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Book of ACTS - SPM Past Year Questions: Source No REF Mrks

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Book of ACTS – SPM Past Year Questions


S1994 A2a "This Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same 01:11 5
way as you saw him go into heaven." Who said these words? To whom were
they said? To what future event in the history of the church do these words
refer? What promise had Jesus given just before He was taken up?
S1995 A2a "… one of these two men must become with us a witness to his resurrection." 01:22 5
Who said this? Why was this selection necessary? Name the man chosen.
What was the method used to choose him?
S1999 A2a For it is written in the book of Psalms, "Let his habitation become desolate, and 01:20 5
let there be no one to live in it," and "His office let another take." Of whom was
Peter speaking when he quoted these passages? What had the man done?
What did he do after that? What conditions did Peter say the candidates must
fulfill in order to be chosen to replace the man?
S2000 A2a Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near 01:12 5
Jerusalem, a sabbath day's journey away. Relate what took place on Mount
Olivet. What is 'a sabbath day's journey'?

S2001 A2a And they prayed and said, "Lord, who knowest the hearts of all men, show 01:24-25 1
which one of these two thou hast cjosen to take the place in his ministry and
apostleship from which Judas turn aside, to go to his own place," Name the
one chosen to be an apostle.
S2001 A2a And they prayed and said, "Lord, who knowest the hearts of all men, show 01:24-25 2
which one of these two thou hast chosen to take the place in his ministry and
apostleship from which Judas turn aside, to go to his own place," What
qualification were required for this position?
S2001 A2a And they prayed and said, "Lord, who knowest the hearts of all men, show 01:24-25 2
which one of these two thou hast cjosen to take the place in his ministry and
apostleship from which Judas turn aside, to go to his own place," What has
Judas done?
S2002 A2a "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you: and you 01:08
shall be …" Complete this statement Jesus made to his disciples. 3
On which mountain were these words said? 1
What happened to Jesus immediately after this was said? 1
S2008 A2a Then they drew lots to choose between the two men,.. 01:26
Why was this incident necessary? 1
Name the two men mentioned above. 2
What qualifications had these two men fulfilled? 2
S2009 A2a After saying this, he (Jesus) was taken up to heaven as they watched him, and 01:09
a cloud hid him from their sight.
Where did this event take place? 1
State what Jesus promised his apostles just before he was taken up to 3
Who appeared to the apostles during the incident? 1
S2014 A2a Jesus said to them, “The times and occasions are set by my Father’s own 01:7-8a
authority, and it is not for you to know when they will be. But when the Holy
Spirit comes upon you, ________________”

Where was Jesus when He said this? 1

Complete what Jesus said. 3
What happened to Jesus after this conversation? 1
S2017 A2a They still had their eyes fixed on the sky as he went away, when two men 01:10-
dressed in white suddenly stood beside them and said, “Galileans, why are 11a
you standing there looking at the sky?”

Who is he? 1
Name the place where this event happened. 1
What is the significance of this event? 2
What did the Galileans do immediately after this? 1
S2019 A2a Then they prayed, “Lord, you know the thoughts of everyone, so show us 01:24-25
which of these two you have chosen to serve as an apostle in the place of
Judas, who left to go to the place where he belongs.” 2
(i) Name the two men 1
(ii) What qualifications did these two men have in common?
(iii) Mention the method used to choose between the two men after
they prayed.

S2004 B6 Give an account of 01:1-12

(I) what Jesus taught his disciples during the forty days after his 4
(II) the occasion when he ascended into heaven from Mount Olivet. 9
Explain what the disciples thought the kingdom of God was and how Jesus
corrected that. 2
S2005 B6a Give an account of the election of Matthias 01:15-26 12
b What is the difference between the methods used in this election and that of 3
the seven deacons? Explain the reason for the difference.
S2007 B6a During the forty days after his death, Jesus appeared to his apostles many 01
times in Jerusalem.
Why did he order them not to leave Jerusalem? 2
State what Jesus said to his apostles on the day he was taken up to heaven. 2
(see Chapter 2)
S2010 B6a Give an account of how Judas was replaced as an apostle. 01:12-26 13
Comment on the method used to choose the apostle to replace Judas. 2

S2011 B6a Give an account of how Judas Iscariot is replaced as an apostle. 01:12-23 13
B6b Compare the method used here with that of the choosing of the seven men. 06:01-06
State the reason for the difference. 2
S2016 B6a Narrate the choosing of:
(i) the apostle to replace Judas Iscariot. 01:15-26 6
(exclude what was said about Judas Iscariot)
(ii) the seven helpers to be in charge of the distribution of funds 06:01-07 8

b State the significant event that led to the difference in the methods of choosing 1
used on both occasions.


S1996 A2a And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of mighty wind, and it 02:02 5
filled all the house where they were sitting. When did this take place and how
many disciples were in the house? What happened after this "sound" was
heard? What did they do after that?
S1997 A2a "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the 02:28 5
forgiveness of your sins;" When did Peter say this? What had happened to the
disciples earlier that morning? What was the response to his appeal?
S2006 A2a When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 02:01 1
When did the Jews celebrate Pentecost?
S2006 A2a When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 02:01 3
What three unusual things happened in the upper room on that day?

S2006 A2a When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. In 02:01 1
which city did this take place?

S2007 A2 All the believers continued together in close fellowship and shared their 02:44
belongings with one another.
In which city did this take place? 1
What did they do to share their belongings? 2
Give two examples of how they lived in close fellowship. 2
S2007 B6c During the forty days after his death, Jesus appeared to his apostles many 02 11
times in Jerusalem. Describe the events that happened on the day of
Pentecost in fulfillment of what Jesus told his apostles. (see chapter 1)

S2012 B6ab (a) Describe the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. 02 12
(b) Why was the day of Pentecost chosen for the coming of the Holy Spirit? 3

S2018 B6ab (a) Give an account of the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of 02:1-13
(b) State a change in Peter’s life after receiving the Holy Spirit. 13
Give an example to support your answer. 2

S1993 A2a "Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked for alms." Who 03:03 5
asked for alms? What did the apostle say to the man? What did the man do
after the apostle spoke?

