Adl Fbi Conspiracy Exposed Eustace Mullins

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THE ADL-FBI CONSPIRACY EXPOSED service of the most vicious criminal conspirators
in the world, the homocidal maniacs of the
By Eustace Mullins - lune 1979 Zionist terrorist movement.
On June 8, 1978, the Washington Post
reported the strange case of an American citi-
A spectre is haunting the halls of govern- zen, Sarni Esmail, who visited Israel to be at his
ment in Washington - the spectre of J. Edgar dying father's bedside. As he stepped off the
Hoover. Should this man's crime against the plane, he was arrested by Israeli security forces
citizens of our Republic become known to the and taken to jail, where he endured extensive
American people, it could topple the conspira- torture. He was kicked in the stomach, his hair
tors from their throne of power. Why have pulled, and ·he was forced to stand naked for
government officials persistently but quietly many hours while the tortures continued. The
proceeded with efforts to have the new head- crime of which he was accused in Israel was that
quarters of the Federal Bureau oflnvestigation, he had joined a Palestinian student group while
which was dedicated without ceremony as the J. he was attending Michigan State University.
Edgar Hoover Building, given a new name The FBI, which maintains paid informants in
which does not recall the infamous director of every Arab organization in the United States,
the FBI? Why have government officials placed has up-to-date files on every member of these
in dead storage some personal mementoes of J. organizations. Although these groups are very
Edgar Hoover which were willed to the new FBI small and have no political influence in the
building by Hoover's lifelong intimate, Clyde United States, in 1976 the FBI spent four mil-
Tolson? These mementoes were to have been lion dollars for surveillance of one hundred and
the prize exhibits in a special "J. Edgar Hoover eighteen members of these Arab student or-
Memorial Room", but officials have announced ganizations, about twice as much as it spent in
that there will be no J. Edgar Hoover Room in 1976 on surveillance of members of organized
the building. crime!
Those who still believe J. Edgar When the American student Sarni Es-
Hoover's propaganda that he was the great mail purchased a plane ticket to Israel to be with
"anti-Communist", the "American Champion his dying father, the FBI, through its militant
of Law and Order", and the "Great Gangbus- surveillance of the Arab students, immediately
ter" fail to realize that he spent many millions of informed the Israeli police, who were waiting
taxpayers' dollars to foist his personal myth on for him when the plane landed. Although Sarni
the American public, and spent more millions to Esmail had never committed any crime in Israel,
conceal from the public his real history of scan- and as an American citizen was not subject to
dal, blackmail, extortion and conspiracy. arrest there UNTIL he had committed some
J. Edgar Hoover came into prominence offense, American officials refused to intervene
by riding the coattails of a minor government on his behalf. He was arrested solely as the result
imbroglio which was built up as "the scandal of of FBI surveillance in the United States where,
the century", the Teapot Dome scandal. He met also, he had never committed any crime and was
his end as one more victim of a second imbroglio not a proper subject for surveillance or intelli-
which was built up by the controlled press as the gence information from the FBI! Sarni Esmail
"crime of the century", the Watergate Break-in. was now threatened with ten years in prison, and
Throughout his public life, J. Edgar Hoover was further torture, unless he became a double
successful in maintaining two goals - to conceal agent for the Israeli intelligence service. His
his personal history from the American people, crime: That he belonged to a "proscribed or-
and to use the FBI, not as a force against crime, ganization", not in Israel but in the United
but as a private police force dedicated to the States, where supposedly the Israelis have no
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jurisdiction. In fact, the Israeli intelligence serv- American government and committing crimes
ice has jurisdiction over every American citizen against the people of the United States. Any
throughout the United States directly through American who provides information to an FBI
the FBI. To convince him of the hopelessness of agent under these circumstances becomes an
his position, two "American" Jewish lawyers accessory after the fact to the operations of an
visited Sarni Esmail in his Israeli prison. These illegal and subversive force acting on American
lawyers, J. Momoe Freedman and Alan Der- soil to undermine the sovereignty of the Ameri-
showitz, then announced to the world press that can Republic.
Sarni Esmail had not been tortured, and that he Now we must ask, where was the famed
was grateful for the kind treatment he had Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, while this
received from his Israeli torturers! takeover was going on? The answer is that J.
