Regulation M.E.W. R-1 (6th Edition 2014)
Regulation M.E.W. R-1 (6th Edition 2014)
Regulation M.E.W. R-1 (6th Edition 2014)
M.E.W. R-1
(1) Procedures for Approval of Electrical & A/C Drawings and connection
of power supply for construction and buildings projects. 1st Edition 1983 MEW R-2
(2) Electrical load form and explanatory memo. 2nd Edition 1983 MEW R-3
(4) General Guidelines for Energy Conservation in building. 2nd Edition 1983 MEW R-5
(5) Code of Practice for Energy Conservation measures in Kuwait building MEW R-6
and Appendices. 1st Edition 1983
(6) Rules and Regulations for design of A/C System and Equipment.
3rd Edition 1983 MEW R-7
(7) Rules and Regulations for handing over Engineering Services (Electrical
and Mechanical) to the Maintenance Authority. 2nd Edition 1983 MEW R-8
(8) General specification for electrical installations. 4th Edition 2014 MEW S -1
Preface to Sixth Edition
The Ministry of Electricity and Water has updated the fifth edition of
Regulations for Electrical Installations in the light of various comments
received and also to take into account of the publication of the new or
amended IEC, BS and IET Regulations after adapting them to Kuwaiti
conditions where necessary. It is the intention of the Ministry to re-examine
these regulations once every three months and if found necessary, to issue
amendment sheets. Engineers and others are therefore requested to contact
the Ministry of Electricity and Water, Consumers Electrical Installations
Department every three months and collect any amendment sheets that may
have been issued.
Likewise some other clauses and material of the present Regulations are
included from the 17th edition of IET Regulations by permission of the
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK, which retain the copy
This sixth edition of the regulation includes three new sections in it. One
section has been included to take into account the specific requirements for
electrical installations in special locations, like marina and similar locations
and medical locations. This is included in Section 11.
In addition, in this new edition, the installation methods of cables have been
updated in line with the 17th edition of IET Regulations and tables of
current carrying capacities for all copper cables and tables for all correction
factors have been fully revised. Also additional tables for current carrying
capacities for Aluminium cables have been included in the edition.
1 Scope 9
2 Definitions 10
4 Service intake 16
8 Electric motors, motor circuits and controllers 36
1105 Medical locations 45
Table 2.2 Correction factors for groups of more than three single core cables 56
Table 2.3 Correction factors for groups of more than one multi-core armoured 56
and non-armoured cables
Table 2.4 Correction factors for groups of more than one multi-core armoured 56
and non-armoured cables buried in ground
Table 2.5A Correction factors for ambient air temperatures other than 30 C
to be applied to current carrying capacity shown on various tables 56
Table 2.5B Correction factors for ambient ground temperatures other than 20 C
to be applied to current carrying capacity shown on various tables 57
Table 2.5C Correction factors for cables buried direct in the ground or in U/G
cable duct for soil thermal resistivities other than 2.5 K.m/W 57
Table 2.5D Correction factors for depths of laying other than 0.7 metre 57
Table 2.6A Single core PVC insulated cables, non-armoured, with or without 58
Sheath (Copper Conductors)
Table 2.7 A
Single core XLPE insulated cables, non-armoured, with or without
Sheath (Copper Conductors)
Table 2.7B Multi-core XLPE insulated PVC sheathed cables, non-armoured, 63
(Copper Conductors)
Table 2.8A Single core PVC insulated cables, non-armoured, with or without 66
Sheath (Copper Conductors)
Table 2.9A Single core XLPE insulated cables, non-armoured, with or without 70
Sheath (Aluminium Conductors)
Table 2.10 Current carrying capacity of single core and multi-core mineral
insulated copper cables at 40°C ambient temperature 74
Table 2.11 Current carrying capacity and mass supportable for flexible 75
copper cords insulated with silicone rubber
Table 3.1 Capacity of conduits for simultaneous drawing of single core PVC 76
insulated cables for a straight run up to 10 metres without bends
Table 3.2 Capacity of conduits for simultaneous drawing of single core PVC 76
insulated cables for a run up to 10 metres with one bend
Table 3.3 Capacity of conduits for simultaneous drawing of single core PVC 77
insulated cables for a run up to 10 metres with two bends
Table 3.5 T
bends, with one bend and with two bends
Table 3.6 Maximum number of single core PVC insulated cables in under 79
floor ducts of various sizes
101 These regulations are applicable to all electrical installations in buildings, structures and premises
in the State of Kuwait.
102 Compliance to these regulations is compulsory and electrical power supply shall not be made
available if these regulations are not met with in their entirety.
103 These regulations are not intended to be design or material specifications but are primarily related
to the requirements for electrical installations so as to ensure safety of persons and property from
hazards arising from the use of electricity.
NOTE - The Ministry of Electricity and Water publishes from time to time standard specifications for
electrical installation works. It is recommended that all consumers make reference to these
standard specifications and require compliance to them in their contract agreements with the
electrical contractors.
104 The regulations do not provide for all types of conditions but encompasses the general type of
installations generally encountered. Where difficult or special situations are met with which are not
covered or allowed for in these regulations, the services of the Ministry of Electricity and Water may be
sought to obtain the best solution.
105 Various explanatory notes are added to the different regulations. These notes are not part of the
regulations and have been included to give a convenient explanation of the regulations only.
106 Existing electrical installations executed in accordance with the previous regulations and already
connected to the electrical supply, shall be exempted from the additional safety requirements stated
107 These regulations are equally applicable for all electrical installations in caravans and pre-
fabricated buildings.
108 Where for construction purposes or otherwise a temporary supply is required, then the temporary
electrical installations shall fulfil as a minimum with all the safety requirements and shall be to the
approval of the Ministry of Electricity and Water in each case.
Accessory. A device other than current-using equipment associated with such equipment or with the wiring of an
Adaptor, Socket outlet. An accessory for insertion into a socket outlet and containing metal contacts to which
may be fitted one or more plugs for the purpose of connecting to the supply portable lighting fittings or current
using appliances.
Ambient temperature. The temperature of the air or other medium where the equipment is to be used.
Barrier. A part providing a defined degree of protection against contact with live parts, from any usual direction
of access.
Bunched. Cables are said to be bunched when two or more are contained within a single conduit, duct, ducting,
or trunking or, if not enclosed, are of separated from each other.
Busbar trunking system. A type-tested assembly, in the form of an enclosed conductor system comprising solid
conductors separated by insulating material. The assembly may consist of units such as:
– busbar trunking units, with or without tap-off facilities
– tap-off units where applicable
– phase-transposition, expansion, building-movement, flexible, end-feeder and adaptor units.
Cable coupler. A means enabling the connection, at will, of two flexible cables. It consists of a connector and a
Cable trunking. A closed enclosure normally of rectangular cross-section, of which one side is removable or
hinged, used for the protection of cables and for the accommodation of other electrical equipment.
Caravan. Any structure designed or adapted for human habitation which is capable of being moved from one
place to another.
Circuit breaker. A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying and breaking currents under normal
circuit conditions and also of making, carrying for a specified time, and breaking currents under specified
abnormal circuit conditions such as those of short circuit.
NOTE - A circuit breaker is usually intended to operate infrequently, although some types are
suitable for frequent operation.
Circuit conductor. A current carrying conductor forming part of a circuit or final circuit, but excluding the earth
continuity conductor.
Connector. A device intended for connection to a flexible cord or flexible cable which has protected current
carrying contact tubes similar to those of a socket outlet.
Consumer's installation. Wiring and apparatus situated upon the consumer's premises and controlled or/and
installed by him, excluding any switchgear of the supply undertaking.
Consumer's terminals. The point in the consumer's installation at which the incoming supply of energy is
delivered to that installation.
Current-carrying capacity of a conductor. The maximum current which can be carried by a conductor under
specified conditions without its steady state temperature exceeding a specified value.
Damp and Dust-proof. Applied to apparatus and accessories to denote that the live and other component parts
are protected by an enclosure or enclosures being so protected and/or fitted as to prevent the ready ingress of dust
and/or moisture.
Damp situation. A situation in which moisture is either permanently present or intermittently present to such an
extent as to be likely to impair the effectiveness of an installation conforming to the requirements for ordinary
Danger. Danger to health or danger to life or limb from shock, burn, or injury from mechanical movement to
persons (and livestock where present), or from fire, attendant upon the use of electrical energy.
Distribution board. An assemblage of parts including one or more fuses or circuit-breakers, arranged for the
distribution of electrical energy to final circuits or to other distribution boards.
Duct. A closed passage-way formed underground or in a structure and intended to receive one or more cables
which may be drawn in.
Earth-continuity conductor.
The conductor including any clamp, connecting to the consumer's earthing
terminal, those parts of an installation which are required to be earthed. It may be in whole or in part the metal
conduit, trunking, or duct, or the metal sheath and /or armouring of a cable, or the special earth continuity
conductor of a cable or flexible cord incorporating such a conductor.
Earth electrode. A metal rod or rods, or other conducting object, providing an effectual connection with the
general mass of the earth.
Earthing lead. The final conductor by which the connection to the earth electrode, or other means of earthing, is
Electrode boiler (or electrode water heater). Equipment for the electrical heating of water or electrolyte by the
passage of an electric current between electrodes immersed in the water or electrolyte.
Electric discharge lamp. An electric lamp comprising a hermetically sealed bulb or tube containing gas and/or
metal intended to be vaporized during operation and fitted with electrodes between which a discharge of
electricity takes place, the useful light being emitted either by the discharge through the gas or vapour or by the
fluorescence of translucent coating which may be on the inner surface of the outer tube or bulb.
Emergency switching. Rapid cutting off of electrical energy to remove any hazard to persons, livestock, or
property which may occur unexpectedly.
Enclosure. A part providing an appropriate degree of protection of equipment against certain external
influences and a defined degree of protection against contact with live parts from any direction.
Excess current protection. Excess current protection which will operate within four hours at 1.45 times the
designed load current of the circuit which it protects.
Final circuit. An outgoing circuit connected to a distribution board or otherwise and intended to supply
electrical energy to current using apparatus either directly or through socket-outlets or fused spur boxes.
Fuse element. A part of a fuse designed to melt when the fuse operates.
Fuse link. A part of a fuse, including the fuse element(s), which requires replacement by a new fuse link after
the fuse has operated and before the fuse is put back into service.
Isolator. A mechanical device capable of opening or closing a circuit under conditions of no load or
negligible current.
Live. In relation to a conductor means that under working conditions and a difference of voltage exists
between the conductor and earth.
Neutral conductor. The neutral conductor of a three phase 4-wire system, the conductor of a single phase
installation which is earthed by the M.E.W.
Occupancy single. A single occupancy building is one which is normally occupied by one consumer only and
is provided with one kilo-watt-hour meter at each intake.
NOTE- Buildings and premises which have only one kilo-watt-hour meter but are occupied by
Different tenants will not be considered as a single occupancy.
EXCEPTION- Residential, hotels and other similar resorts will be considered as single occupancy
buildings with one or more kilo-watt-hour meters to the same consumer.
Occupancy-multi. A multi-occupancy building is one which is occupied by more than one tenant and is
provided with one or more kilo-watt-hour meters.
Phase conductor. A conductor of an a.c. system for the transmission of electrical energy, other than a neutral
Plug. A device, provided with contact pins, which is intended to be attached to a flexible cable, and which can
be engaged with a socket outlet or with a connector.
Point (in wiring). A termination of the fixed wiring intended for the connection of current-using equipment.
Portable equipment. Equipment which is moved while in operation or which can easily be moved from one
place to another while connected to the supply.
Ring circuit. A final circuit arranged in the form of a ring and connected to a single point of supply.
Socket outlet. A device, provided with female contacts, which is intended to be installed with the fixed
wiring, and intended to receive a plug.
Space factor. The ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the sum of the overall cross-sectional areas of cables
(including insulation and any sheath) to the internal cross-sectional area of the conduit or other cable enclosure in
which they are installed. The effective over-all cross-sectional area of a non-circular cable is taken as that of a
circle of diameter equal to the major axis of the cable.
Stationary equipment. Equipment which is either fixed, or equipment having a mass exceeding 18 kg and not
provided with a carrying handle.
Switch. A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying and breaking current under normal circuit
conditions, which may include specified operating overload conditions, and also of carrying for a specified time
currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions such as those of short circuit.
NOTE- A switch may also be capable of making, but not breaking, short circuit currents.
Switch, linked. A switch the contacts of which are so arranged as to make or break all poles
simultaneously or in a definite sequence.
Switchboard. An assembly of switchgear with or without instruments, but the term does not apply to a group of
local switches in a final circuit.
Switchgear. An assembly of main and auxiliary switching apparatus for operation, regulation, protection or other
control of electrical installations.
Voltage nominal. Voltage by which an installation (or part of an installation) is designated. The following ranges
of nominal voltage (r.m.s. values for a.c.) are defined:
Extra low - Normally not exceeding 50 V a.c. whether between conductors or to Earth.
Low - Normally exceeding extra-low voltage but not exceeding 1000V a.c. between
conductors, or 600V a.c. between conductors and Earth.
NOTE - The actual voltage of the installation may differ from the nominal value by a quantity within
normal tolerances.
301 All electrical equipment, accessories and fittings employed in electrical installations shall be fully suitable
for use in the extreme climatic conditions of Kuwait having the following salient features:-
Periods of high humidity are common and a relative humidity of 100% at 30°C has been recorded. Violent sand
storms are common and even on comparatively still days fine dust is carried in suspension in the air.
302 In buildings of substantial construction, all electrical equipment and cables shall be rated for
continuous operation at the maximum and the minimum ambient temperatures encountered in Kuwait.
303 All electrical equipment, accessories and fittings shall be designed and manufactured to operate
Voltage T
continuously in the electricity supply system having the following characteristics:-
NOTE - Where it can be established that the fault level is lower than 31 MVA, electrical
switchgear and accessories with a lower interrupting capacity may be employed subject
to the prior approval of the Ministry of Electricity and Water.
304 All electrical wiring shall be so installed that when completed the system will be free from short circuits
and earth faults.
305 Devices intended to break current shall have a breaking capacity sufficient for the voltage employed and for
the current that must be interrupted.
306 All electrical equipment shall be firmly secured to the surface on which it is mounted. Wooden plugs driven
into holes in masonry, concrete, plaster or similar materials shall not be used.
307 All electrical equipment, accessories and fittings exposed to weather, corrosive atmosphere or other adverse
conditions shall be so constructed or protected as may be necessary to prevent danger arising from such exposure.
308 Where electrical equipment, accessories, fittings and cables are likely to be exposed to flammable
surroundings or an explosive atmosphere, it shall be protected by a flame-proof enclosure or be otherwise so
designed and constructed as to prevent danger. Cables with improved fire-resisting characteristics shall be used for
such installations.
309 All electrical equipment, accessories, fittings and cables shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike
manner so as to facilitate its easy operation, inspection and maintenance.
310 All materials used in electrical installation shall be of good quality and shall comply as a minimum with the
latest relevant recommendations of the International Electro-Technical Commission (l.E.C.) and If this is not
available to the latest relevant British Standard Specifications (B.S.S.). Materials of other national standards may
also be employed provided they are comparable with IEC/BSS.
