Energy N Power Spells
Energy N Power Spells
Energy N Power Spells
Practice putting on the energy of______.
If you want to have more money, practice putting on the energy of abundance.
Visualize yourself in a cloak that is filled with the energy of abundance, or
else you want to experience in your life. If you want to be more gregarious,
putting on a cloak that makes you friendlier. Practice putting on various forms of
positive energy.
Practice feeling emotional energy fields around you. Notice all the details and all
sensations that your mind would normally filter out about the events around you.
Capricorn (a) on the paper, then write a list of your ancestors on the back of the
Each day, fill in one line of boxes by coloring them in with colored pencils as
your burn
your favorite incense. Repeat your intentions mentally or aloud as your work on the
After you complete each line, fold the paper into a square and place under a bowl
contains salt and dirt.
When your desire manifests, bury the paper, the salt, and the dirt in your
This is best used at the end of a spoken or written spell.
This adds a certain boost to the releasing of energy.
It also works best if you are wearing a Pentagram you have attuned to yourself.
Speak these word with all the fibers of your body while releasing the spell's
By the Pentagram I wear,
Water, Fire, Earth, and Air,
Ruled by Spirit as All should be
As I speak So Mote It Be!
Light the candle. Feel the positive energy emanating from the candle.
If you worship a deity, call upon them to help you. Chant or say a prayer. This is
an example:
I walk in beauty with the Goddess.
I am strength. I am beauty. I am will. I am love.
She is within me. All who see me, know Her.
Hematite is the all-purpose grounding (energy-balancing) stone, not to mention a
beautiful ornament.
Tell, or charge all your troubles to or into the rock, then put it on the ground
overnight, so that the
negative energy will soak into the Earth and become neutral.
--1 Red candle 1 White candle
Cast circle normally, anoint the red and white candles and say:
North, East, South, West
Earth, Air, Fire, Water
The gift of power to move from the earth.
The gift of strength from the air.
The gift of determination from the fire inside me.
And the gift of energy from the water.
Bless the Lord & Lady for these gifts.
Thank you for the power to move,
thank you for the strength,
thank you for the determination,
and thank you for the energy you gave me. So Mote it be.
Or, if you need strength and energy while you are doing something outside of the
say the chant to yourself.
"Water to water, a witches' spell.
Cast I now to speed this well.
Focus and powers from out of the night
Gather within and give my spell flight."
This is best used at the end of a spoken or written spell. This
adds a certain "Oomph" to the releasing of energy. It also works best if
you are wearing a Pentagram you have attuned to yourself.
Speak these word with all the fibers of your body while releasing the spell's
By the Pentagram I wear,
Water, Fire, Earth, and Air,
Ruled by Spirit as All should be
As I speak SO MOTE IT BE!
To be effective at energy work it is of great value to know how to ground and
yourself connecting with the spiritual heart of the earth and Source and calling
together aligning your thoughts and personal entirety in a solid focused state.
this is a frequent basic practice in virtually all forms of spiritual work ,
healing, meditation,
manifestation , protection releasing and is of itself often profoundly healing not
only should
every one learn to ground in the way they feel most comfortable with.
Seeing that the person you are treating knows how to ground may be the most
part of healing and energy work sessions.
Many people find that if they rub their hands together vigorously first they can
energy more easily . After rubbing your hands together vigorously to sensitize them
this helps you be more aware of energy, Run your hands over your own body or that
of the
being wanting a treatment holding your hands about an inch away from the physical
Feel for hot and cold spots in the energy field.
Pull out and throw away anything you feel intuitively that you should pull out and
healing light filling any place where you remove blocks or that feels empty or that
you feel
needs it. Combing and fluffing the aura with your fingers as though combing hair
can also
help clear and lighten the aura. You can also feel for the energy of the Chakra and
them to be open and clear and be well seated in the central energy channel.
If you feel sticky or dark energy as you do this you can give it to Spirit, the
Earth to be transformed. In addition to pulling out blocks and overcharges in the
energy field.
Visualize and allow spiritual healing energy to flow freely and fill and charge the
person or other,
being treated do not try to do anything just allow it to happen you are not using
your own personal
chi because while many healers do use it you could drain yourself if you did and
create illness in
your self. Using the universal spiritual chi is more effective in any case.
