DLL - MIL - August 12 To 15 2019
DLL - MIL - August 12 To 15 2019
DLL - MIL - August 12 To 15 2019
Teacher Rodjone A. Binondo Learning Area: Media and Information Literacy
LOG Date / August 12 - 15, 2019/ 9:45-10:45AM, Quarter: Second
Time: 10:45-11:45AM
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of different resources of media and information, their design principle and elements, and selection
B. Performance Standard The learner produces a living museum or electronic portfolio or a fvc cny other creative forms of multimedia showcasing their / his/her
understanding, insights, and perceptions of the different resources of media and information.
C. Learning • Cite studies to support theories on the • Cite studies to support theories on the positive and negative
Competencies/Objectives H positive and negative effects of media and effects of media and information on the individual and society.
Write the LC code for each O information on the individual and society. MIL11/12PM-IVa-I
L MIL11/12PM-IVa-I • Describe the different dimensions of people media.
I • Describe the different dimensions of
people media. MIL11/12PM-IVa-I
D • Categorize different examples of people and state reasons for
• Categorize different examples of people
A and state reasons for such categorizations. such categorizations. MIL11/12PM-IVa-2
Y MIL11/12PM-IVa-2
Explain from the studies how media • Explain from the studies how media affects the individual and the
affects the individual and the society. society.
Identify and explain the different roles of • Identify and explain the different roles of people in media and
people in media and information. information.
Describe how people can be a medium of • Describe how people can be a medium of communication to other
Specific Learning Objectives: communication to other people. people.
• Write an article on how social media affects each learner’s own
family, community, and self.
II. CONTENT People Media People Media
(Discussion about people in media, (Discussion about people in media, Analyzing media jobs)
Analyzing media jobs)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages pp.106 - 107 pp.106 - 107
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Highlight that People Media and Highlight that People Media and Information as the topic for today’s
presenting the new lesson Information as the topic for today’s session. State the objectives of the lesson.
session. State the objectives of the lesson. Show to the learners prepared ads (cutouts of ads from newspapers
Show to the learners prepared ads (cutouts and/or printouts from the Internet) on media-related jobs
of ads from newspapers and/or printouts
from the Internet) on media-related jobs
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask the learners to identify the following Ask the learners to identify the following from each ad: Job title;
lesson from each ad: Job title; Function or job Function or job description;
description; Qualifications; Benefits/compensation/salary
C. Presenting Examples/instances Explain to the learners that careers in Explain to the learners that careers in media have changed throughout
of new lesson media have changed throughout the the history of the
history of the Philippines.
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss how traditional media has Discuss how traditional media has affected Filipinos in the past,
practicing new skills #1 affected Filipinos in the past, throughout throughout the different eras.
the different eras.
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
Analyzing Media Jobs Analyzing Media Jobs
F. Developing mastery Form the learners into groups. Using the Form the learners into groups. Using the materials from the
(Leads to Formative Assessment) materials from the introduction, have the introduction, have the learners evaluate the advertisements.
learners evaluate the advertisements.
G. Finding Practical applications Ask each group to classify the jobs based Ask each group to classify the jobs based on at least 2 categories
of concepts and skills on at least 2 categories written on the written on the board. Assign the categorization scheme to the groups.
board. Assign the categorization scheme to Inform them that they must use the qualifications and job
the groups. Inform them that they must use descriptions/functions when classifying the jobs.
the qualifications and job
descriptions/functions when classifying
the jobs.
H. Making generalizations and What is the role of media in bringing out What is the role of media in bringing out key events in Philippine
abstractions about the lesson key events in Philippine history? history?
I. Evaluating Learning Group Reporting Group Reporting
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Checked by:
SHS Teacher-in-Charge