Influence of Near-Fault Ground Motions On The Response of Base-Isolated Reinforced Concrete Buildings Considering Seismic Pounding

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Influence of Near-Fault Ground Motions on the

Response of Base-Isolated Reinforced Concrete

Buildings Considering Seismic Pounding

Deepak R. Pant1,† and Anil C. Wijeyewickrema2,*

1Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada
2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

(Received: 15 March 2013; Received revised form: 28 August 2013; Accepted: 9 September 2013)

Abstract: Performance of base-isolated buildings subjected to near-fault ground

motions containing long-period pulses is of increasing concern, because these ground
motions have the potential to impose large seismic demands on structures. A review
of previous studies on the performance evaluation of base-isolated reinforced concrete
(RC) buildings under near-fault ground motions shows that these studies lack in the
consideration of seismic pounding and the use of lower bound and upper bound values
of isolator properties according to the current state of practice. Accordingly, in this
study the performance of a typical four-story base-isolated RC building is evaluated
using a three-dimensional nonlinear finite element model, considering bounding
values of isolator properties, to investigate the influences of (i) pulse-like nature of
near-fault ground motions and (ii) seismic pounding with retaining walls at the base.
Two sets of ground motions containing 14 far-fault non-pulse-like ground motions and
14 near-fault pulse-like ground motions, representing the risk-targeted maximum
considered earthquake (MCER), are used. It is found that the response indicators of the
building under near-fault motions are significantly larger than those under far-fault
motions. Analysis results reveal that the building response indicators are significantly
increased due to seismic pounding. Nonetheless, if a bounding analysis is conducted,
consideration of seismic pounding in the analysis does not have appreciable
consequences on the prediction of damage to structural elements and drift-sensitive
nonstructural components, while dramatic increase in floor accelerations due to
pounding is critical for acceleration-sensitive nonstructural components.

Key words: base isolation, bounding analysis, near-fault ground motions, seismic pounding.

1. INTRODUCTION superstructure remains essentially elastic and seismic

Base isolation is an efficient technique to improve pounding with retaining walls at the base does not
seismic performance of buildings because inter-story occur. However, extreme nonlinear response of the
drifts, story shear forces, and floor accelerations of a superstructure and seismic pounding with retaining
base-isolated building are reduced when compared with walls at the base are two potential consequences of
those of a conventional fixed-base building (Naeim and strong near-fault ground motions acting on base-isolated
Kelly 1999; Jangid 2002; Tsai et al. 2004). Since base- buildings (Hall et al. 1995). Several studies have
isolated structures have large effective periods, near- focused on the performance evaluation of base-isolated
fault ground motions containing long-period pulses are buildings under near-fault ground motions (Hall et al.
expected to induce unacceptably large seismic demands 1995; Jangid and Kelly 2001; Jangid 2007; Providakis
on these structures. The most desirable performance of 2008; Providakis 2009; Mazza and Vulcano 2009;
base-isolated buildings is achieved when the Mazza and Vulcano 2012). The effects of near-fault
†Formerly doctoral student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
*Corresponding author. Email address:; Fax: +81-3-5734-3578; Tel: +81-3-5734-2595.
Associate Editor: S.Y. Zhu

Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 16 No. 12 2013 1973

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