Mariculture Development in Indonesia
Mariculture Development in Indonesia
Mariculture Development in Indonesia
Michael A. Rimmer #
# Corresponding author. ACIAR Field Support Office, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
E-mail address:
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol.5 No.2, 2010
Table 1. Production (tonnes) of maricultured products in Indonesia from 2000 to 2008. Data: FAO (2010)
Group Spec ies 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Seaw eeds Euc heuma seaweeds nei 197,227 202,473 213,080 221,900 397,964 866,383 1,050,000 1,485,654 1,937,591
Ec hinoderms S ea c uc umbers nei - - 25 40 42 96 96 94 279
Pearl oy ster shells nei - - - - 38 437 437 - -
Penguin wing oy ster - - - - 12,953 15,911 15,911 - 19,662
Mollusc s Marine mollusc s nei - - 5 2,866 - - - - -
Crust ac eans Tropic al spiny lobsters nei - - - - - - - - 292
Barramundi 759 3,986 1,753 2,334 1,748 266 630 523 707
Groupers nei 1,159 3,818 7,057 8,665 6,552 6,493 3,132 6,370 4,268
Marine fishes nei 669 733 2,937 3,420 1,602 232 826 892 22,449
Finfish Milkfish - - - - 20 49 49 - 469
Table 2. Value (USD millions) of maricultured products in Indonesia from 2000 to 2008. Data: FAO (2010)
Group Spec ies 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Seaw eeds Euc heuma seaweeds nei 21.7 20.2 35 16.3 31.8 121.3 189 356.6 271.3
Ec hinoderms Sea c uc umbers nei - - 0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.1
Pearl oy ster shells nei - - - - 110 194 194 - -
Penguin wing oy ster - - - - 26.8 8.3 8.3 - 10.2
Mollusc s Marine mollusc s nei - - 0 1.4 - - - - -
Crust ac eans Tropic al spiny lobsters nei - - - - - - - - 2.9
Barramundi 3.8 17.9 4.5 13.2 2.7 0.3 0.9 0.8 1.6
Groupers nei 4.4 13.4 38.3 79.7 47.4 13.7 6.1 12.3 8.4
Marine fishes nei 1.3 1.4 6.7 8.6 4 0.1 0.3 1 26.9
Finfish Milkfish - - - - 0 0 0 - 1.3
TOTAL 31. 2 52. 9 84. 5 119. 3 222. 9 338. 1 399 371 323. 6
Mariculture development in Indonesia ... (Michael A. Rimmer)
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol.5 No.2, 2010
a brief history of pearl farming in Indonesia, tion is undertaken in coastal ponds and thus
including its various ‘ups and downs’; Ministry does not meet the definition of ‘mariculture’
of Marine and Fisheries (Kementerian Kelautan given above. The same is true of crab culture.
dan Perikanan, KKP) reports that there are cur- Mariculture of crustaceans in Indonesia is ef-
rently 71 registered pearl aquaculture devel- fectively limited to spiny rock lobsters (Family
opment companies in Indonesia, in Bali, Panuliridae).
Lampung, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa
Tenggara Timur, Maluku, Papua and Halmahera. Tropical spiny rock lobsters are cultured
in many parts of Southeast Asia, with the bulk
Pearl culture is technically intensive, par- of production in Vietnam and the Philippines.
ticularly the process of inserting a nucleus to In Vietnam, sea cage culture of lobsters started
promote formation of a pearl, and is thus better in the province of Khanh Hoa in the early 1990s
suited to large-scale commercial ventures. The and has expanded significantly around south-
period between nucleus insertion and harvest central Vietnam since 2000 (Hung & Tuan,
generally ranges between 9 months and 3 2009). Panulirus ornatus (ornate spiny lobster)
years. Pearl oysters are usually grown out us- is the dominant cultured species, but several
ing suspended culture systems, usually sus- other species, including P. homarus, P.
pended below rafts or on long-lines. The qual- stimpsoni and P. longipes, are also farmed. In
ity of the pearl is related to the length of the 2006, there were more than 49,000 cages pro-
culture period, but many insertions are unsuc- ducing approximately 1,900 t of product, val-
cessful, resulting in the death of the pearl oys- ued at about US$90 million (Hung & Tuan,
ter or ejection of the nucleus (Lucas, 2003). 2009). However, since that time production has
Poernomo (2006) notes that one of the factors declined due to the outbreak and widespread
leading to the success of Indonesian pearl farm- impacts of ‘milky disease’. In 2007 Vietnamese
ing has been the transfer of technologies once production was about 1,400 tonnes (Hung &
considered secret (e.g. seeding) and only avail- Tuan, 2009).
