United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,038,332 B1

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,038,332 B1

Littlestone et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 26, 2015

(54) EXPLOSIVE BLAST SHIELD FOR (56) References Cited

(71) Applicant: The United States of America as 1,344,722 A 6, 1920 Schulz
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(72) Inventors: Alyssa A. Littlestone, Washington, DC 5,580,629 A * 12/1996 Dischler ......................... 428/43
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(73) Assignee: The United States of America as 7,926.407 B1 * 4/2011 Hallissy et al. .............. 89.36.02
represented by the Secretary of the 7.938,053 B1* 5/2011 Dudt et al. ................... 89.36.02
Navy, Washington, DC (US) 8,001,880 B2 8, 2011 White et al.
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(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 8,375,841 B2 * 2/2013 Bocini et al. ... ... 89,36.02
2004/0216595 A1* 11, 2004 Dickson ......... ... 89,36.02
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2006/0213360 A1* 9, 2006 Ravid et al. .................. 89.36.01
U.S.C. 154(b) by 74 days. (Continued)
(21) Appl. No.: 13/779,973 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(22) Filed: Feb. 28, 2013 J.S. Davidson et al., Failure Mechanisms of Polymer-Reinforced
Concrete Masonry Walls Subjected to Blast, Journal of Structural
Engineering (Aug. 2005), pp. 1194-1205.
Related U.S. Application Data
(60) Provisional application No. 61/723,896, filed on Nov.
8, 2012.
Primary Examiner — Jeanette E Chapman
(51) Int. Cl. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Richard A. Morgan
F4H 5/07 (2006.01)
F4H 5/04 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT
CPC ............ F4IH 5/0457(2013.01); F4IH 5/0442 A composite shield comprises a panel including an outer thin
(2013.01) metallic strike Surface layer, a highly strain rate hardening
(58) Field of Classification Search polymer layer and an inner structural armor plate layer. The
CPC ............. F41H 1/02: F41H 5/023; F41H 5/04; structural armor plate layer has a multiplicity of traversing
F41H 5/0414: F41H 5/013; F41H 5/0421; ports. The traversing ports have sufficient lateral area to allow
F41H 5/0442; F41H 5/0492; F42D5/05; deformation of the thin metallic strike surface layer and
F42D 5/045; E04H9/04 highly strain rate hardening polymer layer through the struc
USPC .......... 52/202, 782.1, 783.1; 89/36.01, 36.02, tural armor plate layer on the occurrence of explosive blast.
89/904, 910,917,914,930; 73/35.14;
See application file for complete search history. 9 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets

40 -->
40-> 422 48

42 48 55 - -5O

552-- Es

2. -

348 34
N. -34b
32a E 328
36a 35

US 9,038.332 B1
Page 2

(56) References Cited A. Britan et al., Experimental and Numerical Study of ShockWave
Interaction With Perforated Plates, Journal of Fluids Engineering,
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS vol. 126, May 2004, pp. 399-409.
H. Wadley et al., Compressive response to multilayered pyramidal
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2012/0174754 A1* 7/2012 Salisbury et al. ............ 89.36.02 G.J. Cooper, Protection of the Lung from Blast Overpressure by
Thoracic Stress Wave Decouplers, Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infec
OTHER PUBLICATIONS tion and Critical Care, vol. 40, No. 3, (March Supplement 1996),
R.G.S. Barsoum et al., The Fascinating Behaviors of Ordinary Mate Y. Andreopoulos et al., Moving shocks through metal grids: their
rials under Dynamic Conditions, AMMTIAC Quarterly, vol. 4. No. 4 interaction and potential for blast wave mitigation, Shock Waves
(2007) vol. 16, pp. 455-466.
(Mar. 2010), pp. 11-14. A.A. Littlestone et al., Blast Frequency Control for Personnel Sur
R.H. Cole, "Diaphragm Gauges'. Underwater Explosions, Princeton vivability, NSWCCD, West Bethesda, MD, Technical Report
University Press, Princeton, NJ (1948), pp. 157-159. NSWCCD-66-TR-2012/20 (Aug. 2012).
G.S. Langdon et al., Perforated Plates as Passive Mitigation Systems,
Defense Science Journal, vol. 58, No. 2, Mar. 2008, pp. 238-247. * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent May 26, 2015 Sheet 1 of 7 US 9,038,332 B1

2 3
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FIG 1 50 OY “O re
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42 46 38d ON /O al
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36a 36b

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2 3
U.S. Patent May 26, 2015 Sheet 2 of 7 US 9,038,332 B1
U.S. Patent May 26, 2015 Sheet 3 of 7 US 9,038,332 B1


FIG 3 42 55.

55- E1 50
42- B3
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- 38

- 38.
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U.S. Patent May 26, 2015 Sheet 6 of 7 US 9,038,332 B1
U.S. Patent May 26, 2015 Sheet 7 of 7 US 9,038,332 B1

Cooper Injury
20 Ooooo--- -

18 .
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is 10 +--- /
/ 1 -1 -- - - -
dS 6 16 Holes H|
D 16 Holes with Foil
4 - O 64 Holes
O 64 Holes with Foil
2 ---- - - - - - - A 16 Holes w Foil w Polymer

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A64 Holes w Foil w Polymer
--- - - - -- -- ------------------------ .
O 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Low Pass Filtered Frequency (Hz)

