United States Patent: (12) (10) Patent No.: US 9,589,117 B2
United States Patent: (12) (10) Patent No.: US 9,589,117 B2
United States Patent: (12) (10) Patent No.: US 9,589,117 B2
to DAA 112
US 9,589,117 B2
Page 2
European Patent Office, Communication pursuant to Article 94(3)
EPC, Applin No. 05250841.3, date mailed Jan. 13, 2011, pp. 5.
* cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Mar. 7, 2017 Sheet 1 of 2 US 9,589,117 B2
U.S. Patent Mar. 7, 2017 Sheet 2 of 2 US 9,589,117 B2
US 9,589,117 B2
1. 2
COMPUTER SECURITY SYSTEMAND FIGS. 1 and 2 of the drawings, like numerals being used for
METHOD like and corresponding parts of the various drawings.
FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating an embodiment of a
BACKGROUND computer security system 10 in accordance with the present
5 invention. Briefly, system 10 provides a self-service security
Passwords and other types of security credentials are credential recovery mechanism to enable a user of a client 12
generally required to access protected or secured computer to retrieve and/or reset a security credential associated with
resources. For example, a security credential may be a secure computer resource, or have a security credential
required to access a secure computer network, unlock a hard associated with a secure computer resource automatically
drive, or initiate booting or power-on of a computer system. reset, without relying on a computer system or network
However, security credentials may comprise long and/or external to the user's computer system. In the embodiment
complex alphanumeric character strings or other types of illustrated in FIG. 1, system 10 comprises a client 12
information that may be difficult to remember by a user coupled to a computer network resource 13, Such as a server
attempting to access a secure computer resource. When a
security credential for accessing a secure computer resource 14, via a communications network 16. Client 12 may
is forgotten, the user generally requires the assistance of 15 comprise a desktop computer, work station, notebook com
Support personnel to either recover or reset the security puter, personal digital assistant, a type of peripheral device
credential (i.e., via the Internet, intranet, or by telephone Such as a telephone or printer, or any other type of comput
communication). However, the corresponding Support per ing device. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1, client 12
Sonnel may be unavailable to assist the user in recovering or is illustrated as a component of a computer network Such
resetting the security credential, or contacting the corre that client 12 may be used to access server 14 via a wired or
sponding Support personnel may be inconvenient and time wireless communication network 16 Such as, but not limited
consuming. Additionally, obtaining the assistance of Support to, a local area network, wide area network, or a global
personnel may be increasingly difficult if access to the information network such as the Internet. However, it should
secure computer resource is required or helpful in obtaining be understood that client 12 may also comprise a stand-alone
the assistance of the Support personnel. Further, unmanaged 25 or non-networked device Such as a personal work station or
security credentials (i.e., security credentials not stored in desktop computer.
any central repository) are generally unrecoverable centrally As illustrated in FIG. 1, client 12 comprises a processor
by information technologies personnel. or central processing unit (CPU) 20: a memory 22 having an
SUMMARY operating system 24; an input/output (I/O) controller 26 for
30 controlling input devices 28 and output devices 30; a storage
In accordance with one embodiment of the present inven device controller 40 for controlling the retrieval and storage
tion, a computer security system comprises a security mod of data associated with various types of data storage devices
ule adapted to control access to a secure computer resource such as, but not limited to, a hard drive 42, a floppy drive 44,
by a user via a client based on verification of a security and an optical media drive such as a compact disc read-only
credential provided by the user. The computer security 35 memory (CD-ROM) drive 46; and a network interface 50 for
system also comprises verification data disposed on the controlling access and communications with various types
client and accessible by the security module. The security of network resources. Input devices 28 comprise any type of
module is adapted to enable the user to recover the security device for inputting information to client 12 Such as, but not
credential based on a response received from the user limited to, a keyboard, mouse, trackpad, modem, or micro
associated with the verification data. 40 phone. Output devices 30 comprise any type of device for
In accordance with another embodiment of the present outputting information from client 12 Such as, but not
invention, a computer security method comprises receiving limited to, a display monitor, speakers, or a printer.
a request at a client to access a secure computer resource As illustrated in FIG. 1, client 12 also comprises a
where a security credential is required from the user to memory 60 having a basic input/output system (BIOS)
access the secure computer resource. The method also 45 program 62 for performing booting or starting operations
comprises presenting verification data disposed on the client Such as system initialization and tests and peripheral com
to the user and enabling the user to recover the security ponent registration operations. For example, upon booting or
credential based on a response received from the user to the starting of client 12, CPU 20 passes control to BIOS 62 to
verification data. identify and ascertain the hardware and Software resources
50 connected to, or forming a part of, client 12. BIOS 62 also
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS generally verifies that the connected hardware components
are working properly and loads all or a portion of operating
For a more complete understanding of the present inven system 24 into memory 22. All or a portion of BIOS 62 may
tion and the advantages thereof, reference is now made to be stored in various types of memory 60.
