Cyber Security in Industry 4.0: The Pitfalls of Having Hyperconnected Systems

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Journal of Strategic Management Studies

Vol. 10, No. 1, 19–28 (October 2018)

doi: 10.24760/iasme.10.1_19

Cyber Security in Industry 4.0:

The Pitfalls of Having Hyperconnected Systems
Assistant Professor, School of Applied Technology, Illinois Institute of Technology

The fourth industrial revolution is referred to as Industry 4.0. The current trend with manufactur-
ing is automation and unparalleled levels of data exchange. To bring this trend to realization requires
integrating the Internet of Things, Internet of Everything cyber-physical systems, cloud computing
technologies, and more into manufacturing. Industry 4.0 involves a hyperconnected system that in-
cludes the smarter use of robotics to effectively and efficiently move to manufacture to new heights.
With the use of all these technological systems, it is imperative to ensure that cyber security plays
a role during the rise of this digital industrial revolution. In the United Kingdom, more than eighty
manufacturing plants were hit by cyber attacks while threats in this specific industry have risen. The
pitfalls of having hyperconnected systems leave an entire industry even more vulnerable than the tra-
ditional enterprise system design.

cyber security, risk management, internet of things, hyperconnectivity

tion occurred in Britain over the century 1750–1850

(Deane, 1979). This was when the theory of eco-
The landscape of manufacturing has changed, nomic development took root, and specialized ac-
and this has allowed attackers unparalleled access tivity for production for national and international
to data unlike before. Nearly eighty-five participants markets rose. The Second Revolution is known as
in a survey reported falling victim to a cyber attack the technological revolution. This period was near
in the United Kingdom (U.K.) (Ambrose, 2018). the end of 19th century through the beginning of the
The worry is that Russian hackers and other nation 20th century. During this revolution, we received
states are gaining entry into protected networks. inventions such as airplanes, Henry Ford’s Model
Currently, there are well-documented attacks on T, light bulb, and telegram. This period introduced
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) mass production which has been altered by experts
systems throughout North America and Europe. A in supply chain and logistics today to equip manu-
survey conducted by researchers shows the methods facturing companies to produce to meet supply and
of operations, impact, and target sectors (Miller & demand. The Third Industrial Revolution was from
Rowe, 2012). Essentially all incidents were classi- 1969 to 2000. These three industrial revolutions are
fied with the following to include showing the year depicted in FIGURE 1.
of the attack. Within the summary of incidents, you Manufacturing is undergoing another revolution-
can see the earliest attack is 1982 on the Power of ary change, and that is paving the way for system-
Siberia pipeline (Miller & Rowe, 2012). This shows atical deployment of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
that manufacturing has been a target for attackers for (Lee, Bagheri, & Kao, 2015). CPS is an integration
over two decades. of networking, physical processes, and embedded
To understand the current state of manufacturing, computers that are tightly integrated with the Inter-
it is vital to understand the history of the previous net. This change is known as the Fourth Industrial
industrial revolutions. The First Industrial Revolu- Revolution, and it does not arrive without cyber se-

Copyright © 2018 by International Academy of Strategic Management

Vol. 10, No. 1 (October 2018)

Reprinted from Industry 4.0, by Wikipedia, June 30 2018, retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.
org/wiki/Industry_4.0. Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike License.
FIGURE 1 Industrial Revolutions

curity with technological implementation. While and that there is a market of $14.4 trillion. This
technology is the United States (U.S.) has been years white paper urges business leaders to transform their
ahead of the laws providing protection and gover- organizations based on key learnings to be competi-
nance meanwhile the government are continuously tive for the future (Evans, 2012). As this new wave
playing catch up (March & Smith, 1995). Under- of Internet-enabled technologies arrives, it is impera-
standing the various technological architectures in tive to understand the security and privacy concerns
this connected environments provides an insight into fully (Thierer, 2015). Understanding these concerns
the issues surrounds this new revolution. also means understanding how to apply security
controls to systems appropriately. Addressing secu-
rity objectives appropriately will allow for risks to
be mitigated. This means following the principles of
The Internet of Things (IoT) describes a world in security to ensure cyber security posture is achieved.
which smart technologies enable objects with a net- All of these connected devices using proven stan-
work to communicate with each other and interface dards, policies, and guidance can help with the ease
with humans effortlessly. This connected world of of integrating these technologies into everyday life.
convenience and technology does not come without Currently, there is a lack of guidance for securing
its drawbacks, as interconnectivity implies hack- IoT, Internet of Everything (IoE), and Web of Things
ability. This new world of convenience calls for (WoT) as a cohesive unit; however, there is appro-
revolutionary protection strategies to reassess secu- priate documentation available through the National
rity. Risk management concepts and Information As- Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Fed-
surance architecture similar to those practiced in the eral Information Processing Systems (FIPS), Depart-
United States Department of Defense (DoD) should ment of Defense (DoD), Institute of Electronic and
be used as guidelines for cyber security implementa- Electrical Engineers (IEEE), International Organiza-
tion. This new emerging market that is facilitating tion for Standardization (ISO), Defense Information
the exchange of services and goods requires under- Systems Agency (DISA) Security Technical Imple-
standing the associated laws for the implementation mentation Guides (STIGs), and more. It is essential
of an IoT architecture (Weber, 2010). for the security engineer to understand how to pro-
Researchers at Cisco Systems estimate that over tect these devices individually and then understand
99 percent of physical devices are still unconnected how the devices become more vulnerable when con-

