Life of Hazrat Mohammad (Saw) : The Blessed Birth

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Lecture 7


The Blessed Birth

 9th Rabi-ul-Awwal 53 years before Hijri conforming to Monday, the 20 th
April 571 CE.
 Abdul Mut’talib the Grandfather picks the name of newly born as
‘Mohammad’ (saw).

Life before the Advent of Prophethood

 Up to five years he stays with the tribe of Banu Sa’ad.
 At the age of six, on a journey from Medinah Hazrat Aamnah, (the Mother)
passes away.
 At the age of 8, the grandfather (Abdul Mut’talib) dies.
 Two of the uncles Hazrat Zubair and Hazrat Abu Talib become his
 At the teenage, he earns his living by chaperoning herd of goats.
 In youth he chooses trade as an occupation to earn living.
 At the age of 15, he fights the battle of Fujjar and then joins a pact, known
as “The League of Alfuzool”.
 At the age of 25 marries Hazrat Khadeeja (raa).
 Allah (swt) bestows him with two sons and four daughters Hazrat Qaasim,
Hazrat Zainab (raa), Hazrat Ruqayya (raa), Hazrat Um’kalthoum (raa),
Hazrat Fatima (raa), Hazrat Abdullah (Alias, Tayyab & Tahir).
 His third son Ibrahim was from his maid Hazrat Maria Qibtia (raa).
 All his sons die during infancy.
 Three of his daughters passed away during his life time.
 Hazrat Fatima (raa) died, six months after his transition.
 At the age of 35 during the reconstruction of Ka’aba, installation incident of
the black stone proves his intellect and maturity.
 At the age of 36 in the isolation of ‘Cave of Hira’, he starts to ponder over
the issues like, Creator of the universe, purpose of the universe, about
humans, purpose of human beings and the rationale of Good and Evil.
 At the age of 40 manifestation of prophethood.
 Before the advent of prophethood, he leads a very pure life; free from all
sins and polytheism. He stood out among all the others with respect to his
morals, virtues, and manners.
 People had a full faith in his trustworthiness, truthfulness, intellect and deep
insight. He (saw) was honored with titles like As’Saadiq and Al’Ameen.

Life after Prophethood

To have a deep insight of the various phases of his struggle during
prophethood, we have to know the meaning of the Ayah:
Lecture 7

         

  
“It is He (swt) Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad [saw]) with guidance
and the Deen of truth (Just system) to dominate it over all (other) systems.”
(As-Saff: 9)
This Ayah clarifies that mission of advent of Prophet (saw) was to establish
Deen of Allah (swt) i.e. just system.

Total life after prophethood: 23 years

13 years of Makkah and 10 years of Medinah

The Makki Period

 1st to 3rd year

 Invitation to Islam through personal contacts only.
 Invitation to Islam to the families of Bani Haashem
 Two visible groups, the youth and the slaves emerge as acceptors of the
 Verbal opposition and psychological resistance.
 In this period, repeated guidance in Qur’aan for him is:
   
“And be patient (O Muhammad [saw]) with what they say.”
(Al-Muzzammil: 10)

 4th to 6th year

 Invitation to Islam openly
 Instituting ‘Dar-e-Irqam’, as a centre of training
 Violent resistance from Quraish.
 In this situation Qur’aan gives the instruction:
   
“Repel (the evil) with one which is better.”
(Fussilat: 34)
 
“Keep your hands tied i.e., not to rise hands even in self defence.”
(An’Nisa: 78)
 The conversion of Hazrat Hamza (raa) and Hazrat Umar (raa) to Islam.
 Migration to Habsha.
 Proposal of Qur’aish for Abu Talib to exchange Prophet (saw) with a
young and strong man ‘Amarah bin Waleed’.
 Offer from Qur’aish for wealth, kingship and marriage.
 Warning of War from Qur’aish.

 7th to 9th year

 General social boycott of Bani Hashem.
 Confinement in the valley of Bani Hashem.

Lecture 7

 10th year
 Freedom from the valley of Bani Hashem
 The offer of give and take from Quraish
 Death of Abu Talib and Hazrat Khadeejah (raa).
 He called, that particular year as ‘The year of grief’
 Abu Lahab an arch enemy becomes the chief of his family Bani-Hashim.
 The utter hopelessness in Makkah, motivates him to journey towards
 Return from Taaif; enters Makkah under the umbrella protection of
Mo’tam bin A’di.
 Journey of “Mai’raj” i.e., journey from Masjid-e-Haraam to Masjid-e-
Aqsa and ascension to Heavens.

