This summary does not reflect any special discounts, bonus data or promotions which may apply from time to time.
Service and plan availability is your responsibility to ensure your self-supplied modem is nbn compatible
Optus Broadband services are not available in all areas or to all premises. and can be used with the Optus internet service. Some Optus features
The broadband service offered will be determined by what is available at such as Living Networks products (like Optus WiFi Secure and Optus
your location. Optus Broadband services are only available at premises Pause); equipment (like the Optus supplied Boosters) and certain add-ons
which can be physically connected to the Optus Network and, in the case of may not work with your self-supplied modem. Optus will only be able to
Optus nbn, where connection will be possible within three months based on provide you general support for your service and won’t be able to identify
rollout information provided by the nbn which is subject to change. There or fix faults that are related to your self-supplied modem. For any technical
may be technical or commercial reasons that affect our ability to connect support related to your self-supplied modem, you’ll need to contact the
a service at your address. Until Optus successfully installs your service we manufacturer directly.
cannot guarantee that the service can be installed at your address. To check
Service limitations
your serviceability and find out what kind of Optus Broadband is available
at your address visit This service may not be suitable if you have a serious illness or condition and
require an uninterrupted service. Some equipment like back-to-base and
Equipment needs medical alarms and other devices may not be compatible with the nbn or
With these plans, you can choose to take an Optus-supplied modem, which 4G backup service and are not tested by us or supported on Optus nbn. You
can be purchased on a Device Payment Plan (DPP). For select plans, you should contact your device supplier to find out if your device will work before
can purchase the Optus-supplied modem outright, at an Optus store or by connecting to the nbn.
contacting us on 133 937.
Alternatively, you also have the option use your own modem with these For info about products and services we offer for customers with differing
plans (self-supplied modem). abilities, please see
If you choose to purchase an Optus-supplied modem on a DPP, the cost
of the modem will be $0 when you stay connected for 36 months (during Device Payment Plans
which your device repayments will be reduced by a prorated, monthly credit You can buy an eligible device (such as a Booster) on a Device Payment Plan
as part of the DPP). You may purchase up to 3 Optus Ultra WiFi Boosters (DPP) and pay for it over a selected term by monthly instalments. You will
which can be paid outright or over time on a DPP term of 12, 24 or 36 need to remain on this broadband plan or other eligible plan for the term of
months (as selected by you). There is no monthly device credit applicable your DPP. If you cancel your plan or move to an ineligible plan, your related
to the boosters. If you choose to use a self-supplied modem with one these DPP will also be cancelled. See “Cancellation” (page 2) for more detail.
plans, you acknowledge and agree that you can only use it with an eligible
Optus stand-alone internet service (i.e., you cannot add a Fixed Telephone
service) so you won’t have access to a fixed phone service that you can use
to make or receive calls, including contacting emergency services like 000. It
System requirements When are payments made?
To use the Optus Broadband service you need to ensure your computer and You will be automatically charged via your selected credit, debit or charge
devices are compatible. Please see card at the start of each payment cycle for recurring charges. You can
view your Invoices and payment method at any time in My Optus app or by
Installation visiting MyAccount.
Optus reserves the right to charge for non-standard installations. You
must obtain permission from the owner of the property, if that’s not you, to Introductory offers
have Optus Broadband installed, and have someone over 18 years of age Customers who sign up, recontract, or change plans to: (i) the Optus
in attendance at the appointment. If you’re in a new development and not Plus Everyday Fast nbn plan will receive a $10/mth discount for the first
already connected to the nbn, NBN Coltd. may charge $300 to connect 6 months; or (ii) the Optus Plus Everyday Superfast nbn or Optus Plus
your premises to the nbn. If applicable, we will bill that charge to you. Everyday Ultrafast nbn plans will receive a $20/mth discount for the
first 6 months; and then pay the standard in-market plan fee thereafter.
You may need two technicians (one Optus, one nbn) to install the service. If Available to consumer and business customers with a valid ABN/ACN only.
applicable, we will send you an Optus self-installation kit. Installation fees Not available with any other offer unless specified. Discount is forfeited if
may apply if you request a technician installation where a self-install option customer recontracts, changes or cancels their nbn plan.
is available. If you require assistance to connect, contact us at Cancellation
Optus is required by law to confirm your nbn service is working. We may not You can cancel your plan at any time by notifying us. You will not receive a
be able to confirm this if you do not use an Optus-supplied modem. You’ll refund of charges paid in advance for the remainder of your payment cycle,
need to tell Optus of any issues you have with your nbn service before we unless otherwise set out in our agreement and subject to your consumer law
can rectify them. rights. Any related device payment plan will be cancelled and you’ll need to
pay out any remaining device payments in full and any other charges owing,
If you don’t plug in your modem, we will auto-complete your order 10 days as a one-off payment.
after we have reminded you to plug in your modem. Billing will commence
once we confirm your nbn service is operational or once we’ve automatically Relocation fee
completed your order (whichever occurs first). If you are an Optus nbn FTTC Relocation fees may apply depending on circumstances, e.g. Truck roll.
or HFC customer and fail to plug in the equipment within the specified time
frames, NBN Coltd. may cancel your order. Other information
Plan speed Plan changes
The speed pack included with your plan will depend on which plan you You can change your plan to an eligible Fixed Broadband plan (if available)
select, subject to eligibility. Depending on what plan you are on and your once per payment cycle. If you have an Optus email address and change
nbn connection, you may have the option to change to a higher speed pack from a Fixed Broadband plan to a stand-alone Fixed Phone plan, your Optus
for your plan. Home Superfast or Ultrafast speed packs or plans require email address will be disconnected as a result. Contact Customer Service if
equipment capable of achieving plan or speed pack speeds and we won’t you would like further information.
know if your self-supplied modem is compatible or not.