able through contracting foreign experts, to
local people. Lobster culture has considerable potential
in Indonesia (Jones et al., 2007; Pahlevi, 2009;
There has been substantial interest in se- Priyambodo & Suastika Jaya, 2010). In 2008 In-
lective breeding of pearl oysters, and a joint donesia produced 292 tonnes of lobsters from
Indonesian – Australian research project is aquaculture (Table 1) valued at a US$ 2.9 mil-
currently underway to develop appropriate lion (Table 2). However, much of this produc-
tools and evaluate the practicality of this ap- tion may be of lobster held only for short peri-
proach (Evans et al., 2007). Poernomo (2006) ods (‘fattening’) either to build up farm produc-
notes that the challenge of the future lies in tion or between visits by collectors / middle-
marrying stable production with developing men. Currently, lobster culture is most devel-
markets and ensuring a balance between sup- oped in Lombok where there are three main
ply and demand. lobster culture areas: Telong Elong Bay, Awang
Another mollusc that is currently being Bay and Gerupuk Bay (Priyambodo & Sarifin,
developed for mariculture in Indonesia is aba- 2009). ACIAR is supporting research into lob-
lone, which brings prices up to US$33 /kg ster puerulus collection in NTB, NTT, South
(Fermin et al., 2009). Several KKP centres have Sulawesi and Aceh (Pulau Simeulue) to iden-
successfully produced seed of abalone tify the composition, seasonal patterns and
Haliotis asinina and H. squamata. There is also potential capacity of the lobster puerulus re-
interest in culturing the ‘tokubushi’ abalone sources in these areas. Where there are ad-
H. diversicolor diversicolor, which is marketed equate seed resources identified, grow-out
as cocktail abalone in China, Japan, Taiwan and trials will also be undertaken.
Hong Kong (Fermin et al., 2009). Abalone has
There are several species of spiny lobsters
potential for grow-out in islands throughout
and slipper lobsters (kipas) caught and/or cul-
Indonesia, particularly eastern Indonesia
tured in Indonesia (Table 3). The composition of
(Fermin et al., 2009).
lobster catches seems to vary between differ-
ent locations. In Lombok, two lobster species
are prevalent in puerulus catches: P. ornatus
Although there is substantial production of and P. homarus. Small numbers of P. versicolor
marine shrimps in Indonesia, all of this produc- and P. longipes are also caught (Priyambodo &
Mariculture development in Indonesia ... (Michael A. Rimmer)
Table 3. Spiny lobster and slipper lobster species commonly cultured in Indonesia
(from Jones et al., 2007)
Common name
Indonesian name Spiny Lobst ers Sc ient ific name
Sarifin, 2009). In contrast, sampling in Aceh in- often on fish traps (bagan) (Priyambodo &
dicated that P. homarus predominates (35%), Sarifin, 2009). Some farmers collect pueruli
followed by P. penicillatus (28%), P. versicolor using shelter traps, with bundles of rice bags,
(21%), P. longipes (12%), P. ornatus (2%), and P. canvas or netting as the settlement substrate
polyphagus (1%) (Tewfik et al., 2009). (Priyambodo & Sarifin, 2009). In Vietnam, coco-
nut logs drilled with holes are also used as
The two main species of lobster farmed in
settlement collectors. As the industry devel-
Indonesia are both highly marketable: P.
homarus at a harvest size of 200 to 300 g ops it is likely that a specialised seed capture
fetches around of IDR 150,000 (H-US$17) per sector will develop to supply grow-out farms
kg to the farmer, while P. ornatus (300–500 g) (Priyambodo & Sarifin, 2009). Catches of pueruli
sells for IDR 130,000 (H-US$14) per kg (Jones and juvenile lobsters are strongly seasonal, with
et al., 2007). The price paid for P. ornatus would peak catches in Lombok in November and De-
be higher if the lobsters were grown out to cember (Priyambodo & Sarifin, 2009).
