Prision India

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The report of the All India Committee on Jail Reforms (1980-83)

chaired by Mr. Justice A N Mulla, had observed that "prison
administration in India has been of and on, a subject of criticism in the
Press, the Parliament and the Judiciary". "Over-crowded prisons,
prolonged detention of undertrial prisoners, unsatisfactory living
conditions, lack of treatment programs and allegations of an indifferent
and even in human approach of prison staff have repeatedly attracted
the attention of critics over the year". Unfortunately, nothing much
seems to have changed even during the intervening decade and more
and there has been no worth while reforms affecting basic issues of
great relevance to prison administration in India.

There were in all 1,155 prisons of different kinds in India in 1991-92.

These prisons are categorized as Central Jails (86), District Jails (252),
and Sub Jails (718), Borstal Institutions / Juvenile Jails (21), open
Jails/Camps/Farms (21), and some specialized Institutions (46). There
are also 11 Women’s Jails in the country.

The Mulla Committee had noted that a majority of persons lodged in

prisons consisted of people belonging to the unprivileged sections of
society, and that the majority of the prison population was from a rural
and agricultural background. First offenders involved in technical or
minor violations of law accounted for a large number of Prisoners. The
Mulla Committee observed that a large number of offenders sent to
prisons do not require any therapeutically correctional treatment. They
are as normal as citizens outside prison walls are and they need to be
protected from the harmful effects of exposure to prison life. The
Committee recommended that "protection of society as an objective of
punishment has been universally accepted and this can be achieved
through reformation and the rehabilitation of offenders". While taking
due note of the need to keep out of circulation for a longer time harmful,
habitual, dangerous recidivist prisoners, the Committee came to the
conclusion that a progressive prison system has to operate keeping in
view the protection aspect as much as correctional and rehabilitation
Any study looking at the reform of prison administration must address
itself to these two basic issues. And it is in the context of these same two
basic issues that various aspects of human rights have also to be

In order to fully appreciate the magnitude of the problem and the

parameters relevant to reforms in the context of human rights, it would
be desirable to look at the evolution of prison administration over the
years. The first ever committee on prison administration known as
Prison Discipline Committee was set up in January 1836 and its report
was received in 1838. A Commission of Enquiry into Jail Management
and Discipline was next set up in 1864. Both reports indicate that the
British regime was interested in prisons only from the point of view of
administration and discipline. Ideas on the reformation or the welfare
of the inmates had perhaps not yet crystallized. A conference of experts
held in 1877 resulted in a Draft Bill being prepared governing the
principles and practices of prison management. But the Act ultimately
did not materialize. In 1888, the Fourth Jail Commission was appointed
and from its object and scope, it is clear that even after a lapse of over a
century solutions for the same problems are still being sought. This
includes translating principles into effect in various jails, the cost of
maintaining prisons, ensuring sanitary conditions, prison discipline, etc.
However, the Prison Act of 1894, which is in vogue even today was the
result of the 1888 Commission.

This Act sought to streamline prisons administration and put it on a

uniform footing throughout the country. It provided for separation of
prisoners based on age, their civil or criminal status and on the basis of
whether they were unconvinced or convicted criminals. The Medical
Officers was required to visit the prison daily and examine prisoners
confined in the cells for more than 24 hours. The Act also restricted
employment of criminal prisoners sentenced to rigorous imprisonment
to no more than nine hours on any day. The Medical Officer was made
responsible for ensuring that the prisoner’s health was not injured by
the work in which they were employed. No officer’s subordinate to the
Superintendent was empowered to award punishments. Female and
civil prisoners were specially excluded from the punishment of
handcuffing or fetters or whipping. Incidentally, whipping was
abolished by the Abolition of whipping Act, 1950.
The Act was "largely based on deterrent principles concerned more
with prison management than with the treatment of prisoners and gave
more consideration to prison offences and punishment than to their

Modern prison reform in the country can be said to emanate from the
Indian Jails Committee of 1919-20. For the first time this report
identified reformation and rehabilitation as the true objective of prison
administration. The Committee recommendations that the care of
criminals should be entrusted to adequately trained staff selected after
careful scrutiny. It also rejected the idea of excessive employment of
convict overseers and recommended the induction of technical staff in
jail services.

The Committee made the important recommendations that separate

jails should be earmarked for various categories of prisoners,
prescribing a minimum area of 75 square yards per inmate within the
jail walls. It took strong objection to the presence of children in jails
meant for adults. It recommended the creation of special courts for
hearing of cases of juvenile delinquents and their housing in remand
homes. It urged the holding of a conference of Inspectors General of
Prison staff every alternate year. Many of the recommendations were
not implemented on the ground that the subject of prisons was within
the purview of the provincial governments. It is ironical that even today,
one of the major stumbling blocks in ensuring uniformity in prison
conditions all over India is the fact that prison administration is a state

Since Independence, a number of jail reforms committees have been

appointed by state governments. However, it has not been possible to
get even list of such committees from the Central Government agencies
concerned. There was a report on Jail Administration in India by the
UN expert, Dr. W.C. Reckless in 1951-52. His recommendations
resulted in the revival of the conference of Inspector Generals of Prisons
after a lapse of 17 years. An All India Jail Management Committee
submitted its report in 1960. This resulted in the settings up of the
Central Bureau of Correctional Services, which was later redesignated
as the national Institute of Social Defence. A working group in 1973
suggested that Government should make effective use of alternatives to
imprisonment as a policy measure and also highlighted the desirability
of proper training of prison personnel and improvements in their
service conditions. Further, it made important recommendations with
regard to the classification and treatment of offenders and laid down
principles of follow-up and after-care procedures. It said that
developments of prisons and correctional administration should no
longer be divorced from the national development process and prison
administration should be treated as an integral part of the social
defence component of national planning. Persistent criticism about the
manner in which the prison system was functioning and the fact that it
did not measure up to the test of law and international standards of
human dignity and preservation of fundamental human rights of prison
inmates, resulted in the setting up of the All India Committee on Jail
Reform (1980 chaired by Mr. Justice A.N. Mulla (popularly known as
the Mulla Committee).

The Mulla Committee examined all aspects of prison administration

and made wide-ranging recommendations, which if implemented would
go a long way to make prison administration efficient, humane end
professional. The recommendations of the Mulla Committee touched
upon legislative, operational, security aspects besides matters like
classification of prisoners, living conditions in prison, medical and
psychiatric services, treatment programs, vocational training for prison
inmate, problems related to undertrials and other unconvicted
prisoners, problems of women prisoners etc. The report laid emphasis
on the management of prisons to be entrusted to a cadre of professional.

The National Police Commission (1977-80) looked into issues like arrest,
detention in custody, interrogation of women, and delay in investigation
(which contributes to the undue detention in custody of non-convicted
persons). Besides highlighting the need to adhere to the provisions of
law, it made wide ranging suggestions to amend laws and procedures to
cut down on delays at the investigation and trial stages, and avoid
custodial violence and lock-up illegalities to inspect police lock-ups and
report on them.

