1 s2.0 S0141029619327129 Main
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1 s2.0 S0141029619327129 Main
Engineering Structures
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Keywords: In this paper, single-layer and double-layer reticulated domes were taken as two typical research objects.
Reticulated domes Through the dynamic time history analysis of reticulated domes in full process domain, log-linear regression was
Main shock-aftershock sequences performed with a large number of example results to compare the degrees of correlation and efficiency about 11
Damage levels common ground motion intensity measures, and PGA was selected as the most applicable one for fragility
analysis of reticulated domes with aftershock influence. Then, considering that main shock usually caused
Fragility analysis
structural damage, with incremental dynamic analysis method, fragility analysis of reticulated domes under
multiple earthquakes was conducted from two aspects as follows. One part was main shock-aftershock sequence
fragility analysis of intact structures. The other part was aftershock fragility analysis of damaged structures with
four different damage levels caused by main shocks. Based on the fragility curves, the aftershock influence on
fragility of reticulated domes and the aftershock collapse probability of damaged reticulated domes with four
different damage levels caused by main shocks were investigated. It was found that when the damage level
reached severe damage under main shocks, the aftershock collapse probability of reticulated domes would in-
crease significantly. The results expanded the application scope of traditional fragility analysis in seismic en-
gineering and realized the prediction and evaluation of seismic performance of reticulated domes under after-
1. Introduction intensities, which has become the most commonly used method to
predict structural states under earthquakes nowadays. Mathematically,
A complete earthquake process contains a main shock, aftershocks it refers to the conditional probability that structural damage level
and related swarm sequences [1]. Historical earthquake disasters in- exceeds a certain limit state under an earthquake with a certain ground
dicated that not only main shocks could affect structural normal func- motion intensity. The expression is:
tion, but also aftershocks could cause structural damage, even make Sd
structures collapse. For example, in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Pf = P [ ⩾ 1]
Sc (1)
the largest magnitude and frequency of aftershocks were 6.4 Ms and
more than 70 thousand times respectively, which leaded about seventy with Pf the structural failure probability for a certain limit state, Sd the
thousand houses collapse under aftershocks [2]. Because of the non- structural seismic responses with a certain ground motion intensity, and
negligible influence of multiple earthquakes on structures, so far, many Sc the structural seismic responses for a certain limit state. In addition, a
scholars have performed a series of researches about multiple earth- large number of previous statistical results showed that both Sd and Sc
quake influence on seismic performance of some conventional structure followed lognormal distribution [6–8], so that Eq. (1) could also be
forms, such as concrete structures and steel-frame structures [3–5]. As a expressed as Eq. (2):
result, they found that aftershocks had an obvious influence on struc- Sd ln(1) − λ λ
tural seismic responses, and current seismic design codes could not Pf = P [ ⩾ 1] = 1 − Φ( ) = Φ( )
Sc ξ ξ (2)
guarantee structural safety adequately only considering main shocks.
Nowadays, in seismic engineering, seismic fragility analysis is where Φ (●) meant cumulative distribution function (CDF) with stan-
commonly used to characterize the failure probability of structures dard normal distribution, then λ and ξ referred to the median and
reaching different limit states under different ground motion standard deviation of ln( Sd ) respectively, obtained by statistical
Corresponding author at: Space Structures Research Center, School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China.
E-mail address: zhixudong@hit.edu.cn (X. Zhi).
Received 2 July 2019; Received in revised form 10 December 2019; Accepted 28 February 2020
Available online 07 March 2020
0141-0296/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
regression analysis of many numerical example results. dynamic time history analysis, the representative value of gravity load
In recent years, except reticulated domes, fragility analysis of some of reticulated domes was suggested to take the standard value of con-
other common structure forms subjected to multiple earthquakes has stant loading plus the 50% standard value of snow loading. In the finite
been conducted gradually. For concrete structures, D'Aragona et. al element models of reticulated domes, the representative value of
investigated aftershock collapse fragility of RC buildings using incre- gravity load was converted to concentrated mass applied to the nodes of
mental dynamic analysis method and found that the collapse prob- reticulated domes. Moreover, finite element model and seismic re-
ability obviously increased for higher return periods of main shocks [9]. sponse analysis of reticulated domes were established and conducted by
Abdelnaby evaluated seismic fragility of different types of RC frames the finite element software ABAQUS.