Changing the access method
Information about the typical busy period speeds for your included speed We may change the access method for your service for the remainder of
pack and other nbn speeds is available at your minimum term and move you to:
• A new plan that is reasonably comparable with your current plan; or
Typical Evening Speeds/Typical Busy Period Speeds are based on customer
• An alternative plan, but only if we take reasonable steps to address any
averages and are not a guaranteed minimum.
detrimental impact that the change may have on you that is not minor.
If your maximum line speeds are not available during service qualification
If we change your access method, you must provide all reasonable
and you have a FTTN, FTTB or FTTC connection, we'll confirm them when
assistance to enable the change to be implemented, including access to your
your service is working.
premises and equipment. If we are upgrading you to Optus nbn, by entering
More about broadband speeds into this agreement you are giving your consent for NBN Coltd. to install
their equipment required to connect you to their network. Unless otherwise
There are a wide range of things that can impact the internet speeds you
agreed with you, we will not charge you for installing or equipment we
actually experience, and this can vary greatly between different homes.
supply to you to use with the changed access method. Alternatively, we may
For more info, go to
ask you to change your access method during your minimum term even if
the change may have a detrimental impact on you that is more than minor.
Special promotions, extras and subscriptions If you refuse our request, we may cancel the service by giving you at least 90
This summary doesn't include information on special promotions, optional days’ notice. If the service is cancelled, you will be liable for charges incurred
extras or subscriptions that you may access from time to time. Additional up to cancellation, but you will not be liable for any cancellation fee or
terms and conditions (including charges, changes and cancellation rights) outstanding equipment charges. We will contact you to discuss the details
may apply to such special promotions, optional extras and subscriptions. of any changes we plan to make to your access method prior to making the
Fair Go Policy
Our Fair Go Policy applies to these plans and related services. You must Managing your account
comply with our Fair Go Policy and not use your service in a way that is You can manage your account and view your payments in My Optus app or
unreasonable, unacceptable, or fraudulent, including causing significant by visiting My Account at
congestion to our network. We may take steps to monitor and ensure
compliance with the policy, including by suspending or cancelling your Customer Service
service. For more information see You can call 133 937 for assistance on your account balance, usage, payment
details and other information at any time. For other assistance and account
Information about pricing information, see
See the table at the start of this summary for your plan pricing and Customer complaints
minimum monthly charge. You can contact our complaint resolution area by calling us on 133 937.
We encourage you to contact us first so that we can try to resolve your
How are payments made? complaint straight away. If you’re not happy with the outcome, you may also
You will need to set up automatic payments (i.e. direct debits) from a credit, contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman on 1800 062 058.
debit or charge card in order to purchase these plans. By signing up to these
plans, you are agreeing to the Optus automatic payment terms at The remaining content is the footer of this page. For further details
This is a summary only – the full Terms and Conditions for these plans can be found at
nbn®, NBN Coltd. and other nbn® logos and brands are registered trade marks of NBN Co limited and used under licence.
36792744/36782874/36784694/36786414 Optus Plus Everyday nbn plans YESPRO5424 (7/23)
Critical information summary Plan ID: 33812593
Calls to 13/1300 numbers 500 calls to 13/1300 numbers (calls to help lines like Beyond Blue and
Lifeline will not be charged and don’t count towards the 500 calls). After
500 calls, customer will be charged $10 for the remainder of the month
International calls Option to add an Optus Plus Phone International call pack for $15/mth
Start-up fee $0
Cancellation fee $0
Payment method You'll need to set up automatic payment from a credit, debit or charge
card to pay for this plan (see page 4 for more detail)
For information about products and services we offer for customers with For further details visit
different disabilities, please see When are payments made?
You will be automatically charged via your selected credit, debit or charge
If you are transferring existing services to Optus nbn, this may result in card at the start of each payment cycle for recurring charges. You can
the disconnection of those services. If you require assistance to connect, view your Invoices and payment method at any time in My Optus app or by
contact us at visiting My Account.
Exclusions and conditions Cancellation
For Optus Plus Phone Extra ‘Unlimited’ calls to standard national numbers, You can cancel your plan at any time by notifying us. You will not receive a
Australian mobiles and national fixed lines exclude special numbers such as refund of charges paid in advance for the remainder of your payment cycle,
13/1300 numbers, premium numbers (e.g. 1900 numbers), 1234, 12456 and unless otherwise set out in our agreement and subject to your consumer
calls to satellite or international numbers. law rights. Any related device payment plan will be cancelled and you’ll
need to pay out any remaining device payments in full and any other
International calls:
charges owing, as a one-off payment.
Unless you purchase an Optus Plus Phone International calling pack bolt-on,
you will not be able to make international calls on the Optus Plus Phone
Extra plan. Information on calling packs can be found at
This is a summary only – the full Terms and Conditions for this plan can be found at
nbn®, NBN Coltd. and other nbn® logos and brands are registered trade marks of NBN Co limited and used under licence.
33812593 Optional Phone Plan YESPRO5424 (7/23)