The report of the National Commission for women on "Custodial

Justice for Women" (1993) merits attention. The Krishna Iyer
Committee from the basis of this Report. The following are some of the
more important aspects, many of which do not cast any financial
burden for their implementation.
1. Women prisoners – like men – should be informed of their rights
under the law.
2. Women constables should conduct searches.
3. Medical check ups of women prisoners or under trials, should be
done by women doctors as soon as they come to prison.
4. Women prisoners should be allowed to contact their families and
communicate with their lawyers, women social workers, and
voluntary organizations.
5. Women prisoners should be allowed to keep their children with
6. Voluntary organizations of women should be encouraged to be
associated with women prisoners.
7. Separate jails should be provided for women.
8. Special prosecution officers should be available to present the case
of women prisoners.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in its first Annual

Report (1993-94) has expressed its deep concern about the "appalling
conditions of over crowding, lack of sanitation, poor medical facilities,
inadequate diet and the like, in most of the jails of the country. These
serious deficiencies are compounded by unconscionable delays in the
disposal of cases for various reasons and mismanagement in the
administration of jails, all of which need to be remedied". As an
immediate undertaking, the Commission is in touch with competent
judicial and executive authorities in Delhi with a view to:

i. expediting the trial of cases including those of some 3000

foreign nationals in various jails in the country;
ii. Convening meeting of the Sentence Revising Board for the
release, whenever possible, of those serving life sentence and
who have already completed the maximum of 13 ½ years of
their term.
iii. Segregating juveniles’ prisoners sentenced for minor
offences from those serving longer terms for heinous crimes.

The courts in India have also laid down specific rules end guidelines in
regard to matters like the right to physical protection (in re D.B.M
Patnaik); protection against physical assault (Sunil Batra’s case);
restrictions on handcuffing and bar fetters (in Prem Shukla’s case); on
solitary confinement (in Sunil Batra’s as well as Kishore Singh’s case);
the right to a speedy trail (in Hussainara Khattum’s case); freedom of
expression (in P. Pandurang Sansgui’s case); and press interviews (in
Prabhu Dutt’s case), etc.

The Supreme Court issued directions regarding the procedure to be

followed when a person is arrested. In Joginder Kumar Vs State Of UP
and others (1994), the Court refereed to the National Police
Commission’s finding that 60% of all arrests were either unnecessary or
unjustified and laid down four requirements to be strictly followed:

i. The right of the arrested person to request that a friend, relative

or other persons be informed of his arrest and the place where he
is detained.
ii. The duty of the police officer to inform the arrested person of this
iii. An entry to be made in the police station diary as to who was
informed of the arrest.
iv. The duty of the Magistrate before whom the arrested person is
produced, to satisfy himself that these requirements have been
complied with.
v. A police officer making an arrest should record in the case diary
the reasons for making the arrest, implying there by that every
arrest by the police has to be justified.

The Mulla Committee, the National Police Commission, Justice Krishna

Iyer’s Committee, and the National Human Rights Commission have
made numerous valuable recommendations to bring about not only
improvements and reform in the jail administration but in the entire
criminal justice system itself. Unless there is comprehensive reforms of
the criminal justice system in its entirely, there is unlikely to be decisive
change. Various commissions and committees have examined problems
relating to different elements of the criminal justice system (CJS). But
what is required is a detailed look at the CJS as a whole. Perhaps this
matter could be remitted to a Criminal Justice Commission, drawing
upon talents from all the branches of the CJS. Such an effort is long
overdue and would be an essential and urgent step towards reform of
vital spheres of public administration affecting human rights and
human dignity. There are problems concerning such issues right from
the stage of recording the FIR, during investigation (which often
involves search, seizure, arrest, detention and interrogation),
prosecution, trial, sentencing, jail life, parole, review, remission and
rehabilitation, not to mention recidivism and relapse. Unless the
government agencies dealing with specific aspects of these processes and
matters work in co-ordination and their efforts are complementary to
each other, there cannot be harmonious and purposeful results. In the
current processes severe damage is caused to basic humanitarian
considerations, the rule of law and public confidence in the credibility of
the entire system has been shaken. The results can be and in fact are
very disturbing the Society is losing faith in the system of justice.
Sensitivities in regard to human sufferings and the inescapable
disregard of law have been dulled. Because of these, the foundations of a
free and democratic society are in serious jeopardy.

With a total prison population (Dec. 1993) 1,96,240 and 1,98,987 the
previous year the prison population works out to only 0.02% in a
country of nearly 890 million people. Even in absolute terms, the prison
population is very small. Given the will these numbers can be easily
managed in the most modern, cost-effective and satisfactory manner.
Therefore, there is a very strong case for preferential attention to this
area of reforms.

Broadly speaking there are eight major problem areas, which afflict the
system and need priority attention.


This is the most visible problem and yet no long term or short-
term remedies have been found. Prisons in places like A.P.,
Gujarat, Haryana, M.P., and Maharashtra have prisoners far in
excess of their capacity. In Delhi, Tihar Jail holds 8700 prisoners
against a stipulated capacity of 2200. The reasons for
overcrowding in jail are many. Inordinate delays in trials result in
many undertrails having to be detained in jail for unduly long
periods – in many cases extending to years. This, together with the
routine new additions, literally clogs the system. In many cases,
prisoners who are facing charges of grave, professional, violent
crimes are outnumbered by others like suspected drug offenders,
ticketless travellers, Railway alarm – chain pullers, and a variety
of others who have technically violated law. Many of them are in
jail only because they could not pay the fines imposed on them by
courts. In some cases, prisoners prefer to continue in jail because
they just cannot afford even a single meal a day outside! Then
there are prisoners who prefer to spend a couple of months in jail
then to pay "maintenance" to their wives as ordered by courts.
Under these circumstances, the problem of overcrowding can be
solved or at least reduced only by a variety of measures. Urgent
solutions have be found reducing delays in trials. This aspect is
dealt with subsequently. There has to be a conscious policy not to
overcrowded prisons by finding alternative methods of dealing
withstanding non-criminal offenders like ticketless travellers and
alarm chain-pullers, apart from unsatisfactory prison
management, could lead to release of violent offenders and
professional criminals. This is has happened in some countries
like the USA. We should guard against such an unhealthy

The National Police Commission pointed out that 60% of all

arrests were either unnecessary or unjustified. This has resulted
in overcrowding and accounts for 43.20% of the expenditure of
jails according to our study. Therefore, restraint by the police in
resorting to unwarranted arrests by following the guidelines laid
down by the Supreme Court would go a long way work to
reducing overcrowding in jails.


Trials delay in the courts has assumed very serious proportions.