You should begin by considering your own body, particularly your breathing. This is
not difficult, merely finding yourself a comfortable chair in which you can sit
without falling
asleep. You should try to find a place where you will not be disturbed. Not because
disturbances are dangerous, but because you may find yourself enjoying the relaxed
state so
much that being brought suddenly out of it by an offending family member may cause
you to
lose your temper.
Once you have found your spot, sit quietly for about 10 minutes at a time. That is
you start. Just by sitting and doing nothing, and while sitting try to notice how
your body
reacts. Notice that twitch you have? Feel your lungs filling with air, rising and
pushing out our rib cage and letting it fall back in.
As you sit, notice all of these things. Your body has certain places that are
tense. You will hear things you normally ignore. That is not really so strange.
Everyone experiences it when they are falling asleep at night (i.e.. the creaking
of the
house). Pay very close attention to all of these things and you will discover
interesting. The more you listen to your own body, the less you are bothered by the
thoughts of the day. This is because your conscious mind can only handle one piece
of data at a time.
If you are studying intently, you are unaware of what is going on around you. The
more you
practice, the more effective your mind becomes at blocking out unwelcome stimuli.
Just as humans have power points, the earth also has areas where energy varies.
These are called power spots. Places like Stonehenge, and the Valley of the Dead
examples of power spots. Just as human beings have areas where their energy is more
concentrated, so does the earth. Most of the older churches and temples were built
power spots, where it is much easier to connect with the spiritual realms. When you
a sacred place, you can feel it's power and the strength that lies there. These
places can
be used to intensify your personal power and to assist you in connecting more fully
your spiritual center.
Whenever you enter a room you automatically gravitate toward a place that feels
The place that you feel most comfortable in is often your personal power spot. It
is the place that
balances most closely with your own energy. As you stand or sit in this spot, your
energy is magnified;
it is like putting jumper cables on a car battery. The ability to consciously find
these power spots
can greatly enhance your sensitivities to energy and your own process.
Being able to find these is like many of the other exercises in this book; they all
allow you to
know a little more about yourself than you did before.
I suggest you find your power spot in nature. In any given location, there is a
place that fits
you better energetically than any other location. There are also places that can
drain your energy
and make you feel and act less effectively. It is important to be able to tell the
One spot may energize you while another weakens you and can actually make you sick.
There are three major types of power spots. One type gives you energy and is
Another type of spot actually drains energy from anything within its boundaries.
There are also power spots that are tricksters. They confuse people and trick them
giving up their power and sanity. It takes practice to be able to differentiate
between them.
The easiest way to tell between the types is by how you feel. It is important to
trust how you
feel and what you sense as you explore the energy levels of the different types of
power spots.
These spots affect you whether you are consciously aware of them or not.
Begin by calling upon your protector and ask the universe for guidance.
Relax and focus on your breathing. Slowly look around the area. Does one spot
brighter than the other? See how each section feels as you stand in it. Feel from
your heart.
Do some feel lighter and some heavy? Do you feel confused as you stand in some
Now slowly walk around the area. Take time to stand in any place that attracts you.
Compare how each one feels to you. Notice the plants and grasses in the various
Do they look healthier in one place, greener and more alive?
Let your self look intuitively where your power place is.
Now sit down and begin to meditate. How do you feel as you sit in that spot?
Does the energy feel loving and peaceful? If it feels rough or unsettling, move.
Soon it will become second nature; you will automatically sit in your power spot.
Avoid listening to your mind during this process. Trust the inner knowing.
Your inner knowing, your sacred self, will never lie to you.
Scattered over the surface of an individual's aura are various power points.
These points are areas where a person's energy varies in density or form, appearing
either thicker or thinner than the rest of his or her energy field. Energy can be
into these points so the person can experience healing or have his/her
pushed into another reality.
The human aura is actually a complex web of energy fibers. Power points are areas
where these fibers intersect or join. By
manipulating these points you can rearrange the fibers to adjust the person's
energy field.
Moving these fibers can change the person on an emotional, spiritual, or physical
This in turn can heal a person of physical diseases or emotional turmoil. It can
also bring
him/her closer to the sacred self.
As with any technique, learning how to sense power spots will take patience and
It is something we learn to do
intuitively, not intellectually. You will have to work with a partner. One person
should sit
comfortably in a chair while the other person practices locating that person's
power points.
To locate your partner's power points, stand behind the person and relax.
Allow yourself to go into a light meditative state. As much as possible release
your mind.
