Hydrometallurgy: Amir Mohammad Nazari, Rebecca Radzinski, Ahmad Ghahreman

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Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281

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Review of arsenic metallurgy: Treatment of arsenical minerals and the

immobilization of arsenic
Amir Mohammad Nazari ⁎, Rebecca Radzinski, Ahmad Ghahreman
Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, Queen's University, 25 Union Street, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The attention of mining industry has directed towards the processing of complex arsenic-bearing minerals due to
Received 14 March 2016 a decrease in the traditional base metal reserves. Arsenic present in the minerals is usually mobilized through hy-
Received in revised form 29 August 2016 drometallurgical and pyrometallurgical processes. Arsenic has become a worldwide environmental challenge in
Accepted 7 October 2016
the metals and mining industry. Hence, arsenic in the process streams must be immobilized properly prior to the
Available online 11 October 2016
discard of waste. The initial step for arsenic fixation is the oxidation of trivalent arsenic in order to improve both
arsenic removal and stability of the final arsenical residues. Arsenic immobilization step could be accomplished
Arsenic immobilization using hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical techniques. Whereas, pentavalent arsenic is commonly precipi-
Hydrometallurgical process tated using hydrometallurgical processes consisting of lime neutralization, sulfide precipitation, co-precipitation
Oxidation of arsenic with ferric ions and scorodite precipitation. In the pyrometallurgical methods arsenic and sulfur are
Calcium arsenate captured using a fixing agent such as calcium and ferrous salts to produce a stable residue. This paper aims to pro-
Ferric arsenate vide a comprehensive review on past, current and future arsenic immobilization techniques related to the mining
Scorodite industry with a large focus on the practised processes and new developments.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Arsenic compounds that range in toxicity, mobility and bioavailability from ar-
senic-bearing minerals (Cheng et al., 2009). In the past, arsenic trioxide
1.1. Introduction (As2O3) was used for wood preservation; however, as of 2003 its use in
this industry has stopped due to the public health concerns (Long et al.,
Arsenic is the 33rd element on the periodic table and is denoted by 2012). Global industrial arsenic consumption has declined as a result of
the chemical symbol ‘As’. It is located in group 15 on the periodic agricultural industries no longer using arsenic-based pesticides, herbi-
table. Arsenic, which has a long history of uses, is one of the world's cides and fungicides (Fujita et al., 2009). Arsenic is currently used in ad-
prevalent contamination issues (Fujita et al., 2009). Elemental arsenic ditives for lead car batteries, in anti-friction agents for bearings and for
is a metalloid which primarily occurs in three allotropic forms: metallic gallium-arsenide semiconductors (Long et al., 2012).
arsenic, yellow arsenic and black arsenic. Metallic arsenic is the most
stable allotrope and exists as a bright silver-gray trigonal crystal. It is 1.2. Chemistry of arsenic
brittle due to a weak bonding between its layers and it readily tarnishes
in air. Yellow arsenic, which is characterized as soft and waxy, is the The electron configuration of neutral arsenic is [Ar] 3d104s24p3
most toxic and unstable arsenic allotrope. Yellow arsenic rapidly chang- which leads to an excess of electrons and unfilled orbitals (O'Day,
es into metallic arsenic via exposure to light or gentle heating. Solid yel- 2006). The valency of arsenic allows for different formal oxidation states
low arsenic is formed by the fast cooling of arsenic vapor (As4). Black consisting of −3 (arsine), 0 (arsenic), +3 (arsenite) and +5 (arsenate).
arsenic, which is glassy and brittle, exhibits low electrical conductivity. The structural form of As3+ contains three pyramidal bonds and a lone
The physical properties of elemental arsenic are depicted in Table 1. electron pair as the fourth arm of a tetrahedron. In an aqueous solution
Arsenic is an abundant element in the earth's crust and is found in arsenite maintains the pyramidal structure including three oxygen li-
N300 minerals (Drahota and Filippi, 2009). The average concentration gands and the lone electron pair (Fig. 1). Pentavalent arsenic creates a
of arsenic on earth is approximately 5 mg/L (Riveros et al., 2001). regular tetrahedron bonded to oxygen ligands resulting in the stable ar-
Geogenic and anthropogenic activities can liberate arsenical senate anion (AsO4)3−. The behavior of arsenic in solution is not typical
of other cations as it exists in the form of oxyanions rather than cation in
⁎ Corresponding author.
hydrometallurgical processes.
E-mail addresses: amir.nazari0828@gmail.com (A.M. Nazari), ahmad.g@queensu.ca Arsenic is typically found as inorganic oxyanions of arsenite (As3+)
(A. Ghahreman). or arsenate (As5+) (Gallegos-Garcia et al., 2012). Arsenic compounds

0304-386X/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281 259

Table 1
Physical properties of elemental arsenic.

Property Value

Atomic number 33
Atomic weight 74.92 g
Density (metallic arsenic) 5.72 g/cm3
Density (yellow arsenic) 2.03 g/cm3
Melting point at 3.7 MPa 817 °C
Boiling point at 0.1 MPa 613 °C
Heat of fusion 370.3 kJ/kg
Heat of vaporization 426.77 kJ/kg
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion 5.6 × 10 −6 1/K
Specific heat at 25 °C 328 J/kg.K
Electrical resistivity at 0 °C 26 × 10 −6 Ω.cm

can exist as organic or inorganic species and typically the inorganic sol-
uble arsenic species are more toxic than soluble organic arsenic com-
pounds (Mandal and Suzuki, 2002). Fig. 2 illustrates the dominant
species within the water line boundaries for As-H2O at 25 °C and 1 bar
total pressure. In an oxidizing environment arsenate is generally the
dominant form of arsenic. Pentavalent arsenic is in the form of H3AsO4
Fig. 2. Eh-pH diagram for the system As-H2O at 25 °C and 1 bar total pressure (Smedley
at pH value below 2. H3AsO4 dissociates to H2AsO− 4 and HAsO4
3− and Kinniburgh, 2002) (reproduced with permission).
AsO4 at a pH value above 2. Arsenite appears as H3AsO3 up to pH 9.
H3AsO3 dissociates to H2AsO− 2− 3−
3 , HAsO3 and AsO3 at pH value above 9.
Both arsenite and arsenate are soluble in water; however, arsenite is Examples of arsenic-bearing minerals are listed in Table 2. The break-
more toxic and soluble than arsenate (Yang et al., 2013). Arsenate has down of the known arsenic compounds is approximately: 60% arse-
more tendency than arsenite to precipitate out of solution with the ad- nates, 20% sulfides/sulfosalts, 10% oxides, and the remainder are
dition of metal cations (Ritcey, 2005). The metal-arsenate precipitates arsenite, arsenides, native arsenic and/or metal alloys (Drahota and
generally follow the form Mn(AsO4)m·H2O (Ritcey, 2005). The stability Filippi, 2009). The most abundant arsenic mineral is arsenopyrite
of the precipitate is dependent on the cation used to form the precipi- (Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002). High concentrations of arsenic-bear-
tate and the conditions at which the precipitate is maintained (temper- ing minerals are often located with transition metals and cadmium,
ature, pH and redox potential (Eh)) (Riveros et al., 2001). lead, silver, gold, antimony, phosphorus, tungsten and molybdenum
The mobility of arsenic is dependent on the concentration of arsenic (Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002).
and other species present (such as metal cations, clay, etc.), the pH and
Eh of the environment (Bissen and Frimmel, 2003a). Arsenic contami-
nation is of great concern due to its high mobility under a large range 2. Arsenic mobilization
of pH and Eh (Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002).
The toxicity of arsenic species varies between the arsenic oxidation This section focuses on arsenic mobilization resulting from mining,
states: arsine (As3−) is more toxic than arsenite, which is more toxic mineral processing and metallurgical operations. Arsenic contamination
than arsenate (Vaughan, 2006). Arsenite and arsenate, though both of groundwater and soils due to the mining processes occurs globally in
toxic, have different biological effects. Ingestion is the main route of ex- places such as: Ghana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mexico, Canada and the
posure but inhalation can also cause toxic effects (Gallegos-Garcia et al., United States of America (Bissen and Frimmel, 2003a).
2012). Arsenic-containing minerals that occur in base metal ores and con-
centrates enter metallurgical processing circuits accordingly. This
causes a noticeable increase in the production costs, the deterioration
1.3. Arsenic minerals and reserves of the product purity, and environmental hazards coupled with disposal
issues. The mining of sulfidic ores can potentially lead to acid mine
Arsenic scarcely exists as a native element in the nature because it drainage (AMD) issues and elevated dissolved arsenic in water
exhibits a high affinity to form chemical bonds with other elements (Lengke et al., 2009). AMD can occur as a result of old mine drainage
and species. Arsenic, arsenide and arsenosulfides are typically found in tunnels and tailings, which poses issues to aquatic life, ground water
anoxic hydrothermal ore deposits and metamorphic and intrusive igne- and connected bodies of water (Cheng et al., 2009). Mineral processing
ous rocks. Arsenite and arsenate are formed when these minerals are of arsenic-bearing ores can mobilize stable arsenic. As an example, due
subjected to oxygen and water under or near surface conditions. to the flotation of tennantite and enargite having similar floating

As As

Arsenious acid or Arsenite Arsenic acid or Arsenate

Fig. 1. Structural configuration of arsenite and arsenate.

260 A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281

Table 2 small fraction of arsenic remains in the final slag (Weisenberg et al.,
The list of the most common arsenic-containing minerals. 1979; Dalewski, 1999; Piret, 1999). The arsenic compounds must be
Type Mineral Formula eliminated from the SO2 gas prior to the sulfuric acid production, as
Sulfides and sulfosalts Arsenopyrite FeAsS
the arsenic level adversely influences the quality of the produced sulfu-
Arsenical pyrite Fe(As,S)2 ric acid. Hence, the arsenic in the process gases is treated through either
Cobaltite CoAsS dry or wet methods.
Enargite Cu3AsS4 Dry method is based on the arsenic condensation between 200 °C–
Gersdorffite NiAsS
40 °C and the arsenic is consequently removed in the form of solid crys-
Orpiment As2S3
Proustite Ag3AsS3 tals from the process gases (Dalewski, 1999; Vircikova and Havlik,
Realger As4S4 1999). In the gas-cooling stage, the evaporative cooler is initially capa-
Tennantite (Cu,Fe)12As4S13 ble of decreasing the temperature of the gas to 400 °C. The dust present
Arsenides Domeykite Cu3As in the process gas is then eliminated using a hot ESP (Fig. 3A). Thereaf-
Löllingite FeAs2 ter, the gas is further cooled to 120 °C using indirect or direct cooling
Nickeline NiAs with air, direct cooling with water, or two-stage direct cooling
Rammelsbergite NiAs2
(Dalewski, 1999). As illustrated in Fig. 3A the arsenic trioxide is collect-
Safflorite CoAs2
Sperrylite PtAs2 ed in the bag house and the volatilized arsenic trioxide is subsequently
condensed and eliminated in the wet-gas cleaning system.
As (III) oxides Arsenolite As2O3
Claudite As2O3
In the wet method, the arsenic-bearing process gas at 400 °C is ini-
Gebhardite Pb8(As2O5)2OCl6 tially pre-cleaned by a hot ESP. The arsenic-containing gas is then
Leiteite ZnAs2O4 passed through the washing tower in order to cool down the process
Reinerite Zn3(AsO3)2 gas using water injection and consequently solubilize arsenic particles
Trippkeite CuAs2O4
in the circulating sulfuric acid (Fig. 3B) (Dalewski, 1999). The residual
As (V) oxides Austinite CaZnAsO4OH arsenic is further eliminated at the wet cleaning plant.
Conichalcite CaCuAsO4OH
It is worth mentioning that most of the dusts in ESP are sent back to
Erythrite Co3(AsO4)2·8H2O
Hörnesite Mg3(AsO4)2·8H2O
the smelter for metal recovery. A fraction of the dust is leached to form
Johnbaumite Ca5(AsO4)3OH an arsenic-bearing solution which is combined with an arsenic-bearing
Mansfieldite AlAsO4·2H2O weak acid solution obtained from a wet gas scrubber - this is done to de-
Oliverite Cu2(AsO4)OH crease the concentration of impurities in the dust (Opio, 2013). Arsenic-
Sarmientite Fe2AsO4SO4OH·5H2O
containing streams are then pumped to the smelter effluent treatment
Scorodite FeAsO4·2H2O
plant (ETP) to produce stable residues for disposal (Piret and Melin,
1989; Piret, 1999; Riveros et al., 2001).
characteristics as other copper sulfide ores, the concentrate from the
float goes to the smelter where arsenic is then volatilized (Long et al., 2.1.2. Roasting of arsenic-containing concentrates
2012). Regulations regarding operations of smelters are increasingly Over the past few decades the roasting of arsenic-bearing sulfide ore
stricter about the composition of concentrate they process, as they pre- has been employed as a pretreatment method to oxidize the sulfide for
fer to have a lower concentration of arsenic so that disposal of the arse- further processing and extraction in arsenic-bearing gold and copper
nic-bearing by-product is not as large of an issue (Long et al., 2012). concentrates. Most of the gold-bearing deposits discovered and
exploited for the metal exhibit refractoriness and consequently have
2.1. Pyrometallurgical activities low gold recoveries (b 80%) when using the conventional cyanide
leaching techniques. This is due to the gold being either chemically
Pyrometallurgical operations of non-ferrous metals, including bound or encapsulated in sulfide minerals such as pyrite, pyrrhotite
roasting, converting and smelting, yield by-product residues in the and arsenopyrite, and/or the presence of carbonaceous matter (Robins
form of smelted slags, flue gases and flue dusts (Filippou and and Jayaweera, 1992; Celep et al., 2009). Hence, a series of pretreatment
Demopoulos, 1997). The by-product residues can contain desirable processes consisting of roasting, pressure oxidation and bio-oxidation
metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Ca) as well as unfavorable toxic materials are required to liberate the gold for subsequent leaching in cyanide so-
(As, Sb and Hg). In many pyrometallurgical activities arsenic is in the lution (Arriagada and Osseo-Asare, 1984; Berezowsky and Weir, 1989;
form of either As2O3 or As2S3 dusts which are captured using electro- Marsden and House, 2009). Arsenic is present in the refractory arse-
static precipitator (ESP) or wet gas scrubbers. Stockpiling As2O3 flue nic-containing gold concentrates in the form of arsenopyrite. The gold
dusts leads to serious problems due to its high degree of solubility in deportment, the mineralogy of the gold-bearing minerals, the process
water and the toxicity of arsenic trioxide (Filippou and Demopoulos, economics and the ability of the process to fix arsenic into an environ-
1997). mentally stable residue are the main parameters which notably influ-
ence on selection of the most suitable pretreatment option (Filippou
2.1.1. Arsenic in copper smelting et al., 2007; Celep et al., 2009). Fig. 4 displays a typical roasting proce-
Arsenic is an unfavorable element which is mostly identified in the dure to treat gold-bearing ore or concentrate before the cyanidation
copper sulfide concentrates. The level of arsenic must be controlled dur- process. Roasting of refractory arsenic-bearing gold concentrates
ing the smelting of copper concentrates. Since environmental regula- (400 °C–700 °C) leads to the volatilization of most of the arsenic in
tions strictly limit the inlet and outlet arsenic levels of smelters for form of As4O6, which is cooled and captured as arsenic trioxide dust
environmental and economic purposes (Coquerel, 1983). Smelters can (As2O3) in the bag-house filters (Fraser et al., 1991).
only treat copper concentrates in which the arsenic level is b0.5 wt% A fluidized bed roaster is commonly used to oxidize sulfide minerals
and a penalty of $3 USD/kg arsenic is charged for an arsenic concentra- and remove arsenic from gold concentrates through a two-stage
tion over 0.2 wt%. In addition, arsenic is capable of forming compounds roasting (McMullen and Thomas, 2002; Van Der Meer et al., 2014).
along the grain boundaries after copper solidification which negatively The main reactions taking place in stage 1 and stage 2 for arsenopyrite
affect the mechanical and electrical properties of the resulting copper roasting are given in Eqs. (1)–(3). First step of roasting, where the tem-
(Safarzadeh et al., 2014b). perature is adjusted between 400 °C–575 °C, is conducted via control-
Most of the arsenic is volatilized and oxidized to As2O3 and As4O6 ling the access of air to the concentrate to produce trivalent arsenic in
when smelting the arsenic-bearing copper concentrates and only a the form of sulfide or oxide (McMullen and Thomas, 2002). Ferric
A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281 261

