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Installation Instructions Models SSD-C / SSD-C-INTL: System Status Display With Control

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Installation Instructions


System Status Display with Control




Siemens Industry, Inc., is an optional



FireFinder module that displays the ACKNOWLEDGE OFF


event status of a system and has the


capability to control the system


remotely from the PMI/PMI-2/PMI-3

(XLS), FCM2041-U2 (Desigo Fire
Safety Modular), FCM2041-U3 Figure 1
(Cerberus PRO Modular). It has four SSD-C System Status Display
40-character alphanumeric LCD
character lines, backlit upon status change or display toggling. This module is super-
vised by the main panel and also has LEDs and an optional sounder to indicate the
status of the system. The SSD-C has the capability to store up to 1500 event mes-
sages and has pushbuttons to scroll through these events. Its display is independent
from the display on the PMI/PMI-2/PMI-3 (XLS), FCM2041-U2 (Desigo Fire Safety
Modular), FCM2041-U3 (Cerberus PRO Modular). During the SSD-C/SSD-C-INTL initial
power up, the SSD-C/SSD-C-INTL is configured in Display-only mode.

The following items are supplied with the SSD-C/SSD-C-INTL:

• SSD mounting plate (P/N 300-034289) with the SSD-TB interface board
(P/N 515-034170)
• 8-pin wiring interface cable (P/N 555-134347)
• SSD-C housing (P/N 195-134170) with an SSD-C-main board (P/N 557-034170)
• Overlay—The SSD-C has one overlay, the SSD-C-INTL has three overlays.
- SSD-C overlay (P/N 200-134294 in English)
- SSD-C-INTL overlays (P/N 200-134751 in French, P/N 200-134752 in
Spanish, P/N 200-134753 in Portuguese)
• 4 screws to mount the housing to the mounting bracket (P/N 545-634442)
The SSD-C-INTL is used in applications where French, Spanish or Portuguese is the
primary language. It is identical to the SSD-C in all other ways, and will be referred to
in the remainder of this document as SSD-C.

OPERATION The SSD-C has six LEDs and a sounder to indicate the status of the fire alarm panel.
The LCD indicates the state of a specific event. The SSD-C also has push buttons
that allow the user to scroll through the events list, and/or take control of the system.

The SSD-C can be configured as Display only or with System Control and can be
used in two different vectoring applications: No Vectoring and Queue Vectoring.Refer
to the Programming section on page 7 for information on configuring the system.

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echnologies vision
When the SSD-C is configured as Display only, pushbutton presses to any control
keys will not affect the logic of the system, but will silence the SSD-C audible signal
regardless of the position of the security keyswitch.

When the SSD-C is configured with System Control, the security keyswitch has to be
in the ENABLE position for the control pushbuttons (ACKNOWLEDGE, SILENCE,
UNSILENCE and RESET) to respond.

When the SSD-C is used in a No Vectoring application, all events that occur in the
system are displayed on the SSD-C. If the SSD-C is configured with System Control,
it can take full control of the system (Acknowledge events, Silence/Unsilence
Audibles and Reset the system).

Queue Vectoring displays only the specific event type(s) (Alarm, Supervisory, Security
and/or Trouble) that have been configured in the Zeus Programming Tool. Multiple
queues (Alarm, Supervisory, Security and/or Trouble) can be selected, but in Queue
Vectoring at least one queue is not selected. Selections are made in the Zeus
Programming Tool by deselecting any Display event type(s)—Alarm, Supervisory,
Security and/or Trouble—not desired in the queue. Refer to the Programming section
on page 7 for further information.

Acknowledgment Events display on an SSD-C in the priority order of Alarm, Supervisory, Security and
Trouble. An SSD-C with Queue Vectoring will display only those events for which it
has been configured and it can acknowledge an event only if the event is from the
highest priority queue with unacknowledged events. The ability of an SSD-C with
Queue Vectoring to display and acknowledge events depends on a combination of
the queue settings and the current events in the system.

• For example, an SSD-C that is configured to display only Alarms will be able
to acknowledge any alarms that exist on the system but will not be able to
display or acknowledge any Supervisories, Securities or Troubles that may
exist once the alarms have been acknowledged.
• An additional example is an SSD-C that is configured to display only
Troubles. If only trouble events exist on the system or if all higher priority
events are already acknowledged, then the SSD-C will be able to acknowl-
edge Troubles. However if there are any unacknowledged Alarms,
Supervisories and/or Securities, the SSD-C will not be able to acknowledge
the troubles until the alarms, supervisories and/or securities have been

Silence/Unsilence An SSD-C may silence audibles only if it is configured to display Alarms and all
alarms are acknowledged.

