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ES EE ERE ER ERR ERE EE EE OE i Ministry of Electricity & Water MEW /S- 1 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Mey) 2016 Wey * | |MINISTRY OF ELECTRICITY & WATER MEW/S-1 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. 2014MINISTRY OF ELECTRICITY & WATER List of MEW Publications for Regulations and Codes of Practice: Regulation or Code No. (2) Regulations for Blectricel Inttallations Fourth Edition 1983 MEWR— (2) Procedures for Approval of Electrical & A/C Drawings and connection of power supply for construction and buildings projects. 1st Edition 1983 MEWR—2 () Electrics! ioad form snd explanatory memo 2ad Edition 1983 MEWR—3 (4) Regulations for testing of Electrical installations before connection of power supply ist Edition 1983 MEWR—4 (8) General Guidelines for Energy Conservation in building 2nd. Edition 1983 MEWR—S (6) Code of Practice for Energy Conservation in Kuwait building and Appendices Ist Edition 1983 MEWR—6 Appendix No. (1): Propetties and application of insulating material for buildings io Kowa. Appendix No. (2): Boorgy Conservation measures in Residential Sector BuiMings Appendix No. @): Ei Appendix No, (4): Energy Conservation Mearures in Hospital Buildings Appendix No. (9: EBfert of thermal mese and oslour. Agpendix No. (@): Comparion between air-cooled and water onuled condensers. s for desi MEWR—7 fons for handing over Engineering Services (Electrical and fechanical) to the Maintenance Authority. 2nd Edition 1983 MRWR—8 {8} General specification for electrical installations 3rd Edition 1983 MEWS—1 can be obtained from Public Ministry of Electricity & Water 10x 12, Salat Kuwait,AMAL AAD AAAS AALS BB. BBA BB2 BB.3 site, All exposed threads, die marks and other abrasions shall be painted with two coats of an approved metallic paint immediately the conduit is istalled. For non metallic conduit all the joints shall be made with proprietary fittings and an approved adhesive. The conduits and fittings shall be entirely suitable for the environment and the temperature range that will be met in service. The installation shall cater for the differential ‘expansion and contraction that will occur between the conduit and the structure to which itis attached. Where flexible conduits are installed 2 separate earth conductor shall be provided and under no circumstances shall the flexible tubing be used for earthing ‘The tranking shall be attached to the building framework and wails or supported on hangers or brackets as appropriate All trunking shall be free from rust patches or mechanical damage. All abrasions on metallic trunking shall be painied with two coats of an approved metallic paint immediately the trunking has been installed. Damaged trunking shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Where tranking passes through ceilings and walls the cover shall be firmly fixed at 150mm either side of in ceilings and floors and 250mm cither side of walls. Approved fire resisting intocaal barriers and external seals shall be provided to prevent the spread of fire through floors and walls, and ceilings. ‘Where trunking crosses a building expansion joint flexible connections shali be provided. In addition due allowance shall be made for thermal expansion. Cable trunking where specified or where offered instead of or in addition to conduits shall be complete with all the necessary proprietory bends, tees, sets, angles, cable restraining straps, covers and other accessories. Cables shall not be installed in truaking until the section is complete, Each group of cables ing a cieuit shall. be secured at 300mm intervals with approved type, non metallic buckies. The circuit reference of each group shall be identified with an approved type of label, spaced at 1800mm intervals. on straight runs, and 150mm back from ali tees and bends, For non-metallic cable trunking all joints between sections of the trunking shall be made with a connecting sieeve. Clip in metal or PVC partitions shall be provided where compartmented cable trunking is required. The partitions shall be of stee! when screening and segregating mixed services. The installation shali cater for the differential expansion and contraction that will occur between the trunking and the structure to which it is attached. ‘Adequate supports shall be provided to prevent any visible sagging of the trunking run Light Fittings: Pendant fittings with sphere shall be suspended suspension with ball swing joint shall be suspended nduits and two numbers ofAd A3 Ad AS AG AT AS Ag Al0 All Al2 Ais Be BT CONTENTS SECTION I GENERAL CLAUSES SCOPE, GENERAL ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CLIMATIC CONDITION DERATION ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MATERIALS WORKING DRAWINGS FINAL RECORD DRAWINGS MICRO FILM MAINTENANCE & INSTRUCTION MANUALS SPARES INSPECTION & TESTING COMMISSIONING 415 VOLT SWITCH BOARDS & MOTOR CONTROL CENTRES. STANDARD GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SWITCH BOARD WIRING BUS BAR AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER SWITCHES AND SWITCH FUSES PAGE isooA + GENERAL CLAUSES. AL Ag AQd ALZ A23 Als Als Als AQT SCOPE: ‘This specification covers the supply, delivery to site, erection and commissioning of all materials and equipment required in connection with the Electrical Services of Government Projects and all other projects where this specification is specifically applied. GENERAL: ‘The entire works shall be carried out in strict accordance with this specification, the various electrical drawings, the schedule of points and latest issue of the Rules and Regulations for the Electrical Installation works issued by the Ministry of Electricity & Water (MEW R-1) and amendments. NOTE: This specification does not cover externa lighting on poles, all external lighting shall be dealt with by Street Lighting Section - Electrical Distribution Dept, MEW. ‘The General Conditions of Contract and any special conditions shall be applied to the Electrical Installation, in as far as they are. applicable. ‘The tenderer shall complete the form (B) for the experience of the electrical contractor or the sub-contractor and shall submit them with the offer ‘The contractor shall refer only to those items of this specification which are applicable for the particular project. ‘The Contractor shall refer to section of “Particular specifications” for any details not included in this Standard Specifications but is required in the particular project. ‘The contractor shall refer to all relevant civil, machanical, A/C... etc. drawings and obtain for himself the location and routes of all gas and water services A/C ducts etc., so 28 to maintain adequate clearance between electrical and other services. ‘The position of ail fittings, fins, equipment, apparatus, etc....indicated on the drawings exe to be taken as approximate only and are intended to indicate generally the arrangement of the works. The exact positions of all fittings, fans, equipment, apparatus etc....shall be co-ordinated with other works and services, prior approval of Engineer is required. Approval of Engineer does not relieve the contractor from his contractual obligation if later on found that these do not comply with (specification and) site arrangements. WA28 ALS Ag Ad 12 Should any portion of the works be reasonably and obviously be inferred as necessary for the complete, safe and satisfactory operation of the installation as whole, but not expressly described or specified, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer before executing such works. ‘The contractor shall submit all the required samples, technical details, original catalogues in English language, drawings, wiring diagram called for in the individual clauses of this specifications. Any deviation from the specification should be mentioned clearly in the submittal under heading deviation or else the Engineer shall have the right to reject any material at eny period of the contract. ELECTRICAL SUPPLY: Alllelectrical works, equipment, accessories and fittings shall be designed and manufactured to ‘operate continuously in the electricity supply system having the following characteristics: Voltage: 415 Volts + 6%, 3 phase, 4 wire 240 Volts + 6%, single phase. Frequency: 50 Hz + 4%. Neutral: Solidiy earthed TT. system Fault level 31 MYA at 415 volts Fault duration: 0.5 seconds CLIMATIC CONDITION: Extremes of temperature and humidity are experienced in Kuwait. Periods of high humidity are common and humidity of 100% has been recorded at 30°C. ‘Viotent sand and dust storms occur and even on comparatively calm days fine dust is carried in the atmosphere. 7 ‘All apparatus and equipment shail be capable of continuous and prolonged operation in the ambient temperature stated below: ‘Max. ambient temperature 1 installed within buildings of substantial construction having good heat insulating properties and adequate ventilation: + 40°C. ‘Max. ambient temperature in Summer = SC. ‘Temperature within transformer room, engine rooms and boiler rooms, ete...may rise to: 59C. Max. sun radiation temperature in Summer: aC.AG AT ATA AT AIS As Average minimum temperature outdoor. ec. DERATING: ‘Uniess otherwise mentioned due allowance has been made in the design of the electrical installations described in this specifications and drawing, for the severe climatic conditions of Kuwait and all equipment, wires, cables, switches, etc., specified herein have been adequately derated, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: ‘The electrical works shall be carried out by an Electrical Contractor or sub-contractor who is on the Central Teaders Committee's approval list of Electrical Contractors and under categories specified in the particular condition of the project. ‘The Electrical Contractor must have at least one electrical engineer registered in Kuwait Society of Engineers, and electrical supervisor for ensering proper supervision of the work. The electrical engineer shall be available at site periodically and during the time as per particular condition of Contract or as agreed by the Engineer. The electrical supervisor should be available at site during working hours. ‘The Contractor shall visit the site and acquaint himself of any conditions whatsoever which may in any way affect the carrying out of his works as no claims will be allowed for lack of knowledge in this respect. MATERIALS: Attention of all Tenderers is hereby drawn to the following: All materials, equipment and components shall be the best of their respective kind, from the standard range of product of reputed manufacturers and shall be suitable for prolonged and trouble-free service in the climatic conditions specified under A.4. All individual items of material shall be of the same make throughout the project unless specifically approved by the Engineer and shall comply as 2 minimum with the latest relevant recommendations of the international Electro-Technical Commission (LE.C) and if this is aot available to the latest relevant British Standard Specifications (B.S.S). Materials of other national standards may also be employed provided they are comparable with LE.C/B.S.S. This applies to quality of material and testing etc. If standards as mentioned above contradict this tender specifications, then the requirements of this specifications shall apply. Electrical Contractors who wish to base their offers on standards other than those mentioned under (A.7.1) may do so provided that they confirm in their offers that such standards mect the requirements under (A.7.1) as a minimum, and in due time, the successful Electrical Contracto: will be asked to prove this and if needed, be verified by the Inspectors appointed by the Engineer. “The successful Electrical contractor shall submit to the Electrical Engineer full details and particulars of all the equipment he proposes to install along with the documents listed against each item. WORKING DRAWINGS: ‘The Contractor shail provide at least four sets of working drawing unless otherwise specified showing the following: 13Ag Aas 14 8} Cabling, 415 Switchgear & Distribution Board: Exact cable routes of all underground cable whether laid under-ground or on cable ducts. Location