves as one of the lone voices
of reason, repeatedly outlining the harm amnesty will
cause black Americans. In a 2013 letter to the Congressional
Black Caucus, he wrote: Te obvious question is whether
there are sufcient jobs in the low-skilled labor market
for both African Americans and illegal immigrants. Te
answer is no.
But no one seems to listen to Kirsanow.
Meanwhile, the harm to African Americans is not
limited to reduced wages, greater competition for jobs and
declining household incomesnow even the black history
of sufering is being diluted. Liberal columnist and cnn
pundit Sally Kohn penned a column last week arguing that
the term illegal immigrant is the same as the N-word.
[L]umping black Americans unique history and sufer-
ing with that of certain Latino immigrants is absurd and
Democrats have built a brand as the party willing to
stand up for black Americans, but the amnesty push shows
what a false promise that was.
Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty
JULY 11, 2014
of 1990, or if not alleviated, may cause
serious harm to the persons safety,
physical or mental health.
Berkeley may just need to adjust
its nickname to the Peoples Republic
of Pot.
Censorship: 38
Journalism Groups
Slam Obama
n unprecedented criticism of the
White House, 38 journalism groups
have assailed the presidents team for
censoring media coverage, limiting ac-
cess to top ofcials and overall politi-
cally-driven suppression of the news.
In a letter to President Obama, the
38, led by the Society of Professional
Journalists, said eforts by government
ofcials to stife or block coverage
has grown for years and reached a
high-point under his administra-
tion despite Obamas 2008 campaign
promise to provide transparency.
Worse, they said: As access for
reporters has been cut of, the ad-
ministration has opened the door to
lobbyists, special interests and people
with money.
And as a result, they wrote, Obama
only has himself to blame for the
current cynicism of his administra-
tion. You need look no further than
your own administration for a major
source of that frustrationpolitically
driven suppression of news and infor-
mation about federal agencies. We call
on you to take a stand to stop the spin
and let the sunshine in, wrote David
Cuillier, president of spj.
Te administration has dismissed
similar charges from other journalism
groups, notably the White House Cor-
respondents Association, but the new
letter sent Tuesday provided several
examples of censorship and eforts to
block reporter access.
In addition to asking for openness,
the groups demanded Obama create
an ombudsman position to help clear
away barriers to news coverage.
It has not always been this way,
concluded the letter. In prior years,
reporters walked the halls of agencies
and called staf people at will. Only
in the past two administrations have
media access controls been tightened
at most agencies. Under this admin-
istration, even nondefense agencies
have asserted in writing their power
to prohibit contact with journalists
without surveillance. Meanwhile,
agency personnel are free [to] speak
to otherslobbyists, special-interest
representatives, people with money
without these controls and without
public oversight.
spjs Cuillier told Secrets, I feel
this excessive message management
and information control are caused
by the professionalization of PR in the
id you know that the federal government now has the
authority to shut down any business it chooses, when-
ever it chooses? And once a business is shut down, it must
remain closed until the federal government can get around
to holding a hearing on its case. In efect, these businesses
will be considered guilty until they are given an opportu-
nity to prove themselves innocent.
[T]his isnt a law that was enacted by Congress. Its a
regulation created by an executive agency called the Con-
sumer Financial Protection Bureau.
You read that correctly. Te cfpb simply decided to
grant itself this power. Wouldnt it be great if you could
grant yourself new powers like that at your job?
What is important for every American to understand is
that a large majority of the rules that dictate how you live
your life are no longer passed by Congress. Instead, they
are created by unelected bureaucrats in executive agencies.
If you arent familiar with executive agencies, they are the
seemingly endless list of bureaucracies that you read about
in the news all the time like the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency and the Department of Health and Human
Te fact that these agencies are making rules that impact
how you live your life may seem unconstitutionaland it
is .
Last week several members of Congress tried to visit the
facilities where some of the tens of thousands of illegal im-
migrant children are currently being housed to ensure that
the conditions were humane. But hhs responded with a list
of what our representatives would be allowed to see and
what they would be allowed to do while they were there.
Its pretty darn tough for Congress to do any kind of
efective oversight when executive agencies get to decide
under what conditions they are willing to comply with an
Obamacare was passed in 2010 and it has already led to
the creation of over 11,000 pages of new regulations. Tats
just the total for one law; imagine how many are being cre-
ated when you include the rest of the federal bureaucracy.