Fig. 3. Flow diagram of (A) dry gas cleaning and (B) wet gas cleaning employed for the arsenic removal from the process gas (Dalewski, 1999) (reproduced with permission).

arsenate (FeAsO4 or As2O5·Fe2O3) will be otherwise generated through 2Fe3 O4ðsÞ þ 1=2O2ðgÞ →3Fe2 O3ðsÞ ð3Þ
greatly oxidizing condition and high temperature resulting in the block-
age of the pores of calcine and consequently lower gold recovery (Lebel
et al., 2014). In the second stage, a remaining amount of sulfur is elimi- Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) is a significant source of copper that comes
nated and a fraction of the magnetite is oxidized to hematite at temper- from sulfide minerals. It is frequently associated with arsenic-contain-
atures up to 604 °C (McMullen and Thomas, 2002). ing sulfidic minerals such as enargite (Cu3AsS4) and tennantite
(Cu12As4S13) (Fornasiero et al., 2001; Filippou et al., 2007; Sasaki et al.,
4FeAsSðsÞ þ 3O2ðgÞ →4FeSðsÞ þ As4 O6ðgÞ ð1Þ 2010b; Parada et al., 2014). El Indio in Chile, Lepanto in Philippines,
and Chelopech in Bulgaria are examples of enargite deposits (Filippou
et al., 2007). The processing of copper ores that contain arsenic is chal-
3FeSðsÞ þ 5O2ðgÞ →Fe3 O4ðsÞ þ 3SO2ðgÞ ð2Þ lenging due to the possible environmental and plant safety concerns.

Fig. 4. Flow diagram for a two-stage roasting for arsenic-containing gold ores or concentrates (Robins and Jayaweera, 1992) (reproduced with permission).
262 A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281

The Cu-As-S phase has a relatively low melting point (640–690 °C) and 3. Arsenic immobilization
is easily volatilized. This allows for arsenic removal as arsenic sulfide via
heating in a reducing or inert atmosphere. The volatile arsenic sulfide is Arsenic must be removed from aqueous systems, particularly
converted to arsenic trioxide via an oxidation reaction shown in Fig. 5. streams resulting from metallurgical operations. The concentration of
The presence of arsenic in the final copper product heavily influences arsenic in effluent streams and the stability of arsenic-bearing residues
its quality. Therefore, copper concentrates which have arsenic levels and waste are both governed by regulatory agencies. The toxicity char-
above 0.5% (enargite and tennantite) are pretreated by roasting to min- acteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) for metallurgical industries has
imize the associated processing and environmental risks. Partial been developed by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in order
roasting of concentrates is carried out using multi-hearth furnace to determine the stability of arsenic-bearing residues. In TCLP test the
(550 °C–750 °C) in order to reach the required conditions for concen- residue is mixed with a known volume of a pH 5 buffered acetic solution
trates to be accepted by smelters. This results in the volatilization of ar- and after 20 h the concentration of dissolved elements is measured. This
senic sulfide and sulfur, as well as the formation of arsenic trioxide and method only determines the stability of arsenic-containing residues in a
sulfur dioxide in the presence of excess air at 750 °C. The resulting gases short time period and not the long-term stability of the stabilized arse-
are cooled and the arsenic trioxide dust is captured in the bag-house fil- nic residues. Crystallinity, the presence or absence of oxygen, sulfides,
ters. Table 3 illustrates arsenical mobilization reactions through various complexing agents and disposal site characteristics significantly influ-
pyrometallurgical processes. ence the long term stability of arsenic compounds.
The process used to remove arsenic depends on the amount of arse-
2.2. Hydrometallurgical activities nic in solution and the arsenic species present. Regardless of the method
used to remove arsenic from solution the majority of arsenic must be in
Pyrometallurgical processing of arsenic-bearing copper concentrates its pentavalent oxidation state. For a process to be effective at removing
is associated with obstacles such as strict environmental regulations on arsenic in solution the dominant arsenic species must be arsenate; the
arsenic release, the complexity of gas/dust capture, separation facilities immobilization process can simultaneously oxidize arsenic and precip-
and the stability of the arsenic compounds. Various hydrometallurgical itate the solid arsenic species or can require two or more steps (Molnár
techniques concerned with the arsenic in aqueous solution have been et al., 1994; Kim and Nriagu, 2000; Lièvremont et al., 2009). Most of the
proposed to reduce the complicated nature of pyrometallurgical process techniques used in the metallurgical industry are hydrometallurgical in
involving arsenic (Safarzadeh et al., 2014b). Table 4 illustrates hydro- nature; however, there are currently studies underway which use pyro-
metallurgical processing of enargite which dissolves either only arsenic metallurgical processes to oxidize arsenic for its immobilization.
to generate a clean copper concentrate or both copper and arsenic into a
solution. This arsenical solution must then be treated according to the 3.1. As (III) oxidation
regulations set by the respective governing body.
In most operations arsenic precipitation and stabilization are de-
signed assuming pentavalent arsenic as the dominant species due to
its characteristics of being less toxic, more stable and the ability for a
higher degree of removal from the solution compared to those of triva-
lent arsenic. Only some operations, such as Codelco-Chile operations
(e.g. Chuquicamata) and Noranda's Altonorte plant in Chile, dispose As
(III) compounds (Harris, 2003). Chilean plants are situated in an arid
area where the contamination of groundwater is unlikely. Therefore, tri-
valent arsenic fixation is acceptable. The first step to arsenic removal in
the mining and metallurgy industry is arsenic oxidation. The weak acid
bleed streams obtained from acid plants, smelters and copper
tankhouses, as well as the re-treatment streams of smelter and roaster
dusts contain a significant amount of trivalent arsenic. The oxidation
of As (III) is therefore required in order to maximize arsenic removal
and the stability of arsenical precipitates. The oxidation of trivalent arse-
nic to pentavalent arsenic can occur under ambient conditions with ox-
ygen; however, without catalysts the kinetics of the oxidation reaction
is slow (Molnár et al., 1994). It was shown that air and oxygen can act
as an oxidant to arsenic for basic solutions (Demopoulos, 2014). A
strong oxidant such as hydrogen peroxide, ozone, a mixture of SO2/O2
gas, chlorine and hypochlorite are required to achieve acceptable reac-
tion kinetics.
The application of air and oxygen in As (III) oxidation is limited due
to a very low oxidation rate (Frank and Clifford, 1986; Bissen and
Frimmel, 2003b). It was shown that bubbling air through the solution
containing 200 μg/L As (III) resulted in oxidizing 25% of As (III) after
5 days (Clifford et al., 1983).
Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of a solution containing As (III) in the
presence of an oxidant such as oxygen and ferric ions favours the oxida-
tion rate of trivalent arsenic. 90% of As (III) oxidation was obtained in
the presence of oxygen within 30–90 s by irradiating the water contain-
ing 40 μg/L As (III) using high pressure mercury UV lamps (Bissen and
Frimmel, 2003b). The rate of As (III) oxidation in the presence of oxygen
and dissolved ferric ions was elevated by several orders of magnitude
Fig. 5. Flowsheet of roasting of enargite concentrates in a reducing environment via UV light illumination (Khoe et al., 1997; Emett and Khoe, 2001).
(Safarzadeh et al., 2014b) (reproduced with permission). This is due to the formation of highly oxidizing radicals such as hydroxyl
A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281 263

Table 3
Arsenic mobilization through pyrometallurgical processes.

Process Reaction Reference

Roasting of arsenopyrite under oxidizing atmosphere (i) 4FeAsS(s) + 3O2(g) → 4FeS(s) + As4O6(g) (Fraser et al., 1991)
(ii) 4FeS(s) + 7O2(g) → 2Fe2O3(s) + 4SO2(g)
Roasting of tennantite in the presence of pyrite (i) 2Cu12As4S13(s) → 12Cu2S(s) + 2As4S4(g) + 3S2(g) (Opio, 2013)
(ii) 2FeS2(s) → 2FeS(s) + S2(g)
(iii) 4FeS(s) + 10Cu2S(s) + S2(g) → 4Cu5FeS4(s)
(iv) As2S3(g) + 9/2O2(g) → As2O3(g) + 3SO2(g)
(v) S2(g) + 2O2(g) → 2SO2(g)
Roasting of enargite in the presence of pyrite (i) 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 6FeS2(s) → 6CuFeS2(s) + As2S3(g) + 5/2S2(g) (Smith, 1986)
(ii) As2S3(g) + 9/2O2(g) → As2O3(g) + 3SO2(g)
(iii) S2(g) + 2O2(g) → 2SO2(g)
Roasting of enargite in the presence of pyrrhotite 2.857Cu3AsS4(s) + 1.714FeS(s) → 1.714Cu5FeS4(s) + (Wilkomirsky et al., 2014)
1.429As2S3(g) + S2(g)
Roasting of enargite in the presence of pyrrhotite 4Cu3AsS4(s) + 12FeS(s) + S2(g) → 12CuFeS2(s) + 2As2S3(g) (Wilkomirsky et al., 2014)
Roasting of enargite under neutral atmosphere 2Cu3AsS4(s) → Cu2S(s) + 4CuS(s) + As2S3(g) (Smith and Paredes, 1988; Padilla et al., 2012)
2Cu3AsS4(s) → 3Cu2S(s) + S2(g) + As2S3(g) (Yoshimura, 1962; Padilla et al., 2001)
4Cu3AsS4(s) → 6Cu2S(s) + 3S2(g) + As4S4(g) (Padilla et al., 2001)
Outokumpu sulfidization roasting and arsenic (i) 2Cu3AsS4(s) → 3Cu2S(s) + S2(g) + As2S3(g) (Mäkipirtti and Polvi, 1979; Mäkipirtti, 1980;
halogenation (Cl2, F2, S2Cl2, SF6, FeCl3 and CaCl2) (ii) As2S3(g) + 3Cl2(g) → 2AsCl3(g) + 3/2S2(g) Mäkipirtti et al., 1984; Hølmstrom, 1988a, 1988b,
As2S3(g) + SF6(g) → 2AsF3(g) + 2S2(g) 1989)
Roasting of enargite under nitrogen atmosphere in (i) 4Cu3AsS4(s) → Cu12As4S13(s) + 3/2S2(g) (Padilla et al., 2001; Bruckard et al., 2010)
two steps: (ii) Cu12As4S13(s) → 6Cu2S(1+x)(s) + As4S4(g) + (1.5-3x)S2(g)
(i) Formation of tennantite
(ii) Decomposition of tennantite
Roasting of enargite under oxidizing atmosphere 4Cu3AsS4(s) + 13O2(g) → 6Cu2S(s) + 10SO2(g) + As4O6(g) (Padilla et al., 2012; Safarzadeh et al., 2014b)
2Cu3AsS4(s) + 2O2(g) → 3Cu2S(s) + 2SO2(g) + As2S3(g)
4Cu3AsS4(s) + 13O2(g) → 6Cu2S(s) + 10SO2(g) + 2As2O3(g)
4Cu3AsS4(s) + 22O2(g) → 6Cu2O(s) + 16SO2(g) + As4O6(g)
4Cu3AsS4(s) + 7O2(g) → 12CuS(s) + 4SO2(g) + As4O6(g)
The carbothermic reduction of enargite 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 3CaO(s) → 3Cu2S(s) + 3CaS(s) + As2O3(g) + S2(g) (Igiehon et al., 1994b; Filippou et al., 2007)
Cu3AsS4(s) + 4CaO(s) + 4C(s) → Cu3As(s) + 4CaS(s) + 4CO(g)