Even though this problem has been highlighted by the Mulla
Committee, National Police Commission and thorough police
interest litigation (in the Hussainara Khattun’s case), there has
been no relief at all. On the contrary, the situation seems to be
getting worse, what with cases mounting in courts. In 1978, the
pitiable plight of under trials of Bihar Jails, primarily due to
enormous congestion in courts brought to light by K.F. Rustomji
resulted in the matter being noted by the Supreme Court, thanks
to a Public Interest Litigation initiated at the instance of Ms.
Kapila Hingorani. But even today, the situation remains far from
satisfactory. On the contrary, we continue to read in newspaper of
children of under trial women’s growing to adulthood in prison.
During a visit to the Tihar Jail in Delhi, the under trial prisoners
spoke with one voice and with deep anguish, frustration, and
helplessness about the enormous injury caused to them due to
inordinate delays in courts. The National Human Rights
Commission has also taken note of this problem of delay affecting
under trials, including about 3300 foreign nationals in various
jails in the country. No one aspect of prison administration has
affected the human rights of prisoners as delays in trial, for which
the police, judiciary and the legal profession are all to blame. It is
only by the joint efforts of all these three links that there can be
any semblance of improvement that under trial account for over
50% of the total jail population. In many places like Andhra,
Assam, Goa, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Orissa is above 60%. The
Mulla Committee also made pointed reference to this matter.

Delay commences at the investigation stage itself. In many cases,

charge sheets are filed by the police very late leading to a long
chain reaction. The next bottleneck occurs in the course of service
of summons to witnesses, often due to collaboration between the
process server, police, and the witness(es). This stage of the
judicial process has lent itself to corrupt practices, which need to
be set right.

The legal requirement of having to give copies of relevant

documents to the accused needs to be streamlined. At present this
contributes delay. This is unpardonable, particularly because
modern copying machines are now available and can easily
replace the old, time-consuming practice of making hand written
copies, which are often illegible. However, the maximum delay
takes place when evidence is to be recorded. In some cases, it has
taken more than eight years to examine witnesses and record
evidence. Official witnesses, lawyers, and public witnesses can
attribute this delay to procedural complexities and absenteeism in
one form or another. Defense and prosecution lawyers make their
own contribution to the prolongation of trials. The situation has
further deteriorated after the separation of prosecution from the
police leading to dilution in accountability and loss of
There are also lapses in producing under trials in courts on the
dates of hearing. On many an occasion, they are either not
produced or produced late, with the result that the hearing gets
adjourned causing avoidable delay. This is due to the district
police authorities not making available police escorts on the
ground of non-availability of manpower. In many districts, the
sanctioned manpower is inadequate.

On their part, the courts are also not without blame. Even though
law requires that trials should be conducted from day to day till
completed, in practice this rarely happens. Cases are adjourned
for a couple of months at a time, which further aggravates delay.

A large number of recommendations have been made to reduce

delays. The Reports of the Law Commission National Police
Commission and the annual conference of chief Justices must
have also discussed this matter a number of times. Numerous
seminars have been held, the latest is one seminar on the Criminal
Justice System organized by the Law Commission and the Bar
Council of India. But the fact is that no one has yet cut the
Gordian knot!


The arrangements for facilitating communication between

prisoners and their relatives, friends and legal advisors leave
much to be desired. Many of these aspects have been dealt with in
the Mulla Committee Report and deserve immediate

A connected issue, though more relevant in the context of

providing legal aid is the near total absence of any contribution
from the legal community.


Overcrowding has aggravated the problem of hygiene. In many

jails conditions are appalling. At the tehsil level jails not even
rudimentary conveniences have been provided. In many cases,
such jails are no better than an unsatisfactory lock up. Latrine
and bathroom facilities are inadequate to cater to the daily
minimum needs of prisoners.


Even though this system exists on paper, it has not proved

effective in practice. Visitors, including judicial and non official
members, pay cursory attention to peripheral matters and do not
take pains to go into the details of major problems, like the long
and overdue detention of under trials, inadequacies of Medicare,
problems faced by female prisoners, etc.

The system of jail visitors is to be an effective and useful

instrument, the trials should examine all aspects of prison life, and
with particular emphasis on these having a bearing on human
rights and human living conditions. There should be a system of
accountability for visitors, who are privileged to look at and
review the actual working of jails, behind high walls!


The Model Prison Manual for granting remission was circulated

to all States in 1960. Inspite of this, there is no uniformity. The
Mulla Committee had noted that the remission system generally
operates in an arbitrary manner with little regard to individual
differences and the merits of each case. The Committee also
observed that the grant of remission constitutes an area highly
prone to corrupt practice if the discretion in this regard is not
excerised judiciously.

The Delhi Sentence Remission Board has for example been

virtually non-functional. In some other States, the Boards have
not been fully constituted. Because of these omissions, prisoners
due to be considered for premature release have been denied this
privilege. The matter has attracted the attention of the National
Human Rights Commission, which of the National Human Rights
Commission, which plans to take it up with the concerned

In 1991-92, there were 21 open jails/camps/farms in India though
this number was 30 in 1980, as reported by the Mulla Committee.


a. organizational structure and personal matters:

The Mulla Committee had made the following recommendations:

i. The State Secretariats do not have the requisite expertise in

prison administration to assist the Government in taking
appropriate policy decision.
ii. To begin with, senior officers having experience of correctional
administration and the requisite expertise should be posted in the
Department of Prisons, both at the centre and in the States.
iii. An officer should invariably head the Department of Prisons and
Correctional Services, whose creation the Mulla Committee
recommended, from this Department.

At present officers belonging to the IAS, IPS and Jail Departments are
all being appointed as head of jail administration.

a. Annual Conference of IGPs:

For all practical purposes no annual conference of IGs Prisons

has been held for years, this has denied jail administrators the
opportunity to meet and discuss problems of common interest and
evolve strategies to introduce uniform practices, to the extent
possible, all over India. However, occasional conferences have
been held to discuss specific issues and developments of current

b. A Common Jail Manual:

A "Model Prison Manual" was prepared as far back as 1970 and

circulated to all States. The Mulla Committee noted that this had not
been adopted and the position has not changed since.

There is considerable scope for NGOs and voluntary agencies to work
in the field of treatment, after care and rehabilitation of offenders. If the
services of well organized NGOs could be obtained on a regular basis, it
would be desirable to assign a role for them as visualized by the Mulla
Committee in regard to the following: -

a. services of experts in education, medicine, psychiatry, law, social

work, the media etc. could be utilized in the formulation of
correctional policy by associating them with advisory committees
at the national and state levels.
b. Appointments of eminent citizens interested in correctional work
as visitors to prisons. They could also be appointed as non-official
members on sentence reviewing boards for district and central
c. In conducting adult education and free legal aid programs;
d. Running health camps;
e. Organizing recreational and cultural activities;
f. Individual coaching to inmates pursuing higher studies; and
g. The NGOs should play a greater role in creating the right kind of
awareness about the prison administration and the core problems
of correctional sub-systems with a view to eliciting public co-

There is increasing public awareness in regard to human rights and the

need to adhere to humanitarian laws. Issues like custodial violence and
deaths, unduly long detention of persons under special laws like Tada,
COFEPOSA etc have drawn wide spread public attention as well as
judicial notice.