around 1 kg, which is the preferred market size Hart (2009) surveyed markets for spiny
(Priyambodo & Suastika Jaya, 2009). lobster and concluded that China’s booming
Tropical spiny rock lobsters are cultured economy and expanding middle class contin-
in cages. In Indonesia, lobster culture cages ues to fuel demand for lobster, particularly
range in capacity from 3.5 m3 to 64 m3 and are P. ornatus. P. ornatus is the most important
made from synthetic mesh (fish net) of mesh lobster species used for celebratory events
size up to 15 mm, suspended from a floating in Southern China. Although live aquacultured
frame supported on plastic or steel drum floats P. ornatus from Vietnamese are discounted
(Jones et al., 2007; Priyambodo & Suastika Jaya, slightly over wild-caught product of the same
2009). In Vietnam, submerged cages may be size, the product overall commands a signifi-
used for nursing juvenile lobsters and are lo- cantly higher average selling level each year,
cated in shallow water. A feeding pipe allows and continues to find market space for as much
feed to be dropped into the cage, and limits as can be produced. Of the major tropical spe-
the depth at which this system can be used cies, P. penicillatus is considered as the next
(Tuan & Mao, 2004). preferred species by Asian markets, with
P. homarus and P. longipes achieving similar
To date, hatchery techniques for spiny rock
prices (Hart, 2009).
lobster remain experimental and aquaculture
is dependent on capture of wild seedstock. Slipper lobsters are well known through-
Pueruli (the unpigmented settlement stage) or out the world and are well-favoured in either
juvenile lobsters are captured after settling, frozen or live condition, with higher prices paid
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol.5 No.2, 2010
for live product. In general, the slipper lobsters corals reaching harvestable size in 3–12
bring lower prices than spiny lobsters. How- months. Because of the low level of capital
ever, there appears to be ongoing demand and investment needed, and the relatively simple
popularity for Scyllarides spp. in the Chinese propagation methods used, coral culture is
market which suggests that this might be a prof- suitable for remote coastal communities where
itable option for aquaculture, while the market infrastructure may be lacking.
capacity for both frozen and live Thenus spp.
also shows considerable potential (Hart, 2009). Marine Finfish
Mariculture development in Indonesia ... (Michael A. Rimmer)
plied from wild capture. Indonesia is a major Government policy and support
producer of milkfish seed, with much of this
Mariculture development is strongly sup-
coming from ‘backyard’ or small-scale hatcher-
ported by government policy. The Govern-
ies (Siar et al., 2002; Sudradjat & Sugama,
ment of Indonesia plans to substantially in-
2010b). Most grow-out of milkfish is in brack-
crease production of fisheries and aquacul-
ish water ponds (Sudradjat & Sugama, 2010a),
ture by 2014 (KKP, 2010). Mariculture produc-
but recently there has been some production
tion will contribute to this target, with the
from sea cages. However, in 2008 Indonesian
focus on seaweed, grouper and barramundi
milkfish production from mariculture was less
production (Table 5).
than 500 tonnes (Table 1), compared with
277,000 tonnes of production from brackish Mariculture development is also supported
water. by a network of research centres and techni-
cal implementation units (TIUs) managed by
Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) is an emerg-
KKP. For mariculture, the Balai Besar Riset
ing species of considerable interest to farm-
Perikanan Budidaya Laut Gondol (Research In-
ers in the Asia-Pacific region. Production of this
stitute for Mariculture Gondol) in Bali and the
fast-growing (to 6 kg in the first year) species
Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau Maros
is set to expand rapidly, not only in Asia, but
(Research Institute for Coastal Aquaculture
also in the Americas. Currently, Indonesia pro-
Maros) in South Sulawesi are the main research
duces only small quantities of cobia from farms
centres involved in mariculture research and
in Kepulauan Seribu (Wahjudi & Michel, 2007)
development. Of the Indonesian TIU network,
and Lampung.
there are four TIUs dedicated to mariculture,
located in Lampung, Batam, Lombok and Am-
bon. In addition, the brackishwater aquacul-
ture TIUs, located in Aceh (Ujung Batee), Cen-
tral Java (Jepara), East Java (Situbondo), and
South Sulawesi (Takalar) also support some
mariculture activities. A major role of the TIUs
Although Indonesia has many advantages is to stimulate aquaculture production through
for mariculture development, there are also seedstock production, and the provision of
some constraints to developing this sector training and technical support services to the
further. These are outlined in Table 4. aquaculture industry.
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol.5 No.2, 2010
Table 5. Planned production of maricultured commodities in Indonesia for the period 2009 to
2014 (KKP, 2010)
At the Provincial government level there is tonnes from 2006 production. This increased
a network of 23 Balai Benih Ikan Pantai (Coastal production will have to be provided by aqua-
Seed Production Centres), the role of which is culture because production from capture fish-
to stimulate local aquaculture production by eries has been relatively stable since the late
providing seedstock of species such as grou- 1980s and capture fisheries worldwide are
per or seaweed. Reportedly, the success of generally regarded as fully or over-exploited.
the BBIP scheme has been mixed but many
However, as noted below, this overall in-
centres have had only limited production due
crease in demand for seafood products is tem-
to lack of training and resourcing.
pered by the increasing demand, particularly
Market demand in developed country markets, for systems to
improve food safety and environmental
Unlike some other forms of aquaculture sustainability.