of 415 volt switchgear and distribution boards, should also be shown, (Scale not more than 1:20) Section of each portion of the routes to show the cable arrangement, spacing, fixation, filling, manholes....ete. Dimension shall be shown where applicable (Scale of Section to be 1:50). In addition to above a further layout drawings shall show in detail the location of the 415 volts switchgears, method of fixation and cable connections, cable trenches, duct....ete. (Seale to be 1:50). ‘These drawings shall be submitted within one month from handing over the site and approval of the Engineer should be taken before commencing any portion of the work, b) ‘Trunking and conduits: ‘The run of conduits and trunkings for lighting and power shall show the size of the conduit or trunking, the number and size of wires in each conduit or trunking, draw in and junction boxes, Scale to be 1:50 maximum. NOTE:- If separate lighting and power drawing shall be submitted scale can be 1:100. ‘The drawings shall be submitted within two months from handling over the site and at least one month from the commencement of the work. ©) Earthing system: Complete design of earthing system with detailed description of particulars FINAL RECORD DRAWINGS: Upon completion of the electrical work and at least three weeks before the date of inspection, the contractor shall hand over to the Engineer one mother print of diazo polyster film of minimum thickness of 0.064 mm (2.5 mill) and five white paper prints of the “as fitted” electrical installation drawings made out in five sets, each set in a binder form, giving particulars of the positions of all switchgear, distribution boards, lights and power outlets, fittings, equipment, etc. together with the schedule of circuits and all other information relevant to the electrical services. MICRO FILM: 3 sets of standard 35 mm Microfilm aperture cards photographed from “as fitted” drawings shall be submitted along with drawings above mentioned. Details on the reverse side of the micro film aperture card shall include - Supplier: Contract number: Title of the Froject: Title of the Drawings: Drawing number:Aad AB A Reduction ratio: Date: Front face of the card must be left blank. MAINTANANCE AND INSTRUCTION MANUALS: ‘Three sets at least one original of maintenance and instruction manuals and catalogues enclosed in adequate binders should be submitted for composite equipment and as directed by the Engineer SPARES: The contractor shall supply and deliver to owner's stores all spare materials as listed in che Bills of Quantity. INSPECTION AND TESTING: ‘The contractor should submit the aecessary “Test Form”, “Load Form” duly filled in aloag wwith one set of approved drawing and 2 sots of “as fitted” drawing (not working drawings) to the Engineer, at least two weeks before requesting for inspection and testing of the installation ‘COMMISSIONING: ‘The Contractor shall commission all equipment included in the Electrical installation after the electrical supply has been connected to the main switch board. 15B32 B334 B33.2 B35 B36 Ba Bat BAR Bas 18 ‘The switchboard shall consist of standard cubicles assembled together on continuous base channels to form a rigid in line flush fronted free standing, continuous switchboard assembly. Frames are constructed from 2.0mm thick folded sheet steel, strengthened where necessary by horizontal folded channels. Frames are enclosed by 1.5mm thick sheet steel screwed on the frames. Hinged doors of 1.5mm thick sheet steel strengthened where necessary. The cubicle shall be sufficiently rigid to withstand all operating forces without deformation or damage. For ML.T.B. & M.C.C. Bach cubicie shall be divided into segregated bus bar section and circuit section. The cireuit section shall be further divided into segregated compartments for housing the specified circuit breakers, fuse switches, switches, moulded case cizcuit breakers, motot starters and other devices. Access to internal components of any compartment must be feasible by isolating its particular switch. The hinged door shall be mechanically interlocked ‘with the switch in such a manner that the door can only be opened in OEF position. M.S.B. and S.M.S.B. shail be one cubicle of the panel board type, with a vertical bus bar in the middie of the panel board. The outgoing M.C.C.Bs shall be mounted horizontally on a back plate. A separate front plate shall be provided so that no live part may be touched. The panel board shall be provided with hinged door with lockable handle. “The Switchboards shall be totally enclosed, all hinged doors, covers shall be gasketed to provide reasonable protection against dust. ‘The switchboards shall be provided with suitable cable glands to suit the type, size and number of cabies as indicated on the drawing. The cable glands or bracket where required shall be adequately mounted inside the switheboard. Sufficient spaces for cable connection and adjustments at site shall be provided. The Boards shall be provided with the proper cable fixing clamps and terminal tugs for incoming and outgoing cables as well as the earth bonding connections. Labels All: the components. in the switchboards shall be identified by means of white labels of an approved design engraved with Smm; biack lettering adequately describing the function of the unit to which it is attached and shall be secured by screws to the outside of each item. Special outlets and equipment shall be fitted with labels in a similar manner. Labels secured by adhesive are not acceptable. Labels shal! be engraved in both Arabic and English and shall be approved by the Engineer. Switchboard Wiring: ‘Switchboards shall be furnished completely wired including all cleats and terminal blocks. Control and instrument wiring shall be made with a standard switchboard cable with fire resistant braid, No eabie sizes small than 2.5mm? shall be used. "The wiring on instrament panels shall nave flexible connections to the terminal blocks. ‘The ends of every wire shali be numerated with the number as stated in the control circuit wiring diagram of the manufacturer, also numetating the terminal blocks. |A sudficient number of termine! connections including 15% spare terminals shall be provided jor all control and insirumest wiring,BS Busbar: B51 Main and auxiliary basbars shall be ectrolytic copper with 99.9% purity. B52 All busbar connections and joints shall be either silver plated or tin plated B.S.3 A neutral busbar shall be provided having the same current carrying capacity of main busbar. Half size bus bar is accepted for M.L.T.B and MCC's B.5.4 Unless otherwise specified main and auxiliary busbars shall be air insulated type. B.S.5 A copper earth busbar sized at least 50% of the phase bus bar shall be provided along the full Jength of the board. B.S.6 Phase identification of the busbar shall be done by painting the busbar by non inflammabie painting material or covered by a coloured heat resisting non shrinkable P.V.C. sleeving, 36 Air Clreuit Breaker: B.6.1 Air circuit breaker shall be of the air-insulated, conventional type (Not M.C.C.B). The breaker shall be provided with trip free handle mechanism arranged as a withdrawable unit wil isolating plugs and sockets and mechanical interlocks to prevent mal-operation, B.6.2 ‘The air circuit breaker shall be provided with over current, short circuit and earth fault protection having the foliowing characteristics, 1. Adjustable long time delay current setting swith varied tripping time. Adjustable short time delay current setting (400% -1000%) with variable tripping time 3. Instantaneous tripping for heavier over current adjustable from 400% - 1600% of base current 4. Adjustable Barth fault trip curvent setting (20% - 60%) with variable tripping time, B.6.3. Components and accessories shall be included in A.C.B: Aux. contacts Are Chutes Folding Extension rail Charging handle Open and close push buttons Over current trip indicator Key lock on trip button ing charge condition indicator Breaker position indicator Making current release Automatic shutters for the B/B terminal Carriage for every size of A.C.B, exceed HES om S Ke in wight. B64 before bi indications: without any of the protBa B71 BIL BE Bal Bat B33 B38 Bo Baa BOD Be3 a - circuit breaker closed b - cireuit breaker open © - circuit breaker tripped on fault Switches and Switch Fuses: All switches, switch fuses/fused switches, fuse combination units shall be air break, quick make, quick break with a front operating handie with ON/OFF indication and interlocked to prevent opening the cover when the switch is in the “ON” position ‘The switch, switch fuse! fused switch, fuse combination unit shall be single or triple pole with neutral fink (SP & N or TP & N) as required and the fuses shall be HRC Class Ql ‘Separately mounted switches must be housed in metal clad enclosure in addition to an earth terminal. Moulded Case Cireult Breaker: Moulded case circuit breaker shall be of Category P2. ‘The breaker shall be fitted with thermal and magnetic overload trips on each pole, quick make, quick break trip free mechanism. ‘The magnetic trip shall be adustable type for rating of 200A and above. ‘The breaker shall be provided with machanical indication on ON/OFF tripped. Separately mounted moulded case circuit breakers must be housed in metal clad enclosure and must be provided with earth terminal ‘Mannaaily Operated Change Over Switch: ‘The change over switch shail mainly be used for mains net work and emergeacy source and shall be one of the two types specified hereunder, a) Changs-over switch, four pole, double throw, quick break and slow make action, and the nentral pole shall be arranged to make first and. break-last b) Change-over switch (four or double pole) incorporates two non-automatic moulded case circuit deeakers capable of breaking the load upto the rated current and arranged with load bvs bars. ‘The change over switch shall be complete. with handle having “OFF” position which shall be mechanically interlocked to prevent opening cover in any position than “OFF”. over switch used individually it shail be koused in metal clad enclosure suitable mi-flush mounting. The enclosure shall be provided with earth terminal, Ef the ch: for surlace o: CONTACTORS: ‘The Contr Utilization Category AC3 and shall be suitable for intermittent duty C ror shal have mioimum making and breaking capacity in accordance with s 1 f the contactor shall aot be tess the vi million operationB.10.3 B.10.4 B.10.5 B.10.6 B07 Bal BALL BAL? BAL BAL BALS ‘The NT.P. rating of any contactor shall be at least 1.5 the rated load it controls Contactors used in A.'T.S, shall have minimum making and breaking capacity in accordance with Utilization Category AC 4. Contactor used for control lighting cireuits or lighting distribution board shall be magnetically operated, mechanically held (latch type) and shall be rated for Tungsten, fluorescent and discharge lighting load. Contactors over 100 emperes shall have main and Arcing contacts. Contacts shall be replaceable and provided with are quenching devices, Unless otherwise specified the operating coils shall be suitable for 240 Volt 50 Hz single phase. AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH (A.T.S) ‘The A.TS. shall comprise of 2 Nos. -3 phase, 4 pole mechanically and electrically interlocked air circuit breakers) (as specified clause B.6) for rating 600 Amp. and above. For ratings less than 600 Amp. contactors (as specified clause B. 10) can be used with the necessary back-up protection. In addition to the A.T-.S. necessary Manual Change-over switches shall be provided to by-pass the A.T.S. in case of maintenance or repair. Control voitage of A.T.S. shall be normally fed from the main supply, in case of failure of the main supply it shall be fed automatically from the emergency supply. ‘The arrangement wiring and components shall satisfy the requirements of the Diese! Generator manufacturer. His written approval shall be submitted. In addition to the transfer switch the A.T.S. arrangement shall be equipped with the following: a) A selector switch to control the operation of A.T.S. on normal, emergency, automatic and off b) Adjustable - 3 phase voltage sensing'relays sense failure in a phase/phases and voltage drop below 70% of the normal voltage and pick-up at 90% of the normal voltage (pick-up and dropout voltages are adjustable within the range 70-100% of the normal voltage). ) Visual méchanical indicator for transfer switch position. ) Indicator lamps to show transfer switch position normal, emergency and off €) Amadjustable time delaty relay of 1-3 seconds for starting signal to the generator set after cutting of main supply. An adjustable time delay relay of (-3 minutes which allows A.T.S. from (NORMAL) to (EMERGENCY) after the voltage build-up relay of the generator hhas sensed 90% rated voltage when frequency within 90% of rated frequency g) An adjustable time delay relay of 1-10 minutes to allow A.T.S from (EMERGEN- CY) to (NORMAL). h) An adjustable time delay relay of 0-5-5 seconds to prevent instantaneous transition 21Baz BDI BAD? BAZ BAZ BABA B32 BABS Bas Bildt Bisa Bass Badd Blas Bias BaS2 BASS 22 from (EMERGENCY) to (NORMAL ) i.e. the delay allows time sufficient for the residual motor voltage to decay to a sale switching level i) An adjustable time delay relay 1-5 minutes to allow the engine to shutdown after a cool down unload time delay after the A.T.S. has been switched to (NORMAL) position. EARTH LEAKAGE RELAY: ‘The relay shall comprise, core balance transformer, tripping, mechanism and reset testing button, ‘The relay should operate within 0.2 sec. when the fault current exceeds specified sensitivity and as detailed on schematic diagrams ‘The relay should be connected to the load side and the testing device to be connected to the supply side. ‘The relay shall withstand available short circuit. In case of using with MCCBs, integrated E.L, relay in MCCB can be accepted. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARM EARTH LEAKAGE RELAY: Similar in construction to earth leakage relay except it operates an audible and visual alarms located in the boards or remotely positioned in liew of shunt trip of the breaker. Audible alarm shall be of sufficient level. Andible alarm may be cancelled by suitable reset button but visual indicator remaining on until fault is cleared. AMMETER: ‘The ammeter shall be moving iron type flush pattern with dust and moisture proof enclosure, ‘The dial size shall be 10%. 10cm approximately. Accuracy shall be one percent of full scale values Moving elements shall be provided with zero adjustments located at face of dial. ‘The ammeter shall be capable of withstanding twice the rated current for 10 minutes and overload sustained under fault conditions without damage or loss of accuracy. For main incomers M.L:T. and M.S.B, shall be provided with 3 Ammeters to read the current on each phase. Ammeter with selector switch to read line current can be used for incomers or feeders other than main incomer if specified. YOLIMETER: ‘The voltmeter shall be moving iron type flush pattern with dust and moisture proof enclosure. The dial size shall be 10 x 10cm approximately Accuracy shall be one percent of full scaleBSA B53 BAS.6 B16 BA6A B.A62 BAIT BATA BAT2 BAT BATS Ba. BATT BIT. B79 B70 Moving elements shall be provided with zero adjustments located. at face ofthe dial. ‘Voltmeters shall have 2 measuring range from 0 to S00V and shall withstand twice the rated full scale voliage for 1.0 minute without damage. ‘The voltmeter selector switch shall be of the rotary type with cam operated contactor it shall have (7) positions off, R-¥, ¥-B, B-R, RN, Y-N, BN. CURRENT TRANSFORMERS: Current transformers shall be of class C accuracy fer indication and class CM accuracy for metering purposes. ‘Transformers shall be rated not less than 5 VA and shall have thermal and machanicai rating at least equal to those of the main breakers. KWH METERS: ‘The Kwh meters for the Ministry of Electricity and Water metering shall be suitable for operation on 415/240 volts, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz supply. ‘The meter shall be absolutely dust and vermin proof, protected from corrosion due to high humidity and compensated against the effect of temperature upto 55°C. ‘The meters shall maintain their accuracy over many years service under Kuwait climatic conditions. The counters shall be of the cycle-meter type with six digits and shall give a direct reading of power consumption to six figures, the lowest figure being units and not tenth of units. Pointer type counters are not acceptable. Multiplying factors shall not be used except for the larger size of current-transformer operated meter, wheré 10 and 100 may be used. The calibrating adjustments shall be operated by serew-drivet daly. ‘The meter cover and cases shall be of metal and not plastic. The ratings for direct connected whole current meters shall be 50, 75 and 125 amperes maximum per phase and the terminal holes shall not be less than 6, 9 or 12mm. diameter respectively. Higher rating meters shall have not less than Smm. diameter terminal holes and shall be operated through current transformers with 5 amperes rating to the secondary side and the counter or the meter 3hall be calibrated to read the primary Kwh passing through the current transformers. ‘The curront transformers shall be of the ring or slide on busbar type. ‘Three current transformers of the following standard sizes shall be provided for each meter. 200/5, 400/5, 860/S, 1000/5, 1s00/5, 20005 All meters shall be handed over to the Ministry of Electricity and Water for calibration before final erection and connection. 23C. DISTRIBUTION BOARDS: Ca STANDARDS: Distbution board shall comply with the following standards as appropriate: B.S. $486 PT-11 PT-12 Particular requirements for HRC Fuses, ‘Miniature circuit breaker boards. B.S. 3871 PT-1 [EC 1S7-1A Miniature circuit breakers, BLS. 4752 PT-4, IEC 157-1 Circuit breakers BS, S419 PP-1 LEC 408 Air break switches BS. 4293, Current operated earth leakage circuit breaker, BS. 88 2 HRC Fuses B.S. 54201C 144 Degree of protection for enclosures, B.S. 6231 + PLY.C. insulated cable for switch gear and control gear wiring, 2 ENCLOSURE €.2.1 Distribution Board shall be flush or surface mounting. Enclosure shall be Fabricated from Zine coated or galvanized sheet steel of minimum thickness of 1.5mm. ‘The Distribution Board shall be provided with fixed cover and a hinged door with padiocking ‘which can be opened without any obstruction about 120° and conduit knock outs from the top and bottom. The hinged door can be an integral part of the fixed cover. C.2.3 The steel Enclosure shall be protected to IP 31 for internal use with neoprene gaskets for the doors and IPS4 for out door.and, damp locations. c3 GENERAL: €.3.1 ‘The arrangement of the enclosure shall be such that the switch, MCB and RCCB cannot be operated without opening the hinged doors. To obtain access to MCB & RCCB it should be necessary to. remove the fixed cover. 3.2 Miniature circuit breakers (M.C.B) or H.R.C. fuses can be used as detailed in the Drawings for Distribution Board used as sub-main switch Boards. For final Distribution Board Miniature Circuit Breakers shall be used, unless otherwise specified. Final Distribation Boards serving lighting-and power shall be of split type, adequately rated copper bus bar pattern with 30 MA current operated earth leakage circuit breaker (RCCB) serving one bus bar and maximum 300 MA. RCCB serving the lighting busbar. ©.3.4 The final Distribution Boards shall be controlled by an adequately rated ON load switch to interrupt the supply to the entire Distribution Board. ‘The number of ways of any Final Distribution Board shali not exceed 12 way for T.P. & N. D.B’s and 16 ways for S.P and N. D.B’s including spare, Seperate Distribution Boards foro36 C37 C38 C39 C4 CAt C42 43 C48 cs CS.a ©s2 C83 lighting and power can be used in case of intent to exceed the limited above. ‘The arrangement of the M.C.B. in the triple pole. Distribution Board shail allow replacing a triple pole M.C.B. with three adjacent single pole M.C.B’s and vice versa. “The Distribution Board shall be equipped with neutral and earth bars, each having seperate terminal for each way of the Distribution Board and one for each of the main neutral and earth, The Distribution Board shali be provided with cabie gland where required A circuit label shall be provided to indicate the area served by each M.C.B, ‘The Contractor shall submit before ordering the Distribution board full technical details of the components complete with supporting Manufacturer's catalogues, in addition to a dimensional drawing showing the internal arrangement of the component RESIDUAL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKER (RCCB) Current operated earth leakag circuit breaker shall provide accident protection by interrupting dangerous contact with voltages which may be present in faulty electrical appliances as a result of frame faults, insufficient insulation or misuse. ‘The RCCB shall also provide a high degree of protection against earth leakage, fires and electric shock and can withstand at least 3 K.A. The breakers shall generally comply with B.S. 4293. 1983 and the recommennded specification CEEZT of the International Commission on Rules for the Electrical Equipment and/or any National or other relevant specifications to ‘what is mentioned above, as a minimum. ‘The breaker shalt consist of a core balance transformer, a tripping coil with contact assembiy, ‘main supply contacts, ON/OFF switch, 2 test button and a trip free mechanism, all enclosed in a robust body of all insulated materials. Degree of protection against earth leakage throughout the electrical installation shall be of the following: ‘Maximum 10mA trip rating - for under water lighting Maximum 30 mA trip rating - all socket outlets and domestic apparatus Preferably 300 mA and Maximum 500mA trip rating - Lighting circuits and all other apparatus and equipment suck as A/C plants, lifts, pumps, etc MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER (M.C.B.): ‘The M.C.B. shall comply to BS, 3871 Part 1 and amendments and shail be of category M3 Type 2. ‘The frame size of all M.C.B'S shall be the same for possible interchangeat ‘The M.C.B. shall either be of the plug in or bolt-on type. Circuit breakers dollies shall be of the trip free pattem to prevent closing the breaker on a faulty circuit, and shall be engraved to indicate “ON/OFF” position and rated current Miniature circuit breakers of butit in earth leakage protection shall be used when required 25CABLES & WIRES: Da DAL Daz GENERAL: Cables and Wires shall comply with the following standards as appropriate: BS. 1442 : Galvanized Mild Steel wire for armouring cables. B.S. 2897 Aluminium strip armour for cables B.S. 6234 Polyethelene insulation & sheath for cables, B.S. 6360 + IEC 228 Copper conductor for cables. B.S. 6746 + IEC 540 P.V.C. Insulation & sheath for cables. BS. 6346 P.V.C, Insulated cables. B.S. S467 IEC 502 Armoured cables with Thermosetting Insulation. B.S. 5468 TEC 502 Cross linked polyethelene Insulation. B.S. 6004+ 1EC227 :-PLV.C. insulated cables for power & lighting. B.S, 6500 IEC 227 2 Insulated Flexible Cords. B.S. 6207 EC 245 Miceral Insulated Cables ‘Cable termination shall comply with the following Specifications B.S. 4121 : Mechanical Cable glands BS. 4579 Performance of Mechanical and Compression joints for cables. B.S. 6081 : Termination of M.1.C.C. Cabies. BS. 6121 + Mechanical cable glands for Elastomer and plastics insulated cables MULTI CORE 690/1900 VOLT PVC. INSULATED ARMOURED (PVC/SWA/PVC) CABLE: ‘The conductors shall be stranded of plain annealed copper wires of high conductivity. ‘The conductors shall be insulated by PVC. and the core insulation shall be coloured as stated below for identification. ‘The bedding shall consist of an extruded layer of PVC. for which a single layer of galvanized steel wires shall be provided as armouring and earth continuity conductor. ‘The cable shali have final serving over the armour comprising of a black extruded PVC sheath, “The PVC used for the core insulation, bedding and sheath shall be of the hard type comy with Type $, Table 1 of relevant BS. or equivatem ying ‘The core of muiticoce PVC insulated armoured and noa-armoured cable shall be identified byD3 D4 Dat D42 Das D4d Das DSA ps2 Ds3 pst the following colours: Number of Coes Colour Two Red, Biack Thee a) Red, Yellow, Blue b) Red, Black, Green/Yeliow Four Red, Yellow, Blue, Black NOTE: When asinge core PVOSWAVPYC cable quired the armouring shall be singe layer alumioum wires. MULTI CORE 60/1000 VOLT PVC, INSULATED NON-ARMOURED, PVC SHEATHED (PYCIPVC) CABLE: ‘The cable shall be as D.2 above in every respect except without armouting. MULTI CORE 600/000 VOLT ARMOURED CROSS-LINKED POLYETHYLENE CABLE: ‘The conductor shall have stranded annealed copper wires. “The conductor shall be insulated by extruded cross-linked polythylene (KLPE) compound, suitable to permit operation of the cables at a maximum sustained conductor temperature of 90°C. ‘The bedding and over sheath shall be extruded PVC of the heat resisting and hard type complying with Type 9, Tabie 1 of relevant B.S. or equivalent ‘The armouring shall be of sidgle layer galvanized steel wires. Identification of cores shall be as follows: Number of Cores Colear ‘Two Red, Black Three Red, Yellow, Blue Four Red, Yellow, Blue, Black NOTE: ‘The armouring for single core XEFEISWAVPVE shall be single layer aluminium wires SINGLE CORE PVC. INSULATED CABLES (NON-ARMOURED): ‘The conductors shall be from plain annealed copper of high conductivity Conductors of nominal cross-sectional area of 4 mm? and above (4 mu? included) shall be of stranded wires. Conductors of nominat cross-sectional area of 1 bat stranded wires are preferable. 