311 No addition, temporary or permanent, shall be made to the authorized load of an existing installation,
unless it has been ascertained that the current rating and the condition of any existing conductors and equipment
which will have to carry the additional load are adequate for the increased loading and that the earthing
arrangements are also adequate.
NOTES - l. Any additions to existing installations shall only be executed after approval of drawings by
the Ministry of Electricity and Water.
2. The Ministry of Electricity and Water reserves the full right to disconnect the electrical
supply to any consumer who has carried out unauthorized addition or extension to the
originally approved electrical installation.
313 All electrical installation works, new and/or a additions shall only be carried out by licensed electrical
supervisors or approved electrical contractors, as authorized by the Ministry of Electricity and Water from time to
314 All electrical equipment including fractional H.P. motors, window A/C units, fluorescent light fittings, etc.,
shall be so selected that the over-all power factor is not less than the following:
P. P. F.
Fluorescent and discharge light fittings 0.90
Window type A/C units 0.85
Refrigerators 0.85
401 A building or premises shall normally be provided with only one service intake by the Ministry of Electricity
and Water.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Where the total connected load requirements are in excess of 200 KVA and the prior
approval of the Ministry of Electricity and Water has been obtained, two or more
service intakes may be permitted. In all such cases the electrical installations shall
be so designed and arranged that each supply caters to a distinct and separate part of
the building.
2. A second service intake may also be allowed for a building to serve an electrically
operated fire pump provided the local Fire Authorities have approved the
installation of such a pump without requiring its connection to an alternate source
of emergency power.
402 The Ministry of Electricity and Water shall normally provide a three phase and neutral service and the
consumers electrical installations shall be arranged for connection to the three phases. In special situations where
the total connected load is less than 10 KVA, the Ministry of Electricity and Water may provide a single phase and
neutral service.
403 Where the total connected load requirements of any building is in excess of 400 KVA the consumer may be
required to provide within his own premises and at an approved location adequate space for the installation of an
electrical sub-station.
404 The sub-station shall comprise of an 11KV switchboard and one or more 11/0.433KV transformers, all of
which will be provided by the Ministry of Electricity and Water. The low tension switchboard controlling the
electrical installations of the building or premises shall be supplied by the consumer in case the sub-station is purely
to cater to the load of his premises. This low tension switch board shall be installed in a room adjacent to the sub-
station. All civil works, ventilation and fire protection within the sub-station shall be to the requirements and
approval of the Ministry of Electricity and Water.
405 The electrical installations in every building shall be adequately controlled by switchgear located adjacent to
the service intake and which is readily accessible to the consumer. The switchgear shall form an integral part of the
low tension switchboard of the building and shall be completely enclosed in metal or approved insulating material.
This switchgear shall incorporate means of isolation, means of excess current protection and means of earth leakage
NOTES - 1. For reasons of selectivity, means of earth leakage protection may be sub divided and
provided on the various outgoing feeders from the switchgear. In this event earth leakage
protection on the incoming switchgear may be omitted.
2. The switchgear shall not be installed in store, kitchen, bathroom/toilets, above sinks and
below staircase having less than 2 metres of vertical distance between floor and the
406 In single occupancy buildings, the switchgear detailed in Clause 405 shall also be the consumers main means
of isolation and provision for installing the MEW‟s service cabinet or cable cut-out and Kilo-watt-hour-meter shall
be allowed immediately preceding the switchgear. The service cabinet shall be installed on the outside of the front
boundary wall of the premises.
NOTE - The Kilo-watt-hour-meter may be integrated into the low tension switchboard of the building.
407 In multi-occupancy buildings, the switchgear detailed in Clause 405 shall be considered only as a means of
isolating the electricity supply from the entire building in the event of an emergency and separate means of isolating
the electrical supply of each individual consumer shall be provided. Such means of isolation shall incorporate
separate means of excess current and earth leakage protection and shall be located at a position which is fully under
the control of the consumer.
NOTES - 1. In multi-occupancy buildings proper selection of both excess current and earth leakage protection is
essential in order to ensure discrimination in the operation of these protective devices.
409 Adequate space shall be provided adjacent to the consumer's switchgear to install Ministry of Electricity and
Water's cable cut-out and cable. The overall dimensions of Ministry of Electricity and Water's standard cable cut-
outs and the minimum distance between the bottom of the cut-out and the floor level shall be as indicated below.
The cable entry duct shall be laid at a depth of 750 mm below ground level and terminated immediately below the
space demarcated for the cut-out in a manhole of ample dimensions.
Size of
Cut-out Height Width Depth Minimum distance between
Amp mm mm mm bottom of cut-out and floor mm
410 The means of isolation shall be by a load break switch or circuit breaker arranged to disconnect all the live
conductors only and equipped with an isolating link on the neutral conductor.
411 The excess current protection shall be either by means of fuses or over-current releases fitted in each live
conductor. The rating of the excess current and isolation devices shall be determined in accordance with the total
connected load.
NOTE - Section 5 of these regulations deals in detail with excess current protection which shall be
complied with fully.
412 The earth leakage protection shall be by means of an appropriate earth leakage circuit breaker or by means of
an earth leakage relay operating the shunt trip of the circuit breaker. The earth leakage protection shall disconnect
the electricity supply to the building or to sections of the building in the event of any danger from earth leakage
413 The installation of automatic earth leakage protection as set out in clause 412 does not exclude the necessity
of bonding all non-current carrying metal to the earthing system or for the necessity of providing sufficient and
adequate earth electrodes.
NOTE - Section 6 of these regulations deals in detail with earthing and earth leakage protection which
shall be complied with fully.
414 The means of isolation, excess current and earth leakage protection may all be combined into one component
415 In multi-occupancy buildings, the Kilo-watt-hour meters for all consumers shall preferably be installed
adjacent to the service intake.
NOTES - 1. Kilo-watt-hour meters shall not be installed within the consumer's premises or at locations
which don‟t have ready access to Ministry's meter reader. All kilo-watt-hour meters shall be
installed prior to the consumers means of isolation.
2. Where a number of kilo-watt-hour meters are grouped together at one place, they shall be
Housed inside a suitable and neatly manufactured and installed cabinet with hinged doors
(not lockable) so as to conceal all wiring connections.
416 In multi-occupancy buildings the feeders from the service intake position to the individual consumer's
switchgear shall always be installed in separate conduits and no conduit shall contain the feeders to more than one
EXCEPTION: Where bus bar trunking is employed for load distribution to different floors of multi-
occupancy buildings, then the feeders from the floor distribution boards to the individual
consumers switchgear shall comply with the above requirements.
417 Sufficient and adequate working space shall be provided in the vicinity of the service intake and associated
switchgear to permit safe operation, inspection and repairs. Unless the service intake and switchgear are located in
a separate room, access to which is available at all times, it shall be properly enclosed to prevent entry by
unauthorized persons.
418 Adequate illumination shall be provided in the vicinity of the service intake and switchgear. In multi-
occupancy buildings or other public premises self-contained emergency lights capable of providing illumination
for a period of 3 hours from a battery sources shall be provided. Such emergency lights shall be switched on
automatically in the event of failure of supply. Alternatively, lights connected to a maintained/emergency source
with automatic change over in the event of failure of normal supply shall be provided.
NOTE - In single occupancy buildings the installation of emergency lights as described above is
501 Every conductor in an installation, other than an earthed conductor or those exempted under clause 504 shall
be protected against excess current by a fuse or circuit-breaker fitted at the origin of a circuit of which the
conductor forms a part.
502 The current rating of every fuse employed for the above purpose shall not exceed the current rating of the
conductor to be protected.
503 The current rating of every circuit breaker employed for the purpose of affording excess current Protection
shall be such that it will operate when subjected to a sustained excess of 1.45 times the rating of The conductor to
be protected.
(a) Circuits in which the omission of excess current protection is necessary to prevent danger, e.g. shunt trip
circuit of a circuit breaker.
(b) Auxiliary circuits of apparatus contained entirely within the enclosure of the apparatus.
505 All fuses employed within the electrical installations shall be H.R.C. Cartridge fuses. Rewireable fuses shall
not be employed.
506 The rating of the excess current protective device indicated in clauses 502 and 503 above applies to the
phase conductor only and in a 3 phase, 4 wire installation, having a reduced neutral conductor, the excess current
protective device need not be related to the rating of the neutral conductor.
507 Where floor distribution boards are connected by means of tap off units from adjacent bus bar trunking
the excess current protection may located at the load end and not at the origin of the circuit provided that both are
located in the same room.
508 Each excess current protective device shall be fully suitable for withstanding the maximum short circuit
current attainable at that location.
509 The selection and ratings of excess current protective devices throughout an installation shall be so arranged
that proper discrimination is ensured during operation of these excess current protective devices.
601 Every consumer, who is provided with a separate service intake by the Ministry of Electricity and Water,
shall provide an adequate earth electrode immediately adjacent to the service intake. The earth electrode shall be
housed in an approved handhole which shall be fitted with a heavy duty inspection cover. The earth electrode shall
comprise of a copper clad rod of 16 mm. diameter driven to a minimum depth of 3 metres. The radial copper
coating shall be minimum 250 microns with 99.9% copper content. The top of the electrode shall be provided with
a corrosion resistant terminal connection. The connection of the earthing lead to the earth electrode shall be
soundly made and electrically and mechanically satisfactory and suitably labeled.
602 The overall resistance between any point on the earth installation and the general mass of the earth shall be
less than 2.0 ohms.
NOTE - In order to achieve the above value in areas of high soil resistivity It may be necessary to install
more than one earth electrode.
603 Every consumer's electrical installation shall be provided with an earthing terminal which shall be located
adjacent to the consumers supply intake and within his boundaries. Throughout the consumers electrical
installation, an earth continuity conductor of adequate size and coloured green/yellow shall be provided and
connected to the earthing terminal. The cross sectional area of copper earth continuity conductors shall be in
accordance with the appropriate table in Section 15. In mechanical plant rooms and other similar locations flat
copper tape may be employed in place of stranded conductors.
604 The earthing terminal of every socket outlet shall be connected to the earth continuity conductor of the final
circuit. Where the earth continuity conductor is formed by conduit or trunking, the earthing terminal of each
socket outlet shall be connected by a conductor of adequate size to an earthing terminal incorporated in the
associated box or other enclosure.
605 At every lighting point an earth terminal shall be provided and connected to the earth continuity conductor
of the final circuit. An earth terminal, connected to the earth continuity conductor of the final circuit, shall be
provided at every lighting switch position unless this takes the form of an earthed metal box having a means of
fixing the switch plate in reliable electrical contact with the box.
606 Where wiring is enclosed in a continuous system of metallic conduit or trunking, such conduit or trunking
may be employed as an earth continuity conductor provided all joints are electrically sound and the specified earth
continuity resistances can be obtained and maintained. The steel armouring of cables may also be employed as a
near the continuity conductor provided the specified earth continuity resistances can be obtained and maintained.
607 Where steel conduit, trunking and/or cable sheath, armouring, form a part or whole of the earth continuity
conductor, the resistance of any point in the earth continuity system to the main earth electrode shall not exceed
0.5 ohms including the connection to the main earth electrode. Where the earth continuity conductor is composed
entirely of copper then they said resistance shall not exceed 1ohm.
608 All metal work of wiring systems (other than current carrying parts) including cable sheaths and armour,
conduits, ducts, trunking and boxes shall be connected to the appropriate earth continuity conductors. The
exposed metal work of all domestic apparatus and equipment like window air conditioning units, washing
machines, refrigerators and the like shall also be connected to appropriate earth continuity conductors. The
exposed metal work of motors, starters and other non-domestic equipment like package and central air
conditioning units, air handling equipment, laundry, lift machinery and the like, shall also be effectively connected
to a main earth continuity conductor which is directly connected at both ends to earth electrodes. The connection
from each piece of equipment to the main earth continuity conductor shall be by separate branch earth continuity
conductors of adequate sizes and in accordance with the appropriate table in Section 15. Branch earth continuity
conductors shall be connected to main earth continuity conductors by permanently soldered, fusion welded or
mechanically clamped joints that will not be accidentally or unwittingly broken. The series method of earthing one
piece of apparatus to another shall not be permitted except in the case of socket outlets connected to a ring circuit
and lighting points.
609 The consumers earthing terminal mentioned in clause 603 shall be connected by an earthing lead of
appropriate size to the earth electrode located adjacent to the service intake. The main earthing lead from the
consumer earthing terminal to the earth electrode shall not be run through steel or other conduit or duct of magnetic
material, but shall be protected from damage by suitable sheathing which shall not completely encircle the earth
conductor, if the sheathing is of steel or other magnetic materials. No earthing lead run separately shall be smaller
than 6 The size of earthing leads shall be in accordance with the appropriate table in Section. 15.
610 Every consumer's installation shall in addition to the foregoing be equipped with earth leakage protection
by one or more current operated earth leakage circuit breakers to afford the protection stipulated in Clause
611 to 613.
611 The following degree of protection against earth leakage shall be provided throughout the electrical
EXCEPTION: 1. Where an immediate disconnection of the electricity supply will cause difficulties to
consummers, the M.E.W. may permit omission of earth leakage circuit breakers
provided in each case a separate approval is obtained and the portion of the installation
so exempted is provided with an audio-visual alarm indicator.
2. For motors driving fire pumps, the provision of current operated earth leakage
circuit breakers will not be permitted and an audio-visual alarm indicator shall be
3. For motors over 15 H.P. earth leakage protection shall be provided individually for
each motor and a common earth leakage protection for a group of motors will not be
612 In multi-occupancy buildings and other similar locations the operation of any current operated earth leakage
circuit breaker shall not interrupt the electricity supply from any other consumer in the same premises.
613 The neutral conductor shall not be earthed anywhere within the consumers premises.
614 Throughout the low voltage electrical installation the earthing system shall be separated and divorced
from the earthing system of 11 KV or higher voltage systems.
700--1 Every cable for use as fixed wiring shall be selected from one of the following types:
i) 600/1000 Volts multi-core PVC insulated and PVC sheathed armoured and unarmoured cables.
ii) 600/1000 Volts multi-core XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed armoured and unarmoured cables.
iii) 600/1000 Volts multi-core silicone rubber insulted hard grade PVC sheath bonded to coated
aluminium foil cable with fire resistance and fire retardant properties.
iv) 600/1000 Volts single core PVC insulated and PVC sheathed armoured and unarmoured cables.
v) 600/1000 Volts single core XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed armoured and unarmoured cables.
vi) 600/1000 Volts and single core PVC or XLPE insulated and non-magnetic armoured cables.
vii) 600 Volts Mineral insulated cables.
450/750 Volts single core PVC insulated and sheathed cables.
450/750 Volts single core PVC insulated cables.
x) 450/750 Volts twin core and earth PVC insulated and sheathed cables.
xi) Other cables subject to the approval of M.E.W .
All cables except (i), (ii), (iv) and (v) shall have conductors of plain annealed copper. Cables (i), (ii), (iv) and (v)
may have conductors of aluminium or plain annealed copper. The PVC insulation employed shall be suitable for
the site conditions.