 11th year
 Six people from Medinah accept Islam.

 12th year
 12 people of Medinah accept Islam
 1st Oath of Allegiance at Aqba
 Departure of Hazrat Musa’b bin Umair to Medina

 13th Year
 Seventy two men and 3 women of Medinah convert to Islam
 IInd oath of Allegiance at Aqba

 Migration to Madinah
 During Hijrah, Muslims receive the approval to take up arms.
    
“Permission to fight is given to those (i.e. believers against
disbelievers), who are fighting them (believers).” (Al-Hajj: 39)
 Later on Muslims are ordained to fight.
     
“Fighting is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it.”
(Al-Baqarah: 216)
The Madni Period
 1 to 2 Hijri
 Preparation for fighting against Quraish
i) Steps to interiorly consolidate Madinah
 Masjid Nabwi established as a center
 Establishment of Brotherhood amongst Muslims of Madinah &
Immigrants from Makkah.
 Jewish tribes inhabiting in and around Madinah are knotted into
a pact known as “Accord of Madinah”.
ii) Organizing retaliatory measures against Quraish outside Madinah

Lecture 7

 Political isolation of Qur’aish by bringing different tribes

between Makkah and Madinah into a fold of pact.
 Economic blockage by sending eight expeditions for the
surveillance of trade and commerce routes of Quraish.
 Assassination of a Mushrik in the valley of Nakhla by Muslims
 Muslims try to intercept the trade caravan of Abu Sufyaan
 Battle of Badr, Ramadan, 2 Hijri (an astounding victory)
 Breach of Accord of Medinah by the Jewish tribe of Banu Qaynqa’a. They
are exiled from Madinah.
 3 to 4 Hijri
 A campaign lead by Zaid bin Harithah (raa)
 Battle of As-Sawiq
 Battle of Ohad Shawwal of 3rd Hijri (Due to non compliance of Discipline,
a temporary defeat).
 Breach of Accord of Medinah by another Jewish tribe of Banu Nuzair.
They are also banished from Madinah.
 5th Hijri
 Battle of the confederates (Insulting defeat of Kuffaar)
 Jewish tribe Banu Qurayza penalized for their breach of Accord of
 6th Hijri
 Treaty of Hudaybya (a clear victory for Muslims)
 7th Hijri
 Victory of Khyber
 Performing of the Compensatory Umrah.
 Launch of intense preaching activities in Arab tribes.
 Letters sent out to various heads of state
 The ruler of Ghussan kills the emissary of Holy Prophet (saw).
 8th Hijri
 The battle of Mauta with people of Gussan
 Victory of Makkah. Completion of 1st phase of the mission i.e.,
domination of Deen of Allah within Arabian Peninsula.
 Battle of Hunain with people of Taaif.
 9th Hijri
 Launching of the second phase of the mission i.e., export of Islamic
revolution outside the Arabin peninsula.
 Battle of Tabuk – the most difficult event

 10th Hijri
 Hajjatul Wida
 11th Hijri

Lecture 7

 The Transition on 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal confirming to 8th June 632 C.E.

The greatest achievement of Prophet’s (saw)

In the whole human history, he (saw) is the only one who setup the example
of forging the most perfect, comprehensive and all encompassing revolution
in a single life span, thus established a true and just system for the mankind.
H. G. Wells writes in his book “Concise History of the World”:
“Although the sermons of human freedom, fraternity and
equality were said before, we find a lot of these sermons
in Jesus of Nazareth, but it must be admitted that it was
Mohammad (saw) who for the first time in history
established a society based on these principles.”

Phases of the revolution brought about by the

blessed Prophet (saw)

Only source of comprehending the phases of revolution is

to have insight of the life of Prophet (saw)

1. Call: To preach and publish the tenet of revolution.

2. Organization: To organize those who accept the call.

3. Training: To train the members of organization according to the nature of


4. Passive resistance: Not to retaliate against any kind of persecution and

violence and to stand firm on revolutionary tenet.

5. Active measures: To challenge the false and unjust system as soon as

appropriate strength and resources are available.

6. Armed conflict: To boldly stand in front of the reactions of the false system
as a result of active measures.

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