1d 2.5 mm? may be solid wi "The insulation shall be from hard PVC complying with Type 5, Table 1 of relevant B.S. or equivalent, ‘The P.V.C. insulation of the cores sh: be identified by the following colours:Ds D.6t D62 Ds3 D64 Daa DI2 D738 Ds 28 Phase conductor Red, Yellow, Blue Neutral conductor : Black Earth conductor 2 Green/Yellow FLEXIBLE CORDS: Flexible cords shall be 300 vi300 Volt, Three core Flexible cords shall be circular, silicon rubber insulated, glass fibre braided. The conductors shall be tinned annealed copper, Identification of cores shall be Brown, Blue and Green/Yellow P.V.C. SHEATHED M.C.C. CABLES: M.LC.C. cables of 1000 Volt grade shall be of copper solid conductors mineral insulated, Seals for M.L.C.C. cables shall be of the cold screw-on pot type consisting of a brass pot ‘complete with anchoring wedges and caps. ~ Heat shrinkable termination is acceptable. All saddles shall be of copper of the spacer bar stand-off pattern. Except for cables Manufactured by Gulf Cable & Electrical Industries Company, Kuwait the following shall be submitted for approval: 1) Full technical details and Manufacturer's catalogues of each type & size of the wire anc cable proposed to be used in the Electrical works. b) Copy of test certificate from an Independent Testing Authority confirming that the svires and cables are complying with the relevant clauses of this specification. ©) A sample of each type é¢ size of the wire & cable proposed to be used to M.E.W. central workshop for testing and approvingE38 Ed E41 All exposed threads, dic marks and other abrasion shall be painted with two coats of an approved metallic paint immediately after the conduit is installed. METALLIC FLEXIBLE CONDUITS: Flexible conduits shall be used for protection in final connection of cables to electric motors and other equipment sudject to adjustment of position and vibration to the fixed wiring and at similar position Flexible conduits shall comprise a flexible steel core with P.V.C. over-sheath. Liquid tight flexible conduit fittings shall be used at the terminating end of all flexible conduits. NON METALLIC FLEXIBLE CONDUITS ‘The conduit shall be heavy gauge, P.V.C. pliable, round, either plain or corrugated of self extinguishing plastic material. ‘The Contractor shall submit before ordering cut-away samples of all sizes of conduits and one conduit box of each type fixed on a wooden board, together with manufacturer's catalogues and a test certificate from an internationaly recognized authority to confirm that the offered conduits and accessories comply to this specification. 29E34 Ea E41 E42 Es Bs 30 All exposed threads, die marks and other abrasion shall be. painted with two coats of an approved metallic paint immediately after the conduit is installed. METALLIC FLEXIBLE CONDUITS: Flexible conduits shall be used for protection in final connection of cabies to electric motors and other equipment subject to adjustment of position and vibration to the fixed wiring and at similar position. Flexible conduits shall comprise a flexible steel core with P.V.C. over-sheath, Liquid tight flexible conduit fittings shall be used at the terminating end of all flexible conduits NON METALLIC FLEXIBLE CONDUITS ‘The conduit shall be heavy gauge, P.V.C. pliable, round, either plain or corrugated of self extinguishing plastic material, ‘The Contractor shall submit before ordering cut-away samples of all sizes of conduits and one conduit box of each type fixed on a wooden board, together with manufacturer's catalogues and a test certificate from an internationaly recognized authority to confirm that the offered conduits and accessories comply to this specification,Fa F2 R22 F23 F3 R34 P32 Ba Fad A P43 TRUNKINGS: Cable trunking and Bus Bar trunkings shall comply to the following as appropriate: B.S. 3486/1 IEC 439 : Factory built-assemblies of switch gear atid ‘control-gear. B.S.54862 1EC4392 «= -Particular requirement for bus bar trunking systems. BS.5420 TEC 144 2 Degrees of protection for enclosures. B.S. 2989 : Hot dipped zine coated sheet steel BS. 4678 + Cable trunking STEEL CABLE TRUNKING: Steel cable trunking shall be made of painted zine coated steel. ‘The cable trunking shall have inward timed flanges on the body for strengthening. “The cable trunking shall be complete patter trun button. ‘easily fitted covers which are locked in place by flush ‘Standard trunking accessories:-Tees, angle tees, Four way through boxes, offsets,.etc., shall be used . These accessories shall be made by the same steel trunking manufacturers. Each length of the cable trunking and accessories shall be complete with coupling and earth copper links. NON-METALLIC CABLE TRUNKING: Non-Metallic cable trunking and its accessories shall be made from high impact non- combustible polyvinyl-chloride with precise extruded section suitable for use at high temperature. All cable trunking shall be provided with removable covers. Cover shall be maxinrem 1.5 meter in length. BUS BAR TRUNKING: ‘The Bus Bar trunking shail be drawings. ee phase and auetral. Rating shall be as indicated on the ‘The Bus Bars shall be of high conductivity copper suitably sleeved for phase identification. Al contact surfaces shall be silver or tin plated. The Bus Bars shall be housed in a totally enclosed duct, vermin proof enclosure made of painted zinc coated sheet steel. Joints shall be accomplished by means of an insulated bolt passing through the conduciors, Joint bolt shall provide an easily detected visual indication that the bolt has beca tightened ction plates shall be provided to permit periodic joint examination without disturbi joint pressu 31FAS FAS PAT Fas Frag F410 FAL Faz BAI3 Faas Fas FANG KS 32 ‘The enclosure shall be constructed to withstand the electro-mechanical forces that may be induced by the prospective short circuit current. Each length of Bus Bar shall provide tap-off positions at different intervals not exceeding 5 f. and shall be designed that each length of the Bus Bar is free to expand and contract without detriment to itself or to adjacent part of installation. ‘Tap-off boxes shall be constructed of sheet steel and complete with securing devices to insure rigid connection to the Bus Bar. “Tap-off boxes shall incorporate a moulded case circuit breaker or fused switch. They shall be of the type which can be pligged in to the Bus Bar when it is live ‘Tap-off units shall be mechanically interlocked with bus bar housing to prevent removal of the plug-in units while the switch is in the ON position. Covers should be provided with releasable type interlocks to prevent the cover from being opened while the switch is in the ON position. "The operating handle shall retain control of the switching mechanism at all times, and shall be padlockable. “Tap off units shall be equipped with an indicator flag to indicate the “ON” of the switching mechanism. 3 “OFF” position Blanking plates shail be fitted to all tap off positions that are not fitted with tap off units ‘The bus bar trunking shall be provided with fire barrier whenever the busbar trunking passes through a fire compartment barrier or through walls or floors. A suitable weather proof fitting must be provided where bus bar trunking passes through 2 roof. A dead end of busway shall be closed. ‘Temperature rise at any point in the Bus Bar shall not exceed 65°C at ambient temperature S0°C under max. Joad condition of the Bus Bar. EARTH ELI (RODES: Earth electrode, comprising of 3 sections, each section to be tong and 16 mm diameter. The electrode rod shall be made of high strength steel with copper for non-rusting. Tie copper shall be molten welded, the steel core for eleminating electrolytic action. One end of the rod shall be pointed without application of heat and driving head shail be provided at the other end, The sectional rods shall be coupled with strong bronze couplers. The coupler shall be threaded to fit the rod section. The rod shall be driven into the earth by means of a power hammer, clamps shall be provided for connecting external copper strips to the electrode, the clamps shall be of adequate size to take 25 x 3 mm strips. Phe Contractor shall submit before ordering full technical details and manufacturer catalogues of the proposed trunking and accessories. CABLE TRAYS AND RACKS: Cable trays shall gener perforated ch: lly consist of sheet metal or steel profiles being of the ladder or th nel type with a maximum width of 600mm and a supporting distance notFIA RIS BIG BAT BIB E19 F710 Cable trays of the ladder type shall consist of metal profiles riveted together having horizontal spacings between two rounds not exceeding 300mm. Cable tray of the ladder type shall have a minimum carrying capacity of 200 Ke/m and under normal conditions the sag is not to exceed 3mm ‘The cable trays shall be part of a module system having available all required accessories and transition pieces from one to another direction or elevation. All bolts and screws shall be cadmium-plated or electrolytically galvanized Every cable tray shall be marked at both ends and at intervals of 20m. with the pertaining registration number. Cover or sunshades shall be provided where trays are exposed to the sun, ‘The metal thickness of perforated channel cable tray shall not be fess than 1.6mm (16G) before galvanizing and vertical stem shall have a minimum height of 45mm with return flange: Cable trays arranged one above the other shall have spacing in relation to their width not exceeding a ratio of 1:2 with a minimum distance of 150mm. All trays, supporting steel members, clamps and other accessories shall be of one manufacturer and shall be hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication 33G. WIRING ACCESSORIES: Ga Gat 34 GENERAL: Wiring accessories shall comply to the following standards as appropriate: BS.3676 BS.67 BS.816 BS. 800 BS. 5518 B.S. 1363 BS. 4343 TEC 309 BS. 3535 BS. 1362 + EC 260-4 B.S. 4662 BS. S46 B.S. 5733 BS.4177 B.S. 5042 Switches for domestic and similar purposes. Ceiling roses : Requirements for electrical accessories. 2 Specification for radio interference limits and measurements for equipment embodying small motors, contacts, control and other devices causing similar interference. Electronic variable control switches for tungesten filament lighting 13. Amp. plugs, switched and unswitched socket-outlets and boxes. 