Heat Loss During Steam Injection

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Heat loss During Steam Injection

Formulas to be used
recVw  a
N Re  4365 ..................................(i )
Vw  wind velocity normal to the pipe, miles/hr; ρ a  density of air lbm/ft 2 (60ο F)
μ a  viscosity of air, cp
0.12k ha 0.6
h fc  N Re ...................(ii )
Valid only if 1000  N RE  50,000
h c  heat  transfer coefficient for forced convection, Btu/(hr  ft 2  ο F); k ha  thermal conductivity of air, Btu/(hr  ft 2  ο F)
rec  external radius of conduit exposed to air ; N Re  modified Reynolds number for flow normal to the pipe
Q  2r h (T  T a )..........................(iii )
lc is c is

h c  heat - transfer coefficient for convection based on the outer surface area of the insulation,
Btu/(hr - ft 2  F )
Q lr  rr  Tsea
4 4
 Tskya  4

 Tsea
 T esa ................................(iv)
  emissivity of the surface;
  Stefan - Boltzman constant, 1.713 10-9 Btu / hr  ft 2  R 4
rr  Radius of the surface that is radiating, ft
Tsea  absolute temperature of surface, R
Tskya  average absolute temperature of the sky,  R
T esa  average absolute temperature of the surface of the earth underneath the pipe, R
Problem # 1
Steam at 600°F is distributed to injection wells through
3.5-in line pipe. The lines are bare but will be insulated
by addin 1 in. of calcium silicate. Compare the heat-loss
rate, in Btu/(hr-ft), for the bare line with that of the
insulated line. The calcium silicate insulation will be
protected with a thin aluminum covering (ξA1 =0.76).
The estimate will be made for average annual conditions.
Consider the wind velocity to be 15 miles/hr and the
average air temperature to be 70°F. The mean
temperature of the earth surface is 55°F. The average sky
temperature will be taken as 0°F.(460°R)
Heat loss from Insulated Pipe
2k hins (Ts  Tis )
Q l  ....................(v)
 ris 
ln 
 rdo 
Q lp  heat - loss rate per unit length of pipe, Btu/(hr - ft)
ris  radius of outside surface of insulation, ft; rdo  radius of outside surface of pipe, ft
k hins  thermal conductivity of insulation, Btu/(hr - ft- F ); Ts  Temperatur e of the steam  F
Tis  Temperatur e of the surface of the insulation, F

k hins  0.0256  (T i  50)(3.67 10 5 )...............(vi )

Ti  average temperature of the insulation, F

  Q Q
Q  ....................................(vii )
l lc lr

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