Guo 2005
Guo 2005
Guo 2005
Well Deliverability
6.1 Introduction
Fluid properties, such as gas z-factor and gas viscosity, change with the
location-dependent pressure and temperature in the gas production
system. To simulate the fluid flow in the system, it is necessary to “break”
the system into discrete nodes that separate system elements (equipment
sections). Fluid properties at the elements are evaluated locally. The
system analysis for determination of fluid production rate and pressure at
a specified node is called Nodal analysis in petroleum engineering.
Nodal analysis is performed on the principle of pressure continuity, that
is, there is only one unique pressure value at a given node no matter
whether the pressure is evaluated from the performance of upstream
equipment or downstream equipment. The performance curve (pressure-
rate relation) of upstream equipment is called inflow performance curve;
the performance curve of downstream equipment is called outflow perfor-
mance curve. The intersection of the two performance curves defines the
operating point, that is, operating flow rate and pressure, at the specified
98 Chapter 6 Well Deliverability
When the bottom hole is used as a solution node in Nodal analysis, the
inflow performance is the well Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR)
and the outflow performance is the Tubing Performance Relationship
(TPR), if the tubing shoe is set to the top of the pay zone. Well IPR can be
established with different methods presented in Chapter 3. TPR can be
modeled with various approaches as discussed in Chapter 4.
Traditionally, Nodal analysis at the bottom hole is carried out by plotting
the IPR and TPR curves and visually finding the solution at the intersec-
tion point of the two curves. With modern computer technologies, the
solution can be computed quickly without plotting the curves, although
the curves are still plotted for visual verification.
Consider the bottom hole node of a gas well. If the IPR of the well is
defined by
( )
qsc = C p 2 − pwf
2 (6.1)
then the operating flow rate qsc and pressure pwf at the bottom hole node
can be determined graphically by plotting Equation (6.1) and
Equation (6.2) and finding the intersection point.
The operating point can also be solved numerically by combining
Equation (6.1) and Equation (6.2). In fact, Equation (6.1) can be
rearranged as:
6.2 Nodal Analysis 99
2 2 ⎛q ⎞n (6.3)
pwf = p − ⎜ sc ⎟
⎝ C ⎠
2 ⎛q ⎞n 2 6.67 × 10 −4 [ Exp(s) − 1] fqsc
2 2 2
z T (6.4)
p − ⎜ sc ⎟ − Exp(s) phf − =0
⎝ C ⎠ 5
Di cos θ
This example problem is solved with the spreadsheet program
BottomHoleNodal.xls. Table 6–1 shows the appearance of the
spreadsheet for the data input and result sections. It indicates
that the expected gas flow rate is 1,478 Mscf/d at a bottom hole
pressure of 1,050 psia. The inflow and outflow performance
curves plotted in Figure 6–1 confirm this operating point.
100 Chapter 6 Well Deliverability
Bottom Hole Pressure (psia)
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000
Gas Production Rate (Mscf/d)
2⎛q ⎞n 2 6.67 × 10 −4 [ Exp(s) − 1] fqsc
2 2 2
z T (6.5)
p − ⎜ sc ⎟ − Exp(s) phf − =0
⎝ C ⎠ 5
Di cos θ
which defines a relationship between wellhead pressure phf and gas produc-
tion rate qsc, that is WPR. If the CPR is defined by Equation (5.5), that is,
k +1
⎛ k ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ k −1
qsc = 879CAphf (6.6)
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ γ gTup ⎠ ⎝ k + 1⎠
then the operating flow rate qsc and pressure phf at the wellhead node can
be determined graphically by plotting Equation (6.5) and Equation (6.6)
and finding the intersection point.
The operating point can also be solved numerically by combining
Equation (6.5) and Equation (6.6). In fact, Equation (6.6) can be
rearranged as:
phf =
k +1
⎛ k ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ k −1 (6.7)
879CA ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ γ gTup ⎠ ⎝ k + 1⎠
which can be solved numerically for gas flow rate qsc. This computation
can be performed automatically with the spreadsheet program Wellhead-
6.3 Production Forecast 103
Nodal.xls. Users need to input parameter values in the Input Data section
and run Macro Solution to get results.
This example problem is solved with the spreadsheet program
WellheadNodal.xls. Table 6–2 and Table 6–3 show the appear-
ance of the spreadsheet for the data input and result sections. It
indicates that the expected gas flow rate is 1,470 Mscf/d at a
bottom hole pressure of 797 psia. The inflow and outflow perfor-
mance curves plotted in Figure 6–2 confirm this operating point.