Cyber Security in Industry 4.0: The Pitfalls of Having Hyperconnected Systems

nected. Mobile devices would need to be hardened alerts for downtime. Having embedded OS allows
with appropriate security controls for compliance for devices to be transformed for computing func-
(Dawson, Wright, & Omar, 2015). Encryption would tionality beyond essential functions. This would in-
need to be on devices that have IoT capabilities clude the ability to capture more data that allows for
such as refrigerators, televisions, or smart watches. managers to see production status, gain insight on
This would allow the protection of data in transit usage patterns, and from this data make decisions.
and at rest. The recommended guidance would be A manager could make decisions that allow them to
to use an approved public algorithm and not a weak make decisions based upon product performance in
algorithm. The classification of weak and robust al- the assembly line such as replacement or the need to
gorithm change over time thus it is essential to keep add additional equipment. The data would include
abreast of the changes in cartographic algorithms. information such as Global Positioning Systems
Access controls would need to be placed to ensure (GPS) tags that provide the exact location of equip-
that other users within the hyperconnected system to ment that needs to be further examined to review
do not have the ability to elevate privileges through point of origination.
lateral movement within a network (Dawson, 2017). FIGURE 2 displays how IoT looks in manufac-
turing and all the different situations where IoT can
be applied. What is not displayed is the negative
concerns around using IoT. Since all these systems
are connected to so many other systems through In-
IoT in manufacturing is part of this Industrial ternet, Bluetooth, or another method of communica-
Revolution 4.0, and this concept has a significant tion it is necessary to ensure the secure transmission
impact. For the manufacturing plant, one can moni- of data. At the current time, there are a few docu-
tor production to apply lean principles for waste ments that provides the guidance for securing the
management while being able to see inventory systems in the manufacturing environment. This is
changes in real time. The implementation of IoT an issue as the industrial revolution is rapidly taking
allows for Built-In Test (BIT) alerts, maintenance root in manufacturing.

Reprinted from Internet of Things (IoT), by Andrej Tozon, 2015, retrieved from
2015-internet-of-things-track-iot-smart-home. Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike License.
FIGURE 2 Internet of Things in Manufacturing

Vol. 10, No. 1 (October 2018)

