CSS Grade 10 Quarter 2 LAS 1
CSS Grade 10 Quarter 2 LAS 1
CSS Grade 10 Quarter 2 LAS 1
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government
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the payment of royalties.
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The Computer System Servicing Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the
leaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency
(MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will
be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent
Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)
Cloud Computing shows how we live and work today. Whether we like it or
not, it has become an integral part of our lives. Institutions, companies and
businesses of all shapes, sizes and folks of life are now turning to Cloud
Computing. It underpins a vast number of services that includes consumer
services like Gmail or the cloud back-up of the photos on your smartphone, though
to the services which allow large enterprises to host all their data and run all of
their applications in the cloud. Netflix relies on cloud computing services to run its
video streaming service and its other business systems too, and have a number
of other organizations.
Cloud computing is becoming the default option for many apps: software
vendors are increasingly offering their applications as services over the internet
rather than standalone products as they try to switch to a subscription model. But
nothing is perfect and Cloud Computing is no exception. While it is vastly
beneficial, it also has some risks and concerns that should not be overlooked.
Therefore, in this learning activity sheets, we will discuss the overview, advantages
and disadvantages of Cloud Computing in details.
IV. Activity Proper
Oracle introduced the Oracle Cloud in 2012, offering the three basics for
business, IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), and
SAAS (Software-as-a-Service).
- storing of data and applications on remote servers, and accessing them via the
internet rather than saving or installing them on your personal or office
- offers highly scalable capabilities that are difficult or expensive to deliver locally.
Cloud computing
A fundamental concept behind cloud computing is that the location of the service,
and many of the details such as the hardware or operating system on which it is running,
are largely irrelevant to the user.
Disadvantages of Public Cloud Computing
1. No control over privacy or security
2. Cannot be used for use of sensitive applications
3. Lacks complete flexibility as the platform and depends on the platform provider
4. No stringent protocols regarding data management
Hybrid Cloud computing allows you to use combination of both public and private
cloud. This helps companies to maximize their efficiency and deliver better performance
to clients. In this model companies can use public cloud for transfer of non-confidential
data and switch on to private cloud in case of sensitive data transfer or hosting of critical
applications. This model is gaining prominence in many business as it gives benefits of
both the model.
The Three Service Models of Cloud Computing
SaaS Benefits:
o Affordable – SaaS is affordable as it eliminates the costs involved in the
purchase, installation, maintenance and upgrades of computing hardware.
o Anywhere Accessibility – With SaaS, you can access the services from
anywhere using any device such as smartphones, which eliminates the
constraints set by on premise software.
o Ready to Use – You can quickly set up SaaS services so that they
become functional in no time. All it takes is that you sign up for the service
to get access to fast and powerful computing resources.
2. Platform as a Service or PaaS is essentially a cloud base where you can develop,
test and organize the different applications for your business. Implementing PaaS
simplifies the process of enterprise software development. The virtual runtime
environment provided by PaaS gives a favorable space for developing and testing
The entire resources offered in the form of servers, storage and networking are
manageable either by the company or a platform provider. Google App Engine and AWS
Elastic Beanstalk are two typical examples of PaaS. PaaS is also subscription based
that gives you flexible pricing options depending on your business requirements.
PaaS Benefits
o Minimal Development Time – PaaS reduces the development time since
the vendor provides all computing resources like server-side components,
which simplifies the process and improve the focus of the development
o Multiple Programming Language Support – PaaS offers support for
multiple programming languages, which a software development company
can utilize to build applications for different projects.
o Enhanced Collaboration – With PaaS, your business can benefit from
having enhanced collaboration, which will help integrate your team
dispersed across various locations.
IaaS Benefits
o Minimize Costs – Deploying an IaaS cloud model eliminates the need to
deploy on premise hardware that reduces the costs.
o Enhanced Scalability – As the most flexible cloud computing model, IaaS
allows you to scale the computing resources up or down based on
o Simple Deployment – IaaS lets you easily deploy the servers, processing,
storage, and networking to make it up and running in no time.