and dichloro radicals, thus facilitating As (III) oxidation. The UV-assisted Ferrate (iron in +6 oxidation state) has been considered as a pow-
sulfite-oxygen process was successfully practised to treat water con- erful oxidant and coagulant for water and waste water treatment over
taining 0.47 mg/L As (III) in Bangladesh (Zaw and Emett, 2002). TiO2- the wide pH range. Several studies reported oxidation of As (III) by
assisted photocatalysis process was also employed to oxidize As (III) ferrate and subsequently elimination of As (V) from the solution
in the presence of oxygen (Yang et al., 1999; Lee and Choi, 2002; Ryu (Schreyer et al., 1950; Fan et al., 2002; Jiang, 2007; Mohan, 2007;
and Choi, 2004; Xu et al., 2005; Nguyen et al., 2008). Prucek et al., 2013). Lee et al. (2003) stated that 90% of As (III) with an
Hydrogen peroxide has been a significant oxidant in hydrometallur- initial concentration of 517 μg/L was removed using 2 mg/L of Fe (VI)
gical processes. Hydrogen peroxide in 100% stoichiometric excess can (Lee et al., 2003). However, this method is not economical because Fe
act as an effective arsenic oxidizing agent over a wide pH range partic- (VI) is a relatively expensive material. Lee et al. (2003) recommended
ularly under alkaline environment at room temperature (Ritcey, the use of a mixture of ferrate as an oxidant and ferric as a coagulant
2005). A study on the oxidation of arsenite in a solution with 15 g/L to lower the cost of the process.
As (III) illustrated that a time period of 5 min reduced the concentration Ozone is another oxidant which can effectively oxidize As (III) to As
of arsenite by 15 times in the presence of 100% stoichiometric excess hy- (V) (Bissen and Frimmel, 2003b). Ozone has a high oxidizing capability
drogen peroxide (Molnár et al., 1994). Whereas a further increase in the and it is therefore becoming a more commonly used oxidant for treating
oxidation time did not exhibit a significant impact on the oxidation re- water and wastewater (Khuntia et al., 2014). The oxidation of As (III)
action. Debekaussen et al. (2001) reported that the oxidation kinetics with ozone is a pH dependent reaction. In order to improve the efficien-
of As (III) with an initial concentration of 38.5 g/L was noticeably facili- cy of the ozonation technique for As (III) oxidation, the gas must be dis-
tated through both slow addition of 10% stoichiometric excess H2O2 and solved in the aqueous arsenic-containing solution using microbubbles
increase of the temperature to 95 °C at pH 3 (Debekaussen et al., 2001). (Khuntia et al., 2012, 2014). Hydroxyl radicals produced by ozone
Caetano et al. (2009) observed the complete oxidation of trivalent arse- microbubbles significantly increase the arsenic oxidation kinetics. Ac-
nic at a concentration of 0.1–1.1 g/L using 20% stoichiometric excess cording to the authors' knowledge, only few studies have been pub-
H2O2 (Caetano et al., 2009). It is worth mentioning that the initial con- lished which demonstrate the use of ozone for oxidizing arsenite to
centration of the trivalent arsenic in a solution noticeably influences arsenate (Böckelen and Niessner, 1992; Kim and Nriagu, 2000; Dodd
the final concentration of arsenite which is of great significance for arse- et al., 2006). Böckelen and Niessner (1992) and Kim and Nriagu
nic immobilization (Molnár et al., 1994). Pettine et al. (1998) suggested (2000) illustrated that the As (III) was completely oxidized to As (V)
that the presence of Cu2+, Fe2+ and Pb2+ at ppm levels accelerates the within 20 min in the presence of ozone where the initial concentration
As (III) oxidation rate by H2O2 (Pettine et al., 1998). The reactions given of arsenic (III) was 40–200 μg/L. The study reported by Khuntia et al.
in Table 5 demonstrate the oxidation of arsenic trioxide under acidic (2014) used an arsenic concentration of 995 ± 5 mg/L (Khuntia et al.,
and basic conditions, where As2O3 is dissolved to form H3AsO3 2014). The study showed that arsenite is quickly oxidized at low arsenic
(Molnár et al., 1994). Hydrogen peroxide is used as an oxidant in indus- concentrations and a neutral pH of 7. It can be advantageous to treat ar-
try; for example, the Ecometales scorodite plant in Chile uses hydrogen senic solutions at a pH of 1–2 with ozone in order to precipitate arsenic
peroxide to oxidize arsenic before the scorodite process can commence with manganese because ferric arsenate and ferric hydroxide do not
(Demopoulos, 2014). Hydrogen peroxide is expensive and decomposes precipitate under highly acidic conditions (Nishimura and Umetsu,
in contact with solids; however, the Ecometales plant in Chile 2001).
experiences arsenite concentrations of b 15% of the total arsenic Oxygen mixed with sulfur dioxide (SO2/O2) is used as an oxidant to
(Demopoulos, 2014). oxidize trivalent arsenic (Table 5) (Zhang et al., 2000). Hydroxyl
264 A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281

Table 4
Arsenic mobilization through hydrometallurgical processes.

Acid leaching of enargite

Process Reaction Oxidation state Copper Reference
of produced dissolution

Leaching of enargite in chlorine-chloride 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 23Cl2(aq) + 24H2O(l) → As(V) Yes (Herreros et al., 2002)
medium 4CuSO4(aq) + 2CuCl2(aq) + 2H3AsO4(aq) +
42HCl(aq) + 4S°(s)
Leaching of enargite in H2SO4-NaCl-O2 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 6H2SO4(aq) + 11/2O2(aq) → As(V) Yes (Padilla et al., 2005)
solution 6CuSO4(aq) + 2H3AsO4(aq) + 8S°(s) + 3H2O
Atmospheric chloride leaching 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 35Cl2(aq) + 40H2O(l) → As(V) Yes (Lei and Carnahan, 1984)
6CuSO4(aq) + 2H3AsO4(aq) + 2H2SO4(aq) +
Atmospheric leaching in ferric sulfate Cu3AsS4(s) + 11Fe3+(aq) + 4H2O(l) → 3Cu2+(aq) + As(V) Yes (Dutrizac and MacDonald, 1972)
solution 4S°(s) + AsO43−(aq) +8H+ + 11Fe2+
Albion process (in sulfuric acid solution) 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 10O2(aq) + 3H2SO4(aq) → As(V) Yes (Hourn et al., 1999; Hourn et al., 2006)
6CuSO4(aq) + 5S°(s) + 2H3AsO4(aq)
GalvanoxTM process 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 9Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + 6H2O(l) → As(III) Yes (Koch and Grasselly, 1952; Rivera-Vasquez and
6CuSO4(aq) + 2H3AsO3(aq) + 18FeSO4(aq) + As(V) Yes Dixon, 2009; Dixon and Rivera-Vasquez, 2012;
3H2SO4(aq) + 8S°(s) Rivera-Vasquez and Dixon, 2015)
2Cu3AsS4(s) + 11Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + 8H2O(l) →
6CuSO4(aq) + 2H3AsO4(aq) + 22FeSO4(aq) +
5H2SO4(aq) + 8S°(s)
Atmospheric ferric sulfate leaching of 4Cu3AsS4(s) + 12H2SO4(aq) + 9O2(aq) → As(III) Yes (Chen, 1976; Safarzadeh et al., 2014c; Dixon and
enargite in the presence of carbon 12CuSO4(aq) + 4H3AsO3(aq) + 6H2O(l) + 16S°(s) Rivera-Vasquez, 2015)
Leaching of enargite in ferric fluoroborate Cu3AsS4(s) + 9Fe(BF4)3(aq) → 3Cu(BF4)2(aq) + As(III) Yes (Safarzadeh et al., 2014b)
9Fe(BF4)2(aq) + As(BF4)3(aq) (aq) + 4S°(s)
Pressure leaching of enargite 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 11/2O2(aq) + 6H2SO4(aq) → As(V) Yes (Dreisinger, 2006; Padilla et al., 2008; Leppinen
6CuSO4(aq) + 8S°(s) + 2H3AsO4(aq) +3H2O(l) et al., 2009)
2Cu3AsS4(s) + 35/2O2(aq) + 5H2O(l) + 4H+(aq) → As(V) Yes (Padilla et al., 2008)
6Cu2+(aq) + 2H3AsO4(aq) + 8HSO4−(aq)
4Cu3AsS4(s) + 35O2(aq) + 10H2O(l) → As(V) Yes (Nadkarni and Kusik, 1988; Padilla et al., 2005)
12CuSO4(aq) + 4H3AsO4(aq) + 4H2SO4(aq)
Cu3AsS4(s) + 35Fe3+(aq) + 20H2O(l) → 3Cu2+(aq) + As(V) Yes (Padilla et al., 2005)
AsO43−(aq) + 4SO42−(aq) + 40H+(aq) + 35Fe2+(aq)
Cu3 AsS 4(s) + 11Fe 3 +(aq) + 4H 2O (l) → As(V) Yes (Padilla et al., 2005)
3Cu2 +(aq) + H3 AsO4(aq) + 4S ° (s) + 5H +(aq) +
11Fe 2 + (aq)
Cu3AsS4(s) + 35Fe3+(aq) + 20H2O(l) → As(V) Yes (Nadkarni and Kusik, 1988; Ruiz et al., 2011)
3Cu2+(aq) + H3AsO4(aq) + 4HSO4−(aq) +
33H+(aq) + 35Fe2+(aq)
Acid bake-leach process 4Cu3AsS4(s) + 28H2SO4(aq) → 3CuO.CuSO4(s) + As(III) No (Safarzadeh et al., 2012a, 2012b; Safarzadeh and
6CuSO4(s) + 31/2S°(s) + 2As2O3(s) +28H2O(l) + Miller, 2014a, 2014b, 2014c; Safarzadeh et al.,
39/2SO2(g) 2014a)
Metathesis process 16Cu3AsS4(s) + 51CuSO4(aq) +84H2O(l) → As(III) No (Dunn and Bartsch, 2008; Safarzadeh et al.,
11Cu9S5(s) + 16H3AsO3(aq) + 60H2SO4(aq) 2014c)
58Cu3AsS4(s) +189CuSO4(aq) +310H2O(l) → As(III) No
33Cu9S5(s) + 33Cu2S + 58H3AsO3(aq) +
Extended milling in pure oxygen 4Cu3AsS4(s) + 27O2(g) → 12CuSO4(aq) + 2As2O3(s) As(III) No (Welham, 2001)
atmosphere at 25 °C + 4S°(s)
Extended milling in pure oxygen 4Cu3AsS4(s) + 7O2(g) → 12CuS(s) + 2As2O3(s) + As(III) Yes
atmosphere at 100 °C 4SO2(g)
Extended milling in SO2 atmosphere at 25 °C 4Cu3AsS4(s) + 27SO2(g) → 12CuSO4(aq) + As(III) Yes
2As2O3(s) + 31S°(s)
CESL process 4Cu3AsS4(s) + 11O2(aq) + 2Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + As(V) Yes (Mayhew et al., 2010; Bruce et al., 2011;
6H2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l) → 12CuSO4(aq) + Mayhew et al., 2011)
4FeAsO.42H2O(s) + 16S°(s)
Nitrogen species catalyzed (NSC) acid 3MeS(s) + 2HNO3(aq) + 3H2SO4(aq) → As(V) Yes (Anderson, 2003b, 2003a; Anderson and
pressure leach 3MeSO4(aq) + 2NO(g) + 3S°(s) + 4H2O(l) Twidwell, 2008)
(Me: metal)
Atmospheric leaching in ferric sulfate and – As (III) Yes (Flynn and Carnahan, 1989)
sulfuric acid solution (Ag2SO4 and HgSO4
as the catalysts)
Atmospheric leaching in ferric sulfate and – As(V) Yes (Manabe, 2012)
sulfuric acid solution (potassium iodide
as a catalysts
Dynatec process – As(V) Yes (Kalanchey et al., 2007; Safarzadeh et al.,
Intec process – As(V) Yes (Moyes et al., 2000; Safarzadeh et al., 2014b)
HydroCopperTM process – As(V) Yes (Hyvärinen and Hämäläinen, 1999; Hyvärinen
et al., 2004; Hyvärinen and Hämäläinen, 2005;
Baxter et al., 2010)
Platsol® process – As(V) Yes (Ferron et al., 2002; Ferron and Wang, 2003;
Ford et al., 2009)
A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281 265

Table 4 (continued)

Acid leaching of enargite

Process Reaction Oxidation state Copper Reference
of produced dissolution

Leaching of enargite in sodium sulfide 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 3Na2S(aq) → 3Cu2S(s) + As (V) No (Coltrinari and Holmes, 1973; Kusik et al., 1975;
solution (Sunshine process and Equity 2Na3AsS4(aq) Nadkarni et al., 1975; Baláž et al., 2000; Delfini
Silver process) et al., 2003; Baláž and Achimovičová, 2006a;
Baláž and Achimovičová, 2006b; Curreli et al.,
2009; Awe and Sandström, 2010; Celep et al.,
2011; Nakon and Way, 2014; Ruiz et al., 2015)
Leaching of enargite in sodium 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 3NaHS(aq) + 3NaOH(aq) → As (V) No (Tongamp et al., 2009; 2010)
hydrosulfide solution 3Cu2S(s) + 2Na3AsS4(aq) + 3H2O(l)
Leaching of enargite in sodium 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 35NaClO(aq) + 22NaOH(aq) → As (V) No (Roca et al., 2003; Viñals et al., 2003; Curreli et
hypochlorite solution 6CuO(s) + 2Na3AsO4(aq) + 8Na2SO4(aq) + al., 2005; Mihajlovic et al., 2007; Musu et al.,
35NaCl(aq) + 11H2O(l) 2009; Ruiz et al., 2014)
Pressure leaching of enargite in sodium – As (V) No (Nadkarni and Kusik, 1988)
hydroxide solution (Sill process) As (III)
Leaching of enargite in ammonia solution 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 26NH3(aq) +35/2O2(aq) +5H2O → As (V) Yes (Kuhn et al., 1974; Arbiter and Kuhn, 1982;
(Sherritt Gordon’s process and Arbiter 6Cu(NH3)4SO4(aq) + 2NH4H2AsO4(aq) + Gajam and Raghavan, 1983; Arbiter and
process) 2H2SO4(aq) McNulty, 1999; Kantar, 2002)
Cyanidation – As (III) Yes (Hedley and Tabachnik, 1958; Marsden and
House, 2009; Safarzadeh et al., 2014b)

Bioleaching of enargite
Process Reaction Oxidation state Copper Reference
of produced dissolution