the following descriptions taken in connection with the 55 In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1, client 12 also
accompanying drawings in which: comprises a security module 70 for controlling access by
FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating an embodiment of a client 12 to various types of secure or protected computer
computer security system in accordance with the present resources. For example, a secure computer resource may
invention; and comprise the client 12 itself such that control of a booting
FIG. 2 is a flow chart illustrating an embodiment of a 60 operation of client 12 is managed through security module
computer security method in accordance with the present 70. Additionally, the secure computer resource may com
invention. prise a component of client 12 Such as, but not limited to, a
hard drive or peripheral component coupled to client 12. The
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS secure computer resource may also comprise a computer
65 communications network coupled to client 12 or networked
The preferred embodiments of the present invention and component. Security module 70 may comprise software,
the advantages thereof are best understood by referring to hardware, or a combination of software and hardware. In the
US 9,589,117 B2
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embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1, security module 70 illus in FIG. 1 as being stored in memory 60 to be associated with
trated as part of BIOS 62 for controlling booting or initial or otherwise accessed by BIOS 62 to accommodate a secure
ization of client 12. However, it should be understood that booting operation of client 12. However, it should be under
security module 70 and/or components of security module stood that user data 90, verification data 94, and security
70 may be otherwise stored on client 12 to accommodate a credential 92 may be otherwise located or retrievable for
desired application (e.g., apart from BIOS 62). For example, other secure computer resource control applications.
as will be described in greater detail below, security module In some embodiments, for a secure client 12 booting or
70 may also be used to control access to a secure network initialization application, BIOS 62 is configured to auto
resource 13 or control access to an available computer matically initiate or activate collection module 80 during an
communications network 16. 10 initial client 12 access by a particular user to acquire or
As illustrated in FIG. 1, security module 70 comprises a otherwise determine verification data 94 associated with the
collection module 80, a recovery module 82, and an encryp user. For example, based on user data 90 received from a
tion/decryption module 84. Briefly, collection module 80 is particular user during an initial login operation, security
used to acquire various types of information from a user of module 70 may access user data 90, verification data 94
client 12 to enable the user of client 12 to recover a password 15 and/or security credential data 92 to determine whether
or other type of security credential for accessing or initiating response data 112 for the particular user has been acquired.
operations associated with a secure computer resource inde If response data 112 has been previously acquired for the
pendent of a computer resource external to client 12. Recov user, BIOS 62 may continue with normal operations. If
ery module 82 is used to enable the user of client 12 to response data 112 has not been previously acquired for the
retrieve or reset a password or other type of security cre user, query data 110 is presented to the user. Query data 110
dential for accessing or initiating operations associated with may comprise a predetermined quantity of predetermined
a secure computer resource, or have a password or other type queries or challenge phrases presentable to the user Such that
of security credential for accessing or initiating operations responses to the queries 110 are received by collection
associated with a secure computer resource automatically module 80 from the user and stored as response data 112.
reset, without relying on a computer resource external to 25 System 10 may be configured to acquire or otherwise obtain
client 12. Encryption/decryption module 84 is used to and determine verification data 94 using a variety of differ
encrypt, decrypt, and/or otherwise perform hashing or other ent methods. For example, query data 110 may be predefined
types of information transformation operations to enable and automatically presented to the user to acquire response
secure information processing and provide access and ini data 112. Alternatively, or additionally, the user may have
tiation control for a computer resource. 30 the option of selecting particular queries 110 from a list of
As illustrated in FIG. 1, memory 60 also comprises user presented queries 110 to use as verification data 94. Further,
data 90, security credential data 92, and verification data 94. the user may have the option of defining queries 110 to be
User data 90 comprises information associated with a user of used as verification data 94 and inputting response data 112
client 12 such as, but not limited to, the identity of the user for the designated queries 112. Verification data 94 may also
or a username. For example, user data 90 may comprise a 35 be acquired or otherwise determined at a variety of levels
login username or other type of information associated with (e.g., provided to BIOS 62 through any operating system
a particular user of client 12 such that the identity of the user layer software driver or application).
