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Fundaments of Critical Thinking Evaluation in High Education

Article  in  Journal of Education and Human Development · January 2017

DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v6n3a11

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Bruna Casiraghi
Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda


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Journal of Education and Human Development
September 2017, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 98-103
ISSN: 2334-296X (Print), 2334-2978 (Online)
Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved.
Published by American Research Institute for Policy Development
DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v6n3a11
URL: https://doi.org/10.15640/jehd.v6n3a11

Fundaments of Critical Thinking Evaluation in High Education

Bruna Casiraghi1


Critical Thinking is a highly relevant topic for education, especially in higher education, considering its role in
professional training and knowledge production. The concept of critical thinking is associated with a
reasoning that holds more complexityand superior quality and supports informed decision making, leading to
more effectiveproblem solving. Several instruments have been produced and validated for this purpose and
have different characteristics: question format; main skills assessed; type of problem presented; application
format. These differences do not constitute oppositions, since the different abilities can be grouped into three
great groups: argument analysis; explanation and decision making/problem solving. The understanding of
critical thinking in three fundamental stages, which encompass the complexity of thinking and the essential
points in this process, establishes more specific parameters of monitoring and evaluation. Faced with the
complexity of aspects and processes involving critical thinking, the search for structuring fundamental stages
is not an easy task and is not intended to reduce or simplify the concept,but it is expected that with this
structuring skills, it will be possible to develop intervention programs and evaluation instruments that are
increasingly effective.

Keywords: Critical thinking, higher education, transversal skills, evaluation

1. Critical thinking and its role in higher education
The definition of critical thinking, although it does not find consensus in the scientific community (Amorim, 2013;
Brady, 2008; Dias, Franco, Almeida, & Joly, 2011; Halpern, 2002), is associated with a reasoning of complexity and
superior status (Brady, 2008; Dias et al., 2011). Superior cognitive functions are understood as specific mental
functions that include complex behavior that includes analysis and synthesis, substantiation, and decision-making in a
goal driven perspective (Pereira & Alich, 2015). Halpern (2002) defines critical thinking as the use of cognitive skills or
strategies that increase the likelihood of a desirable outcome and has the characteristic of being intentional,
substantiated and goal-oriented. Pereira e Alich (2015) add the characteristic of information selection that must guide
the beliefs and actions, where the idea of evaluation, decision making and opinion building is implicit. In an attempt to
summarize Critical Thinking, Rivas e Saiz (2010) define as a process of seeking knowledge through thinking skills,
problem solving and decision making which increases the results effectiveness. This way of thinking involves different
dimensions or functions: articulation of ideas; elicitation of meaning; consideration of divergent arguments and search
for evidence to evaluate each legitimacy; hypothesis formulation; justification of own arguments, beliefs and activity;
decision making; troubleshooting; and, additionally, monitoring and evaluation of one's own cognition and actions
(Almeida & Franco, 2011; Butler et al., 2012; Halpern, 2002; Jorge, 2012; Pereira & Alich, 2015).

1PhD student at Universidade do Minho/Portugal and Professor at Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda, RJ/Brazil;
Bruna Casiraghi 99