Dissolution of enargite using Cu3AsS4(s) + 27Fe3+(aq) + 2O2(aq) + 16H2O(l) → As (V) Yes (Sasaki et al., 2010c)
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans 3Cu2+(aq) + H3AsO4(aq) + 4SO42−(aq) +
29H+(aq) + 27Fe2+(aq)
Dissolution of enargite in the presence of Cu3AsS4(s) + 9/2Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + 2H2O(l) → As (III) Yes (Watling, 2006)
Leptospirillum ferrooxidans 3CuSO4(aq) + HAsO2(aq) + 9FeSO4(aq) + 4S°(s) +
Ferric leaching of enargite in the presence Cu3AsS4(s) + 9Fe3+(aq) + 2H2O(l) → 3Cu2+(aq) + As (III) Yes (Jian et al., 2008)
of Sulfolobus BC AsO2−(aq) + 4S°(s) + 4H+(aq) + 9Fe2+(aq)
Direct bioleaching of enargite by Sulfolobus 2Cu3AsS4(s) + 10H+(aq) + 9/2O2(aq) → 6Cu2+(aq) As (V) Yes
BC + 2AsO2−(aq) + 8S°(s) + 5H2O(l)
AsO2−(aq) + 2Fe3+(aq) +2H2O(l) → AsO43−(aq) +
2Fe2+(aq) + 4H+(aq)
AsO43−(aq) + Fe3+(aq) → FeAsO4(s)
Dissolution of enargite in the presence of Cu3AsS4(s) + 11/2Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + 4H2O(l) → As (V) Yes (Escobar et al., 1997)
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans 3CuSO4(aq) + H3AsO4(aq) + 11FeSO4(aq) + 4S°(s) As (III)
+ 5/2H2SO4(aq)
Cu3AsS4(s) + 9/2Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + 2H2O(l) →
3CuSO4(aq) + HAsO2(aq) + 9FeSO4(aq) + 4S°(s) +
Galvanic bacterial leaching of enargite in 4Cu3AsS4(s) + 33O2(aq) + 10H2O(l) → 12Cu2+(aq) As (III) Yes (Sasaki et al., 2010a)
the presence of pyrite + 4H3AsO3(aq) + 16SO42−(aq) + 8H+(aq)

radicals, which are generated through the oxidation of S (IV) by oxygen, results in the formation of a higher number of hydroxyl radicals
account for the oxidation of arsenite. SO2/O2 is relatively less costly than (Wang and Demopoulos, 1998; Wang et al., 1998). They also observed
other oxidants used to oxidize arsenic (Demopoulos, 2014). Table 6 that goethite with an initial dosage of 17.6 g/L at pH 0.75 not only expe-
shows the versatility of SO2/O2 as an oxidant. Sodium sulfite or dited As (III) oxidation rate at 90 °C, but also played a significant role in
metabisulfite can be used instead of sulfur dioxide as they are easier the formation of scorodite precipitates (Wang et al., 1998). Further-
to handle due to the sulfur dioxide hazardous nature (Demopoulos, more, acid neutralizing ability of goethite resulted in a lower amount
2014). Various parameters such as solution pH, temperature, the mole of neutralizing agent required for pH adjustment.
ratio of SO2/O2 in the gas mixture, supply rate of SO2 and stirring rate Permanganate has been considered as a suitable oxidant in order to
can significantly control the oxidation kinetics of trivalent arsenic treat both drinking water and groundwater (Lee et al., 2011). The reac-
(Wang et al., 1998). The SO2/O2 gas mixture can also oxidize ferrous tion of As (III) oxidation using permanganate given in Table 5 exhibits
to ferric (Table 6) and therefore it can be used to co-precipitate arsenic rapid kinetics and a small pH dependency (USEPA, 2001, 2003; Na et
and iron from solution as a ferric arsenate (Wang et al., 1998; Zhang et al., 2007). Na et al. (2007) reported that the trivalent arsenic, whose
al., 2000). Wang et al. (1998) carried out a series of experiments at a pH dosage was in the range of 200 μg/L–600 μg/L, was completely eliminat-
ranging from 0.3 to 2 in order to probe the oxidation behavior of As (III) ed at a Mn (VII):As (III) mole ratio of 0.53:1 (Na et al., 2007). However,
using SO2-assisted oxygen at different temperatures (25 °C–90 °C) as shown in Table 5, 1 mol of Mn (VII) can theoretically oxidize 2.5 mol
(Wang et al., 1998). It was illustrated that the oxidation rate of trivalent of As (III) over a wide range of pH. It was demonstrated that the solid
arsenic at a low temperature was slow. However, increasing tempera- MnO2-based media produced accounts for the secondary heteroge-
ture to 90 °C led to the complete oxidation of 10 g/L As (III) within ap- neous oxidation of As (III) to As (V) (Stumm and Morgan, 1981;
proximately 120 min in the presence of 7.46 g/L ferric ions at pH 0.75. Nesbitt et al., 1998; Manning et al., 2002; Lafferty et al., 2011). In addi-
Wang et al. (1998) also indicated that the addition of iron source prior tion, Lee et al. (2011) stated that secondary oxidation occurs in three
or during oxidation process significantly increased the kinetics of As consecutive steps: (i) sorption of As (III) to the solid product; (ii) oxida-
(III) oxidation due to an increase in the oxidation rate of S (IV) which tion to As (V); (iii) desorption of As (V) into the solution (Lee et al.,
266 A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281

Table 5
Arsenite oxidizing reagents.

Arsenic oxidizing agent Reaction Reference

Hydrogen peroxide H3AsO3(aq) + H2O2(aq) → H3AsO4(aq) + H2O(l) pH b 2 (Molnár et al., 1994)

H3AsO3(aq) + H2O2(aq) → H2AsO4−(aq) H+(aq) + H2O(l) 2 b pH b 6
H3AsO3(aq) + H2O2(aq) → HAsO42−(aq) 2H+(aq) + H2O(l) 6 b pH b 9
H2AsO3−(aq) + H2O2(aq) → HAsO42−(aq) H+(aq) + H2O(l) 9 b pH b 11.5
HAsO32−(aq) + H2O2(aq) → AsO43−(aq) H+(aq) + H2O(l) 11.5 b pH b 13.5
Ozone H3AsO3(aq) + O3(g) → H2AsO4−(aq) + O2(aq) + H+(aq) 2 b pH b 6 (Ghurye and Clifford, 2001; Khuntia et al., 2014)
H3AsO3(aq) + O3(g) → HAsO42−(aq) + O2(aq) + 2H+(aq) 6 b pH b 9
SO2/O2 system HAsO2(aq) + SO2(g) + O2(g) + 2H2O(l) → HSO4−(aq) + H3AsO4(aq) + H+(aq) (Wang et al., 1998)
Biooxidation process Cu3AsS4(s) + 27Fe3+(aq) + 2O2(aq) + 16H2O(l) →
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
3Cu2+(aq) + (Battaglia-Brunet et al., 2002; Rhine et al., 2006;
H3AsO4(aq) + 4SO42−(aq) + 29H+(aq) + 27Fe2+(aq) Ito et al., 2012)
Permanganate 3H3AsO3(aq) + 2MnO4−(aq) → 3H2AsO4−(aq) + 2MnO2(s) + H+(aq) + H2O(l) (Ghurye and Clifford, 2001; Sorlini and Gialdini, 2010)
Solid MnO2-based media MnO2(s) + H3AsO3(aq) + 2H+(aq) → Mn2+ + H3AsO4(aq) + H2O(l) (Alker and Hayes, 1990; Driehaus et al., 1995;
Nesbitt et al., 1998; Manning et al., 2002)
Sodium hypochlorite H3AsO3(aq) + NaOCl(aq) → H2AsO4−(aq) + NaCl(aq) + H+(aq) 6.5 b pH b 9 (USEPA, 2001)
Chlorine dioxide H3AsO3(aq) + 2ClO2(aq) + H2O(l) → H2AsO4−(aq) + 2ClO2−(aq) + 3H+(aq)
Monochloramine 5H3AsO3(aq) + 2ClO2(aq) + H2O(l) → 5H2AsO4−(aq) + 2Cl−(aq) + 7H+(aq)

H3AsO3(aq) + NH2Cl(aq) + H2O(l) → HAsO42−(aq) + NH+ +
4 + Cl (aq) + 2H (aq)
Potassium ferrate 3H2AsO3−(aq) + 2FeO42−(aq) + 5H2O(l) → 3H2AsO4−(aq) + 2Fe(OH)3(s) + 4OH−(aq) (Fan et al., 2002)
3HAsO32−(aq + 2FeO42−(aq) + 5H2O(l) → 3HAsO42−(aq) + 2Fe(OH)3(s) + 4OH−(aq)
Ultraviolet (UV)-assisted hν (Yang et al., 1999; Bissen et al., 2001; Emett and
2FeOOH(s) + HAsO2(aq) + 3H+(aq) → 2Fe2+(aq) +H2AsO4−(aq) + 2H2O(l)
oxidation process hν
Khoe, 2001; Hug et al., 2001; Neppolian et al.,
. .
H2O(l) → OH + H 2008; Yoon et al., 2008; Bhandari et al., 2012)
As (III) + OH. → As (IV) + OH−
As (IV) + O2(aq) → As (V) + O−
2 OH. →H2O2(aq)
2O2 + 2H2O(l) → O2(aq) + H2O2(aq) + 2OH−(aq)

HO.2 + HO.2 → O2(aq) + H2O2(aq)

H2AsO3−(aq) + H2O2(aq) → HAsO42−(aq) + H+(aq) + H2O(l)

S2O82−(aq) → 2SO−
As(III) + 2SO−.
4 → As (V) + 2SO4
O2/activated carbon process carbon surface (Choi et al., 2014b; Choi et al., 2014a)
H2O(l) + 1/2O2(aq) → H2O2(aq)
H3AsO3(aq) + H2O2(aq) → H3AsO4(aq) + H2O(l) pH b 2

2011). In other words, oxidation of As (III) leads to the reductive disso- 3:1 after 30 min due to the presence of various species such as
lution of the MnO2 and consequently the formation of As (V) and Mn metal ions which improve the oxidation kinetics of arsenite. Further-
(II) at a low pH (Manning et al., 2002). more, 100% As (III) oxidation was achieved for both demineralised
Sodium hypochlorite is a strong oxidant to oxidize As (III) and real water after two days contact time at pH 6 when the
(Vasudevan et al., 2006). Trivalent arsenic with an initial dosage of 50 monochloramine:As (III) concentration ratio was set at 3:1 (Sorlini
and 300 μg/L present in the demineralised water was completely oxi- and Gialdini, 2010). The oxidation of arsenite by monochloramine
dized in the presence of hypochlorite ions (oxidant:As (III) concentra- and chlorine dioxide is highly pH dependent. The dissociation of
tion ratio of 3:1) in 5 min at the pH range of 5.7–8 (Sorlini and monochloramine is expedited in water with a decrease in the pH
Gialdini, 2010). Ghurye and Clifford (2001) reported that chlorine diox- and therefore a higher number of chlorine ions are available to oxi-
ide and monochloramine were inefficient for As (III) oxidation (Ghurye dize As (III) (Sorlini and Gialdini, 2010).
and Clifford, 2001). 100-times stoichiometric loading of chlorine Activated carbon catalyzes the oxidation reaction of arsenite and ox-
dioxide resulted in the oxidation of 76% of As (III) (initial dosage of ygen to arsenate (Bissen and Frimmel, 2003b). It was shown that 90% of
50 μg/L) within 5 min at pH 8.3. Sorlini and Gialdini (2010) claimed As (III) was oxidized using 5–10 g/L of activated carbon in 20 to 30 min
that 60% of 50 μg/L As (III) in demineralised water was converted to when the initial concentration of As (III) in the water was 40 μ/L (Bissen
As (V) by chlorine dioxide (oxidant:As (III) concentration ratio of and Frimmel, 2003b). A novel and robust arsenic oxidation process was
3:1) after two days (Sorlini and Gialdini, 2010). However, the oxida- created which uses activated carbon to catalyze the arsenic oxidation
tion yield of 50 μg/L As (III) in the real groundwater increased to 80% reaction and only has one consumable reagent which is oxygen (Choi
using chlorine dioxide at an oxidant:As (III) concentration ratio of et al., 2014b). The new process patented by Choi et al. (2014a) is carried
out in acidic conditions at ambient temperature and pressure in b 24 h
and has an oxidation efficiency of up to 99% (Choi et al., 2014a). Choi
et al. (2014b) used activated carbon to catalyze the arsenic oxidation re-
Table 6
Usage of SO2/O2 in hydrometallurgical applications (Zhang et al., 2000) (reproduced with action to have arsenic in its pentavalent state (Choi et al., 2014b).
permission). Though the process is proven to work effectively to oxidize arsenite it
is still unclear as to what oxidation mechanism occurs. One hypothesis
Systems pH range Oxidation products Potential application
to describe the novel process that is proposed by the authors is that
2+ 3+
Fe-SO2/O2 0–3 Fe → Fe Leaching of metal oxide water and oxygen react on the activated carbon surface to produce a
S(IV) → SO2− 2−
4 /S2O6 Oxidation of As (III)
strong oxidant, such as hydrogen peroxide, which consequently reacts
Mn-SO2/O2 3–6 Mn2+ → Mn(III)/Mn(IV) Oxidative precipitation of Mn with arsenite to form arsenate (Lamb and Elder, 1931; Kolthoff, 1932;
S(IV) → SO2− 2−
4 /S2O6
Ahumada et al., 2002; Navarro and Alguacil, 2002; Choi et al., 2014b).
Ni-SO2/O2 7–8.5 Ni(II) → Ni(III) Production of Ni(OH)3 Two pieces of evidence that the authors of the study state which show
S(IV) → SO2−4
that reactions illustrated in Table 5 are plausible are: (i) using pure ox-
Cu-SO2/O2 9–10 Cu+ → Cu2+ Oxidation of CN− ygen has faster oxidation kinetics than that of air; (ii) both continuous
S(IV) → SO2−
4 and batch experiments show negligible changes in the system's pH
CN− → CNO−
and this is expected from the reactions shown in Table 5. The authors
A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281 267