S1998 A2a And when Peter saw it he addressed the people, "Men of Israel, why do you 03:16 5
wonder at this, or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety
we had made him walk?"
Where was Peter when he said this?
Why were the people staring at him?
What did Peter say had enabled the man to walk?
S2005 A2a Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the 03:1,3
ninth hour…. Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked for
Who asked for alms? 1
What did Peter say and do for this man? 3
Name the place in the temple where this incident occurred. 1
S2015 A2a When he (lame man) saw Peter and John going in, he begged to give him 03:03
At what time of the day did this incident happen? 1
What did Peter say to the man when he begged them to give him something? 2
The lame man was healed by Peter. Give evidence of his healing. 2

S1994 B8 Mention two miracles performed by Peter and state their effects on the people 03:04 4

S1995 B6 Give an account of the healing of the lame man at the Beautiful Gate of the 03:10 15
Temple. With reference to Peter's speech in Solomon's Portico, (a) What gave
the lame man his perfect health, and (b) how did the religious leader react?
Mention the other occasion when a lame man was healed, in the book of Acts.
S2000 B6 Two lame men were healed by the apostles as recorded in the book of Acts. 03:02   15
Compare and constrast these two records under the headings: (I) apostle (ii)
city and setting (iii) the lame man's background (iv) the words spoken by the
apostle (v) the healing (vi) reactions of the people present
S2009 B6a (a) Narrate the healing of the lame man at the Beautiful Gate. 03:1-10 12
(b) What effects did this miracle have on
(i) the people at the Temple, 1
(ii) the priests and the Sadducees, 1
(iii) the early church? 1
S2016 B7a Give an account of the healing of the man lame from birth at the Beautiful 03:1-10 11
b There was another incident where a man lame from birth was healed. Mention
the place, name of the person who performed the miracle and the
responses of the people to it. 4


S1994 A2b "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven 04:12 5
given among men by which we must be saved." At which trial did Peter say
this? What had he and John been teaching the people that annoyed the
Sadducees? From what were they to be "saved"? Support your answer with
reference to one other occasion when "salvation" was taught.
S1997 B6 How did their action differ from that of Barnabas? 04:36  

S2002 A2b "Why did the Gentiles rage, and the peoples imagine vain things? The kings of 04:25-26 1
the earth set themselves in array and the rulers were gathered together
against the Lord and against his Anointed" Name the 'king' and the 'ruler' who
went 'against the Lord and against his Anointed.'
S2003 A2 There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were possessors 04:34-35
of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of what was sold and
laid it at the apostle' feet;
Who was the man who did this? 1
Who else tried to follow his example? 2
Describe what happened in this situation 2

S2012 A2a Barnabas … sold a field he owned, brought the money, and turned it over to 04:36-37
the apostles.
Where was Barnabas from? 1
What was (does) his name (Barnabas) mean? 1
What happened when the money was turned over to the apostles? 2
Name a couple who tried to follow his example. 1

S2013 A2a As soon as Peter and John were set free, they returned to their group and told 04:23-24
them what the chief priests and he elders had said. When the believers heard
it, they all joined together in prayer to God, “Master and Creator of heaven,
earth, and sea, and all that is in them!”

What warning did the chief priests and the elders give to Peter and John
before setting them free? 1
State two requests made by the believers in their prayers to God. 2
What happened immediately after the believers prayed? 2


S1995 A2b "So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them 05:38-39 5
alone; for if this plan or this undertaking is of men, it will fail; but if it is God, you
will not be able to overthrow them." Name the man who gave this advice. What
judgement was passed on the apostles after this? How did the apostles react
to this judgement?
S1997 B6 Describe what happpened when Ananias and Sapphire sold their property and 05:01  
brought the proceeds to the apostles.

S2001 B6a Describe the incidents of how the following persons sinned. (I) Ananias and 05:01 9

S2001 B6b What warnings do these incidents give us? 05,08 2

S2002 B8c Briefly describe the extraordinary miracles performed by Peter in Jerusalem 05:15 3

S2006 B6a Mention three things about Gamaliel as told in the Acts of the Apostles. 05 3

S2006 B6b Relate Gamaliel's speech to persuade the Sanhedrin Council not to kill the 05 7

S2006 B6c After the speech, what was the Council's decision? 05 2

S2006 B6c After the speech, how did the apostles react to it? 05 3

S2008 B6a Describe the encounter of Peter with the couple Ananias and Sapphira. 05 11
(*see Chapter 18*)
State two differences between the couples mentioned above. 2

S2011 B7a Describe how an angel rescued Peter when he was put in jail by Herod 12:06-11 13
Give two other appearances of angels in the book of Acts 05:19; 2
S2014 A2b But with his wife’s agreement he kept part of the money for himself and 05:02
handed the rest over to the apostles.

Name the husband and wife 1

Where did they get the money? 1
Explain briefly the motive of their actions. 2
Finally, what happened to them. 1

S2017 A2b And then he (Gamaliel) said to the Council, “Fellow Israelites, be careful what 05:35
you do to these men (apostles).”

Who was Gamaliel? 1

What further advice did Gamaliel give the Council about the apostles? 2
How did his advice influence the Council’s decision? 2

S1995 B7 Seven men were chosen to help the apostle in their work. Describe: (a) the 06:01  
problem that led to the choosing of the seven deacons, and (b) the election of
these seven deacons.

S1995 B7 How did the life and death of Stephen, one of the deacons help in growth of 06:05  
the church?

S1996 B6a Describe how the persecution against Stephen arose and what happened to 06:08 12
him after this trial before the Sanhedrin?
S1997 A2b Now in these days when the disciples were increasing in number the Hellenists 06:01 5
murmured against the Hebrews… What was the Hellenists' complaint? How
did the apostles solve this problem?
S1999 B6a Give an account of the election of the seven deacons. 06:1-7  

S1999 B6b Briefly list the contributions of two deacons who helped in the growth of the 06:8-15  
Early Church.
S2004 A2a And the twelve summoned the body of the disciples and said, "It is not right 06:02 2
that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables." Why was
this meeting called?
S2004 A2a And the twelve summoned the body of the disciples and said, "It is not right 06:02 1
that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables." What was
the suggestion made by the apostles to solve this problem?
S2004 A2a And the twelve summoned the body of the disciples and said, "It is not right 06:02 2
that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables." To which
two areas of ministry would the apostles devote themselves?
S2010 A2a “So then, brothers, choose seven men among you …, and we will put them in 06:03
charge of this matter.”
State the matter that the seven men would be put in charge of. 1
Mention two qualifications the men must have in order to be chosen. 2
Give any four names of the seven men chosen. 2

S2011 A2a But the Spirit gave Stephen such wisdom that when he spoke, they could not 06:10
refute him.
Give two characteristics of Stephen. 2
Who could not refute him? 1
What false accusations did they make when they could not refute him? 2

S2011 B6a Give an account of how Judas Iscariot is replaced as an apostle. 01:12-23 13
B6b Compare the method used here with that of the choosing of the seven men. 06:01-06
State the reason for the difference. 2
S2015 B6a Give an account of the choosing seven men to solve a problem that arose in
the early church. 06:1-6 11

B6b Two of the seven men contributed greatly to the growth of the early church.
Give evidence to support this statement. 4

S2016 B6a Narrate the choosing of:

(i) the apostle to replace Judas Iscariot. 01:15-26 6
(exclude what was said about Judas Iscariot)
(ii) the seven helpers to be in charge of the distribution of funds 06:01-07 8

b State the significant event that led to the difference in the methods of choosing 1
used on both occasions.


