A First Course On Kinetics and Reaction Engineering Example 33.2

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A First Course on Kinetics and Reaction Engineering

Example 33.2

Problem Purpose
This problem will help you determine whether you have mastered the learning objectives for this
unit. Specifically, it illustrates the use of the axial dispersion model and shows how it will predict results
intermediate between a CSTR and a PFR for an appropriate value of the dispersion coefficient.

Problem Statement
The reaction between A and B produces the desired product, D according to reaction (1), but B also
decomposes according to reaction (2), generating the undesired product U. When the reactions take
place in a constant density solution, the heat of reaction is so small that the reactions are effectively
isothermal. Reaction (1) is first order in each of the two reactants, second order overall. Reaction (2) is
second order in B. At the process temperature the rate coefficient for reaction (1) is 8 x 10-2 L mol-1 min-1
and that for reaction (2) is 4 x 10-2 L mol-1 min-1. When a CSTR is used, the selectivity is 6.32 mol D per
mol U at 90% conversion of B, and when a PFR is used at the same conversion, the selectivity is 3.03
mol D per mol U. Compare these selectivities to the selectivity predicted by the axial dispersion model
when the axial dispersion coefficient is equal to 4 dm2 s-1. The feed to the 35 dm long tubular reactor will
be taken from a tank that contains a solution of A and B with equal concentrations of 0.75 M and flow with
a superficial velocity of 0.1 dm s-1. (The flow rate and reactor length were chosen to give a conversion of
ca. 90% to permit an equitable comparison to the PFR and CSTR selectivities.)

A+B→D (1)
2B→U (2)

Problem Analysis
The problem statement instructs us to use the axial dispersion model to compute the selectivity. It
also states that the reactions occur isothermally. To solve the problem, axial dispersion model mole
balances will need to be written for at least two of the reagents that participate in the reactions. Those
equations can be solved to find the concentrations of D and U at the reactor outlet, allowing the
calculation of the selectivity.

Problem Solution
The following quantities are given in the problem statement: k1 = 8 x 10-2 L mol-1 min-1, k2 = 4 x 10-2
L mol-1 min-1, Dax = 4 dm2 s-1, L = 35 dm, CA,feed = 0.75 mol L-1, CB,feed = 0.75 mol L-1, us = 0.1 dm s-1. The
problem states that the density of the solution is constant, so the volumetric flow rate and the superficial
velocity are also constant.
The general form of the axial dispersion model mole balance is given in equation (1). In the present
problem, there are two reactions taking place, so the summation expands to two term. In addition, the
superficial velocity is a constant and can be taken outside of the derivative. Mole balances of the form

AFCoKaRE, Example 33.2 1

A First Course on Kinetics and Reaction Engineering

given in equation (1) can be written for each of the reagents, A, B, D and U, leading to equations (2)
through (5).

d 2 Ci d
−Dax 2 + ( usCi ) = ∑ ν i, j rj (1)
dz dz j=all

d 2C A dC
−Dax 2
+ us A = −r1 (2)
dz dz

d 2C B dC
−Dax 2
+ us B = −r1 − 2r2 (3)
dz dz

d 2C D dC
−Dax 2
+ us D = r1 (4)
dz dz

d 2CU dC
−Dax 2
+ us U = r2 (5)
dz dz
We will use the Danckwerts boundary conditions to solve the mole balances. The general form of
the Danckwerts boundary conditions are given in equations (6) and (7). Those equations can be used to
write the boundary conditions for A, B, D and U, as given in equations (8) through (15), where the
equations were also re-arranged so there is a zero on the right of the equals sign.

at z = 0; usCi ( z = 0 ) − Dax = usCi, feed (6)
dz z=0

at z = L; =0 (7)
dz z=L

dC A
usC A ( 0 ) − Dax − usC A, feed = 0 (8)
dz z=0

dC A
=0 (9)
dz z=L

dC B
usC B ( 0 ) − Dax − usC B, feed = 0 (10)
dz z=0

dC B
=0 (11)
dz z=L

dC D
usC D ( 0 ) − Dax − usC D, feed = 0 (12)
dz z=0

AFCoKaRE, Example 33.2 2

A First Course on Kinetics and Reaction Engineering

dC D
=0 (13)
dz z=L

usCU ( 0 ) − Dax − usCU , feed = 0 (14)
dz z=0

=0 (15)
dz z=L

Some of the boundary conditions are specified at z = 0 while other are specified at z = L, making
the set of ordinary differential equation (ODEs) to be solved mixed boundary value ODEs. We will solve
these equations numerically (see Supplemental Unit S6). No matter what software is used, solving
equations (2) through (5) numerically will require us to provide code that is given values for the dependent
variable and its derivatives as a function of the independent variable and that uses those values to
evaluate the ODEs and the boundary conditions.
In the present case, the four quantities appearing in the ODEs other than the derivatives,
dependent variables and independent variable are the axial dispersion coefficient, the superficial velocity
and the rates of the two reactions. The first two are constants that were given in the problem statement,
as listed above. The problem specifies the reaction orders, and the rate coefficients are given (they are
constant since the reaction occurs isothermally). Thus, the rates can be calculated using equations (16)
and (17). All of the quantities appearing in the boundary conditions are known constants whose values
are given in the problem statement.