2 Industrial plugs, socket-outlets and coupler for a.c. and d.c. supplies. Safety isolating transformers for industrial and domestic purposes. + General purpose fuse links for domestic and similar purposes (primarily for ase in_ plugs). Boxes for the enclosure of electrical accessories. ‘Two pole and earthing-pin piugs, socket-outlets, and socket-outlet adaptors for circuit upto 250 volts. : General requirements for electrical accessories, Cooker control units rated 30 amp. and 45 amp., 250 volts, single-phase only. Specification for lampholders and starter holders Lamp holders and starter hoider ‘(Bayonet lampholders) Lampholders and starter rolders (Edison Screw lampholders)G2 G24 G22 G3 G34 G32 633 G4 G82 © Got B.S.S042PT4*1EC400 : Lampholders and starter holders @uilt-in lamp holders and starter holders for tubular fluorescent. All individual items of materials shall be of the same make throughout the project unless specifically. approved by the Engineer. SINGLE POLE SWITCHES: For Indoo Use: a) The switches for indoor use shall be of the grid type. b) The switch cover shall be brass finished matt chrome. The dolly or rocker shall be insulated with ivory finish. ¢) The switch shall be rated 5 or 15 amps. as required. The grid shall be provided with suitable earthing terminal. For Outdoor Use: a) The switches for outdoor use shall be water-tight and metal clad. b) The case shall be f robust cast iroa and galvanized finish or die cast aluminium, ) The tating of switch to be 5 or 15 amps as required DOUBLE POLE SWITCHES: ‘The double pole switches shall be with indication neon lamps and shall be'rated 20 amps. ‘The face plate shall be of brass finished matt chrome and’shall-be engtaved “WATER HEATER”, “WATER COOLER”, “AIR CONDITION”, "INCINERATOR", as required ‘The dolly or rocker shall be insulated and ivory finish, PUSH BUTTON SWITCHES FOR LIGHT: Push button switches for the operation of contactor controlled lights shall be of the push to make and push to break type. ‘The push button piate shall be finis ed in the same manner as light switch plates, BELL PUSHES: for indoor use shall have a cover of brass ed to the earth, Bell pu: con shed matt chrome and shal -d with bell sy For tudoor Use (249 Volts) d socket outlet shall be 3 pi rectangular Type. 356.5.2 G7 G74 C74 G75 G16 C8 6.8.1 36 b) The 15A switched socket shall be 3 pin round type ©) The face plate of the switch socket shall be of brass finished matt chrome and shall be connected to the earth terminal of the socket d) The dolly or rocker of the switch shall be insulated and ivory finish For Qutdoor and water tight Use (240 Volts) a) Switched socket outlet shall be water tight, 3-pin, rectangular pins for 13 amperes, and round pins for 15/16 amperes rating. b) The case shall be of robust cast iron and finished galvanised or die cast aluminium. ©) Bach socket shall be complete with metal clad plug top. 4) A screw type metal cover shall be provided for covering the socket outlet when the plug top is removed. The cover shall be chained to the case of the socket THREE PHASE SOCKET AND PLUGS: ‘Three phase socket outlets shall be 5 pin (3 phase + Neutral + Earth). © phase socket outlets shall be combined with switch so interlocked with the plug thet the plug cannot be withdrawn or inserted with the switch in the “ON” position. ‘The current rating of three phase socket shall be 16, 82, 63, 125A. ‘Three phase socket used indoor shall be splash-proof (IP-X4). ‘Three phase socket used outdoor shall be water-tight (IP-X7) One matching plug shali be furnished with cach socket outlet installed. COOKER CONTROL UNITS: ‘Cooker control unit incorporating 2 45 amps double pole main switch and a 13 amps switched socket outlet and neon indicator lights for both cooker and socket ‘The cooker control unit shall be surface or flush mounted as required. DIMMER SWITCHE: The dim interferens umer switches shall be designed to meet the requirement of BS 800 for tadio frequency suppressed and BS 5518 for switches Dimmer switch shatl be for the control of incandescent lamps or for fan speed control. The rating of the dimmer switch shall be as shown in the schedules or drawing. cat resistant back cov 12 operat 2 knob shali be in OFE”’ positions shali te clearly marked on all be switched off with definite click. dimmer switch with ige rotation tor “ON” posi ce. the dimmer switeh ary dinG10 10.1 10.2 Gat Gad ein on e114 Gaz G24 G22 G2 G14. ‘The dimmer switch used for control incandescent lamps shall be suitable for fixing on standard switch boxes. JUNCTION BOX: ‘The junction box shail be complete with a terminal block suitable for connecting upto 10mm? copper conducter (phase, neutral and earth) and an all insulated moulded whitecover plate ‘The cover plate shall be raised for connecting outgoing cable FUSED SPUR-BOK: ‘The fused spur-box shall be flush type, unswitched and suitable for 240 volts, single phase, 50 Ha, supply. ‘The spur-box shail have a fuse base with carrier and 13 amps flse fink complying to B.S. 1362. During the replacement of a fuse no five metal shall be touchable, ‘The spur-box shall be provided with earth terminal. The terminals shall accommodate three core dimim? cables. ‘The front platé of the spur-box shall be brass finished matt chrome and shall have outlet for flexible cable. LAMP HOLDERS: Lamp holders shall be so designed and constructed that in normal use, their performance is reliable and without danger to the wser or surroundings. Lamp holders shsll be in general of the Bayonet cap upto 200 watt and Edison screw E40 for lamps of 300 watts and above. Lamp holders shall be in general of the all insulated material heat resisting suitable for conditions upto a lamp cap temperature. 165°C temperature mark T 1 for Bayonet cap of cord grip or open shade 210°C temperature mark T 2 for Bayonet cap of cord grip of closed shade. Bayonet cap metal lamp holders, Edison screw E27 either all insulated or metal may be accepted in relevant cases. CEILING ROSES: Ceiling rose shall be of three or four plate type as required, the terminals shall be clearly marked to indicate the phase (or line), neutral and carth conductors. “The base fixing screw hole slotted to accept a variation in sare snitable for mounting over small circular conduit boxes ing, Screw centi MOUNTING BOXES: Mounting boxes shall be one gang or two as specified and shall be manufactured from hot-dip galvanised steel. ich box shail have terminal fitted in base and include ample knockouts and 37G16 Gar GAs 38 adjustable tug, BELL INDICATORS: Bell Indicators shall be of bakalite base and cover complete with brass fixing screws, fitted with glass screens, suitable for operation at A.C. upto 12 volts, 50 Cycles. INDOOR BELLS: indoor betts shall be electric tumbler metal framed, bakalite case, round gong approximately 3 diameter operated st low voltage A.C. (upto 12 volts) 50 cycles. OUTDOOR BELLS: Outdoor electric bells shall be electric tumbler in weather-proof metal case no less than 6” diameter cound gong, suitable for operating on 240 volts, 50 eycles, 1 phase A.C. Supply. BELL TRANSFORMERS: Bell Transformers shall be of bakalite base and cover, primary coil wound for input 240 volts, 50 cycles, 1 phase A.C. supply. Secondary coils for output of upto 12 volts, A.C. with fuses in two outer L.V. leads, core connected to earth terminals complying with B.S. 832 Class A.H. MOTORS AND CONTROLS: HA HAL2 HAS B2 GENERAL Motors and control shall comply to the following standards as appropriate. BS 4999 HEC 34 IEC 72 BS 5000 BS 5372 BS 2757 + IEC 85 BS 292 BS 3979 BS 494 PT 1 TBC 29241,4,B,C PY 2 IEC 292-2 PT 4 18C. 292-4 General requirements. for rotating electrical machines Rotating electrical machines of particular types or for particular applications. Specification for cable termination for electrical equipment, Classifications, of insulating material. Dimensions of ball bearing and cylinderical roller. bearing. Dimensions of electric motors Motor starter direct on Tine Motor starter Star delta Motor starter, Auto transformer ‘This specification is not applicable to Direct Expansion Air Conditioning central units which are covered under separate specification ‘The Contractor shall submit before ordering the following catalogues and technical details: a) Technical catalogues for ali types of motors with detailed list of the types, HP and speed. b) Technical catalogues for all types of starters used with detailed list of types and rating of contactors and the motor they control ¢) Technical catatogues for protection devices for motors above 50 HP. d) Wiring diagram for the starter/starters showing the protection devices, measuring instruments. ELECTRIC MOTORS: ‘Motor shall generally be totally enclosed, faa cooled type protection class IP 44 for indo: motors and IP 55 for outdoor motors unless otherwise specified. 39H3 4 HS BT HS nO H.10 HAL 40 All motors shall comply fully with the requirements of the appropriate standard specification mentioned above. ‘Motors shall be fully suitable for service in Kuwait climatic conditions. Unless otherwise specified motors shall be of the squirrel cage type. The rated voltage of the motors shall be: a) L-phase, 240V, 50 Hz for motors upto and include 1 H.-P, Motors upto 5 H.P. may be single phase under special conditions and prior approval shall be obtained. b) S-phase, 415V, 50 Hz for motors ratings above 1 HP. All motors windings and slot insulation shall be non-hygroscopic of class B, other superior classes may be applicable so that the temperature rise of the motor as declared by the manufacturer + ambient temp. is at least 10°C below the maximum operating temp. of the insulating material used. The ambient temp. in plant room should be taken as 55°C. Motors shall be of high power factor. Inherent protection shail be embeded in the motors 50 HP and above. S-phase motors upto and including 15 H.P may be started direct on line (D.O.L). Motors above 15 HLP. shall be of the reduced current or reduced voltage starting to ensure that starting current does not exceed 2.5 times the full load current. Motor starters shall be mounted on mounting plates enclosed in a separate cell (Clause Individual motor starter shall be enclosed in a casing protection IP 41 for indoor mounting and IP 5S for outdoor mounting and shall house all the starter components, contactors, protection devices, metering...ete. as applicable. Each motor rated of 1 HP and above shall be provided with: 2) Means of isolation from electricity supply for purpose of adjustment and maintenance. ) M.C.C.B's or fuses suitable rating for short circuit protection ©) Means for automatically disconnecting it from the electricity supply in the event of: ) Failure of supply ii) Serious drop in voltage iii) Flow of excess current Where main incomer for a motor control center (MCC} is provided with audible and visual alarm earth leakage relay (Clause B.13) motors 50 HP and above shall be provided with individual earth leakage relay (Clause B12), For individual motor starters controling motors less than SO HP and above 15 HP shall be provided gith R.C.C.B, (Clause. C.4). Motors from 50 HP and above shall be provided with earth leakage relay (Clause B.12) unless the M.C.C.B, feeding the motor starter is provided earth leakage protectionHAS Had HAS HAT HIS #20 ‘The over load relays provided with motor starters shall be of the magnetic type or of the thermal type with automatic compensation for variation in ambient temp. between OC and 55°C. The over load shall be of 3 phases For motors 25 HP and above current transformer operated over load protection shall be used. Separate single phase preventor shall be provided for motors.25.HP and above. Unless otherwise specified, starters for motor rated 25 HP and above shall be provided with an ammeter with selector switch. Unless otherwise specified starters for motors rated 25 HP and above shall be provided with red and. green indicating lamps to show status of each motor. Motor starters and. push buttons shall be clearly labelled showing the machines they contro Stop push buttons shall have large mushroom head andlor coloured red, Start push buttons shall be shrouded to-prevent accidental operation and must be coloured green. Motors driving Air handling units shall be controlled by Latch type. contactors uniess the Air handling unit is remote controlled from the Motor Control Centre. Starter. controlling: chiller compressors. shall conform to MEMA/ANSI and NEC standards normally used with the chillers provided. a) The-chiller manufacturer.confirm that they normally use the offered starter with their-chillers-and recommend. its use, b) Bulfil the requirements of starter specified above Each starter in addition to the auxiliary contacts used, for-electrical interlocking shall have at least one-extra normally opened and one normally closed: contact. 