S1993 B6 What did Stephen say about Abraham in his defence before the Sanhedrin? 07:1-60 15
Explain briefly why he referred to Abraham in his defence. What did they do to
S1995 B7 How did the life and death of Stephen, one of the deacons help in growth of 07:59  
the church?
S2008 A2b With a loud cry the Council members covered their ears with their hands. Then 07:57
they all rushed at him at once,…
State what Stephen had just said to make the Council members behave this 2
What did they do to Stephen after this? 1
What did Stephen pray on this occasion? 2
S2016 A2a “How stubborn you (members of the Council) are!” Stephen went on to say. 07:51
“How heathen your hearts, how deaf you are to God’s message! You are just
like your ancestors; you too have always resisted the Holy Spirit!”
Give two characteristics of Stephen. 2
State two other things Stephen said about members of the Council. 2
In the end, what did the members of the Council do to Stephen? 1
S2018 A2a “How stubborn you are!” Stephen went on to say. “How heathen your hearts, 07:51
how deaf you are to God’s message! You are just like your ancestors; you too
have always resisted the Holy Spirit!”
Who does ‘you’ refer to? 1
Mention two things about Stephen. 2
Finally, what did Stephen’s listeners do to him? 2

S1993 B8 Give an account of Paul's encounter with Elymas at Paphos. What are the 08:9-24  
significance of the following incidents: (a) Peter's encounter with Simon in

S1994 A2c "Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to 08:26 5
Gaza." What great work was Philip doing when the angel of the Lord said this
to him? Whom did he meet on this road and what was that person doing at that
time? What did Philip do for this person?
S1996 B6b What impact did this persecution have on the church in Jerusalem? 08:02 3

S1999 B6b Briefly list the contributions of two deacons who helped in the growth of the 08:5-8  
Early Church.
S1999 B7b Mention two other incidents in which the apostles demonstrated their power 08:9-13  
over sorcery.
S2000 A2b But the angel of the Lord said to Phillip, "Rise and go toward the south to the 08:26 5
road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." Who did Phillip meet on the
road that led from Jerusalem to Gaza? What was he doing when Phillip found
him? What question did he ask Phillip? What did Phillip do for this man?
S2001 B6a Describe the incidents of how the following persons sinned. (ii) Simon the 08:09 4
S2003 B6a Give an account of Philip's ministry in Samaria including that of the conversion 08:05 11
of Simon the magician.

S2003 B6b With reference to the work of Philip as found in the book of Acts, describe how 08:05 4
he constantly went against Jewish prejudices in preaching the Gospel.
S2006 B8a Give an account of the ministry of angels in the lives of: Philip (See Chpt 10, 08 2
S2007 B7a In what ways did Saul try to destroy the church? 08 2
(see Chapter 9 for more)
S2008 B7a Give an account of the conversion and baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch. 08 12

S2008 B7b What three things does this account reveal about Philip? 08 3

S2011 B7a Describe how an angel rescued Peter when he was put in jail by Herod 12:06-11 13
Give two other appearances of angels in the book of Acts 05:19; 2
S2012 B7a (a) Narrate the incidents when: 08
Peter and John met Simon in Samaria. 7
Paul and Barnabas met Elymas in Cyprus. 6

(b) What two lessons did the early church learn from these two incidents? 2
S2017 B6 (a) Relate the account of the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch by Philip. 08:24-40 13

(b) How did the Ethiopian eunuch’s conversion impact the spread of the 2

S2019 A2b For the Holy Spirit had not yet come down on any of them; they had only been 08:16-18
baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Peter and John placed their
hands on them, and they received the Holy spirit. Simon (the magician) saw
that the Spirit had been given to the believers when the apostles placed their
hands on them.
Where did this incident take place? 1
What did Simon the magician do and say when he saw the believers receive
the Holy spirit? 2
State Peter’s response to Simon the magician. 2


S1993 A2b "Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done to 09:13 5
thy saints at Jerusalem." Who said this? What had he come to Damascus to
do? What was the Lord's reply?
S1994 B8 Mention two miracles performed by Peter and state their effects on the people 09:34, 39 4
S1995 A2c Saul arose from the ground; and when his were opened, he could see nothing; 09:08 5
so they led him by the hand brought him into Damascus. What happened to
make Saul blind? Relate the conversation between him and Jesus on this
S1996 A2b In those days she fell sick and died; and when they had wash her, they laid her 09:37 5
in an upper room. Who is "she" and why is she much loved by the disciples in
Joppa? What did Peter do when he arrived in Joppa? What effect did this have
on the people of Joppa?
S1998 A2b And the Lord said to hom, "Rise and go to the street called Straight, and 09:11 5
inquire in the house of Judas for a man of Tarsus named Saul; for behold, he
is praying…" In which city did this take place? What did Ananias tell Jesus he
had heard about Saul? What did Jesus then tell Ananias about Saul's work in
the future?
S1999 A2b "…and they were all afraid of him… But Barnabas took him and brought him to 09:26 5
the apostles, and declared to them…" Whom did Barnabas bring to the
apostles? What did he say to recommend him? Why could the apostles trust
S1999 A2b "…and they were all afraid of him… But Barnabas took him and brought him to 09:27 5
the apostles, and declared to them…" Whom did Barnabas bring to the
apostles? What did he say to recommend him? Why could the apostles trust
S2000 B7 (a) Narrate the conversion of Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. (b) 09:01 15
What effects did his conversion have on the Early Church? (c ) What
advantages did this background give him in the expansion of the Church?
S2001 B7a Give an account of the raising of the dead by (I) Peter 09:36-42 7

S2001 B7b What roles did these two men play in the expansion of the early church? 09,20 3

S2003 A2b And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why do 09:04 1
you persecute me?" Where was Saul going when this happened?
S2003 A2b And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why do 09:04 1
you persecute me?" Why was he going to that place?

S2003 A2b And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why do 09:04 1
you persecute me?" How did Saul answer the question above?

S2003 A2b And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why do 09:04 2
you persecute me?" What was the response to Saul's answer?

S2003 B7 Describe the missionary work undertaken by Peter in the following places: (a) 09:32-43 5

S2003 B7 Describe the missionary work undertaken by Peter in the following places: (b) 09:32-43 10

S2004 A2b But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry 09:15-16 1
my name before the Gentiles and kings and sons of Israel; for I will show him
how much he must suffer for the sake of my name." To whom did the Lord say
this of Saul?

S2004 A2b But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry 09:15-16 1
my name before the Gentiles and kings and sons of Israel; for I will show him
how much he must suffer for the sake of my name." In which city did this
conversation take place?

S2004 A2b But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry 09:15-16 3
my name before the Gentiles and kings and sons of Israel; for I will show him
how much he must suffer for the sake of my name." Name one king to whom
Saul testified and mention two occasions when he suffed for the sake of
Jesus's name.

