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Optus Choice: - Month-To-Month Mobile Plans

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Critical information summary

This summary does not reflect any discounts, bonus data or promotions which may apply from time to time.

Optus Choice – month-to-month mobile plans

Plan S M L XL
Minimum monthly charge $39/mth $49/mth $59/mth $79/mth
Minimum term one month
Monthly data to share 10GB 60GB 100GB 120GB
for use in Australia
Standard national talk & text Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Standard international talk & text – Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
to 35 Selected Destinations from Australia
Standard roaming calls and SMS for use
while overseas in Zone 1 destinations – – Unlimited Unlimited
(subject to change)
Roaming data for use while overseas – – 2GB 4GB
in Zone 1 destinations (subject to change)
There are no plan cancellation fees. If applicable, you’ll need to pay out any remaining
Cancellation fees device payments in full and all charges incurred up to the cancellation date.
Plan ID 34401184 34401194 34401204 34401214

Information about the Service • Monthly data to share

These plans share data within Australia. If you have more than
These plans are Postpaid Mobile services that contain the one plan that data shares on the same billing account, the
inclusions listed in the table above. included monthly data allowance will combine into one Data
Eligibility Pool, which will be shared by all the plans that share data on
that account. If you use more than your included data (on any
Optus Choice plans are available to new and recontracting eligible device), we’ll automatically give you another 1GB for
services. Eligible customers may change rate plans to these plans. $10. If you use more than an extra 150GB on a single billing
Bringing your own device account, we may continue to charge you at the same rates or
You may bring your own device to use with these plans. To check restrict your data until next billing period. Any unused data
it’s compatible and set up to make the most of our network, go expires at the end of each billing month. If you don’t want
to optus.com.au/coverage to share data between your services, they will need to be on
separate billing accounts. Data is counted in kilobytes, and
Device payment plan includes uploads and downloads.
You can buy an eligible device on a device payment plan and • International roaming calls, text and data
pay for it over a selected term by monthly instalments. You will If you have the L or XL plan you can use the included roaming
need to remain on your Optus Choice or other eligible plan for value while overseas for calls to standard national and
the term of your device payment plan. If you cancel your plan or international numbers and SMS (excludes MMS), as well as
move to an ineligible plan, your related device payment plan will your amount of roaming data for use in Zone 1 destinations.
also be cancelled. You’ll need to pay out any remaining device Eligible destinations are subject to change, see current list at
payments in full and any applicable device credits or discounts optus.com.au/zone1  See section ‘Using your service overseas’
will be forfeited. for additional information.
New Phone Trade Up What’s not included
If you add a 24 or 36-month device payment plan to these Your monthly included calls, text and data cannot be used
plans in the last 12 months of the device payment plan, you can overseas and do not include calls to directory assistance, video
upgrade early to a new eligible device on a new device payment calling, premium numbers or content charges. For details of
plan. Just pay the $149 Trade Up fee, return your original device those charges, please refer to your pricing plan in the Postpaid
to Optus in good working order and sign up to your new 24 or Mobile standard agreement found at optus.com.au/sfoa
36-month device payment plan. You may also need to sign a
You can only use your included international calls and SMS/MMS
separate agreement with our second hand vendor to transfer
to Selected Destinations. Calls and SMS/MMS outside of your
ownership of your original device.
inclusions or to other destinations will be charged at standard
Included value international PAYG rates, see optus.com.au/international
Monthly inclusions set out in the table above and included usage for rates.
types are outlined below: Your roaming inclusions can only be used in Zone 1 destinations
• Standard national talk & text (subject to change) and once you have exceeded any inclusions
Included value can be used for calls, SMS and MMS you will be charged at standard international roaming rates
in Australia to standard Australian numbers, calls to unless you purchase a travel option (note, these are only
13/1300/1800 numbers, voicemail retrievals/deposits and available for eligible destinations). See optus.com.au/roam
voicemail diversions. for information on eligible destinations, roaming, call and data
rates, tips on how to control your spend and details on our
• Standard international talk & text from Australia travel options.
If you have the M, L or XL plan included calls, SMS and MMS
can be used to standard numbers to the following destinations: Special promotions and extras
Brazil, Brunei, Cambodia, Canada, mainland China, Colombia, This summary may not cover all special promotions or optional
Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, extras you may select. Entertainment options may be available
India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Laos, Lebanon, and charges may apply depending on your plan. By signing up to
Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, an entertainment option, you agree that it is subject to change
Romania, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, at any time. We will try to give you at least 21 days’ prior notice
UK, USA and Vietnam (Selected Destinations). of a change, however, this does not entitle you to terminate your
plan. Entertainment options can be cancelled at any time; you
just pay for these charges until the end of that billing month.
Fair Go Policy • Late payment fee
Our Fair Go Policy applies to these plans. Its purpose is to If you don’t pay your bill by its due date, we may charge
ensure all our customers can access our services, and don’t you a late payment fee. For more information, please
use our services in a manner we consider ‘unreasonable’ or see optus.com.au/standardagreements