700--2 The maximum permissible drop in voltage from the consumer's terminals (Service Intake) to any
point in his installation shall not exceed 2.5% of the nominal voltage when the conductors are carrying full load
current (6 volts for single phase and 10 volts for 3 phase systems). When a project is having its own electrical
distribution substation, the maximum permissible drop in voltage from the substation to any point in the
installation shall not exceed 5% of the nominal voltage when the conductors are carrying full load current.
700--3 Sizes of single core and multi-core cables shall be such that current carried by them shall not exceed
those shown in the appropriate tables in Section 15.
700--4 Cables shall not generally be connected in parallel except where for a particular loading, a single cable is
insufficient and it is not practicable to employ bus bar trunking. In such situations single core or multi-core
cables may be connected in parallel provided that the cables are of the same type, size and length to ensure
proper division of the current.
(a) Single core, PVC insulated, non-armoured cables used for wiring shall be identified by the
following colours:
Phase Red
Neutral Black
Earth Green/Yellow
(b) The conductors of multi-core PVC insulated armoured and non-armoured cables shall be identified by the
following colours:
(c) All wires or conductors of cables connected to the neutral of the supply shall have "BLACK" outer layer of
insulation and shall not be used as phase conductor. Similarly, Green/Yellow coloured wires or conductors
of cables shall be used as "EARTH" conductor only.
700--6 All conductors and cables shall be adequately protected against any risk of mechanical damage to which
they may be liable in normal conditions of service.
700--7 Cables shall not be run in a lift shaft unless they form a part of the lift installation. Cables of lift
installations other than travelling cables in such a shaft shall be protected from mechanical damage and shall be
armoured or mineral insulated cables or enclosed in metal conduits.
700--8 The different cables specified in Clause 700 -1 shall be installed in the manner indicated below:
(a) Multi-core and single core PVC or XLPE insulated, armoured and PVC sheathed cables may be directly
buried in the ground, laid in trenches and trays or drawn through ducts.
The maximum current carried by any cable will depend upon the worst conditions of installation.
(b) Multi-core and single core PVC or XLPE insulated, non-armoured and PVC sheathed cables may be
installed in cable trays and in trenches or fixed to the walls by cleats.
These cables shall only be installed at locations where they will not be damaged.
(c) Single core PVC insulated cables shall only be run in conduits or in trunking.
(d) Twin core and earth PVC insulated and PVC sheathed cables may be run on wooden battens fixed to the
walls or may be installed within metallic partitions provided always that they are not liable to damage.
(e) Mineral insulated cables may be installed at locations where flame-proof installations are necessary or at
NOTE - The ends of mineral insulated metal sheathed cables shall be protected from moisture by being suitably
sealed and the insulation shall be thoroughly dry before the sealing material is applied. Such sealing
material, and any material used to insulate the conductors where they emerge from the insulation
shall have adequate insulating and moisture-proofing properties, and shall retain these properties
throughout the range of temperatures to which the cable is subject in service.
(f) Multi-core silicone rubber insulated PVC sheath bonded to coated aluminium foil cable with fire
resistant and retardant properties may be employed where flame proof installations are necessary, or at
locations of high temperature or for emergency and fire alarms circuits and elsewhere as required.
(g) Single core PVC or XLPE insulated and non-magnetic armoured cables may be installed in cable trays,
trenches and ducts or fitted to the walls by cleats. At all locations they shall be protected from
mechanical damage.
(h) Single core PVC insulated and sheathed cables may be installed in cable trays.
705--1 No size smaller than 16/0.20mm (0.50 mm²) shall be used. Size of flexible cords and cables shall be such
that the current normally carried by them shall not exceed the values shown in the appropriate table in Section 15.
705--2 Where apparatus requires to be earthed, flexible with earth core shall be used.
705--3 Flexible cords and cables shall be so connected to plugs or ceiling roses, etc., that the Brown or Black
sheathed conductor is connected to the phase, the Blue sheathed conductor to the neutral and the Green/Yellow
conductor to the earth .
705--4 Flexible cables and cords shall be so connected to portable or fixed apparatus, standard lamps, etc., that
the green/yellow conductor is connected to the frame of the apparatus and any single pole switches are so connected
that they break the phase conductor to the apparatus.
705--5 In all situations where flexible cables and cords are exposed to the risk of mechanical damage, they shall
as a minimum be of a type sheathed with rubber or PVC and where necessary shall also be armoured.
705--6 Where flexible cables and cords are normally exposed to the risk of damage due to high
temperatures, they shall be insulated with silicone rubber or other approved insulating materials.
705--7 Connections of flexible cords and cables to terminals of apparatus and accessories shall be made in a similar
manner to those of cables.
705--8 The current carrying capacities of flexible cables and cords and the maximum weight that they may carry
shall not exceed the values given in the appropriate table in Section 12.
705--9 All flexible cables and cords shall have the following identifications:
(a) Two core Brown Phase
Blue Neutral
705--10 Flexible cables and cords shall be used only for the following purposes:
(a) as pendants
NOTE - In other special situations flexible cables may be employed after the prior approval of the M. E. W .
705--11 Flexible cables and cords shall not be used as a substitute for the fixed wiring.
710-- 1 Joints shall be avoided in conductors of all sizes wherever possible, and in final circuits feeding two or
more lights, switches, sockets and/or other accessories, the loop-in system of wiring shall be employed.
710-- 2 Where joints are essential, they shall be housed in purpose made boxes and/or otherwise readily accessible
for inspection throughout the life of the installation. Under no circumstances shall joints be drawn into conduits or
positioned in the thickness of walls, ceiling or floor, etc., or behind plaster, tile or panel finishes, etc.
710--3 Joints in cable conductors shall be mechanically and electrically sound and shall be made by
soldering, brazing, welding or mechanical clamps or be of the compression type. All mechanical clamps and
compression type sockets shall securely retain all the wires of the conductors.
710-4 Every joint in a cable shall be provided with insulation not less effective than that of the cable cores and
shall be protected against moisture and against mechanical damage. Soldering fluxes which remain acidic or
corrosive at the completion of the soldering operation shall not be used.
710-5 Joints in earth continuity conductors, earth leads, etc., shall be made in a similar manner to those in current
carrying conductors.
710-7 All terminations of cable conductors shall be mechanically and electrically sound and every termination
shall be made by means of a terminal, soldering socket or compression type of socket. The termination
arrangement shall contain and anchor all the wires of the conductor and shall not impose any serious mechanical
strain on the terminal or socket.
710-8 At all terminations of cables, the insulation shall be neatly stripped without nicking the strands of the
conductor. The conductor shall be tightly twisted and doubled backed (where space is available in the terminal)
before being clamped with pinching screws. Where two or more cables are looped into the same terminal, their
conductors shall be tightly twisted together before being inserted into the terminal. In no case shall bare
conductor be allowed to project beyond any insulated shrouding or mounting of a live terminal.
710-9 At all terminations of wires and cables, sweating sockets or cable lugs shall be used unless adequate
pinching screw terminals or clamps are provided and their use approved by the Engineer. In all such cases, the
cable ends shall be tinned solid. Such lugs and sockets shall be connected in a manner that they are and will remain
both mechanically and electrically sound and efficient. Only acid-free soldering fluxes shall be used. Any
insulation and/or protective covering on the cables damaged by heat of the soldering shall be replaced by
suitable and approved insulating sleeves.
715-1 Where conductors or bunches of conductors are protected by metallic sheathing, installed in metalic
conduits. trunking or ducts, the conductors of all phases and neutral, associated with any one circuit, shall be
included in the same sheath, conduit, trunking or duct.
715-2 Where conductors pass through the metallic case of any switch fuse, distribution board or other apparatus,
or through any structural steel of any building, etc., all phase conductors and the neutral associated with any
circuit shall pass through the same hole or aperture.
715-3 The dividing of the conductors of any circuit in such a manner that they induce magnetic fluxes or
electrical currents in their sheathing or adjacent or surrounding metal of any sort shall not be permitted.
715-4 Where 240 volt loads are fed from a three phase and neutral distribution board no multi-gang s witch or
socket outlet box shall contain the wiring fed from more than one phase.
715-5 Not more than three lighting circuit or two socket circuits shall be bunched in the same conduit.
715-6 Where circuits are bunched proceeding from the distribution board and have separated they shall not be
brought back again into any common conduit.
715-7 Circuits fed from distinct sources of supply from different distribution boards or through separate isolators
shall not be bunched in one conduit.
720-1 The use of rigid metallic conduits shall be permitted for general electrical installation provided that it is
from heavy gauge steel and hot-dip galvanized inside and outside. Black enameled steel conduits shall not be used
for electrical installations. All metallic conduits shall be screwed type.
720-2 The metallic conduit and its accessories shall form a continuous metallic sheath of adequate strength
surrounding the cables throughout the length of the conduit.
720-3 Metallic conduits shall not be run under floor tiles of buildings.
720-4 The bores of all conduits shall be smooth and free from projections and/or sharp edges which may injure
the wires or prevent them being drawn in. The internal edges of the ends of all lengths of conduit shall be radiused
or chamfered before assembling into position.
720-5 All runs of conduit shall be assembled complete with all necessary accessories and the whole firmly
attached to the structure of the building before any wires are drawn in. All wires shall be drawn through the
covers of inspection and other fittings installed for the purpose.
720-6 All threads, vice marks, tool marks and breaks in the protective coating on metallic conduit and/or
conduit fittings shall be painted with a steel preserving paint immediately after erection.
720-7 No run of conduit shall exceed 10 meters between adjacent draw-in points. nor shall contain more than two
right angle bends, set or other deviation from the straight line.
720-8 Inspection couplings or long through draw-in boxes shall be used where necessary in straight runs of
conduits for drawn-in purposes and shall be placed so that cables can be inspected and if necessary
withdrawn throughout the life of installation.
720-9 Where conduit and/or conduit fittings are attached to switches, distribution boards, boxes or other
equipment, smooth bore male brass bushes and flanged couplings shall be used.
720-10 Circular or hexagonal heavy locknuts shall be used at all positions where running joints are
required and great care shall be taken to see that they seat firmly and evenly into mating faces of couplings or
720-11 Where exposed to water. rain or weather, all covers shall be arranged or fitted with machined joints
and/or fitted with durable gaskets such that water cannot get inside.
720-12 All runs of conduits shall be truly vertical or horizontal except where the architectural features of the
building demand otherwise.
720-13 Except where provision is made for fastening a box or other conduit fitting directly to the structure
of the building and such fastening is made, conduit shall be saddled to the structure of the building within 15 ems.
of each terminal box, angle box, bend or other conduit fitting and at intervals not greater than 1.5 m. Couplings
and through type drawing boxes shall be counted as part of a straight run of conduit.
720-14 All boxes, bends and other accessories shall be of the same material as the conduit and shall have the
same protective coatings. Grey cast iron boxes etc. may be used with metallic conduit, but shall be finished in
the same manner as the conduit to which they are directly attached.
720-15 The number of single core PVC insulated non-sheathed cables run in metallic conduit shall be such as to
permit easy drawing of the cables. The actual number of cables drawn into any conduit shall not be greater than the
number given in the appropriate table in Section 15. Where different sizes of cables are drawn into a conduit, the
number and sizes of cables installed shall be selected in accordance with the method detailed in Section 12.
720-16 Metallic conduits system need not be provided with a separate insulated earth wire and the conduit
itself may be considered as the earthing system provided all joints shall be made mechanically and electrically
720-17 The minimum size of metallic conduit that may be used in electrical installations shall be 16 mm
diameter. Other sizes of conduits shall be limited to the following diameters:
20 mm, 25 mm, 32 mm, 38 mm and 50 mm.
725-1 Rigid non-metallic conduits may be employed in general electrical installations provided it is made
from polyvinyl chloride or equivalent material that has been certified as suitable for use at ambient
temperatures up to 55°C. Additionally the material shall not soften or suffer any structural degradation at a
temperature of 85°C, shall be non-hygroscopic, and self-extinguishing type.
NOTE - Rigid non-metallic conduits shall not be used at locations where they will be subjected to
mechanical damage.
725-2 The inside and outside surfaces of non-metallic conduits shall be smooth and free from burrs and similar
defects. The interior and ends of conduit fittings shall have no sharp edges and corners, shall be smooth and
well rounded to permit easy drawing in of cable and prevent any damages to cable insulation.
725-3 The entries of non-metallic conduit fittings shall be so designed that a reliable water tight joint can be
made between the conduit and fittings. Vinyl cement shall be used to make all joints. A vinyl solvent shall be
used for permanent joints and a cement of the type that shall continue to remain in a sticky condition shall be
used for expansion couplers.
725-4 Rigid non-metallic conduits shall be so constructed that it will be possible to bend the conduit easily
with the aid of bending spring and all conduits and conduit fittings shall be of the unthreaded type.
725-5 The minimum size of rigid non-metallic conduit used for general electrical installation shall be
16mm diameter. Other sizes of rigid non-metallic conduits shall be of the following diameters:
20mm, 25mm, 32mm, 38mm, and 50mm.
725-6 The number of single core PVC insulated non-sheathed cables run in one conduit shall be such that it
permits easy drawing of the cables. The actual number of cables drawn into any conduit shall not be greater
than the number given in the appropriate table in Section 15. Where different sizes of cables are drawn into a
conduit, the number and sizes of cables installed shall be selected in accordance with the method detailed in
Section 12.
NOTE- Where a number of cables are bunched in one conduit, the current carrying capacity of the cables shall
be reduced by using the stipulated grouping factor. For full details refer to Section 15.
725-7 A separate insulated earth wire shall be drawn into all rigid non-metallic conduits.
725-8 Rigid non-metallic conduits shall be installed generally in accordance with the requirements set out for
metallic conduits. Additionally the method of supporting rigid non-metallic conduit shall allow for the
longitudinal expansion and contraction of the conduits.
725-9 Where a lighting fitting is suspended from a non-metallic conduit box, care shall be taken to ensure
that the temperature of the box does not exceed the permitted safe temperature of the material and is fitted with
screwed metal insert clips. The mass suspended from the box shall not exceed 2 kgs.
730- 1 Cable trays may be employed in warehouses and other industrial buildings for supporting cables. In
residential and commercial buildings cable trays may be employed in mechanical equipment and plant rooms.
Where service floors or similar facilities are available cable trays may be employed at other locations in
commercial and residential buildings also.
730-2 Cable tray system shall comprise of a unit or assembly of units or sections, and associated fittings,
made of metal or other non-combustible materials forming a rigid structural system. Cable tray systems
include ladders, troughs, channels and solid bottom trays.
730-3 Multi-core armoured or non-armoured cables may be supported by cable trays. Single core insulated
and sheathed cables may also be installed in cable trays.
730-4 Cable trays shall not be used in lift shafts or at locations where they will be subjected to severe physical
730-5 Cable trays shall have adequate strength and rigidity to provide satisfactory support for the cables
contained within it. All sharp edges, burrs and projections shall be removed and the tray shall be finishedsmooth
to prevent injury to cables.
730-6 Metallic cable trays shall be adequately protected against corrosion by galvanizing or shall be made of
corrosion resistant material.
730-7 Non-metallic cable trays shall be made from polyvinyl chloride or equivalent and shall be fully suitable
for continuous service in the climatic conditions of Kuwait.
NOTE - PVC used in cable trays shall comply with the requirements of Clause 725.