(particularly freshwater aquaculture) which may
provide direct protein sources to the farmers’ Constraints to Mariculture
families, mariculture is primarily focussed on Development
producing commodities for sale, either to
As noted earlier in this paper, Indonesia has
domestic or export markets. Consequently,
many advantages for the continued develop-
mariculture development is driven to a large
ment of mariculture, as well as a number of
extent by market demand, and increasingly by
disadvantages. Because mariculture produc-
international markets for seafood products.
tion is dominated by commodities produced
Globally, the demand for seafood products for export, mariculture development also
is increasingly being met by aquaculture. needs to consider a broad range of external
Aquaculture now provides almost 50% of influences. Recently, the issue of sustain-
global seafood production. Increase in per ability of aquaculture production has become
capita consumption of seafood, and increasing a significant issue in terms of accessing
population are the two factors driving an markets for seafood products. The following
increasing demand for fish and fishery products section lists some of the major constraints to
on a global basis. FAO estimates that in 2006, mariculture development in Indonesia, within
110.5 million tonnes of ‘fish’ (i.e. aquatic a context of environmental, economic and
animals) were utilised for human consumption. social sustainability.
This provides an estimated average annual
global per capita consumption of 16.7 kg of Seed supply
fish products. The trend since the 1960s has
Seed supply for mariculture comes from two
been a steady increase in per capita fish
sources: wild populations, where larvae or ju-
consumption and FAO expects that this trend
veniles are harvested to provide seedstock
will continue for the foreseeable future.
for grow-out (capture-based aquaculture) and
In addition, demand for fish products is in- hatchery production of seedstock. Capture-
creasing because of an increasing world based aquaculture is widely practised in the
population. In 2030, the world population is Asia-Pacific region. However, in general the
expected to reach 8.2 billion. If per capita con- availability of seed from wild sources is in de-
sumption of 16.7 kg is to be maintained in 2030, cline through over-fishing and habitat destruc-
global demand will be 137.5 million tonnes of tion (Sadovy, 2000; Ottolenghi et al., 2004).
fish, representing an increase of 27.1 million Consequently, there is a need to develop sus-
Mariculture development in Indonesia ... (Michael A. Rimmer)
tainable technologies for seed production, scale farms which typically contribute to total
particularly hatchery production. national production, and the limitations of
fisheries and aquaculture extension systems
Hatcheries are producing greater numbers
in Indonesia. Current extension systems, vari-
and a wider range of species, but the industry
ously applied by autonomous provincial and
is still reliant on capture of fingerlings for grow-
district governments, are often poorly
out, particularly for species that are difficult or
resourced and undervalued, leading to poor
costly to raise in hatcheries such as some grou-
pers or Napoleon wrasse Cheilinus undulatus service provision and dissatisfaction amongst
(Sadovy, 2000; Estudillo & Duray, 2003) or for both extensionists and farmers (Herianto et al.,
which there is no established hatchery tech- 2010).
nology, such as tunas (Ottolenghi et al., 2004)
or spiny rock lobsters (Williams, 2004). Feeds
The genetic impacts of hatchery produc- So-called ‘trash’ fish (small, low-value or
tion are poorly understood. There are indica- bycatch fish species) are a major source of
tions that inbreeding in some species has led feed inputs in aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific
to a decline in seedstock quality. For example, region. The term ‘trash’ fish is inaccurate in
Frost et al. (2006) found that as many as 55% of that these fish species would not necessarily
barramundi progeny from one hatchery were otherwise be wasted, and alternative uses in-
the offspring of a single male. Genetic man- clude reduction to fish sauce for human con-
agement protocols are required for hatcheries sumption, protein sources for other agricultural
to prevent inbreeding effects in captive popu- commodities (such as pigs and poultry) or even
lations. There is also a need to develop selec- direct human consumption (New, 1996; Tacon
tive breeding programs for a range of & Barg, 1998; Edwards et al., 2004; FAO, 2005).
