Meaning Through Music: Lagu/puisi, Dan Beberapa Kata Sulit (Bisa Berupa Sinonim, Antonim, Atau Makna) - Jadi
Meaning Through Music: Lagu/puisi, Dan Beberapa Kata Sulit (Bisa Berupa Sinonim, Antonim, Atau Makna) - Jadi
Meaning Through Music: Lagu/puisi, Dan Beberapa Kata Sulit (Bisa Berupa Sinonim, Antonim, Atau Makna) - Jadi
Pada bab ini akan disuguhkan beberapa lagu dan puisi. Biasanya petanyaan mengenai lagu
atau puisi tersebut seputar makna judul, isi dari lagu/puisi, tema, perasaan tentang
lagu/puisi, dan beberapa kata sulit (bisa berupa sinonim, antonim, atau makna). Jadi
sangat penting untuk benar-benar memahami isi dari lagu/puisi tersebut.
Structure of a song
1. Intro= music at the begining of the song
2. Verse= lines of the song, describe the concept and the theme of the song
3. Chorus= lines that are repeated at least once both lyrically or musically
4. Bridge= part of the song that has relatively different melody from the rest of the
• Simple present tense : menyatakan hal yang sedang terjadi di masa sekarang atau
sesuatu yang berulang
• Passive voice : menekankan fokus pada suatu objek
o Passive voice dalam simple present tense
object + (to be (is, am, are)) atau (modals (could, may) + be) + v3 (past
• Action verbs : kata kerja yang menjelaskan aksi yang berlangsung
• Technical terms : istilah teknis yang berkaitan dengan topik
• Noun phrases
Passive Voice
Kalimat pasif atau passive voice digunakan untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan pada seseorang
atau objek yang dikenai tindakan dan bukan seseorang atau objek yang melakukan tindakan.
Jadi, hal atau orang yang terpenting akan menjadi subjek kalimat
● The passive voice is used frequently. (= kita tertarik dengan kalimat pasif, bukan
siapa yang menggunakannya.)
● The house was built in 1654. (= kita tertarik dengan rumahnya, bukan siapa yang
● The road is being repaired. (= kita tertarik dengan jalannya, bukan siapa yang
melakukan perbaikan.)
Terkadang, kita menggunakan kalimat pasif karena kita tidak mengetahui atau tidak ingin
menyatakan siapa yang melakukan tindakan.
Pasif Aktif
Our planet is wrapped in a mass of gases. A mass of gases wrap around our planet.
Waste materials are disposed of in a variety The city disposes of waste materials in a
of ways. variety of ways.
Jika ingin mengatakan siapa atau apa yang melakukan suatu tindakan dalam kalimat pasif,
kita menggunakan preposisi by. Saat kita mengetahui siapa yang melakukan tindakan itu dan
tertarik dengan subjeknya, lebih baik kita mengubahnya ke kalimat aktif.
Pasif Aktif
"A Hard Day's Night" was written by the The Beatles wrote "A Hard Day's
Beatles. Night".
The movie ET was directed by Spielberg. Spielberg directed the movie ET.
The house was The house wasn't Was the house built Wasn't the house built
built in 1899. built in 1899. in 1899? in 1899?
These houses were These houses Were these houses Weren't these houses
built in 1899. weren't built in built in 1899? built in 1899?
Passive infinitive
dibentuk dari:
to be + past participle
Sama seperti present infinitive, ada situasi-situasi di mana bentuk zero dari passive infinitive
harus digunakan, sehingga kata to dihilangkan. Hal ini dilakukan setelah penggunaan
sebagian besar modal auxiliary dan tempat lain yang menggunakan zero infinitive.
This window may be opened but that one must stay closed.
#The king
Ex: present | Bali is being visited by me | bali and papua are being visited by me
Past | Bali was being visited by me | these books were being bought by me
*Perfect passive voice
Ex: present| Bali has been visited by me | bali & papua have been visited by me
Past | Bali had been visited by me | bali & papua had been visited by me
Future | Bali will have been visited by me | bali & papua will have been visited by me
2. Generic structure
# Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are
4. Language Feature
– Past tense (killed, drunk, etc)
– Adverb of time (Once upun a time, one day, etc)
– Time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)
– Specific character. The character of the story is specific, not general. (Cinderella, Snow
White, Alibaba, etc)
– Action verbs. A verb that shows an action. (killed, dug, walked, etc)
– Direct speech. It is to make the story lively. (Snow White said,”My name is Snow White).
The direct speech uses present tense.
One day, at the farm there was a hen with her 7 eggs. The one of those eggs was too big for
the usual hen’s egg. The hen did not understand how she had that egg but she still took care
of it.
At one morning, all of those eggs cracked. There were six cute yellow chicks and one big
black and ugly chick.
The mother did not understand why one of his chicks was too big and black and ugly. That
ugly chick also grew too fast than the other six chicks.
All chicken at that farm laughed at that ugly chick and every day they mocked him.
That ugly chick was so sad. He felt different and ugly and he was so shy of his appearance.
One day, the ugly chick decided to run away from the farm.
He asked the other bird about his kind but there was no bird knew about him. He was more
and more sad and lonely.
He walked slowly near the river to get food. He saw his appearance at the river and it was
true that he was so ugly and different from the other chicks.
When the ugly chick went alone, a man come and caught him. The man took it home and
kept it in a stall.
Every day that man gave some food and water for that ugly chick. He was saved actually but
he felt alone inside that stall.
He can see the other chicken outside the stall. He did not understand why that man did not
release him outside the stall.
The chick grew bigger and he did not know how long he had been in the stall so far.
He did not know yet how he looked like after he grew bigger.
What he knew was that all chickens on that farm were afraid of him. That made him became
more and more sad and felt ugly.
One day, the man released him outside that stall because its stall was not enough for his size.
He can feel a little bit happier because finally he could walk around.
He saw a big and beautiful bird came close to him. That bird was as big as him and has so
very beautiful feather. He was afraid and the he run away.
Near the pool at that farm, finally he can see his appearance. He was the same with the big
bird he had seen before.
Then he understood that he was not a chicken but a bird. Then he came to that bird and asked
about his kind. He told all of his sad stories to that bird.
Finally, he knew that he was a peacock and he was happy because he was not alone and ugly
anymore. He was a beautiful peacock with his new family.
Exposition Text
The purpose of an exposition text is to persuade your audience to look at an issue with your