S2005 A2b …but his disciples took him by night and let him down over the wall, lowering 09:25
him in a basket.
In which city did this take place? 1
How did the believers react to Saul when he arrived in Jerusalem? 2
What did Barnabas say about Saul that make them change their minds? 1
Why could they trust Barnabas? 1

S2006 A2b … he said, "Tabitha, rise." 09:40

Who said this? 1
Name the city in which this incident occurred. 1
What had Tabitha done for the disciples there? 2
What had happened to her? 1

S2007 B7b Give an account of how Saul met Jesus on the road to Damascus 09
Give an account of how God prepared Ananias to help Saul. 6
What impact did Saul's conversion have on the church? 5
(see Chapter 8 for more) 2
S2010 B8b State God’s plan for Paul (Saul) as revealed to Ananias in Damascus. 09:15-16 3
Compare Agabus’ prophecy with this.
(see also S2010 Chapter 21 for question B8a)
S2012 A2b … he turned to the body and said, “Tabitha, get up!” 09:40
Who said this? 1
Name the town in which this incident took place. 1
What was Tabitha well-known for? 2
What impact did this incident have on the people? 1

S2013 B7a Give an account of the following miracles:

(i) Peter raising Tabitha to life in Joppa 09:36-42 7
(ii) Paul raising Eutychus to life in Troas 20:7-12 6

B7b What do geographical locations of these two incidents tell us about the
different calling of Peter and Paul? 2
S2014 B6a Give an account of the conversion of Saul (Paul) on the road to Damascus. 09:1-17 13

B6b How did Paul’s conversion contribute to the growth of the early church? 2
S2015 A2b Saul stayed for a few days with the believers in Damascus. He went straight to 09:19b-
the synagogue and began to preach that Jesus was the Son of God. 20

What was the reaction of those who heard Saul and why did they react in that
way? 3
What happened to Saul’s preaching from this point onwards? 2
S2016 A2b Saul went to Jerusalem and tried to join the disciples. But they would not 09:26-
believe that he was a disciple, and they were all afraid of him. Then Barnabas 27a
came to his help and took him to the apostles.

Where was Saul before he went to Jerusalem? 1

Why were the disciples afraid of Saul? 2
What did Barnabas say to the apostles to help Saul? 2


S1994 B6 Give an account of Peter's vision on the roof-top. 10:09 10

S1994 B6 How do we know from this account that this was an important lesson for him? 10:09 5
What did peter learn and what was he being prepared for?

S1998 B6 Describe Cornelius. Give an account of his vision and what he did in response 10:01 15
to it. Briefly explain how God prepared Peter to help Cornelius. In what way
was the conversion of Cornelius significant in the growth of this early church?
S2001 A2b About the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God 10:03
coming in and saying to him.''Cornelius.''
What are we told about Cornelius' occupation and character?
What was the angel's message to him? 2
S2004 B7a Describe the visions of (I) Cornelius in Caesarea; 10:1-7 6

S2004 B7a Describe the visions of (ii) Peter in Joppa 10:9-19 7

S2004 B7b Why was Peter given this vision? 10:9-19 2

S2006 B8b Give an account of the ministry of angels in the lives of: Cornelius (see Chpt 10 3
S2006 B8c Give an account of the ministry of angels in the lives of: Peter (see Chpt 8,27) 10 3

S2009 A2b Peter began to speak: “I now realise that it is true that God treats everyone on 10:34-35
the same basis. Whoever fears him and does what is right is acceptable to
him, no matter what race he belongs to.”
Who were present when Peter said these words? 2
Why were these words significant to the listeners? 1
What happened while Peter was still speaking? 1
As a result, what did Peter tell them to do? 1
S2010 B7a Narrate the visions of 10:1-15
Cornelius in Caesarea, and 5
Peter in Joppa 8
In what ways were the visions significant to the growth of the early church. 2
S2011 B7a Describe how an angel rescued Peter when he was put in jail by Herod 12:06-11 13
Give two other appearances of angels in the book of Acts 05:19; 2
S2013 A2b While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit came down on all those where 10:44
were listening to his message.

In whose home was Peter speaking? 1

Identify one group of people who was present. 1
What were the two actions of the listeners when the Holy Spirit came done on
them? 2
State the significance of this incident. 1

S2018 B7ab (a) Describe the vision that

(i) Cornelius had in his house. 10:01-06 5
(ii) Peter had on the roof of the house of Simon, the leather-wroker. 10:09-16 6
(b) (i) What did Peter learn from the vision? 2
ii) How did Peter’s vision impact the spread of the gospel? 2

S1993 B7 Give an account of two occasions when the prophet Agabus met the apostle 11:28 15
Paul. What are two ways in which the word "prophecy" is used in the book of
S1994 B7 Mention the events which show that Antioch became an important centre for 11 4
the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles.
S1994 B7 Narrate how the gospel was taken to Antioch-of-Syria and how the church was 11:19-27 11
established there within a year.
S1997 B7 Describe how the church in Antioch-of-Syria was established, highlighting the 11:19  
roles of the men of Cyprus and Cyrene, Barnabas and Saul.
S1997 B8a Mention two other incidents when Agabus made a prophecy that was fulfilled. 11:28  


S1996 A2c So Peter was kept in prison; but earnest prayer for him was made to God by 12:05 5
the church. Who had imprisoned Peter? At whose house were many gathered
together to pray? Describe briefly how God answered the people's prayer.
S2000 A2c And Peter came to himself and said, " Now I am sure that the Lord has sent his 12:11 5
angel and rescued me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish
people were expecting." Where did Peter go after he said these words? How
did the people react when he arrived? What did Peter tell them?
S2002 A2c They said to her, "You are mad." But she insisted that it was so. They said, "It 12:15
is his angel!"
At whose house did this incident take place? 1
Name the person who was referred to as 'mad' and what did she insist on? 2
Why were the people surprised at what she told them? 1
What had they been doing? 1

S2006 B8c Give an account of the ministry of angels in the lives of: Peter (see Chpt 10, 12 3
S2011 B7a Describe how an angel rescued Peter when he was put in jail by Herod 12:06-11 13
Give two other appearances of angels in the book of Acts. 05:19; 2
S2019 B6a Describe what happened to Peter after his arrest by King Herod and how he 12:3-19
was miraculously brought out from prison. 13
State a lesson learnt from this incident. 2

S1994 B7 Mention the events which show that Antioch became an important centre for 13 4
the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles.