Recently thanks to NHRC cases of persons under detention under

TADA have been reviewed by the various state Governments and their
number bought down drastically. In specific cases courts of laws have
given relief. The Supreme Court has upheld the validity of TADA but
has given strict guidelines for the enforcement agencies to follow.
Continued efforts to create public awareness particularly by social
workers and NGOs would help immensely in ensuring that the law
enforcement officials strictly follow the procedural aspects laid down by
law and that they are accountable for that in any regard.
There is another category of prisoners viz. non-criminal mentally ill
persons who are held in various jails in India. In the normal course such
persons should have been sent to Mental Hospitals rather than to
prisons. An expert committee was set up by the Supreme Court of India,
whose Report has brought out that increasing number of poor people
are seeking police assistance in throwing the kith and kin behind the
bars. The committee has found close nexus between police, magistracy,
jail administration, and relatives in this regard. The Report pointed out
that mental hospitals completely lacked medical facilities and living
conditions inside the jails were beyond one’s comprehension. Between
July and September as many as 209 non-criminal mentally ill inmates
were screened in UP jails and they were discharged. In Gujarat the jail
administration has issued instructions not to accept such persons in jail.
Instead, they are being directed to mental hospitals.

There have been attempts by individual officers to improve the living

conditions in prisons as well as to introduce a variety of reforms in jail
administration. In a number of jails in India the system of "Jail
Panchayat" is being followed whereby the inmates of prisons themselves
take active part and interest in improving their lot and in taking up
issues of common interest with the jail administration. In many prisons
measures have been initiated to improve educational facilities for prison
inmates. In Madhya Pradesh attempts are being made to achieve 100%
literacy among prisons in some select prisons. In most of the prisons
steps have been taken to impart vocational training with a view to help
in rehabilitation of prisoners after their release from jail. There is also
growing awareness among prison officials to maintain decent standards
of hygiene and healthy environment within jail premises. Sometimes
ago, a lot of initiative was taken by the prison in Imphal apart from
improving health care, teaching of yoga, meditation, etc. Ample
opportunities are being made available to the prisoners to organize and
take part in the cultural activities throughout the year. But there is no
organized or systematic efforts to bring about reforms in a sustained
and institutionalized manner because of a variety of reasons like lack of
formal policy and commitment of the Government in this regard,
inadequate budget, non availability of required professional skills
among the persons in charge of jail administration and the failure to
fully take advantage of available resources and facilities with NGOs.
Even though the Mulla Committee made strong recommendations
about the need to have more open prisons, the progress in this regard is
very little. In many jails the prisoners do not get the benefit of free legal
aid and assistance and the legal profession has not played its part fully
in this regard.

Jail administration in India, even though an important limb of the

criminal justice system has suffered neglect and lack of recognition. A
lot has been talked about the police, a little less about the courts and
almost nothing about prisons and prisoners. The problems of prison
administration need to be highlighted to focus public attention on this
very vital sphere of social concern.

It is nearly 20 years since the submission of the Report of the All India
Committee on Jail Reforms (1980-1983) headed by Justice A.N.Mulla.
One may ask why the recommendations of the Committee have not be
followed both in substance and in spirit, have not been implemented.
There is little significant improvement on an all India basis.

Prison administration is a state subject and this often cited as the main
reason for the Centre not being able to implement the recommendations
of the Mulla Committee. Similar reasons used to be given for not
enacting an All India Children’s Act till the then Prime Minister put his
full weight behind the Centre enacting legislation for the purpose. This
only shows that if there is political will, there shall be no difficulty in the
Centre taking an active and direct interest in prison administration. If it
of making prison administration a central subject should be seriously
considered. This will also help in ensuring uniformity all over the
country besides making it possible and feasible to have a single all India
cadre of jail administration.

The judiciary in India adopted a status quo jurisprudence and shown a

lack of appreciation and concern by its ‘hand-off’ approach to the
operations of prisons until 1980. A major break through in prison rights
jurisprudence came in 1974 in D.B.M. Patnaik (AIR 1974 SC 2092) and
the court asserted that the mere detention does not deprive the convicts
of all the fundamental rights they otherwise possess.

During the Emergency, the fundamental rights of prisons received a

serious set back due to the negative attitude of Supreme Court. After
Emergency the court shed its passivity and started upholding the
individuals basic rights and liberties. The Post-emergency court has
taken rapid strides in claiming prison justice. The crusading spirit
behind the transformation is Justice Krishna Iyer.

The court encouraged the undertrials and convicts to "appeal

confidently to the court brutalities of jail authorities". In 1977 in Hiralal
(AIR 1977 SC 2237) and Mohd. Giasuddin (AIR 1977 SC 1926), the
Supreme Court stressed for the first time the need for rehabilitation of
prisoners. It was Maneka Gandhi (AIR 1978 SC 597) case, which
generated a strong current and converting the right to life and personal
liberty in Art. 21 into a great shield against deprivation of human
rights. The Supreme Court reiterated the principle that "imprisonment
does not spell farewell to fundamental rights" in Charles Shobhraj.
(AIR 1978 SC 1514)

Sunil Batra (AIR 1978 SC 1675) is another important milestone in the

field of prison justice and prisoner’s rights. Delivering the far-reaching
judgement, the court held that "the fact that a person is legally in prison
does not prevent the use of Habeas Corpus to protect his other inherent
rights". Sunil Batra displayed judicial concern for the miserable
conditions of the prisoners to such an extent that for the first time in the
history of the Court, the Chief Justice of India, M.H. Beg along with
Justice Krishna Iyer and Kailasam visited the Tihar Jail on the 23rd
January, 1978 to ascertain the existing conditions. The Court also
permitted the Citizens for Democracy (CFD), a human rights group to
formally intervene in the case.

In Prem Shankar (AIR 1980 SC 1535), the Supreme Court observed

that "no prisoners shall be hand cuffed or fettered routinely for the
convenience of the custodian’s escort". In Francis Mullin (AIR 1991 SC
747), the Supreme Court held that "a necessary component of the right
to life, the prisoner or detainee will be entitled is to have the interview
with members of his family and friends". Kunnikal Narayanan (AIR
1973 Ker 97) challenged the prison authorities who prevented him from
receiving "Mao’s literature" in the Kerala High Court held that the
prisoners have to be paid reasonable remuneration and minimum wages
for labour performed in prison. The Supreme Court in Hoskot (AIR
1978 SC 1548), Moti Ram (AIR 1978 SC 1594) Hussainara (1980) 1 SCC
pp.88, 91, 93, 98, 108 and 115-16 cases respectively, Sheela Barse (AIR
1983 SC 378), and many other cases not only articulated new rights, but
also developed new techniques for dealing with complaints of prisoners
and their demands for humane treatment, legal assistance and justice.
The attitudinal change of judiciary in recent times is in consonance with
the changing premises behind imprisonment emphasizing on
rehabilitative aspects and treating prisons as correctional institutions.