maricultured commodities. Some of the desir- The issues associated with ‘trash’ fish us-
able selected traits include: disease resistance,
age are well documented, most recently in the
high growth rate, increased thermal tolerance,
report of the ‘APFIC Regional Workshop on Low
product colour, and biochemical composition
Value and ‘Trash Fish’ in the Asia-Pacific Re-
(e.g. carrageenan content in seaweeds). Es-
gion’ (FAO, 2005). Although pellet diets are
capes of cultured animals may have impacts
available for a range of marine finfish as well as
on the environment or on local conspecific
some crustaceans, there remain important con-
populations. Consequently, there is also a
straints to the widespread use of compounded
need to establish the biodiversity impacts of
diets for aquaculture:
introductions of new species, and of selec-
tively-bred organisms contributing to wild ♦ Farmer acceptance of pellet diets is often
populations (Nguyen et al., 2009). low because of the perception that these
diets are much more expensive than trash
Production systems fish. Farmers often do not appreciate that
the food conversion ratios of pellet diets
With the exception of pearl culture, mari-
(for finfish, usually 1.2–1.8:1) is dramatically
culture in Indonesia is still largely in the hands
better than that of ‘trash’ fish (usually 5–
of small- or medium-scale farms. An emerging
trend, particularly for marine finfish culture, is 10:1, but sometimes higher) and so the rela-
the development of large-scale farms incorpo- tive cost of pellet diets is often comparable,
rating a range of technologies to improve the or lower than, the cost of trash fish required
cost-efficiency of production. Marine finfish to produce the same biomass of fish.
aquaculture in many parts of Asia is adopting ♦ Variable feed quality, and deterioration due
the technologies used in Europe originally de- to transport and storage at high tempera-
veloped for large-scale salmon production, but tures, may also impact substantially on
the development of larger farms is still limited in growth and survival of the cultured fish.
Indonesia. These large-scale systems are likely ♦ Lack of farmer experience in feeding pel-
to be more cost-effective for some species lets may result in considerable wastage.
(such as cobia) than for others (groupers).
♦ Fish fed on ‘trash’ fish may not readily con-
Improving the performance of mariculture vert to a dry pellet diet, resulting in poor
production systems through farmer training is acceptance and perceived lack of appe-
made difficult by the large number of small- tite.
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol.5 No.2, 2010
♦ Distribution channels for pelleted feed are duction of these high trophic level species
not widely available in rural areas. As well that is expanding. Environmental impacts as-
as limiting accessibility to the feed, this sociated with marine finfish and lobster cage
factor increases the cost of the feed. aquaculture derive mainly from nutrient inputs
♦ Small-scale fishers or farmers operating fish from uneaten fish feed and fish wastes (Phillips,
cages may not have access to the finan- 1998). For example, studies carried out in Hong
cial resources necessary to invest in pur- Kong indicate that 85% of phosphorus, 80%–
chase of pelleted diets or infrastructure 88% of carbon and 52%–95% of nitrogen in-
such as refrigeration, finding it easier to puts (from ‘trash’ fish) to marine finfish cages
collect ‘trash’ fish themselves, or in small may be lost through uneaten food, faecal and
amounts as and when financial or ‘trash’ urinary wastes (Wu, 1995). These nutrient in-
fish resources are available. For many farm- puts, although small in comparison with other
ers, ‘trash’ fish collection is an opportunity coastal discharges, may lead to localised wa-
cost which in family-operated farms may ter quality degradation and sediment accumu-
lation. In severe cases, this ‘self pollution’ can
be easily absorbed, whereas the purchase
lead to cage farms exceeding the capacity of
of pellets is a cash cost.
the local environment to provide inputs (such
Fish health as dissolved oxygen) and assimilate wastes,
contributing to fish disease outbreaks and
Because mariculture in Indonesia is at a consequent mass mortality events.
relatively early stage of development, and in
most cases production is not intensive, it has Where intensity of production is relatively
had relatively few disease problems. Viral ner- low, the impacts of sea cage aquaculture on
vous necrosis (VNN) is a well-known pathogen coastal waters may be relatively insignificant
of various marine finfish species in hatcheries compared with terrestrial inputs. In one of the
(Walker & Winton, 2010), and parasites are a few studies of nutrient impacts of marine cage
significant problem in grouper farming (W. aquaculture in tropical systems, Alongi et al.
