Mechster 5310 (N) - 300: Commitment To Quality and Consistency
Mechster 5310 (N) - 300: Commitment To Quality and Consistency
Mechster 5310 (N) - 300: Commitment To Quality and Consistency
MECHSTERTM 5310(N)-300
(Epoxy Novolac based Vinyl Ester Resin)
Mechster designates a variety of unsaturated polyester Typical Properties of Cured MechsterTM 5310N-300
resins synthesized at Mechemco Industries. These resins are Unfilled Cast
specially engineered to meet the most diverse needs of Specific Gravity, @ 25oC 1.16
fibreglass reinforced plastic moulding industry. Our R & D is Tensile Strength, MPa 84
geared to tailor MechsterTM Resins for the customers' most Tensile Modulus, MPa 3550
specific end application. In fact we take pride in suitably Elongation at Break, % 3 to 4
formulating the resin to improve your production efficiency Flexural Strength, MPa 130
as also the field performance of the FRP product. Flexural Modulus, MPa 3750
Heat Deflection Temperature, oC 150
MechsterTM 5310(N)-300 - Epoxy Novolac based vinyl ester Barcol Hardness 40
resin, is designed to provide good mechanical properties at Volume Shrinkage (%) ~8
high temperatures. MechsterTM 5310(N)-300 offers very (Test methods : IS 6746-1972, ASTM and BS where IS
good resistance to solvents and chemicals, specially to acidic not available.)
oxidizing environments. This resin has excellent retention in Uses
mechanical properties at elevated temperatures MechsterTM 5310(N)-300 is suitable for all types of
MechsterTM 5310(N)-300 is designed to have : processing techniques, viz., Hand Lay-up, Spray-up,
• Light Color and extended shelf life Filament Winding, Compression Molding, RTM, Pultrusion
• Ease in processing – eliminating need of promoter as well as Vacuum Infusion Process. The
• Excellent wetting and adhesion to glass fibres equipment/components made with MechsterTM 5310(N)-300
• Excellent surface finish exhibit superior performance with the dynamic stresses,
• Good weatherability including cyclic temperature changes. Typical applications
• Increased fracture toughness include high temperature chlorination or caustic scrubbing,
• High heat deflection temperature fuel storage tanks, industrial waste treatment and solvent
• Lower Styrene Emissions extraction processes.
• Excellent resistance to solvents and oxidizing Storage
environments MechsterTM 5310(N)-300 should be stored in a cool and dry
Compared to conventionally available vinyl ester resins, place away from sunlight, preferably below 25oC. Under
MechsterTM 5310(N)-300 provides easier air release and these conditions, the shelf life is 3 months. The storage
faster wet out of reinforcement. Morevoer, its Controlled stability could be further improved by aerating the resin
curing characteristic allows to build up thicker laminates stored in barrels at an interval of about a fortnight.
without excessive exotherm. The laminates built with Handling and Precautions
MechsterTM 5310(N)-300 are resin rich and light in color, MechsterTM 5310(N)-300 has a flash point of 34oC and is
which assists not only in the inspection of during the classified as flammable. Containers should be kept in a cool
fabrication or the finished product but also for maintenance and ventilated place away from sunlight and sources of
during operation / use. ignition. "No Smoking" rules should be strictly enforced. In
Physical Properties case of fire, use dry chemical, foam, carbon dioxide or water
Appearance : Pale Yellow clear viscous liquid spray to extinguish the flame. Spillages may be absorbed
Specific Gravity @25oC : 1.07 ± 0.01 onto sand or earth and shoveled off and disposed according
Viscosity @ 25oC by to local disposal regulations.
Brookfield Viscometer, cps : 300 ± 50 Skin contact and vapor inhalation should be avoided during
Acid Value mg KOH/g :8±2 moulding because of the presence of styrene monomer. In
Volatile Content (w/w) % : 33 ± 2 case of irritation in the eye or skin, wash with copious
amount of water. In extreme case, seek immediate medical
Curing Behaviour
advice. The moulding area should be sufficiently ventilated
Geltime, minutes @ 30oC with
for reducing the vapour levels in the air while processing.
0.5 % v/w A1011 : 20 - 25
1.5 % v/w C1093 Our information regarding our products, equipments and processes is based on
extensive research and experience in the field of Applied Engineering and is provided
Peak Exotherm TemperatureoC : 190 as a general guidence in the application of our product. The user should verify the
suitability of our product for their end use. We do not warrent or assuem any liability
1 for the information provid
A101: Cobalt Octoate Solution in Styrene (1% Cobalt)
C109: MEKP (9% A. O.)
Office: 27, Kewal Industrial Estate, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013. INDIA
Tel: +91-22-2495 1799, 2492 2039, FAX: +91-22-2494 5907
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