Correctional programmes in prisons in nearly all parts of the globe

show a significant trend towards specialisation, diversification and
experimentation. Another important trend is the substitution of the
individualized treatment to prisoners based on their reformative
requirements for the earlier doctrine of equal punishment for same
crime. The third major trend in prison administration involves an
attempt to reduce the social barrier between inmates of the correctional
institutions and the civilian community. There is also increasing interest
in the possibility that the society or groups of prisoners can be utilised
for therapeutic purposes. Group therapeutic and other devices aimed at
increasing inmates participation in the routine affairs of prison
administration are designed to reduce the barrier between the society
and the administrative policy and to give the inmates desired degree of
self-esteem and confidence.
Tihar Prisons have a history of reformation programmes in tune with
the current correctional philosophy. Education, Cultural activities,
Vocational activities and Moral Education etc. have been going on in
Tihar Jails for a long time as a part of the efforts of the Prison
Administration for reformation of the prisoners. In the last ten years
the process has accelerated and received world wide attention. The
reformation package tried out by the Delhi Prison Administration is
popularly termed as "New Delhi correctional model", the basic
characteristics of which are:

a. Bringing the community into the prison,

b. Formation of a self-sufficient community of prisoners,
c. Participative management.

This model strikes a balance between the approaches of "Privatisation

of Prison administration" and the "Half way houses". The New Delhi
correctional Model has been presented and discussed in Crime
Prevention and Criminal Justice Branch at UNO, Vienna and other
international and national conferences. It has been deeply appreciated.

Tihar Jail Complex in New Delhi is one of the largest prison complexes
in the world. It comprises of nine prisons in the Tihar Complex with a
total population of around 9766 prisoners against a sanction capacity of
5200 prisoners and one District Jail at Rohini with a total Population of
around 1535 prisoners against a sanction capacity of 1050 prisoners. In
a year about 70,000-80,000 prisoners remain lodged in these prisons for
different duration. This prison population has about 80% undertrials
and includes about 464 women prisoners with about 53 children below 4
years of age dependent upon them.

Jail Buildings:

The present Tihar Prison Complex is located in an area of about four

hundred acres. Apart from the nine prisons presently in operation it
also houses Prisons Head Quarters, staff quarters, guest houses,
community center and barracks for staff and security forces. Jail No. 9
with capacity of 600 was inaugurated by Hon'ble Chief Minister of
Delhi Smt. Sheila Dikshit on November 08, 2005. In addition to these,
the following jails are also under various stages of planning/

District Jail Rohini:

The District Jail Rohini got inaugurated by Hon'ble Chief Minister of

Delhi Smt. Sheila Dikshit on 14.12.2004.The capacity of the prison
is 1050 inmates.

Prison Complex at Mandoli:

It is proposed to construct 06 prisons along with necessary

institutional buildings at Mandoli (East Delhi) on a plot of land
measuring 68 acres. Expected sanctioned capacity is 3586 inmates.
The Govt. of Delhi has sanction Rs.168 Crores for its construction. The
work is likely be start in June 2007.

Open Jail At Baprola:

A New Open Prison is proposed to be constructed at Dwarka project
near Baprola village over a plot of land measuring 125 hectares.

Other Proposed Prisons:

Besides the above prisons, 02 more prisons are planned at Narela

(North Delhi), and Pappankalan (South-West Delhi). Land for these
Jail is being acquired.

All these new prisons altogether will have a capacity to lodge 10,000
prisoners and provide a long term solution to the current congestion
problem. These new prisons will have modern facilities for prisoners
and prison management and will be equipped with state of the art safety
and security systems. They would also facilitate lodging of prisoners in
prisons closer to court complexes and thus save wasteful expenditure on
security and transportation.

Hospital & Medical facilities:

1. Special attention has been paid to health and medical care of

prisoners. A total of 78 doctors and 122 paramedical staff have
been provided for round the clock medical paramedical support
of dispensaries and hospitals in all the nine central prisons and
one District Prison. X-ray, ECG, Pathology Lab and other
diagnostic facilities have been provided. Dental and eye clinics
have been setup with the help of non-governmental organizations.
Leprosy detection and treatment programmes are going on with
the help of NGOs. A large number of eminent doctors are
assisting jail administration voluntarily. Also, specialists in
disciplines of Medicine, Ortho, ENT, Skin, Dental, Eye,
Pathology, Chest, Gynae etc. are on our regular roll as Senior
Residents. A number of outside hospitals with specialised medical
facilities have been identified as referral hospitals.
2. A Behavioral Therapy Ward exist in the Jail Hospital for
mentally ill prisoner patients. Separate Casualty, Medicine, Ortho
T.B. and AIDS & HIV+ wards are also functioning for prisoner
patients in Central Jail Hospital.
3. Every prisoner on admission in the prison is thoroughly medically
examined and segregated for Medico legal case, drug-addict case,
hospital admission etc. Those found in good state of health are
sent to their respective wards. Those requiring any medical
follow-up are advised to attend OPD subsequently, which exists in
all the jails.
4. The old and sick patients are being given special treatment inside
the jail. They are being provided special diet. Cases of seriously
sick undertrials are taken up with the concerned courts for their
bailing out/early disposal of case.
5. The women jail has a separate 10 bedded full equipped hospital
with necessary Medical and Paramedical staff.
6. A family care unit has been setup under one Assistant
Superintendent to substitute family care and attention to prisoner
patients admitted in outside hospitals. This has greatly improved
medical care and attention to prisoner patients.
7. Large number of entrants to the prison come with the history of
drug use. The experience shows that about 8% of new entrants
come with drug addiction problems. These prisoners are screened
at the stage of mulahiza itself and admitted to de-addiction centre
for the purpose of detoxification and treatment of withdrawal
symptoms. They are given treatment for about a week by
psychiatrist. After detoxification drug addicts are transferred to
special ward, where trained NGO workers provide them
counseling and monitor their behavior.

There is a need to keep the drug addict prisoners separate from

rest of the prisoners for containing the problem of drug abuse
within the prison system. An important step has been taken in this
direction and the drug addict prisoners from CJ-1, 2 and 4 have
been lodged together in a separate ward at CJ-8 under the
supervision of trained personnel's, of an NGO named An
Association for Scientific Research on the Addictions (AASRA)
from 20th Aug.' 2000. In addition 220 drug addict prisoners are
lodged at AASRA ward in Central Jail No.2 and 70 in Jail No.5
under supervision of NGO, AAG (Aids Awareness Group).

The drug addict community in AASRA ward is given a family set

up, with the older inmates free from drug for longer period being
made the head of family and big brothers (Bada Bhai). The new
drug addict entrant joins the family as small brother (Chota Bhai)
to be looked after by big brother. The inmates are given a
structured schedule of everyday activities in order to promote
recovery. This includes counseling, education, meditation, mood
making sessions, sharing one's recovery, concept seminars, family
group, community meeting, barrack meeting, anger and brief
workouts, educational, and recreational activities. Psychodrama is
used effectively. These activities are integral to community
building Special workshops like
tailoring, cooking, candle making, card making, music, gardening
are run by An Association for Scientific Research on the
Addictions (AASRA). Attitude to work and responsibility is a key
focus for the recovering addicts. The work ethic is strengthened
by participation in these workshops. Sports are given special
emphasis. In addition, religious and cultural events are celebrated
through out the year.

