Transformers and Logic Gates

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DATE: 01-11-2021

The transformer
 Transformers transfer blocks of power from one circuit to another using a.c.
 The essential features of a transformer are two coils of wire, called the primary coil and the secondary coil,
which are wound around different sections of the same iron core. When an alternating voltage is applied to the
primary coil it creates an alternating current in that coil, which induces an alternating magnetic field in the iron
 This changing magnetic field induces an e.m.f., which creates a current in the secondary coil.
For step-up transformers: Ns the number of turns of wire in the secondary coil is greater than the number of
turns Np in the primary coil. i.e. Ns > Np.
For step-down transformers: Np > Ns for an ideal transformer: power in the primary = power in the secondary.

Transformer efficiency is improved if: 

coils are made of low resistance material, i.e. copper;(to minimized energy loss due to the heating effect of
 the core is laminated;(to reduce eddy currents).
 core design ensures good flux linkage between primary and secondary;
 the core is made of soft iron, N.B.: transformers only work with a.c. because only alternating current can
generate a varying magnetic field.
The transformer equation

Vs/ Vp = Ns/Np= Ip / Is
Vs- voltage in secondary coil
Vp- voltage in primary coil
Is- current in secondary coil
Ns- turns of wire on secondary coil
Np- turns of wire on primary coil.
Ip- current in primary coil

Rectification is the conversion of alternating current to direct current. Rectification is performed by a diode that
allows current to flow in one direction but not in the opposite direction.
Full-wave rectification rectifies the negative component of the input voltage to a positive voltage, then
converts it into DC (pulse current) utilizing a diode bridge configuration. In contrast, half-wave
rectification removes just the negative voltage component using a single diode before converting to DC

1. The number of primary and secondary windings is 60 and 100 respectively. The secondary voltage is given
by 250V, determine the primary voltage.
2. The number of primary and secondary windings is 100 and 350 respectively. The primary voltage is given by
200V. Determine the secondary voltage.
3. We have a transformer with a current in the primary coil of 10 A and input voltage in the primary coil of 120
V, if the voltage in the output of the secondary coil is 50 V, calculate the current in the output of the secondary
4. We have a transformer with an output current on the secondary coil of 30 A and an input current on the
primary coil of 2000 turns of 6 A, determine the number of turns on the secondary coil.

Graphs for Each kind of conductor
i. A conductor will obey Ohm’s law if the current (I) through it is proportional to the potential difference, V,
across it. That is, when the voltage increases, the current will also increase. This is verified by the straight line
through the origin in the graph. The gradient of the I-V graph is the inverse of resistance (where V/I = R)

 The metallic resistor (i) and the copper sulphate solution (iv), therefore, obeys Ohm’s law (and so are ohmic
i. Filament lamp – at low currents, the characteristic may be fairly straight but as the current rises, producing
more heat, the temperature rise, increases its resistance. So at a particular voltage, when the filament
temperature has risen, the current value is lower than it would be for an ohmic conductor.
 Resistance increases as temperature rises

 The characteristic (line) is curved.

ii. Semiconductor diode – this device has a very distinctive characteristic. Only a small current flows in the
reverse direction indicating that its resistance is very high. The diode conducts well in one direction only. It is
can electronic valve or a 1-way device that allows current to flow in one direction. (If the device is reversed,
conduction is almost zero.)

Logic Gates

Digital electronics are based on circuits that can exist in one of two possible states.

 The two possible states can be represented by numbers (digits) 1 and 0.

 Electronic systems represent these two logic states as a ‘high’ and a ‘low’ voltage, respectively, by the use of
electronic pulses.

 Since there are only two states, 1 and 0, the circuits function on binary decision making.

Logic Gates – electronic circuits use integrated circuit boards, which contain very complicated circuits, often
with hundreds of ‘chips’ on them, each chip containing complicated, microscopic circuits. But the basic
building block of these ‘chips’ is the logic gate. A logic gate is just a very good high-speed switch. The logic
gate output switches between 0 and 1 depending on the values of the inputs.

Truth tables – a truth table is a simple way of describing all the possible combinations of inputs and output
decisions produced by a particular logic gate or group of logic gates.
The five types of logic gates are:

1. NOT

2. AND


4. OR

5. NOR

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