S1996 B7a Why were Barnabas and Saul set apart by the church in Antioch-of-Syria? 13:02 2
S1996 B7b Briefly outline the main incidents that occurred in the following places that they 13:06  
visited: (I) Paphos
S1997 A2c "It was necessary that the word of God be spoken first to you. Since you thrust 13:46 5
it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we turn to
the Gentiles." Where was Paul when he said this? What happened to cause
him to say it? How did the Gentiles and the Jews react to these words?
S1997 Bb Give two meanings of the word "prophet" as used in the book of Acts, giving 13  
an example in each case.
S1998 B7 Give an account of the visit of Barnabas and Saul to Paphos on the first 13:06  
missionary journey.
S1999 B7a Describe the encounter of Barnabas and Paul with the magician, Elymas and 13:06-12  
the conversion of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus.
S1999 B8b Mention two other occasions when Paul categorically turned away from the 13:14-46  
Jews to go to the Gentiles.
S2003 B8c With reference to any two of the three cities, Antioch-of-Pisidia, Lystra, and 13:01 4
Athens, show how Paul adapts his preaching to suit different groups of people.
S2006 A2c … the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to 13:02
which I have called them."
In which church did this incident take place? 1
What were the believers doing then? 1
What was the work that the Holy Spirit had for Barnabas and Saul? 1
Name two other teachers in this church. 2

S2007 A2b "You son of the Devil!...You are full of all kinds of evil tricks, and you always 13:10
keep trying to turn the Lord's truths into lies!..."
Where was Paul when he said this? 1
To whom was it said? 1
Why did Paul say these words? 2
What happened to You after this? 1

S2010 A2b They went all the way across the island of Paphos, where they met a certain 13:06
magician …
Name the young man who went with Paul and Barnabas to Paphos. 1
Mention two facts about this magician. 2
What did this magician try to do? 1
How was this magician punished? 1

S2012 B7a (a) Narrate the incidents when: 13:06-12

Peter and John met Simon in Samaria. 7
Paul and Barnabas met Elymas in Cyprus. 6

(b) What two lessons did the early church learn from these two incidents? 2
S2014 A2c They disputed what Paul was saying and insulted him. But Paul and Barnabas 13:45b-
spoke out even more boldly: “It was necessary that the word of God should 46
be spoken first to you. But since you rejected it and do not consider
yourselves worthy of eternal life, we will leave you and go to the Gentiles.”

‘You’ in the context above, refers to _________________. 1

What was the Gentiles’ response to the words spoken above? 1
Name another city where Paul said he would turn to the Gentiles. 1
Comment on Paul’s ability to speak out even more boldly when faced with 2
disputes and insults.

S2018 A2b But they were opposed by the magician Elymas (that is his name in Greek), 13:8-9
who tried to turn the governor away from the faith. Then Saul – also known as
Paul – was filled with the Holy Spirit; he looked straight at the magician.
Name one person who was with Paul. 1
Where did this event take place? 1
State the strong words of condemnation Paul used on Elymas. 3
S1994 B7 Mention the events which show that Antioch became an important centre for 14 4
the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles.
S1996 B7b Briefly outline the main incidents that occurred in the following places that they 14:08  
visited: (ii) Lystra
S2000 B6 Two lame men were healed by the apostles as recorded in the book of Acts. 14:08  
Compare and constrast these two records under the headings: (I) apostle (ii)
city and setting (iii) the lame man's background (iv) the words spoken by the
apostle (v) the healing (vi) reactions of the people present
S2001 A2c "The gods have come down to us in likeness of men!" Who said these words? 14:11 1

S2001 A2c "The gods have come down to us in likeness of men!" Which gods did they 14:11 1
think the apostle were?
S2001 A2c "The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men !" How did the 14:11 2
apostles respond to the people's attempt to worship them?
S2001 A2c "The gods have come downto us in the likeness of men!" Name another 14:11 1
apostle who refused to accept worship from men.
S2002 B6a Describe the healing of the cripple at Lystra including the reactions of the 14:08 9
people there.
S2002 B6b Why were the apostles disturbed bu their reactions? What did the apostle then 14:08 4

S2002 B6c How did Paul describe God to the people at Lystra? 14:08 2

S2003 B8a Narrate the healing of the cripple in Lystra and how the crowds reacted to this 14:08 7
S2003 B8b Give a brief account of Paul's explaination of why the crowds should not have 14:08 4
acted that way.
S2003 B8c With reference to any two of the three cities, Antioch-of-Pisidia, Lystra, and 14:08 4
Athens, show how Paul adapts his preaching to suit different groups of people.
S2005 B7a Describe the events that took place in Lystra, including the speech of 14:08-12 11
Barnabas and Paul.
S2005 B7b Why did the people of Lystra oppose Paul later on and what did they do to 14:08-20 2
S2005 B7c What do these events show about human nature? 14:08-20 2

S2008 A2c "Why are you doing this? We ourselves are only human beings! We are here 14:15
to announce the Good News,…"
In which city did Paul and Barnabas say this? 1
What caused them to say this? 2
What Good news did they announce on this occasion? 2
 S2009 A2c When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they started shouting in their own 14:11
Lycaonian language, …
What did they shout in their own Lycaonian language? 1
What had Paul done to make the crowds shout? 1
In which town did this happen? 1
How did the crowds react in response to this incident? 2

S2013 A2c When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they started shouting in their own 14:11
Lycaonian language, “The gods have become like men and have come down
to us!”

What had Paul done?

Give two further responses of the crowd. 1
Later, Paul told the crowds about the living God. List two facts Paul mentioned 2
about Him. 2

S2015 B7a Narrate the miracle performed by Paul in Lystra. 14:8-20 4

B7b What were the reactions of the crowds after seeing the miracle? 3

B7c How did Paul and Barnabas respond to the crowds? 6

B7d Identify two differences between the miracles performed by Peter at the
Beautiful Gate and Paul in Lystra. 2


S1993 A2c " For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no 15:28  
greater burden than these necessary things." Who suggested this letter be
written? To what did these necessary things refer? What freedom would be
enjoyed by Gentile Christians as a result of this letter?
S1994 B7 Mention the events which show that Antioch became an important centre for 15 4
the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles.
S1996 A2d "For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater 15:28 5
burden then this necessary things:" What were "these necessary things"?
What was significantly absent from this list? Why had it been necessary for the
letter to be written?
S1997 B7 Describe briefly how the church in Antioch became a centre of missionary 15  
activity among the Gentiles.
S1999 A2c "Since we have heard that some persons from among us have troubled you 15:24 5
with words, unsettling your minds, although we gave them no instructions…"
What were the words that had troubled the minds of the Gentile believers?
Which two men were sent with Barnabas and Paul to deliver this letter to the
Gentile Church? What decisions were conveyed to the Gentile Christians in
this letter?
S2005 A2c "For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater 15:28 1
burden than these necessary things…" To what did the 'greater burden' refer?
S2005 A2c "For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater 15:28 3
burden than these necessary things…" What were 'these necessary things'?

S2005 A2c "For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater 15:28 1
burden than these necessary things…" Which incident in the experience of
Peter had helped the leaders to come to this decision?
S2008 B8a What were the reasons for holding the Council of Jerusalem? 15 3

S2008 B8b Relate the testimony of Peter at the Council of Jerusalem. 15 7

S2008 B8c What conclusion and recommendations did the Chairman of the Council 15 5
S2011 A2b There was a sharp argument, and they separated … 15:39
Identify the two men in this argument. 2
Why was there a sharp argument? 2
What happened when they separated? 1
S2013 B6a What conflict arose in the church of Antioch? 15:1-33 1

B6b Relate how the conflict was solved at the Jerusalem Council. 12

B6c What was the effect of the decisions made by the Jerusalem Council on the
early church? 2

S2015 A2c But some of the believers who belonged to the party of Pharisees stood up 15:5-6
and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and told to obey the Law of
Moses.” The apostles and the elders met together to consider this question.