‘unacceptable’, including, but not limited to ‘non-ordinary’ or
‘commercial purpose use’ of these plans. It also sets out your Mobile Premium Services
responsibilities when you use your data and confirms steps we Mobile premium services are phone numbers starting with 191,
may take to monitor and ensure compliance with this policy. For 193–197 and 199. Mobile premium services are usually third party
more information, see optus.com.au/fairgo services and subscriptions that include online gaming, voting,
competitions, news, sport and weather updates. Charges for
these services are incurred on your phone bill after use. The use
Information about pricing of mobile premium services can be barred at any time, free of
See the table at the start of this summary for your plan pricing charge to do so. For more information and guidance on how
and minimum monthly charge. If you use your device for services to limit or bar mobile premium services, go to optus.com.au/
not included in your plan or exceed your monthly allowances, premiumsms or see the ‘Customer complaints’ section for
you’ll have to pay more than your minimum monthly charge set guidance on how to make a mobile premium services complaint.
out in the table at the start of this summary. Monthly charges
are paid in advance and any charges not included in your plan
will appear on your next bill after they are incurred.
Other information
Tracking your spend
We’ll provide you with usage alerts once you’ve reached
You can cancel your plan at any time with no cancellation fee. approximately:
You’ll need to pay all charges and fees, inclusive of charges
outside of your plan inclusions (including for services or • 50%, 85% and 100% of your included data (for use in
accessories), incurred up to the date the service was cancelled. Australia);
You will also receive a pro-rated refund of your plan’s access fee • Each time you incur charges of $50 (incl. GST) on services
for your last billing period based on when you cancelled your that aren’t part of your plan’s included data;
plan. However, if you have a related device payment plan this • When you’ve reached 50%, 85% and 100% of any additional
will also be cancelled. You will need to pay out any remaining data that you’ve used above your standard plan inclusion
device payments in full and any applicable device credits or each month; and
discounts will be forfeited. This is subject to your Australian
Consumer Law rights. • When we automatically add an additional 1GB data for $10
to your account.
Plan changes You can monitor your unbilled usage by:
You can change to another eligible month-to-month plan once • Downloading the My Optus App from optus.com.au/
per billing period. If you change your plan and you also have MyOptusApp
a related device payment plan, your device payment plan will
remain in place and your device payments will remain the same. • Visiting My Account at optus.com.au/myaccount
You may lose your existing add-ons and/or options if you change For more information about usage alerts see optus.com.au/
to a plan that is not eligible for these add-ons and/or options, alerts
and these will still be charged in full for your current billing period.
Using your service overseas
We may make changes to your plan, options and add-ons. This
could include moving you to a new plan, option or add-on which To use your mobile phone when you’re overseas, you need to
may cost more. If we increase your plan price or add-on fees activate roaming if it’s not already on. Check your roaming
(additional data, international talk & text or roaming), decrease settings and turn roaming on/off using the My Optus App or
your data inclusion or move you to a new plan, we will give you My Account. You cannot use your plan’s standard calls, text and
at least 30 days’ notice of these changes. If you don’t like the data inclusions if you are overseas.
changes, you can choose a new plan (once per billing period) If you have the L or XL plan, you can only use your international
or cancel your plan (see Cancellations above). For any other roaming inclusions in selected Zone 1 destinations (subject to
changes we make to your plan that we reasonably believe may change). If you are not in a Zone 1 destination, exceed the data
adversely impact on you, we will give you reasonable notice of limit or have the S or M plan, you will be charged at standard
those changes. international roaming rates unless you purchase a travel option
(note, these are only available for eligible destinations).
Add-on changes
To avoid surprises, see optus.com.au/roam for information on
You can make changes to your plan add-ons at any time. For eligible destinations, roaming, call and data rates, tips on how
example, you may be able to add data. When adding a data to control your spend and details on our travel options.
add-on, you can choose for it to be applied immediately or at
the start of your next billing period. If you choose for it to be Customer Service
applied immediately, you will receive the new inclusions straight You can use the My Optus App on your mobile to pay a bill,
away and pay the full monthly cost of the add-on on your next check your account balance and usage, chat to customer care
bill. You will lose your existing add-on if your new add-on is not and more. Download the My Optus App from optus.com.au/
compatible with your old add-on, and these will still be charged MyOptusApp
in full for your current billing period. Add-on charges are billed
a month in advance and will continue each billing period until Customer complaints
removed from your service. You can contact our complaint resolution area by calling us on
133 937 for consumer customers or 133 343 for small business
Billing customers. We encourage you to contact us first so that we can
• Paper invoice fee try to resolve your complaint straight away.
You’ll be charged $2.20 each month if you choose to receive a
paper bill. To see your bills online, or request email billing, go to If you’re not happy with the outcome, you may also contact the
optus.com.au/myaccount Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman on 1800 062 058.
• Payment processing fee
If you don’t pay by direct debit (bank account or credit card)
or BPay savings, a payment processing fee will apply. For
details, go to optus.com.au/payments

This is a summary only – the full Terms and Conditions for this plan can be found at optus.com.au/standardagreements
34401184 34401194 34401204 34401214 Optus Choice (1/20) YESPRO0149

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