accessing or using client 12 may be determined. Security In some embodiments of the present invention for a
credential data 92 comprises information associated with secure client 12 booting or initialization application, BIOS
enabling the user of client 12 to access or initiate operations 40 62 is configured to automatically initiate or activate security
associated with a secure computer resource. For example, module 70 to verify or authenticate a security credential 100
security credential data 92 may comprise a password, per prior to booting client 12. Security credential 100 may be
sonal identification number (PIN), biometric indicator, such predetermined and stored in memory 60 by an administrator.
as a fingerprint, or any other type of credential used to verify Security credential 100 may also be derived from verifica
or authenticate the identity of the user of client 12 corre 45 tion data 94 or randomly generated by security module 70
sponding to user data 90. The passwords, PINs or other types and presented or displayed to the user during an initial
of secure information are stored as security credentials 100. generation of the security credential 100. Thus, during
Verification data 94 comprises information associated Subsequent sessions on client 12 by a user, booting or
with a query/response mechanism to enable the user of client initialization of client 12 will begin in response to verifica
12 to independently recover a security credential 100 inde 50 tion of security credential 100 provided by the user.
pendent of a computer resource external to client 12. For In operation, according to Some embodiments, if the user
example, as used herein, "recovering security credential has forgotten security credential 100, security module 70
100 includes enabling the user to independently retrieve automatically initiates recovery module 82 to enable the user
security credential 100, enabling the user to independently to independently recover security credential 100. However,
reset security credential 100, and/or automatically having 55 it should also be understood that system 10 may be config
security credential 100 reset for the user by security module ured to correspond with defined policies such that recovery
70 without assistance from support personnel or an external module 82 may be available for particular users and/or
computer resource. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1, particular secure computer resources. Thus, in operation,
verification data 94 comprises query data 110 and response recovery module 82 accesses verification data 94 and pres
data 112. Query data 110 comprises information associated 60 ents or displays to the user at least one query 110 associated
with queries or challenge phrases presentable to the user of with the user. A response to query 110 is received by
client 12 which, based on an acceptable response from the recovery module 82 and verified with response data 112. If
user to the query, will enable the user to independently the response to the query 110 received from the user
recover security credential 100. Response data 112 com corresponds with response data 112, BIOS 62, for example,
prises information associated with acceptable or proper 65 initiates booting of client 12. If the responses to the query
responses to query data 110. Additionally, user data 90. 110 received from the user does not correspond to response
verification data 94, and security credential 92 are illustrated data 112, BIOS 62 refuses, for example, client 12 booting.
US 9,589,117 B2
5 6
Security module 70 may also be configured to present to the FIG. 2 is a flow chart illustrating an embodiment of a
user a listing of the different types of security credentials computer security method in accordance with the present
recoverable by the user or otherwise require the user to invention. The method begins at block 200, where security
identify the type of security credential desired to be recov module 70 is initiated. Security module 70 may be initiated
ered (i.e., power-on password, drive lock password, or BIOS in response to a user request to access a particular secure
administration password). computer resource, automatically during a booting opera
Additionally, encryption/decryption module 84 may be tion, in response to a user requesting security module 70
used to encrypt and/or decrypt security credential 100 and/or activation, or another desired application. At block 202,
verification data 94. For example, in some embodiments, security module 70 identifies the user of client 12. For
encryption/decryption module 84 is used to encrypt security 10 example, system 10 may be configured to accommodate
credential 100 with response data 112 to obtain an encrypted multiple users such that security module 70 receives or
security credential 100. Upon activation of recovery module otherwise accesses user data 90 to determine an identity of
82, encryption/decryption module 84 is used to decrypt an the particular user of client 12.
At decisional block 204, a determination is made whether
encrypted security credential 100 with responses received 15 the user of client 12 has previously input verification data 94
from the user to queries 110. Recovery module 82 is used to in the form of response data 112 and/or query data 110. If the
verify the decrypted security credential 100 using the user of client 12 has not previously input verification data
responses received from the user in response to queries 110. 94, the method proceeds to block 206 where security module
However, it should also be understood that other encryption/ 70 initiates a data acquisition operation using collection
decryption methods may be used for protecting or otherwise module 80. At block 207, security module 70 identifies the
securing information associated with accessing a secure secure computer resource for the data acquisition operation.
computer resource. For example, system 10 may be configured Such that a data
Additionally, in some embodiments, security module 70 is acquisition operation is processed for each secure computer
configured to accommodate resetting of security credential resource available via client 12. System 10 may be config
100 by a user without relying on a computer resource 25 ured to provide a listing of the secure computer resources for
external to client 12. For example, in some embodiments, user selection for a particular data acquisition operation,
queries 110 are presented or displayed to a user of client 12. automatically perform a data acquisition operation for each
The responses received from the user to queries 110 are secure computer resource, or be otherwise configured to
verified with response data 112 via security module 70. If the acquire data from the user for any or all available secure
responses to the queries 110 received from the user corre 30 computer resources via client 12.