These mechanisms have direct correlation with the objectives of Higher Education (HE) and reinforce the
view of critical thinking as the main objective to be reached in this stage of schooling (Almeida & Franco, 2011;
Amorim, 2013; Butler et al., 2012; Dias et al., 2011; Esteves, 2008; Ku, 2009; Pereira &Alich, 2015; Saiz& Rivas, 2008;
Veiga, Cardoso, Costa, & Jácomo, 2016; Zimmerman, 2002). Education has as a function the development of the
capacity to constantly learn throughout life (Zimmerman, 2002) and in ES, the role in the development of critical
thinking is highlighted (Veiga et al., 2016) as a need of university students (Joly, Dias, Almeida, & Franco, 2012). In
addition, Critical thinking, in this way, provides a basis for appropriate decision-making and lifelong learning. Franco e
Almeida (2017) summarize this conception by conceiving critical thinking "... as one of the nuclear missions of this
level of education" (p. 121). An operative description of critical thinking, self-regulation and metacognition are
important points that should be highlighted. Davis e Nunes (2016) point that self-regulation and metacognition are
extremely important skills that are seldom taught in school, stating that by failing to teach students how to engage in
their own learning and learn more and better, the school risks being innocuous The concept of metacognition,
according to Flavell (2004), refers to knowledge or cognitive activity directed to own cognition. Metacognition refers
to knowledge about what we know, knowledge itself, what we think, what we remember, and the use of this
knowledge to acquire new learning (Favieri, 2013; Halpern, 2002). Tébar (2011) specifies the definition of
metacognition as "the knowledge, supervision and control that the subject exercises over his own thought processes.
It involves knowledge of cognitive functioning and activities linked to the control of cognitive, affective and
motivational processes "(p.542); It concerns the process of learning, acquiring, controlling, storing, retrieving and
employing knowledge leading to awareness, criticism and self-regulation in decision-making. In turn, self-regulation is
understood as the ability to self-generate thoughts, feelings and actions in a way that allows the cyclical re-evaluation
of the processes aiming at reaching the goals (Simão & Frison, 2013; Zimmerman, 2002). To Zimmerman (2000),
learning is seen as a proactive phenomenon, so that students who are successful know their strengths and limitations
and are guided by goals. One may add that when we focus on the context of HE and the preparation of professionals
who will act in the world and with people making decisions and solving problems, the effectiveness of their actions,
the expertise and the potential to follow the advances of knowledge, constantly learning, are indispensable
characteristics that must be developed and understand the scope of the skills of the critical thinker. (Amorim, 2013).
Critical thinking also implies behavioral application of cognitive skills (Dias et al., 2011; Silvia Fernandez Rivas & Saiz,
2010). According to Tébar (2011, p. 79), “behavior is a cognitive-affective act." In addition to possessing the necessary
skills to make the right choices, the subject should wish to do so, that is, it refers to a sensible action involving the
cognitive and emotional spheres (Veiga et al., 2016).
However, saying that critical thinking embraces affective and cognitive aspects does not mean understanding
it as "having an opinion" or "defending your point of view"(Halpern, 2002). Critical thinking is about basing your
decisions on arguments and data, it means making informed decisions; reasoning is the core of thinking whereas
problem solving involves a lot of intellectual activity (Saiz & Rivas, 2008).
2. Evaluation of critical thinking
Considering the concept of critical thinking, one can already infer the difficulty involved when evaluating its
evaluation; however, its importance in the educational and professional setting justifies efforts to establish evaluative
standards and the creation of reliable instruments for this purpose. The evaluation of critical thinking allows
understanding the reasons and connections that the subjects elaborate to decide or to act (Pereira & Alich, 2015).
Several authors (Ennis, 1993; Ku, 2009)emphasize the importance of a valid evaluation to subsidize improvements in
learning processes, both for the students themselves and for teachers and institutions. Considering that the evaluation
should be consistent with the concept of what is intended to be evaluated, the evaluation of critical thinking should
not avoid considering the cognitive and motivational character of behaviors and processes involved (Ennis, 1993; Ku,
2009). Rivas and Saiz(2010)point out that, in critical thinking evaluation, the most common difficulties concern
conceptual and methodological aspects, first referring to the need to adopt a valid conceptualization and, secondly, to
use an adequate method to obtain the wanted answers. There are different instruments that aim to evaluate critical
thinking, varying in their purposes, formats and contexts (Ku, 2009).
100 Journal of Education and Human Development, Vol. 6(3), September 2017