Secure computing is essential as technological en- to IoT, WoT, and IoE with consideration for the ap-
vironments continue to become intertwined and hy- plication of these architectures in the commercial
perconnected. The policies to properly secure these sector. All these architectures allow for hypercon-
new environments must also be explored as many nectivity while at the same time it is critical to un-
of the security controls found within guidance such derstand the changing threat landscape (Badonnel,
as the DoD focuses on singular systems and compo- Koch, Pras, Drašar, & Stiller, 2016).
nents (Dawson, Crespo, & Brewster, 2013). There When an organization allows BYOB being to be
needs to be the creation of new controls that review used in a manufacturing setting it must be realized
embedded sensors, body modifications, and devices that yet another device is going unchecked into the
that entirely take advantage of Internet-enabled tech- system, effects of various attacks such as Distributed
nologies. With the emergence of these technologies, Denial of Service (DDoS), replicating worms, and
the possibilities are endless; however, there will be calculated virus that are activated based upon specif-
new vulnerabilities unexplored. ic system configuration (Singh, 2012; Brooks, 2017).
As the consequences of security problems ranging
from personal injury to system downtime the need
for secure environments (Chahid, Benabdellah, &
Azizi, 2017). So having a manufacturing floor with
As the next era of computing will be outside of multiple IoT devices means there are lots of data that
the traditional desktop and into embedded systems can be captured with relative ease. With applications
and smaller devices are targets for attacks (Gubbi, such as Wireshark, it is relatively easy to capture
Buyya, Marusic, & Palaniswami, 2013). When you data on an unsecured network. Wireshark is a soft-
consider, Bring Your Own Device (BYOB) as a radi- ware application that not only a laptop but also a
cal step, imagine using a device such as a refrigera- mobile device or RaspberryPi for penetration testing
tor that contains an embedded computing device to (Muniz & Lakhani, 2015). The amount of detailed
track the number of groceries within. This integrated captured through Wireshark is astounding and re-
device would allow access to email, weather, and vealing much about the network (See FIGURE 3) .
other devices that enable connectivity through WiFi, In FIGURE 4 displayed is 500,000 packets cap-
or some Application Programming Interface (API) tured from one device on a network. Understanding
to a web-based application. Thus, the data collected the origination, destination, and types of network
would be weather, thermostat cooling patterns, foods protocols are currently in use enable an attacker to
purchased, the cost of items per month, average con- know what to attack precisely. This scenario could
sumption, and more. This massive amount of data also include knowing the destination as it could be
provides the ability for an attacker to gather intel- used to develop man in the middle attacks. The data
ligence unlike before. They can see schedules which captured through a system can be revealing and help
allow for them to analyze behavioral patterns view an attacker understand the attack surface in detail.
dietary concerns that affect health, and more than Provided in network scans are the open ports and
give information once though genuinely personal. the closed ports, disabling, and identification of un-
At the moment, organizations such as Cisco Systems patched applications. This informs the attacker there
and others are pushing for WoT and IoT, but no one was no system hardening done before the deploy-
has a plan for ensuring secured transmission is main- ment of the system on the network and perhaps that
tained during various modes of operation. the organization has a lack of security policies that
Additionally, the unknowing consumer of every- address secure system configuration before going
day products needs to be aware of what it means live (Creery & Byres, 2005).
to have sensors, Radio Frequency IDentification
(RFID), Bluetooth, and WiFi enabled products.
What further needs be explored is how Availability,
Integrity, and Confidentiality (AIC) can be applied

Cyber Security in Industry 4.0: The Pitfalls of Having Hyperconnected Systems

FIGURE 3 Wireshark Capture

FIGURE 4 Group-by Column: Protocol and Value Column: Destination

cess (Aljawarneh, Alawneh, & Jaradat, 2017). Thus

the implementation of policies, directives, and laws
that systems undergo Certification and Accreditation
(C&A) is mandatory. Implementing this allows for
For Industry 4.0 to survive, it is necessary to all these systems to be routinely checked and meet
ensure security is being embedded into the system stringent initial cyber security controls before the
from the beginning of the lifecycle through a pro- system goes live. (Ross, 2009). Essentially the in-

Vol. 10, No. 1 (October 2018)