US 9,038,332 B1
1. 2
EXPLOSIVE BLAST SHIELD FOR hardening polymer is sensitive to strain rates of 10/second
BUILDINGS and greater and responds to these strain rates by hardening.
The multi-layer panel has blast wave dissipating proper
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED ties. Any spall from the thin metallic layer and adhered poly
APPLICATIONS mer layer are defeated by a spall liner. The shield is used in
combination with a vehicle barrier to mitigate an explosive
This application claims the benefit of provisional applica blast wave directed against static structures, physical assets
tion 61/723,896 filed Nov. 8, 2012, for the invention of an and people. The shield is used with or without a vehicle
Explosive Blast Shield for Buildings by Alyssa A. Littlestone 10
barrier to protect open, unconfined areas such as airport pave
and Philip J. Dudt. The provisional application is incorpo ments, port facilities, tank farms and open areas where people
rated herein by reference it its entirety. gather.
15 FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional side view of a shield in combi
The invention described herein may be manufactured and
used by or for the Government of the United States of nation with a vehicle barrier.
America for governmental purposes without the payment of FIG. 1a is a cross-sectional side view showing a ductile
any royalties thereon or therefor. strike layer consisting of a metallic strike Surface layer.
FIG. 1b is a cross-sectional side view showing a ductile
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION strike layer consisting of a metallic strike Surface layer and a
highly strain rate hardening polymer layer.
1. Field of the Invention FIG. 1c is a cross-sectional side view showing a ductile
The invention relates to a shield to protect static structures strike layer consisting of a metallic strike Surface layer, a
and the like from explosive blast. In another embodiment the highly strain rate hardening polymer layer and a second
invention relates to ordnance and an explosive blast shield. 25 metallic layer.
More particularly, the invention relates to a composite panel FIG. 2 is a frontal view of the shield along section 2-2 in
having explosive blast pressure mitigating components. FIG. 1 showing ports.
2. Discussion of the Related Art FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional side view of the shield along
Opportunistic attack against people and buildings by section 3-3 in FIG. 2 showing explosive blast deformation.
explosives laden cars and trucks has become a challenge in 30 FIG. 4 is a schematic view of typical spall shapes.
the art of armor. The primary defense against attack on build FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional side view of an alternate shield
ings is a perimeter vehicle barrier, often a concrete wall. configuration in combination with a vehicle barrier.
However, explosive blast generates a pressure wave that con FIG. 5a is a cross-sectional side view showing a ductile
tinues past any perimeter barrier. If sufficient explosive is strike layer consisting of a metallic strike Surface layer.
detonated, the pressure wave can travel with force to damage 35
FIG. 5b is a cross-sectional side view showing a ductile
a concrete wall, generate concrete spall and cause additional strike layer consisting of a metallic strike Surface layer and a
property damage and personal injury. highly strain rate hardening polymer layer.
Opportunistic attack on a building usually originates from FIG. 5c is a cross-sectional side view showing a ductile
ground level. Therefore, it is not necessary that the entire strike layer consisting of a metallic strike Surface layer, a
building facade be covered, only that the explosion field of 40 highly strain rate hardening polymer layer and a second
view be at least partially blocked. In addition, any vehicle metallic layer.
barrier should be sufficiently immobile to stop any incoming FIG. 6 is a frontal view of the shield along section 6-6 in
vehicle. For this purpose steel reinforced Jersey barriers, FIG. 5 showing port pairs.
earthen dikes, steel reinforced concrete walls and decorative FIG. 7 is an overhead cross-sectional view of FIG. 5 along
concrete planters filled with soil have been used. However, 45 section 7-7 showing a sectioned conduit and port pairs.
the pressure wave from an explosive blast continues around FIG. 8 is a schematic representation of explosive pressure
the immobile barrier to impact the target building. waves in the conduit shown in FIG. 7 during an explosive
There is a continuing need in the art for an explosive blast blast.
shield. There is a particular need for a shield that can be free FIG.9 is a plot of data demonstrating shield performance in
standing or used in combination with a vehicle barrier and 50 reducing peak blast pressure at human injuring explosive
that is effective against ground level explosive pressure blast frequencies.
55 The invention is described with reference to the drawing.
A composite shield comprises a panel including a ductile The drawing discloses a preferred embodiment of the inven
strike layer spaced from an inner structural armor plate layer. tion and is not intended to limit the generally broad scope of
The ductile strike layer includes a metallic strike surface layer the invention as set forth in the claims. The drawing is sche
and a highly strain rate hardening polymer layer filling the matic and is not drawn to scale.
space between the Strike layer and the structural armor plate. 60
In another embodiment, a confined highly strain rate harden First Embodiment
ing polymer fills the space between a metallic strike Surface
layer and a second metallic layer. The structural armor plate Reference is made to FIG. 1, FIGS. 1a, 1b, 1c and FIG. 2.
layer has traversing ports through it. Each traversing port has A blast shield 40 comprises a composite panel and preferably
sufficient lateral area to allow deformation of the ductile 65 a spall shield 50. Frame members 38a,38b,38c and 38dhold
strike layer and highly strain rate hardening polymer layer the spall shield 50 in laminar orientation and spaced from the
through the structural armor plate layer. The highly strain rate composite panel 42, 46. The blast shield is the assembled
US 9,038,332 B1
3 4
combination of each individual component, i.e. element 42 structural armor plate layer Survive and that traversing ports
(comprising 43, 44, 45), element 46 and element 50 which subdivide the explosive blast wave, further mitigating blast
will be described. Blast shield 40 is mounted on and fixedly energy.
attached to a vehicle barrier shown here as Jersey barriers 30a FIG. 1a shows details of ductile strike layer 42. In this
and 30b. Heavy bolts 32a and 32b are attached to the concrete embodiment, strike layer 42 is a single metallic strike Surface
Jersey barriers which also include steel reinforcement bars layer 43. In FIG.1b, strike layer 42 is a composite of metallic
(not shown) for collision integrity. Frame member 38c is strike Surface layer 43 with a highly strain rate hardening
fixedly attached to the Jersey barriers 30a and 30b by means polymer layer 44 backing adhered thereto. In FIG. 1c, ductile
of the heavy steel alloy bolts 32a and 32b and nuts 34a and strike layer 42 is a composite of metallic strike Surface layer
34b. Jersey barriers 30a and 30b are immobilized by steel 10 43 and a second metallic layer 45 with a highly strain rate
reinforcement bars 36a and 36b driven into the ground G. hardening polymer layer 44 entirely filling the space between
Alternative mounting of the blast shield are available. It is the two metallic layers, i.e., abutting both layers and thereby
preferred that the blast shield be mounted in combination confined. All three variations of strike layer 42 are ductile. In
each variation, the width of the one, two and three layer
with an immobile vehicle barrier. For example, the blast 15 composite is thin. Ductility is essential for the composite to
shield may be mounted on an earthen dike, an earthen backed function according to the mechanism of the invention in miti
concrete wall, and the like. The usual objective is to elevate gating explosive blast energy.