spond to response data 112 stored in memory 60, recovery At block 208, security module 70 generates security
module 82 is configured to enable the user to reset security credential 100 for the user for the corresponding computer
credential 100 or, alternatively, recovery module 82 may be resource. At block 210, security module 70 provides to the
configured to automatically generate a new security creden user the security credential 100, such as an authentication
tial 100 for the user. 35 password, to the user for accessing or initiating a secure
Thus, in operation, if a user forgets a security credential computer resource or operation. It should also be understood
100 for accessing or initializing a secure computer resource, that a particular security credential 100 may also be pro
security module 70 presents to the user at least one query vided by the user, received by security module 70 and stored
110 based on predetermined or previously received verifi as security credential 100 in memory 60. At block 212,
cation data 94. Recovery module 82 compares a response to 40 collection module 80 accesses verification data 94. At block
query 110 received from the user with response data 112 for 214, collection module 80 presents to the user queries 110.
authorizing the user to recover or reset security credential At block 216, collection module 80 receives responses to the
100. Thus, for a booting or client 12 initialization applica queries 110 and stores the responses as response data 112 at
tion, security module 70 may be initiated during BIOS 62 block 218.
initialization such that the user of client 12 may indepen 45 At block 220, encryption/decryption module 84 encrypts
dently recover or reset a security credential 100 for booting the security credential 100 with response data 112. At block
client 12 without external assistance from another computer 224, security module 70 stores the encrypted security cre
resource or Support personnel. dential 100 in memory 60. At decisional block 226, a
As described above, security module 70 may also be used determination is made whether a data acquisition or collec
for other applications to control access or initialization of a 50 tion procedure is to be completed for another computer
secure computer resource. For example, security module 70 resource. If a data collection procedure is to be completed
may also be used to control access by client 12 to a network for another computer resource, the method returns to block
16 or networked computer resources 13. For example, 207. If another data collection procedure is not required, the
security credential 100 provided by a user may enable the method proceeds to block 228.
user to access network 16 and/or a secure computer resource 55 At decisional block 204, if a determination is made that
13. However, if the user of client 12 forgets security cre the user has previously input verification data 94, the method
dential 100 for accessing network 16 and/or resource 13, proceeds from block 204 to block 228, where security
security module 70 is initiated to enable the user of client 12 module 70 displays a security interface for receiving input of
to recover or reset security credential 100. For example, as security credential 100 from the user. At decisional block
described above, a response received from the user to at least 60 230, a determination is made whether the user has forgotten
one query 110 is verified or authenticated with response data security credential 100 or has incorrectly provided the
112 stored in memory 60 to enable the user to recover or security credential 100. If the user has forgotten or incor
reset security credential 100. Thus, the user may indepen rectly provided the security credential 100, the method
dently recover or reset security credential 100 without proceeds to block 231, where security module 70 identifies
relying on Support personnel and without relying on an 65 the computer resource for which credential recovery is
external computer resource Such as network 16 and/or requested. For example, system 10 may be configured to
resource 13. provide a different security credential 100 and/or a different
US 9,589,117 B2
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set of queries 110 and responses 112 for each secure com 4. The system of claim 1, wherein the instructions control
puter resource. At block 208, security module 70 receives or booting of the client based on the response.
accesses user data 90 indicating the identity of the user of 5. The system of claim 1, wherein the instructions initiate
client 12. At block 234, recovery module 82 accesses a collection module to acquire verification data from the
verification data 94 corresponding to the user based on user USC.
data 90. At block 236, recovery module 80 generates and 6. The system of claim 1, wherein the instructions encrypt
presents queries 110 to the user. At block 238, recovery the password based on verification data.
module 80 receives responses from the user to the queries 7. The system of claim 1, wherein the instructions decrypt
an encrypted password based on the response.
At block 240, encryption/decryption module 84 decrypts 10
8. The system of claim 1, wherein the instructions are
an encrypted security credential 100 using response infor disposed in a basic input/output system (BIOS).
mation received from the user to queries 100. At block 242, 9. The system of claim 1, wherein the instructions control
security module 70 verifies the decrypted security credential access to a communications network.
