Cyber Crime in Business

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Ashour A. N. Mostafa
Assistant Lecturer at The Higher Institute of Science and Technology – Tobruk
Phone: +218 91 981 9991 / +218 92 310 8020


The criminals of cyber, nowadays, are exploiting software that aims to damage or disable
computer systems, i.e., malware, viruses, bots and other forms of complicated attacks or threats,
to breach considerable organizations. Those threats could be for various goals, such as financial
revenue, disruption of business, or political trend. The situation used by the cybercriminals is to
attack diverse organizations and multiple targets for raising the likelihood ratio of success. It
could be spread the viruses and malware programs that designed on daily basis. The influence of
cybercrimes in business is shown in this paper by surveying some studies, which were conducted
in some countries.

1. Introduction:

Organizations strive and struggle to defend own assets and sensitive data by fighting the threats
separately, but most of the attacks are unidentified and unrecorded. However, hackers or
cybercriminals are often working under the supervision of well-structured organizations with
money support. They employ high-skills black hat hackers and supply them the goals and
motivations to attack. This essay is going to show the influence of cybercrimes in business by
surveying some studies were conducted in some countries like the United States, the United
Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong and Brazil. In turn, the study focuses on addressing the risks
that organizations meet by getting the experience of practitioners of IT and business executives. It
assists in setting up the precautions for future threats. The findings can be summarized that the
cybercrimes risks levels differ among countries, sixty-six attacks and disruption per week are the

average that organizations meet, the motivation for a hacker, the cost paid by organizations that
caused by cybercrimes is continuous, the effect of mobile on security risks, and last but not least,
lack precautions that adopted by countries. In this study, it has been surveyed 2,618 highly
experienced business leaders and IT security practitioners located in the United States, United
Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong and Brazil.

2. Key Findings of the Impact of Cybercrimes on Business:

2.1 Five Different types of Cyber Crimes:

There are five main types of cybercrimes that concern the countries conduct the study. It includes
denial of service (DoS), botnet, advanced persistent threats (APTs), social engineering, and
malicious programs i.e., viruses, worms and Trojans (Ponemon,2012).

The mission is to conduct high quality, empirical studies on critical issues affecting the
management and security of sensitive information about people and organizations. As a member
of the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO), they uphold strict data
confidentiality, privacy and ethical research standards. They do not collect any personally
identifiable information from individuals (or company identifiable information in our business
research). Furthermore, we have strict quality standards to ensure that subjects are not asked
extraneous, irrelevant or improper questions.

Denial of Service (DoS)

This kind of attack is more effective than other attacks because it differs in the forms and goals of
the attack that target the computers and networks. Cybercriminals and attackers often aim to
breach the information systems intentionally. Their goals might be to extract the critical
information, steal credit cards, modify sensitive data, or making fraud operations to exploit
services are not allowed to be used. All of those operations involve in one goal that is disruption
the victim (Shui,2013).
The process of denial of service is conducted through the malicious control of the targeted system
and deny offering services to legitimate users. It is not to steal sensitive data, or steal numbers of

credit cards, or damage the machine of the victim. It is just stop available services from the
victim to the normal client within the organization. It is implemented via occupying the victim in
the attack traffic, hence the large numbers of clients are compromised by the attacker itself. He
uses them as attackers in unauthorized access (Mirkovic; Dittrich; & Reiher,2004) (Tan;
Jamadagi; He; Nanda; & Liu, 2014).

Such damages of DoS attacks can be outlined as follows:

 Sites that have online orders can be accessed in unauthorized way through the services
offered to their clients to gain money.
 Majority of websites offer services for marketers to show its advertisements on websites
to the public. The attack aims to loss the revenue that websites profit from the marketers.
 Create fake webpages and exploiting users who have lack knowledge on cyber security.

Botnet simply can be defined as utilizing a malicious program to attack private computers or a
network to be controlled as a group without the user to realize, such as sending a spam. In other
meaning, the difference between the hacker and the client in a botnet is the ability of client in a
botnet to take actions without allowing the hacker to log into the client’s operating system. In
addition, the clients in a botnet include any client with its machine execute a specific goal with
others in a coordinated role. Those clients are considered in a botnet because of no interference
from the hacker (Schiller; & Binkley, 2014).