Reset An SSD-C may reset the system only if all events are displayed on the SSD-C and all
events have been acknowledged. If any events exist on the system that are not of a
type displayed on the SSD-C, then the SSD-C will not be able to reset even if all
events are acknowledged. An example of this is an SSD-C configured for Alarm only.
It will be able to reset the system only if all the events on the system are alarms. If
any other event types exist, an Alarm-only SSD-C cannot reset the system.

Controls and Indicators The front panel of the SSD-C contains 6 LEDs, 1 LCD display, up and down
nagivational buttons, a keyswitch, and Acknowledge, Silence, Unsilence, and Reset
buttons, as shown in Figure 1.

Siemens Industry, Inc. 2 P/N 315-048733-10

Building Technologies Division
The LEDs and their functions are defined as follows:

ALARM (Red) Normally OFF. Indicates that there is no

alarm event in the system.

ON (flashing). Indicates that at least ONE

alarm event is unacknowledged.

ON (steady). Indicates that ALL alarm

events have been acknowledged.

SUPERVISORY (Yellow) Normally OFF. Indicates that there is no

supervisory event in the system.

ON (flashing). Indicates that at least ONE

supervisory event is unacknowledged.

ON (steady). Indicates that ALL supervi-

sory events have been acknowledged.

SECURITY (Yellow) Normally OFF. Indicates that there is no

security event in the system.

ON (flashing). Indicates that at least ONE

security event is unacknowledged.

ON (steady). Indicates that ALL security

events have been acknowledged.

TROUBLE (Yellow) Normally OFF. Indicates that there is no

trouble event in the system.

ON (flashing). Indicates that at least ONE

trouble event is unacknowledged.

ON (steady). Indicates that ALL trouble

events have been acknowledged.

AUDIBLES ON (Yellow) Normally OFF. Indicates that NACs are in

supervisory mode or that ALL
silenceable NACs have been silenced.

ON (steady). Indicates that at least ONE

NAC has been activated.

AUDIBLES SILENCED (Yellow) Normally OFF. Indicates that NACs are in

supervisory mode or that there is at least
ONE activated NAC in the system.

ON (steady). Indicates that previously

activated NACs have been silenced.

When both AUDIBLES ON and AUDIBLES SILENCED LEDs are in the OFF state, it
indicates that all NACs in the system are in supervisory mode.

The Sounder operates as follows:

SOUNDER Normally OFF. Indicates that the system is in supervi-

sory mode or all events in the system have been
acknowledged or that a push button has been pressed.

ON-STEADY. Indicates that at least one unacknowl-

edged alarm is present in the system.
Siemens Industry, Inc. 3 P/N 315-048733-10
Building Technologies Division
ON-PULSING. Indicates that at least one unacknowl-
edged non-alarm (security, supervisory, or trouble)
event is present in the system (and that there are no
alarm events present or all alarm events have been

When the SOUNDER DISABLE option is selected in the Zeus Programming Tool, the
sounder remains OFF, regardless of the status of the system.

The pushbuttons and their functions are defined as follows:

UP ARROW During Supervisory Mode: Activates the LCD backlight

for 10 minutes.

When Event Is Displayed: Displays the event with the

next higher priority. (See Figure 2 for more information
about the differences between U.S. and Canada.)

DOWN ARROW During Supervisory Mode: Activates the LCD backlight

for 10 minutes.

When Event Is Displayed: Displays the event with the

next lower priority. (See Figure 2 for more information
about the differences between U.S. and Canada.)

The events are displayed one at a time and cycle through a circular list once the most
recent event message is reached. See Figure 2.


. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

Figure 2
Event Priority

KEYSWITCH The keyswitch must be in the ENABLE position to

activate the control pushbutton. (In the ENABLE
position, the key is vertically in the keyswitch; in the
DISABLE position, the key can be removed from the

ACKNOWLEDGE During Supervisory Mode: Activates LCD backlight for

10 minutes.

When Event Is Displayed: Acknowledges the unac-

knowledged queue and/or events with the highest
priority. If no events are present, it is ignored.

Siemens Industry, Inc. 4 P/N 315-048733-10

Building Technologies Division
SILENCE During Supervisory Mode: Activates LCD backlight for
10 minutes.

