En Nd-Of-T Term Te Est 3: Lis Tening

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nd-of-tterm te
est 3
Listening 4 David thhought the ddecision of the
______ _________ w was totally unnfair.
1  Listen to tthe radio prrogramme. What
W is the 5 My granndparents weere forced to o
p aboout? (2 mark ks) ______ _________ G Germany justt before the start
_ __________
__ of the Second
S Worldd War.

2  Listen aga
ain. Comple
ete the sente
ences with 5 Complete the sentencces. (5 mark
o or two wwords. (8 ma
arks) 1 This T-s shirt is too t____________ ____ ; it makkes
1 Harriet thin
nks _______ ________ ma akes us feel me look k fat.
disconnected from ourr local _____ __________ . 2 Will youu s_______________ me, please? I’m
2 She prediccts that _______________ _ people will doing a charity run.
go to the sshops in the future.
f 3 Debbie was wearingg a patterned d dress and
3 Peter preddicts more peeople will matchin ng accessoriees. She look ked so
_________ ______ theirr own _______________ . s_____ __________ .
4 He thinks tthat _______ ________ in the future wwill 4 We werre o_______________ forr our
be more effficient. accomm modation; thee other hotel was the sam me
5 According to John, the e largest chan
nge will be to
o price bu ut it included breakfast.
how our ho omes are __ ___________ ___ . 5 I teach English to r____________ ____ when they
6 He also prredicts that we
w will have first arrive in the UK K. Most of the
em don’t spe eak
_________ ______ in ouur homes to help us. English because theey didn’t kno ow they were
going to o come here .
P English
3 Complete
C the d chores witth the corre ct
e household
verbs. (10 maarks) 6 Complete the dialogu
ue with the words.
w Theree are
1 _________
______ the floor
f two words
s that you do
o not need. (10 marks)
2 _________
______ the table
t borrowed lent publiccity sorry that
t think worry
3 _________
______ the carpet
A: I’m so
o (1) ______________ I fo orgot to give you
4 _________
______ the dishes
back that
t £10 thatt you (2) ______________ _ me.
5 _________
______ the worktop
B: (3) __
_____________ ’s all right. You can givve it
6 _________
______ the blinds
to me tomorrow.
7 _________
______ the sheets
A: I used
d it to sponsoor Ella in the marathon. Itt’s
8 _________
______ the bin
such a great way tto get (4) ___ __________ __ for
9 _________
______ the washing
the ch
10 _________
______ the lawn
B: Why do
d you (5) _____________ __ that?
4 Complete
C the
e sentencess with the wo
ords. There A: Becauuse lots of peeople will seee her runningg and
are two wordds that you do
d not needd to use. she’s going to weaar a T-shirt with
w the chariity’s
5 marks)
(5 name on it.
edge flee intimidate originate
e picture refferee tourna
ament Grammar
G r
1 The playerrs on the othher team tried
d to
_________ ______ us during
d the maatch but we me-, any-, no-,
7 Complete the sentencces with som
every-. (5 marks)
weren’t afrraid of them.
2 We are ussing _______ ________ tecchnology to 1 I’m hungry. Is there ____thing to o eat?
build robotts. 2 ____one has left theeir bag on th he desk
3 I look terrib
ble in my ___
__________ ___ ; I’m goin
ng 3 She can n’t think of _____thing to write
w on her blog.
to upload a new one. 4 There iss ____ one inn the office today.
t It’s em
5 I’ve looked ____wheere for my mobile
m phone. I
don’t knnow where I put it.