41. BANS: Lt La Lia 13 1a 42 CEILING FANS AND REGULATORS: Ceiling fans shall be propeller type with 3 or more blades operating in free air and shall comply with B.S,S. 4934 and 5060 and shall be as specified hereunder. ‘The fans and their associated regulators shall be suitable for operation on an electricity supply of 240V, single phase, 50 Hz. Fans shail be of the higher power factor, high efficiency type preferably with split phase capacitor shall be such that the power factor of the fans and regulators shall be 0.85 or better at full speed. Fans and regulators shall be suitable for continuous operation in an ambient temperature of 50 degree centigrade. Fans and regulators shall be of robust construction throughout and shall be finished on all surfaces with suitable lacquer or other preparation to make them proof aganist rust during transit, storage and operation. The fan body shall be cast or fabricated from high grade ferrous metal or be die-cast in a hard approved alloy. If the latter, particular attention shall be given to bearing housing as detailed hereafter. ‘The motor body shall be totally enclosed. The terminal block and capacitor shall either be housed in a terminal box or shalt be installed directly above the motor body and covered bya canopy. An earth terminal shall be provided at a suitable location, ‘The blade shall have a diameter or sweep as specified in the schedules. They shall be supplied in accurately balanced and in marked sets. Blades shall be of pressed metal shect with a longitudinal stiffening rib if necessary. ‘The suspension shall be of the insulated type, the crutch holding the insulated bobbin shall be of stee! or cast iron and welded to the down rod or secured in a similar manner to the joint at the motor as specified below. A canopy, large enough to enclose completely the suspension crutch, hook and ceiling rose, shall be supplied. Regulators shall be of the choke type or electronic type and shall either be of all insulated construction or assembied on a substantial meta! frame and provided with an earth terminal, ‘Thermopiestic covers shall be proof against discolouration and shai! be of robust construction so a3 to prevent breakage when accidentally dropped from 5 ft. height. The design of the regulator stall be such that it shall not be possible for any live metal to come into contact with the frame, even if assembly screws are inadequately tightened. Regulators shall be capable of reducing the speed of the fan by at least 50% of the full speed. Fans shall be capable of nunaing of any of the contacts of the regulator at the rated voltage and shall have an off and at least 3 eed positions, (speed positions are not applicable 10 electronic type regulator) TABLE FANS: mechanism, adjustable 10 uni OFF positions, ed, ontinuously raPEDESTAL FANS: 400mm. Pedestal Fans, oscilating, with telescopic column and base, suitable for indoor use with integral regulator having minimum three speeds and OFF positions, induction type ‘motor, suitable for operation on 240 volts, 50 Hz., A.C. supply, complete with wie guard. Sound level at maximum speed to be'very low. 43K2 Kt K244 KL K243 K218 2.2.2 VI. The technical information and declaration sheet Appendex (1) shall be filled and signed by the owner, and shall be submitted with the test form for inspection. VENTED TYPE STORAGE WATER HEATERS ‘The water heaters shall be electric, thermal storage low and medium pressure type as described here under and manufactured by a reputable manufacturer, and shall comply with Kuwaiti Standard Specifications KSS 40-1973. Constraction: ‘The designed working pressure of the low pressure inner container shall be 1.8 KG/CM? and the test pressure shall be 3.6 KG/OM2, The designed working pressure of the medium pressure inner container shall be 3.6 KG/CM? and the test pressure shall be 7.2 KG/CM2. ‘The unit shall generally consist of a cylinderical inner container constructed either of cold rolied copper sheet tinned internally with all seams over lapped and brazed, or copper sheet tinned internally and eveloped in a cylindrical sheet steel envelope contiguous to copper container ‘The outer casing shall be made of high grade sheet steel, rust proof with two coats of anti-rust paint inside and outside and finished in white baked on hard wearing enamel. Space between inner and outer container shall be padded with efficient thermal lagging. ‘The unit shall be provided with P.S.P.T. connections for cold water inlet, hot waterr outlet, and with drainage device. Inlet pipe shall enter the container from bottom and outlet pipe can be from bottom or top. The arrangement of inlet and outlet pipe inside the container shall not permit emptying the container or water under any condition except through the drain connection which shall be in the lowest bottom and provided with drain valve and extended nipple for loose connection (Fig. 2) Each unit shall be equipped with the following:- 2) Immersion heating element b) Adjustable automatic thermostat ©) Safety temperature limiter d) Indication light Installation: ‘The unit shall not be connected directly to water mains or through any water cet work having pressure regulating system. “The unit shall be fed from an elevated storage feed tank and a vent or expansion pipe from the top of the inner container shall be provided for each unit to discharge water freely to t elevated fred tank as show ia the attached figure (1) and recommended by the manfactarer. No valves shall be installed between the discharge of the unit and the vent pipe ‘The maximum hight of the elevated tank feeding the low pressure unit shall be 18 Metres, and 36 Metres for the medium pressure unit Immersion Heating Element: ‘The immersion heating element shall be constructed from nick ium resistance wire sheathed in a mineral filling, the whole being cased in a copper tube scaled against moisture.K23.2 K.2.3.3 K24 Rd K242 K2s K26 K.27 K28 ‘The immersion heating element shall be provided with cover terminals and shall be screwed or flanged to the inner container from outside the vessel. The heating element shall be easily removable for servicing, also it shall be possible to remove the element plate essemblied completely for descaling. The immersion heater shall satisfactorily pass all high voltage tests, Immersion heater and terminal block shall have a substantial earth terminal connected to the inner container and outer casing. All exposed metal parts whici in the event of failure of insulation could become alive shall be in effective electrical contact with earth terminal ‘The loading of the heater shall be 3 KW. Heaters shall be suirable for single phase, 240 Volts, 50 HZ. ‘Thermostat: ‘The adjustable automatic thermostat shall be of 20 Amps. minimum rating for temperature regulation from 320C-85°C, The thermostat shall be of high grade and shall be factory internally wired and shall be removable for servicing or replacements. Safety Temperature Limiter: ‘The safety temperature limiter shall be non-adjustable and of high grade to protect the heater from over heating and consequently should disconnect the water heater from the electricity supply in the event of water temperature exceeding 90°C. The temperature limiter shall be factory internally wired, and shall be removable for servicing or replacement. indication Light ‘The unit shall have an indicator light which, when on, shows that the appliance is in the heating phase, it tums off when the water in the tank reached the desired temperature Capacity and Mounting of the Unit: ‘The capacity of the storage water tank shall be 80 or 150 litres and shall be suitable for wall ‘mounting with standard wall brackets, outs and bolts supplied by the unit manufacturer, and ‘mounting arrangement shall be approved by the Engineer before installation. Elevated Weed Tank: Elevated feed tank shall be supplied and installed complete with float valve, vent pipe, valved inlet connections to city mains, oat let connections to the water heater, valved drain connection and an overflow connected together and run to the nearest visible drain approved by the Engineer. ‘Tank shail be of approved moulded fibre glass or approved material of suitable shape mounted over concrete saddie. The float valve shall be suitable for 6 atmospheres working pressure Tank size shall be 250 litres capacity. All as shown in the attached installation guide figuse (1) & (2). 47VENT OR EXPANSION PIPE MUST GO HIGHER THAN PEED TANK Gare vaive -~ ELEVATED FEED TANK FOR wareR HEATER ISOLATING COLO WATER FEED —= TO FIXTURES | 70 otmER | gictunes TANK FLUNG t WATER LINE | dum | so oTHER FIMTURES: ISOLATING VALVE | not wares oIscHaRcE | 8 vent Pipe. | pomestic etectRc | water HEATER pean cock coup WATER FEED To OTHER FINTUAES: MAN WATER SUPPLY ELECTRIC WATER HEATER INSTALLATION GUIDE i (FIG-1) ISOLATING VALVE,VENT PIPE INTERNAL CYLINDERICAL CONTAINER OUTER CASING | HEAT INSULATION MATERIAL | WATER OUTLET PIPE, HEATING ELEMENT THERMOSTAT EARTHING TERMINAL. gover FoR ELECT. CONN CABLE INLET Lame ANDICATION LENSE ot waTER OUT. DOMESTIC ELECTRIC WATER HEATER MAIN COMPONENTS: | (FIG.-2)APPENDEX (1) ‘TECHNICAL INFORMATION & DECLARATION ‘The following technical information and declaration shali be filled and attached to the test application, to fulfil the M.E.W. Regulations otherwise the Boilers installations shall not be accepted. Project Name: File No: Area Block: Plot: ‘Total quantity of heaters.....c.essscsseeceeseeeeeeeee heater 1. Water Heater: aie! oe Capacity: Working Pressure: Bar, Press. relief valve make: Operating Press: Bar: Temp. relief valve make: Operating Temp.: °C. Adjustable thermosat provided Yes/No Safety temperature limiter provided Yes/No Filteration System provided : Yes/No 4... Water treatment System provided : ¥esNo 5. Copper pipes & fittings used : Yes/No Well declare that A) The above mentioned items are correctly installed B) When replacing any water heater, the new one shall be provided with all the above mentioned safety devices ©) The necessary maintenance will be carried out in order to assure their adequate functions Name: Address: Signature: Date: 50Laz a3 Lid LIGHTING FITTINGS: FLUORESCENT LIGHTING FITTINGS: General: Fluorescent fittings shall comply to the following standards as appropriate: B.S. 4533 Luminairs BS. 1853 : Tabula fluorescent amps for general lighting service. BS. 2818 : Specification for ballast for tubular Buorescent lamps, BS, 4017 1 Specifications for capacitors for use in tubular fluorescent lamp circuits. BS. 3772 1 Starters for fluorescent lamps. BS. 5042 PL 4 Specification for lampholders and starter-holders, Submittats: ‘The contractor shall submit the following before ordering the fitting: a) Fall detailed technicel Manufacturer Catalogues showing the type of the fitting proposed, photometric data, rated voltage, max. working temperature, type & size of internal wiring etc. b). Full technical details of the ballast including manufacturer, type of insulating material, max. temperature rise. ©) Full technical details of the power factor correction capacitor, including manufactur ef, voltage, frequency, capacitance, number, integral discharge resistor ctc.. d) Full technical details of the starter switch including manufacturer, type etc.. 2) Sample of each of the proposed lighting fitting to be submitted All fluorescent fitting shall be of first class quatity, made by reputable manufacturers from the standard ranges of product and illustrated in their catalogues and suitable ia all respects for trouble free operation in 240 volts, 50 Hz at 45°C. Fluorescent fitting shall be complete with all internal wiring ‘The internal wiring shall be not less than 0.75mm* size with sificon rubber insulation or high temperature rated P.