100. At decisional block 244, a determination is made
whether verification of the decrypted security credential 100 15 10. The system of claim 1, wherein the instructions
is obtained. If the decrypted security credential is not control access to a computer network resource.
verified, the method returns to block 232. If the decrypted 11. The system of claim 1, wherein the instructions enable
security credential 100 is verified, the method proceeds from the user to retrieve the password based on the response.
block 244 to block 246, where security module 70 initiates 12. The system of claim 1, wherein the instructions are
a security credential recovery operation. For example, as disposed on the client.
described above, security module 70 may be configured to 13. A computer security method, comprising:
enable the user to independently reset security credential receiving a request at a client to access a secure computer
100, security module 70 may be configured to automatically resource, a password enabling a user to access the
generate a new security credential for the user, or security secure computer resource;
module 70 may be configured to enable the user to retrieve 25 presenting a query data on the client, wherein the client
the security credential 100. The method proceeds to block comprises the query data and an associated response;
208. determining whether a response to the query data is the
At decisional block 230, if the user has not forgotten the associated response; and
security credential 100, the method proceeds from block 230 retrieving the password from the client if the response to
to block 248, where security module 70 receives user data 90 30
the query data is the associated response, wherein the
from the user. At block 250, security module 70 receives password retrieved from the client is a new password.
security credential 100 from the user. At decisional block 14. The method of claim 13, further comprising initiating
252, a determination is made whether verification of the booting of the client based on the response.
security credential 100 is obtained corresponding to user
data 90. If the security credential 100 is verified, the method 35 15. The method of claim 13, wherein presenting the query
proceeds to block 254, where access is granted to the secure data comprises generating a query to present to the user for
computer resource. If verification of the security credential recovery of the password.
100 is not obtained, the method returns to block 230. 16. The method of claim 13, further comprising initiating
Thus, embodiments of the present invention enable a user a collection module to acquire verification data from the
to independently recover a security credential 100 for 40 USC.
accessing a secure computer resource without relying on an 17. The method of claim 13, further comprising encrypt
external computer resource. Embodiments of the present ing the password based on the response received from the
invention may be applied to secure hard drive access, user to the query data.
booting operations, computer network access, and a variety 18. The method of claim 13, further comprising decrypt
of other computer-based applications. 45 ing an encrypted password based on the response received
from the user to the query data.
What is claimed is: 19. The method of claim 13, further comprising receiving
1. A computer security system, comprising: the response to a query presented to the user for recovery of
a processor; and the password.
a memory comprising instructions executable by the 50 20. The method of claim 13, further comprising accessing
processor to: a computer communications network based on the response.
control access to a secure computer resource by a user 21. The method of claim 13, further comprising accessing
via a client based on a password associated with the a computer network resource based on the response.
user, 22. A computer security system, comprising:
present query data on the client, wherein the client 55 a processor; and
comprises the query data and an associated response; a memory comprising instructions executable by the
determine whether a response to the query data is the processor to:
associated response; and receive and store verification data associated with a
retrieve the password from the client if the response to query data for a user on a client;
the query data is the associated response, wherein the 60 present the query data on the client, wherein the client
password retrieved from the client is a new pass comprises the query data and an associated response
word. from the verification data; and
2. The system of claim 1, wherein the instructions enable retrieve a password from the client associated with
the user to reset the password based on the response. accessing a secure computer resource if the user
3. The system of claim 1, wherein the instructions gen 65 response to the query data is the associated response,
erate the query data to present to the user based on verifi wherein the password retrieved from the client is a
cation data. new password.
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23. The system of claim 22, wherein the instructions encrypt the password with the response data and store
generate a query presentable to the user based on the the encrypted password;
verification data. generate a query to present to the user based on the
24. The system of claim 22, wherein the instructions query data;
enable the user to reset the password. receive a response to the query from the user;
25. The system of claim 22, wherein the instructions are decrypt the encrypted password based on the response;
disposed within a basic input/output system (BIOS). verify the decrypted password; and
26. The system of claim 22, wherein the instructions enable the user to retrieve the password from the
encrypt the password using the verification data. computing device upon verifying the decrypted pass
27. The system of claim 22, wherein the instructions 10
word without accessing a resource external to the
decrypt the password based on the response.
28. The system of claim 22, wherein the instructions are computer device, wherein the password retrieved
disposed on the client. from the client is a new password.
29. A computing device, comprising: 30. The device of claim 29, wherein the instructions
a processor; and 15
enable a user to independently retrieve the password.
a memory comprising instructions executable by the 31. The device of claim 29, wherein the instructions
processor to: enable a user to independently reset the password.
control access to a secure computer resource by a user 32. The device of claim 29, wherein the verification data
via a client based on verification of a password comprises data associated with a query and a response
provided by the user;
retrieve verification data disposed on the client, 33. The device of claim 29, wherein the instructions are
wherein the verification data comprises query data disposed in a basic input/output system (BIOS).
and response data; k k k k k