While it may be easy to start using a new cloud application, migrating
existing data or apps to the cloud may be much more complicated and expensive.
And it seems there is now something of a shortage in cloud skills with staff with
DevOps and multi-cloud monitoring and management knowledge in particularly
short supply.
Exercises / Activities
Activity 1
Multiple Choice. Read and choose the answer that best fits the question.
Write your answers on your answer sheet.
2. Cloud computing model service that can give the entire range of computing
infrastructures such as storage, servers and networking hardware.
a. cloud computing b. SaaS c. IaaS d. PaaS
4. Cloud computing model service that can gives quick access to cloud-based web
a. cloud computing b. SaaS c. IaaS d. PaaS
5. Ana is using a cloud platform that is based on standard cloud computing model
in which service provider offers resources, applications storage to her customers
over the internet.
a. Public b. Private c. Hybrid d. APs
6. A cloud platform that can be either hosted within the company or outsourced to
a trusted and reliable third-party vendor.
a. Public b. Private c. Hybrid d. Aps
7. A cloud platform that Cloud computing that allows the user to use a combination
of both public and private cloud.
a. Public b. Private c. Hybrid d. APs
8. What is DARPA?
a. Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency
b. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
c. Defense Advanced Research Projects Action
d. None of the choices
10. J. C. R. Licklider helped to develop the ARPANET introducing his vision where
everyone will be able to access the information anywhere on the planet.
Direction: Search for pictures from old newspapers, journals etc. that show
about cloud computing, then create a collage in 1/8 illustration board and answer
the following questions on a piece of paper.
Rubric for Scoring
Collage Rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Creativity All of the graphics Most of the Only a few None of the
or objects used in graphics or objects graphics or objects graphics or objects
the collage reflect used in the collage reflect student reflects student
a degree of reflect student creativity, but the creativity.
student creativity creativity in their ideas were typical
in their display. display. rather than
Design Graphics are cut to 1-2 graphics are 3-4 graphics are Graphics are not
an appropriate lacking in design lacking in design an appropriate size
size, shape and or placement. or placement. Too shape. Glue marks
are arranged There may be a much background evident. Most of
neatly. Care has few smudges or is showing. There the background is
been taken to glue marks. are noticeable showing. It
balance the smudges or glue appears little
pictures across the marks. attention was given
area. Items are to designing the
glued neatly and collage.
Attention to Theme The student gives The student gives The student gives The student's
a reasonable a reasonable a fairly reasonable explanations are
explanation of how explanation of how explanation of how weak and illustrate
every item in the most items in the most items in the difficulty
collage is related collage are related collage are related understanding how
to the assigned to the assigned to the assigned to relate items to
theme. For most theme. For many theme. the assigned
items, the of the items, the theme.
relationship is relationship is
clear without clear without
explanation. explanation.
Explanation to the The student The student The student The student does
given questions explain clearly, explains clearly, somewhat explain not explain clearly
and completely and reasonably clearly and and Does not
conveys message conveys message somewhat convey message
of collage as it of collage as it conveys message of collage as it
relates to personal relates to personal of collage as it relates to personal
style choices. style choices. relates to personal style choices
style choices
V. Reflection
In virtual world, life is worth living for were everything can be done in just
matter of a click. Everyone was working with a hectic schedule, whether it can
be in school, government institutions, and particularly in business sectors were
transactions are all done electronically. People can still cope with it, due to
easier and fast transmission of data and information using different applications
in the world of cloud computing.
a. What insights have you gained from this topic?
Assessment Activity 1
1. a
2. c
3. d • affordable
4. b • anywhere accessibility
5. a • ready to use
6. b
7. c PaaS
8. b • minimal development time
9. a • multiple programming language
10.c support
• enhanced collaboration
Activity 2
Answers will vary according IaaS
• minimize cost
to student’s output, rate
• enhanced scalability
their paper collage base on
• simple deployment
the rubrics provided
Answer Key VI.
c. What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome
paper collage?
b. What significant values have you established while doing your