r1 = k1C AC B (16)

r2 = k2C B2 (17)

Thus, at this point the code needed to solve the the axial dispersion model mole balances
numerically can be written and the equations can be solved. Doing so yields the concentrations of A, B, D
and U as a function of axial position within the reactor. The resulting values of the concentrations of D and
U at the reactor outlet can be used to compute the selectivity according to equation (18). Doing so, one
finds the selectivity to equal 3.4 mol D per mol U. Recall that at the same conversion the selectivity in a
PFR is 3.03 and when a CSTR is used it equals 6.32. As expected, the axial dispersion model yields a
selectivity intermediate between a PFR and a CSTR because the amount of back-mixing in the axial
dispersion model is intermediate between the zero back-mixing of the PFR and the complete back-mixing
of the CSTR.

CD ( L )
SD U = (18)
CU ( L )

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A First Course on Kinetics and Reaction Engineering

Calculation Details Using MATLAB

The axial dispersion mole balance design equation is a mixed boundary ODE. The solution of
mixed boundary ODEs is described in Supplemental Unit S6, which also provides template files for
solving them. There are two template files provided. One is used if the ODE contains the reciprocal of the
independent variable which causes a singularity at the point where that variable equals zero. Examining
equations (2) through (5), it can be seen that the reciprocal of z is not present. Therefore the code
presented here was generated by modifying the MATLAB template file SolvBVDif.m, a copy of which was
saved as Example_33_2_ad.m and modified to solve this problem. The modified file accompanies this
In order to use the template file, the second-order ODEs of equations (2) through (5) must be
reduced to a set of first order ODEs, and the boundary conditions must be re-written in terms of the new
dependent variables. This is a straightforward process and is explained in Supplemental Unit S6. We
begin by defining CA′ as in equation (19). With that definition, the second derivative of CA with respect to z
will equal the first derivative of CA′ with respect to z, as shown in equation (20). Substitution of equations
(19) and (20) into equation (2) leads to equation (21). Analogous treatment of the mole balances on B, D
and U leads to equations (22) though (27).

dC A
= C A′ (19)

d 2C A dC A′
= (20)
dz 2 dz
dC A′ dC A′ r1 + usC A′
−Dax + usC A′ = −r1 ⇒ = (21)
dz dz Dax

dC B
= C B′ (22)
dC B′ r1 + 2r2 + usC B′
= (23)
dz Dax

dC D
= C D′ (24)
dC D′ −r1 + usC D′
= (25)
dz Dax

= CU′ (26)
dCU′ −r2 + usCU′
= (27)
dz Dax

AFCoKaRE, Example 33.2 4

A First Course on Kinetics and Reaction Engineering

Thus, the four second order ODEs, equations (2) through (5), are equivalent to the eight first order
ODEs, equations (19) and (21) through (27). Similarly substituting equation (19), and its equivalents for B,
D and U, into the original boundary conditions, equations (8) through (15), leads to the corresponding
boundary conditions in terms of the new dependent variables, equations (28) and (through).

dC A
usC A ( 0 ) − Dax − usC A, feed = 0 ⇒ usC A ( 0 ) − Dax C A′ ( 0 ) − usC A, feed = 0 (28)
dz z=0

dC A
=0 ⇒ C A′ ( L ) = 0 (29)
dz z=L

usC B ( 0 ) − Dax C B′ ( 0 ) − usC B, feed = 0 (30)

C B′ ( L ) = 0 (31)

usC D ( 0 ) − Dax C D′ ( 0 ) − usC D, feed = 0 (32)

C D′ ( L ) = 0 (33)

usCU ( 0 ) − Dax CU′ ( 0 ) − usCU , feed = 0 (34)

CU′ ( L ) = 0 (35)

With the equations in this form, the modification of SolvBVDif.m can be undertaken. To begin, the
initial comment was replaced, the function definition was changed so there are no return values and the
known constants from the problem statement were entered. These modifications can be seen in Listing 1.

% Modified version of the MATLAB template file SolvBVDif.m used to model

% the tubular reactor with axial dispersion in Example 33.2 of "A First
% Course on Kinetics and Reaction Engineering."
function Example_33_2_ad
% Known quantities and constants (in consistent units)
k1 = 8e-2; % dm3/mol/min
k2 = 4e-2; % dm3/mol/min
CAfeed = 0.75; % mol/dm3
CBfeed = 0.75; % mol/dm3
CDfeed = 0.0; % mol/dm3
CUfeed = 0.0; % mol/dm3
us = 0.1 * 60; % dm/min
L = 350.0; % dm
Dax = 4. * 60; % dm2/min

Listing 1. Modified initial comment and function statement followed by entry of known constants.