When Event Is Displayed: Silences all activated

silenceable NACs when all alarm events are acknowl-
edged. If NACs are already silenced, it is ignored.

UNSILENCE During Supervisory Mode: Activates LCD backlight for

10 minutes.

When Event Is Displayed: Reactivates all silenceable

NACs that were previously silenced. If NACs are
already active, it is ignored.

RESET During Supervisory Mode: Activates LCD backlight for

10 minutes.

When Event Is Displayed: Resets the system provided

that all events are acknowledged and all silenceable
NACs are silenced. If system is already reset, it is

LCD (See Figure 3.) The LCD backlight activates for 10 minutes when an
event occurs or when a push button is pressed.

Supervisory Mode:
Line 1 - Current date and time
Line 2 - Custom message and system ID
Line 3 - Custom message and system ID
Line 4 - Blank

Active Event Mode:

Line 1 - Event Status, module/device address, date and
time of the event
Line 2 - Custom message for the module/device,
Line 3 - Event category or trouble type, sequence
number of the event.
Line 4 - Total number of Alarms, Supervisory, Security,
and Trouble events in the system or vectored to
the SSD-C.

may 15, 2002 , 04:10:52pm

custom message - system id #1 system
custom message - system id #2 normal

alarm 3-45 may 16, 2002 , 04:15:25pm

custom message for this alarm ack’d
smoke 001 of 200
alm=200 supv=000 sec=000 trbl=000

Figure 3
SSD-C LCD - Supervisory Mode (Top) and Active Event Mode (Bottom)

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PRE-INSTALLATION The following components must be set prior to installing the SSD-C housing enclo-
sure to the SSD-C mounting plate. Refer to Figure 4.

S1 Option Select DIP Switch:

S1-SW1: Set to ON if the SSD-C is the end of the PAIR A wiring (Style 4 only)

S1-SW2: Set to OFF: Not Used

S1-SW3: Set to OFF: Not Used

S1-SW4: Set to OFF: Not Used

S2 S3 S4
456 456 456





9 01 9 01 9 01


S11 1 2 3 4

Figure 4
SSD-C Switch Location

If the SSD-C is located at the end of the wire (Style 4 only), add the terminating
resistance to the communication wire by setting SW1 to the ON position.

S2, S3, S4 Network Address Switches: Set the three-digit HNET network address
for the SSD-C using the three ten-position rotary switches located on the board. (See
Figure 4.) Each of these addresses must be the same as the addresses assigned in
the Zeus Programming Tool. The range of allowable addresses is from 001 to 251
(leading zeros must be used).

S11, Reset Switch: Momentarily Closed switch that when pressed will re-initialize
the SSD-C operation.

R70 LCD Trimmer Adjustment (factory set): Turn to adjust the LCD contrast

If the SSD-C fails, the TROUBLE LED will flash at a fast rate, the sounder will pulse
and no push buttons will respond. The PMI/PMI-2/PMI-3 (XLS), FCM2041-U2 (Desigo
Fire Safety Modular), FCM2041-U3 (Cerberus PRO Modular) detects this failure as a
non-responding module trouble condition.

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PROGRAMMING In order to perform its desired operation, the SSD-C must be programmed using the
Zeus Programming Tool. The SSD properties must be set before normal operation. In the
Zeus Programming Tool, highlight the selected SSD-C module in the Physical View and
open the Detail View - Properties to modify and/or define the following SSD-C properties:

• HNET Address: This address must match the address set in the SSD-C
• Base Language Custom Message: This message is associated with the
SSD-C module.
• Alternate Language Custom Message: This message associated with the
SSD-C module is in an alternate language.
• Display Type: Determines the mode configuration of the SSD, either Display-
Only or SSD with Control.
• Sounder Enabled: If selected, the sounder activates on event receptions;
otherwise, the sounder is disabled.
• Display Alarms: If selected, alarm events are displayed on the SSD; other-
wise, alarm events are filtered.
• Display Supervisory Events: If selected, supervisory events are displayed on
the SSD; otherwise, supervisory events are filtered.
• Display Security Events: If selected, security events are displayed on the
SSD; otherwise, security events are filtered.
• Display Troubles: If selected, trouble events are displayed on the SSD;
otherwise, trouble events are filtered.


Remove all system power before installation, first battery then AC. (To power up,
connect the AC first, then the battery.)