Computerisation of Prisons :

Computerisation of all the jails have been started way back in 1994.
There is one Computer Centre in each Central Jail and Distict Jail
Rohini, and one Master/Main Computer Center in Prison Head
Quarters. A Local Area Network (LAN) has been setup in 2003 to
connect all these Computer Centres through Fiber Optic Cable
backbone. Each Central Jail has been provided ten Pentium-IV Desktop
for smooth functioning. At Prisons Headquarters one Server has been
installed for central database management. There is a Central Public
Relation Office (CPRO) and Public Inquiry Centre at Gate No. 3
Central Jail Tihar. Relatives of Prisoners can book meeting with the
Prisoners over telephone and the details of the visitors are stored in
database, so when the Visitor visit the Prisons, he has just click his
photograph and a Visitor pass is issued to the visitor.

Prison Department is shortly introducing Biometric Finger

Identification System wherein every newly admitted prisoners and
escorts staff of DAP would be photographed along with their finger
prints. Also going in the way of advance technology like use of C.C.T.V,
DFMD's & HHMD's etc.

NIC & NICSI are giving all the Hardware & Software support to Tihar
Prisons Computerisation program. One Officer from NIC is posted in
Tihar Jail for software development and IT Support.
In near future Additional software systems of Hospital Management,
Personnel Management, Inventory Management, Reformation
Information Management, File Management etc. are proposed to be
developed. This will immensely help Jail Administration in proper
Management of Prisons.

Staff Welfare:

Training and welfare of about 1332 Jail staff is duly taken care off. Two
Guest Houses have been started in Tihar Jail Complex where visiting
officials, Prison staff and their relatives and friends can stay.

An Insurance Scheme for staff members christened as "Sarangi

scheme" was started in 1997 at subsidised rates, which caters to the
needs of staff members who unfortunately fall victim to accidental death
or injury.

An L.P.G. Gas Agency has been started in Tihar Jail Complex

employing dependents of Jail Staff.

A branch of Indian Bank and Delhi Public Library has been opened for
the benefit of Jail Staff and their families.

Tihar staff hostel with Welfare Canteen and mess facility has been
opened to provide Break fast, lunch and dinner of the Staff at
reasonable rates.

A Multipurpose Community Centre and Tihar Tennis Stadium

Complex has been commissioned.

A Dispensary under the aegis of Govt. of India for jail staff has been
inaugurated in May, 2000 to provide necessary medical facilities to all
the staff members and their families.

Jail Factory:

Jail Factory complex situated in Central Jail No.2 has been modernised
keeping in view today's industrialisation and prison needs. An average
of 300 convicts are engaged daily in different sections of the jail factory
viz. carpentry, weaving, tailoring, chemicals making, baking,
confectionery and paper making. The product of jail factory not only
meet the consumption requirements of Tihar Jails but are also sold to
other Govt. Departments and in the open market, due to their very good
quality and competitive price. Our confectionery items Aloo Bhujia and
Potato chips/Wafers which have been widely appreciated for excellent
quality have been launched in the open market on 2nd Oct., 2000 in the
brand name of T.J's special by Honourable Chief Minister of Delhi.

In 1998, our factory items were displayed in an International Exhibition

in London, U.K., which were immensely appreciated by the global

Tihar Haat:

In a move to give a fillip to the practice of productivity engaging the

inmates in activites of their interest, a brand retail outlet named as
"Tihar Haat" was inaugurated on 28.7.03 at Jail Road.

This one stop "Tihar Haat" offers a wide range of products under the
brand name of T.J's. The Products include bakery items like breads,
papads, muffins, wide range of cookies and pickles and hand made
stationary such as folders, files and carry bags.

Women Prison:

A new central women's prison exclusively for women was inaugurated

by Hon'ble Home Minister of India, Sh. L.K. Advani on June 3, 2000.
Though it was contemplated for 400 women prisoners, yet presently
more than 500 women prisoner along with about 70 children are lodged.
Earlier they were lodged in one of the wards in Jail No.1. This jail has a
separate Mulahiza Ward (for first time entrants), visitor's area, kitchen,
a separate 10 bedded fully equipped hospital with necessary medical &
paramedical staff and factory for vocational training. Regular teaching,
Type writing and Computer classes are held. In the factory various
vocations useful to them after their release are taught.

Earlier, lunch packets to the prisoners attending various courts in Delhi

were supplied by a contractor, which were sometimes not found upto
the mark. The jail administration decided to supply these packets
prepared by women inmates w.e.f. Sept. 1, 2000. The food is now
prepared under our watchful eyes in hygienic conditions and having
more nutritive value and the women inmates engaged in cooking and
packing of food are getting wages.

Creches/Balwari are being operated for children in association with

NGOs Mahila Pratiraksha Mandal and Navjyoti Delhi Police
Foundation. The main objective is to give them pre-nursery education
and all round development through plays, rhymes, games etc. so as to
stimulate their physical, mental and social ability.

All the children are vaccinated and properly checked at the jail
dispensary. Vital part of crèche has been to provide nutritious food to
the children. Apart from meals, kids are provided one fruit and 750
gms. of milk daily.

Children are frequently taken to picnic for their recreation and

development. Some children of the inmates have been admitted in
various Govt. Cottage homes/Schools with the help of N.G.O's.

Technological Advancement and Modernisation:

T.V. sets have been provided in all the wards of the jails.

Close Circuit Television Cameras have been installed in some of the

Jails. High Mast Lights (HML) have been installed in the Jail

All the jails are on stand by generators for regular power supply. Since
1994, cable TV network has been commissioned in the jails for
educational facilities, recreation and disaster management.

All the kitchens of Tihar Jails are using LPG as fuel for decade.
Telephone, Public Address System and Intercom facilities have been
provided connecting all the important units of Prison Administration.


Though shortage of space is a major constraint in segregating prisoners

as per various needs, one laudable achievement of the last 4 years has
been the creation of a Mulahiza Ward meant for prisoners admitted for
the first time in non-professional offences for a period of upto six
months. These prisoners are confined to this ward and have very little
occasion of mixing with hardened and other criminals. Experience has
shown that about 95% of these prisoners go out on bails or otherwise
within 3 months of their admission from the Mulahiza Ward. The Jail
Administration also takes all steps to segregate prisoners in conformity
with the law and to ensure that newly admitted casual prisoners do not
come in contact with the hardened prisoners even beyond the Mulahiza
Ward to the extent possible. Hardened prisoners are lodged in high
security enclosures created in each jail. Total segregation of adolescent
and adult prisoners is maintained with the creation of Central Jail No. 5
for them. Convicts and undertrial prisoners are lodged separately.