the blast shield so that the building or other asset is shielded As seen in FIG. 1a, ductile strike layer 42 comprises layer
as much as possible from direct view of a blast pressure wave. 43 made of foil or sheet of ductile metal. At the lower end of
Alternative mounting (not shown) includes frame member the thickness range, 0.001 up to 0.006 inches, metallic strike
38c placed in contact with the ground G and immobilized layer 43 is described as foil. At 0.006 inches and above,
with steel reinforcing bars or the like. This mounting alterna metallic strike layer 43 is described as sheet. The range of
tive with the blast shield 40 attached to and immobilized on thicknesses of strike surface layer 43 is 0.001 inch to 0.25
the ground G is referred to herein as “free standing.” In inches.
another free standing mounting alternative, blast shield 40 is 25 Examples of suitable materials for the ductile metallic
mounted on a concrete pad (not shown) in contact with strike surface layer 43 include aluminum, e.g. 1100 series,
ground G. This mounting alternative may be desirable when 5000 series and 6000 series aluminum sheet. Examples of
ground G soils are loose, thin, gravelly, muddy or otherwise steel include mild steel, austenitic stainless steels such as
less Suitable for mounting purposes. It is well known in the art 316L and 310 and maraging steel. Other examples of suitable
to select Jersey barriers, concrete pads, bolts, nuts, reinforce 30 materials for layer 42 include 1100 copper and commercially
ment bars and the like that are capable of withstanding and pure grades of titanium. We have used 1100 series aluminum
remaining immobile following vehicle ramming and explo foil having a thickness down to 0.001 inches. In the Example
sive blast. we used aluminum 5052-H32 sheet, a ductile aluminum used
for sheet metal fabrication. Aluminum 5052-H32 is commer
Additional alternative mounting of the blast shield are 35 cially available in sheet thicknesses in the inventive range and
available. The blast shield may be used to shield portions of is much stronger than 1100 series aluminum.
buildings. For example, the blast shield may be mounted to Structural armor plate layer 46 comprises a ballistic armor
shield windows and doors. This can be accomplished in sev plate having a minimum Young's modulus of 1 million psi and
eral ways. The blast shield may be mounted as a window or a Poisson’s ratio between 0.2 and 0.35. This is achieved with
door shutter that is opened and closed as desired. The blast 40 a 0.25-inch to 5-inch thick layer of a ballistic armor plate of a
shield may be integrally mounted as part of a balcony So that material Such as Surface hardened steel, titanium armor, alu
it shields an elevated window or door from direct street view. minum-based ceramic, glass reinforced ballistic polymer and
Architecture panels comprising the shield may be attached to the like. Structural armor plate layer 46 has the physical
the building frame and positioned as an addition to an exterior characteristics of rolled homogeneous armor such as that
Surface on portions of static structures. 45 produced to U.S. Military Specification MIL-A 12560 and
Laminar blast shield 40 comprises adjacent layers includ the like. Examples of steel include high carbon content modi
ing a ductile thin Strike layer 42 and a structural armor plate fied steel such as American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)
layer 46. Structural armor plate layer 46 may be included as a grade 4340 (Ni–Cr Mo) steel or 4130(Cr Mo) steel. The
back layer. Preferably, the back layer is a spall liner 50. An steel may also be U.S. Military Specification MIL-A 46100 or
effective placement of spall liner 50 is to position it a linear 50 MIL-A 12560 ballistic armor. Another steel is HY-130 (Ni–
distance from structural armor plate layer 46 with an inter Cr—Mn Mo). In the Example we used a naval steel plate
vening air space 48. This configuration with an air space 48 commercially identified as HY-100 (Ni, Cr, Mo, Mn).
layer is preferable to a configuration in which the blast shield HY-100 has a Young's modulus of 30 million psi and a Pois
40 is in direct contact with the structural armor plate layer. son's ratio of 0.280. The thickness of steel plate is 0.25 inches
The spall liner is considerably more effective in capturing 55 or more, preferable 0.25 inches to 5 inches. A steel plate
spall if it is spaced from the structural armor plate layer 46 thickness of 1 inch to 4 inches has been found to be effective
with an air space 48. and practical for the intended use. We have also used thick
Strike layer 42 is defined as ductile so it must be thin. The 6061-T6 aluminum plate.
ductile strike layer is capable of deforming into the underly A suitable titanium armor is titanium alloy Ti 6A1-4V.
ing port under explosive blast pressure. The ductile strike 60 These ballistic armors are commercially available in thick
layer will finally rupture when the blast pressure pushes the nesses of 0.25 inches to 6 inches.
deformed composite to the fracture point on a stress-strain Attention is drawn to FIG. 2 which shows a frontal view of
curve for the material (not shown). According to the inven the shield along section 2-2 in FIG. 1. The structural armor
tion, it is desirable for strike layer 42 to rupture if the explo plate layer 46 is modified with traversing ports 55 which pass
sive force is sufficient to cause this. Rupture takes full advan 65 completely through the armor plate layer 46. Traversing ports
tage of the capability of the materials selected for the strike 55 have diameters 55D providing sufficient lateral area to
layer 42 to mitigate blast energy. It is also desirable that the allow deformation of the ductile strike layer including highly
US 9,038,332 B1
5 6
strain rate hardening polymer layer through the structural mers useful for the invention demonstrate a Young's modulus
armor plate layer. Sufficient lateral area is defined by the of 1000 psi to 4000 psi when tested at slow strain rates. At
ductile metallic strike surface layer material. It has been high strain rates in the range of 1,000/second to 1,000,000/
found experimentally that traversing port diameters of 0.25 second, the confined polymer demonstrates a Young's modu
inches to 2 inches are sufficient to allow deformation of the lus of 350,000 psi to 500,000 psi or greater. When confined,
ductile metal sheet strike surface layer with adhered polymer the tensile strength increases from about 2,000-8000 psi to
into and through structural armor plate layer 46. In general, about 80,000 psi. By way of example, polyurea useful for the
for the same metallic strike Surface layer and polymer layer, a invention is sold commercially under trade names including
larger diameter port will allow the supported layer to rupture Carboline(R) POLYCLADR 707, Air Products VER
at a lower blast pressure than a smaller diameter port. This is 10
due to the ductility of the composite layer. Therefore, rela
tively thicker strike surface and polymer layers should be Highly strain rate hardening polymers are more fully dis
combined with relatively larger diameter traversing ports to cussed in inventor's U.S. Pat. No. 7,300,893 for Armor
provide for deformation of the composite layers into the ports Including A Strain Rate Hardening Elastomer, incorporated
to dissipate blast energy. 15 herein by reference.
Relatively thinner composite layers should be combined With sufficient explosive blast force, the outer ductile
with relatively smaller diameter traversing ports. Excluded metal strike Surface layer with adhered polymer passes com
from the invention are ports that do not have sufficient diam pletely through the structural armor plate layer 46, as shown
eter to allow transport of explosively deformed ductile metal in FIG. 3. At explosive blast pressures, fragments of unsup
lic strike Surface layer through them. For example, a plurality ported ductile Strike layer separate as spall. Common spall
of smaller diameter perforations may provide considerable shapes are shown in FIG. 4 including a metallic disk fl, disk