dustry would be required to implement a bare mini- does not have ties to the organization undergoing
mum of controls to protect the facility from physical the C&A process. This process should be more of a
controls. In 2011, NIST published a Guide to Indus- regulatory body that issues the letter for accredita-
trial Control Systems (ISC) Security that provides a tion. Roles similar to that in the former framework,
baseline for precisely this (Stouffer, Falco, & Scar- Department of Defense Information Assurance
fone, 2011). Contained in the document is how the Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP),
overall environment should be set up to maximize should be implemented (Eller & Stauffer, 2000).
cyber security to include specific recommenda-
tions for ICS. These documented guidelines would
mitigate attacks that are against the process, risk as-
sessment, risk management, and the overall systems
development life cycle (Cárdenas et al., 2011). With the potential threats of cyber terrorism af-
A framework such as the Risk Management fecting national and international security, the im-
Framework (RMF) should be used as a baseline to portance of security is elevated to greater heights
enable organizations to have already defined con- (Dawson, Omar, & Abramson, 2015). New threats
trols. This activity is possible as NIST 800-53 pro- against national infrastructure and digital crime are
vides details about the RMF which is a framework making researchers consider new methods of han-
created by the NIST to address risk management dling cyber incidents (Dawson & Omar, 2015). It
(NIST, 2013). The RMF uses the risk-based ap- is imperative that if the government or commercial
proach to security control selection and specification sectors want to make use of these new technologi-
considering effectiveness, efficiency, and constraints cal Internet and Web-enabled architectures that they
due to applicable laws, directives, executive orders, are prepared to battle new threats. Countries could
policies, standards, or regulations. Six RMF catego- target the ability to manufacture products where it is
rization steps serve as the basis for this NIST guid- for military or agriculture could significantly affect a
ance (NIST, 2013). Step 1: Categorize. The system country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Imagine
is assessed and categorized based on an impact anal- numerous factories used for producing foods for an
ysis. Step 2: Select. During the period the organiza- area known to have a significant amount of federal
tion must identify, select, customize, and document employees. The food has the incorrect levels of nu-
the security and privacy controls required to protect trients and some items bypassing proper checks.
the system and the organization commensurate with An entire county could be sick due to tampering of
the risk to organizational operations and assets, in- equipment in a manufacturing center. If you consider
dividuals. These controls are to be addressed in the more high tech items, this tampering could lead to
design and are a result of high-level requirements essential checks not occurring in vehicle produc-
that are decomposed into lower level requirements. tion that degrades the quality of the car. The lacks
Step 3: Implement. During this step, the controls se- of quality controls in the automatic process would
lected in step 2 are deployed within the system to in- have dangerous results such as no checks on breaks,
clude the associated environment of operation. Step power steering, windows, and onboard system di-
4: Assess. The controls implemented are assessed agnostics (Atamli & Martin, 2014; Amoozadeh et
to see if they are working as intended, and that the al., 2015). The manufacturing floor could serve as a
desired outcome meets the security requirements for place that allows an attacker not only to gather criti-
the system. Step 5: Authorize. Get authority for the cal data from devices but inflict damage of any of
system to operate based upon an acceptable deci- the products being produced.
sion upon the acceptable risk for the system. Step 6: During the Stuxnet, attack operators thought the
Monitor. Continually assess the security control of centrifuges were operating normally while the caus-
the system on an ongoing basis. The process should ing a meltdown and significantly slowing down the
include annual security checks to review compliance process of Uranium enrichment (Langner, 2011).
and reporting to a third party for compliance that The source code of this worm is available online and

Cyber Security in Industry 4.0: The Pitfalls of Having Hyperconnected Systems

can be repurposed for an attack. Reviewing the at- and tools used to collect the data. Earlier in this
tack on Natanz, the exact Program Logic Controller paper, the researcher showed half a million network
(PLC) had to be discovered and from this point, they packets captured in only 15 min using Wireshark.
had to identify the manufacturer. This facility was Data collection could be my means of OSINT,
kept secret whereas a standard production facility Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), or running an ap-
it is easier to uncover the technological tools in the plication to map out the network and vulnerabilities.
manufacturing facility to include methods to investi- The third stage, processing, and exploitation are per-
gate the logistics of getting that device to the facility. formed with tools to automate the process. For the
Using Open Source Intelligence Tools (OSINT) and fourth stage, the use of the R programming language
other forms of intelligence gathering such as Human and Python could be used to perform data science
Intelligence (HUMINT), it will not be far-fetched to on the massive amount of data collected to analyze
say that an attacker could find out key manufacturers data further. It can be everything from looking at
of machines used in the facility. the captured metadata on photos, analyzing machine
For an attacker, they could employ the techniques behavior, and routing of information. In the final
from the statecraft of intelligence, and use that to stage, dissemination, this could include many meth-
exploit the numerous devices that are connected to ods of providing information. FIGURE 5 shows the
the network to create an intelligence report (Dulles, entire Intelligence Cycle at a high level, however,
2006; Andrews & Peterson, 1990). The first stage these stages can be broken down further and tailed
planning would occur and the determination of in- for the organization that is performing the tasks. For
formational needs. These needs could be the types example, in the collection stage, it can be broken
of information and requirements for the data needed. down to details the methods in which the collec-
The second stage collection would be the process tions occur. There could be an entire subprocess for

FIGURE 5 Intelligence Cycle

FIGURE 6 Open Source Applications to Use During Intelligence Cycle

Vol. 10, No. 1 (October 2018)

OSINT collection which includes getting tagged in risks are brought to an accepted minimum level. This
the next stage. The tools that are selected for use and will include tighter regulatory polices, employee edu-
in what sequence could be essential based upon the cation, and hardened technology that is used within
first stage. For example, an attacker could have some the boundaries of the network. The goal of this paper
collections tools running first against the network, was to show the pitfall of having a hyperconnected
and then on individual components for identifica- system with improper cyber security implemented.
tion. Once these components are identified, then the
applications can be discovered. Once that has hap-
pened then the source code can be analyzed to show
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