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

It is a threat relating to the attacks on networks to facilitate the intruder to access to the network
and stay for long time or period without ability of detection. The aim of this process is to steal
sensitive data and not to damage the system physically. Those attacks usually occur on the
ministries of defense and the sectors related to manufacturing and financial. The mechanism of
detection through the intrusion detection system (IDS) cannot detect the intruder due the rapid
access to the network or the system and getting out. It aims the availability to access a long
period of time, not to be discovered. Some techniques used in this mechanism that the intruder

writes codes to gain access to the system such as the social engineering, spear fishing and create a
back door (Chen; Desmet; & Huygens, 2014).
Social Engineering
From the term “social”, social engineering can be defined as some of the users who have bad
intentions chat with legitimate users to get information of a system to able to access the targeted
system without any notice of legitimate users. Therefore, most of the researchers and security
practitioners realized that the vulnerabilities of the systems can be come from the same users who
are working in that organization. Some of the attacks can be occurred by phone. A hacker who
pretends an officer working in an authority and tells the victim to pull out the information easily,
e.g. password of the system and a credit card number (Krombholz; Hobel; Huber; & Weippl,

Malicious Programs
This terminology has become known to the public in which these programs are deployed and
inserted into the system to harm it. Two types of malicious programs which needs a host, and the
other executed independently such as viruses, logic bombs and backdoors. The other type can be
scheduled and run by the OS, for instance, worms and zombies (Stallings, 2014).
In simple definition of some examples of malicious program, it can be summarized as follows
(Stallings, 2014):
 Virus: it is a program that can infect the programs through modifying the good programs
for creating copies of the virus and continuing the infection into the system.
 Worm: it is a program that able to create replicas in any media and transfer the copies
over the network.
 Backdoor: in other term called “trapdoor”. It is a point in the program the intruder can
exploit it to gain access to the system. Programmers usually use the trapdoors to test and
debug the programs that often have authentication procedures.
 Logic bomb: it is one of the oldest types of threats. It depends on inserting a code into the
programs to trigger the actions when a particular condition occurs.
 Trojan horses: it is the most useful viruses for cybercriminals. It has embedded code that
called/invoked to accomplish particular functions. One of the objectives of deployment is
the data destruction.

 Zombie is used in denial of services attacks because it takes over the computers connected
to Internet to start the attacks.

Figure.1 explains the ranking of the five types of cyber security in each country, in which “5”
refers to the highest level of the risk.

Fig. 1: Cyber Security Rank (Ponemon, 2012)

As illustrated in the figure, the respondents who are IT practitioners and organizations senior
executives in each country stated the USA the most risk comes from the denial of service, and the
United Kingdom is the same to the USA. The social engineering in Germany (DE “Deutschland”)
is the most critical one. In Brazil, the viruses and various malicious programs are the highest risk
(Ponemon, 2012). In this study, it has been surveyed 2,618 highly experienced business leaders
and IT security practitioners located in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Hong
Kong and Brazil. The present survey questions were part of a larger omnibus survey instrument
(a.k.a. Meta survey) fielded on a quarterly cycle in all five countries.

Figure.2 shows the countries’ concerns of the cybercrimes risks and how much they implement
precautions of security.

Fig. 2: Countries’ Concerns of Cyber Security (Ponemon, 2012)

As illustrated in the chart, the dotted line in red color clarifies the average of countries concerns
of the risks. Two countries implement precautions of the security such as the adopted security
technologies, and training the individuals and organizations related to the field are USA and

In the United Kingdom, the majority of the practitioners stated that the country is concerned of
the security risks, and they increased the precautions implementations, technology adoption and
staff training. In addition, they implemented the security measures that assist in protection against
the threats like utilizing the firewalls and anti-bot technologies.

In contrast, Brazil and Hong Kong mentioned that the firewalls are the most technology
implemented for protection as a security measure, and utilizing the intrusion detection system.
The following table (Table. 1) shows the most security measures that adopted and implemented
by the five countries, added to the percentage of level of usage to fight the attacks (Vande Putte;
& Verhelst, 2014).

Table 1. Security Measures Adopted in the Countries (Vande Putte; & Verhelst, 2014)

It is noticed that Germany is the highest rank in adopting different security measures to prevent
the attacks followed by the United States.

2.2 Frequency of Attacks

According to Ponemon institute that reported the study in 2016, they pointed out the most types
of attacks or infections for precede two years. Every day the organizations in those countries
meet the challenges of cyber-attacks (Ponemon,2012).

According to Shar and Tan, the United States has 54% of SQL injection attacks while 47% for
advanced persistent threats and 11% for denial of services. Unlike Brazil that has lowest
percentage of SQL injection attacks among the five countries, but it has an increment in the
denial of service attacks higher than the United States. This denotes to the policies that followed
in these countries for the security measures. It also the attacks differ from a country to another
according to the nature of the organizations and firms followed by the security measures adopted,
for instance, USA and UK has similar percentage of SQL Injection attacks and both are higher
among the others (Shar; & Tan, 2013).

SQL injection is one of the vulnerabilities exploited and utilized in web 2.0 area. Web 2.0 refers
to the web applications. Intruders and cyber criminals are using SQL injection to steal the
sensitive data from online websites for organizations. The weakness in the web application occur
when the application misses the validation of input of the users. Therefore, the hacker insert
statement s into the databases driven web applications to be run (Shar; & Tan, 2013).

