Nietzsche's Presence in Rilke
Nietzsche's Presence in Rilke
Nietzsche's Presence in Rilke
Nietzsche’s Presence in Rilke
by Angela C. Holzer, Princeton
a review of
V e rw
w a n d e l t
‘Verwandt-Verwandelt’. Nietzsche’s Presence in Rilke
Katja Brunkhorst
Iudicium Verlag GmbH, 2006
by Angela C. Holzer
Brunkhorst suggests that Rilke was not only interested in the poetic and
stylistic aspects of Zarathustra but also in what she calls Zarathustra’s “main
message” (72)—insinuating despite the authoritative and didactic tone that to
follow him means not to follow him. This is the paradoxical crux around which
Brunkhorst structures her argument about influence; it then necessarily has
to consider the complexities, absences, and denials as part of this reception
Thus, psychological factors of the reception and its specific aspects are of
crucial importance. Nietzsche might have been, not only in personal terms
with regard to Salomé, but also in intellectual terms, an adversary to Rilke.
This might explain, according to Brunkhorst, that the Birth of Tragedy was “in
its flaws, comparatively less threatening to a budding artist than other, more
stylistically accomplished Nietzsche works” (71). Even though Brunkhorst runs
the risk of accepting Nietzsche’s statements and self-assessments also in the
psychological parts of the interpretation, these psychological aspects of the
reception history are the most speculative of the whole study. “Yet, one can
imagine the young Rilke, still constantly in search of an artistic identity and
voice of his own, to be in awe of such firm authority and self-assuredness in
advertising individualism at all costs” (73). “Thus, it may have been Nietzsche
who helped to give Rilke the right to be true” as a poet, referring to Rilke’s
own poem from 1921. Nietzsche here takes on the function of a therapist,
in addition to being a projection screen, mouthpiece, and motor for Rilke’s
own artistic coming of age as a poet. Nietzsche also served, Brunkhorst
suggests, as social consolation: “Here was a fellow artist and thinker
about human existence who did not fit into perceivedly ‘normal’ bourgeois
Wilhelmine society, either” (73). Although these psychological speculations
can be supported by textual evidence, they might run the risk of generalizing
and banalizing the situation. Other problematic generalizations, like “An
inherent poetics imbues his entire philosophy” (17) with regard to Nietzsche,
or descriptions of Nietzsche at the time of writing The Gay Science as “most
The themes considered, in which Rilke was most interested in are: friendship,
Fernsten-Liebe as opposed to Nächstenliebe, love, religion, and loneliness.
Brunkhorst circumscribes their function and her methodological choice thus:
Most obviously, as I have argued above, those passages may
have functioned as projection screens or sounding boards,
merely triggering or mirroring what was already there within
him, unfinished and dormant until then. The experience of
some of those Zarathustra passages may also have added
genuinely new impulses to the psychic material out of which
Rilke went on to create his poetry. A neat separation of these
themes and topics from one another however proves almost
impossible...Therefore, rather than progressing by topic, I
shall examine selected passages (as representative of the
respective Zarathustra book they belong to) singled out by
Rilke as natural vantage points from which to embark on
analyses of Rilke and Nietzsche’s treatments of their respective
topics; for Rilke was of course not merely an interpreter as
much as a productive transformer of Nietzsche’s thought. (76).
This comparison of themes is undertaken in the third part of the study. These
thematic discussions are apt and, as important, also engage the female points
of view in biographical—but also in thematic—contexts (Rilke’s marriage;
Clara Modersohn-Becker’s comments; Salomé’s role and position). The
question of influence however, it seems to me, is not confronted theoretically
throughout the study, according to the methodological “reader-response”