730-8 All cable trays shall be equipped with sides of adequate dimensions. All fittings, bends, tees, employed
shall be of substantial sections and of the same quality as the trash itself.
730-9 Cable trays shall be installed as complete system with bends and other accessories. Each run of cable
tray shall be completed before the installation of cables.
730-10 Adequate supports shall be provided to prevent stress on cables where they enter or leave the tray.
Where cable trays extend transversely though partitions and walls additional protection in the form of non-
combustible covers shall be used.
730-11 Sufficient space shall be provided and maintained around cable trays to permit adequate access for
installing and maintaining the cables.
730-12 The number of multi-core cables that may be installed in a ventilated or solid bottom cable tray shall
not be greater than the number given in the appropriate table in Section 15.
NOTE- Where a number of cables are installed in a cable tray the current carrying capacity of the cables shall
be reduced by using the stipulated grouping factor. For full details, refer to Section 12
730-13 Metallic cable trays shall not be used as an earth continuity conductor.
735-1 Cable trunking may be employed for housing single core cables at special locations where it is difficult
to install conduits. They may be of metallic or non-metallic construction. Non-metallic cable trunking shall be
constructed from non-combustible insulating material like polyvinyl-chloride which shall be fully suitable for
use in the climatic conditions and shall comply with the requirements of Clause 725. Metallic cable trunking
shall be adequately protected against corrosion by galvanizing or shall be made of corrosion resistant material or
stove enameled. All cable trunking shall be provided with removable covers.
735-2 Cable trunking shall generally be run exposed and the trunking shall be completely erected before
drawing in the cables. Where adequate means of access is readily available throughout its length, cable trunking
may be concealed.
735-3 Every entry to trunking shall be so placed as to prevent the ingress of water and all dead ends shall be
closed. Only unbroken lengths of trunking shall be employed for crossing partitions and walls.
735-4 Where a common cable trunking is employed for housing both power and communication circuits, or for
housing circuits operating at different voltages, the trunking shall be provided with separate compartments for
the different types of circuits.
735-5 Cable trunking shall be manufactured from substantial sections to provide adequate strength and rigidity.
All sharp edges, burrs and other projections shall be removed and the trunking finished smooth to prevent injury
to cables.
735-6 All bends, tees and other accessories of cable trunking shall be of substantial sections and of the same
quality as the trunking itself.
735-7 Cable trunking shall be securely supported every metre, when run exposed.
735-8 The number of single core cables that may be housed in a trunking shall be such that a space factor of 45
percent is not exceeded or shall be selected in accordance with the method detailed in Section 15.
NOTE- Where a number of cables are bunched in a trunking the current carrying capacity of the cables shall
be reduced by using the stipulated grouping factor, for full details, refer to Section 15.
735-9 Metallic trunking need not be provided with a separate insulated earth wire and the trunking itself may
be considered as the earthing system provided all joints shall be made mechanically and electrically continuous.
The different sections of the trunking shall be bonded by copper links.
735-10 Non-metallic trunking shall be provided with an insulated earth wire for each circuit.
740-1 Flexible conduits may be employed for connecting electric motors and other equipment subject to
adjustment of position and vibration to the fixed wiring and at similar positions.
740-2 Flexible conduits may be of the metallic or non-metallic type. Metallic flexible conduits shall not be
used as the sole means of providing earth continuity and in both types of flexible conduit a separate earth
continuity conductor of appropriate size shall be provided.
740-3 In damp and wet locations all flexible conduits shall be of the type that prevent the ingress of water and
740-4 Flexible conduits shall only be run exposed and shall be so positioned that they are not susceptible to
mechanical damage. Where necessary flexible conduits shall be adequately supported.
745-1 Bus bar trunking may be employed as horizontal feeders from main switch board to sub main switch
boards and as risers to the different floor distribution boards. The bus bars shall be totally enclosed in metallic
housing of substantial construction and of adequate strength to withstand the electro- mechanical forces that may
be induced by the prospective short circuit current.
745-2 All bus bar trunking shall be so designed and arranged that they are free to expand and contract without
detriment to themselves or to adjacent parts of the installation. All dead ends of bus bar trunking shall be closed.
Fire barriers shall be provided at each floor level.
745-3 All bus bar trunking shall be surface mounted and so installed that they are inaccessible to unauthorized
persons. They shall be securely supported and only unbroken lengths shall be permitted at floor crossings. Bus
bar trunking shall not be installed in lift shafts.
745-4 No branch connections shall be permitted except through tap off units. Tap off units shall incorporate the
required excess current protective devices.
NOTE- Clause 507 allows omission of excess current protection if floor distribution board is in the same room.
745-5 All bus bars employed in bus bar trunking shall be of high conductivity copper supported on adequately
rated and sized insulators.
750-1 Each final circuit shall be connected to a separate way of a distribution board, a consumer service unit
or a splitter switch.
750-2 The wiring of each final circuit shall be electrically separate from that of every other final circuit and
each circuit shall be provided with its own separate neutral.
EXCEPTION: In ware-houses, factories, workshops, hangars and other larger areas where it is desirable to
Connect adjacent lights to different phase of the supply, it is permissible to employ
a three-phase and neutral circuit comprising of 4-wires as a final circuit provided the circuit
is controlled by a triple pole breaker in the distribution board.
750-3 Final circuit having a rating exceeding 15/16 amperes shall not supply more than one point.
EXCEPTION: 1. 13 ampere socket outlets connected to a radial or a ring circuit as per Clause 750.10 and
2. Two or more 30/32 ampere socket outlets feeding portable x-ray or welding equipment
etc. may be connected to one final circuit and protected by a maximum 30/32 ampere
fuse or circuit breaker provided it is ascertained that the maximum load on the circuit
will not exceed 30/32 amperes and the circuit wiring is rated as minimum for this
3. Two or more 60/63 ampere socket outlets feeding portable x-ray or welding equipment,
etc. may be connected to one final circuit and protected by a maximum 60/63 ampere fuse
or circuit breaker provided it is confirmed that the maximum demand on the circuit will
not exceed 60/63 amperes and the circuit wiring is rated as minimum for this rating.
750-4 No cable with a conductor smaller than 1.5 mm 2 shall be used as a final circuit.
750-5 A 1.5 mm 2 cable may be employed as a final circuit for supplying lighting points and protected by a
fuse or circuit breaker of 10 amps rating provided the circuit loading is limited to 2000 VA.
NOTE- Circuits for discharge lamps including fluorescent lamps shall be designed to carry the total
steady current viz., that of the lamp and any associated control gear and also their harmonic
current. Where more exact information is not available, the demand in volt-amperes may be
taken for the purpose of this regulation as the rated lamp watts multiplied by not less than 1.8.
This multiplier is based on the assumption that the circuit is corrected to a power factor of
0.851agging as required per Clause 313 and also takes into account control gear losses and
harmonic current.
750-6 Cables with conductors of 2.5 mm² or greater may also be employed for supplying lighting points
where large distances or high wattage fittings are involved.
750-7 Two socket outlets of 13 amps rating may be connected to a single phase and neutral circuit wired
with 2.5mm² cable, protected by a fuse or circuit breaker of rating not exceeding 15/16 amps.
750-8 One socket outlet of 15/16 amps rating may be connected to a single phase and neutral circuit
wired with 2.5 mm² cable, protected by a fuse or circuit breaker not exceeding 15/16 amps.
750-9 Six socket outlets of 13 amps rating may be connected to a single phase and neutral circuit wired
with 2.5 mm² cable, protected by a fuse or circuit breaker of rating not exceeding 15/16 amps, serving one
room only of less than 50 sq. metres floor area which is not a kitchen, provided that no fixed water heater or
window air conditioning unit shall be connected to any of those points.
750-10 Six socket outlets of 13 amps. rating may be connected to a single phase and neutral circuit wired
with 4 mm² cable, protected by a circuit breaker of rating not exceeding 25 amps, provided that the total
connected load of the circuit does not exceed 5 KVA and the floor space is less than 75 sq. metres. Such a
circuit shall not include for more than one window air conditioning unit or one water heater.
750-11 Ten socket outlets of 13 amps rating may be connected to a single phase and neutral ring circuit
subject to the following provisions:
2. The circuit shall consist of a ring of 2.5mm² cable looped from one socket to the next throughout
circuit and from the last socket back to the distribution board. Except in the case of sockets
connected on a spur as indicated in sub-clause 5, not more than two conductors shall be connected
into one terminal of any socket. No joints shall be permitted in any box housing a socket.
3. The circuit shall be protected by a fuse or circuit breaker of rating not exceeding 30/32 Amps.
4. The circuit shall not feed more than one window type air conditioning unit or one water heater.
5. Ring circuit shall not be used where there is any likelihood of the total connected load of the
exceeding 7 KVA.
7. T
In special situations not more than two sockets may be connected as a spur from the ring.
750-13 Where two socket outlets are housed in one common box, this will be considered as one outlet only
for purposes of interpreting sub-clauses 750.7 to 750.11 both inclusive.
750-14 All single phase socket outlets in any one room shall normally be connected to the same phase of
the supply. In larger rooms and other areas, socket outlets may be connected to different phases of the
supply provided always that the outlets connected to any one phase are grouped together and no two socket
outlets connected to different phases of the supply are less than 2 metres apart.
EXCEPTION: Where an under-floor ducting system is employed the minimum distance between
any two outlets connected to different phases of the supply may be further reduced
to 1.2 metres.
750-15 Fixed window type air conditioning units connected to a ring circuit shall be connected to the
circuit only by means of a socket and plug. Other fixed equipment like water heaters, connected to a ring
circuit shall be connected to the circuit only by means of a switch fuse or circuit breaker of 15/16 Amps
rating. The number affixed equipment that may be connected to one ring circuit shall be in accordance with
Clause 750.ll.(3).
750-16 A shaver outlet provided with a double wound isolating transformer may be connected to a
lighting circuit.
750-17 For all other final circuits the size of cable employed shall be suitable for the load connected and no
diversity shall be allowed. Section 15 provides a detailed method of selecting circuit sizes and the excess
current protective device to be employed, which shall be adhered to for all circuits.
755-1 All local switches shall be of adequate capacity. For outdoor use switches shall be water-tight and
metal-clad. Switches not designed to break an inductive load of its full rated capacity if used to control
discharge lighting circuits shall have a current rating of not less than twice the total steady current which it is
required to carry.
755-2 Normally all local switches shall be mounted with the dollies between 1.0 m and 1.5 m above the
finished floor level. Where several switches are mounted in two or more horizontal rows, the lowest row
shall have dollies at least 1.0 m above the finished floor level. Unless prevented by the swing of the door, all
switches shall be mounted inside the room on the side of the door where the catch or lock is situated the
nearest switches being approximately 15 ems. from the door frame. The switch nearest the door shall
control one or more of the principal lights of the room. In large rooms where group of switches are
employed the switching arrangement shall be carried out in a symmetrical manner.
755-3 In kitchens and other situations excepting bath rooms, where water is regularly used, no switch shall
be mounted within two metres of any tap, basin, sink or metal drainage board if the switch is of the non-
insulated type.
755-4 In bath rooms all switches shall be of the ceiling mounted cord operated type if located inside.
Otherwise, switches shall be located in an accessible position outside the bath room and immediately
adjacent to the door.
755-5 All one way switches both single and double pole shall be so mounted that the dolly is up when the
switch is in the "OFF' position. All single pole switches shall be so connected that they control the phase lead
to the light or other consuming device.
760-1 Socket outlets shall be of the 13 Amps, 3 pin flat pin type or 15/16 amps., 3 pin round pin type with
shuttered line sockets. The earth contacts of each socket shall be effectively connected to the earth continuity
conductor and the phase and neutral shall be connected to the correct sockets. When viewed from the front in
its final mounted position, earth socket shall be at the top, the neutral socket shall be below to the left and the
760-2 No socket outlet shall be mounted in any bath room except for shaver socket outlet.
760-3 No socket outlet shall be mounted within two metres of any tap sink, basin in any kitchen,
cloakroom, etc., without the special approval of the Engineer in each case. Except where otherwise
specified, all socket outlets shall be mounted 30 m above the floor or work bench where apparatus
specified will be used. Socket outlets shall not be mounted at locations where they are liable to come into
physical contact with fabrics or other material that may catch fire due to transmission of heat.
760-4 Socket outlets and plugs for use on more than one phase shall include a pin or other approved
contact for the earth continuity connection which shall make contact before and break contact after all the
phase connections and the neutral connection where such is fitted. Where a pin for the neutral conductor is
fitted it shall make contact not later than and break contact not earlier than all the pins for the phase
conductors. The design of the socket and plug shall be such that the plug cannot be inserted in such a manner
that the neutral and any phase conductors become wrongly connected to the supply.
760-5 All socket outlets and plugs larger than 15/16 amps rating shall be combined with switch so
interlocked with the plug that the plug cannot be withdrawn or inserted with the switch in the' ON' position.
765-1 Junction boxes shall be complete with a terminal block suitable for connecting upto 10mm², 3core
copper conductor cables and an all-insulated moulded cover plate. The cover plate shall permit easy
connection of outgoing cable.
765-2 Fused spur-box shall be unswitched type equipped with fuse base and carrier and 13 amps. fuse
link fully shrouded to permit safe replacement of fuse. The terminals shall accommodate 3 core, 4 mm²
copper conductor cables.
770-1 All lamp-holders shall preferably be of the all-insulated pattern and if not separately and firmly
attached to a bracket, conduit or block shall have a substantial cord grip with the flexible wire so connected
that no pull due to the weight of the holder, lamp shade or fitting or pull on the flexible can be transmitted to
the connections of the conductors to the terminals.
770-2 All batten, back-plate or thread mounted lamp holder shall be free from edges or other projections
which might damage the wiring.
770-3 In bath room, kitchen and other places where water is regularly used, no lamp holder within 2.5
metres of the floor shall be within 2 metres of any taps, pipes, bath, basin or sink, unless it and the lamp are
totally enclosed in a fitting of all insulated construction and the lamp-holder is of the heavy duty porcelain
type. Such fitting shall not be of the type which is suspended by the flexible cord, but shall be permanently
mounted on the wall or otherwise supported independently of the current carrying conductors.
770-4 All lamp-holders of the screw cap lamps shall be so connected that the contact formed by the screw
cap is connected to the neutral conductor.
For four plate: Two+ Loop-in+ Earth (Phase, Loop-in, Neutral and Earth)
The terminals shall be clearly marked for identification by letters stamped or cast into material of which the
ceiling rose is made.
775-2 Ceiling roses shall be securely fixed to the structure of the building and shall not hang on or strain
any wires feeding them. Flexibles shall be securely anchored so that no pull from them can be transmitted to
the conductor connections.
775-3 Where flexible cables supplying water heaters or other fixed apparatus are too large to be
connected by a ceiling rose, a suitable heavy duty junction box may be used instead. In all cases the flexible
cable shall be so arranged and secured that any pull on the cable shall be transmitted directly to the structure
of the box and not to any current carrying or earth continuity connections.
780-1 Where conduits are run on the surface of walls of the building, all branch switches, sockets, ceiling
roses, etc., shall be mounted on purpose made galvanized, P.V.C. or equivalent boxes specially designed for
surface installation. All such boxes shall be securely fixed to the structure of the building in such a manner
that they cannot rotate or rock throughout the life of the installation.