The database driven web apps is used in the websites related to the e-commerce. Such websites
need to sell products online and promote services as well. Therefore, there are some technologies
and tools used to scanning the vulnerabilities of the web applications and protect its databases.

2.3 Loss of Information and Sensitive Data

Loss of critical information is one of the critical challenges that organization face it. The
organizations and firms that are attacked then losses sensitive information would impact on the
productivity that probably declined. Then it causes the so-called the business disruption as
illustrated in Figure.3.

Fig. 3: Major Cyber Attack Percentage (Shar; & Tan, 2013).

As illustrated in the chart, loss of information has highest percentage among others because of the
adopting of security measures. In Germany and the United States are quite similar to Brazil
because they attacked more than others. In turn, the productivity decline has minor impact each.
The mission is to conduct high quality, empirical studies on critical issues affecting the
management and security of sensitive information about people and organizations. As a member

of the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO), they uphold strict data
confidentiality, privacy and ethical research standards. They do not collect any personally
identifiable information from individuals (or company identifiable information in our business
research). Furthermore, we have strict quality standards to ensure that subjects are not asked
extraneous, irrelevant or improper questions (Fahlevi; Saparudin; Maemunah; & Ekhsan, 2019).

2.4 Mobile Devices usage in the Workplace

Fig. 4: Mobile Device and Threats in the Workplace (Shar; & Tan, 2013).

According to the information technology and business leaders that the study conducted on them,
they stated that the use of mobile phones in the workplace is a critical issue that make a concern
for the organization in all countries. The benefits of mobile device divers from web surfing to
reading email, and from downloading the mail attachments to use the social networking apps.
The issue relates to the lack of security for mobile as well as using the removable devices in the
workplace. This chart ranked from “1” that is the lowest risk to number “7” that is the highest
risk as illustrated in Fig. 4 (Shar; & Tan, 2013).

2.5 Financial Fraud

This Fig. 5 is describing the motivation for the cyber criminals to commit the financial fraud. The
highest percentage in all countries relates to the financial fraud, followed by the disruption of
operations, then theft of customer’s data (Ali, 2019).

Fig. 5: impact of Attacks on the Organizations (Ali, 2019)

2.6 The Average Cost of Cyber Attacks

According to the Table. 2 above with the Table. 1 in the previous section, Germany has the
highest cost estimation due to the cyber-attacks unlike Brazil that is the lowest ones. This results
in Table. Table 1 and Table 2 are because of the highest implementation and adopting of the
security measures, technologies and training comparing to Brazil (Ndeda; & , 2019).
Table 2: Average Cost of Cyber Attacks (Ndeda; & , 2019)

Figure.6 shows the chart of the distribution for the industrial sectors that conducted the study on
their individuals in their organizations (Shar; & Tan, 2013).

Fig. 6: The Study conducted of the Industrial Sectors (Shar; & Tan, 2013)

In addition, 47% of the samples/participants are working in organizations that have more than
1000 employees. Also, 63% of the reports surveyed from IT Technicians and leaders rather than
chief risk officer and others because they are more connected to the IT field.

3. Conclusion

As conclusion of the study, the participants have focused on the common types of the security
risks represented in the five attacks: denial of service (DoS), botnet, advanced persistent threats
(APTs), social engineering and malware programs such as viruses and worms. Those five has
been surveyed according to the experts and practitioners of the information technology and
business leaders as well. It was to address the impact of cybercrimes on business, the motivations
for cybercrimes to commit such threats, the highest cost of implementing the security measures
for protection, and the level of risks that major organizations within countries face it. The survey
was addressed in five countries as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong,
and Brazil.
The risks levels differ among the five countries in which the denial of services (DoS) is the most
critical threat that US and UK meet. In turn, Brazil has threats represented in malware programs

such as Trojan horses, viruses and worms. Last, Germany struggles from the social engineering.
Organizations in these countries face SQL injection as the most attack followed by advanced
persistent threats. These cybercrimes affect the organizations in loss of sensitive data, reduction
in productivity and hence the business disruption. Losses represented in the intellectual property
and the secrecy of trades transactions. The motivation for cybercrimes to commit such these
crimes can be either political or ideological. Most of the cybercriminals are doing the job for
financial purposes as fraud or steal sensitive data. Such these crimes conducted either destruction
purposes or for competing. The cost resulted because of the attacks found out the United States,
Germany and UK have the highest cost of prevention of such threats either applying security
measures or due to the losses resulted by the attacks. Use the mobile devices in the workplace are
considered as the most concerns that face the business administrators from their employees. In
addition, the social media and removable USB devices in the workplace are critical threats, too.


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