Refer to Figure 5 for a typical wiring connection of Model SSD-C to the FireFinder-
XLS/Desigo Fire Safety Modular/Cerberus PRO Modular System.

Desigo Fire Safety
NIC-C Modular),
HNET TO NEXT (Cerberus



FireFinder-XLS/Desigo Fire Safety Modular/

Cerberus PRO Modular ENCLOSURE

Figure 5
Typical SSD-C Connection to the FireFinder-XLS/Desigo Fire Safety Modular/
Cerberus PRO Modular
Siemens Industry, Inc. 7 P/N 315-048733-10
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Class-B/Style 4 = ULC DCLB
Class-X/Style 7 = ULC DCLC

In Canada, ULC S524 requires that all interconnecting data communications links for
networks be wired DCLC (style 7) except for dedicated network communication to

The wiring diagram in Figure 6 shows the connections from the SSD-C to the NIC-C
and PSC-12. Refer to the NIC-C Installation Instructions, P/N 315-033240 and the
PSC-12 Installation Instructions, P/N 315-033060 for additional wiring information.

1. Compatible wire size:
2. No EOLR required. S1-1 has
to be in the ON position if
the SSD-C is at the end of a
Style 4 network. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3. Use twisted pair (Style 4/7)

or twisted shielded pair 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

(Style 4 only). DO NOT USE

4. Terminate shield at one end
only. NIC-C
5. Power Limited to NFPA 70
per NEC 760. ONE SLOT OF CC-5
6. All wiring is power limited PAIR B 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

and supervised. PAIR A

7. For Style 7 networks the
SSD-C must be installed in
between two NIC-Cs. TB1 DO NOT USE


+ –
1 2

TB2 PSC-12
+ – E

Figure 6
Wiring The SSD-C

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INSTALLATION The SSD-C mounts directly onto a (user supplied) double gang or 4 inch switchbox.
Refer to Figure 7.



Figure 7
Installing The SSD-C

The SSD must be installed in a dry, protected environment only.

Feed the field wiring from the double gang or 4 inch switchbox through the opening
in the mounting plate. Secure the mounting plate to the switchbox with screws (user

Make the wiring connections to the mounting plate as shown in Figure 6.

Connect the supplied 8-pin cable from P1 on the mounting plate to P1 on the back of
the SSD-C Assembly. Align the standards in the four corners of the mounting plate
with the standards in the four corners of the SSD-C Assembly. Secure with the
screws provided.

Peel off the backing on the self-adhesive strip on the back of the overlay that is
located just below the cutout for the display. Insert the 3 bottom tabs on the appro-
priate overlay with the 3 corresponding slots in the bottom of the SSD-C Assembly.
Slightly bend the overlay to align and insert the 3 top tabs into the 3 corresponding
slots in the top of the SSD-C Assembly. Press the overlay to the SSD-C assembly just
beneath the cutout for the SSD display so that the adhesive from the strip on the
overlay adheres to the SSD-C assembly. Discard the remaining overlays, if applicable.

Be sure to route field wiring away from sharp projections, corners and internal
components of the SSD.

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Typical 200mA (max.) at 24VDC

24VDC (Nominal)
Input Voltage
(31VDC max.) filtered

An auxiliary regulated power-limited power supply may be used to provide power

to the SSD.The power supply must be UL approved for Fire Protection Signaling

Be sure to include the SSD-C in the battery calculations.

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Building Technologies Division
Cyber security disclaimer

Siemens products and solutions provide security functions to ensure the secure operation of building comfort,
fire safety, security management and physical security systems. The security functions on these products and
solutions are important components of a comprehensive security concept.

It is, however, necessary to implement and maintain a comprehensive, state-of-the-art security concept that is
customized to individual security needs. Such a security concept may result in additional site-specific preven-
tive action to ensure that the building comfort, fire safety, security management or physical security system
for your site are operated in a secure manner. These measures may include, but are not limited to, separating
networks, physically protecting system components, user awareness programs, defense in depth, etc.

For additional information on building technology security and our offerings, contact your Siemens sales or
project department. We strongly recommend customers to follow our security advisories, which provide
information on the latest security threats, patches and other mitigation measures.


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Building Technologies Division
Siemens Industry, Inc. Siemens Canada, Ltd. Document ID A6V10239148 P/N 315-048733-10
Building Technologies Division 1577 North Service Road East
Florham Park, NJ Oakville, Ontario
L6H 0H6 Canada

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