Delhi jail administration however does not take social status into
consideration for classification of prisoners. Delhi was the first state in
India to abolish prisoner's classification on the basis of social status.

Prison Statistics & Classification of Prison Population

(as on 30th April 2008)
Total Capacity Prison Population
Male Female Total Male Female Total
5850 400 6250 10847 454 11301

Male Female
Convicts 2182 55
Undertrials 8644 399
Detenues 21 0
Others 0 0
Total 10847 454
TOTAL 11301

Age wise Classification of Prisoners

(as on 30th April 2008)
Male Female
18 - 21 years 1238 25
21 - 30 years 5691 113
30 - 50 years 3426 242
50 - 65 Years 447 61
65 and above 45 13
Total 10847 454
TOTAL 11301

Foreign Prisoners
(as on 30th April 2008)

Male Female
Convict 87 1
Undertrials 328 56
Others (Civil & Detenues) 18 0
Total 433 57

Classification of Undertrials as per the Length of stay in Jail

(as on 30th April 2008)

PERIOD Male Female

Upto 01 month 1910 103
01 - 03 months 1816 59
03 - 06 months 1218 35
06 - 12 months 1211 57
12 - 24 months 1101 69
24 - 36 months 637 33
36 - 48 months 331 21
48 - 60 months 238 15
Above 60 months 182 7
Total 8644 399
TOTAL 9043

Classification of Convict Prisoners as per term of imprisonment

(as on 31st March 2008)

PERIOD Male Female

Upto 01 month 62 0
01 - 03 months 67 0
03 - 06 months 102 0
06 - 12 months 125 0
01 - 02 years 132 0
02 - 05years 224 4
05 - 10 years 451 9
Above 10 years 314 10
Life sentence 696 32
Death sentence 9 0
Total 2182 55
TOTAL 2237


Recreational Facilities:

The prisoner's participation in games and sports activities within the

prisons took a big jump with the organization of inter-ward and inter-
jail competitions twice a year for the last over five years. In all the
prisons, sports like volleyball, cricket, basketball, kho-kho, kabbaddi,
chess, carom etc. are organised during winter sports festivals, which are
popularly known in the jail as "Tihar Olympics". Inter jail cultural
meets titled "Ethnic Tihar" are held during spring season every year in
which competitions in music, dance, sher-o-shairi, quawali, painting,
quiz etc. are organised for inmates. Eminent personalities from the field
of sports and culture are invited on these occasions to encourage the
prisoners to take part in the sports and cultural events, to foster their
physical, mental and cultural development and inculcate discipline.

Prominent dignitaries like Hon'ble Chief Minister of Delhi Smt. Shiela

Dikshit, members of parliament, Members of International Committee
for Red Cross, Judges of Delhi High Court with other Judicial Officers
of Subordinate Judiciary, DG/IG (Prisons) of various states, Senior
Government Officers from centre and Delhi State Govt., Yoga-acharya
Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj, Archbishop of Delhi, Members of National
and Delhi Commission for Women, High Commissioner of Australia
visited during last, one year.

Famous actress Ms. Nandita Das inaugurated Pottery Unit in Tihar.

These efforts have gone a long way in channelising the energy of the
prisoners towards a positive direction.

All Religious and National festivals are celebrated by one and all inside
the prisons. On Republic Day and Independence Day National Flag is
hoisted in all the prisons. All religious festivals like Holi, Diwali, Id,
Guru Parv, X-mas etc. are celebrated by one and all. On Rakshbandhan
Day sisters/ brothers are allowed to meet the inmates and tie Rakhies.
Sweets are prepared inside the prisons and sold to the visitors. This is a
big occasion which helps the jail administration to convey to the
prisoners that "We Care".

Educational Facilities:

Both adult and formal education arrangements have been made for
prisoners. Educational activities are looked after with the help of
Government resources as well as NGO's participation. Study Centres of
the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi and
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), Delhi are established at
Tihar Prisons in which about 2640 and 1900 inmates students are
enrolled respectively. Computer training centres are also working in
the Prisons for imparting computer education to the prisoners.

The most important aspect of the education system in Tihar Jail is that
educated prisoners voluntarily teach less educated prisoners. An
illiterate person landing in Tihar Jail can look forward to being literate
if his stay is more than a week. Library with the support of Non-
Governmental Organisations has been created in each jail.
Capsule computer courses of six months duration are provided to the
willing and eligible inmates with the help of NGO Sterlite Foundation.

Many new courses like Bachelor or Art/ Commerce/Preparatory

Programme Diploma in Creative Writing in Hindi/English, Certificate
in Human Rights, Masters in Tourism/Management/Computers Post
Graduate Diploma in Distance Education are the main course studied in
Tihar Jail.

Vocational classes in English/Hindi typing and Commercial Arts are

conducted by Directorate of Training & Technical Education and
certificates are issued to successful students.

For spreading the Gandhian Philosophy, a Gandhi Centre has been

established by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, Government of India
at IGNOU ward. More than 500 books on Gandhian philosophy were
added to the library. Some of the inmates who joined the path of
'Reformation through Education' have been successfully rehabilitated.

Expenditure on fees for IGNOU / NIOS courses is borne by the

Government. Study material like note-books, pens etc. is also being
provided free of cost to inmate students.

Many dignitaries including Chief Minister, Ministers, Director /

Inspector General of various prisons, Judges, Vice-Chancellor of
IGNOU, Chairman NHRC, Media persons and NGOs of International
organisations had visited the centre during last one year and have
appreciated the efforts of jail administration.

Panchayat System and Participative Management:

Prisoners are encouraged to participate in the management of their

welfare activities. Sense of responsibility is inculcated in the prisoners to
prepare them for social integration. Prisoners bodies called
"Panchayats" are constituted to help prison administration in the field
of education, vocational education, legal counseling, kitchen, public
works etc. Once in every year a Mahapanchayat is organised in all
Central Jail on rotational basis, in which panchayat members of all
Tihar Prisons participated along with about 2000 prisoners to discuss
problems of prisoners. The Mahapanchayat was an open meeting of
prisoners taken by DG (Prisons) and it was held in the presence of
electronic and print media. This gives an opportunity to all the
prisoners to air their grievances before the head of the Prisons
Administration i.e. "The Sarpanch". All such suggestions/Grievances
are sympathetically heard and immediate redressal actions are initiated.
Besides giving the prisoners a sense of pride it also helps in letting the
steam off which may otherwise lead to serious consequences, if allowed
to accumulate. The prisons look like a self-contained Indian village
where the prisoners themselves regulate their welfare activities under
the guidance of prison officials. The prisoners themselves manage
prisoner welfare canteens.


The study of the problems faced by the prisoners after release and the
reasons for committing crime guided Tihar Jail Admn. to initiate steps,
which can go a long way in rehabilitating the prisoners after their
release. Various trades are taught to convicts in the Jail Factory itself in
Jail No. 2. In addition a programme for teaching various trades was
started in other jails also both for convicts as well as undertrials. This
programme includes pen manufacturing, book binding, manure
making, screen printing, envelope making, tailoring and cutting, shoe-
making etc. which has not only resulted in learning a trade but also
provided monetary gains to the prisoners. For the post-release
rehabilitation of the prisoners, the Social Welfare Department of Delhi
Govt. provides loans for setting up self-employed units.