In order to feel another person's power points, you must see with your spiritual
eyes, you
don't see as much as feel; you sense at a deep level of you being. After you are
slowly begin to move your hands over the other person's body, being sure not to
touch the body.
Place your hands about six inches from the body and notice how it feels.
Place all you attention to the area between your hands and the person's body.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply; let your mind relax. What do you see? What can
you sense?
Allow your hands to become sensitive to the temperature and texture of the person's
Move your hands in and out as well as over the surface of the body's energy field.
Stay relaxed and breathe deeply. Don't try too hard.
Simply allow yourself to really feel from deep within your being.
Instead of thinking with your head, feel with your heart.
Ask the universe for help in sensing this person's power points, and let your
sacred self guide you.
At first, as you move your hands over a certain spot you may feel a strange pulling
or tugging at
your hands. This is a power point. It may feel like a slight shift in temperature.
A particular
spot may feel warmer or cooler. Certain areas may feel sluggish or sticky or you
may feel
static electricity. Allow yourself to be sensitive to any change in sensations.
Trust your inner knowing.
Don't debate it with your mind. If you think it is a power point, it is a power
Once you find a power point, ask the person how it feels as you move your hand over
Without touching the individual, ask him/her where you are working.
Both of you then can build the sensitivity.
Take turns practicing until you can easily locate at least several points on each
The locations of the power points varies from person to person, and from one day to
Be patient with yourself. Learning how to feel and sense on these levels is a new
for your mind. You have been trained most of your life to filter out any
information you receive
from these levels. When you learned to walk as a child, you fell down often. If you
had given
up, you would still be in your crib or crawling around on your hands and knees. Be
patient with
yourself. Let yourself learn how to walk through these new levels. Have fun and
enjoy the process.
Power moves are movements that we make with our bodies that assist us in
and directing the energy. Most martial art use power moves to one degree or
When people dance from their hearts, they are doing power moves, allowing the power
to speak
through their bodies. Power moves are a dance of power. Tai Chi is an ancient
example of power moves.
Whenever you handle energy, you receive it with your left hand and send it with
your right hand.
Your left hand acts as an antenna and your right hand broadcasts the energy you
have received.
If you are open to its direction, power will instruct you-it will "tell" you what
to do.
Flowing with that energy can be a powerful and centering experience.
It can also be distressing when you fight it or cannot control it.
This dance of power begins as you relax and become mentally centered.
Stand quietly with your legs shoulder-width apart.
Mentally give the power permission to flow through you and ask it to guide you.
Raise your hands and hold them in front of you.
Let your hands and body move as you feel guided.
Your movements will be smooth and rhythmic, almost like a ballet.
Power moves are a form of moving meditation. They are relaxing and energizing.
As you do them, you collect a great deal of power in your body.
They are healing to both mind and body. If it feels appropriate, you can play
music or light a candle. Relax and let the energy move your body.
Notice how it feels as it flows through you.
After you have relaxed into the energy, allow it to move you for about fifteen
minutes and
then stop. Gently sit down and close your eyes. Ask the universe how to use the
you have collected. If you don't get a specific answer, send the energy to Mother
so it can heal the planet, yourself, and the people you love. Allow yourself to
bathe in the
joy of that energy. If you are having a difficult time feeling the guidance of the
start with your hands. Hold them in front of your face and move your right hand
and your left hand counter- clockwise. Move them slowly and rhythmically in and
Gently notice how it feels. Then while you are sitting in a chair, begin moving
your legs
in a circular motion, noticing how it feels. After you are comfortable with those
stand up and again begin with your hands. First move one hand out and away from you
then step rhythmically out with one of your legs. Next do the same with the other
hand and leg.
Slowly begin moving around the room. Notice your body and let yourself enjoy its
Allow the process to be sensual and rhythmic. Be gentle with yourself as you
practice allowing
your awareness to expand. Enjoy the process.
1. Practice finding power spots wherever you go.
2. Find your special power spot. We all have places on this earth that are sacred
to us.
Take time to find your sacred place. Once you find it, spend some time there.
Let that place heal you and fill you with its love. Let your heart guide you to
that place.
It will call to you if you are willing to listen.
3. Buy a packet of seeds and divide it in half. Do some power moves and then sit
with half of the seeds. Allow yourself to feel their life energy and then slowly
channeling energy to them. Mentally see them growing big and strong. Plant each
group of seeds in separate pots and give them equal care.
Notice how much healthier the energized group is.