As the citizens of the United States Edgar Hoover unofficially abdicated as the
cringe fear of their lives, not daring to go out head of the FBI and let the ADL terrorists take
after dark, as the criminals have taken com- over the organization which he had built up from
mand of the streets, we taxpayers well might ask: nothing, because the ADL gave him no other
"What is the FBI, our famed gangbuster organi- choice. He must submit to have his personal
zation, doing to protect us from the ravages of history opened to the American public, com-
the criminals?" The answer is NOTHING. plete with photographs, affidavits and other
Quite a few years ago, the FBI ceased to be a documentation, or he could continue as the
bureau of the government of the United States, nominal head of the FBI (with a new Assistant
because it was taken over by an alien organiza- Director of the FBI, a Jew, in charge of opera-
tion, and became the umegistered agent of a tions). J. Edgar Hoover chose to submit to the
foreign power, the Anti-Defamation League of ADL blackmail, because he had used the instru-
B'nai B'rith. After this takeover, the FBI de- ment of blackmail against others too many times
voted most of its efforts to the ADL's subterra- to be unaware of its devastating consequences
nean terrorist activities against all American should the victim refuse. From this moment, the
citizens, while the forces of organized crime and FBI no longer existed, except as an arm of the
underground Communism were left to rage ADL, to be used for its sinister purposes of
unchecked throughout the nation. undermining the American Republic and the
During the heyday of the excesses com- sovereignty of the American people.
mitted by various Jews in charge of the Water- In order to understand why J. Edgar
gate imbroglio, several members of Nixon's staff Hoover (ostensibly the most powerful single
were charged with what seemed to be a new official in the history of the United States, with
crime in the American history of jurisprudence, a nation-wide private army at his beck and call,
lying to an FBI agent. These officials could its agents answerable only to him, a power which
never have been convicted of this charge if they no president of the United States has ever en-
had made the obvious defense that it is not a joyed) should meekly surrender this vast power
crime to "lie" or to give inaccurate information to the most sinister aliens operating in the
to an umegistered agent of a foreign power. The United States on behalf of a foreign power, the
crime was that an umegistered agent of aforeign state of Israel, we must reveal here for the first
power, posing as an agent of the American time some details of the private life of this man,
government, was seeking information for the details which will shock and dismay many
purposes of that foreign government from an Americans who had been persuaded by J. Edgar
American citizen. Further, it is a crime for any Hoover's propaganda that he was a sincere
American citizen to give information to an FBI patriot and a dedicated anti-Communist, but
agent who is acting as an agent of the state of details which have been known for many years to
Israel and who is subverting the authority of the politicians and journalists in Washington, D.C.
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Throughout his career, J. Edgar Hoover, tioned that, although he was never known to
while ruthlessly exposing weaknesses in the date a girl throughout his high school career, he
characters of those whom he wished to intimi- had formed a close friendship with the burly
date in order to maintain his burgeoning politi- captain of the football team, who carried John
cal power, successfully concealed cardinal facts Edgar's books home for him each afternoon. If
about his personal background. (These facts this association caused any ribald comment
have become part of the tragic history of the among his peers, it remained subdued because
white race and are well known and completely of the physical strength and size of John Edgar's
documented.) One of these was his descent from friend.
Harriet Hemings, a mulatto slave. Elizabeth When John Edgar graduated from Cen-
Hemings, a full-blooded African, had a child by tral High School in 1909, he immediately went
Captain Hemings, the master of an English into government service, obtaining a position as
whaler which sailed from England to Wil- an indexer at the Library of Congress, at a salary
liamsburg. Elizabeth became the slave of John of $30 a month. At night he studied law at
Wales, a Welshman living in Williamsburg. George Washington University, receiving his
John Wales' wife died, and Elizabeth became LLB in 1916, and his Master's degree in 1917.