Yoga and Meditation:

For cleansing and disciplining mind, Yoga and meditation classes were
started in a big way with the help of various voluntary organisations. In
the year 1994 Tihar Jail created a history by organising a Vipassana
Meditation camp for more than one thousand prisoners. Since then a
permanent Vipassana center has been opened in Tihar Jail No.4, where
two courses of ten days duration are organised regularly. In the year
1998, Sh. Satya Narain Goenka, teacher of Vipassana, inaugurated
"Pagodas" meditation cells in the center. Staff members are also
encouraged, to attend meditation courses. Meditation groups like
Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishvavidyalaya, Divya Jyoti Jagriti
Sansthan, Sahaj Yoga Kendra have also opened their branches in Jails
for imparting moral education, counseling and techniques of meditation
to the prisoners. This has helped many prisoners in changing the whole
approach to life.

Legal Aid:

Legal Aid Cells exist in every Jail with facilities for drafting, typing and
dealing with bail applications, misc. application, appeals, revision etc.
on behalf of the Jail inmates. With the increase in prison population to
about 13,000 the demand for legal aid and advice has increased
considerably. Majority of prisoners belong to economically poor class
and are not in a position to avail the services of expensive lawyers.

There is a Legal Panchayat system in all the jails, where the educated
and law professional cater to the legal aid requirements of their fellow
prisoners in drafting petitions, revision and appeal applications. All
these efforts have shown encouraging results.

Special Courts/Lok Adalats:

In pursuance to the letter of Hon'ble Chief Justice of India in which

suggestion was given to the Chief Justices of all High Courts that every
Chief Metropolitan Magistrate of the area may hold his court once or
twice in a month in jail to take up the cases of those undertrials who are
involved in petty offences and are keen to confess their guilt, special Lok
Adalats were organised in the Jail complex. Till date 75 courts have
been organized and 3900 cases settled.

New Prison Act & Jail Manual

The Delhi Prisons Act, 2000 has been notified on 14.2.2002 . With the
introduction of the new legislation with modern concepts of Prison
Management, the jail functioning will be strengthened and reformation
activities will get a boost. The New Prison Act will formalise and
institutionalise the participation of NGOs in Prison Management. The
draft of Delhi Prison Rules is under consideration of the Government.

Creative Art Therapy:

Creative Art Therapy, which is psycho-therapeutic in nature, is used in

several settings. In respect to prison setting, the therapy serves as a
reformatory process in several ways. Firstly and most importantly, it
helps to express, channelise and ventilate himself. One has to keep in
mind that anyone convicted or otherwise exiled from the rest of the
world is initially bound to have tremendous anger, aggression, sense of
helplessness, hopelessness and emotional problems. Therefore, by
encouraging and promoting Creative Art, the individual is able to
release his pent up emotions and realize his worth as 'self' having a
positive desire of improving himself both consciously and unconsciously.

Painting/Greeting Cards exhibition by adolescent prisoners was

organized at venues:-

1. Central Cottage Industries Emporium, New Delhi,

2. Central Jail No.4, Tihar, New Delhi
3. Kala Ghoda, Art Gallery, Opp. Jahangir Art Gallery
4. India International Trade Fair, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi
5. Japanese Park, Pitam Pura, New Delhi
6. Inter Continental, Connaught Place, New Delhi

Societal Participation in Reformation

As a part of community participation in the reformation and social

integration of prisoners after release, a large number of respectable
members of non-Governmental organisations, Retired Major General,
Professors of I.I.T Delhi, Eminent Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Principals
and Teachers of various educational institutions have been conducting
various activities in the Prisons. These NGOs have had very sobering
and positive impact on the psyche of the prisoners, who have been
shown the positive and constructive approach to life after interaction
with them. NGOs participation is mainly concentrated in the field of
education, vocation and counseling. Apart from the formal education
with the NGO support, the classes in various languages like Urdu,
Punjabi, German, French etc. are also held. Some of the NGOs have
trained selected prisoners on various trades and have been bringing job
for them against payment of remuneration. These prisoners are also
rehabilitated by them after their release.


Arthur Road Jail, built in 1926, is Mumbai's largest and oldest prison.
It houses most of the city's prisoners. It is located near Sat Rasta (Seven
Roads), between Mahalaxmi and Chinchpokli railway stations in the
southern part the city. It was upgraded in 1994 to become a Central
Prison and its official name is Bombay Central Prison. But, for the
people of Mumbai, the heavily-guarded prison has always been known
as Arthur Road jail.

Space is at a premium inside. The jail was built to accommodate 1074

prisoners but the average number of inmates is generally over 3,000—
far exceeding its capacity in terms of space, sanitation and other

Sodomy is rampant and the prevalence of HIV and tuberculosis is

alarming. Around 180 prisoners are crammed in a cell designed to
house 50. Prisoners have to sleep in awkward positions, making them
susceptible to sexual overtures. Many succumb to their seniors, or gang
leaders, in exchange for a little luxury like food or assurances of a job
on release from the jail.

But for members of the crime syndicates, who tip guards and officers
generously, a luxury lifestyle is always within easy reach.

For those who belong to powerful gangs, it was easy to control

underworld activities from within the jail by mobile phone. However, a
newly-installed jammer (to block out mobile signals) may have put an
end to that.

A few decades ago, this prison was one of the most feared in India,
because of the treatment prisoners received from the inmate overseers.
The cells were overcrowded and the prisoners had to sleep on blankets
infested with lice. They were allowed to wash each day, but the ration of
water was very little. If they stood up against the overseers they were
punished in terrible ways.

The prison features in Gregory David Roberts' award winning book

Shantaram, which details his life on the run and his time spent in
Bombay, which comprised of a stint in Arthur Road. And now it has
Sunjay Dutt, a bollywood actor sentenced for his involvement in the
1993 bomb blasts in Mumbai.

The prison jurisprudence developed in recent years has served to

empower prisoners where once they were disempowered. It is the
travesty of justice that despite a new jurisprudence coming forth from
the Apex Court articulating new forms of rights and liberties to
prisoners, it remains non existent for a large percentage of illiterate,
ignorant and impoverished masses of this country and it did not change
substantially the position of prisoners or prison system in India. We
have excellent court verdict directions, and innovative interpretations
on paper but those have seldom been implemented in favour of those for
whose benefit they have been decided. When the prisons are used as a
part of regime sponsored violence, it is understandable that they
perpetrate such violence and tend to firmly accentuate on discipline and
punishment and regard it as both legitimate and justified for all

The problems afflicting prisons are many, prolonged neglect and the
imperatives of prison reforms do not create further delay. The number
of prisoners in India is not much,if they are cared for and administered
in a systematic and humane manner, the jail population may even come
down further. Is this not a social goal worth achievement?

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