free area, but they do not allow extension of explosively missing a petal f2 and petal f3 all with adhered polymer. Spall
deformed ductile metallic strike surface layer there through.
That is, smaller diameter perforations do not allow the size and disk shape are an artifact of the traversing ports 55
mechanism of the invention to function. The mechanism of 25 through which segments of the ductile metal sheet strike
the invention provides for a multiplicity of functioning dia surface layer 42 was forced by the explosive blast.
phragms to dissipate blast force by deforming and rupturing The metallic spall traverses air space 48 and impacts spall
the outer ductile metallic strike surface layer and highly strain liner 50. Airspace 48 is not essential, but is preferred because
rate hardening polymer layer. the presence of the airspace demonstrates better spall capture
Ports are formed by drilling, grinding, chemical machining 30 by slowing spall speed. Although not essential, the presence
and the like. Precision is not necessary for the diameters 55D of spall liner 50 is preferred. A spall liner has been found to
of the traversing ports. Depending on the anticipated threat it capture essentially all spall generated by separation of the
may be desirable to provide variation in the diameters over the ductile metallic strike surface layer 42.
inventive range in the structural armor plate layer 46. Varia
tion in diameter 55D provides sequential rupturing of disks. 35 Spall liner 50 may be made of any of the materials known
This, in combination with the underlying ported structural to be useful for this purpose. Spall liner 50 is ordinarily a
armor plate layer, modifies the blast pressure wave and damp polycarbonate layer. Polycarbonate is a projectile resisting
ens peak blast wave pressure impacting the target static struc material with good shock receiving characteristics. In thin
ture. The ported structural armor plate layer provides addi sheets, polycarbonate stretches on impact, making it a good
tional segmenting and mitigation of the explosive blast wave. 40 spall liner. In this capacity it prevents traverse of projectile
The ductile strike layer 42 comprises a metallic strike fragments and spall through it. In general, the polycarbonate
surface layer 43. Between the strike surface layer 43 and the material has a thickness of 0.1 to 0.5 inches, preferably 0.1 to
structural armor plate layer 46 is a highly strain rate hardening 0.3 inches. It has been found that besides the projectile resist
polymer layer 44 confined by completely filling the volume ing characteristics of the material, polycarbonate provides a
between the ductile metallic strike surface layer 43 and the 45 stiffbacking and makes the panel easier to mount. By way of
structural armor plate layer 46. example, LEXANR) is the trade name of an optically clear
Polymers have been found that are effective against explo polycarbonate sold by SABIC Innovative Plastics, Pittsfield,
sive blast pressure penetration and projectile penetration. Mass. 01201.
These polymers demonstrate high Strain rate hardening when
Subjected to high Strain rate loading. Impact by a projectile or 50 Other examples of effective materials useful as spall liners
explosive blast wave are examples of high Strain rate loading. include glass-reinforced plastic, ultra high molecular weight
The transient rigidity is significantly increased when the polyethylene having about 10,000 to 250,000 polyethylene
polymer is confined. This physical response presents a tran mers per polymer, e.g. DYNEEMAR) and SPECTRAR fiber,
sient, very high-strength barrier to a penetrator. The invention and para-aramid fiber, e.g. KEVLAR(R) based fiber. These
exploits this property to mitigate an explosive blast wave. 55 materials are commercially available. Selection of the spe
Highly strain rate hardening polymers include polyurea, cific material for use as a spall liner, including molecular
polyurethane and mixtures of polyurea and polyurethane. weight and thickness, is an optimization and is within the
Polyurea is preferred. The thickness of highly strain rate ability of those trained in the art.
hardening polymer 44 is 0.005 to 0.25 inches and the same for As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, before the occurrence of
polymer layer 144 in FIG. 7. 60 explosive blast, laminar blast shield 40 includes adjacent
Polymers of the invention are referred to as highly strain layers; the ductile metallic sheet strike surface layer 42 and
rate hardening and high Strain rate sensitivity hardening, the structural armor plate layer 46. Spall liner 50 is the back
among other similar variations in the terms. These polymers layer. Spall liner 50 is spaced from structural armor plate
demonstrate particular sensitivity to strain rate increases. layer 46 by air space 48. This blast shield is held in place by
They are sensitive in rapidly hardening at Strain rates of about 65 frame members 38a and 38c and frame members 38b and
10/second or greater, particularly about 10/second or 38d. Traversing ports 55 through structural armor plate layer
greater. Generally high Strain rate sensitivity hardening poly 46 are shown.
US 9,038,332 B1
7 8
In FIG. 3, armor plate layer 46' and ports 55' correspond pressure-calibrated diaphragms. It is possible to construct a
with armor plate layer 46 and ports 55 in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2. stress-strain curve of the material being tested by exposing
FIG. 3 shows a side view of the shield along section 3-3 in disks to sequentially increased explosive charges.
FIG. 2. FIG. 3 shows that the structural armor plate layer 46 Inventors found that ductile metallic diaphragms could be
is modified with traversing ports 55 which pass completely fabricated that dissipated considerable explosive blast pres
through the layer. Sure. This was achieved by selecting circular port diameter,
In addition to showing section 3-3 in FIG. 2, FIG. 3 shows selecting ductile metallic foil or sheet material and backing
post explosion blast shield 40' following the occurrence of the ductile metallic foil or sheet with a highly strain rate
explosive blast, schematically shown as explosive blast EXP3 hardening polymer. It was found that greater improvement in
directed against building B3. In FIG. 3, elements 30a, 30b, 10 blast pressure mitigation could be achieved by additionally
32a, 32b, 34a, 34b, 36a, 36b, 38a, and 38c remain undam confining the highly strain rate hardening polymer. The duc
aged; that is, the same as shown in FIG. 1. tile metal-polymer composite strike layer undergoes consid
Blast shield 40' is blast shield 40 following deformation by erable deformation before it ruptures, consuming more blast
explosive blast EXP3. Post blast structural armor plate layer energy than metallic foil or sheet alone. The function of the
46' corresponds with structural armor plate layer 46 in FIG.1. 15 invention is to consume blast energy by deformation and
Following explosive blast EXP3, post blast ductile strike rupture. It is desirable that rupture occurs to mitigate the most
layer 42 has been distorted as has any highly strain rate blast energy possible from the materials selected.
hardening polymer layer (not shown in FIG. 3). At points E1. Thickness of the structural armor plate and circular port
E2, E3, E4 and E5, fragments of strike layer 42 have been diameter are selected in view of the magnitude of the antici
broken and separated at post blast traversing ports 55", result pated explosive threat. Armor plate thicknesses at the upper
ing in Spall. FIG. 4 shows common spall shapes ordinarily end of the inventive range are paired with thicker ductile
found. The size and disk shape are an artifact of the traversing strike layers to defeat a larger magnitude explosive threat.
ports 55' through which segments of the ductile metal strike Armor plate thicknesses at the lower end of the inventive
surface layer 42 was forced by the explosive blast. Spall is range are paired with thinner ductile strike layers to defeat an
coated on one surface with highly strain rate hardening poly 25 anticipated Smaller magnitude explosive threat. Although any
mer layer (not shown). Spall liner 50' is able to contain the of the combinations of materials is effective for the intended