nd-of-tterm te
est 3
8 Complete
C the
e sentences s with the co
orrect form o
w be going g to or the fu
uture contin
nuous. Consolida
C ation
5 marks)
1 Complete the text. (100 marks)
1 Do you think it ______________ sno ow tomorroww?
2 _________ _____ having your dinne er at home th
his Natalia Ish
hchenko – A Synchroniized Swimm
evening? Champion n
3 Sarah ______________ _ learn Spanish so that
she can ta
alk to her Spaanish cousin. Not (1) e__ ___________ ___ has heard d of Natalia
4 They ______________ buy a new househ next Ishchenko,, but she is oone of the be est synchroniized
year. swimmers in the world.. She (2) w__ __________ ___
5 Paul _____
__________ winw the race. All the otheer the leader of the Russiaan Olympic synchronized
s d
runners arre stronger and faster tha
an him. swimming team in the 22012 Olympics. When Na atalia
was five, she was (3) t___________ ____ by her
9 Complete
C the
e conditiona
al sentencess with the parents to a synchronizzed swimmin ng school. Th he
orrect form of the verbs
s in bracketts. (10 marks
s) coaches diidn’t think shhe had what iti takes to be ea
1 If Molly is llate for school, her teach her winner; theey said she w wasn’t flexible
_________ ____ (be) an
nnoyed. (4) e_____ _________ – an importan nt quality neeeded
2 If I ______ _______ (nott have to) wo ork today, I for this spo
ort. Natalia prroved them alla wrong; sh he
would go tto the beach. went on to become a w world champion. Natalia
3 What ____ _________ they _______ ______ (do) if trained for more than eeight hours ev very day withh her
they miss their flight? teammates s. This traininng routine waas sometime es
4 We _____ ________ (be e able to) go to the beach h tough, but Natalia keptt herself (5) m_________
m _____
if it rains to
omorrow. by imaginin ng winning thhe next comp petition – shee’s a
5 I ________ _____ (be) upset
u if I lost my phone. really (6) c______________ and
(7) h_____ _________ pperson!
10 Report
R what the speakerrs said. (10 marks)
Synchroniz zed swimminng is an exam mple of what
1 ‘I get on w
well with my parents.’
p happens when
w sport mmeets art. The
e routines aree
She said that ______ ___________ ___________
__ both beauttiful and techhnically perfe
ect. The swim msuits
________ __________ ___________ ___________
_. are also incredibly eleggant. The Russian team’ss
2 ‘I want to ttry snowboarrding.’ costumes in i the 2012 O Olympics weere stylish and
He said that _______ ___________ ___________
__ unique. They (8) w______________ _ designed byy the
________ __________ ___________ ___________
_. team members, (9) w__ ___________ ___ worked
3 ‘Would you u like me to turn
t the radioo up?’ closely with
h fashion dessigners. In November
N 20
I offered _ __________ ___________ ___________
__ Natalia retiired from com mpeting, andd in Novembe er
________ __________ ___________ ___________
_. 2013 she gave
g birth to a baby boy. What does thet
4 ‘Leave you ur coat here.’ future hold for this Olym mpic star? Perhaps her son
He told me e ________ ___________ ___________
__ (10) w____ ___________ continue the e family tradition
________ __________ ___________ ___________
_. and becom me another O Olympic cham mpion.
5 ‘Why don’tt we watch th hat horror film
He suggessted ______ ___________ ___________
________ __________ ___________ ___________

nd-of-tterm te
est 3
3 Read the text
t again a nd complete
e the senten
ading with one or
o more worrds. (8 marks)
1 Eco-fasshion aims too _________ _____ the
12 Read
R the tex
xt. Name six fashion bra ands or
designers meentioned in the text. (3 marks) negative impact of tthe fashion in
ndustry on thhe
______ ________ .
__ ___ _______
_______ ____
2 Blue Q use ______________ ma aterials for their
__ ___ _______
_______ ____
3 Eco-fasshion compannies work with local
communities and usse environme entally-friend
E w
was once an expensive option;
materiaals such as __
___________ ___ .
however, now wadays more e people wan nt to know ho
4 Fair-trade tries to m
make sure tha
at poor worke ers
heir clothes a
are made and what impact the processs
or farmeers ______________ fairly.
has on the en nvironment. Ethical
E or ecoo-fashion hass
become more e popular reccently, as moore and moree
w brrands and de esigners havve started
using environmentally friendly ways off making
4 A compan ny wants to tturn your lo ocal park intto a
clothes. For eexample, theyy work with local car park. You
Y and you ur classmates are
ommunities ssuch as the farms
f wheree the materia ls organizingg a campaig gn to stop th
he plans. Wrrite a
or making cloothes are gro own. Fair-trad
de aims to formal lettter to a new
wspaper about your
ensure that po oor farmers are
a paid a re easonable campaign. Use the ideeas to help you. Write
about 125 words. (10 marks)
price and thatt the factories where the clothes are
m pay fairr wages and don’t employ y underage Get people to sign a peetition
w Hold a conncert in the park
Organize a spoorts event in the park
O example of this is the e British designer Stella
She is not onlly a fashion designer
d who
o Paragraph
P 1
s passionate about proteccting the env vironment, bu ut Explain wh
ho you are, w
why you are writing
w and th
also an anima al rights campaigner who o refuses to reason for your campa ign.
use animal fur or leather in any of her designs. Sh e
produces a w wide range of environmentally friendly Paragraph
P 2
clothes and accessories. AnotherA lead
ding brand inn Explain wh hat you are ggoing to do in
n the campaiggn, if
he eco-fashio on industry iss the French brand Veja. you need to raise publi city and wha at you are go
T work witth local producers in Braz zil and prote ct to do to raise publicity.
w rightts as well as the environm ment. The
A brand Blue Q usse 95% recy ycled materiaals Paragraph
P 3
or their clothe es. Lost Prop perty of Londdon takes old d Explain wh
hat you wouldd like the perrson to do.
m andd fabrics and transforms themt into
abulous acce essories. The e designer brrand From Paragraph
P 4
S ccollects the waste
w from lu
uxury clothess Thank the person for thheir time and
d say you loo
m s and createes beautiful clothes.
c The forward to hearing from
m them.
brand People Tree, one of o the first ecoo-fashion
brands, workss with communities aroun nd the world to
m amazing clothes tha at are environmentally
frriendly. Manyy of their products are ma ade from
organic cotton n. This is cottton which is grown witho out
he use of che emicals that pollute or de estroy the
environment. The future of o eco-fashion looks brigh ht.

Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary ______ / 20 Practica

al English ______ / 10
Grammmar _____ / 30 Cons
solidation ___
___ /10 Readingg _____ / 10
ng _____ / 10 TOTAL ___________ / 100


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