are currently investigating the mechanism of this novel process, i.e. ar- (Nishimura and Tozawa, 1985). Other researchers reported that calcium
senic oxidation with carbon catalyst. arsenite and calcium arsenate slowly decomposed in the presence of at-
Biological oxidation, “biooxidation”, utilizes microbial mechanisms mospheric carbon dioxide and moisture which resulted in the calcium
to oxidize chemical species. The oxidation mechanism is typically char- carbonate formation and arsenic discharge into the solution (Eq. (7))
acterized as an indirect oxidation mechanism as the microorganisms (Robins and Tozawa, 1982; Nishimura and Tozawa, 1985; Robins and
oxidize ions, such as ferrous to ferric, which then oxidize other species. Jayaweera, 1992). It was also shown that calcium arsenite and calcium
The copper industry has used heap leaching and dump leaching since arsenate had a low degree of solubility when they were in contact
the 1900s to treat low-grade copper ores and these techniques for cop- with an excess of lime for a short period of time but arsenic dissolution
per extraction work on the basis of bioleaching (Marsden and House, increased with time due to the dissolution and carbonation of lime
2009). Biooxidation improves the kinetics of otherwise slower oxida- (Swash and Monhemius, 1995). Nishimura and Tozawa (1985) proved
tion processes when bacteria such as Thiobacillus thiooxidans and that calcination with an excess of lime elevated the stability of calcium
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans are present (Okereke and Stevens, 1991; arsenite and calcium arsenate due to the formation of a more crystalline
Marsden and House, 2009). In the late 1970s Glencor Process Research calcium arsenate which were less soluble than their amorphous analogs
in South Africa developed the BIOX™ Process which has the capability (Eqs. (8)–(9)) (Nishimura and Tozawa, 1985).
to oxidize arsenite to arsenate, and the arsenate can then be removed
as a ferric arsenate in subsequent plant processes (Van Aswegen et al., Ca3 ðAsO4 Þ2ðsÞ þ 3CO2ðgÞ þ 3H2 OðlÞ →3CaCO3ðsÞ þ 2H3 AsO4ðaqÞ ð7Þ
Few of the studies in this section focused on water and wastewater Ca3 ðAsO4 Þ2  CaðOHÞ2ðsÞ →Ca3 ðAsO4 Þ2ðsÞ ðCrystallineÞ þ CaOðsÞ
treatment where the concentration of As (III) is very low (b 10 mg/L). þ H2 OðlÞ ð8Þ
However, As (III)-bearing streams obtained from the hydrometallurgi-
cal and pyrometallurgical processing frequently consist of a high con-
centration of As (III). Hydrogen peroxide, permanganate, ozone and CaðAsO2 Þ2  CaðOHÞ2ðsÞ þ ðn þ 1Þ CaðOHÞ2ðsÞ
SO2/O2 gas mixture have been typically employed in industrial scale þ O2ðgÞ →Ca3 ðAsO4 Þ2ðsÞ ðCrystallineÞ þ nCaOðsÞ þ ðn þ 2Þ H2 OðlÞ ð9Þ
to oxidize As (III) to As (V). The SO2/O2 gas mixture process could be
more interesting if SO2 is available in the plant area from either a sulfide Twidwell et al. (2005) synthesized an arsenate phosphate hydroxy
roasting process or burning the elemental sulfur source. Activated car- apatite (APHAP) compound (Ca10(AsxPyO4)6(OH)2) which was ex-
bon assisted oxidation of arsenical solutions also appears to be of inter- tremely resistant to transformation to calcium carbonate (Twidwell et
est in the metals and minerals industry. al., 2005; Lee et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2011). It was demonstrated
that APHAP with a P:As molar ratio above 7 released b1 mg/L arsenic
3.2. Hydrometallurgical immobilization processes back into the solution after a long period of time at a pH range of 11–
12 (McCloskey et al., 2006). The arsenate analogue of fluorapatite
Precipitation is a widely used process to remove arsenic from (FAP) and svabite (Ca5(AsO4)3F) have recently gained attention because
waste streams. The most common arsenic precipitates from hydro- FAP compounds exhibit more stability than hydroxyapatite (HAP)
metallurgical processes are: arsenic sulfides, calcium arsenite, calci- (White and Toor, 1996; Zhu et al., 2011; Noël and Demopoulos, 2014).
um arsenate and ferric arsenate. Each of these precipitates exhibits Svabite was synthesized via aqueous precipitation and thermal
relatively low solubility in their respective pH range. methods (Kucharski et al., 2002; Zhu et al., 2011; Noël and
Demopoulos, 2014). Kucharski et al. (2002) reported that 5.5 mg/L of ar-
3.2.1. Lime neutralization senic was leached by thermally-formed svabite at pH 9.8 (Kucharski et
Lime (CaO) neutralization is a simple technique to precipitate arse- al., 2002). However, the amount of arsenic released was 50 mg/L in
nite and arsenate as calcium arsenite and/or calcium arsenate at pH the case of aqueous precipitated svabite at pH 10 which was approxi-
11–12. Calcium arsenate compounds that have been proposed by re- mately 10 times greater than that of thermally-synthesized svabite
searchers are listed in Table 7. It was shown that the type of precipitate (Zhu et al., 2011).
formed and its solubility are dependent on the solution pH, tempera- The copper smelters located in northern Chile employ lime neu-
ture, ageing time and initial molar ratio of Ca:As (Moon et al., 2004; tralization to treat smelter weak acid and dust effluent due to its
Zhu et al., 2006). The precipitates are formed through lime addition to dry climate (Opio, 2013). At the Codelco's Chuquicamata smelter in
the arsenic-containing solution. Lime neutralization is a relatively eco- Chile the arsenite-bearing stream is neutralized using lime to gener-
nomic process for arsenic immobilization; however, the precipitates ate calcium arsenite and gypsum. The calcium arsenite filter cake (5–
show poor long-term stability and therefore must be deposited in haz- 10 wt% As) is then trucked to the disposal site and subsequently
ardous landfills. discharged into ponds that are lined with high density polyethylene
Pentavalent arsenic-containing precipitates exhibit more stability (HDPE). At the Caletones smelter in Chile the arsenite compound is
compared to those with trivalent arsenic. It is therefore necessary to ox- oxidized to As (V) either before precipitation using hydrogen perox-
idize As (III) present in the solution to As (V) and this is typically accom- ide or after precipitation by calcining filter cakes in a rotary kiln to
plished by means of neutralization and aeration to produce gypsum and form calcium arsenate and gypsum. Both cases require the resulting
calcium arsenate (Eqs. (4)–(6)). calcium arsenate residues to be disposed of in a hazardous landfill
(Smith, 1986).
CaðOHÞ2ðsÞ þ H2 SO4ðaqÞ →CaSO4  2H2 OðsÞ ð4Þ
Table 7
HAsO2ðaqÞ þ 1=2O2ðaqÞ þ H2 OðlÞ →H3 AsO4ðaqÞ ð5Þ Synthetic calcium arsenate compounds (Swash and Monhemius, 1995) (reproduced with
6CaðOHÞ2ðsÞ þ 4H3 AsO4ðaqÞ →2Ca3 ðAsO4 Þ2ðsÞ þ 12H2 OðlÞ ð6Þ
Mineral Composition Synthesis condition

Haidingerite CaHAsO4·H2O Ca:As 1:1, pH:6, 50 °C

Swash and Monhemius (1995) used the USEPA TCLP method to il- Pharmacolite CaHAsO4·2H2O Ca:As 1:1, pH:6, 20 °C
lustrate the high degree of calcium arsenite and calcium arsenate resi- Guerinite Ca5H2(AsO4)4·9H2O Ca:As 1:1, pH:8, 50 °C
due solubility (1650–3600 mg/L) (Swash and Monhemius, 1995). Weilite CaHAsO4 Ca:As 1:1, pH:7, 200 °C
Various types of calcium arsenate were synthesized under different con- Ca arsenate Ca3(AsO4)2·xH2O Ca:As 1:1, pH:5, 225 °C
Basic Ca arsenate Ca3(AsO4)2·Ca(OH)2 Ca:As 1:1, pH:11, 100 °C
ditions; however, none of the resulting precipitates passed the EPA TCLP
268 A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281

A novel process to treat arsenic-bearing weak acid was developed at of gypsum, and consequently produces a smaller volume of sludge com-
Atlantic Copper's smelter in Huelva, Spain to reduce the volume of pared to the amount produced using the conventional lime treatment
waste to be disposed and its associated costs (Ante et al., 2005). This method. Another advantage of sulfide precipitation is that there is a
technique includes three steps: (i) lime addition at 50–80 °C to precip- much higher water recovery due to the high specific gravity of the sul-
itate pure gypsum at pH b 1; (ii) increasing the pH to 12 in order to pre- fide, ease of filtration and settling of sulfide solids. A higher water recov-
cipitate gypsum, calcium arsenite and heavy metal hydroxides; (iii) the ery allows for the treatment of arsenic-free acidic effluents to recover
residual arsenite is precipitated as ferric arsenite at pH 7 with an Fe:As other valuable metals. As2S3 is stable under acidic and reducing condi-
molar ratio N 3:1. The calcium arsenite and ferric arsenite produced tions (pH b 4) but is prone to atmospheric and bacterial oxidation. The
are then discharged to a tailings pond and the gypsum from step (i) is solubility of arsenic sulfide is 1 mg/L at pH b 4. Arsenic sulfide residue
sold as a by-product to cement plants (Ackerman et al., 1993). is treated in an autoclave with sulfur additions (60 wt%) at 200 °C and
20 atm in order to dry, polymerize and densify the arsenic sulfide com-
3.2.2. Sulfide precipitation pounds. This will increase the long-term stability of arsenic sulfide for
The alkaline sodium sulfide leach process was first employed to re- storage. The resulting arsenic sulfide cake is stored in concrete and has
move antimony from tetrahedrite in order to upgrade silver concen- approximately 1 wt% moisture and a low bulk density of 1.3 t/m3
trates (Raudsepp, 1981; Edwards, 1985; Ackerman et al., 1993; (Hino et al., 1995; Valenzuela, 2000).
Filippou et al., 2007). The two major operations which used this tech-
nique were the Sunshine antimony refinery in Idaho, USA (Ackerman 2HAsO2ðaqÞ þ 3NaHSðaqÞ þ 1:5H2 SO4ðaqÞ →As2 S3ðsÞ þ 1:5Na2 SO4ðaqÞ
et al., 1993) and the Equity silver mine in British Columbia, Canada þ 4H2 OðlÞ ð12Þ
(Edwards, 1985); however, both operations are now ceased. The alka-
line sodium sulfide method was later adopted to eliminate arsenic BioteQ Environment Technologies used the sulfidization process in
from enargite concentrates at the Lepanto mining company in the Phil- conjunction with ion exchange at the batch scale for immobilizing As
ippines; however, the Lepanto Mining Company has changed its opera- (III) and recovering precious metals present in the flue-gas scrubber ef-
tion from copper to gold production. Fig. 6 shows a flowsheet of sulfide fluent with high acidity (Fig. 7) (Mohammadi et al., 2014). The resulting
precipitation: the feed is leached using Na2S in the presence of NaOH at effluent contained a high concentration of copper and rhenium and the
80–105 °C; this temperature is below the boiling point of a sodium hy- recovery of these elements was conducted to reduce the cost of arsenic
droxide-sodium sulfide solution (Eq. (10)). The arsenic-free concen- fixation. Hydrogen sulfide gas was used as a source of sulfur as shown in
trate and leach solution are then separated from sodium thioarsenate Eq. (13). The sulfidization process produced a smaller volume of high
which is crystalized through evaporation, cooling and filtration. The grade arsenic solid residues with a lower arsenic concentration.
crystals are then treated with sulfuric acid to form As2S5 as presented
in Eq. (11). 2HAsO2ðaqÞ þ 3H2 SðgÞ →As2 S3ðsÞ þ 4H2 OðaqÞ ð13Þ

2Cu3 AsS4ðsÞ þ 3Na2 SðaqÞ →3Cu2 SðsÞ þ 2Na3 AsS4ðaqÞ ð10Þ At the Kennecott Utah copper smelter in Magna, Utah, arsenite-con-
taining weak acid and dust treatment plant streams are sent to a hydro-
metallurgical plant to eliminate arsenic from the circuit in a two-stage
2Na3 AsS4ðaqÞ þ 3H2 SO4ðaqÞ →3H2 SðgÞ þ As2 S5ðsÞ þ 3Na2 SO4ðaqÞ ð11Þ
continuous process (Gabb and Davies, 1999). First copper and a portion
of arsenic are precipitated out of solution and the arsenic-copper filter
At the Saganoseki copper smelter in Japan As (III)-bearing weak acid cake is recycled to the smelter. Next, the remaining arsenic is precipitat-
bleed and converter dust effluents are neutralized with sodium ed with cadmium as a sulfide residue and consequently discharged in
hydrosulfide (NaSH) to fix trivalent arsenic as arsenic sulfide (As2S3) the hazardous waste facility.
containing 60 wt% of As (Eq. (12)) (Peacey et al., 2010; Opio, 2013). This process is much more expensive compared to lime neutraliza-
Eq. (12) clearly shows that the sulfidization process is not associated tion due to the high cost of reagents required, particularly NaSH (Hino
with additional acid generation and therefore neutralizing reagents et al., 1995). Additionally, pH control during the arsenic precipitation
are not required prior to arsenic precipitation. This renders to absence with NaSH is difficult due to the formation of caustic. Chemical and