¥.C, clipped neatly in position, other heat resisting wires with similar properties may be accepted SiLas Lao Laas Ladd 52 Each fluorescent fitting shall be protected against environmental conditions at which the fitting will be fixed and shall comply with individual specification of each type of fitting described in the following General Standard Fitting Drawings ‘Overall power factor of the fitting to be at feast 0.85 lagging. This may be achieved by using one capacitor or more, Individual batlast shall be provided for each lamp. 2 « 18(20) watt lamps may have 2 common Fluorescent tube Diameter tubes are pz hall be Day Light colour, colour temp. between 5000 to 6500°K. 2mm able. Control gear shall consist of the following:- a) A ballast of proper wattage with drip-proof and fully enclosed in polyster or other suitable insulating material, The ballast shall be quiet in operation with rob terminal block fully shrouded. The ballast winding temperature shall aot be less than 1209C, at rated temp. rise of 55°C unless otherwise specified. facitor shall be leak-proof and shall have an iat tronic type of instant starting with builtin Automatic Cut-O: a cent tube may be of the thermal type). Each starter shall be of 2 wype contained in proper canister. Radio interference supression capacitor system shall be provided for each fitting. Lamp-hoiders and starter-holders shali be of good heat resisting insulating matecial capable to prevent, in extended normal use, any electrical or mechanical failure. Contracts shali be resilient and shall provide adequate contact pressure ‘The arrangement and type of the lamp and starter holders shall make replacement of lamp and starter feasible Earthing terminal shall be provided for. each fitting,Protection Chass Construction Mounting ‘Type of Siting Anns AUU3S AUNSE ALDS6 ALIS Fluorescent Fitting Batten Type : P20 ‘Batten type Guorescont fittings comprising of white stove ename! finished heavy gauge stest sheet channel section base with cover of ample dimensiens to house contro! gears. Hitting shall be suitable for fixing directly to the ceiling or watt No & Type of Tabes 4-600mm-18 or 20 watts fluorescent tobe 1-1200mm-36 or 40 watts Muorescent tube 1-1500mm-58 oF 65 watts fluorescent tube 2-1200mun-36 oF 40 watts Guorescent tbe 2.1500mm-58 os 65 watts Suorescemt tube 53Fluorescent Fitting Reflector Type Fitting Series A2 Proveetion Class Construetion Mounting “type of tong ANI6 Amae6 Annus ADUSS 120 ‘Body shall be stove enamelled sheet steel channel section base of ampie dimensions to house control gears and provided with a stove enamelled sheet steel reflectors white inside and other approved colour outside, Fiting should be suitable for fixing direct to the ceiling or suspended from te ceiling by means ot two 74° dia. conduits. Mo & Type of tabe 1-1200iam36 oF 40 watts Fluorescent tobe 2-1200mnm-36 or 4. watt Fluorescent tube 1 as00mm58 oF 65 watt Fluorescent tube 2-1300mm-58 or 65 watt Fluorescent tube 54 TsFluorescent Fitting Reflector Type Fitung Series A2 i i i [ i | Protection Class 120 | Construction | Body shali be stove enametied sheet stel channe! section base of ample i ‘dimensions to house control gears and provided with a stove enamelled | sheet steel reflectors white inside and other approved colour outside, | ste sin tt gt tenga veh i the ceiling by means ot two 34” dia, conduits. | type of fiting No & Type of tobe { | ane 141200am-36 or 42 watts Fluorescent tube | axons 2-1200mime5 oF AO nate Muosescont tbe | ° (sas 1-15CGmmes8 or 65 watt Fluoresent tube i a2 2-1S00mm-58 oF 65 watt Fleoreseeat tube | i 1 i | i | Te. 55Protection Class Construction ‘Type of fitting AMU36 56 Floocesceat Fitting With Diffuser Fitting Series Ad 126 Body shall be made from heavy gauge sheet steel or aluminium stove ‘enamelled white inside and outside or other approved colour outside. The fitting shall be provided with low brightaess louvre ensuring minimum glace according to International Standards. The louvre shall be white stove with V shape longitudinal and transverse vanes to give distribution. optimum The louvre shall be so arranged that it can be easily removed for maintenance, louvre fixing by screws are not accepted All control geaz and accessories shall be so housed within the fiting in such 4 way that they cannot be secu from below, The fitting shall comply with BS 4533, IEC 598 or VDE 0710 Fitting should be suitable for fixing directly to the ceiling or suspended from the ovifing by means of two suspension rods with ceiling bracket by firing manufacterer only No & Type of Tubes 200mm 36 or 40 watt Fluorescent tube 1200mm 36 or 49 watt Fluorescent tube sam 58 or 65 watt Fluorescent tube nm 58 or 65 watt Fluorescent tube zim 18 of 20 w escent tube | \Protection Class Construction Mounting ‘Type of ating ASIL36 A57236 ASILSS ASi2/58 Flooreseent Fitting Blush Type Fitting Series AS 120 “The fitting shall be fully cocessed mounted in the false ceiling and matching the type of false ceiling used. Body shall be made from heavy gauge sheet steel, of aluminium stove enamelled white inside, ‘The fiting shal! be provided with low brightness loavze ensuring minimum glare according to Intemational Standards, The louvre shall be mirror finish and from polished anodised aluminium with V shape longitudinal and transverse vanes to give optimum light distebution, ‘The louvre shall be so arranged that i can be easily removed for maintenance, louvre fixing by serows are not accepted. All controll gear and accessories shall be so housed within the fitting in such a way that they cannot be éeea from below. ‘The fitting shall comply with BS 4533-102-2 or IEC 5982-2 o VDE 0710, Fitting shall be suitable for installation with the type of faise ceiling and shall be co-ordinated with false ceiling details and suitable for fixing into false ceiling by means of both ends threaded hanger rods with anti-rust coated nuts No & Types of Tubes 4-1200mm. 36 or 40 watt Fluorescent tube 2-1200mm 36 or 40 watt Fluorescent tube fmm 58 oF 65 watt Fluorescent tube 2 mm 58 or 65 watt Fi 57Protection Class Construction Mounting. ‘Type of Giting ASILSS AGUS Aga Fluorescent Hitting Flush Type Fitting Series a6 1P20 ‘The fitting shail be fully recessed mounted in the false ceiling and matching the type of false ceiling used. Body shall be made from.heavy gauge sheet steel, or aluminium stove enamelied white inside. The fitting shall be provided with low brightness louvre ensuring minimum glare according to International Standards. The louvse shall be white stove enamelled finish with V shape longitudinal and transverse vanes to give optimum light distribution. The louvre shall be arranged that it can be easily removed for maintenance, louvre fixing by screws are not accepted All control. gear and accessories shall be so housed within the fitting in such a way that they.eannot be seea from below. The fitting shall comply with BS 4533-102-2 or TEC 598-2-2 or VDE O710. Fitting shall be suitable for installation with the type of false ceiling and shall be co-ordinated with faise ceiling details and suitable for fixing into false ceiling by means of both ends threaded hanger rods with anticrust coated nuts, No. & Type of Tubes 1-1200mm 36 or 40 watt Fluorescent tube 2.1200mm 36 of 40 watt Fluorescent tube 1-1600mm $8 or 63 watt Fluorescent tube 00mm 58 oF 65 watt Fiuorscent tube 460mm 18 or 20 watt Fluorescent tube 58Yapour, Chemical and Dust Proof Fitting Fitting Secies AT Degree of protection IP St Construction Mounting ‘Type of iting ATS ATI26 Ama ATSB “The housing shall be of glass, Fibre - reinforced non flammable polyester resistant to aggressive chemical reactants, The diffuser shall be of non discolouring plastic material clear polymethocrylate or polycarbonate and white enamelled steel reflector or aluminium. Ali electrical components a ted on a hinged tray. The fitting shall be suitable for outdoor use where the maximum temperature may reach 84°C. ‘The fitting shall comply with BS 4533 or IEC 598 or VDE 0710, The fitting shall enable versatile, individual or row mounting either directly om ceiling or wall or horizontal suspension as recommended by manufacturer, No. & Type of Take 1-1200mm 36 or 40 watt fluorescent tube 2-1200mm 36 or 40 watt Huorescent tube 4-1500mm 58 or 65 watt Guorescent tube 2-1500mmn $6 or 6S watt Ala escent 59Weather Proof Fluorescent Fitting Series AS Degree of protection IP S4 Construction Mounting ‘Type of fitting A8I136 Asaiss Asse ‘Weatherproof and dust tight fluorescent light fisting shall consist of a Blass-fibre reinforced base for housing the control-gear and water proof lamp holders as required. ‘The fitting shall be suitable for outdoor use where the maximum temperature may teach deg. centigrade. The base should be provided with 34° dia. conduit entiy at the top and at the two ends and necessary covers be provided for unused conduit entry, ‘The fitting shall comply with BS 4533 or IEC 598 or VDE 0710, ‘The fitting shall be suitable direct fixing 10 ceiling or wall No. & Type of Tube 1-1200mm-36 or 40 watts fluorescent tube 2-4200mm-36 or 40 watts fluorescent tube 1.1500mm-58 or 63 watts fluorescent tube 2:1500mm-58 or 65 watts fluorescent tube 60Construction Mounting ‘Type of fitting AMIS ASILASS, Fluorescent Fittings for Mirror and Ceiling ov Wall of Bathrooms. Fitting Series A9 Body shall be made from metal or fibre-glass. The diffuscr shall be of non discolouring plastic niaterial. The fitting shall comply with BS 4533 or IEC 598 or VDE 0710 and suitable and completely safe for use in bathrooms. Fitting shall be suitable for fixing direct to the ceiling or wall No. & ‘Type of Tubes 1-600mm 18 of 20 watt Fluorescent tube 1-600mm 18 of 20 watt Fluorescent tube . The fitting shall be provided with shaver socket outlet comply with BS 3535 or TEC 74262 Self-Contained Emergency Light Fittings Fitting Series A10 ection IP 40. Class of prot The fittings shall comprise of metal housing stove enamel white inside and other approved colour outside. The unit shall contain sintered nickel cadmium battery, a constamt current charger, silicone transistor inve and solid state change-over switch. The batteries shall be capable of supplying power to the fluorescent tubes as specified in the schedule for hours under normal conditions. These light fittings will not operate but os the failuce of nomial supply, they shall be immediately switched on. The battery should recharged automatically on supply resumption, The fittings shall be provided with a vandal-resistant opal poly-carbonate or acrylic disfuser, fitting shall be suitable for ceiling or wall mounting, The luminaires shall comply to BS: 4533 section 102.22 or VDE 0108, Type of fiting No. & Type of fitting Alas 1 No, 8 watt Quoresceat lamp Ala 2 Nos, 8 watt fluorescent lampDegree of protection 120 Exit Sign Self-Contained Luminaires jttine Series AUF Surface mounted exit sign constructed from sheet steel or aluminium, with Description with internal surfaces finished in white stove enamel and external surface in| white or other approved colours | “The tace panel is constructed from self-extinguishing opal diffuser with the legend “EXIT” in English and Arabic, 125mm high sereen-peinted in green ‘The fitting shall be sultable for fluorescent tubes as specified in the schedule | “The fitting comprises a sealed, sintered nickel cadmium battery, aconstant current charger, a silicon transistor inverter and solid state change-over circuit. In the event of mains failure fluoresceat tube provide instant emergency lighting for hours. “The ting sha comply fully with BS 4533 and or FEC 5982-22: 1980. 