Instructions: 1) Input your data in the Input Data section; 2) Run Macro Solution
to get results; 3) View results in table and in the Plot graph sheet.
Input Data
Gas-specific gravity (γg): 0.71
Tubing inside diameter (D): 2.259 in
Tubing relative roughness (ε/D): 0.0006
Measured depth at tubing shoe (L): 10,000 ft
Inclination angle (θ): 0°
Wellhead choke size (Dck): 16 1/64 in
Flowline diameter (Dfl): 2 in
Gas-specific heat ratio (k): 1.3
Gas viscosity at wellhead (μ): 0.01 cp
Wellhead temperature (Thf): 120 °F
Bottom hole temperature (Twf): 180 °F
Reservoir pressure (p~): 2,000 psia
C-constant in backpressure IPR model: 0.01 Mscf/d-psi2n
n-exponent in backpressure IPR model: 0.8
Tav = 610 °R
Zav = 0.8786
s= 0.4968
es = 1.6434
fm = 0.0174
Dck/Dfl = 0.125
Re = 8,348,517
Cck = 1.3009
1,400 CPR
Wellhead Pressure (psia)
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000
Gas Production Rate (Mscf/d)
kh ⎡⎣ m( pi ) − m( pwf ) ⎤⎦
q= (6.8)
⎛ k ⎞
1638T ⎜ log t + log − 3. 23 + 0. 87 S ⎟⎟
⎜ ϕμ ct rw 2
⎝ ⎠
This equation can be used for generating IPR curves for future time t
before any reservoir boundary is “felt”. After all reservoir boundaries are
reached, a pseudo-steady state flow should prevail for a volumetric gas
reservoir. For a circular reservoir, the time required for the pressure wave
to reach the reservoir boundary can be estimated by with
ϕμct re2
t pss ≈ 1200
The same TPR is usually used in the transient flow period assuming fluid
properties remain the same in the well over the period. The average tem-
perature – average z-factor method can be used for constructing TPR.
Gas production during the pseudo-steady state flow period is due to gas
expansion. IPR changes over time due to the change in reservoir pressure.
An IPR model is described in Chapter 3, i.e.,
kh ⎡⎣ m( p ) − m( pwf ) ⎤⎦
q= (6.9)
⎛ r 3 ⎞
1424T ⎜ ln e − + S + Dq ⎟
⎝ rw 4 ⎠
⎛ p ⎞
⎜ ⎟
G p = Gi ⎜ 1 − z ⎟ (6.10)
⎜ pi ⎟
⎜ zi ⎟
⎝ ⎠
where Gp and Gi are the cumulative gas production and initial gas-in-
place, respectively.
If gas production rate is predicted by Nodal analysis at a given reservoir
pressure level and the cumulative gas production is estimated with
Eq (6.10) at the same reservoir pressure level, the corresponding produc-
tion time can be calculated and thus production forecast can be carried
(0.14)(0.0251)(1.5 × 10 −4 )(745)2
t pss ≈ 1200 = 2,065 hours = 86 days
m( pi ) = m(4613) = 1.27 × 109 psi /cp
m( pwf ) = m(1500) = 1.85 × 108 psi /cp
Pseudo- q
Reservoir Gp ΔGp Δt t
Pressure z
(psia) (MMscf) (MMscf) (day) (day)
(108 psi2/cp) d)
4,409 1.074 11.90 130
4,200 1.067 11.14 260 130 1,942 67 67
4,000 1.060 10.28 385 125 1,762 71 138
3,800 1.054 9.50 514 129 1,598 81 218
3,600 1.048 8.73 645 131 1,437 91 309
3,400 1.042 7.96 777 132 1,277 103 413
3,200 1.037 7.20 913 136 1,118 122 534
3,000 1.032 6.47 1,050 137 966 142 676
2,800 1.027 5.75 1,188 139 815 170 846
2,600 1.022 5.06 1,328 140 671 209 1,055
2,400 1.018 4.39 1,471 143 531 269 1,324
2,200 1.014 3.76 1,615 144 399 361 1,686
2,000 1.011 3.16 1,762 147 274 536 2,222
2,500 2,000
Production Rate (Mscf/day)
2,000 1,600
q (M scf/d )
1,500 G p (M M scf) 1,200
1,000 800
500 400
0 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
Pseudosteady Production Time (days)
6.4 References
6.5 Problems
Flowline diameter: 2 in
Gas-specific heat ratio: 1.3
Gas viscosity at wellhead: 0.01 cp
Wellhead temperature: 120 °F
Bottom hole temperature: 180 °F
Reservoir pressure: 2,000 psia