Name the city where the question on the circumcision of the Gentiles first
started. 1
After considering this question, what instructions were given to the Gentile
believers? 3
Instead of circumcision, what did the apostles believe was necessary for the
Gentile believers to be saved? 1

S2019 A2c Barnabas wanted to take John Mark with them, but Paul did not think it was 15: 37-38
right to take him,…
What did John Mark do that caused Paul not to take him with them? 1
What happened after this? 2
Who do you think made a better decision, Paul or Barnabas?
Give a reason to support your answer. 2


S1994 A2d As we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who … 16:16 5
brought her owners much gain by soothsaying. What was wrong with this girl?
What did she do for many days? What did Paul do for her? Mention the other
city in which Paul demonstrated the same power.
S1997 A2d …and on the sabbath day we went outside the gate to the riverside, where we 16:13 5
supposed there was a place of prayer; and we sat down and spoke to the
women who had come together. In which city were Paul and his company?
What do you know about one of the women who was there?

S1998 A2c …so, passing by Mysia, they went down to Troas. And a vision appeared to 16:8-9 5
Paul in the night:… Relate what Paul saw and heard in this vision. What
conclusion did he and his companions come to? Who were his companions at
this time?
S2004 A2c But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, … 16:25-26
and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundation of the
prisons were shaken;…
What did the jailer see when he woke up? 1
How did he react? 1
Relate Paul's conversation with him that night. 3

S2006 A2d And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing 16:09
beseeching him…
In which city was Paul that night?
What request did the man of Macedonia make to Paul? 1
To whom did Paul tell this vision? 1
What was their response to this vision? 1

S2010 A2c “… Then they threw us in prison. And now they want to send us away 16:37
secretly? Not at all! The Roman officials themselves must come here and let
us out.” 1
In which city were Paul and Silas when these words were spoken? 2
What reasons did Paul give in making this demand? 2
How did the Roman officials respond to Paul’s demand?
S2017 A2c As soon as Paul had this vision, we got ready to leave for Macedonia, … 16:10a

Where was Paul when he had this vision? 1

Describe the vision. 2
Explain the importance of this vision. 2

S1999 B7b Mention two other incidents in which the apostles demonstrated their power 16:16-18  
over sorcery.
S2005 B8c Mention two other occasions in which the apostles demonstrated the power of 16:16-18 2
the gospel over magic.

S2006 B7a Describe the following incidents: 16

i. The encounter of the seven sons of Sceva. (see chapter 19) 6
ii. The deliverance of the slave girl by Paul. 7
B7b Comment on the power of the Gospel over evil spirits as seen in these
incidents. 2

S2009 B7 (a) Give an account of the conversion of Lydia. 16:11-15 9

(b) Comment on the significance of her conversion. 2
(c) Name two other women who helped in the growth of the early church 4
and mention what they did.
S2012 B8 (a) Describe the conversion of the jailer in Philippi where Paul and Silas were 16:25-26 12
(b) Name another person who was converted in Philippi. 16:11-15
Compare and contrast these two conversions. 3

S2014 B7a Why did Paul go over to Macedonia during his second missionary journey? 16:6-10 2

B7b Give an account of Paul’s visit to Thessalonica in Macedonia. Include the 17:1-9
attack on Jason. 13
S2018 B8ab (a) Give an account of the conversion of the jailer in Philippi, where Paul was 16:25-40 13
imprisoned. Begin your answer from, “About midnight, Paul…”
(b) Why did Paul claimed his Roman citizenship when the authorities wanted 16:35-40 2
to release him?

S1995 A2d The brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Beroe'a; What 17:10 5
did Paul and Silas do when they reached Beroe'a? In what way were the jews
in Beroe'a different from the jews in Thessalonica? Why did Paul have to leave
Beroe'a hurriedly?
S2001 A2d "Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious." 17:22
Name the place in Athens where Paul said this. 1
What reason did he give for saying it? 1
What two things did he tell them about Jesus? 2
Name two persons who believed Paul's message that day. 1

S2007 A2c "For as I walked through your city and looked at the places where you worship, 17:23
I found an altar on which is written, 'To an Unknown God'…"
To which city did Paul refer? 1
Name the city council that Paul was addressing. 1
Mention three facts Paul said about this Unknown God. 3

S2011 A2c But the Jews were jealous and gathered some of the worthless loafers from 17:05
the streets and formed a mob. They set the whole city in an uproar and
attacked the home of a man…
Name the city that this incident took place. 1
Why were the Jews jealous? 1
Whose home did they attack and why? 2
Finally, what did the man have to do? 1

S2002 B7a Give a full account of what took place on Paul's missionary visits to 17:01 10
S2002 B7b Give a full account of what took place on Paul's missionary visits to Beroea 17:10 5

S2003 B8c With reference to any two of the three cities, Antioch-of-Pisidia, Lystra, and 17:16 4
Athens, show how Paul adapts his preaching to suit different groups of people.
S2014 B7a Why did Paul go over to Macedonia during his second missionary journey? 16:6-10 2

B7b Give an account of Paul’s visit to Thessalonica in Macedonia. Include the 17:1-9
attack on Jason. 13
S2016 B8a Narrate Paul’s speech before the city council, the Areopagus, in Athens. 17:22-31 12

b Comment on the reactions of the city council members. 17:32-34 3


S1999 B8a Relate Paul's experiences in Corinth when he met Priscilla and Aquila and 18:1-7  
when he left the synagogue to preach to the Gentiles.
S2001 B8a Describe the background of the couple, Aquila and Priscilla. 18:02 4

S2001 B8b Give an account of the contribution made by this couple to the growth of the 18:18
church with reference to help they gave to
(I) Paul 4
(II) Apollos 4
S2001 B8c Mention the qualities this couple saw in Apollos. 18:26 3

S2003 A2c He began to speak boldly in the synagogue; but when Priscilla and Aquila 18:26
heard him, they took him and expounded to him the way of God more
In which city did the above take place? 1
To whom did Priscilla and Aquila expound the way of God more accurately? 1
Why was it necessary for them to do so? 1
How did this person help the church after listening to Priscilla and Aquila? 2

S2005 A2d After this he left Athens and went to Corinth. And he found a Jew named 18:1-2
Aquila, a native of Pontus, lately come from Italy with his wife Priscilla,
Why did Aquila and Priscilla leave Italy to come to Corinth? 1
How did this couple help Paul? 2
Name another man who was helped by this couple 1
In what way did they help him? 1
S2008 B6b Mention how another couple, Aquila and Priscilla, helped Paul in the growth of 18 2
the church. (*see Chapter 5*)
S2008 B6c State two differences between the couples mentioned above. (*see Chapter 18 2
S2011 B8a Describe Paul’s work among
(i) the Jews (Aquila and Priscilla, Crispus and Sosthenes) 18:01-03, 8
(ii) and the Gentiles (Titius Justus and Gallio) 18:07, 5
12,14, 17
B8b Give two other instances where the entire families believe in Jesus in the book
of Acts 2
S2013 A2d When Gallio was made the Roman governor of Achaia, the Jews got together, 18:12
seized Paul, and took him into court.

