Practical 9 - Properties of Matter

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Practical 9: Properties of matter

Title: Young’s Modulus

Objective: To determine the Young’s modulus of a copper wire using simulation.

Apparatus and Materials:

Stress A
Young Modulus, Y = =
Strain Δ L
πr 2
Mg L o
Δ L= 2 ⇒ Δ L ∝ M
πr Y

g Lo
where the gradient of the graphΔ L ∝ M is given by s=
π r2 Y

The Spherometer:
1. One revolution of the screw is equal to one division of the main vertical scale which is
1.00 mm (the pitch).
2. The disc screw scale has 100 division which divides one main vertical scale division
into 100 divisions. Hence one division in the screw scale is 0.01 mm (the least count).
3. When the height hanger is not loaded, take note the reading on the main vertical scale
and the disc screw scale as the reference level.

1. Read the details of Theory, Procedure and Video etc in the link above before starting
your experiment.
2. Select Copper as the experimental wire with radius r = 0.1 mm and length L= 0.5 m.
3. Then start load the weight hanger with mass M from 0.50 kg to 4.0 kg at an increment
step at 0.50 kg for each measurement of change in length of the experimental wire to
be recorded.
4. Measure the increase in length Δ l from above each new value loading of mass M .
The air bubble moves away from the centre when the weight hanger is loaded. Adjust
the spherometer central screw so that the air bubble in the spirit level comes back to
the centre. The spherometer reading is then recorded.
5. Then reduce the loading from 4.0 kg back to 0.50 kg at a decrement step of 0.50 kg.
Record the change in ∆ l for loading again.
6. Then calculate the mean value of ∆ l av for each value of loading of mass M on the
weight hanger.
7. Plot a graph Δl av against M .
8. Determine the Young’s modulus, Y of the wire from the gradient, s of the graph
1. Data Tabulation and Centroid.

Enter your data here:

Type of Wire Copper

Initial Length of the wire, 0.5 mm
Radius of the wire, r 0.1 mm

Increase in length, ∆L
Mass of weight hanger,
(± 0.01mm )
M ( kg )
1 2 Average
0.50 1.33 1.33 1.33
1.00 1.67 1.67 1.67
1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00
2.00 3.33 3.33 3.33
2.50 3.67 3.67 3.67
3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
3.50 5.33 5.33 5.33
4.00 5.66 5.66 5.66

Formula for centroid:

∑ M ,∑ ΔL
( n n )
Insert the image file of your Centroid calculation (DO NOT type your answers here):
2. Graph of ∆L vs M

Insert the image file of your graph

(DO NOT type your answers here)

Length against Mass

Length, cm

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Mass, M
3. Data Analysis.

Insert your image file of the data analysis

(DO NOT type your answers here)

1. Name a law that states a linear relation of Mg against ∆ l.

Enter/type your answer here

Hooke’s Law

2. Under what increasing loading mass will the relation of M against ∆ l become non-

Enter/type your answer here

When the increasing mass exceeds the elastic constant of the object, the graph become
non-linear. This is because the length of the wire will deformed when it has exceed the
breaking point and the wire will break as well which causes the wire cannot return its’
original position. So, it won’t be a linear graph.
3. What will happen to value of Young’s modulus for the copper wire if above
experiment is to be conducted on the moon? Explain your answer.

Enter/type your answer here

The Young’s modulus will decrease because the gravitational force on the moon is less
than the earth. When the gravitational force decreases, the weight on the copper wire is
reduced as well.

4. What will happen to value of Young’s modulus if above experiment is carried with a
larger radius? Explain your answer.

Enter/type your answer here

When the radius increases, the area of the wire increases. Therefore, the Young’s modulus
will increase because Young’s modulus is directly proportional to Force/Area.
Enter/type your answer here
The Young’s modulus of the copper wire is 119.59.

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