780-2 Where conduits are run buried in walls of the building, all branch switches, sockets, ceiling roses,
etc., shall be housed in purpose made galvanized, PVC or equivalent boxes and all switch plates, socket
plates and accessories shall be installed flush with the plaster.
785-1 All switches and isolators shall be of the load break type, of adequate size and robust
construction. They shall be completely enclosed in a heavy gauge rust-proofed sheet steel or all insulated
housing with the cover interlocked with the operating handle in such a manner that the cover cannot be
opened whilst the switch is in the „ON‟ position.
785-2 Double pole switches shall break phase and neutral conductors simultaneously. Switches con- trolling
more than one phase shall not break the neutral conductor but shall break all phases simultaneously.
EXCEPTION: 4-Pole c.o.e.l.c.b‟s used as isolators in distribution boards may break the neutral
conductor also.
785-3 Where fuses are also incorporated within the same housing as the switch, the fuses shall be so
connected that the fuses are not alive when the switch is in the 'OFF position. No fuse shall be inserted in the
neutral conductor.
785-4 No switch shall be mounted in such a position that it can be touched by any person at the same time
as any water taps, basins, sinks, metal drainage boards etc. The minimum clearance from any of the above
plumbing fitting shall be two metres. Switches shall not be installed in any room containing a bath or shower.
790-1 Distribution boards shall be housed in purpose made heavy guage, rust-proofed sheet' steel housing.
The distribution boards shall be so installed that its top does not exceed 185 cms from finished floor level.
Alternatively they may be housed in non-metallic enclosures provided the material employed is fully suitable
for use in the climatic conditions and has the required insulation level.
790-2 Distribution boards having fuses or circuit breakers in the phase lead only shall not be controlled by
any other switch having a fuse or circuit breaker in the neutral lead.
790-3 Each distribution board shall have a circuit schedule pasted or otherwise permanently fixed inside the
cover or adjacent to the board stating what each way controls and the size or rating of the fuse or circuit
breakers to be used. All such schedules shall be in both Arabic and English.
790-4 Where multi-phase circuits are connected to a distribution board, the corresponding fuse or
circuit breaker in each phase shall control the same circuit.
790-5 Each phase of every distribution board shall have an adequate busbar of high conductivity
electrolytic copper to distribute the electricity to the various circuit fuses or circuit breaker. Such busbar shall
be provided with an adequate terminal or clamp to take the incoming main conductor.
795-1 The installation of under floor ducts shall be permitted beneath the surface of concrete or other
flooring material.
795-2 Under floor ducts shall not be installed at locations which are regularly washed or where they are
subject to corrosive vapours. In hazardous locations under floor ducts shall not be employed.
795-3 Unless adequate protection against corrosion is provided, metal under floor ducts, junction boxes and
fittings shall not be installed in concrete. Metallic and non-metallic under floor ducts shall be of substantial
795-4 All under floor ducts shall be laid in straight lines and junction boxes shall be installed at all changes
in direction. All junction boxes shall be levelled to the floor. Dead ends of all ducts shall be closed.
795-5 Under floor ducts shall be provided with tap off position for outlets at regular spacing.
795-6 Throughout the under floor duct system joints in conductors shall not be employed.
795-7 The combined cross sectional area of all conductors installed within the duct shall not exceed 40
percent of the interior cross sectional area of the duct or the duct size shall be selected in accordance with the
method detailed in Section 15.
795-8 Where under floor ducts serve more than one service as telephones, intercoms, etc. in addition to
socket outlets, multi-sectioned ducts shall be provided and each service shall be housed in a separate duct.
Outlet boxes serving different services and installed within the same box shall be provided with suitable
801 All motors shall generally be totally enclosed, fan-cooled. Other types of enclosures may be
employed provided that they are suitable for the particular application.
802 All motors, control gears and all ancillary apparatus (e.g. remote push buttons, pressure, float or limit
switches, interlocks, relays, etc.) shall be of robust construction and shall have all windings, contacts and all
current carrying live parts and components insulated with Class 'E' or "B' materials. For certain
applications and locations other superior classes of insulating materials may be applicable, and each
situation shall be carefully studied in order to ensure that the temperature rise of the motor as declared by
the manufacturer + ambient temperature is at least 10°C below the maximum operating temperature of the
Insulating material used.
2: In all cases where the motors depend totally on the outside air for cooling whether
by natural ventilation or by mechanical ventilation of the motor room, the entering
cooling air temperature shall be taken as not less than 48'C for the purpose of
Calculating the amount of ventilating air.
803 Motors and their control gears shall be located so that adequate ventilation is provided and so that
inspection and maintenance can be readily accomplished.
804 If any motor is to be located out of doors, such motor shall be protected from overheating by the sun
with a canopy of approved design.
805 Motors below 1 H.P. may be connected to single phase supply. Under special conditions to be approved
by M.E.W for each individual case, motors upto 5 H.P. may be connected to single phase supply. No motor
higher than 5 H.P. shall be connected to single phase.
EXCEPTION: The Air-conditioning units approved by the Ministry with motors for 3-phase supply
but of rating 5HP or less shall be connected to three phase supply.
806 Self-contained air conditioning units upto 2.5 KW may be connected to a single phase supply.
807 Motors up to 150 H.P. may be connected to the 415 volts supply system. Where a consumer proposes
to use motors of higher capacity, he should contact the M.E.W. to obtain the approval of such supply before
purchasing any motor or appliance. If power supply at voltages higher than 415 volts are required. M.E. W.
can only supply 11000 volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz.
808 3-Phase motors up to and including15 H.P. may be started direct on line (D.O.L.). Motors above
15 H.P. shall be provided with equipment to ensure that starting current does not exceed 2.5 time the full load
current. For larger motors, method of starting and voltage dips must be discussed with and approved by
M.E.W. in each case before the motors are connected to power supply.
809 All motors over 1H.P. shall be provided with starters which have means for automatically
disconnecting them from the electric supply in the event of:
EXCEPTION: For motors driving fire pumps, the above protections may be omitted. Where no volt releases
are fitted to such motors they shall be of the automatic resetting type.
810 Each motor over 1 H.P. shall be provided with means of isolation suitably placed and so connected that
all voltage may be cut off from the motor and all apparatus including any automatic circuit breaker used
there with, If this means of isolation is remote from a motor, an additional means of isolation adjacent to the
motor shall be installed. This means of isolation may be an isolator or "stop-lock" button.
811 Where a group of motors function as one unit, means shall be provided in the control system, to prevent
the simultaneous starting of all motors at one and the same time. Where this is not possible for any reason
whatsoever, then the method of starting shall be approved by the M.E.W.
812 Starters shall be provided with over load relays of the thermal type with automatic compensation for
variation in ambient temperature between 0°C and 55°C.
813 All starters and push buttons shall be clearly labeled in Arabic and English stating the machines they
control and the function of the various buttons.
STOP push buttons shall have large mush room heads and/or colored bright red.
START push buttons shall be shrouded to prevent accidental operation and must be colored green.
814 All motors, single phase and three phase, shall have a power factor according to clause 314 at full load.
Final circuit conductor sizes for motors shall be selected in accordance with the method indicated in Section 15.
815 All motors shall be suitably earthed in accordance with the requirements set out in Section 6.
900-1 All domestic appliances such as electric kettles, toasters, mixers, refrigerators, freezers, washing
machines, etc., shall be adequately rated for the correct electrical supply conditions.
900-2 All domestic appliances shall be provided with a totally enclosed and fully shrouded terminal box
which shall include a substantial earth terminal.
900-3 All domestic appliances shall be connected to the electrical supply by means of plugs and sockets or
by means of junction boxes and isolators depending upon the location of the appliances.
900-4 Flexible cables employed for the purposes of connecting domestic appliances shall be fully suitable
for the purpose, of sample rating and provided with an earth conductor. All flexible cables shall being
accordance with Clause 705 of this regulation.
900-5 All domestic appliances shall in addition to excess current protection be provided with automatic earth
leakage protection that will trip the circuit in the event of a leakage current in excess of 30 milli amperes.
900-6 The non-current carrying metal work of all domestic appliances shall be securely connected to the
earthing system.
905-1 Electric storage type water heaters shall generally be either of the vented type and open to the
atmosphere so that under no condition of use can the pressure at the surface of the water be other than
atmospheric or of the cistern type in which the feed cistern is an integral part of the appliance or a separate part
located immediately above the water heater. Where the cistern is separate the water heater shall be provided
with event so arranged that any expanded water can return to the cistern. All water heaters shall be provided
with thermostats to control and prevent dangerous rise in temperature.
NOTES: 1. Storage type water heaters are recommended when an elevated water tank is available at normal location
on roof and the vent pipe can be easily installed.
3. Cistern type of water heathers are recommended when a high level tank is provided and vent pipes
Cannot be easily installed.
905-2 Pressure type storage water heaters may be installed in particular locations where the vented type or
cistern type water heaters are not practicable. Pressure type water heaters shall be provided with adequate
safety devices in order to ensure that any pressure buildup within the heater which is in excess of the safe
working pressure of the heater is immediately and effectively released. All pressure type water heaters shall in
addition to safety valves and control thermostat shall also be fitted with high limit safety thermostat to cut off
the power supply in case of the control thermostat does not function.
905-3 Storage water heaters upto3 KW may be connected to the single phase and neutral supply. Storage
water heaters over 3 KW shall be suitable for connection to the three phases.
905-4 All storage water heaters shall be connected to the earthing system in accordance with Section 6 and
shall additionally be protected by a current operate dearth leakage circuit breaker having a trip rating not
exceeding 30 milliamps.
905-5 Electrode boilers having two or more electrodes may be employed in large premises, hospitals,
industries, etc. The electrical supply to electrode boilers shall be controlled by a circuit breaker of the multi
pole linked type and arranged to disconnect the supply from all electrodes simultaneously. The circuit breaker
shall also be provided with excess current protection in each conductor feeding an electrode.
905-6 The earthing of the electrode boiler shall comply with the requirements of section 6. Additionally all
armouring of cables, if any, shall also be connected to the shell of the boiler. The circuit feeding the boiler
shall be provided with a current operated earth leakage circuit breaker having a trip rating of 300/500
NOTES: l . Where in some special cases it is also required to connect the neutral conductor to the shell of the
boiler, the Ministry of Electricity &Water's prior approval shall be obtained before effecting such a
connection .
2 . In special situations w here a 300/500 milliamp trip rating will cause nuisance tripping a higher trip
current may be permitted, but this should be approved by M.E.W .
905-7 Where an electrode boiler is to be connected to a supply exceeding low voltage, then the method of
connection shall be submitted to MEW for their prior approval.
910-1 All elevators, and escalators shall be provided with a separate means of isolating the entire
electrical supply to the equipment.
910-2 On single and multicar installations where a separate power is used for signals or lights or any other
equipment common to the group, a separate means of isolating the electrical supply to such devices shall be
910-3 Where interconnections between control panels are necessary for operation of the system on
multicar installations that remain energized from a source o t h e r than the isolating means. a warning sign
shall be mounted on or adjacent roth isolating means. The sign shall e clearly legible and shall read
"Warning- Parts of the control panel are not de-energized by this switch".
910-4 All isolators shall be located in a readily accessible location. Where practicable the isolators shall be
located adjacent to the door of the machine room or enclosure .
910-5 Electrical elevators driven by poly phase alternating current machine motors shall be provided with a
means to prevent starting of the elevator motor when: (I) the phase rotation is in the wrong direction. or (2)
there is a failure in any phase.
910-6 Elevator, escalator driving machines. motor-generator sets, controllers, a military control
equipment and isolators shall be installed in a room or enclosure set aside for that purpose. The room or
enclosure shall be secured against unauthorized access.
910-7 Sufficient clear working space shall be provided around control panels to provide safe and
convenient access to all live parts of the equipment necessary for maintenance and adjustment.
910-8 In public buildings and other premises it is recommended that a Fireman's break glass type switch or
similar device be installed to override all operating controls and bring all the elevators to the ground floor
during an emergency .
910-9 Adequate illumination shall be provided in the vicinity of the lift machinery room . Self-contained
emergency lights Capable of providing illumination for a period of 3 hours from a battery source shall be
provided, such emergency lights shall be automatically charged and shall be switched on automatically in the
event of failure of supply. Alternatively, lights connected to a maintained/emergency source with automatic
change over in the event of failure of normal supply shall be provided.
915-1 All circuits feeding underwater lights shall be so designed and installed so that they ensure full safety
for personnel.
915-2 All underwater lighting circuits shall operate at voltage not exceeding 36 volts.
EXCEPTION: ln large decorative fountains, where adequate fencing and guarding is provided to ensure that only
competent persons can come in contact with the pool the normal system voltage may be
915-3 Lighting fixtures and all other equipment employed in the pool shall be of approved manufacture and
tested to ensure complete safety in operation.
915-4 All circuits feeding pool lights shall be protected by a current operated earth leakage circuit breaker
having a trip rating of 10 milliamps. Also other equipment associated with the underwater lights viz. pumps
etc., shall be protected by a current operated earth leakage circuit breaker having a trip rating of 300/500
915-5 All electrical equipment, lighting fittings, transformers and accessories shall be connected securely to
the earthing system.
915-6 All metallic parts of the pool structure, including the reinforcing steel, all forming shells, all metal
fittings within or attached to the pool structure and all metal parts of electric equipment shall be bonded
1000--1 Emergency systems shall generally be provided in places of assembly where artificial illumination is
required like buildings subject to occupancy by large number of people, hotels, theatres, multi-storey
buildings, sports arenas, hospitals and similar premises and in all such premises adequate illumination shall be
provided from the emergency system to safely evacuate personnel. All stairways, landings, exits and similar
locations shall be provided with emergency lighting. This system shall also be capable of providing power to
essential services and equipment in hospitals, refrigeration plants, in bulk cold stores, air conditioning systems
in operating theatres, lifts, fire alarm systems, fire pumps, industrial processes equipment where an interruption
of the normal supply would produce serious hazards, and for all other similar function.
1000--2 The emergency system shall have adequate capacity and rating for the emergency operation of all
equipment connected to the system.
1000--3 The emergency system shall be so designed and constructed that in the event of failure of the
normal supply to or within the building, emergency lighting and emergency power where such is required, will
be immediately available.
1000--4 The type of emergency system adopted shall depend upon the nature of the occupancy and the load
and one of the following systems may be provided:
(a) Storage Battery:
A storage battery of suitable rating and capacity along with inverters etc. to supply and maintain at
not less than 90 percent of the system voltage the total load of the circuits supplying emergency
lighting and emergency power for a minimum period of l.5 hours. The system shall be complete with
automatic battery charging means.
A generator set driven by a prime mover of suitable rating and capacity to supply and maintain at
system voltage the total load of the circuits supplying emergency lighting and emergency power.
Means shall be provided for automatically starting the prime mover on failure of the normal supply.
Automatic means shall also be provided for transferring from the normal supply to the emergency
supply those loads necessary during emergency. For hospitals, the transition time from the instant of
failure of the normal supply to the emergency supply shall not exceed 10 seconds.
NOTE - MEW's approval shall be obtained for the type of automatic transfer from normal to
emergency supply.