Fig. 6. Flow diagram of Na2S-leaching process used in Lepanto Mining Company (Nadkarni and Kusik, 1988) (reproduced with permission).
A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281 269

biological generation of H2S not only improves pH control of the pro- remaining in the solution to generate calcium arsenate at a pH of 3–4 in-
cess, but also significantly decreases operating cost. However, safety stead of an arsenate-FH (Swash and Monhemius, 1995). Formation of
when using this compound can be of concern and therefore the proper arsenical FH precipitates is favoured at a pH ranging from 4 to 7; how-
safety precautions must be in effect. ever, the range is extended to pH 10 in the presence of cations such as
Zn (II), Cd (II), Pb (II), Ca (II) and Mg (II). Furthermore, arsenic precipi-
3.2.3. Co-precipitation of arsenic using ferric ions tation is influenced by high concentrations of both sodium chloride and
Neutralization of solutions containing Fe (III) ions leads to the for- sulfate as presented in Table 8 (Krause and Ettel, 1989). Sulfate ions sig-
mation of a ferric oxyhydroxide phase known as ferrihydrite (FH). FH nificantly decrease the effectiveness of arsenic removal because sulfate
as an adsorbent exhibits favourable sorption properties to uptake cat- and bisulfate ions compete with arsenate for active binding sites present
ions and anions such as AsO3− 4 via Eq. (14) (Riveros et al., 2001). This in structure of ferrihydrite.
method is the Best Demonstrated Available Technology (BDAT) by the In order to maximize arsenic removal through co-precipitation with
USEPA to treat acidic arsenic-bearing effluent solutions (De Klerk et ferric ions, arsenic must be in the form of arsenate (Riveros et al., 2001).
al., 2012; Demopoulos, 2014). In addition, pentavalent arsenic shows a higher affinity to ferrihydrite
compared to trivalent arsenic; however, arsenite is the arsenic species
Fe2 ðSO4 Þ3ðaqÞ þ 3CaðOHÞ2ðsÞ þ 2AsO4 3− ðaqÞ þ 4H2 OðlÞ →2FeOOH that is most commonly found in metallurgical operations at ambient
 AsO4 3− ðsÞ þ 3CaSO4  2H2 OðsÞ ð14Þ temperature. It is therefore advantageous and often required to oxidize
As (III) to form As (V).
Robins et al. (1988) proposed that arsenic removal from dilute Iron-arsenic containing minerals present in nature such as tooeleite
arsenate-bearing solution, where the concentration of arsenic was (Fe6(AsO3)4SO4(OH)4·4H2O), schwertmannite (Fe8O8(OH)x(SO4)y
b100 mg/L, occurred by the adsorption of pentavalent arsenic ·nH2O where 8-x = y and 1 ≤ y ≤ 1.75), karibibite (Fe2As4(O,OH)9),
through the formation of a bidentate inner sphere complex on ex- symplesite (Fe3(AsO4)2·8H2O) and schneiderhohnite (FeFe3As5O13)
tremely fine FH particles (Robins et al., 1988). Furthermore, it was play a significant role in the immobilization of toxic oxyanions such as
shown that arsenates prevented the FH crystallization and subse- As (III) and As (V) (Welham et al., 2000; Sadiq et al., 2002). Tooeleite,
quently formed hematite which was a more stable species (Jambor a ferric arsenite sulfate hydrate phase, was initially found at the U.S.
and Dutrizac, 1998). Langmuir et al. (1999) demonstrated that ferric Mine Gold Hill, in Tooele County, Utah in 1984 (Opio, 2013). The meta-
arsenate precipitates began to form at pH 1 during neutralization of bolic activity of bacteria such as Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans present in
arsenate and ferric-bearing solution, where Fe:As molar ratio was AMD deposits led to the Fe (III) and As (III) removal from the solution
between 3–5:1, and ferric arsenate was the dominant arsenic-iron and consequently the formation of nanocrystalline tooeleite (Casiot et
compound at the higher pH (Langmuir et al., 1999, 2006). Several re- al., 2003; Duquesne et al., 2003; Morin et al., 2003). Tooeleite has similar
searchers reported that ferric arsenate, a poorly crystalline material, characteristics to scorodite and is thus known as the trivalent arsenic
was formed in an acidic solution with high concentration of arsenic. form of scorodite. Tooeleite was selected by Nishimura and Robins
Promising As (V) removal was implemented up to mildly alkaline (2008) as a suitable As(III)-carrier since tooeleite precipitates present
conditions, while the Fe:As ratio was equal to or N3:1. Lime was in the waste at US Mine Gold Hill have maintained their stability
typically used as a neutralizing agent for this process. under severe weathering conditions (Nishimura and Robins, 2008).
Aqueous streams obtained from hydrometallurgical and mineral Moreover, tooeleite possesses a high arsenic removal efficiency, a high
processing facilities can contain sulfate ions which critically influence arsenic content (~ 25 wt%), and a low Fe:As weight ratio (1.2:1)
the stability of the co-precipitation process and the aqueous chemistry (Nishimura and Robins, 2008; Opio, 2013). It is also stable in a pH be-
including complexation and ion speciation before and after precipita- tween 2–3.5 and will transform to arsenical-FH above pH 3.5
tion. It was illustrated that co-existing divalent ions such as calcium, (Nishimura and Robins, 2008). Tooeleite was synthesized by Opio
nickel and aluminum ions promoted arsenic stability (Jia and (2013) using sodium hydroxide and lime as the neutralizing agents at
Demopoulos, 2008; De Klerk et al., 2012; Demopoulos, 2014; De Klerk different initial Fe:As molar ratios (1:1, 1.5:1 and 2:1) at 25 °C (Opio,
et al., 2015). The presence of aluminum ions noticeably decreases the 2013). It was shown that the tooeleite particles were formed at pH rang-
residual arsenic concentration and they can act as a suitable substitute ing from 2 to 4 and were quickly converted to a poorly crystalline ferric
for ferric ions (Robins et al., 2005; De Klerk et al., 2012). Furthermore, arsenite phase at a pH above 4. A series of TCLP stability analysis exper-
aluminum significantly hinders the recrystallization of amorphous FH iments on tooeleite precipitates, which were synthesized at different
((Fe + Al):As molar ratio N 10:1) through the larger surface area ad- conditions, showed a high arsenic release at pH 5. A more crystalline
sorption leading to the stability of arsenic species in the solution phase with a higher Fe:As molar ratio was formed through a high tem-
(Violante et al., 2009). Aluminum and magnesium form double hydrox- perature precipitation of tooeleite at 95 °C (Opio, 2013). Whereas, no
ide species at a high pH, around 11, providing suitable hosts for arsenic obvious improvement was observed in the arsenic removal percentage
adsorption (Gomez et al., 2013). Sulfate ions in the solution react with and stability of tooeleite synthesized at 95 °C. In addition, calcination of
calcium ions in the presence of excess lime to generate gypsum which the tooeleite at 600 °C resulted in the formation of a highly stable mix-
results in the elimination of most of the sulfate from the solution, ture of hematite and ferric arsenate with a TCLP arsenic solubility of
whereas at low Fe:As molar ratios lime combines with the arsenic 0.5 mg/L (Opio, 2013). The tooeleite precipitates containing gypsum

Fig. 7. Flowsheet of arsenic immobilization and copper/rhenium recovery process proposed by BioteQ Environment Technologies (Mohammadi et al., 2014) (reproduced with
270 A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281

Table 8 compounds with the other base metal hydroxides (Peacey et al.,
Impact of SO2− +
4 and Na ions on Fe (III)/As (V) precipitates at 80 °C and pH 5 (Riveros et 2010). The precipitates acquired from the arsenic immobilization process
al., 2001) (reproduced with permission).
are then co-deposited with smelter slag tailings in a tailings facility. The
Feed Fe/As molar ratio Washed precipitate assay (%) arsenic-containing material that is discharged to the waste disposal site
Fe As SO2−
4 Na+ in this case study meets the governing regulations (by the province of
Quebec, Canada) as the arsenic level is below 1 mg/L. Opio (2013) carried
1 27.4 26.0 b0.08 2.4
2 32.6 21.0 0.08 1.4 out synchrotron-based analysis to characterize the arsenic-containing
4 40.6 14.0 0.19 0.19 precipitates. The residues primarily contained a mixture of gypsum and
8 47.2 8.0 1.89 0.009 amorphous ferric arsenate which were responsible for 49–84% of total ar-
16 49.2 4.2 3.67 0.004 senic. The high level of arsenate was due to the oxidation of As (III) to As
Very high 54.8 b0.09 6.5 0.003
(V) by means of Fe (III) and consequently formation of a ferrous arsenate
phase which was stable at pH 9 (Opio, 2013). Ferrous arsenate in the form
exhibited a higher TCLP arsenic leachability of 13.1 mg/L resulting from of symplesite has a very low arsenic solubility (Raghav et al., 2013).
the formation of calcium arsenite/arsenate compounds after calcination A uranium mill located in northern Saskatchewan, Canada uses a
at 600 °C. similar method to fix arsenic in its waste solution (Demopoulos,
Schwertmannite is a poorly crystalline trivalent iron-oxyhydroxysulfate 2014). The respective concentration of arsenite and arsenate in the so-
mineral which is commonly generated in AMD via the oxidation of iron- lution is dependent on the amount and type of oxidant used. The arse-
bearing sulfide minerals in a pH ranging from 2.5 to 4.5 (Bigham et al., nic-containing solution is neutralized using lime to pH 4 at an Fe:As
1990, 1994; Yu et al., 1999; Paikaray et al., 2014). Arsenite and arsenate molar ratio of 2.3 to precipitate 99% of arsenic species. The pH of the re-
could be adsorbed on the surface of schwertmannite as a result of an sidual solution is then increased to 7.5 in order to precipitate the re-
anion exchange mechanism for sulfate ions (Carlson et al., 2002; maining iron and base metals as hydroxides before discharging the
Fukushi et al., 2003; Regenspurg and Peiffer, 2005; Burton et al., stream to a tailings facility. Saskatchewan regulations require frequent
2010). No significant structural disruption is observed after arsenic sampling of the tailings pond water to ensure that the arsenic level is
uptake because arsenic stabilizes schwertmannite and inhibits its maintained below 2 mg/L. A recent study illustrated that the precipitate
transformation to a crystalline goethite phase (Burton et al., 2009, was mostly transformed to arsenate over four years of storage under an-
2010). However, alkaline conditions facilitate the transformation of oxic conditions at pH 7–8, which was in compliance with the findings
schwertmannite to goethite (Regenspurg et al., 2004; Schwertmann reported by Opio (2013).
and Carlson, 2005; Knorr and Blodau, 2007). Raghav et al. (2013) stud- Boliden metal company in western Finland uses the ferric arse-
ied the stability of arsenic-containing solids consisting of scorodite, ar- nate precipitation process to immobilize arsenic-bearing effluents
senate hydroxyapatites, ferrous arsenates (symplesite-type minerals), (Salokannel et al., 2013). Arsenic mobilization for this company is a
tooeleite and schwertmannite (Raghav et al., 2013). Tooeleite precipitates result of smelting arsenic-containing concentrates (Copper and nick-
showed a high TCLP arsenic solubility (100 mg/L). In contrast, As-loaded el) at the Boliden Harjavalta plant. Copper cathodes, gold and silver
schwertmannite showed the lowest arsenic leachability among the other are produced as the main products and sulfuric acid is made as a
candidates under both TCLP and a simulated landfill leachate (SLL). How- by-product. In the process of sulfuric acid production there are two
ever, the magnitude of arsenic dissolution of schwertmannite in SLL condensate streams which contain arsenic with a concentration of
(10 mg/L) was dramatically greater than that in TCLP. HoungAloune et 600 mg/L and 1.5 w/w% of sulfuric acid. The two condensate effluents
al. (2015) reported no change in the mineralogical phase of As-loaded are collected in a condensate pump tank to homogenize the feed.
schwertmannite precipitates which were aged for 120 days at a pH Thereafter, the effluent is pumped into the precipitation reactors in
range of 3–11 (HoungAloune et al., 2015). The pH of the solution notice- which precipitation and neutralization occur (Fig. 9). The solution
ably influenced the arsenic release for As-containing schwertmannite. pH in the first two reactors is adjusted at 4–4.5 using an automatical-
Despite a negligible amount of arsenic solubility over a pH range of 2–7, ly controlled lime slurry feed. Ferrous sulfate at an Fe:As molar ratio
arsenic dissolution was observed under highly acidic and alkaline condi- of 4:1 is added to the first two reactors while compressed air is bub-
tions (approximately 90 mg/L As at pH 1 and 12 after a day). bled through the solution to oxidize Fe (II) and As (III). In the third
Arsenate-FH residues exhibit a high degree of stability which im- reactor the pH is increased to 8 in order to stabilize ferric arsenate
proves with an increase in the Fe:As molar ratio (Krause and Ettel, and precipitate other impurities as metal hydroxides. The neutral-
1989; Riveros et al., 2001). The solubility of ferric arsenate is b0.2 mg/L ized stream is sent to the gypsum slurry tank and a portion of the
at 25 °C and a pH range of 3–5. In many copper smelter ETPs the arse- slurry is pumped back to the first reactor for the purpose of seeding
nite-bearing weak acid stream is treated in two steps: (i) lime neutrali- the reaction. The seeding process highly improves the settling prop-
zation is implemented at a pH of 11–12 in order to generate calcium erties of the solids. The liquid obtained from the gypsum tank, where
arsenite precipitates, where the concentration of the residual solution the arsenic level is b 1 mg/L, is pumped to an effluent treatment plant
is approximately 100 mg/L; (ii) ferric solution is added at an Fe:As before being released into the environment.
molar ratio N 3:1 and pH 8 to precipitate arsenite-FH; this reduces the Immense quantities of sludge are generated through the formation of
arsenic level to b1 mg/L. The combined residues are discharged to a arsenical ferrihydrite which is difficult to filter due to its poorly crystalline
hazardous waste disposal site. structure. However, a fraction of the sludge is recycled to a process using a
The precipitation of arsenite-FH has been employed by Xstrata's high density sludge (HDS) system to reduce the volume of sludge. Ferri-
Horne smelter as depicted in Fig. 8 (Godbehere et al., 1995). The hydrite requires a high consumption of iron and neutralizing agents. The
Horne smelter can treat higher volumes of arsenic-bearing effluents ferrihydrite phase will undergo chemical and physical changes over time
compared to the other smelters due to the availability of low cost of and transform to alpha-goethite (α-FeOOH), consequently releasing ar-
iron-containing effluents (10–20 g/L Fe) obtained from discontinued senic to the environment (Filippou and Demopoulos, 1997). In addition,
nearby mines and the presence of a large tailings facility. Iron-contain- there is a potential for arsenate to reduce to arsenite, and ferric iron to re-
ing waste is oxidized using hydrogen peroxide to produce ferric ions. duce to ferrous iron due to the biochemical activities (Smedley and
The ferric ions are added to the weak acid (2–5 g/L of As (III)) and Kinniburgh, 2002; Twidwell and McCloskey, 2011).
dust leach slurry at an Fe:As molar ratio of approximately 3:1 and pH
4.5 to form a mixture of ferric arsenite and As (III)-FH. The pH of the re- 3.2.4. Scorodite precipitation
sidual arsenite-bearing solution (b 50 mg/L of As (III)) is then increased Scorodite, a crystalline ferric arsenate, is a naturally occurring sec-
to pH 9.5 using lime in the presence of Fe (III) to precipitate arsenite ondary supergene mineral with the chemical formula of FeAsO4·2H2O.
A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281 271

Fig. 8. Flow diagram for arsenic fixation implemented by Xstrata's Horne smelter (Godbehere et al., 1995) (reproduced with permission).