spall and remain intact. purpose, it has been found during installation that 0.001 to up
Laminar blast shield 40 is assembled by joining ductile to 0.006 inch thick foils are more sensitive to simple handling
metal strike surface layer 43, structural armor plate layer 46 damage when paired with larger diameter ports. Smaller port
and highly strain rate hardening polymer 44. For thicker 30 diameters provide more support for thin foils.
polymer layers, joining is accomplished by constructing a There is no simple method for calculating the rupture of a
mold. Metallic strike surface layer 43 and structural armor diaphragm gauge exposed to an explosive blast wave. Meth
plate layer 46 are positioned in a frame, leaving a space ods have been developed that rely on theoretical calculations
between them to fill with polymer 44. The space is sealed by corrected with empirical data. The methods are useful in
taping the sides and bottom of the mold with foam tape of 35 reverse for estimating a useful measurement range for a dia
sufficient width to prevent liquid polymer from flowing out. phragm gauge and the point at which rupture may occur. By
Fluid polymer is poured or infused into the space left in the way of example, at explosive charge weights up to 20 pounds,
mold and then cured. Curing is generally accomplished by the deformation of steel diaphragms is proportional to the 0.6
holding the materials undisturbed in the frame for about 24 to power of charge weight and the -1.2 power of charge stand
72 hours at room temperature. Curing at elevated temperature 40 off distance. At explosive charge weights of 100 pounds or
in an autoclave can be carried out to reduce curing time. This more, the deformation of steel diaphragms is proportional to
solidifies the polymer without leaving any voids or bubbles the 0.5 power of charge weight and the -1.13 power of charge
and attaches the polymer to Surfaces. As a result the polymer stand-off distance. Larger diameter ports allow for larger
is functionally confined and exhibits the required physical deformations. It is also possible to measure maximum defor
properties of a confined polymer. 45 mation before rupture in the laboratory for various thick
For thinner polymer layers, joining is accomplished by film nesses of thin ductile metallic sheet material. These examples
coating techniques. A foil sheet is laid out on a flat surface. and additional examples provide the user with a method of
Polymer is coated uniformly on the foil sheet and cured. In selecting ductile metallic sheet material and thickness.
another case, there are two foil layers with polymer between Finally, a layer ofballistic armor was selected that provided
them. This composite is made by laying a foil sheet out on a 50 structural mounting for ductile metallic diaphragms. The bal
flat surface. Polymer is coated uniformly on the foil sheet. listic armor was modified with circular ports. The ballistic
The second foil sheet is laid on the polymer and a roller is armor improved blast survivability by providing blast pres
applied to remove any non-uniformity. The polymer compos sure relief. This is caused by two phenomena. First, only a
ite is allowed to cure. portion of the blast wave flows through ruptured ports.
Theory 55 Another portion is reflected back from the ballistic armor
Inventors were inspired by their repeated observations of Surface. This is a significant pressure mitigation effect. Sec
explosive blast pressure measurements on diaphragm gauges. ond, the pressure is reduced by flow through the ports. In
A diaphragm gauge includes a metallic pressure sensing ele addition, the presence of barriers and blast shields deters
ment that elastically flexes under the effect of a pressure attempts against any target. That is, the presence of the instant
difference across the element. For explosive blast pressure 60 shield deters explosive blast attacks as well as projectile
measurements, inventors used a ductile metallic sheet for the attacks.
pressure sensing element. Ductile metallic sheet disks are
mounted over a circular port and exposed to an explosive Second Embodiment
blast. The ductile metallic diaphragm responds with a dish
shaped deflection, alternately referred to as hemispherical 65 In FIG.5 and FIG. 6, blast shield 140 comprises a panel. In
and concave. Explosive blast pressure is read by comparison this embodiment there is no spall liner. Frame members 138a,
of the deflected diaphragm with a set of dished explosive blast 138b, 138c and 13.8d hold the blast shield 140 and allow
US 9,038,332 B1
mounting and fixed attachment to a vehicle barrier shown armor plate layer 146. Sufficient lateral area is defined by the
here as Jersey barriers 130a and 130b. Heavy bolts 132a and ductile metallic strike surface layer material. It has been
132b are attached to the steel reinforced, concrete Jersey found experimentally that port diameters of 0.25-inch to
barriers. Frame member 138c is fixedly attached to the Jersey 2-inch are sufficient to allow deformation of the outer ductile
barriers 130a and 130b by means of heavy steel alloy bolts 5 metal strike layer with polymer adhered into structural armor
132a and 132b and nuts 134a and 134b. Similarly, Jersey plate layer 146.
barriers 130a and 130b are immobilized with steel reinforce FIG. 7 shows an overhead view of the shield along section
ment bars 136a and 136b driven into the ground G. 7-7 in FIG. 6. FIG. 7 specifically shows a cross sectional view
The laminar blast shield 140 comprises adjacent layers of port pair 155a & 155aa and the connecting conduit 156.
comprising a ductile strike layer 142 and a structural armor 10 Conduit 156 has an approximately circular cross section. The
plate layer 146. Ductile strike layer 142 corresponds with the circular cross section has a diameter of 155D which is the
ductile strike layer 42 described above. same as the diameters 155D of each port pair 155a & 155aa.
FIG.5a shows ductile strike layer 142. In this embodiment, Conduit 156 is entirely enclosed by and contained within
strike layer 142 is a single metallic strike surface layer 143. In structural armor plate layer 146. This is accomplished by
FIG. 5b, strike layer 142 is a composite of metallic strike 15 specifying a diameter 155D of conduit 156 of 0.25 inches to
surface layer 143 with highly strain-rate sensitivity hardening 2 inches. The thickness of structural armor plate layer 146 is
polymer layer 144 adhered thereto. In FIG.5c, ductile strike 1 inch to 5 inches. Conduit 156 is entirely contained within
layer 142 is a composite of metallic strike surface layer 143 structural armor plate layer 146. Conduit 156 provides blast
and a second metallic layer 145 with a highly strain rate wave travel between port 155a and port 155aa. Fluid flow
hardening polymer layer 144 entirely filling the space 20 within conduit 156 is entirely contained and confined within
between the two metallic layers. All three variations of strike structural armor plate layer 146. There is no escape from
layer 142 are thin and ductile. Ductility is essential for the conduit 156 other than from port 155a and from port 155aa.
composite to function according to the mechanism of the Back wall 200 is shown.
invention. Conduits are formed by drilling, grinding, casting, chemi
FIG. 7 is overhead view of the shield along section 7-7 in 25 cal machining and the like. The conduits may also be formed
FIG. 6. FIG. 7 shows ductile strike layer 142. In this embodi from pipes or tubing. The pipes or tubes are then backed with
ment, strike layer 142 is a composite of, in sequence: metallic metal or polymer. Precision is not necessary in the diameters
strike Surface layer 143, highly strain rate hardening polymer of the traversing ports. It is only preferred that the diameters
layer 144 and second metallic layer 145. The highly strain rate in any structural armor plate layer 146 be relatively uniform.
hardening polymer layer 144 entirely filling the space 30 Polymers have been found that are effective against explo
between the two metallic layers 143, 145 and is thereby sive blast pressure and projectile penetration. These polymers
