Design and Simulation by Photovoltaic System With Tapped Topology
Design and Simulation by Photovoltaic System With Tapped Topology
Design and Simulation by Photovoltaic System With Tapped Topology
Abstract: The concept of AC Module is typically applied to transform DC in AC. As a novel solution, center tapped
topology is proposed for design of inverter into a Module Integrated Converter (MIC). Main contribution of converter with
tapped inductor topology is to generate a bigger AC voltage to output, depending on the duty cycle and turn ratio of tapped
inductor. The topology chose is convenient because is small, simple and cheap. To achieve a sinusoidal signal output the
inverter is controlled with Sine Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM). The novel converter proposed and its control system is
evaluated by means of the electronic simulator. The simulation results obtained is appreciated that the proposed converter
working in a photovoltaic system increases the voltage gain, increases the efficiency and reduced the harmonic distortion
with respect to traditional converters.
Traditionally, Photovoltaic systems (PV) installed around the world are grouped in on-grid and off-grid. The first
developed presented greater growth worldwide [1]. They are distinguished by the absence of a storage device, such as
battery. One of its main features is the possibility of improving the quality of service of the energy supplied by the electrical-
grid. There are three configurations of installation of PV systems that can to be connected to the electrical-grid, are: central
inverter, string inverter and multi-string inverter [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]. An improvement that is achieved in PV system
consists on the implementation of a PV module with a DC-AC converter small or Module Integrated Converter, MIC, the
union of this two is called "AC Module". The AC module easily connects to the electrical-grid under the operate mode of
plug and play. It is suitable for use in powers of 40 to 200W and supports multiple connections in domestic applications with
a maximum theoretical power of 2 kW [8]. Its advantages are: small size, modular and low cost. The main limitation of AC
module is that MIC power will be equal to the delivered power by the PV module. To improve the delivered power the
converter requires an element that elevates the voltage, such as: Low Frequency Transformer (LFT), High Frequency
Transformer (HFT) and Without Isolation (WI).
The MIC with a conventional inverter uses a LFT in order to obtain electrical isolation between the PV module and
the electrical-grid, as well as raise the low voltage supplied by the DC-AC converter (Fig.1). Its advantage is to have a
simple system and with the disadvantage that it is very heavy. This limits the system to reduce size and weight.
One solution to solve the problem of MIC with a heavy transformer is to use a DC-DC converter with a transformer smaller
operating at high frequency (Fig. 2). However, requires two different control circuits with switching processes and losses
higher due to the cascade connection of two power stages.
Another option for high performance is to remove the LFT or HFT (WI), with them the weight is reduced, the price
down, the size is smaller, the arrangement is simple and to obtain a 2% decrease in losses related to HFT [9] this topology is
recommended for power less than 1 kW (Fig. 3).
In [10] is presented a converter with the characteristics that must submit as: being small, light-weight and efficient,
its disadvantage is having a low voltage gain. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a DC-DC converter without isolation with
high gain, in order to generate voltage quality in the electrical-grid from a single PV Module (Mark, Conergy C1251P) [11],
with typical output voltage of 14V to 17V, so it is necessary to have a MIC with a large gain to inverter. To do this, it is
established that, it must have a minimum voltage to the inverter input of 180V. To obtain this high voltage is necessary to
have a converter with the ability to raise the voltage, and then you must have a maximum gain of 12.85 for a voltage of
14VDC and a minimum gain of 10.58 in the case of 17V DC. It should be mentioned that the maximum gains obtained in the
traditional conditioner without isolation converters reported do not cover the above needs [12-17].
The trend in PV conditioners consisting principally of a single stage, with range of efficiency from 87% to 93.26%,
range of switching frequency from 9.6 kHz to 70 kHz. Here are the three alternatives with the best performance gain by
inverter without isolation.
The first inverter analyzed was proposed by Cáceres et al. [12]. It consists of two DC-DC converters type boost,
operating in a complementary mode. However, it has the following disadvantages: low gain, all its transistors operate at
High Frequency with hard switching technique, the switching loss increases and the system is susceptible to generation
electromagnetic interference.