It is frequently associated with arsenic-bearing primary minerals such scorodite demonstrates suitable settling and filtration properties in
as arsenopyrite (Flemming et al., 2005; Salzsauler et al., 2005; Corkhill the light of its crystalline structure (Filippou and Demopoulos, 1997).
and Vaughan, 2009) and enargite (Lattanzi et al., 2008). The weathering Scorodite is stable under oxidizing conditions in the pH range of 2.8–
of primary minerals, including chemical and biological oxidation mech- 5.3 (Riveros et al., 2001). It was shown that scorodite has a very low
anisms, aids in incongruent dissolution of arsenate and ferric ions and USEPA TCLP solubility (b5 mg/L As) (Swash and Monhemius, 1995;
consequently scorodite formation (Dove and Rimstidt, 1985). Naturally Filippou and Demopoulos, 1997). The long term stability of scorodite
occurring scorodite contains 30 wt% As and has an Fe:As molar ratio of is of major concern as arsenic dissolves at pH N 5 to form 2-line ferrihy-
1:1. There is currently a large focus on the scorodite as a means of im- drite which results in arsenic discharge to the environment (Krause and
mobilization and disposal of arsenic due to the mineral's low arsenic Ettel, 1989; Welham et al., 2000; Bluteau and Demopoulos, 2007). Scor-
solubility, high arsenic removal efficiency, high arsenic content (25– odite decomposes under either anoxic conditions or in the presence of
30 wt%), low iron requirements (Fe:As molar ratio = 1–1.5:1) and a rel- reducing bacteria (Papassiopi et al., 2003; Verdugo et al., 2012). Fe
atively high stability and compactness in acidic to neutral conditions (III) and As (V) are reduced in the presence of sulfides. Storing ferric
(Riveros et al., 2001; Paktunc and Bruggeman, 2010). Furthermore, arsenic residue under water is a high risk design because environments

Fig. 9. Flow sheet of ferric arsenate process to remove arsenic conducted at Boliden Harjavalta plant (Salokannel et al., 2013) (reproduced with permission).
272 A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281

become anaerobic after a depth of two meters, thereby increasing Outotec has recently patented a process to immobilize As (V) as
the activity of sulfides (Rochette et al., 1998; Welham et al., 2000). scorodite in two steps (Ruonala et al., 2010, 2014): (i) atmospheric pre-
Two other phases of ferric arsenate, in addition to scorodite, were cipitation of amorphous ferric arsenate via simultaneous oxidation of
identified as Type I (Fe2(HAsO4)3·xH2O, x b 4) and Type II the solution (Fig. 10); (ii) autoclave treatment (160 °C–180 °C) of the
(Fe4(AsO4)3(OH)x(SO4)y, x + 2y = 3) (Table 9). Type I does not pass precipitates after solid/liquid separation to produce scorodite. The pH
the TCLP test (Monhemius and Swash, 1999). Several parameters such of solution is set in the range of 1.5–4. Amorphous ferric arsenate is
as the source of arsenic, the amount of arsenic in solution, the medium highly filterable once the Fe-As mole ratio is fixed between 1–1.5:1. A
characterization (sulfate, nitrate and chloride) and initial iron concen- small autoclave is required for this process and only the precipitates
tration significantly impact the nature of ferric arsenate precipitates. are treated rather than the entire solution.
Several research groups have extensively focussed on scorodite for- An alternative technique to form scorodite from arsenic-rich
mation using various approaches and mechanisms; however, each tech- solutions at ambient-pressure was developed by researchers at McGill
nique has advantages and disadvantages. In this section various University, Canada (Filippou and Demopoulos, 1997). Scorodite was
methods proposed by researchers to form scorodite are elucidated and produced at 90 °C from a solution where the concentration of arsenate
industrial practises employing scorodite to stabilize arsenic will be and ferric ions were 19 g/L and 7.2 g/L, respectively. The pH was adjust-
discussed. ed to below 0.9 in order to initiate amorphous ferric arsenate. Chemical
High temperature pressure oxidation (HTPO) is a technique in crystallization was carried out through a slow stepwise neutralization
which the temperature and oxygen pressure are 150–230 °C and and the addition of either scorodite seed (hydrothermally produced
2000 kPa, respectively. Ferric sulfate is added to the solution containing parent seed) or foreign seeds (gypsum crystal). Prior to this work,
As (III) in an autoclave to form crystalline ferric arsenate precipitates most of studies were focused on the rapid neutralization of the As-bear-
(Dutrizac and Jambor, 1988; Demopoulos et al., 1995; Monhemius and ing solution to pH above 4 (Filippou and Demopoulos, 1997). This leads
Swash, 1999). HTPO is most often conducted to pretreat gold refractory to a sharp rise in the arsenic and iron supersaturation in the solution and
ore. This liberates gold which is initially locked in the ore structure and an increase of generation of small solid-phase nuclei resulting in the for-
immobilizes pentavalent arsenic as scorodite precipitates which stay mation of amorphous ferric arsenic precipitates. It was shown that scor-
stable even after cyanidation at pH N 10. The reactions involved in odite could be formed in the presence of arsenite and ferrous ions when
HTPO are depicted in Eqs. (15)–(18) (Papangelakis and Demopoulos, they are oxidized with hydrogen peroxide or pure oxygen to produce
1990; Robins and Jayaweera, 1992; Swash and Monhemius, 1994). It arsenate and ferric ions (Fig. 11). This process incurs a relatively lower
is evident that arsenic acid and ferrous sulfate are produced during arse- capital cost and high degree of versatility compared to HTPO. The effi-
nopyrite oxidation (Eq. (15)). However, Eq. (16) which frequently takes ciency and effectiveness is independent from the size of the process
place at a temperature between 110 °C–150 °C, results in the formation and can therefore be employed to treat both small and large amounts
of elemental sulfur. Arsenic is fixed as scorodite via Eq. (18) and is then of arsenic-containing effluents.
deposited in a lined tailings pond. Becze and Demopoulos (2007) were the first to suggest the forma-
tion of less soluble hydrated basic calcium ferric arsenate phase such
4FeAsSðsÞ þ 13O2ðaqÞ þ 6H2 OðlÞ →4H3 AsO4ðaqÞ þ 4FeSO4ðaqÞ ð15Þ as yukonite (Ca2Fe3(AsO4)(OH)·12H2O) as a result of a partial transfor-
mation of the scorodite and As (V)-Fe (III) co-precipitate in the presence
4FeAsSðsÞ þ 7O2ðaqÞ þ 4H2 SO4ðaqÞ þ 2H2 OðlÞ →4H3 AsO4ðaqÞ of gypsum at pH N 7 (Becze and Demopoulos, 2007; Gomez et al., 2010).
þ 4FeSO4ðaqÞ þ 4S °ðsÞ ð16Þ Yukonite was first identified in Tagish Lake, Yukon, Canada in 1913
(Tyrrell and Graham, 1913; Gomez et al., 2010). Poorly crystalline ferric
4FeSO4ðaqÞ þ O2ðaqÞ þ 2H2 SO4ðaqÞ →2Fe2 ðSO4 Þ3ðaqÞ þ 2H2 OðlÞ ð17Þ arsenate co-precipitates with an Fe:As molar ratio of 2:1 were synthe-
sized by Jia and Demopoulos (2008) via lime neutralization at pH 8
and 22 °C. It was illustrated that the ferric arsenate residues transformed
Fe2 ðSO4 Þ3ðaqÞ þ 2H3 AsO4ðaqÞ þ 4H2 OðlÞ →2FeAsO4  2H2 OðsÞ to yukonite at 75 °C after seven weeks. Bluteau et al. (2009) reported
þ 3H2 SO4ðaqÞ ð18Þ that scorodite produced by a hydrothermal method partially converted
to yukonite in a gypsum-saturated solution at 75 °C and pH of 7 and 9.
Capital cost is the main drawback associated with this method due Yukonite was synthesized by the neutralization of a solution with a
to the use of autoclaves to produce synthetic scorodite. The process be- Ca:Fe:As molar ratio of 0.5:0.75:1 followed by ageing at 95 °C for 24 h
comes economically viable if arsenic stabilization is performed in tan- (Becze et al., 2010; Bohan, 2014). Data obtained from chemical compo-
dem with the processing of valuable concentrates such as gold and sition analysis and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) of synthetic
silver-bearing pyrite (Filippou and Demopoulos, 1997; Singhania et al., yukonite were in accordance with those of natural yukonite (Gomez
2005). Codelco process has implemented HTPO at pilot scale to immobi- et al., 2010; Bohan, 2014). A series of stability experiments on a synthet-
lize As (III)-bearing weak acid at an Fe:As molar ratio between 1.6–3.6:1 ic yukonite showed a low arsenic solubility (3.1–11.9 mg/L As at pH 7),
and at a temperature of 220 °C. Pyrite and low-grade chalcopyrite con- particularly in the case of a gypsum-saturated solution (0.6–0.9 mg/L As
centrates supply the iron requirements. at pH 7) under oxidizing conditions over pH range of 5–8 (Bohan, 2014;
Bohan et al., 2014). Yukonite, however, was noticeably unstable in the
presence of CO2 and under strongly reducing conditions which conse-
Table 9 quently led to arsenic release into the environment.
Various iron and calcium arsenate species and TCLP solubility (Swash and
Monhemius, 1995; Monhemius and Swash, 1999) (reproduced with permission).
Ecometales, a subsidiary of Codelco, launched a commercial opera-
tion of scorodite plant in northern Chile in 2012 which stabilizes
Compound TCLP solubility (As in mg/L) 10,000 t of arsenic annually and recovers over 25,000 t of copper
Scorodite b5 annum (Lagno et al., 2009; Demopoulos, 2014). This plant was built in
Type I 5–85 order to treat approximately 70,000 t/year flu dust produced by
Type II b5
Codelco's Chuquicamata, Potrerillos and Ventanas copper smelters.
FH (Fe:As = 9:1) b0.5
FH (Fe:As = 2.3:1) 1–2 Smelter dust consists of a variety of chemical elements depending on
Haidingerite N3000 the operating conditions, the stage of the process, the equipment used
Pharmacolite N3000 and the characteristics of raw materials. The elements which can be
Guerinite N1000 found in this operation includes: copper, iron, zinc, bismuth, antimony,
Weilite N2000
arsenic and lead. Two processes are now being conducted at the
A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281 273

Fig. 10. The Outotec scorodite process flowsheet (Ruonala et al., 2014) (reproduced with permission).

Ecometales plant: (i) leaching and recovery of copper; (ii) arsenic and mobility via biogeochemical arsenic reactions (Duquesne et al., 2003;
antimony abatement (AAA) (Fig. 12). The arsenic-containing dust is Inskeep et al., 2004; Stolz et al., 2006; Wang and Mulligan, 2006). The
leached with sulfuric acid and water to generate a copper-rich pregnant activity of Fe (II) oxidizing microbes results in the biomineralization of
leach solution (PLS). The PLS is then oxidized using hydrogen peroxide Fe (III) minerals such as Fe (III) oxyhydroxide, schwertmannite, jarosite
to form pentavalent arsenic in the solution. The pH is adjusted by lime and goethite. Biomineralization plays a significant role in natural arsenic
addition to the required pH value and then ferric sulfate is added to immobilization processes (Acero et al., 2006; Hohmann et al., 2009).
the solution at a temperature of 80–85 °C to form scorodite. This scoro- Thermophilic microorganisms use oxygen from the air as the electron
dite process is based on the supersaturation control. Ferric sulfate is pro- acceptor to oxidize ferrous ions to ferric ions at a temperature between
duced by the plant from magnetite and sulfuric acid which reduce the 70–80 °C (Segerer et al., 1986; Plumb et al., 2007). Several research
operating costs. The resulting precipitates which contain scorodite and groups have systematically performed a series of experiments to fix ar-
gypsum are sent to the authorized Ecometales disposal site. The arse- senic with a concentration of b3 g/L as bioscorodite using microbial spe-
nic-free leach solution is directed to the solvent extraction-electrowin- cies illustrated in Table 10. The bioscorodite precipitation process
ning operation at the Chuquicamata operations for copper recovery. proposed by González Contreras et al. (2009) is similar to Dowa's pro-
The other industrial atmospheric scorodite plant is the Dowa scoro- cess in terms of the oxidation of ferrous iron in the presence of pentava-
dite plant in the copper smelter site located in Kosaka, Japan (Abumiya lent arsenic; although, they are unique in terms of the oxidation
et al., 2012). This plant fixes 30 t/month of arsenic as scorodite. Trivalent mechanisms involved in their respective process (González Contreras
arsenic is initially oxidized to arsenate using hydrogen peroxide. Scoro- et al., 2009, 2010). The bioscorodite crystallization process is based on
dite precipitation is then carried out through oxidation of a FeSO4/As (V) the saturation of a solution which is controlled by the biological oxida-
solution at 95 °C. The process diagram is illustrated in Fig. 13. tion rate (Gonzalez Contreras, 2014). The biological oxidation rate
Scorodite can be synthetically produced via microorganism activity. which is dependent on the type of microorganism, metal concentration,
Naturally occurring microorganisms account for arsenic speciation and oxygen supply and operational conditions such as solution pH and

Fig. 11. Atmospheric scorodite precipitation system.