with and without multiple earthquake influence respectively and came
to a conclusion that multiple earthquakes had significant effects on the 2.1. Finite element model of reticulated domes
fragility of RC frames [10]. Pang and Wu also did the fragility analysis
of RC bridges under main shock-aftershock sequences and got the si- The design process was divided into two parts: static design and
milar conclusion that aftershocks would increase structural collapse dynamic design. During the static design process, considering geometric
probability [11]. For steel-frame structures, Silwal and Ozbulut ex- and material nonlinearity, SD-R8-S40 was designed with the Kiewitt-8
plored the seismic fragility of two kinds of steel frames and the results single-layer reticulated dome form. The Beam31 element was chosen as
showed that with the intensity of main shocks higher, aftershocks each member, the cross section of which used the PIPE section [14].
caused more damage for the SMRF, but less damage for the SVD frame With members linked by rigid connection, hinge supports were set as
[12]. In addition, Park et. al established an assessment model for the boundary condition of the structure. The length of members and the
structural aftershock fragility and verified the applicability and ra- number of structural rings were obtained according to the limitation of
tionality of the model [13]. slenderness ratio of members in related Chinese design codes [22].
For reticulated domes, on account of the large service space, they Considering the damage accumulation effect, the material of members
were often used as temporary emergency shelters in earthquake- was made of Q235 steel with a 2.1 × 105 N/mm2 elastic modulus. The
stricken areas, so how to ensure structural safety under multiple section dimension of each member was determined based on the related
earthquakes was an urgent problem to be solved with great social sig- Chinese design code [22] to meet general design requirements with the
nificance. Based on single earthquake, lots of remarkable research re- assurance of structural stability under static loads by employing a safety
sults about seismic performance of reticulated domes have been factor of 2.0. During the dynamic design process, the damping model
achieved, including the researches of failure mechanism [14,15], fra- applied the Rayleigh damping, with Rayleigh mass proportional
gility analysis [6,16] and joint behavior [17]. However, compared to damping factor α and Rayleigh stiffness proportional damping factor β.
other conventional structure forms, the researches of multiple earth- The damping ratio was 0.02 according to the suggestion in related
quake influence on reticulated domes are in their infancy. Zhi and design codes and references [14,23]. In addition, the influence of initial
Zhang [18] explored the response law and failure mechanism of single- bending of members was considered and the deformation of the first-
layer reticulated domes under multiple earthquakes and defined five order buckling mode was taken as the initial imperfection with 1/300
different levels of aftershock influence on seismic responses. They also of the span.
proposed the seismic design method considering aftershocks that by There existed several differences in finite element model of SD-R8-
controlling the values of 1P ratio and structural damage factor at the S40 and DD-R12-S60 (Fig. 1), that the Truss element was chosen as
end of main shock, the safety of single-layer reticulated domes under each member and the linking form of members and boundary condition
aftershocks could be guaranteed. Nevertheless, fragility analysis of re- are both hinge connection for DD-R12-S60. Besides, other aspects of
ticulated domes with multiple earthquakes has not been performed yet, DD-R12-S60 were the same with those of SD-R8-S40. The above finite
which restricted the development of reticulated domes in seismic re- element modeling method has been investigated and supported by
gions and had influence on structural function under earthquakes. In several shaking-table tests and references [14,23,24].