Individual unit equipment for emergency illumination shall comprise of a rechargeable battery, a
battery charging means, lighting fixture and are laying device arranged to energize the lamps
automatically upon failure of normal supply. The batteries shall be of suitable rating and capacity to
supply and maintain at not less than 90 percent of the normal battery voltage, the total lamp load for
a period of at least 1.5 hours.
1000--5 Prime movers associated with generator sets shall be provided with a non-site fuel supply sufficient
to operate the prime mover for at least 3 hours.
1000--6 All circuit wiring for emergency systems shall be kept entirely independent of all other wiring and
equipment and shall not enter the same trunking or tray as normal wiring except in transfer switches, exit or
emergency light fixtures, or where the wiring is common for both systems.
1005--1 In addition to the emergency systems due consideration shall also be given in the selection and
rating of such systems to afford standby power also to non-emergency system during a failure of normal
1005--2 For stand-by systems a manual or automatic change over from normal supply to standby supply
shall be provided.
NOTES - 1. Under no circumstances shall there be any possibility to back feed from the generator set
to the main network.
2. MEWs approval shall be obtained for the type of change over system adopted from
normal supply to emergency or stand-by supply.
1010--1 The applications for the uninterruptible power supply systems should include but are not limited to
computer systems, process control, communications, testing, medical installations.
1010--2 The UPS systems should meet the load requirements and the UPS installation should be carried out
in accordance with this regulation and relevant standards, and job specification and/or manufacturer‟s
1010--3 If the mains supply is supported by the power generator sets, the UPS system shall be so designed to
interface and operate with the power generators to maintain an uninterruptible power supply in case of mains
1010--4 A static change over switch shall be provided for UPS to supply power to the load. In the event of
UPS fault, the static change over switch shall automatically transfer the load from UPS output to the other
source without causing any interruption.
1010--5 The UPS system shall be equipped with facilities to prevent backfeed to the input terminals causing
hazards to the operating and maintenance personnel.
1010--5 The cables for UPS system shall be flame retardant type with facilities to prevent backfeed to the
input terminals causing hazards to the operating and maintenance personnel.
1100--1 The scope here provides specific requirements only to circuits intended to supply electrical installation
in marinas or similar locations like, pleasure craft or houseboats and do not apply to the internal electrical
installations of any pleasure craft or houseboats.
1100--2 The nominal supply voltage of the installation for the supply to marinas or similar locations like,
pleasure craft or houseboats shall be 240 V a.c. single-phase, or 415 V a.c. three-phase.
1100--3 For protection against electric shock, the protective measures of obstacles and placing out of reach are
not permitted. Also, the protective measures of non-conducting location and earth-free local equipotential
bonding are not permitted
1100--4 Equipment installed on or above a jetty, wharf, pier or pontoon shall be selected with a degree of
protection adequate for the operational conditions and external influences, shall be suitable for use in the
presence of atmospheric corrosive or polluting substances and shall be protected against all kind of mechanical
damage by taking into considerations the movement of structures, presence of flammable fuel and the increased
risk of electric shock due to:
i) presence of water T
ii) reduction in body resistance
iii) contact of the body with Earth potential.
1100--5 The following wiring systems shall be considered suitable for distribution circuits of marinas:
i) Underground cables
1100--6 The following wiring systems shall not be used on or above a jetty, wharf, pier or pontoon:
i) Cables in free air suspended from or incorporating a support wire,
ii) Non-sheathed cables in cable management systems
iii) Cables with aluminium conductors
iv) Mineral insulated cables.
1100--7 Cables shall be selected and installed so that mechanical damage due to tidal and other movement of
floating structures is prevented. Cable management systems shall be installed to allow the drainage of water by
drainage holes and/or installation of the equipment on an incline.
1100--8 Underground distribution cables shall, unless provided with additional mechanical protection, be
buried at a sufficient depth to avoid being damaged, e.g. by heavy vehicle movement.
NOTE - A depth of 0.5 m is generally considered as a minimum depth to fulfill this requirement.
1100--9 All overhead conductors shall be insulated. Poles and other supports for overhead wiring shall be
located or protected so that they are unlikely to be damaged by any foreseeable vehicle movement. Overhead
conductors shall be at a height above ground of not less than 6 m in all areas subjected to vehicle movement and
3.5 m in all other areas.
1100--10 Socket–outlets shall be protected individually by an RCD with a rated residual operating current not
exceeding 30 mA and an operating time not exceeding 40 ms at a residual current of 5 times the rated current.
Devices selected shall disconnect all poles, including the neutral.
1100--11 Each socket–outlet shall be protected by an individual excess current protection device. Also, a
fixed connection for supply to each houseboat shall be protected individually by an excess current protection
1100--12 At least one means of isolation shall be installed in each distribution cabinet. This switching device
shall disconnect all live conductors including the neutral conductor. One isolating switching device for a
maximum of four socket-outlets shall be installed.
1100--13 Every socket-outlet shall be located as close as practicable to the berth to be supplied. Socket-
outlets shall be installed in the distribution board or in separate enclosures. In order to avoid any hazard due to
long connection cords, a maximum of four socket–outlets shall be grouped together in one enclosure.
NOTE - One step-by-step Instruction notice shall be placed in marinas adjacent to each group
of socket outlets giving the exact type of power supply available and describing how
to connect power supply to the on arrival and how to disconnect it before leaving.
1105--1 The electrical installations in medical locations must ensure safety of patients and medical staff. The
requirements stipulated herein are for hospitals, clinics, dental clinics, healthcare centres and dedicated medical
rooms in the workplace. The requirements of this section do not apply to medical electrical equipment.
1105--2 In medical locations, the distribution system shall be designed and installed to facilitate the automatic
changeover from the main distribution network to the electrical safety source feeding essential loads.
1105--3 For protection against electric shock, the protective measures of obstacles and placing out of reach are
not permitted.
1105--5 In operating rooms, the measured resistance of the protective conductor between the earth terminal of
any socket-outlet (or fixed equipment) and any extraneous-conductive-part shall not exceed 0.2 Ohm and in
other rooms this shall not exceed 0.7 Ohm.
1105--6 In all medical locations, special considerations have to be made concerning electromagnetic interference
(EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
1105--7 Electrical devices, e.g. socket-outlets and switches, installed below any medical-gas outlets for
oxidizing or flammable gases shall be located at a distance of at least 0.2 m from the outlet (centre to centre), so
as to minimize the risk of ignition of flammable gases.
1105--8 Plans of the electrical installation together with records, drawings, wiring diagrams and modifications
relating to the medical location, shall be provided. Information provided shall include but not be limited to:
(i) single-line overview diagrams showing the distribution system of the normal power supply and
power supply for safety services in a single-line representation
(ii) distribution board block diagrams showing switchgear and controlgear and distribution boards in a
single-line representation
1105-9 In medical locations at least two different sources of supply shall be provided. One of the sources
shall be connected to the electrical supply system for safety services. Automatic changeover devices shall be
arranged so that safe separation between supply lines is maintained.
1105--10 A power supply for safety services is required which will maintain the supply for continuous
operation for a defined period within a pre-set changeover time. The safety power supply system shall
automatically take over if the voltage of one or more incoming live conductors, at the main distribution
board of the building, has dropped for more than 0.5 s and by more than 10% in regard to the nominal voltage.
1105--11 In case of a failure of the general power supply source, the power supply for safety services
shall be energized to feed the equipment with electrical energy for a defined period of time and within a
predetermined changeover period. Where socket-outlets are supplied from the safety power supply source they
shall be readily identifiable according to their safety services classification.
1105-12 In the event of a voltage failure on one or more line conductors at the distribution board, a safety
power supply source shall be used and be capable of providing power for a period of at least 3 h for the
(i) Luminaires of operating theatre tables
(ii) ME equipment containing light sources being essential for the application of the equipment,
e.g. endoscopes, including associated essential equipment, e.g. monitors
(iii) Life-supporting ME equipment.
The duration of 3 h may be reduced to 1h for items (ii) and (iii) if a power source meeting the requirements of
Regulation. The normal power supply shall be restored within a changeover period not exceeding 0.5 s.
1105--13 The following equipment shall be connected within 15 s to a safety power supply source capable of
maintaining it for a minimum period of 24 h, when the voltage of one or more live conductors at the main
distribution board for the safety services has decreased by more than 10% of the nominal value of supply
voltage and for a duration greater than 3 s:
(i) Emergency lighting and exit signs
(ii) Locations for switchgear and controlgear for emergency generating sets, for main
distribution boards of the normal power supply and for power supply for safety services
(iii) Rooms in which essential services are intended. In each such room at least one luminaire
shall be supplied from the power source for safety services
(iv) Locations of central fire alarm and monitoring systems
(v) Operating Rooms – a minimum of 90% of the lighting shall be supplied from the power source for
safety services and at least one luminaire shall be supplied from the power supply source for
safety services
The luminaires of the escape routes shall be arranged on alternate circuits.
1105--14 The following equipment which is required for the maintenance of hospital services shall be
connected either automatically or manually to a safety power supply source capable of maintaining it for a
minimum period of 24 h:
(i) Sterilization equipment
(ii) Technical building installations, in particular air conditioning, heating and ventilation systems,
building services and waste disposal systems
(iii) Cooling equipment
1105--15 The following equipment shall also be connected to a safety service supply with a changeover period
not exceeding 15 s include:
(i) Selected lifts for firefighters
(ii) Ventilation systems for smoke extraction
(ii) Paging/communication systems
(iv) ME equipment used in Group 2 medical locations which serves for surgical or other
procedures of vital importance
(v) Electrical equipment of medical gas supply including compressed air, vacuum supply and narcosis
(anaesthetics) exhaustion as well as their monitoring devices
(vi) Fire detection and fire alarms
(vii) Fire extinguishing systems.
1105--16 Light fittings in operating rooms, anaesthetic area, recovery rooms and laboratories or where
chemical reactions occur shall be explosion proof type.
1201 As governed and required by the Ministerial Decree No. 5/2010 dated 18th January 2010, the power factor
of the electrical distribution systems shall be maintained within 0.95 lagging and unity.
1202 The power factor correction equipment shall be designed and installed in accordance with the latest
“Specification for Capacitor Banks to improve Power Factor in Low Voltage Electrical Distribution Systems” as
issued by the Capacitor Bank Section–Transmission Electrical Networks Sector - MEW.
1203 The approval of the capacitor banks shall be dealt with by the Capacitor Bank Section–Transmission
Electrical Networks Sector - MEW.
1204 The normal rating of the power factor correction equipment shall be the maximum continuous rating at
an ambient temperature of 52oC (Fifty-two degrees centigrade) as frequently encountered in Kuwait during the
peak summer days and the equipment shall give continuous trouble free service in this high ambient temperature.
1205 The power factor correction equipment shall be from one of the approved manufacturers of the Ministry
of Electricity & Water and must be approved by MEW.
1206 The owner and/or his consultant or contractor shall prepare and furnish to the Capacitor Bank Section of
MEW, all required drawings, documents, design calculations and other information as asked in the above
mentioned specification for approval of the power factor correction equipment.
1207 Only the power factor correction equipment which has been type tested in accordance with the above
mentioned specification and for which type test reports and certificates from an independent laboratory (ASTA,
DEKRA or, CESI) have been made available to the Ministry, shall be installed.
1208 The electrical room wherein the capacitor banks will be installed shall have suitable air-conditioning
systems to ensure uninterrupted operation of the power factor correction equipment.
1209 The testing and commissioning of the power factor correction equipment shall be carried out by qualified
and trained manufacturer‟s and/or local agent‟s engineer/specialist.
1301 This section regulates the large scale solar energy generation when the client intends to connect it to the
MEW grid.
1302 The solar energy systems for grid connected systems shall be connected only at the main low tension
panels of the distribution substations/transformers, or for smaller projects at the main electrical switchboard.
1303 The client shall engage an international consulting firm for the design of the solar energy systems that
has a minimum five (5) years of experience in the relevant field and designed not less than 10 MW of PV power
systems in total in the last five (5) years.
1304 Only one or two large sized inverters shall be located in the Air-Conditioned Electrical Rooms of the
Distribution Substation. A series of small sized inverters for solar energy system is not acceptable.
1305 The detailed design drawings for the solar energy systems for grid connected systems shall be submitted
for MEW approval to the concerned department of the Ministry.
1306 All solar energy generation calculations and other electrical design calculations including calculations
for connecting cables sizing for the solar energy systems shall be submitted detailing different design
1307 The overall solar energy system of the project shall be summarized to include particulars like, Nos. of
solar panels/modules, their sizes and capacities, details of inverters, available solar energy, etc. and submitted in
excel sheets so as to obtain complete information on the solar energy system at a glance.
1308 There shall be two circuits to disconnect the solar energy systems in case of grid power failure: -
Second circuit with a separate control to disconnect the breaker available at the connection point of the
solar power to the MEW network.
On availability of power supply, the circuit with the inverter shall be automatically connected with a
time delay of 2 to 3 minutes and the breaker for the second circuit shall be automatically connected
with a time delay of five (5) minutes.
1309 The protection system shall include a power quality meter to monitor the quality of power generated and
to disconnect the power supply in the events of:
1310 The solar energy systems shall be provided with necessary energy metering (KW-Hour) at the
connection point of the Solar Power to the MEW network. The metering system must be approved by MEW.
1311 The testing and commissioning of the solar energy systems shall be done by the client through an
accredited and approved third party specialized in PV solar system and must be audited by MEW Engineer.
1312 It is the client who will be fully responsible for occurrences of any accidents during the operational life
time of the solar energy system. The client is also responsible for proper maintenance and operation of the solar
energy system.
1313 A yearly inspection shall be carried out by the client through an accredited third party inspector like,
Lloyd‟s Register, Bureau Veritas, Vecto Inspection, Germanischer Lloyds or equally approved Third Party
Inspector and Inspector‟s Certificate shall be provided to MEW.
1314 The Contractor shall submit all final as-built drawings for the solar energy systems to MEW for approval
and record purposes.
1401 Every installation shall, on completion and before being energized, be inspected, tested and approved by
MEW Inspector in accordance with this section. All necessary application forms and other details as stipulated shall
be submitted to the MEW prior to testing the installation.
1402 A visual inspection shall be made to verify that the installed equipment and installation methods are in
accordance with the approved drawings. The MEW Inspector will also ensure that there is no damage to any part of
the installation.
1403 Visual inspection shall also be carried out to ensure satisfactory and approved methods are adopted for the
Connection of conductors
Identification of conductors
Correct connection of socket outlets and lamp holders
1404 The MEW Inspector shall carry out insulation resistance test and earth continuity test. Insulation resistance
test in large buildings may be divided into groups of outlets, each containing around 50 outlets. An outlet shall
include every point and every switch except that a socket outlet in corporating a switch shall be regarded as one
outlet. A 500 volts D.C. supply shall be applied to the installation and the insulation resistance obtained shall not be
less than one (1) mega ohm.
1405 Earth continuity test shall be carried out between the consumer earthing terminal and the remote end of earth
continuity conductors. The resistance value obtained shall not exceed those stated in clause No.607.
1406 The MEW Inspector shall also carryout appropriate test to ensure efficient and correct operation of all earth
leakage circuit breakers and other protective devices.
