TORXS Expandable Liner System and EZCase Bit ... - Baker Hughes

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Case History

TORXS Expandable Liner System and EZCase

Bit Saved USD 7.5MM on an Offshore Well
Liner system prevented plug and abandonment of well

Recovered an offshore well after
customer decided to plug and abandon
Saved costs by switching to WBM
and incurring no NPT due to fishing
or stuck pipe
Customer was able to keep well
configuration to drill and complete
a lower section

Background and challenges

Because of continued fluid loss
and fluid level around 4,265 ft
(1300m) during drilling operations,
the customer needed to perform
three sidetracks After several challenges and three section to the 10,748 ft (3276m) point.
During the liner drilling operation, sidetracks in an offshore well due to A total of 62.3 ft (19m) of that length
the customer expected complete complex formations with lost circulation, was drilled with complete lost circulation,
lost circulation a customer decided to plug and abandon saving the well.
a well. However, Baker Hughes suggested
Baker Hughes solution and results a liner drilling solution. A 7 x 95/8-in. The average rate of penetration (ROP) on
Baker Hughes ran a TORXS TORXS™ expandable liner system and an the system was 11.7 ft/hr (3.57m/hr) at
expandable liner hanger with an 8½-in. EZCase™ bit were chosen to drill the transition zone and 9.44 ft/hr
EZCase liner drilling bit because
and case the problematic section. (2.88m/hr) with complete lost circulation,
the system presented higher torque
weight on bit (WOB) 6 tons, and 333
capabilities and a better bypass area
with a unique bit that allowed drilling The customer objective was to drill a gallons per minute (1260.5 liters per
to continue in the next section 131 ft (40m) length of 8½-in. section minute). Additionally, the liner hanger
from the 10,597 ft (3230m) point to the system worked under 6,000 ft-lb (182.8m-
After passing through the window,
reaching bottom, and drilling 10,728 ft (3270m) point to be able to kg) to 18,000 ft-lb (5486.4m-kg) torque 80
152.5 ft (46.5m), 62.3 ft (19m) with case and isolate this troublesome zone. to 90 RPM and internal pressure from 500
complete lost circulation, the well Another customer goal was to switch to 2000 psi. No other systems can perform
was saved, allowing the 61/8-in. from oil-based mud (OBM) to a water- under these conditions. Baker Hughes
section to be drilled and completed based mud (WBM) system to continue drilled the hole, set the liner, and set the
with EQUALIZER inflow control to the next section. liner top packer in one trip.
devices and REPacker reactive
element packers
Surpassing the customer goal, the After the hole was drilled and cased, the
Baker Hughes liner system drilled a liner was set and the annulus was sealed.
152.5 ft (46.5m) length of 8½-in. The liner drilling running tools were pulled
out of the hole, saving the well and leaving the hole in system compared to a minimum of 60 days with an OBM
good condition to continue drilling the 61/8-in. section to system. Because of different pore pressure zones, the customer
accommodate a completion system with Baker Hughes was also able to drill the next section with a WBM system,
EQUALIZER™ inflow control devices and REPacker™ reactive saving even more time and money.
element packers.
This Baker Hughes liner drilling operation was the first
After this successful job, the customer realized that not only global deployment with a TORXS expandable liner hanger and
was the well saved, but they also saved USD 7.5 MM in non- EZCase liner drilling system.
productive time (NPT) compared to standard drilling. Drilling
this section normally takes as long as 60 to 250 days. On this Because of this successful job, the customer has adopted this as
job, the 8½-in. section was drilled in 23 days with a WBM their standard deployment method in a problematic formation.
Disclaimer of Liability: This information is provided for general information purposes only and is believed to be accurate as of the date hereof; however, Baker Hughes Incorporated and
its affiliates do not make any warranties or representations of any kind regarding the information and disclaim all express and implied warranties or representations to the fullest extent
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