view of this backgrounds, with single-layer and double-layer reticulated
domes as examples, this paper determined the aftershock ground mo- 2.2. Selection and input method of main shock-aftershock sequences
tion intensity measure applicable to fragility analysis of reticulated
domes under multiple earthquakes at first. Then, based on incremental In seismic engineering, considering the applicability of seismic
dynamic analysis method, from the perspective of uncertainty, fragility analysis, Ref [18] provided four criteria for selection of main shock-
analysis of reticulated domes considering main shock-aftershock se- aftershock sequences as follows. (i) Main shock and its corresponding
quences was conducted to discuss structural probability of exceedance aftershocks should occur within 100 days. (ii) Longitude and latitude of
related to different limit state. Finally, aftershock collapse fragility epicentres of main shock and its corresponding aftershocks should
curves of damaged reticulated domes with different damage levels were differ by less than 0.6 degrees. (iii) Main shock and aftershock ground
obtained, which provided reference and support for the seismic re- motions should recorded by the same seismic station. (iv) Premised on
habilitation of reticulated domes. meeting (i), (ii) and (iii), aftershock with the largest magnitude should
be selected. According to the above criteria, 342 pairs of main shock-
2. Finite element model and input method of multiple aftershock sequences were collected from the Pacific Earthquake En-
earthquakes gineering Research Center (PEER), shown in Table 1. For convenience
of representation, the abbreviations of event names were given in
Numerical analysis is one of the most commonly used methods to brackets.
solve structural engineering problems [16,18,19]. Due to the limited In Ref [18], the input method of main shock-aftershock sequences in
space, in this paper, the reticulated domes with only two parameters ABAQUS were constructed that displacement time histories of main
were taken as typical research objects. For the convenience of ex- shock and its corresponding aftershock were linked end to end with a
planation, the reticulated domes were denoted by numbers. In detail, 30 s zero-amplitude interval. Fig. 2 showed the input displacement time
SD-R8-S40 referred to the single-layer reticulated dome, with a 40 m history curves recorded by CHY024 Station in the 1999 Chi-Chi
span and a 1/5 rise-span ratio. DD-R12-S60 referred to the double-layer earthquake. Ref [18] has proved the rationality of this input method
reticulated dome, with a 60 m span and a 1/5 rise-span ratio. The roof and the length of time of a 30 s zero-amplitude interval, which could
weight was 180 kg/m2, contained constant loading (about 150–160 kg/ achieved the vibration balance state that structural vibration would be
m2) and snow loading (about 50 kg/m2). According to the related essentially attenuated to zero before aftershocks. Furthermore, the
provisions in Chinese structural design codes [20,21], in seismic ground motions were applied simultaneously at three directions and the
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
amplitude scaling ratios adopted the amplitude ratios of the actual PGA = max |a (t )| (3)
original ground motions at three directions.
where a (t ) is earthquake acceleration time histories
Adopted by structural seismic design codes in most countries in the (5) Cumulative absolute velocity (CAV):
world, PGA is the most widely used ground motion intensity measure in
seismology and seismic engineering. The expression is:
Table 1
Collection of 342 pairs of main shock-aftershock sequences.
Event name Station number Main shock magnitude (Ms) Aftershock magnitude (Ms) Site condition Main shock time Aftershock time
Rock Soil
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
Table 2 1
Damage factor of reticulated domes with different damage levels.
Sa, avg = ∏ (Sa (Ti )) n
1 (10)
Damage No Damage Slight Damage Medium Significant Collapse
Levels Damage Damage
where Ti is the value of a certain structural period.
DIE 0–0.30 0.30–0.50 0.50–0.70 0.70–1.00 1.00 (11) Ground motion intensity measure considering Sa(T1) and Sa,avg
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
Correlation index used Pearson’s correlation coefficient ρ [25], to stronger the correlation of two parameters is. The expression is:
evaluate the degree of linear correlation between lnD2 and lnIM2, the
range of which was usually between −1 and 1. The larger the absolute
value of ρ is, the greater the degree of linear correlation is and the
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
Fig. 3. (continued)
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
Fig. 4. (continued)
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
Fig. 6. Main shock-aftershock sequence fragility curves with different PGA ratio following Gaussian distribution.
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
Fig. 7. Main shock-aftershock sequence fragility curves of SD-R8-S40 with 0–1.2 PGA ratio.