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A First Course on Kinetics and Reaction Engineering

The second modification occurs within an internal function named bvodes; this is where the ODEs

are evaluated. This internal function is passed values of the independent and dependent variables (as x

and y, respectively). I like to extract the dependent variables from the vector y, giving them more

meaningful names. In this case I extracted them into variables named CA, CA_prime, etc. After doing
that, the rates of the two reactions can be calculated using equations (16) and (17). If the ODEs have
been written with one derivative on the left of the equals sign and everything else on the right side of the
equals sign, as in equations (19) and (21) through (27), the right hand sides of those ODEs can then be
evaluated and returned in the column vector named dydx. All this is shown in Listing 2.

% Function that evaluates the derivatives

function dydx = bvodes(x,y)
CA = y(1);
CA_prime = y(2);
CB = y(3);
CB_prime = y(4);
CD = y(5);
CD_prime = y(6);
CU = y(7);
CU_prime = y(8);
r1 = k1*CA*CB;
r2 = k2*CB^2;
dydx = [
(us*CA_prime + r1)/Dax;
(us*CB_prime + r1 + 2*r2)/Dax;
(us*CD_prime - r1)/Dax;
(us*CU_prime - r2)/Dax;
end % of internal function bvodes

Listing 2. Modified version of the internal function bvodes.

The third modification occurs within an internal function named bvs; this is where the boundary

conditions are evaluated. This internal function is passed the values of the dependent variables (CA, CA′,
CB, CB′, CD, CD′, CU and CU′) at z = 0 in a vector named y_at_start and it is passed the values of the
same dependent variables at z = L in a vector named y_at_end. I extracted the dependent variables
from the two vectors, giving them more meaningful names. Notice that in equations (28) through (35) the
boundary equations have been written with a zero on the right hand side of the equations. The
modification of internal function bvs involves evaluating the left hand side of each of those equations and

returning them in the form of a column vector named res. (The variable name “res” stands for “residual,”

AFCoKaRE, Example 33.2 6

A First Course on Kinetics and Reaction Engineering

because if the boundary condition is satisfied it will equal zero, otherwise it will be the residual, non-zero
value.) The modifications to internal function bvs are shown in Listing 3.

% Function that calculates the errors at the boundaries

function res = bvs(y_at_start,y_at_end)
CA_inlet = y_at_start(1);
CA_prime_inlet = y_at_start(2);
CB_inlet = y_at_start(3);
CB_prime_inlet = y_at_start(4);
CD_inlet = y_at_start(5);
CD_prime_inlet = y_at_start(6);
CU_inlet = y_at_start(7);
CU_prime_inlet = y_at_start(8);
CA_outlet = y_at_end(1);
CA_prime_outlet = y_at_end(2);
CB_outlet = y_at_end(3);
CB_prime_outlet = y_at_end(4);
CD_outlet = y_at_end(5);
CD_prime_outlet = y_at_end(6);
CU_outlet = y_at_end(7);
CU_prime_outlet = y_at_end(8);
res = [
us*CA_inlet - Dax*CA_prime_inlet - us*CAfeed;
us*CB_inlet - Dax*CB_prime_inlet - us*CBfeed;
us*CD_inlet - Dax*CD_prime_inlet - us*CDfeed;
us*CU_inlet - Dax*CU_prime_inlet - us*CUfeed;
end % of internal function bvs

Listing 3. Modified version of the internal function bvs.

The fourth modification involves creating an initial mesh of points within the reactor where the
values of the dependent variables will be calculated. As can be seen in Listing 4. I chose to simply use
100 points between z = 0 and z = L. The fifth modification involves providing a guess for the value of the
dependent variables at those mesh points. You only provide a single guess for each dependent variable,
and that same guess is used at all of the mesh points. As can be seen in Listing 4, I used the feed
concentration of A as my guess for the each of the concentrations, and I used the rate of the first reaction
at the feed concentration divided by the superficial velocity as my guess for the the Ci′ dependent
variables. (Example 33.1 explains how I came up this this guess, but in the end it is simply a guess; you
can use any guess that leads to a converged solution.)

AFCoKaRE, Example 33.2 7

A First Course on Kinetics and Reaction Engineering

% Set up the initial mesh

x_range_low = 0.0;
x_range_high = L;
n_mesh_points = 100.;

% The next line creates an array for the independent variable

x = linspace(x_range_low,x_range_high,n_mesh_points);

% Guesses
yinit = [

Listing 4. Modification to set up the initial mesh and provide guesses.

The final modification occurs after the equations have been solved. In this case it involves using the
result to calculate the selectivity. I also calculated the conversion of B to make sure it was near 90% so
that it could be equitably compared to the PFR and CSTR selectivities given in the problem statement.
These modifications can be seen in Listing 5.

% Create a structure containing the mesh and guesses


% Solve the odes

result = bvp4c(@bvodes,@bvs,solinit);

convB = 100*(CBfeed - result.y(3,end))/CBfeed

sel = result.y(5,end)/result.y(7,end)

end % of file Example_33_2_ad.m

Listing 5. Modification to assign values to the return variables.

After saving the modified template file, it can be executed by typing “Example_33_2_ad” at the
MATLAB command prompt. Doing so generates the output in Listing 6.

AFCoKaRE, Example 33.2 8

A First Course on Kinetics and Reaction Engineering

>> Example_33_2_ad

convB =

sel =

Listing 6. Output from the execution of Example_33_2_ad.m

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