confined by them. In an alternative, strike layer may comprise demonstrate high strain rate hardening when subjected to
in sequence: metallic strike Surface layer 143 and highly highly rate loading. They become highly rigid when Sub
strain rate hardening polymer layer 144. The highly strain rate jected to high rate loading by a projectile. The transient rigid
hardening polymer layer 144 entirely fills the space between 35 ity is significantly increased when the polymer is confined.
the metallic strike surface layer 143 and the armor plate layer This physical response creates a transient, very high-strength
145. In either alternative, the strike layer is thin and ductile. barrier to a penetrator.
Ductility is essential for the composite to function according Highly strain rate hardening polymers include polyurea,
to the mechanism of the invention. polyurethane and mixtures of polyurea and polyurethane.
Strike surface layer 143 and second metallic layer 145 40 Polyurea is preferred. The thickness of highly strain rate
comprise a foil or sheet of ductile metal. At the lower end of sensitivity-hardening polymer 144 is 0.005 to 0.25 inches.
the thickness range, 0.001 up to 0.006 inches, layer 143 and Generally, highly strain rate hardening polymers useful for
layer 145 are each described as foil. At a thickness of 0.006 the invention demonstrate a Young's modulus of 1000 psi to
inches and above they are each described as sheet. That is, the 4000 psi when tested at slow strain rates. At high strain rates
thickness range of each of metallic strike surface layer 143 45 in the range of 1,000/second to 1,000,000/second, the con
and second metallic layer 145 is 0.001 inch to 0.25 inches. fined polymer demonstrates a Young's modulus of 350,000
Examples of suitable materials for the metallic strike sur psi to 500,000 psi or greater. When confined, the tensile
face layer 142 and the second metallic layer 145 include strength increases from about 2,000-8000 psi to about 80,000
aluminum including 1100 series, 5000 series and 6000 series psi. By way of example, polyurea useful for the invention is
aluminum sheet. Examples of steel include mild steel, auste- 50 sold commercially under trade names including Carboline(R)
nitic stainless steels such as 31.6L and 310 and maraging steel. POLYCLADR 707, Air Products VERSALINKR 1000 and
Other suitable materials for layer 142 include 1100 copper SPI POLY SHIELD(R) H.-E.
and commercially pure grades of titanium. Theory
The structural armor plate layer 146 comprises a ballistic FIG. 8 is a view of the structural armor plate layer 146 and
armor plate having a minimum Young's modulus of 1 million 55 conduit 156 of FIG. 7 immediately following explosive blast
psi and a Poisson’s ratio between 0.2 and 0.35. This is EXP8. In FIG. 8 the placement of explosive blast EXP8 is
achieved with a 0.5-inch to 5-inch thick layer of a ballistic symbolic in that the size and spacing of explosive blast EXP8
armor plate of a material Such as Surface hardened steel, from the structural armor plate layer is not drawn to scale.
titanium armor, aluminum armor, ceramic, glass reinforced Likewise, shielded building B8 is symbolic and the spacing of
ballistic polymer and the like. 60 the structural armor plate layer 146' from building B8 is not
FIG. 6 shows a frontal view of the shield along section 6-6 drawn to Scale.
in FIG. 5. The structural armor plate layer 146 is modified In FIG. 8 following explosive blast EXP8, ductile metallic
with port pairs 155a & 155aa, 155b & 155bb, and 155c & strike layer 142 has been distorted. The distortion includes
155cc. The port pairs have diameters 155D providing suffi metallic strike surface layer 143', highly strain rate hardening
cient lateral flow area to allow deformation of the outer duc- 65 polymer layer 144' and second metallic layer 145". Fragments
tile metallic strike layer and highly strain rate hardening of metallic strike surface layer 143', highly strain rate hard
polymer layer through the port pairs and into the structural ening polymer layer 144' and second metallic layer 145" have
US 9,038,332 B1
11 12
been broken and separated at port pairs 155a' and 155aa', Wooden beams supported the steel plate off the ground. The
resulting in Spall. FIG. 4 shows the common spall shapes. Size 2-inch thick HY-100 steel plate had a uniform array of 49
and shape are an artifact of the diameter of port pairs 155a' equally-spaced ports traversing the plate. Each port had a
and 155aa' through which segments of the ductile metal sheet 2.3-inch diameter with a 45 degree bevel on the explosion
strike surface layer 142 was forced by the explosive blast facing Surface of the plate increasing the diameter of each port
EXP8. Spall includes highly strain rate hardening polymer at the facing surface to 2.5-inches. Sheets of 0.04-inch thick
layer 144'. Spall is contained in conduit 156'. aluminum 5052 H32 were tested with polyurea coating thick
The dynamic response of conduit 156 to an explosive blast nesses of Zero-inch, 0.02-inch, 0.04-inch, 0.08-inch, and
EXP8 has been simulated on digital computer. Conduit 156 0.20-inch. The polyurea coatings were applied with a roller to
has uniform diameter 155D. Explosive blast EXP8 generates 10 the thin aluminum sheet except the 0.20-inch thickness which
was applied by casting. Coating thicknesses were measured
blast waves traveling in a direction indicated by arrow 170 at with a micrometer. An uncoated 0.06-inch thick aluminum
velocities in the range of 1500 to 3000 meters/second and as sheet was included for comparison.
shown, enterport 155a' and blast waves traveling in the direc A pentolite charge was weighed. The charge was Sus
tion indicated by arrow 171 that travel to and enter port pended by thin wire 1 foot above the center of the plate. The
155aa'. Blast waves indicated by direction arrows 170 and 15 pentolite was a 1-to-1 mixture of pentoaerythritol tetranitrate
171 are of approximately equal magnitude and collide at the and tetranitrotoluene. The charge shape was a right circular
point identified as point Collision. A portion of the blast cylinder, with a 1-to-1 length-to-diameter ratio, oriented with
waves indicated by arrows 170 and 171 continue to and reflect its axis of symmetry in the vertical direction. Standoff of the
off the back wall 200' of structural armor plate layer 146' as charge from the center of each port varied from 12 inches
reflected waves in a direction indicated by arrows 210. directly above the centerport to about 22.73 inches at about a
Reflected wave arrows 210 meet blast wave arrow 170 and 58 degree obliquity for the ports at the corners of the 2-inch
blast wave arrow 171 at point Collision. Point Collision is a thick HY-100 plate. Due to the symmetry of the pattern of
point of high pressure where pressure waves collide resulting ports in the plate, 1, 4, or 8 ports were located at each of 10
in cancellation of opposing blast waves. The shape of conduit standoff distances.
156 and proximity to back wall 200' cause the division of 25 After testing, the sheets were cleaned and photographed.
pressure waves with Subsequent collision and cancellation. We measure the maximum aluminum sheet deformation, i.e.
A secondary mechanism in this embodiment is the genera dishing, manually with a profile gauge. Each sheet was
tion of low mass, low momentum fragments contained within weighed to give an additional estimate of average coating
conduit 156' of structural armor plate layer 146'. As a result, thickness.
explosive blast EXP8 does not significantly damage building 30 We calculated peak pressures at the center of each port
B8. Portions of the blast wave from explosive blast EXP8 using a standard theory based method with empirical correc
travel in oblique directions, indicated by direction arrow 300. tions. The calculated peak pressures experienced ranged from
These portions do not impact the shield. Their oblique direc about 100 to 1600psi. The applied pressures varied somewhat
tion assures that they also do not impact building B8. primarily due to the shape of the charge and secondarily due
This invention is shown by way of Example. 35 to factors including temperature and humidity.
Example 1 Results

