Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOT3 1
Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOT3 1
Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOT3 1
nd-of-tterm te
est 3
Listening Practical
P English
1 Listen to the conversaation. Who is
i having a 6 Write the words
w in thee correct order. (10 marrks)
party on Satuurday night?
? (2 marks) A: (1) nextt / weekend / What / you / doing / are e?
__ ___________
__ ______ ______________________ __________ _____
B: I’m goin
ng shopping.. I saw a new w pair of bootts in
2 Listen aga ain. Read the sentences
s and write
the shops last weekk.
trrue (T) or fallse (F). (8 marks)
y / are / How / much ?
A: (2) they
1 Liz is going
g to wear a Cat
C Woman costume. __
______ ______________________ __________ _____
2 Sara made e her costum
me. ___
B: They’ree 30 euros.
3 Sara likes female supe er heroes. __
A: (3) up / Are / to / anyything / you / Sunday / on ?
4 Sara is going as Superrgirl. ___
______ ______________________ __________ _____
B: No, I’m not.
y A: (4) want / go / Do / tto / you / to / cinema / the
new ?
3 Circle
C the od
dd word. (5 marks)
m ______ ______________________ __________ _____
1 bald cap curly long g B: That’s a good idea! Where is it? ?
2 blond broown freckless ginger A: (5) corn
ner / It’s / thee / on .
3 beach baakery cliff mountain
m ______ ______________________ __________ _____
4 desert occean river waterfall
5 comedy m mobile phonee digital cam
mera tablett Grammar
G r
4 Choose
C the c
correct optio
on. (5 marks
7 Complete the sentencces with the e correct pas
1 The e-boo ok / remote control
c for th
he TV isn’t simple forrm of the verrbs in brack
kets. (10 ma
working. 1 There ________
_ larrge playing fiields at my old
2 There werre lots of smaall animals liv
ving in the school. (be)
caves / chhemist’s. 2 Andy _________ a nnew tablet. (g
3 David is w
wearing blue jeans
j and a white
w 3 We _________ for a run this morrning. (go)
trousers / shirt. 4 I _____
____ to Argenntina last sum
mmer. (not go)
4 Julie’s eye
es are small and
a wavy / blue.b 5 Did you
u ________ yyour grandmother at the
5 I can take great picture
es with my digital camerra weekennd? (see)
/ mouse.
8 Write the words
w in thee correct order. (10 marrks)
5 Complete
C the
e sentences
s with the wo
10 marks) 1 going / to / Are / youu / travel ?
______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
ards bookshop cardiga
an forest memory
m stickk
2 is / She
e / study / to / going .
1 There werre lots of how wler monkeys s in the treess ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
in the ____ __________ _. 3 buy / noot / I’m / to / ggoing / mobile phone / a .
2 I save all m my homeworrk on this ___ ___________ __. ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
3 Tom bought the novelss from a ____ __________ _ 4 arrive / Monday / onn / It’s / to / going .
in town. ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
4 Lots of me en are growinng their ______________ 5 she / gooing / party / to / have / Is
this month h to raise money for a chaarity. ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
5 I like this rred ________ ______; it wiill look good
with my bla ack trousers.
1 1
nd-of-tterm te
est 3
9 Complete
C the
e sentences
s with will / won’t.
w Reading
10 marks)
1 ________ there be rob bots in the future? 11
1 Read the text.
t Tick wh
ho the text is for. (2 marks)
2 No, there _ ________.
A People living in Haw
B People thinking aboout visiting Hawaii
3 I think all ccomputers __
_______ hav ve touch
screens. Geography
C Studentts studying G
4 There ___ ______ be blaackboards in n schools in
the future. Discover Hawaii
5 Many stud dents ______ ___ learn at home
h througgh
Hawaii is like no other place on earrth. It has gott one
the interne et.
of the world's most actiive volcanoees and the wo orld's
tallest sea mountain. BBut perhaps Hawaii's
H mosst
nsolidatiion unusual feature is its beeauty and th
he people are e as
warm as th he temperatuure.