Do you think any members of Congress, or even their
stafs, are sitting on Capitol Hill diligently going through
those regulations to make sure that theyre acceptable? Of
course not. Tey dont even bother to read the bills that are
passed by Congress!
Its important to consider what that means for you
personally. You didnt have the opportunity to vote for any
of the bureaucrats who are creating these regulations. So
these people are not accountable to you. And as we saw
clearly displayed during the irs investigations, they dont
feel like they should have to answer to Congress either.
Tat means that you have virtually no voice in the laws
that govern how you live your life. You have to ask yourself
if you feel comfortable with the rules of this country being
created by faceless bureaucrats who youve never heard
of, who you didnt vote for, and who are completely unac-
countable to you.
Our Elected Ofcials Dont Make Many Decisions
THE BLAZE | July 8
JULY 11, 2014
bureaucracyin all levels of govern-
And, he added, It is up to jour-
nalistsand citizensto push back
against this force. Hard!
Australian Judge:
Incest No Longer
judge in Australia has been criti-
cized afer saying incest may no
longer be a taboo and that the com-
munity may now accept consensual
sex between adult siblings.
Judge Garry Neilson, from the
district court in the state of New
South Wales, likened incest to homo-
sexuality, which was once regarded as
criminal and unnatural but is now
widely accepted.
He said incest was now only a
crime because it may lead to abnor-
malities in ofspring but this rationale
was increasingly irrelevant because of
the availability of contraception and
A jury might fnd nothing untow-
ard in the advance of a brother to-
wards his sister once she had sexually
matured, had sexual relationships
with other men and was now avail-
able, not having [a] sexual partner,
the judge said. If this was the 1950s
and you had a jury of 12 men there,
which is what youd invariably have,
they would say its unnatural for a
man to be interested in another man
or a man being interested in a boy.
Tose things have gone.
Judge Neilson made the comments
during the trial of a brother charged
with raping his younger sister but
has pleaded not guilty to charges
relating to sex they had in 1981, when
she was 18 and he
was 26.
By that stage
they are both
mature adults,
the judge said.
Te complainant
has been sexually
awoken, shall we
say, by having
two relationships
with men and she
had become free
when the sec-
ond relationship
broke down. Te
only thing that
might change that
is the fact that they were a brother and
sister but weve come a long way from
the 1950swhen the position of the
English Common Law was that sex
outside marriage was not lawful.
Water Levels Lowest
Since 1937
ABC NEWS | July 8
ake Mead, the valleys primary
source of drinking water [in Ne-
vada], continues to shrink under the
crippling drought. Tis week the water
level at Lake Mead is expected to hit
its lowest level since 1937.
Despite the rain and the fash
foods from Mount Charleston, no
amount of runof is enough to replen-
ish Lake Mead.
One doesnt have to look very
closely to see the white rings around
Lake Mead, which show where the
water level used to be.
Were very concerned about the
continued drought of course; were in
the 14th year of drought, said Jayne
Harkins with the Colorado River
Harkins is keeping a close eye on the
lake, and this week she says the water
level is expected to drop to 1,081feet,
which is 23.5 feet lower than last year.
A drop to 1,075 feet could force
reductions in the amount of water
being pumped from the lake, and
in turn afect the water available for
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JULY 11, 2014
It would be best if we spoke a bit about everything.
In October 1943, hundreds of Jews were rounded up
just a half mile from the Vatican. Te pope knew they
were there, but did nothing. When asked why, Catholic
priest Peter Gumpel, one of Piuss biggest defenders, said
that had he got involved, he may have been arrested. Pius
was not willing to risk being arrested to try to save some
Meanwhile, Allied soldiers died in the millions. Half of
all airman who joined Britains bomber command died or
were seriously wounded. Out of the 120,000 who served in
the bomber command, 56,000 were killed. Yet Francis is
saying, Dont say that Pius could have done more; instead
blame the British for not bombing the railways.
If anyone but the pope had said something so obviously
absurd, it would have been quickly shouted down. But no
one wants to ofend the worlds most prominent religious
leader, so instead, there is silence.
Of course the Allies did not fght the war perfectly.
