Subject:: Environment Studies & Disaster Management Topic: Introduction To Environment Semester: I

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Subject: Environment Studies & Disaster Management

Topic: Introduction to Environment

Semester: I

Assistant Professor
SAGE University, Bhopal
Our Sister Concern
 Syllabus

Introduction to Environment

Environment Studies and Its

Importance to a Students

Components of Environment
Lecture 01

The word Environment is derived from the French word “Environ” which means “surrounding”. Our surrounding
includes biotic factors like human beings, Plants, animals, microbes, etc and abiotic factors such as light, air, water, soil, etc.

Environment is a complex of many variables, which surrounds man as well as the living organisms. Environment
includes water, air and land and the interrelation ships which exist among and between water, air and land and human beings and other living
creatures such as plants, animals and micro organisms.

The natural environment consist of four interlinking systems namely, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the
lithosphere and the biosphere. These four systems are in constant change and such changes are affected by human activities and vice versa
1.2 Environment Studies and its Importance to a students
Environment studies are all about learning the way we should live and how we can develop sustainable strategies
to protect the environment. It helps individuals to develop an understanding of living and physical environment and
how to resolve challenging environmental issues affecting nature. In addition to studying the physical aspects of
the environment, it also emphasizes the need to conserve biodiversity and adopt a more sustainable lifestyle and
utilize resources in a responsible way. To create awareness among today’s generation on pressing environmental
problems, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has made it mandatory for the universities to introduce a
course in environmental studies and teach students about the eco-system, pollution and problems concerned with
the environment. Let us discuss the dire need to include environmental studies in the course curriculum.
Learn how to use resources sustainably
With natural resources such as air, water, oil, minerals are getting depleted rapidly, the environmental studies
course can help students understand the importance of these resources and how we can improve the situation by
taking appropriate actions in our regular lives to preserve these resources.
Create awareness about preserving the environment
Whether it is spreading awareness against plastic use or air pollution, universities can conduct various beyond-
the-classroom activities as a part of this course to make students understand the significance of protecting the
environment. Activities such as conducting awareness programs and rallies can prevent the degradation of the

Participate in the mass movement to protect nature

While pursuing a course in environmental studies, students can be a part of mass public awareness movements
and encourage their fellow batchmates to participate. Whether it is taking an initiative by planting trees in the
campus, conducting workshops on various pressing issues or joining an NGO that supports environmental
conservation, students can learn about various ways of protecting and conserving the environment.

Foster a healthy learning environment

Such important non-academic courses empower students to take a lead in creating a healthier, greener and
sustainable learning environment where students understand the importance of saving the environment and take
necessary steps to conserve the natural resources. Environment studies also help them develop the knowledge
and skills required to address challenging environmental issues.
Pursue a full-time career in environment studies
Career opportunities in environmental studies are thriving with multiple options in the energy industry, animal
conservation and more. You can prepare yourself for a fulfilling career that will include everything from conducting
research, protecting the environment, crunching statistics, analyzing data, working in the field, interviewing people
about disaster management and drafting policies with lawmakers to conserve the planet.
To sum up the importance of introducing environment studies in course curriculum, the objectives are mainly to
help students realize the significance of natural resources and learn to develop solutions to pressing
environmental problems. The aim should be developing a world where every individual is aware of and concerned
about environmental issues and work towards creating sustainable strategies for the current situation and
preventing future problems.

1.3 Components of Environment

Our environment has been classified into four major components:
1. Hydrosphere
2. Lithosphere
3. Atmosphere
4. Biosphere
Hydrosphere includes all water bodies such as lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and ocean etc. Hydrosphere
functions in a cyclic nature, which is termed as hydrological cycle or water cycle.

Lithosphere means the mantle of rocks constituting the earth’s crust. The earth is a cold spherical solid planet of
the solar system, which spins in its axis and revolves around the sun at a certain constant distance .Lithosphere
mainly, contains soil, earth rocks, mountain etc. Lithosphere is divided into three layers-crusts, mantle and core
(outer and inner).

The cover of the air, that envelopes the earth is known as the atmosphere. Atmosphere is a thin layer which
contains gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide etc. and which protects the solid earth and human beings from the
harmful radiations of the sun. There are five concentric layers within the atmosphere, which can be differentiated
on the basis of temperature and each layer has its own characteristics. These include the troposphere, the
stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere and the exosphere
It is otherwise known as the life layer, it refers to all organisms on the earth’s surface and their interaction with
water and air. It consists of plants, animals and micro-organisms, ranging from the tiniest microscopic organism to
the largest whales in the sea. Biology is concerned with how millions of species of animals, plants and other
organisms grow, feed, move, reproduce and evolve over long periods of time in different environments. Its subject
matter is useful to other sciences and professions that deal with life, such as agriculture, forestry and medicine.
The richness of biosphere depends upon a number of factors like rainfall, temperature, geographical reference
etc. Apart from the physical environmental factors, the man made environment includes human groups, the
material infrastructures built by man, the production relationships and institutional systems that he has devised.
The social environment shows the way in which human societies have organized themselves and how they
function in order to satisfy their needs
Thank you !
Stay Tuned and Keep Learning

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