Background Standoff Variations

40 We used a profile gauge to measure aluminum deformation
We investigated the blast performance of thin sheets of in each port from the initial surface of the aluminum to the
aluminum coated with a thin layer of Air Products VER point of maximum depth. As expected, less standoff distance
SALINKR 1000 polyurea. The specified yield of the alumi and less obliquity corresponded with increased dishing depth.
num 5052H32 alloy was 28 ksi. This compares with a specific We found that dishing depths varied from 0.01 inches to 0.525
yield of 51 ksi for DH-36 steel. The modulus of aluminum 45 inches. At the greater standoffs dishing varied only from
was /3 that of steel and the density was on the order of 40% of 0.025 inches to 0.125 inches.
steel. The density and modulus of the aluminum were more Center Port Rupture
closely aligned with the density and modulus of polyurea. The port in the center of the sheet was located directly
The polyurea coated aluminum sheet was Supported with a beneath the pentolite charge and had the least standoff to the
structural armor plate. The Support was made by cutting 2.3 50 charge. The largest deformations were measured at the center
inch diameter ports through the 2-inch thick by 9-square foot, port and it was the only port location that ruptured. Of course,
HY-100 steel plate. A bevel of 45° around the diameter of the depth of a ruptured port is not measurable. Three different
each port on the Surface of the plate extended the openings to test panels experienced some degree of rupture at the center
2.5 inches. This produced a structural armor plate with 49 port. Complete rupture occurred for the 0.04 inch aluminum
equally spaced ports clustered at different distances from a 55 sheet without a polyurea coating. The aluminum material
central port. The obliquity and standoff varied with distance above the port separated from the sheet in a single, distorted
from the central port. The explosive charge was detonated piece which would include both membrane stretching/dish
directly over the center port with the remaining ports located ing and edge separation. Partial rupture from edge separation
at increasing standoffs and increasing obliquity by virtue of occurred for the 0.04-inch aluminum sheet with a 0.04-inch
their diagonal orientation. The diaphragms over each port 60 polyurea coating. The material remained attached both by a
were the thin aluminum sheet, coated with polyurea set over Small section of aluminum and a small section of polyurea at
the structural ballistic armor plate. A series of aluminum sheet the same location. Finally, the uncoated 0.06 inch thick alu
samples were made with different polyurea coating thick minum sheet also experienced partial rupture, that is, a cir
SSS. cumferential crack around about 50% of the edge of the port.
Test Set-Up and Procedure 65 It was noted that the 0.04-inch aluminum sheet coated with
In each test, an aluminum sheet was laid horizontally face 0.02-inch polyurea did not rupture while equally thick alumi
up with an underlying structural steel plate for Support. num sheets with coatings 2 times the thickness did rupture.
US 9,038,332 B1
13 14
This indicated to us that the coating thickness was optimal for the 0.001 inch thickaluminum was coated on the back with a
blast performance benefits. We concluded that additional nominally 0.005 inch thick layer of VERSATHANER) poly
polyurea thickness provided mass without benefit beyond urea polymer. An additional test was done using a 0.005 inch
weight equivalent aluminum. Therefore, the preferred thick thick foil of aluminum with 0.4 inch diameter holes, sepa
ness ratio of ductile metallic sheet strike surface layer: highly rated 0.3 inches edge-to-edge.
strain-rate sensitivity hardening polymer layer ranges from Results—Blast Wave Shape and Arrival Time
2.25:1 to 1.75:1; preferably about 2:1. One measure of performance is the shape and magnitude of
Weight Comparison the blast pulse and time of arrival at the pressure measuring
Due to the symmetry of the sheet, all port locations/orien 10
gage location. Two identical tests were carried out without
tations besides the center port were exposed in groups of 4 or any barrier to measure a reference response to the blast. There
more. The results at duplicate locations/orientations showed was an initial large positive blast pulse that arrived in roughly
Some variation. In order to compare the performance of all of 0.83 milliseconds which rose rapidly to a maximum and then
the test configurations the highest, lowest and average dishing dropped to Zero at nominally 1.2 milliseconds. There was a
depths measured at a specific location? orientation were 15 second small positive pressure buildup at 1.7 milliseconds
graphed against the areal density of that sheet. From this, after the negative pressure phase of the initial portion of the
dishing depth was plotted against areal sheet density for the blast wave. This bi-modal profile varied in shape and magni
20 ports closest to the center port. tude depending on the panel. The peak pressure was
The four ports nearest the center port were located about decreased by the ported panels and the time of the arrival of
12.83 inches from the pentolite charge at about a 21 degree the pulse was increased by roughly 0.02 milliseconds with the
obliquity. In this series of tests, the average dishing at this ported panel. Adding foil to the front of the ported panels
location indicated that on a weight basis there is an advantage increased the blast pressure pulse arrival time slightly, and in
to using a thin coating of polyurea on a thin aluminum sheet. the case of the 64 port panel, decreased the magnitude as well.
The polyurea Supports greater dishing prior to rupture and as The second positive pressure peak at 1.7 milliseconds was
a result, more energy absorption. 25 increased in magnitude as the ported panel with foil appeared
The data from the uncoated 0.06 inch aluminum sheet had to effectively chop the initial pressure pulse and delay it to a
too much spread for definitive interpretation. We noted that later time. The addition of the polymer backing made a dif
the greatest measured dishing of the 0.06 inch sheet at this ference in the time of arrival of the pulse, extending it by
close-in port location was well above the dishing of polyurea roughly 0.2 to 1.0 milliseconds. The pressure pushed to the
coated sheets and also has greater weight. 30 second peak at roughly 1.7 milliseconds is significant with the
The four ports diagonally adjacent the center port were second peak higher than the first.
spaced 13.62 inches from the charge at about 28 degree obliq In summary, the blast wave produced a bi-modal pressure
uity. Here there was no apparent advantage or disadvantage profile where the initial peak pressure was retarded by the
on a weight basis for coating the aluminum sheets with poly inclusion of foil and polymer on the ported panel. There was
urea. Measurements of the ports located 15.06 inches and 35 a second buildup after a 1.7 millisecond interval. Energy was
15.73 inches from the charge at about a 37 and 40 degree apparently transferred between these two peaks, the initial
obliquity, respectively, provided no evidence of an advantage pressure peak and a second pressure peak. The second pres
or disadvantage for using polyurea versus a weight equivalent sure peak was often higher than the first, but all of the second
of aluminum. Polyurea was better able to improve aluminum pressure peaks were lower than the initial pulse for the case
performance and protection from blast at closer Standoffs 40 without any barrier.
where the rate and severity of incident blast wave was the Recorded explosive blast wave pressure profiles were