Name the city where this event took place. 1

What did the Jews accuse Paul of when they took him into court? 1
What is the response of Gallio to the Jews’ accusation? 2
Finally, what did Gallio do to the Jews? 1

S2019 B7a Give an account of Paul in Corinth where he met a Jewish couple, including 18:1-11
his ministry there and his vision 13
Mention two other occasions when Paul had a vision. 2

S1998 A2d "Men, you know that from this business we have our wealth. And you see and 19:25 5
hear that not only at Ephesus but almost throughout all Asia this Paul has
persuaded and turned away a considerable company of people, saying that
gods made with hands are not gods." Who said this? What was "this
business"? What danger did he say they faced as a result of Paul's preaching?
Who calmed the riot that arose after this?
S1998 A2d "Men, you know that from this business we have our wealth. And you see and 19:26 5
hear that not only at Ephesus but almost throughout all Asia this Paul has
persuaded and turned away a considerable company of people, saying that
gods made with hands are not gods." Who said this? What was "this
business"? What danger did he say they faced as a result of Paul's preaching?
Who calmed the riot that arose after this?
S2000 A2d Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to pronounce the name 19:13 5
of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, "I adjure you by the
Jesus whom Paul preaches." Name the group of exorcists who was doing this.
Describe what happened when they did this to a certain man. What effects did
this incident have on the people of Ephesus?
S2012 A2c Paul said, “The baptism of John was for those who turned from their sins; and 19:4
he told the people of Israel to believe in the one who was coming after him –
that is, in Jesus.
i. Where was Paul when he said this? 1
ii. How many people was Paul speaking to? 1
iii. State what Paul did immediately after this. 1
iv. What happened as a result of Paul’s action? 2

S2014 A2d There is the danger, then, that this business of ours will get a bad name. Not 19:27
only that, but there is also the danger that the temple of the great goddess
Artemis will come to mean nothing and that her greatness will be destroyed –
the goddess worshipped by everyone in Asia and in all the world!

Name the person who said these words. 1

In which city did this incident take place? 1
What business were they doing? 1
Why was their business getting a bad name? 2

S2015 A2d “Now, you can see and hear for yourselves what this fellow Paul is doing. He 19:26
says that man-made gods are not gods at all, and he has succeeded in
convincing many people, both here in Ephesus and in nearly the whole
province of Asia.”

Who said these words? 1

Why was the speaker concerned that Paul had succeeded in convincing many
people that man-made gods are not gods at all? 2
What is the difference between the man-made gods and the God preached by
Paul? 2

S2016 A2c But the evil spirit said to them, “I know Jesus, and I know about Paul; but you- 19:15
who are you?”

To whom was the evil spirit speaking? 1

What was the immediate incident that led the spirit to say this? 2
Finally, what happened to them? 2


S1993 B8 Give an account of Paul's encounter with Elymas at Paphos. What are the 19:14  
significance of the following incidents: (b) Paul's encounter with the Sons of
S1998 B7 Mention another incident when Jewish exorcists were defeated in their efforts 19:13  
to imitate the power of the apostles of the church. What effect did it have on
the people of the city where it took place?
S2002 B8a What extraordinary miracles were performed by Paul in the city of Ephesus? 19:01 3
S2002 B8b Relate the incident involving the seven sons of Sceva and the reaction of the 19:14 9
Ephesians to what they were doing.
S2005 B8a What extraordinary miracles were performed by Paul in the city of Ephesus? 19:01-20 2

S2005 B8b Relate the incident involving the seven sons of Sceva and the reaction of the 19:01-20 11
residents of the city.
S2006 B7a Describe the following incidents: 19
i. The encounter of the seven sons of Sceva. 6
ii. The deliverance of the slave girl by Paul. (see chapter 16) 7

B7b Comment on the power of the Gospel over evil spirits as seen in these
incidents. 2

S2017 B7a A riot broke out at Ephesus while Paul was there on his third missionary 19:24-35
journey. Narrate:
(i) What Demetrius the silversmith said which led to the riot. 6
(ii) What the city clerk said before dismissing the crowd. 7

B7b What lesson can be learnt from this rioting incident? 2


S1999 A2d "There were many lights in the upper chamber where we were gathered. And a 20:8 5
young man named…was sitting in the window." Name this young man. What
happened to him? What did Paul do for him? In which city did this take place?
S1999 A2d "There were many lights in the upper chamber where we were gathered. And a 20:9 5
young man named…was sitting in the window." Name this young man. What
happened to him? What did Paul do for him? In which city did this take place?
S2003 A2d And a young man … was sitting in the window. He sank into a deep sleep as 20:09
Paul talked still longer;
Who was this young man? 1
In which city did he live? 1
What happened to him as Paul continued to speak? 1
What did Paul do for him? 2

S1994 B8 Describe the occasion when Paul raised Eutychus from the dead. 20:09 11

S2001 B7a Give an account of the raising of the dead by (ii) Paul 20:1-12 5

S2007 B8a Describe these two incidents: Paul performed a miracle on Eutychus 20 7

S2007 B8b What do these two incidents tell us about the power of God as shown in the 20 1
lives of the apostles?
S2013 B7a Give an account of the following miracles:
(i) Peter raising Tabitha to life in Joppa 09:36-42 7
(ii) Paul raising Eutychus to life in Troas 20:7-12 6

B7b What do geographical locations of these two incidents tell us about the
different calling of Peter and Paul? 2


S2004 A2d On the morrow we depated and came to Caesarea; and we entered the house 21:8-10
of Philip the evengelist… While we were staying for some days, a prophet
named Agabus came down from Judea.
What did Agabus do and say in Philip's house that day? 3
How did Paul's friends react to his message? 1
What was Paul's reply to them? 1
S2009 A2d He came to us, took Paul’s belt, tied up his own feet and hands with it, and 21:11
said, …
Who took Paul’s belt? 1
In whose house did this take place? 1
What did he say would happen to Paul? 2
How did the listeners (us) react to what he said? 1
S2018 A2c He came to us, took Paul’s belt, tied up his own feet and hands with it, and 21:11
said, “This is what the Holy Spirit says: The owner of this belt will be tied up in
this way by the Jews in Jerusalem, and they will hand him over to the
Who is he? 1
In whose house did this incident take place? 1
How did the people react when they heard what the Holy Spirit had said? 1
What did Paul say in response to the people’s reaction? 2