0r | VDE 0108 Mounting Fitting shall be suitable for either wal! mounting or suspended from the ceiling by 2 suspension sods provided by fitting manufacturer. “Type of fitting No. & Type of Tabes ALVIBM, 1-300mm § watt fuocescent tube (Maintained) ann atom 8 yt fuse ihe | (Sustained i.e. one mains one emergency) | sass 1200mm & vate Burese abe | (fon-Mainained) j | i | | 1 i i L { TREEDegree of protection 1P20 ‘Construction Mouating Black Board Lighting Fitting Fitting Series A12 steel white stove enamel ‘The housing shall be of heavy gauge sl finished inside green or approved colours. outside. The reflector shal be asymmetrical pure aluminium, the cei All bracket mounting and suspension rods shall be provided by fitting manufacturer No. & Type of Tubes 1-1200mm 36 o¢ 40 watt Fluorescent tube 1.1500mm $8 or 65 watt Fluorescent tube FanP ERE i | |Protection Class Construction: Mounting ‘Type of fting ALSB6 A236 A158 Aly (Division 2 areas as defined in BS S345 Part 7 - 1979) Fluorescent Fitting used in Explosive i ‘atmospheres of gas or vapour. Fitting Seriles AZ3 | IP 65 ‘The housing shall be of giass Fibre-reinforced aon flammable polyester resistant to aggressive chemical reaciants. The diffuser shall be of acrylic or polycarbonate and white enamelled steel reflector or aluminium. AU clectrical components are mounted on 4 hinged tray. The fitting shall fully ‘comply with BS 4533 Part 2 Section 2-1 or IEC 595 or VDE 0710. Part 5 ' Test certificate to prove that fitting suitable for zone 2 shall be provided ‘The fitting shall enable versatile, individual or row mounting cither irectly on ceiting or walt or horizontal suspension as recommended by manufacturer No. & ‘Type of tubes 1-1200mm 36 oF 40 watt Muorescent tube 2:1200mm 40 or 36 watt fuorescent tube 1.1500mm 58 or 65 watt Auoresceat tube 2-1500mm 58 or 65 watt fluorescent tube 65L2 Lila L22 Ld 66 Discharge & Incandescent Lighting Fittings (General) The light fitting and their component (Lamp holder, Control gear, lamps, wiring) shall comply with the relevant BSS/IEC/VDE wherever specified and fully suitable for use in the climatic condition of the site All lighting fitting shall be furnished complete with internal wiring, lamp holders, lamps and suspension accessories in addition to integral control gear for mercury, sodium and metal halide light Fitting All mercury, sodiuim, eval halide light fitting snail be provided with 240 volt - $O Hz, ballast comply with BS 4782 and power tactor correction capacitor leak-proof metallic container type comply with BS 4017 for improving power tactor to 0.85 or better and suitable ignitor for sodium and metal halide lamps The drawing of the light fitting is given as general shape for guidanceDegree of Protection IP 20 Construction Mounting ‘Type of Luminair Bui Buz Bis Bue Bus Bu6 BUT HIGH BAY FITTIN FITTING SERIES BI The body shall be of aluminum finished in grey or other approved colour for housing the control-gear, The reflector shall be of anodized pure aluminium, ‘The luhinair shall comply to BS 4533 -2.2 or IEC $98 or VDE 0710. Hook on 20mm conduit Size of lamp 250W 400w 150W 250 400w 250W 00w Type of tamp High pressure mereury vapour lamp High pressure mercury vapour lamp High pressure sodium lamp High pressure sodium famp High pressure dium lamp Metal hatide Metal halide 67 768 LOW BAY FIFTING FEPTING SERIES B2 Construction 2 The body shall be of Die-Cast Aluminium fnished in grey oF other approved colour for housing the controt-gear. ‘The reflector shall be of anodized pure aluminium with prismatic acrylic or polycarbonate refractor Fitting shall comply with BS 4533-2.2, or IEC $98 or VDE 0710. Mounting + Suspension recommended by manufacturer Type of Deeree of Sive of Type of lamp fitting protection lamp Boi P20 125W High pressure mercury vapour amp B22 rss sw = do B23 120 250 = do Bo rst 250W + do | B25 120 150W High pressure sodium | ee eee ae fa i B27 129 250W + do B28 west 2s0W = do- el.poo HORIZONTAL LOW BAY FITTING FITTING SERIES 82 ‘Degree of Protection: IP 20 i | ; “The fitting housing is of sheet stee! or aluminium white stove enamelled finisied Construction or other approved! entour “The Transverse louvers shall be fabricated from sigel white stove enamellcd Snisbed oc aluminium, “The reflector shall be anodized pure aluminium. Fitting shall comply wih BS | 4553-2 of TEC 598 or VDE 0710. { Mounting 2 Bitting shall be suitable for fing directly to the ceiling i ‘Type of Bttiog Stee of tame ‘Type of lamp Bar sw High pressure mercury vapour ' lamp i B32 250% - i B33 sow High pessure Sodio } Bs 2500" High pressure Sodium iProtection Class: 1PS4 Construction ‘Type Ban Baz 70 of fitting SECURITY PERIMETER AND ROADWAY LUMINAIR FITTING SERIES BS ‘The body shalt be trom die-cast aluminium finished in bronze ar other approved colour. The front cover shalt be moulded prismatic polyearhonate or therm shock-resisting glass The fitting shall he suitable for out door use where the maximum temperature ‘The fitting shall comply with BS 4533 or IEC 598 or VDE 0710. Size of lamp ‘Type of lamp 80W High pressure mercury vapour High pressure mercury row High pressure Sodium Isow High pressure SeuiuiFLOOD LicHT FITTING SERIES BS Protection Class: IP Construction Housing shall be of die-cast aluminium or die-cast sifumin. Attachment bracket of hotdip galvanized steel and the reflector of anodized high purity aluminium, Stainless steel toggles Toughened heat resistant front glass. ‘The fuminair shall comply to BS 4533 Part 1 or IEC $98 or VDE 0710. ‘Type of Sitting No. & Type of lamp Bs 1 x 250W High pressure mercury vapour Bs 1X 400W High pressure mercury vapeur B98 1X 150W High pressure sodium Bs 1x 250W High pressure sodium BSS 1x 4008 High pressure sodium BS 1 x 250W Metal halide sodium BOT 4X 400W Metal halide sodium |Degree of Protection IP Copsiruction “The body and front frame shall be of cast metal. Front frame shall be screwed the body by stainlesesteet screw. ‘The diffuser shall be of prismatic glass and reflector shall be of pure Aluminium. The fitting shall be suitable for outdoor use where the maximum temperature may reach 64°. The fitting shall comply with BS 4533 Part 2 Sectioa 2.2 or 72 TEC 598 or VDE o710. Type of fitting Size of tamp Type of Lamp Be OW ——_ Incandescent lamp B62 iow Incandescent lamp Bas Sow High pressure Sodium 7OW ‘High pressure Sodium 80W High pressure Mercury BEG 125W High pressure MercuryDESCRIPTION: Dispersive Reflector suitable for indoor or outdoor applications, constructed of Heavy Gauge sheet steel finished vitreous enamel, white inside and other approved colour outside. Reflectors to be fitted with ‘Saaflux” detachable tops and shall be suitable for suspension by means of 34" B.T.. conduit complete DISPERSIVE REFLECTOR FITTING SERIES B7 with skirted all-porcelain lamp holder. Diameter of reflector & type of lamp holder as specified. Type of Fieing B7A BI B73 Bye Nominal Diam, Reflector 350 mm 400 ram 450 mm 500 om Size of Lamp 150 W G.LS. 200 W G.LS. 300 W G.LS. 500 W G.LS. 1000 G.L.S, 1500W G.LS. 73MA Mid MLZ Mad MALS M.L6 M2 M24 M2 74 PAINTING AND FINISHING GENERAL All painting and finishing shali be conducted generally in accordance with the following specifications: BS 729 : Hot Dip Galvanised Coatings. BS 4232: Surface Finish of Blast-cleaned Steel for Painting BS 5493: Code of practice for Protective Coating of Iron and Stee! Structures against Corrosion ‘All metal surfaces, whether painted or otherwise, shall be suitably protected against rust or corrosion. Metalwork which is normally painted may have to be patched up or repainted after erection as necessary. Where the installation is to be painted, all oil, dust and other foreign matter shall be removed from equipment and its accessories. All metal surfaces shall be properly cleaned, prepared and primed before finish painting Uniess otherwise specified all exterior and interior painted surfaces of switchboards, distribution boards, motor control centres, isolators, trunking, busbar trunking etc. shall be finished light grey gloss finished, or other approved colour All fluorescent tuminairs shall be finished gloss white. The ceiling plates modular Hush luminairs shail be finished semi-gloss white. GALVANISING: The surface preparation shall be as follows: a) Before galvanising, surfaces shall be degreased and pickled, The pickling process shall be such a5 to ensure the removal of all mill scale and other surface defects. Thereafter, it shall be neutralised prior to galvanising. b) Before zinc spray coating, surfaces shall be shot blasted. Galvanising shall be applied by the hot process to give an average coating minimum permissible value of 610g/m? above Smm steel thick and 460g/m?* between 2 and Smm steel thickness for all fabricated steel articles. Galvanised surfaces shall have an etching primer applied before painting Over size tapping or retapping of female threads shall be provided where the bolt or male thread is hot dip galvanised. Nuts shall be tapped to 0.4mm oversize after galvanising and the threads shail be oiled. Bolts and screwed rods shai be galvanised after thread forming,M3 M3.h M33 M34 M35 M36 M37 M38 M39 ‘The threads of all bolts and screwed rods shall be cleared of spelter by spinning or brushing. A die shall not be used for cleaning the threads unless approved by the Engineer. PAINTING OF GALVANISED MATERIAL: Before painting all goivanised parts shall be completely clean and free from rust, scale or grease and all external rough surfaces shall be filled Except for nuts, boits and washers which may have to be removed for maintenance purposes, all external surfaces shall receive a minimum of three coats of paint, ‘The priming coat shall be applied immediately after cleaning, no further painting shall be doe until the works tests have been carried out. ‘After inspection and test and before dispatch to site, all external surfaces shall be throughly cleaned, touched up as necessary and a second coat applied of shade of colour easily distinguishable from the priming and final coat. ‘All surfaces shail be cleaned down, touched up as necessary and a final coat applied of a glossy and non-fading light grey colour paint ‘Damage to paint work incurred during transport or erection shall be made good by thoroughly cleaning and applying the full number of coats originally specified. Exposed ungaivanised nuts, bolts and washers which may have to be removed for maintenance purposes shall have a minimum of one coat of paint after erection, If the final coat is not applied at the works, the period between the application of the second and the final coats shall not exceed three months unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. ‘The internal surfaces of cubicles and boxes containing wiring or other apparatus which are despatched to site in an assembled condition shall bé finish painted before inspection and testing, 75AA. AAS AA AA3 AAA AAS AAS AAT AAS AAD aaa SECTION 1 INSTALLATION DETAILS General Electrical Installation: ‘The installation shall be carried out in accordance with the latest issue of M.E.W. Regulations For Electrical Installation. ‘Throughout the electrical installation the Loop-In system of wiring shall be employed ‘The goncral clectrical installation shall be carried out by means of single core P.¥.C. insulated cables in conduits or in trunkings. Where the conduits are buried in the wall, ceiling or floor, P.V.C, conduits and accessories shall be used. For surface installation galvanized conduits and accessories shall be used in location where they will be subjected to mechanical damage. ‘Trunking with accessories shali be used where large numbers of single core P.V.C. insulated cables are run together. The size of trunking and accessories shall be such that a space factor of 45% is not exceeded. Particular attention shall be given to the following: a) The installation shall be neat, tidy and all runs in walls shall be truly vertical or horizontal b) The conduit system, joint boxes, loop boxes etc., shall be firmly supported. ©) The system shall be clean and free of sharp edges, burrs etc. d) Due allowance shall be made for expansion and contraction. ¢) As far as possible conduit runs shall not cross building expansion joints; where they do, Flexible conduit joints shall be provided. Conduit shall be installed at least 150mm clear of, and preferably under, hot pipes (steam or water) and 50mm clear of gas, water and any other services. ‘Not more than two right angle bends shall be allowed in any conduit run without the provision of an inspection fitting for drawing in purposes between them, Conduits shall not be dismantled for wi g, and must be capable of being wired complete without draw wires being installed during erection, Where false ceilings exist, all conduits shail be fixed to the truss or to the surface of the slabs and dropped 1 loop-in boxes at false ceiling level. Conduits shall not be run over the supports intended to carry false ceiling without prior permission of the Engi For galvanized joints shall be screwed, care shall be taken in planning the conduit runs to avoid the use of running joints. Al conduit shail be patches or mechanical damage and shall be adequately protected trom damage whilst stored on
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