According to com Ku (2009), the most known existing instrument to evaluate criticsal thinking are: Watson-
Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (Watson & Glaser, 1980); Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test (Ennis & Weir,
1985); Cornell Critical Thinking Test (Ennis, Millman, & Tomko, 1985); California Critical Thinking Skills Test
(Facione, 1990) and Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment Using Everyday Situations (Halpern, 2007). Considering
our own research in the area, we can also add the test of critical thinking PENCRISAL( Rivas & Saiz, 2012).
The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (CTAI)contains 80 multiple choice questions aimed to assess five
categories: inference, recognition of assumptions, deduction, interpretation and argument evaluation (Álvarez & Yair,
2013; Sousa, 2015). The revised version, The Watson-Glaser II Critical Thinking Appraisal (Watson & Glaser, 2009),
includes the possibility of applying a reduced questionnaire containing 40 items. The issues involve two types of
scenarios: neutral or controversial; being the neutral ones that approach contents free of strong feelings or prejudices,
like climate or common situations; And controversial ones concern issues that elicit emotional responses, such as
social or political issues, for example(Watson & Glaser, 2009).
Using the open - response model, the Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Testis addressed to university students
and calls for the person draw up an argument over a given situation. The skills evaluated are: to incorporate the point
of view; explain the reasons; hypotheses and premises; offer good reasons; recognition of other possibilities; to
present responses avoiding ambiguities and irrelevance and the emotive use of language to persuade (Álvarez & Yair,
2013). It is organized in two levels - X and Z - the first being directed to children and youth 9-18 years. In the scope
of this work, it is interesting to approach Level Z, aimed at university students and adults, and it can also be applied in
advanced students of basic and average education, consisting of 52 multiple choice questions with three alternative
answers that aims to evaluate: induction ; Credibility of a source; semantics; Prediction and experimentation; fallacy;
deduction; Definition and identification of hypotheses(Álvarez & Yair, 2013; Silvia F. Rivas & Saiz, 2012).
Aimed at executives, postgraduate and graduation university students, the California Critical Thinking Skills
Test aims to assess: interpretation; analysis; evaluation; explanation and inference (Álvarez & Yair, 2013). It consists
of 34 multiple choice items with an average execution time of 45 minutes(Facione, 1991). Considering motivational
and behavioral aspects of critical thinking, Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment Using Everyday Situations (HTCA) uses
everyday situations where multiple choice questions and open answers (Sousa, 2015). The instrument considers five
categories understood as capable of responding to what students should know and be able to do when entering the
labor market (Halpern, 2010), such as: verbal reasoning; Argument analysis; Proof of hypotheses; Probability and
uncertainty, and decision making and problem solving. The HTCA consists of 25 scenarios, five of each category, in
which respondents must first answer open questions and then multiple choice questions. Despite being structured
with the same number of scenarios for each competency evaluated, the assigned value is differentiated, so that
problem solving has a greater weight (31%), followed by verbal reasoning (24%), proving hypotheses (21 %) And
analysis of argument and probability and uncertainty (12%, each), staggered considering its importance and
contribution to critical thinking.
At last, the PENCRISAL – Critical thinking, Salamanca(Saiz & Rivas, 2008; Rivas & Saiz, 2012)consists of 35
situations in open-ended questions, to be answered in colloquial language and presenting justification for the answer,
without time is between 60 and 90 minutes. The test can be carried out on paper or in an electronic media and aims to
evaluate five aspects: deductive, inductive and practical reasoning, decision making and problem solving

3. Fundamental criteria for critical thinking evaluation in higher education

The various tests that aim to evaluate critical thinking indicate the competencies considered fundamental for
critical thinking to be effective. The way in which these competences are approached is not uniform and does not find
consensus in these tests, however some convergence between them and the previously discussed concepts are
perceived. The analysis of the dimensions evaluated by the critical thinking tests can be understood in three main
stages: argument analysis; explanation or rationale of principles or data; and decision making / problem
solving. Considering critical thinking as the process of searching for knowledge that allows for informed decisions
that increase the likelihood of the expected result (Saiz & Rivas, 2017; Saiz, 2017), thinking critically implies
understanding the problem, seeking solutions to the problem, and Know how to choose the most effective solution,
adding a motivation and attitude of deliberate permanence in the effective resolution of situations. Table 1 lists the
critical thinking tests bystage group and dimensions of each defined stage.
Bruna Casiraghi 101