4. Fragility analysis considering main shock-aftershock sequences part was fragility analysis of intact reticulated domes under main
shock-aftershock sequences and main shock-aftershock sequence fragi-
There existed two general methods for seismic fragility analysis. lity curves of structures were obtained for seismic design of reticulated
One was an empirical analysis method based on a large amount of domes considering multiple earthquake effects before earthquakes. The
historical earthquake disaster data. The other one was a theoretical other part was fragility analysis of damaged reticulated domes with
analysis method based on incremental dynamic analysis. Because the different damage levels caused by main shocks under aftershocks and
earthquake disaster data about reticulated domes was difficult to collect aftershock fragility curves of damaged structures were obtained for
with insufficient quantity, this paper used the theoretical analysis evaluation of seismic performance of damaged reticulated domes under
method to discuss the seismic fragility of reticulated domes considering aftershocks.
multiple earthquake effects.
There also existed two representation methods for seismic fragility
4.1. Fragility analysis under main shock-aftershock sequences
analysis. One was continuous curves. This method performed a linear
fitting regression on a large number of example results and obtained a
In this section, the reticulated domes with no damage were taken as
series of continuous curves with ground motion intensity measures as
research objects, incremental dynamic analysis of which under main
abscissa and probability of exceedance as ordinate, to describe the
shock-aftershock sequences was performed. Besides, it should be spe-
probability of structures reaching different damage levels under dif-
cially mentioned that incremental dynamic analysis step involved not
ferent magnitude of ground motion intensity measures. The other one
only PGA of main shocks, but also PGA ratio of main shock-aftershock
was discrete matrix, which could rapidly obtain the probability that
sequences (PGA of aftershocks/PGA of main shocks) to investigate the
structures would reach different damage levels under a certain seismic
influence of different aftershock intensities on structural seismic fragi-
intensity. Discrete matrix was suitable for the description of structural
lity. Hence, PGA ratio of main shock-aftershock sequence records in
seismic fragility under some particular amplitudes and continuous
Table 1 were calculated and it was found that probability of occurrence
curves was more all-sided and comprehensive, using for the description
of different PGA ratio of main shock-aftershock sequences showed a
of structural seismic fragility under all amplitudes in full process do-
significant Gaussian distribution in Fig. 5. Then, based on the above
main. In order to observe the influence of aftershocks on seismic fra-
Gaussian distribution, the Monte Carlo method was used to randomly
gility of reticulated domes intuitively, in this paper, continuous curves
generate main shock-aftershock sequence ground motions with dif-
were used to describe the seismic fragility of reticulated domes.
ferent PGA ratio. By adjusting PGA of main shocks, the incremental
The fragility analysis in this paper mainly included two aspects. One
dynamic analysis of reticulated domes was performed under main
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
Fig. 8. Main shock-aftershock sequence fragility curves of DD-R12-S60 with 0–1.2 PGA ratio.
Fig. 9. Different possible structural states of SD-R8-S40 with slight damage level (With deformation scale factor as 100).
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
was performed to make structures reach different damage levels before Therefore, it was necessary to input main shock ground motion records
aftershocks. Table 2 gave the ranges of damage factor DIE corre- with significant difference in characteristic parameters of ground mo-
sponding to each damage level of reticulated domes. In order to facil- tions for the construction of reticulated domes with different damage
itate the construction of aftershock fragility curves, the damage factor states of each damage level. Considering the computation efficiency,
values of each damage level were unified and the median values of each with random selection method, the input ground motion records in this
damage level were taken as representative values, shown in Table 4. In section used 15 main shock ground motion records from Table 3, which
particular, the reticulated domes with the same damage level under could meet the requirements of the number of ground motion records
main shocks could have different damage states probably (See Fig. 9). [30].