274 A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281

temperature (Gonzalez Contreras, 2014). It was found that the dosage 3.2.5. Encapsulation technology
of ferrous ions must be controlled because an Fe (II):As (V) molar Encapsulation is a method in which heavy metal/metalloid-bearing
ratio of 5:1 led to the prolongation of the bioscorodite precipitation pollutants in the form of either small particles or large blocks are isolat-
time which resulted from the formation of a high concentration of ferric ed within an inert compound with a high structural integrity. This
ions via the biological oxidation (González Contreras et al., 2009). In ad- minimizes the surface area of hazardous waste exposed to a leaching
dition, Gonzalez-Contreras et al. (2012a, b) reported that arsenic re- solution and subsequently the dissolution of toxic materials. The
moval by scorodite particles decreased from 99% to 40% at an Fe encapsulation technique is completed through chemical interaction
(II):As(V) molar ratio between 2–5:1. The presence of foreign seed, (cement-based, lime-based and phosphate-based processes), physical
such as gypsum, did not expedite the kinetics of bioscorodite crystalliza- interaction (non-chemical encapsulation) and thermal interaction (vit-
tion; however, a greater degree of arsenic removal was observed due to rification and thermoplastic polymer encapsulation) between the waste
the formation of amorphous scorodite precipitates (González Contreras and solidifying reagents (Conner and Hoeffner, 1998).
et al., 2009). Bioscorodite precipitates were synthesized in a continu- In Dundee Sustainable Technology, As (III) is initially oxidized to As
ously stirred reactor (CSTR) where the initial concentration of arsenate (V) using a natural oxidizer such as manganese dioxide at a temperature
and ferrous ions were 2.8 g/L and 2.4 g/L, respectively (González- ranging from 50 °C to 100 °C (Fig. 15) (Lemieux et al., 2014; Lalancette
Contreras et al., 2012a). 3.2 g of the bioscorodite precipitate contained et al., 2015). The source of manganese dioxide is pyrolusite, a low-cost
1 g arsenic. TCLP experiments on the produced scorodite precipitates mineral, which is composed of 40 to 80% of manganese dioxide. Calcium
led to an arsenic release of 0.4 mg/L after 100 days. It was also shown hydroxide is then added to the solution to generate the calcium arsenate
that the ageing time and bioscorodite crystallization rate had a signifi- which is not volatile at the melting temperature of glass (Eq. (19)).
cant effect on the TCLP results (González-Contreras, 2012). An airlift re- Recycled glass or glass-forming components such as silica, sodium car-
actor was employed by Gonzalez-Contreras et al. (2012a, b) to improve bonate, sodium oxide, calcium oxide, alumina and feldspar of potassium
a continuous bioscorodite process; airlift reactors have several advan- are then introduced to the calcium arsenate residues and the mixture
tages such as a mixing via aeration, a lower shear rate and the presence is heated to a temperature between 1000 °C and 1200 °C. Vitrified
of oxygen and carbon dioxide for biological oxidation and growth arsenic oxide is in the form of a very stable and insoluble glass contain-
(González-Contreras et al., 2012b; Gonzalez Contreras, 2014). It was re- ing 1–20 wt% of arsenic. It is claimed that the arsenic concentration from
ported that biologically induced-crystallization demonstrated promis- vitrified arsenic oxide after the leaching test is well below the environ-
ing results in comparison with chemical crystallization processes mental regulations; however, unfortunately no data is available regard-
(González-Contreras et al., 2010; Gonzalez Contreras, 2014). The chem- ing the As-containing product stability in TCLP test.
ical composition, colour and structural characterization of bioscorodite
are similar to those of the naturally-occurring mineral. Furthermore, As2 O3ðsÞ þ 3CaOH2ðsÞ þ 2MnO2ðsÞ →Ca3 ðAsO4 Þ2ðsÞ þ 3H2 OðlÞ þ 2MnOðsÞ ð19Þ
seed material and a strong chemical oxidant are not required to scoro-
dite precipitation. The agglomeration of scorodite precipitates and the As previously stated in Section 3.2.4, crystalline scorodite is not
formation of flakey precipitates facilitate efficient solid-liquid separa- stable under strongly reducing and alkaline conditions. A novel stabili-
tion (González-Contreras et al., 2012a). In addition, only a limited zation process for scorodite was recently developed which focuses on
amount of neutralizing reagent, such as lime, is required which mini- the controlled precipitation of aluminum and apatite coatings (Lagno
mizes the formation of gypsum. Okibe et al. (2015) showed that the et al., 2010; Rocha et al., 2012). Lagno et al. (2010) reported that a crys-
presence of cupric ions significantly hindered the biooxidation of triva- talline hydrated aluminum phosphate shell (AlPO4·1.5H2O) formed a
lent arsenic and ferrous ions, and consequently the formation of biogen- matrix around scorodite particles present in an acidic sulfate solution.
ic scorodite (Okibe et al., 2015). Whereas, the addition of crystalline It was also demonstrated that arsenic dissolution was significantly re-
scorodite particles reduced the negative effect of cupric ions. duced by more than one order of magnitude in a wide range of disposal
ARSENOTEQ™ is a process to fix arsenic via the biological formation conditions with this technology. Encapsulation of the scorodite particles
of very stable, crystalline and compact scorodite using airlift reactor through deposition of HAP and FAP was investigated by Katsarou
(González-Contreras, 2012). As shown in Fig. 14, trivalent arsenic is ini- (2012). HAP- and FAP-coated systems resulted in 1 mg/L and 7.7 mg/L
tially oxidized by H2O2 prior to be pumped to the reactor. Ferrous ions of arsenic release in an anoxic environment at pH 9 for 40 days, respec-
are biologically oxidized in the presence of air at ambient pressure at tively; however, the amount of dissolved arsenic for uncoated scorodite
pH 1.2 and 70 °C. The Fe:As mole ratio is set at 1.5. was 22 mg/L. Aluminum phosphate and apatite coatings were not

Fig. 12. Flow diagram for stabilization of pentavalent arsenic as scorodite used by Ecometales.
A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281 275

Fig. 13. The Dowa scorodite process flowsheet (Kubo et al., 2010; Abumiya et al., 2012) (reproduced with permission).

mechanically or chemically robust enough to keep arsenic from releas- 1993). Arsenic trisulfide gases are rapidly oxidized by calcium oxide
ing into an anoxic environment (Katsarou, 2012; Demopoulos, 2014). (CaO) (Eq. (20)). Trivalent arsenic then reacts with CaO in absence of
Silica gel as an encapsulant was synthesized via a reverse titration tech- oxygen to form a calcium arsenite compound (Eq. (21)) (Igiehon et
nique to improve the stability of scorodite particles (Adelman et al., al., 1994a).
2015). In spite of using various ageing methods, a high arsenic re-
lease was observed for a scorogel system resulting from an anion ex-
As2 S3ðsÞ þ 3CaOðsÞ →1=2As4 O6ðgÞ þ 3CaSðsÞ ð20Þ
change mechanism (Si-O ↔ As-O) occurring near the surface of
scorodite particles. However, a hydrothermally treated scorogel
with an As:Si molar ratio of 100:1 discharged less arsenic back into
the solution compared to that of scorodite particles due to the forma- 1=2As4 O6ðgÞ þ 3CaOðsÞ →Ca3 ðAsO3 Þ2ðsÞ ð21Þ
tion of a resistant iron-silicate layer around the scorodite particles. Obstacles associated with the AFR process to pretreat the arsenic-
Encapsulation of the scorodite precipitates with an amorphous alu- containing refractory gold ores and concentrates with a high sulfur
minum hydroxyl gel derived from chloride and sulfate salts was car- content are as follows: (i) a large amount of fixing agent (CaO) is re-
ried out by Leetmaa et al. (2016). It was shown that the Al(SO4)1.5- quired to immobilize sulfur which forms a substantial volume of cal-
derived gel was a promising encapsulating material, as 0.2 mg/L of cium sulfate resulting in a decrease in the gold grade in the feed to
arsenic was released at pH 7.3 after 169 days. In addition, a three cyanidation circuit; (ii) the amount of calcium sulfate increases on
year-coating stability test demonstrated that the sulfate gel was the surface of reactors and pipelines; (iii) the sulfur cannot be recov-
very robust over a long period of time under an oxidizing ered as a by-product and consequently produces a secondary solid
environment. waste; (iv) it is very difficult to eliminate calcium arsenate present
in the solid calcine (Liu et al., 2000). Liu et al. (2000) described a
3.3. Pyrometallurgical processes two-stage roast to selectively fix arsenic present in a refractory
gold concentrate and generate sulfuric acid as a by-product from
Arsenic-fix roasting (AFR) is a pyrometallurgical technique in which the sulfur dioxide fumes (Liu et al., 2000). As illustrated in Eq. (22),
arsenic and sulfur are captured by a fixing agent such as calcium, sodi- trivalent arsenic is immobilized in the form of calcium arsenate in
um and ferrous salts to form stable compounds (Agar, 1991; the presence of hydrated CaO and oxygen.
Hannaford, 1992; Taylor and Yin, 1993; Safarzadeh et al., 2014c;
Taylor and Putra, 2014). Haver and Wong (1972) and Bartlett and As2 O3ðgÞ þ 3CaOðsÞ þ O2ðgÞ →Ca3 ðAsO4 Þ2ðsÞ ð22Þ
Haung (1973) were the first to propose the AFR process in order to
treat copper sulfide concentrates (Haver and Wong, 1972; Bartlett and Adham and Harris (2014) suggested a two-step roasting method to
Haung, 1973). AFR was applied to the refractory gold concentrates in immobilize arsenic from roaster off-gas (Adham and Harris, 2014). In
the early 1990s by Taylor and co-workers to remove sulfur and arsenic the first stage arsenic, predominantly in the form of sulfide species, is
as calcium sulfate and arsenate (Taylor et al., 1991; Taylor and Yin, volatilized via a neutral roasting process (Fig. 16). Arsenic is then

Table 10
Synthesis of the crystalline bioscorodite precipitates in the different experimental conditions reported by researchers.

Bacteria Forms of As/Fe Fe/As mole ratio pH Pressure T (°C) Reference

Acidianus sulfidivorans Fe(II) 1, 1.1 0.8,1 Ambient 80 (González Contreras et al., 2009; González-Contreras et al., 2010)

Acidianus sulfidivorans Fe(II) 1, 1.3 1.2 Ambient 72 (González-Contreras et al., 2012a; González-Contreras et al., 2012b)

Acidianus brierleyi Fe(II) 1.3–1.4 1.5 Ambient 70 (Okibe et al., 2013; Okibe et al., 2014; Okibe et al., 2015)
276 A.M. Nazari et al. / Hydrometallurgy 174 (2017) 258–281

precipitate is susceptible to atmospheric and bacterial oxidation.

Sulfide precipitation process is more costly compared to lime
neutralization technique due to the high cost of NaHS. Sulfidization
process using hydrogen sulfide gas was developed by BioteQ Envi-
ronment Technologies at the batch scale to improve pH control of
the process and noticeably reduce operating cost. The co-precipita-
tion of arsenic using ferric ions with an Fe:As molar ratio above 3:1
is the best practice known to date for arsenic immobilization. Large
volumes of poorly crystalline As-FH with a low filterability are
formed. In addition, As-FH precipitates transform to α-FeOOH over
time which consequently release arsenic into the environment.
This process has been practised by Xstrata's Horne smelter due to
the availability of both low cost iron-bearing waste and a large tail-
ing facility. It was illustrated that the trivalent arsenic present in res-
idue was oxidized by Fe (III) and subsequently ferrous arsenate
Fig. 14. Scheme for bioscorodite formation system. phase in the form of symplesite was produced. Scorodite precipita-
tion process with a low Fe:As molar ratio (1.5:1) is selected, as iron
source is either not readily available or costly for a plant. Arsenic
immobilized as a ferric arsenate compound in the presence of air and present in the valuable concentrates such as gold-bearing pyrite is
hematite at 750 °C. usually immobilized in the form of scorodite using HTPO process.
Outotec developed a process in which the amorphous ferric arsenate
4. Conclusions precipitates convert to crystalline scorodite particles using an auto-
clave. Ecometales in Chile and Dowa scorodite plant in Japan use
This paper has reviewed the recent developments and future re- the atmospheric scorodite precipitation process to fix arsenic. The
search trends for arsenic immobilization and industrial processes ARSENOTEQ™ process attempts to biologically synthesize crystalline
employed for arsenic elimination. As-containing ore is increasingly scorodite precipitates which are similar to naturally-occurring scor-
becoming a key source of producing base metals. Hence, mining odite in terms of chemical composition and structural properties.
operations should inevitably build As immobilization plants in Recent developments for As immobilization have focused on the en-
the near future due to the strict environmental regulations on arse- capsulation of As-bearing precipitates as a double-guarantee to increase
nic release. As (III) oxidation is frequently in conjunction with the the stability of As-bearing residues. Dundee Sustainable Technology
arsenic fixation processes. Currently hydrogen peroxide is a prom- proposed a technique to vitrify arsenic oxide in the form of a stable
ising reagent for As (III) oxidation. However, it is expected that glass at high temperature. Moreover, the encapsulation of scorodite par-
some novel methods such as activated carbon-assisted As oxida- ticles using deposition of aluminum phosphate and apatite coatings sig-
tion process, which are less costly compared to the traditional oxi- nificantly diminishes arsenic dissolution. Different research groups
dation technique, will be conducted in order to oxidize trivalent synthesized novel As (III)-containing compounds to improve the TCLP
arsenic. results. Schwertmannite as an As (III) carrier demonstrates very low
Lime neutralization is a low-cost technique for arsenic fixation TCLP compared to those of scorodite, arsenate hydroxyapatites, ferrous
and is mostly implemented in a dry area such as Codelco's arsenates (symplesite-type minerals and tooeleite). However, arsenic
Chuquicamata and Caletones smelters where the contamination of solubility of schwertmannite is greater in highly acidic and alkaline
groundwater is implausible. Whereas, calcium arsenite and calcium conditions.
arsenate precipitates exhibit a high solubility in the presence of car-
bon dioxide and moisture and convert to calcium carbonate which
leads to the arsenic release into the environment. Different types of Acknowledgement
As-bearing FAP and HAP compounds were synthesized to improve
the resistance of As-Ca residues to transformation to calcium carbon- The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Natural Sci-
ate. At Saganoseki copper smelter, arsenic (III) is immobilized as ar- ences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through a
senic trisulfide containing 60% As. However, arsenic trisulfide Discovery Grant RGPIN-2015-05718.

Fig. 15. Flowsheet of arsenic encapsulation technique proposed by Dundee Sustainable Technology.
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