Table 1 Division of competences of some critical thinking tests per stage

Argument analysis Explanation Decision making and
problem solving
CTAI Evaluate arguments; Inferences; Deduction; Indiction
recognize assumptions
Ennis-Weir Incorporate viewpoin; Explaining reasons; Hypotheses and premises;
avoid ambuguities and irrelevance; Good reasons;
Other possibilities.
CCTST Source credibility; Induction; Deduction; Prediction and
Semantics; Fallacy. experimentation; Definition and identification of
California Interpretation; Analysis Inference; Explanation; Evaluation
HTCA Verbal reasoning; Hypotheses testing; Probability and uncertainty. Decision making and
Argument analysis. problem solving
PENCRISAL Deductive reasoning; Inductive reasoning; Decision making and
Practical reasoning. problem solving
Describing these more evident steps and abilities, the analysis of arguments concerns the understanding of
the problem to be solved, is related to the ability to correctly interpret the aspects that compose it and to analyze the
relevance or irrelevance of the known data. Skills related to of argument evaluation or analysis, acknowledgments of
assumptions, source credibility source, verbal reasoning, among others, evaluated in different critical thinking tests,
evoke the ability to define the problem and its dimensions and data collection needed to search possible solutions. In
turn, the explanation or rationale is configured as the quest to understand the causes and consequences of the
problem. It is from this understanding that it is possible to propose hypotheses of explanation and solution. All the
instruments of evaluation of critical thinking cited consider such competences in evaluation, which can be observed
mainly in inferential, deductive and inductive thinking, as well as in the dimensions described as definition and
identification of hypotheses, probability and uncertainty, among others. Finally, after an effective understanding of the
problem and the possibility of resolution,it is necessary to take the decision which would result in an expected,
efficient and favorable outcome. The evaluative difficulty in this aspect is evident, considering, mainly, that this
decision is not defined exclusively by the competences, but mainly by the dispositions (Franco & Almeida,
2017). Given this difficulty, specific decision-making and problem-solving skills are not explicitly included in all of the
above tests.
4. Conclusions
Higher education aims to train professionals capable of acting in reality, using specific knowledge of their area
of action to solve problems and make decisions that, in most cases, will have an impact on individuals, groups or
society as a whole. Moreover, considering the celerity and volume of today´s knowledge production and
dissemination, more important than acquiring concepts is to be able to learn constantly, considering that learning is
not limited to access to information, but the proper interpretation of such data, as well as the ability to assess, criticize
and use such knowledge when appropriate. Teaching at this stage, often focused on theoretical knowledge and the
memorization of concepts, has the challenge of proposing training processes that guarantee the integral development
of students in order to meet the individual, professional and labor market demands. In this way, higher academic
education is not confined to the acquisition or development of technical and scientific competences. The complexity
and constant change of social life and a commitment to ongoing training throughout the life cycle of individuals calls
for ES which also develops a wide range of soft skills. The development of critical thinking, understood as a reasoning
of quality and superior requirement, integrating cognitive and attitudinal or motivational elements, stands out because
of its comprehensiveness. In this context, the evaluation of critical thinking becomes indispensable to follow this
process development, providing subsidies on the main competence to be developed in the HE. The volume of
scientific publications critical thinking evaluation reaffirms the theme´s complexity and importance, since different
instruments have been produced and validated for this purpose. Many authors emphasize that critical thinking is
essentially associated with specific cognitive abilities.
102 Journal of Education and Human Development, Vol. 6(3), September 2017

The analysis of the most used tests indicates three fundamental steps that must be considered in the process
of understanding the capacity to think critically: argument analysis; explanation or rationale of principles or data; and
decision making / problem solving. In addition to these cognitive abilities, it is important to consider that the
literature emphasizes that critical thinking requires motivation and an attitude of perseverance on the part of
individuals in their implementation.
Also because of this plural nature of the intervening variables, critical thinking is difficult to operationalize
and evaluate, but its relevance fully justifies the efforts made to construct new instruments that expedite its evaluation,
also ensuring the properties of accuracy and validity of collected data.
Various instruments are now available for higher education students, yet none of them sufficiently developed
in Portuguese-speaking countries. In this sense, this article synthesizes information to be counted in the construction
and subsequent validation o f a new test for the evaluation of critical thinking in late adolescence or in young adults.
Based on this synthesis, this evidence should include the understanding and production of arguments, explanation and
reasoning of situations, and decision making and problem solving. The option will be for situations reported to the
daily life of the individuals under evaluation, and with a heterogeneous response format valuing some elaboration and
not the simple multiple choice response. In the end, it is expected that, with this test, we will be able to investigate
how HE develops critical thinking of its students. At that time, we will be able to investigate whether their impact is
differentiated according to the academic level, the scientific areas, the pedagogical methods of the teachers or
according to the competences and socio-cultural origin with which the students enter the HE. In addition, by knowing
the weaknesses and potentialities, such knowledge can and should provide elements to formative pedagogical actions
that enable improvements in the ES aiming at the promotion and development of critical thinking in trained


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