Y. Zhang, et al. Engineering Structures 211 (2020) 110450
Then, for considering the influence of the difference of aftershock aftershock ground motion intensity measure for the research of
ground motions on seismic analysis results, it could not meet the re- multiple earthquake influence on reticulated domes.
quirement that only one aftershock ground motion record contained in (2) With incremental dynamic analysis method, fragility analysis of
the collected actual main shock-aftershock sequence ground motion reticulated domes was performed under main shock-aftershock se-
record was input. From this point, in this section, an artificial after- quence ground motions and aftershock ground motions respec-
shock ground motion method was used to synthesize 15 aftershock tively, and main shock-aftershock sequence fragility curves and
ground motion records corresponding to the each main shock ground aftershock fragility curves were constructed. In addition, aftershock
motion record, totaling 225 aftershock ground motion records. The collapse probability curves of reticulated domes with different da-
above artificial aftershock ground motion method was constructed with mage levels under main shocks were obtained and the application
the trigonometric series method based on the correlations of ampli- scope of traditional fragility analysis was expanded.
tudes, frequency amplitude spectra, durations and energies between (3) The fragility analysis results indicated that aftershocks had an ob-
main shocks and aftershocks [32]. As an example, Table 5 showed the vious influence on fragility analysis of reticulated domes and the
predominant frequency of 15 simulated aftershock ground motions influence degree could increase with the increase of the damage
corresponding to the main shock ground motion recorded by Elizabeth levels of limit states. The aftershock collapse probability of re-
Lake Station in the 1994 Northridge earthquake, with obvious differ- ticulated domes could also increase with the increase of the struc-
ence about frequency components. Finally, the incremental dynamic tural initial damage levels. Especially, with the initial damage level
analysis of the above-mentioned reticulated domes with different da- as significant damage, the aftershock collapse probability could
mage levels under main shocks was performed under aftershocks. Ac- increase obviously. When the PGA of aftershocks was less than
cording to 11,020 pairs of example results, the data were statistically 0.2 g, if the initial damage level was medium damage or below for
analyzed by Eq. (2) to obtain the aftershock fragility curves of re- the examples in this paper. Therefore, in practical seismic design,
ticulated domes with different damage levels under main shocks, which the damage level of reticulated domes before aftershocks should be
of SD-R8-S40 and DD-R12-S60 were shown in Figs. 10 and 11 respec- guaranteed to be medium damage or below, otherwise, reticulated
tively. The aftershock fragility curves could provide reference for post- domes should be banned from further use immediately under
earthquake seismic performance assessment and structural seismic re- aftershocks.
habilitation of reticulated domes, and provide protection for the con-
tinued use of reticulated domes after earthquakes. CRediT authorship contribution statement
According to the above results of aftershock fragility results, the
probability of exceedance of SD-R8-S40 and DD-R12-S60 with different Yingnan Zhang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
initial damage levels reaching each damage level of limit states under Formal analysis, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review
aftershocks was obtained. However, in practical seismic design, en- & editing. Xudong Zhi: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing -
gineers tended to pay more attention to whether the damaged re- original draft, Writing - review & editing, Project administration. Feng
ticulated domes under main shocks would collapse under aftershocks. Fan: Conceptualization, Resources, Supervision, Funding acquisition.
Fig. 12 gave the aftershock collapse fragility curves of SD-R8-S40 and
DD-R12-S60 with different initial damage levels, which indicated that Declaration of Competing Interest
the aftershock collapse probability would increase with the increase of
initial damage levels of reticulated domes. In particular, compared with The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
the other three initial damage levels, when the initial damage level of interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
reticulated domes was significant damage, the aftershock collapse ence the work reported in this paper.
probability was obviously improved. Furthermore, for SD-R8-S40 and
DD-R12-S60, when the PGA of aftershocks was less than 0.2 g, if the Acknowledgement
initial damage level of reticulated domes was medium damage or
below, aftershocks would not cause structures collapse. This paper is supported by the National Nature Science Foundation
In summary, for the reticulated domes in this section, SD-R8-S40 of China (No. 51778183) and the National Science Foundation for
and DD-R12-S60, in practical seismic design, it should be ensured that Distinguished Young Scholars of China (No. 51525802). These supports
the damage level of reticulated domes under main shocks was medium are extremely appreciated.
damage or below, so as to guarantee the safety of structures under
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