10 Complete
C the
e text with the correct option.
10 marks) The Island
A Chiildren: Ryan n Hreljac There are sixs major islaands in Hawaii. Each isla and
R Hreljac (1) _______ _ born in 1991 in Canada . offers its owwn adventurres, activities
s and sights.
W he wass just six years old he (2) _______ Kauai is the oldest islannd. You can relax on the
aising moneyy for children n in Africa. Th
he idea beaches, sees Waimea Canyon, or take t a boat ride
3) _______ tto him when he was at sc chool. His to the cliffs
s of the Napaali Coast. Oaahu island is
eacher told th he class aboout children who
w had to where mos st Hawaiianss live and work. Watch
w for hourss sometimess across (4) _______
_ andd professional surfers ridde the waves s, relive American
alleys just to
o get water. And
A many of the children history in thhe museumss of Pearl Ha arbor, or takeea
5) _______ a able to make e the long jou urney to get surfing less son on Waikkiki Beach. Maui
M is the se
clean water. R Ryan (6) ___ _____ he nee eded to buildda largest islaand and has ssome of the best beache es in
w for a villa age in Africa. In 1999, Ryan raised the world. Hawaii’s Big Island is larrger than all ofo the
m to build a well at th
he Angolo Prrimary Schoo ol other islands combinedd. It has got beaches,
b snoow-
n a northern Ugandan villlage. Now, th he children in
n covered mountains, waaterfalls, rainforests and
he village (7)) _______ alw ways have enough
e waterr. Kilauea, on ne of the worrld's most acctive volcanoes.
R travelledd to Uganda and took pic ctures of the
w and the cchildren with his (8) ____ ____. He (9) Travel Info
_ the ppictures on a (10) _______ and then Honolulu Innternational AAirport (HNL
L) is Hawaii'ss
put the picture es on his blo
og. Ryan then n created major airpo
ort. Finding aaccommodattion in Hawaiii is
R Well FFoundation, which
w has coompleted easy; there
e is somethinng for everyoone from che eap
m projectss around the world, helping to bring budget hottels to luxuryy spa resorts. The best wa ay to
clean water to o many peop ple. travel around Hawaii iss by car but there are various
1 a be b is c was d were
w bus tours and
a boat tripss to differentt islands.
2 a starts b starting c started
s d sttart
3 a comes b come c to o come d came 12
2 Read the text
t again. A
Answer the questions. Write
complete sentences.
s (8 marks)
4 a deserts b oceans c rivers d waterfalls
5 a weren’t b aren’t c wasn’t
w d isn
n’t 1 According to the texxt what is the
e most unusu
6 a decides b decided c deciding d decides thing ab
bout Hawaii??
7 a won’t b will c to will d willing _________________ ___________ _______________
8 a memory stick b wi-ffi c mouse d digital cam mera 2 Which is the oldest island in Haw waii?
9 a is saving
g b saves c saved d save s _________________ ___________ _______________
10 a memory stick b mou use c printe er d webcam
m 3 Where do most Haw waiians live?
_________________ ___________ _______________
4 What’s the best wayy to see Haw waii?
_________________ ___________ _______________
1 2
nd-of-tterm te
est 3
13 Write
W about a person yo
ou admire. Use
U the
questions an
nd prompts to
t help you. (10 marks))
P 1
W is their n
name? His / Her name is s…
W are theey from? He / She is from
D theirr appearance
e. He / She is
i … , He /
S has …
P 2
W did theyy do? In … he / she … . At
A the age off
… he / she … .
P 3
W do you a admire this person? I adm
mire him / he
because …
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
_ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
Listening ___
___ / 10 Vocabulary
V __
____ / 20 Prac
ctical Englishh _____ / 10
Grammar ___ ___ / 30 Consolidation
C n _____ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____
_ / 10 TOTTAL ___________ / 100
1 3