S1993 B7 Give an account of two occasions when the prophet Agabus met the apostle 21:10 15
Paul. What are two ways in which the word "prophecy" is used in the book of
S1997 B8a Relate the incident that took place in the house of Phillip the Evangelist when 21:10  
Agabus prophesied concerning Paul's future.
S1998 B8 Why did Paul have the right to make this appeal? Mention two other occasions 21:39  
when he claimed the privilege of this right and tell the effect it had on the
S2010 B8a Give an account of the prophet Agabus’ visit to Philip’s house in Caesarea 21:7-11 6
Relate the reactions of Paul and the believers upon hearing the words of the 21:12-14 4
prophet Agabus.
Based on Paul’s reactions, evaluate his commitment to God’s work. 2

(see also S2010 Chapter 09 for question B8b)


S2002 A2d “Is it lawful for you to scoge a man who is a Roman citizen and 22:25
uncondemned?" 1
To whom did Paul ask this question? 1
Name the tribune who had ordered him to be scourged. 2
How did the tribune and Paul obtain their citizenship? 1
Mention another occasion when Paul claimed that he was a Roman citizen.


S1998 B8 Why did Paul have the right to make this appeal? Mention two other occasions 22  
when he claimed the privilege of this right and tell the effect it had on the
S1999 B8b Mention two other occasions when Paul categorically turned away from the 22:1-22  
Jews to go to the Gentiles.

S2007 A2d … some Jews met together and made a plan. They took a vow that they would 23:12
not eat or drink anything until they had killed Paul.
How many Jews took this vow? 1
Who discovered this plan and informed Paul? 1
What did Paul do after being told about the plan? 2
What was done immediately to ensure Paul's safety? 1

S2015 B8a Relate the plot against Paul’s life which was discovered by his sister’s son. 23:12-22 4

B8b Narrate the events that took place after Commander Claudius Lysias was told 23:23-35
about the plot. 11

S2019 B8a Give an account of the plot to kill Paul and how Commander Claudius Lysias 23:12-25
found out about it. 13
Commander Claudius Lysias later helped Paul by sending him to Caesarea.
Mention another example where believers were also helped out of danger. 2

S2017 A2d Five days later the High Priest Ananias went to Caesarea with some elders 24:01
and a lawyer named Tertullus. They appeared before Felix and made their
charges against Paul.

A Roman commander had brought Paul to Governor Felix. Name this Roman
commander. 1
Mention two of the charges Tertullus made against Paul. 2
What did Felix decide to do at the end of the hearing? 2


S1995 B8 Give the main point of Paul's speech before the Roman Governor, Felix, in 24:03 15


S1998 B8 "I appeal to Caesar." Describe the trial when Paul made this statement. 25:11  

S2009 B8 (a) Narrate Paul’s trial before Governor Festus which resulted in him 25;1-12 12
making an appeal to Emperor Caesar.
(b) What gave Paul the right to make this appeal? 1
(c) Give two other occasions when he claimed this right. (16:36-38 & 2
(see S2002 Acts chapter 22)
S2014 B8a Give an account of Paul’s trial before Governor Festus when he appealed to 25:1-12 11
the Roman Emperor.

B8b State two other occasions where Paul claimed his rights as a Roman citizen. 4


S1993 A2d "Paul you are mad; your great learning is turning you mad." On what occasion 26:24 5
was this said? What had Paul just declared? What was the decision made
about Paul?
S2010 A2d … “You are mad, Paul! Your great learning is driving you mad!” 26:24
Identify the speaker above. 1
What had Paul just said that made the speaker call him mad? 1
Name the king present at this trial. 1
State the two conclusions made by the king concerning Paul. 2


S2013 B8a “You are mad, Paul! Your great learning is driving you mad!” 26:24-32
Beginning from the above outburst, relate Paul’s trial before Governor Festus
and King Agrippa. 12

B8b Mention three other occasions when Paul had to defend himself. 3


S2011 A2d The soldiers made a plan to kill all the prisoners, in order to keep them from 27:42-43
swimming ashore and escaping. But the army officer wanted … so he stopped
them from doing this.
What happened which caused the soldiers to make such a plan? 1
Why did the army officer stop the soldiers from carrying out the plan? 1
Instead of killing all the prisoners, what was the change of plan made by the
army officer? 2
What was the outcome of this incident? 1
S2012 A2d But now I (Paul) beg you, take courage! Not one of you will lose your life; only 27:22-24
the ship will be lost. For last night an angel … came to me and said …
What did the angel say? 2
Identify two groups of people who were on the ship with Paul. 2
After the ship was lost, where did the people land? 1

S2016 A2d After the men had gone a long time without food, Paul stood before them and 27:21-22
said, “Men, you should have listened to me and not have sailed from Crete;
then we would have avoided all this damage and loss. But now I beg you, take
heart! Not one of you will lose his life; only the ship will be lost.”
The ship was hit by a strong wind. What is the name of that wind? 1
State what Paul had seen and heard that gave him the confidence that not one 3
of them would lose their lives.
Name the island they arrived at after their ship was lost. 1
S2018 A2d But the army officer wanted to save Paul, so he stopped them (soldiers) from 27:43
doing this. Instead, he ordered all the men who could swim to jump overboard
first and swim ashore.
State the name of the army officer. 1
What did the army officer stop the soldiers from doing? 1
Which island did the men swim to? 1
Why do you think the army officer wanted to save Paul? 2
S2019 A2d But the ship hit a sandbank and went a ground; .. The soldiers made a plan to 27:41-42
kill all the prisoners.
How many people were on board the ship? 1
Why did the soldiers plan to kill all the prisoners? 1
The army officer on board the ship stopped this plan. Why? 1
Finally, how did everyone on board manage to get safely ashore? 2


S2000 B8 (a) (I) Who were Paul's companions on the journey to Rome? (ii) Who was the 27:01 15
centurion in charge of this voyage? (b) Describe what was done when a very
strong wind called the Northeaster struck the ship. (c ) What did Paul say to
encourage everyone when they lost all hope of being saved?
S2004 B8b Why was Paul not surprised to land on the island? 27:21-26 2

S2006 B8c Give an account of the ministry of angels in the lives of: Paul (see Chpt 8, 10) 27 7

S2011 B7a Describe how an angel rescued Peter when he was put in jail by Herod 12:06-11 13
Give two other appearances of angels in the book of Acts 05:19; 2

S2008 A2d The natives saw the snake hanging on Paul's hand and said to one another,… 28:04
Name the place where the natives lived. 1
State what the natives said to one another about Paul. 2
What did they expect to happen to Paul? 1
What conclusion did they make about Paul? 1


S1996 B8 Explain how Paul won the respect of the people of Malta. (You must describe 28:01 15
at least two incidents)
S2004 B8a Give an account of the events that took place on the island of Malta. 28:1-10 13
S2017 B8a Give an account of Paul on the island of Malta after the shipwreck. 28:1-10 13

B8b Why was Paul not surprised to land safely on Malta? 2

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