The second inverter analyzed was proposed by Kusakawa et al. [13], this converter operates with PWM signal and
hard switching technique and control on both sides: on one hand you have the DC-DC conversion and on the other hand the
inverter, it eliminates asymmetry problems. Furthermore, this inverter is appropriate for small power. Its disadvantage is
having a single inductor L to provide the energy for each half cycle of the output voltage; this increases the losses due to
The third inverter analyzed was proposed by Jain et al [14]. The converter has as function boost and inverts the
waveform of the input voltage. This converter operates with two transistors which operate at high frequency and two
transistors which operate at low frequency. Its reported efficiency is 87% due to losses in the inductors, works in
Discontinuous Conduction Mode operation (DCM) and has implemented tracking Maximum Power Point MPP [19].
According to Table 1, the idea development by Jain presents better characteristics as: its higher gain, fewer
components, lower inductance and capacitance and low switching frequency. Based on the reported characteristics by Jain,
this proposal is more viable for the purpose of study, which is connected to the electrical-grid a MIC-PV. However, its gain
of 3.6 is not adequate, requires a voltage conversion of 10.58 (minimum). The technique to use to obtain VAC is a
differential connection of the load across the outputs of two converters, Fig.5. Where the converter 1 will produces V1 and 1239 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-1238-1244 ISSN: 2249-6645
converter 2 will produces V2, the load voltage VO will be given by Vo= V1-V2. While V1 and V2 may both be individually
positive, the voltage across the load can be positive or negative. The converter 1 will operate the positive half cycle of the
AC signal and the converter 2 will operate in the negative half cycle.
Develop variants of Boost Buck (BB) converters modified and are classified according to the bypass element
connected as: Switch to Tap (ST), Diode to Tap (DT), and Rail to Tap (RT), see Fig 7.
The MIC selected consists of two DC-DC converters of the family TIST-BB, without isolation and with output
without grounded (Fig. 8). The conversion of DC-AC is carried through four MOSFET and two diodes. Where two
transistors work at Low Frequency (LF) and others two transistors work at High Frequency (HF) together alternately.
L1-p L2-p Lf
Converter- 1
Co Vo
SPWM-2 Converter- 2
L1-n | L2-n D-n
| LF- Low Frecuency
SW-1 HF- High Frecuency
The Table III shows the switching sequence of semiconductor devices for the positive cycle and negative cycle,
corresponding to Figure 8.
Table VI. Sequence of operation TI-ST BB.
Table III. Sequence of operation of TIST-BB
Fig. 10. Results obtained from the simulation by changing the modulation index (m a), Po = 50W and Vi= 14VDC: waveforms
left and right side of an extreme extension to 90 degrees.
The stress in the switching devices are large, with greater detail, a comparison is made between the magnitudes of
the results obtained using the simulator (Fig. 13 and 14). To quantify the efficiency, it is appreciated that there is a close to
linear performance, where the greater efficiency corresponds to the low output power and less efficiency for the high input
Fig. 11.Describes the performance efficiency against. Fig. 12. Shows the average efficiency versus PV voltage.
We make an analysis for different types of converters with applications in photovoltaic systems, this analysis allow
compare quantitatively and qualitatively between Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) and Discontinuous Conduction
Mode (DCM).
To verify the design methodology, we calculated a converter to the obtained design equations and evaluated in
simulation. The results obtained in the simulation are satisfactory; taking up the factor N determines the relationship between
the currents IL1 and IL2. In practice, the shunt inductor presents losses of two types: (1) in the copper losses and (2)
magnetic core losses. This causes the decrease of the efficiency of MIC in direct proportion to the voltage reduction in the
PV module. It confirms that an increase in index “m” cause an increase in the voltage and current, both to output, as in the
switching devices. It was possible to fulfill the objective of developing a MIC converter capable of raising the direct voltage 1243 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-1238-1244 ISSN: 2249-6645
input to an appropriate voltage in the mains. The design methodology allows obtain a prototype MIC with built simple,
compact and lightweight. We conclude that the proposed MIC can be implemented in micro networks, under the concept of
"AC Module"
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