Otoscope Assignment With ND
Otoscope Assignment With ND
Otoscope Assignment With ND
In the boxes, describe your findings. Do not use the word “Normal” or approximations of it,
such as N/A, expected, etc. State what you found using terminology appropriate for the area.
See the textbook for appropriate wording. If there are no signs or symptoms of any problems,
for instance, it would be appropriate to write: Denies tenderness, pain, and paresthesia; no
lesions or breakdown observed. No evidence of pathology noted. Then proceed to describe what
you assess in terms of observation, (auscultation and percussion are not used in ear assessments)
and palpation. Weber and Kelley’s textbook has a helpful guide with pictures and verbiage you
may find helpful: Assessment Guide 17-1, in the chapter on ear assessment (note especially the
textbook verbiage in the center and right columns.)
You may use textbook terminology in this class because it is expected. Many videos are also
available to assist you. There is one on Blackboard in the current module, and YouTube has a
number of them as well.
Do not use the work of other students. That is plagiarism, and our detection program will
flag it. If confirmed it will mean the grade of F in the class: It isn’t worth it!
Assessment Findings
Current Symptoms: Ears
Otoscopic Examination
The right ear canal is pink in color with a small
3. Bilaterally inspect the external amount of yellow cerumen noted. No nodules or
auditory canal with the otoscope drainage noted.
for discharge, color and The left ear canal shows some redness to canal
consistency of cerumen, color and wall with small amount of yellow cerumen noted.
consistency of canal walls, and any No nodules or drainage noted.
nodules. (Address each of these
items bilaterally.)
The right tympanic membrane is pearly gray and
4. Inspect and describe the tympanic is translucent with no bulging or retracting
membranes bilaterally, using the noted. Cone is noted at 5 o'clock.
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The left tympanic membrane is pearly gray and
otoscope, for color and shape, and is translucent with no bulging or retracting
landmarks. noted. Cone is noted at 7 o'clock.
Adapted from Weber, Kelly & Sprengel, 2014: Lippincott, with permission.
You will use the three of the types of nursing diagnoses (ND) described in Chapter
5 of your Weber and Kelley textbook:
1. A Health Promotion ND
2. A Risk ND and
3. A Collaborative Problem or Actual ND.
You will find a list of possible diagnoses in Appendix C and D in your textbook.
List one “risk for” nursing Risk diagnoses are described in Risk for injury to tympanic
diagnosis for the condition tables 5-1 and 5-2, and in Appendix membrane due to blood
you listed above in section C in each of the domains, but collecting behind tympanic
5. particularly in Domain 11. They membrane, caused by possible
usually begin with the words, “Risk head injury.
List EITHER one Collaborative problems are describe Impaired comfort
“Collaborative Problem” in table 5-2 and are listed in
that would be appropriate Appendix D. They begin with “Risk
for a client with the for Complications (RC) of….”
condition described in
section 5, above OR list an Actual nursing diagnoses are
actual nursing diagnosis scattered through Appendix C
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from Appendix C.
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