1407 The contractor shall obtain a test certificate from MEW ensuring that all control and safety devices are tested
prior to the usage of the electric water heaters. All tests shall be carried out by the contractor, who must record the
cut-out, cut in temperatures and the fluid pressure at which the mechanical safety valve operates and resets.
NOTE- The role of the MEW Inspector Is to witness these test only and certify the test certificates,
three copies of which will be prepared, one for retention by MEW
1408 The MEW Inspector shall carry out measurements to determine the earth electrode resistance by approved
methods and all necessary assistance required for carrying out this test other than the testing apparatus and auxiliary
electrodes shall be provided by the consumer.
1409 Any alternation to the existing installation shall also be inspected and approved by MEW Inspector.
NOTES - 1. Various appendices, tables, graphic symbols, etc. are a provided in this Section. These are
to be construed as a part of the Regulations and shall be complied with .
2. Where for a particular condition of installation, the appendices, tables, etc. do not apply,
then MEW's prior approval shall be obtained for the method adopted.
Co-ordination between conductor size and excess current protection device employed.
General Condition:
For compliance with Clause No. 750-17 of the Regulation the following conditions are to be fulfilled:
(i) The excess current protection device's nominal current or current setting (In) is not less than the design
current (IB) of the circuit, and
its nominal current or current setting does not exceed the lowest current carrying capacity (IZ) of any
of the conductors of the circuit, and
(iii) the current causing effective operation of the protective device (I2)) does not exceed 1.45 times the lowest
of the current carrying capacities (IZ) of any of the conductor of the circuit.
I2 ≤ 1.45 IZ
In order to determine the size of the cable to be used for a particular condition of installation, it may be necessary
to apply one or more of the following correction factors:
( i) For ambient temperature - Table 2.5A of Section 15 which gives correction factor to be applied for the actual
ambient temperature of the installation when it exceeds 30°C.
(ii) For grouping - Tables 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of Section 15 which gives correction factors for various grouping of
Having established the designed current of the circuit under consideration and having chosen the type and nominal
current or current setting of the excess current protective device it is intended to use in accordance with general
condition above, the following procedure shall be adopted to determine the size of cable:
( i) DIVIDE the nominal current of the excess current device by the appropriate ambient temperature correction
factor given in Table 2.5A for the type of cable to be used.
(ii) Then further, DIVIDE by any applicable correction factor for grouping given in Tables 2.2, 2.3 and
(iii) The size of the cable to be used shall be such that its tabulated current carrying capacity for the installation
method concerned is not less than the value of the nominal current of the excess current protective device
adjusted as above.
(a) A circuit feeding a balanced three phase load of 21 KW at 0.8 P.F., 415 volts, at an ambient temperature
of 50°C by means of single core, PVC insulated cable in conduit along with another circuit.
(b) T
If the above circuit is run in a separate conduit,
(c) A single phase, 240 volts lighting circuit having a load of 2000 VA in an ambient temperature of 45oC and wired
with single core PVC insulated cable run in a conduit having two more circuits (i.e.,) three circuits together and
protected by 10 amp circuit breaker
Current Carrying Capacity for Cables
Note -1 : The current carrying capacity under this appendix applies to sheathed and
non-sheathed, and armoured and non-arnoured cables having a nominal
voltage rating not exceeding 1 kV a.c.
Note -2 : The current carrying capacities for cables in air are based upon reference
ambient temperatures of 30oC irrespective of the method of installation.
Note -3 : The current carrying capacities for buried cables, either directly in the soil or
in ducts in the ground, are based upon reference ambient temperatures of
20oC .
Note -4 : For ambient temperatures other than the reference ambient temperature, the
appropriate correction factors as given in Tables 2.5A and 2.5B are to be
applied to the values of current-carrying capacity given in Tables 2.6A to
2. 12.
Note -5 : The current carrying capacities for cables in the ground are based upon a
soil thermal resistivity of 2.5 K.m/W. Correction factors for soil thermal
resistivities other than 2.5 K.m/W are to be applied as given in Table 2.5C.
Note -6 : The current carrying capacities for directly buried cables and cables in
buried ducts are based upon a burial depth of 0.7 metres. Where the depths
Note -7 : The current carrying capacities given in Tables 2.6A to 2.12 apply to single
circuits only. In case of single phase circuits, this consists of two non-
sheathed cables or two single-core cables, or one two-core cable. For 3-phase
circuits, this consists of three non-sheathed cables or three single-core cables,
or one three-core cable. Where more number of cables are installed in the
same group, the correction factors for groups as given in Tables 2.2, 2.3 and
2.4 need to be applied.
Correction factors for group of more than three single-core cables
Type of Number of Conductors and Correction Factor
method 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9 &10 0.80 0.69 0.62 0.59 0.55 0.51 0.48 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.36
NOTE – In case of one three phase circuit employing 4 wires. no correction factor is applicable and the ratings given in
Table 2.6A to 2.12 shall be adopted. Where more than one three phase circuit is bunched in a conduit or trunking,
then appreciate grouping factor shall be taken into consideration.
Correction factors for group of more than one multi-core armoured and non-armoured cables
Where spacing between adjacent cables exceeds twice their overall diameter, no reduction factor need be applied.
Correction factors for group of more than one multi-core armoured
and non-armoured cable buried in ground
Correction factors for ambient air temperatures other than 30 C
to be applied to the current carrying capacity shown on various tables
Type of Insulation
temperature Mineral
C PVC XLPE PVC covered or bare and Bare and not
exposed to touch exposed to touch
45 0.79 0.87 0.78 0.88
50 0.71 0.82 0.67 0.84
55 0.61 0.76 0.57 0.80
60 0.50 0.71 0.45 0.75
Correction factors for ambient ground temperatures other than 20 C
to be applied to the current carrying capacity shown on various tables
Correction factors for cables buried direct in the ground or in an underground
Cable duct for soil thermal resistivities other than 2.5 K.m/W
to be applied to the current-carrying capacities for Reference Method 7
Thermal resistivity, K.m/W 0.50 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
Rating factor for cables in buried ducts 1.28 1.20 1.18 1.13 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.96
Rating factor for direct buried cables 1.88 1.62 1.50 1.40 1.28 1.12 1.00 0.90
Correction factors for depths of laying other than 0.7 m
for direct buried cables and cables in buried ducts
Depth of laying,
Buried direct In buried ducts
0.5 1.03 1.02
0.7 1.00 1.00
1 0.97 0.98
1.25 0.95 0.96
1.5 0.94 0.95
1.75 0.93 0.94
2 0.92 0.93
2.5 0.90 0.92
3 0.89 0.91
Single core PVC insulated cables, non-armoured,
with or without sheath
Ambient temperature: 30 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 70 C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
1 11 10.5 13.5 12 15.5 14 - - - - -
1.5 14.5 13.5 17.5 15.5 20 18 - - - - -
2.5 20 18 24 21 27 25 - - - - -
4 26 24 32 28 37 33 - - - - -
6 34 31 41 36 47 43 - - - - -
10 46 42 57 50 65 59 - - - - -
16 61 56 76 68 87 79 - - - - -
120 210 188 269 239 300 303 352 321 308 396 362
150 240 216 300 262 381 349 406 372 356 456 419
185 273 245 341 296 436 400 463 427 409 521 480
240 231 286 400 346 515 472 546 507 485 615 569
300 367 328 458 394 594 545 629 587 561 709 659
400 - - 546 467 694 634 754 689 656 852 795
500 - - 626 533 792 723 868 789 749 982 920
630 - - 720 611 904 826 1005 905 855 1138 1070
800 - - - - 1030 943 1086 1020 971 1265 1188
1000 - - - - 1154 1058 1216 1149 1079 1420 1337
Multi-core PVC insulated PVC sheathed cables,
Ambient temperature: 30 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 70 C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
1 11 10 13 11.5 1.5 13.5 17 14.5
1.5 14 13 16.5 15 19.5 17.5 22 18.5
2.5 18.5 17.5 23 20 27 24 30 25
4 25 23 30 27 36 32 40 34
6 32 29 38 34 46 41 51 43
10 43 39 52 46 63 57 70 60
16 57 52 69 62 85 76 94 80
Single-core armoured PVC insulated cables (non-magnetic armour)
Ambient temperature : 30°C
CURRENT -CARRYING CAPACITY ( ampere ) Conductor Operating temperature: 70 °C
Installation Method 6
Installation Method 8, 9 & 10
(directly to the surface
(in free air on a ventilated cable tray, horizontal oe vertical)
of wall or structure)
Conductor Touching 3 or 4 cables, three
Touching 2 cables, single phase
cross phase
section 2 cables, 3 or 4 2 cables, 3 cables, 3 cables, a.c
al area single cables, single single single
phase three phase phase phase
a.c flat phase a.c flat a.c flat a.c trefoil Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
a.c flat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
50 193 179 205 189 181 229 217 230 212
70 245 225 259 238 231 287 272 286 263
95 296 269 313 285 280 349 332 338 313
120 342 309 360 327 324 401 383 385 357
150 393 352 413 373 373 449 429 436 405
185 447 399 469 422 425 511 489 490 456
240 525 465 550 492 501 593 568 566 528
300 594 515 624 547 567 668 640 616 578
400 687 575 723 618 657 737 707 674 632
500 763 622 805 673 731 810 777 721 676
630 843 669 891 728 809 893 856 771 723
800 919 710 976 777 886 943 905 824 772
1000 975 737 1041 808 945 1008 967 872 816
Multi-core armoured PVC insulated cables
Air ambient temperature: 30 C
Ground ambient temperature: 20 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 70 C
Installation Method 6 Installation Method 8, 9 & 10 Installation Method 7
(directly to the surface of wall or (in free air or on a ventilated cable (direct in ground or in ducting in
Conductor structure) tray etc, horizontal or vertical) ground)
sectional 1 two- core 1 three or 1 two- core 1 three or 1 two- core 1 three or four-
area cable, four-core cable, single- four- cable, core cable,
Single-phase cable, phase core cable, Single-phase three-phase
a.c. three-phase a.c. three-phase a.c. a.c.
a.c. a.c.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
1.5 21 18 22 19 22 18
T 31
6 49 42 53 45 46 38
10 67 58 72 62 60 50
16 89 77 97 83 78 64
Single core XLPE insulated cables, non-armoured,
with or without sheath
Ambient temperature: 30 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 90 C
1 14 13 17 15 19 17.5 - - - - -
1.5 19 17 23 20 25 23 - - - - -
2.5 26 23 31 28 34 31 - - - - -
4 35 31 42 37 46 41 - - - - -
6 45 40 54 48 59 54 - - - - -
10 61 54 75 66 81 74 - - - - -
16 81 73 100 88 109 99 - - - - -
25 106 95 133 117 143 130 161 141 135 182 161
35 131 117 164 144 176 161 200 176 169 226 201
50 158 141 198 175 228 209 242 216 207 275 246
70 200 179 253 222 293 268 310 279 268 353 318
95 241 216 306 269 355 326 377 242 328 430 389
120 278 249 354 312 413 379 437 400 383 500 454
150 318 285 393 342 476 436 504 464 444 577 527
185 362 324 449 384 545 500 575 533 510 661 605
240 424 380 528 450 644 590 679 646 607 781 719
300 486 435 603 514 743 681 783 736 703 902 833
400 - - 683 584 868 793 940 868 823 1085 1008
500 - - 783 666 990 904 1083 998 946 1253 1169
630 - - 900 764 1130 1033 1254 1151 1088 1454 1362
800 - - - - 1288 1179 1358 1275 1214 1581 1485
1000 - - - - 1443 1323 1520 1436 1349 1775 1671
Multi-core XLPE insulated PVC sheathed cables,
Ambient temperature: 30 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 90 C
(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
1 14.5 13 17 15 19 17 21 18
1.5 18.5 16.5 22 19.5 24 22 26 23
2.5 25 22 30 26 33 30 36 32
4 33 30 40 35 45 40 49 42
6 42 38 51 44 58 52 63 54
10 57 51 69 60 80 71 86 75
Single-core armoured XLPE insulated cables (non-magnetic armour)
Installation Method 6
Installation Method 8, 9 & 10
(directly to the surface
(in free air on a ventilated cable tray, horizontal oe vertical)
of wall or structure)
Conductor Touching 3 or 4 cables, three
Touching 2 cables, single phase
cross phase
section 2 cables, 3 or 4 2 cables, 3 cables, 3 cables, a.c
al area single cables, single single single
phase three phase phase phase
a.c flat phase a.c flat a.c flat a.c trefoil Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
a.c flat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
50 237 220 253 232 222 282 266 288 266
70 303 277 322 293 385 357 337 358 331
95 367 333 389 352 346 436 412 425 393
120 425 383 449 405 402 504 477 485 449
150 488 437 516 462 463 566 539 549 510
185 557 496 587 524 529 643 614 618 574
240 656 579 689 612 625 749 714 715 666
300 755 662 792 700 720 842 805 810 755
400 853 717 899 767 815 929 889 848 797
500 962 791 1016 851 918 1032 989 923 871
630 1082 861 1146 935 1027 1139 1092 992 940
800 1170 904 1246 987 1119 1204 1155 1042 978
1000 1261 961 1345 1055 1214 1289 1238 1110 1041
Multi-core armoured XLPE insulated cables
Air ambient temperature: 30 C
Ground ambient temperature: 20 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 90 C
1.5 27 23 29 25 25 21
2.5 36 31 39 33 33 28
4 49 42 52 44 43 36
6 62 53 66 56 53 44
10 85 73 90 78 71 58
16 110 94 115 99 91 75
Single core PVC insulated cables, non-armoured,
with or without sheath
Ambient temperature: 30 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 70 C
50 93 84 118 104 125 110 149 133 128 169 152
70 118 107 150 133 160 140 192 173 166 217 196
95 142 129 181 161 195 170 235 212 203 265 241
120 164 149 210 186 226 197 273 247 237 308 282
150 189 170 234 204 261 227 316 287 274 356 327
185 215 194 266 230 298 259 363 330 316 407 376
240 252 227 312 269 352 305 430 392 375 482 447
300 289 261 358 306 406 351 497 455 434 557 519
380 - - 413 352 511 472 543 502 507 625 584
480 - - 477 405 591 546 629 582 590 726 680
600 - - 545 462 679 626 722 669 680 837 787
740 - - - - 771 709 820 761 776 956 902
960 - - - - 900 823 953 886 907 1125 1066
Multi-core PVC insulated PVC sheathed cables,
Ambient temperature: 30 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 70 C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
16 44 41 54 48 66 59 73 61
25 58 53 71 62 83 73 89 78
35 71 65 86 77 103 90 111 96
50 36 78 104 92 125 110 135 117
70 108 98 131 116 160 140 173 150
Single-core armoured PVC insulated cables (non-magnetic armour)
Installation Method 6
Installation Method 8, 9 & 10
(directly to the surface
(in free air on a ventilated cable tray, horizontal oe vertical)
of wall or structure)
Conductor Touching 3 or 4 cables, three
Touching 2 cables, single phase
cross phase
section 2 cables, 3 or 4 2 cables, 3 cables, 3 cables, a.c
al area single cables, single single single
phase three phase phase phase
a.c flat phase a.c flat a.c flat a.c trefoil Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
a.c flat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
50 143 133 152 141 131 168 159 169 155
T 168
120 255 233 270 246 238 299 285 293 272
150 294 267 310 282 275 340 323 335 312
185 334 303 352 319 315 389 371 379 354
240 393 354 413 374 372 457 437 443 415
300 452 405 474 427 430 520 498 505 475
380 518 452 543 479 497 583 559 551 518
480 586 501 616 534 568 655 629 604 568
600 658 550 692 589 642 724 696 656 618
740 728 596 769 642 715 802 770 707 666
960 819 651 868 706 808 866 832 770 726
1200 893 692 952 756 880 938 902 822 774
Multi-core armoured PVC insulated cables
Air ambient temperature: 30 C
Ground ambient temperature: 20 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 70 C
25 89 76
T 94 80 77 64
35 109 94 115 99 93 77
50 131 113 139 119 109 91
70 165 143 175 151 135 112
95 199 174 211 186 159 132
Single core XLPE insulated cables, non-armoured,
with or without sheath
Ambient temperature: 30 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 90 C
1 2 3 4 5 6
T 7 8 9 10 11 12
(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
50 125 113 157 140 154 136 184 165 159 210 188
70 158 142 200 179 198 174 237 215 206 271 244
95 191 171 242 217 241 211 289 264 253 332 300
120 220 197 281 251 208 245 337 308 296 387 351
150 253 226 307 267 324 283 389 358 343 448 408
185 288 256 351 300 371 323 447 413 395 515 470
240 338 300 412 351 439 382 530 492 471 611 561
300 387 344 471 402 508 440 613 571 544 708 652
Multi-core XLPE insulated PVC sheathed cables,
Ambient temperature: 30 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 90 C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
16 60 55 72 64 84 76 91 77
25 78 71 94 84 101 90 108 97
35 96 87 115 103 126 112 135 120
50 115 104 138 124 154 136 164 146
70 145 131 175 156 198 174 211 187
Single-core armoured XLPE insulated cables (non-magnetic armour)
Installation Method 6
Installation Method 8, 9 & 10
(directly to the surface
(in free air on a ventilated cable tray, horizontal oe vertical)
of wall or structure)
Conductor Touching 3 or 4 cables, three
Touching 2 cables, single phase
cross phase
section 2 cables, 3 or 4 2 cables, 3 cables, 3 cables, a.c
al area single cables, single single single
phase three phase phase phase
a.c flat phase a.c flat a.c flat a.c trefoil Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
a.c flat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(mm²) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
50 179 165 192 176 162 212 199 215 192
T 207
120 320 291 340 308 292 378 358 372 343
150 368 333 390 352 337 429 409 424 394
185 419 378 444 400 391 490 467 477 447
240 494 443 521 468 465 576 549 554 523
300 568 508 597 536 540 654 624 626 595
380 655 573 688 608 625 735 704 693 649
480 747 642 786 685 714 825 790 765 717
600 836 706 880 757 801 909 872 932 780
740 934 764 988 824 897 989 950 890 835
960 1056 838 1121 911 1014 1094 1052 970 911
1200 1163 903 1235 990 1118 11487 1141 1043 980
Multi-core armoured XLPE insulated cables
Air ambient temperature: 30 C
Ground ambient temperature: 20 C
CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY (amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 90 C
25 108 92
T 112 98 90 75
35 132 113 138 120 108 90
50 159 137 166 145 128 106
70 201 174 211 185 158 130
95 242 214 254 224 186 154
TABLE 2.10
NOTE – Where cables of type (a) are installed bunched, the appropriate grouping factors given in Tables 2.2 and 2.3 shall
be applied for the particular installation condition. For cables of type (b) no grouping factor is necessary.