Tere are long debates to be had on exactly how much the
Allies knew about the Holocaust and whether bombing
railways lines was even feasible (it probably wasntthey
are hard to hit from the air). Its easy to sit back in the
safety of hindsight and criticize military decisions made in
the heat of the moment and under the threat of imminent
destruction. But the basic fact is this: Te Allies fought Hit-
ler, at the loss of millions of lives. Pius did not. He didnt
even risk being arrested.
Afer the war, Piuss Vatican oversaw a massive opera-
tion to help top Nazis escape from justice through the
ratlines. Tis is easily proved and commonly accepted
history. Te Red Cross has apologized for its much smaller
and less deliberate role in helping leading Nazis escape. Yet
the Vatican ignores its history and refuses to apologize.
And it is working to make Pius xii a saint.
Tis same spirit was evident when the interviewer
brought up the subject of anti-Semitism. I think it is very
linked, in general, and without it being a fxed rule, to the
right wing, said Francis. Anti-Semitism usually nests bet-
ter in right-wing political tendencies than in the lef, right?
And it still continues (like this).
No mention or apology of the Roman Catholic Churchs
long history of encouraging anti-Semitism. Its a statement
also completely out of step with events in Europe. Frances
National Front is probably Europes most prominent party
associated with anti-Semitismyet its economic policies
are far more similar to Pope Franciss than to the free mar-
ket capitalism of the right. Hitler, the ultimate anti-Semite,
led the National Socialist party. In reality, anti-Semitism is
a problem with individuals both on the lef and the right of
the political spectrum.
Another shocking look over there statement came when
Francis spoke about fundamentalist groups of all reli-
A fundamentalist group, although it may not kill any-
one, although it may not strike anyone, is violent, he said.
Te mental structure of fundamentalists is violence in the
name of God.
Never mind the fact that the Vatican has an actual his-
tory of violence. Instead, focus on fundamentalist groups.
Tey may not preach violence. Tey may have never hurt
anyone. But their mental structure is fundamentally
Fundamentalism is defned by the Oxford English Dic-
tionary as a form of a religion, especially Islam or Prot-
estant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal
interpretation of Scripture.
What part of upholding a literal interpretation of the
Bible involves violence? How many people have funda-
mentalist Christians killed? Te Old Testament contains
some violent punishments, but these were to be carried out
by civil authorities, not individuals. No fundamentalist
Christians teach that believers should go around stoning
adulterers; instead, they believe the words of Jesus Christ:
He that is without sin among you [i.e. no one], let him frst
cast a stone. Te clear message of the Bible, to anyone who
looks to it as the literal Word of God, is one of peace.
But the pope says fundamentalists are the violent ones.
Meanwhile, he leads the church that started the Crusades.
For hundreds of years, the Roman Catholic Church had
any person who dissented from its doctrine slaughtered. In
more recent years, it gave its blessing and encouragement
to the Croatian Ustashiwhich brutally killed Jews and
Orthodox Christians during World War iiand supported
Gen. Francisco Francos brutal dictatorship in Spain.
Te Vatican expresses no remorse for these acts of vio-
lence. Yet anyone who believes in a literal interpretation of
the Bible has a mental structure of violence, according to
the pope.
No one can dispute the history of the Roman Catholic
Church described aboveits found throughout textbooks
around the world and is supported by numerous internal
Vatican documents. But the churchs supporters argue that
to bring it up is anti-Catholic. Te church has moved on
and changed.
But has it? It has apologized for very few of its actions.
On most, it remains silent. And now the pope is trying to
shif the attention and blame onto others. Are these the ac-
tions of a repentant organization?
Pope Franciss humble persona helps him conceal these
actions. Had Benedict xvi given the same interview, some
on the lef at least may have given these statements the
critical thought they deserve. But Pope Francis looks so
good. Too many today are ignorant of the skeletons in the
Vaticans closetyou could say theyre unaware the church
even has a closet. It doesnt even occur to them to question
his words.
History gives a clear warning to be distrustful of the
Vaticans words and deeds, which is why the pope is try-
ing to divert attention away from its past. For some of this
more recent history, read Trumpet editor in chief Gerald
Flurrys article Te Real Vatican Scandal.
Follow Richard Palmer: Twitter
HISTORY from page 1

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