greatest. examined side-by-side for comparison. For the 16 port and 64
port cases we saw that the first pressure peak was decreased
Example 2 by the addition of each panel element. When the second
45 pressure peak was considered, neither peak was large com
Test Set-Up pared to the case without any panel. The reduction in pressure
magnitude for the best cases was at least 50 percent.
Four vertically oriented panels were positioned around a Impulse is the area under a pressure-time curve. The
pentolite explosive charge. The panels were mounted in large impulse curves for the foil and polymer were also bi-modal
frames, with the center of the panel spaced 2.33 feet (28 50 with the first peak lower in all cases. However, the maximum
inches) from a pentolite explosive charge having the same impulse was nearly the same for all cases. The best inventive
weight as the charge in Example 1, detonated on the top panel reduced peak impulse up to 15% compared to the case
surface. The exposed surface of the barrier panel was 11 without a panel.
inches by 11 inches. The large frame width precluded the Fourier Spectrum Analysis
blast wave from encircling the blast panel and complicating 55 We investigated modification of explosive blast frequency
the results. The free-field pressure at the 2.33 feet standoff spectrum. Blast frequencies between 1000 and 3000 Hz, have
was nominally 38 psi. However, the pressure was measured 8 been correlated with pulmonary damage and other blast inju
inches behind the front face of the barrier or 3 feet from the ries. We used Fourier spectrum analysis to identify the distri
charge detonation. Pressure was measured using a PCB bution of frequency levels. Fourier spectra for the 16 port
Model 137A23 Quartz ICPR) pressure pencil probe. 60 armor plate were compared to the case without an armor
We used two different ported armor plate configurations. plate. It was found that the pentolite charges produced a
One armor plate had 16 ports having 2 inch diameters sepa distinct peak around 1500 Hz. That is in the center of the 1000
rated 0.6 inches edge-to-edge in a 4x4 square array. The other to 3000 Hz injury region identified by G. J. Cooper “Protec
armor plate had 64 ports having 0.8 inch diameters separated tion of the Lung from Blast Overpressures by Thoracic Stress
0.45 inches edge-to-edge apart in an 8x8 square array. A sheet 65 Wave Decouplers”,Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and
of heavy duty, 0.001 inch thick aluminum foil was placed in Critical Care, vol. 40, no. 3 (1996). This damaging frequency
front of the holes for many of the tests. In a second set of tests range is identified in FIG.9 as the Cooper Injury Range.
US 9,038,332 B1
15 16
FIG. 9 is a plot of data demonstrating the performance of eral area to allow deformation of the ductile strike layer
six different panels in comparison to the performance with no through the structural armor plate layer.
panel present, labeled "No Panel”. The six different panels 2. The laminar blast shield of claim 1, wherein the ductile
with holes (ports) described above were: Strike layer comprises a highly strain rate hardening polymer
1. 16 Holes with (w) Foil. layer having a thickness of 0.005 to 0.25 inches, the polymer
2. 16 Holes without (wo) Foil. layer abutting the metallic strike surface layer and the struc
3.64 Holes with (w) Foil. tural ballistic armor plate layer, and wherein in the highly
4.64 Holes without (wo) Foil. Strain rate hardening polymer layer, the polymer is character
5. 16 Holes with (w) Foil and Polymer. ized in hardening at strain rates of 1,000/second and greater.
6. 64 Holes with (w) Foil and Polymer. 10
3. The laminar blast shield of claim 1, wherein the ductile
FIG. 9 reports that panels of the invention lowered peak Strike layer comprises a highly strain rate hardening polymer
pressure in the Cooper Injury Range frequencies of 1000 to layer having a thickness of 0.005 to 0.25 inches, the polymer
3000 HZ.
layer abutting the metallic strike surface layer and a second
Example 3 15 metallic layer having a thickness of 0.001 to 0.25 inches, and
wherein in the highly strain rate hardening polymer layer, the
We tested an armor plate with 64 ports, 0.4 inches in polymer is characterized in hardening at strain rates of 1,000/
diameter. A 0.005 inch thick foil overlay and a 0.005 inch Second and greater.
4. The laminar blast shield of claim 1 wherein the metallic
thick foil overlay backed with polymer were tested. We found Strike surface layer includes a polyurea backing layer, and
that an armor panel with 0.4 inch ports and 0.005 inch thick wherein in the polyurea backing layer, the polyurea is char
foil reduced the amplitude of 1000 to 3000 Hz frequencies. In acterized in hardening at strain rates of 1,000/second and
another test the foil was back coated with polymer and a greater.
similar reduction in amplitude was measured. 5. The laminar blast shield of claim 1, wherein in the
Peak Frequency Reduction structural ballistic armor plate layer, each traversing port has
A ported armor plate with foil back coated with polymer 25
a diameter of 0.25 to 2 inches.
reduced the amplitude of damaging range frequencies. The 16
port plate performed better than the 64 port plate. We attrib 6. The laminar blast shield of claim 1, additionally com
uted this difference to the presence of the polymer. We prising:
observed that the polymer increased the capability of the foil (c.) a spall liner spaced from the structural armor plate
to yield and finally to neck. The result was more parabolic 30
deflection into the ports before rupture. At the ruptured ports, 7. The laminar blast shield of claim 1, wherein the struc
we noted a wide layer of polymer at the circumference of the tural ballistic armor plate layer is 1 to 5 inches thick and the
ports indicating large stretching beyond the aluminum foil traversing ports range from 0.25 to 2 inches in diameter.
and Snap back shape recovery. These polymer materials are 8. A laminar blast shield panel consisting essentially of:
known to demonstrate Snap back shape recovery. There was 35
(a.) a ductile strike layer including in sequence:
also tearing in the mid region of the foil with polymer for the (i.) a metallic strike surface layer having a thickness of
64 port armor plate. 0.001 to 0.25 inches,
The foregoing discussion discloses and describes embodi (ii) a confined, highly strain rate hardening polymer
ments of the invention by way of example. One skilled in the layer having a thickness of 0.005 to 0.25 inches, and
art will readily recognize from this discussion, that various 40
wherein in the highly strain rate hardening polymer
changes, modifications and variations can be made therein layer, the polymer is characterized in hardening at
without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as strain rates of 1,000/second and greater, and
defined in the following claims. (iii.) a second metallic layer having a thickness of 0.001
What is claimed is: to 0.25 inches;
1. A laminar blast shield panel including abutting layers 45
(b.) an abutting structural ballistic armor plate layer having
consisting essential of: an array of traversing ports there through, each travers
(a.) a ductile strike layer including a metallic strike surface ing port having a diameter of 0.25 to 2 inches.
layer having a thickness of 0.001 to 0.25 inches: 9. The laminar blast shield of claim 1, wherein the struc
(b.) a structural armor plate layer having an array of tra tural ballistic armor plate layer is 1 to 5 inches thick.
Versing ports, each traversing port having sufficient lat ck ck ck ck

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