Sudja, pers. comm.). Rückert et al. (2009) found (2003) found that although fish cages theo-
that a major source of introduction of parasites retically contributed 26%–32% of nitrogen and
to farmed grouper was the use of ‘trash’ fish as 83%–99% of phosphorus to the coastal water
a feed, and the use of compounded feeds re- studied, there was no evidence of large-scale
duced the incidence of parasite infections. eutrophication due to the cages, and the ef-
fects of the cages was largely swamped by
However, the relative infrequency of dis- large inputs of organic matter from mangrove
ease should not allow complacency. As noted forests, fishing villages, fish cages, pig farms
earlier, the decline in production of spiny lob- and other industries within the catchment.
sters in Vietnam is due to the outbreak of ‘milky Similarly, a study of sea cage farms in Sumatra
disease’ (Hung & Tuan, 2009). Although the and South Sulawesi found that although there
exact cause of ‘milky disease’ has not been was some evidence of benthic enrichment at
established, it is believed to be associated with both farms, there was no clear evidence of
unrestricted mariculture development, high impact with distance from the cages at either
stocking densities, and the use of ‘trash’ fish farm (Alongi et al., 2009). This study also found
as feed may be causal factors (Hung & Tuan, that phytoplankton gross primary production
2009). Fish health issues need to be addressed accounted for 60%–77% of the total organic
holistically, taking into account a wide range input to the receiving environment, suggesting
of environmental factors in addition to the that the relative importance of fish cage wastes
health status of the cultured animals. must be assessed against natural inputs of
organic matter (Alongi et al., 2009).
Environmental impacts
Mariculture inputs may contribute to local
Although Indonesian mariculture produc- fisheries production: Sudirman et al. (2009)
tion is dominated by seaweeds, which can be found that the biomass of fish surrounding sea
considered as providing environmental ben- cages exceeded the biomass of fish inside the
efits (Neori et al., 2004; Troell et al., 2009), cages, and that wild fish outside the cages
there is a significant production of commodi- consumed a total amount of organic material
ties that require feed inputs, such as marine equivalent to that of the uneaten food leaving
finfish and crustaceans (lobsters), and it is pro- the cages, and directly consumed 27% of the
Mariculture development in Indonesia ... (Michael A. Rimmer)
Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol.5 No.2, 2010
processing must take into account the needs mangrove estuaries of peninsular Malaysia.
of international markets. Increasingly, interna- Marine Environmental Research, 55: 313-
tional markets are demanding improved food 333.
safety, including product traceability. An Alongi, D.M., McKinnon, A.D., Brinkman, R., Trott,
emerging trend is the requirement to demon- L.A., Undu, M.C., Muawanah, & Rachman-
strate environmental sustainability for aqua- syah. 2009. The fate of organic matter
culture production systems, including maricul- derived from small-scale fish cage aqua-
ture production. culture in coastal waters of Sulawesi and
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Indonesia will require responses to the con- 75.
straints identified in this paper. Although Indo- Belton, B., Little, D., & Grady, K. 2009. Is re-
nesia has a strong R&D capability, much of the sponsible aquaculture sustainable aqua-
focus has been, and continues to be, on de- culture? WWF and the eco-certification of
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS gement. Food and Agriculture Organisation
This paper is derived from presentations of the United Nations, Rome, p. 25-38.
given at ‘Indonesian Aquaculture 2009’, held Conand, C. & Tuwo, A. 1996. Commercial ho-
in conjunction with the World Oceans Con- lothurians in South Sulawesi: fisheries and
gress, Manado, North Sulawesi, 12–14 May mariculture. SPC Beche-de-mer Information
2009, and the ‘International Seminar: Indone- Bulletin, p. 17-21.
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tional market’ held at Hasanuddin University, Archipelago, Indonesia. Journal of the Ma-
Makassar, South Sulawesi, 22 November 2010. rine Biological Association of the UK, 87:
I thank the organisers of both conferences, 1,777-1,784.
including the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fish- de Voogd, N.J. 2007b. The mariculture poten-
eries, Indonesia, and the Faculty of Marine tial of the Indonesian reef-dwelling sponge
Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University. Callyspongia (Euplacella) biru: growth, sur-
I thank Sugeng Raharjo (BBAP Takalar, South vival and bioactive compounds. Aquacul-
Sulawesi), M. Sakthivel (Aquaculture Founda- ture, 262: 54-64.
tion of India), and Sven Blankenhorn (Mars Duckworth, A., Wolff, C., & Evans-Illidge, E. 2009.
Symbioscience) and Wajan Sudja (Asosiasi Farming bath sponges in tropical Austra-
Budidaya Ikan Laut Indonesia) for information lia, World Aquaculture, p. 20-22, 70.
provided on mariculture.
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survey of marine trash fish and fish meal
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