1.0 19 24 15 24 15 20 12 17 9 12
1.5 23 31 20 31 19 25 15 21 11 14
2.5 31 41 26 41 25 35 20 29 15 21
4.0 39 54 35 54 32 45 28 38
6.0 50 70 44 70 42 58
10.0 68 94 60 94
1.0 20 28 17 28 16 22 14 18 9 13
1.5 25 35 22 35 20 28 17 23 12 16
2.5 33 45 29 45 27 37 22 31 16 22
4.0 43 60 37 60 35 49 29 40 20 29
6.0 54 74 48 74 45 62 37 52
TABLE 2.11
Current carrying capacity of mass supportable for flexible copper cords
insulated with silicone rubber
TABLE 2.12
a) Where single core cables are installed in ventilated cable trays, the sum of the combined cross-sectional
area of all cables installed in the tray shall not exceed 50 percent of the interior cross sectional area of the
cable tray.
b) Where single core cable are installed in solid bottom cable trays, the sum of the combined cross- sectional
area of all cables installed in the tray shall not exceed 40 percent of the interior cross sectional area of the
cable tray.
a) Where multi-core cables are installed in ventilated cable trays, the sum of the diameter of all cables
installed shall not exceed 90 percent of the cable tray width and the cables shall be installed in a single
b) Where multi-core cables are installed in solid bottom cable trays, the sum of the diameter of all cables
installed shall not exceed 80 percent of the cable tray width and the cables shall be installed in a single
Capacity of conduits for simultaneous drawing of single core PVC insulated cable
for a straight run up to 10 metres without bends
Nominal cross
Sectional area Size of Conduits (mm)
of conductor
16 20 25 32 38 50
1.5 6 11 - - - -
2.5 5 8 - - - -
4.0 3 5 10 - - -
6.0 2 4 7 13 - -
10.0 - 2 4 7 10 -
16.0 - 2 3 6 9 -
25.0 - - 2 4 5 10
35.0 - - - 3 4 7
50.0 - - - 2 3 5
70.0 - - - - 2 4
Capacity of conduits for simultaneous drawing of single core PVC insulated cable
for a run up to 10 metres with one bends
Nominal cross
Size of Conduits (mm)
Sectional area
of conductor 16 20 25 32 38 50
1.5 5 8 - - - -
2.5 4 6 - - - -
4.0 2 4 8 - - -
6.0 2 3 6 11 - -
10.0 - - 3 6 8 -
16.0 - - 2 5 7 12
25.0 - - - 3 4 8
35.0 - - - 2 3 6
50.0 - - - - 2 4
70.0 - - - - - 3
Capacity of conduits for simultaneous drawing of single core PVC insulated cable
for a run up to 10 metres with 2 bends
Nominal cross
Size of Conduits (mm)
Sectional area
Of conductor 16 20 25 32 38 50
1.5 3 6 11 - - -
2.5 2 4 8 - - -
4.0 2 3 6 - - -
6.0 - 2 4 8 11 -
10.0 - - 2 4 6 10
16.0 - - 2 3 5 9
25.0 - - - 2 3 5
35.0 - - - - 2 4
50.0 - - - - - 3
70.0 - - - - - 2
NOTE – Table 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 apply to both steel and PVC conducts
Capacity of conduits for simultaneous drawing of different sizes of single core
PVC insulated copper conductor in runs up to 10 metres without bends,
with one bend and with two bends.
For each size of cable it is intended to use, obtain the appropriate factor from Table 3.4A.
Add all the cables factors so obtained and compare with the conduit factor given in table 3.4B.
The conduit size which will satisfactorily accommodate the cable is that size having a factor equal to or
exceeding the sum of the cable factor.
area of
1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0 16.0 25.0 35.0 50.0 70.0
Cable factor
22 30 43 58 105 121 193 253 342 451
Maximum number of single core PVC insulated cables in trunking of various sizes
For each size of cable it is intended to use, obtain the appropriate factor from Table 3.5A.
Add all the cables factors so obtained and compare with the trunking factor given in table 3.5B.
The trunking size which will satisfactorily accommodate the cable is that size having a factor equal to or
exceeding the sum of the cable factor.
Size of
Cable 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0 16.0 25.0 35.0 50.0 70.0
Factor 8 11 15 22 36 45 68 90 121 158
Size 50x50 75x50 75x75 100x50 100x75 100x100 150x50 150x75 150x100
mm x mm
Factor 1037 1555 2371 2091 3189 4252 3147 4718 6294
For each size of cable it is intended to use obtain the appropriate factor from Table 3.6A.
Add all the cables factors so obtained and compare with the underfloor ducts factor given in table 3.6B.
The underfloor duct size which will satisfactorily accommodate the cable is that size having a factor equal
to or exceeding the sum of the cable factor.
Size of
Cable 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0 16.0
8 11 15 22 36 45
AF Factor
Under floor
ducts 75x25 100x50 150x25 75x38 100x38 150x38
Under floor
ducts Factor 660 875 1312 990 1312 1970
T 6.0
35.0 16.0 16.0
NOTE- P.V.C insulation of earth continuity conductor should be coloured green yellow.
General 500
Auditorium 100
Medical stores 100 Theater and concert halls 100
Rest rooms 150 Cinema 50
Multi-purpose hall 100 to 500
Changing room. Cloak rooms 150 LECTURE THEATRES:
Rest rooms 150 General 300
Stores 150 Chalk board 500
Demonstration benches 500
TELECOMMUNICATION: Examination halls, Seminar rooms, teaching spaces 500
Switchboard Rooms 300 Art rooms 500
Apparatus rooms 150 Laboratories 500
Teleprinter rooms 500
READING ROOMS: Reading 150
Newspapers & magazines 300 Night 0.1
Reference libraries 500 Night children 1
Counters 500 Watch 5
Cataloguing & sorting 500
Closed book stores 100 Evening 150
Night 0.1
Exhibits insensitive to light 300 NURSES STATION:
Light sensitive exhibits 150 Evening 300
Specially light sensitive light exhibits 50 Night 100
General 300 Evening 200
Platform & stage Spl. Night 3
General 300 Day 400
Chalk board 500 Evening & Night (General) 200
Evening & Night- Task lighting 400
General 300 PHARMACIES:
Chalk board 500 Dispensing benches 500
Demonstration benches 500 Shelves 150
Needlework rooms 500
Art Rooms 500 RECEPTION:
Radio-diagnostic and fluoroscopy room 500 Coffee bars 150
Radiotherapy rooms 300
General 100
SURGERIES: Baggage rooms 100
General 300 Laundries 300
Waiting Rooms 300 Cellars 150
Dining rooms, cash desk 300
Chair Spl. Writing rooms 150
Laboratories 500 Cloak rooms 150
Ophthalmic wall and near vision charts 500 ASSEMBLY SHOPS:
Casual work 200
HOMES AND HOTELS: Rough work, 300
AF e.g. frame and heavy
Machinery assembly
HOMES: Medium work, 500
e.g. engine assembly,
vehicle body assembly
LIVING ROOMS: Fine work, 1000
e.g. electronic and assembly
General 50 Very fine work. e.g. instrument and small precision 1500
mechanism assembly
Casual reading 150
Sewing and darning 300 BAKERIES:
General 300
STUDIES: Decorating, icing 500
Desk and prolonged reading 300
BED ROOMS: Folding. Pasting. Punching. Stitching. 500
General 50 Cutting. Assembling. embossing 750
Bed head 150
Bath room 100
Halls and landings 150 Sorting, grading. 1500
Stairs 100
Workshops 300 Clicking 1000
Garages 50
Closing preparatory operations 1000
ENTRANCE HALLS: 75 Cutting table and presses 1500
Reception, cashier 300 Bottom stock preparation, lasting,
Bottoming. Finishing. Shoe rooms. 1000 Inspection 1500
Hand tailoring 1500
Industrialized building plants 500 COLD STORES:
Concrete shops 300 General Constant operation 300
Infrequent access 150
CANNING AND PRESERVING FACTORIES: Break-down, make-up and dispatch Air-locks 300
Preparation 500
Canned and bottled goods retorts 300 ELECTRICAL MACHINE SHOPS:
Automatic processes 200 Manufacture. Winding assembly, testing of large 750
Inspection 750 machine.
finished product STATION
Spl. Ltg.
Turbine and boiler houses: 150
CAR PARKS – INDOOR: Boiler houses, platforms etc.
Underground 30 Boiler and turbine house basements 100
Multi-storey Parking floors 30 (including feed pump bay)
Ramps 50 Turbine and gas turbine houses 150
(operating floor level)
Winding beaming 300 Plant area:
Designing. Jacquard card cutting, setting 750 Battery rooms, charger and rectifiers 100
pattern, tufting cropping, hemming, fringing, Cable tunnels, cable basements 50
latexing and latex drying weaving, mending
Circulating water culverts, screen chambers 50
Pumps 300
FLOUR MILLS: Parking areas (interior) 30
Roller, purifier. Silks and packing 300 General repair, servicing, greasing, pits, washing, 500
Wetting tables 500 polishing workbench
Minute work. e.g. very small instruments 3000 PAINT SHOPS AND SPRAY BOOTHS:
Pressing, glazing cutting, strafing, sewing 100 Raw materials stores 200
Inspection 750
Grading, matching 1500 PLASTIC WORK:
AF Manufacture of plastic raw materials Plastic 500
MACHINE AND FITTING SHOPS: processing, Calendaring, extrusion, injection.
Compression and blow moulding, sheet
Casual work 200
fabrication, shaping, machining, trimming,
Rough bench and machine work 300 polishing cementing
Medium bench and machine work, ordinary 500
automatic machine, rough grinding, medium
buffing, polishing
Fine bench and machine work, fine automatic 1000 Vats and baths 300
machine , medium grinding machine, fine Buffing, polishing, burnishing 500
butting and polishing
Final buffing and polishing 750
Fine soldering, spot welding, e.g. instruments 1000
Automatic processes 200 Fine bench and machine work fine sanding, 750
Control panels 300 finishing
Athletics. Basketball, bowls, fencing, gymnastics, 300 to 700 General 500
judo, volley ball
National and international 300 National and international 750
Club 200 Club 500
Recreational 150 Recreational 300
National and international 2000 RIFLE AND PISTOL SHOOTING:
Club 1000 Firing zone 300
Recreational 300 Range 150
National and international 500 National and international playing area 500
Club 300
AF 300 Spectator area 150
Club playing area 300
SWIMMING: Recreational playing area 150 - 300
National and international pool 500
Spectator area 100
Club and recreational pool 300 GENERAL:
Testing of PVC insulated single core non-armoured
electrical cables before installation
Before starting the installation of cables, the following tests shall be carried out:
Test shall be made with alternating voltage of approximately sine-wave form, having a frequency in the range 50 Hz to
60 Hz, and of r.m.s. values as given in table 5.2. The required elec. tests to be applied at the cable shall be of time and
temp. as shown in table 5.2. The tests are :-
annealed copper of insulation resistance at
conductor per conductor (upper limit)
Km 70°C
mm² No./mm Ω/Km mm mm M Ω/Km
1.5 1/3.38 12.1 0.7 3.3 0.011
1.5 7/0.50 12.1 0.7 3.4 0.010
2.5 1/1.78 7.41 0.8 3.9 0.010
2.5 7/0.67 7.41 0.8 4.2 0.009
T 15
Not more than the
Conductor resistance at 20°C.:
Meter 1 Maximum value shown in
Length of sample
Table 1.
Insulation resistance :
Not less than the minimum
Length of sample Meter 5 value
Shown in Table 1.
The insulation shall be subjected to the tests and methods as detailed table 5.3
Elongation at break after ageing – minimum value % 125%
Max. variation from unaged value % 25 %
F1, F2 Hot pressure test temperature (°C) 95±2°C