his concubine, bearing him six children, the fifth During these years, he resided at home with his
of which was Sally Hemings (the concubine kept parents, who lived well in upper-middle-class
the name of her former lover). comfort. Despite his hours of work during the
While he was a member of the legislature day and his classes in night school, he had
meeting in Williamsburg, Thomas Jefferson developed an active social life, which remained
visited the home of John Wales, where he met secret even from his parents. He had already
and married Martha Skelton, Wales' widowed learned the method of making powerful friends
daughter by his deceased wife. Martha was the in Washington. Although he still displayed no
same age as Sally Hemings, her half-sister and interest in the opposite sex, the demure, petite
personal maid. When John Wales died Martha youth had attracted the interest of a number of
Jefferson inherited the children along with her prominent politicians who, while maintaining
father's other property. Sally Hemings later their reputations as well-established family
became the mother of Harriet (who was rather men, enjoyed an occasional evening with a dis-
light-skinned in color), a forebear of J. Edgar creet youth ...John Edgar found himself sought
Hoover. Although this heritage was not particu- after by several men in Washington who would
larly noticeable in his youth, as he advanced in be very useful to his career in the coming years.
age, his mulatto origins became more and more The first of these strange alliances was with the
pronounced - the bulging eyes, the kinky hair, prominent lawyer and political figure Harlan
the thick lips, and the gray skin - all of which Fiske Stone. As soon as Hoover received his law
advertised his African ancestry. degree, Stone secured a position for him in the
John Edgar Hoover, who was born in then Bureau of Investigation. This bureau was
Washington, D.C., onJan.1, 1895, was the son of only a few years old, and had but eight investiga-
DickersonN. Hoover, a life-long career bureau- tors. It was initially established in 1908 by Attor-
crat who became head of the Coast and Geo- ney Genera!Josepb Bonaparte, a nephew of the
detic Survey. As a youth, John Edgar was known late Emperor of France. Within a short time, he
as the smallest boy in his class at Central High bad misgivings about the operations of govern-
School. He weighed only 119 pounds, the small- ment investigators in a free republic.
est cadet in the school corps. In later years, his On April 2, 1908, testifying before the
classmates, in recalling him, used such words as hearings of the Sundry Civil Appropriations Bill
"demure" and "petite", adjectives not usually for 1909, Joseph Bonaparte testified that there
employed to describe a boy. They also men- was a strong possiblity of "agents provocateurs"
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developing in the investigative branch of the FBI from its very inception was set up in an
Department of Justice. This was a remarkably atmosphere of deceit and trickery, destined
prophetic statement, as within fifty years, the from its beginnings as the tool of powerful and
operations of the FBI consisted almost solely of unscrupulous behind-the-scenes figures. a
the activities of agents provocateurs and paid number of congressmen were infuriated by the
informants. Despite Bonaparte's testimony, the deception which had been practiced on them by
appropriation for the investigators was ap- the Department of Justice. However, when they
proved. His successor as Attorney General, the returned from their summer adjournment, they
Wall Street lawyer George Wickersham of could find no practical way to force the Depart-
Wickersham and Taft, named the new investiga- ment of Justice to disband its investigators.
tive branch the Bureau ofinvestigation. In 1935, Congressman Shirley had also voiced his
J. Edgar Hoover persuaded F.D. Roosevelt to opposition to such a force at the Congressional
give this bureau greater authority, and to re- hearings, stating: "In my reading of history I
name it the Federal Bureau of Investigation, recall no instance where a government perished
despite the fact that there were already federal because of the absence of a secret service force,
investigators working in a number of depart- but many there are that perished as a result of
ments, such as the Treasury Department, Post the spy system. If Anglo-Saxon civilization
Office and others. Presumably, these investiga- stands for anything, it is for a government where
tors for other federal departments were no the humblest citizen is safeguarded against the
longer "federal" investigators. secret activities of the execution of
Other concerned Americans in addition government.... Not in vain did our forefathers
to Bonaparte saw in the new bureau a danger to read the history of the Magna Carta and the Bill
the liberties of the people. At the 1908 Hearings of Rights ..." The Fourth Amendment declares:
of the House Appropriations Committee, Con- "The right of the people to be secure in their
gressman Walter J. Smith, Iowa, 60th Congress, persons, houses, papers and effects, against
strongly opposed the authorization for this unreasonable searches and seizures, should not
branch. He declared: "No general system of be violated."
spying upon and espionage of the people, such Americans today should honor the
as has prevailed in Russia, in France under the memory of these forgotten congressmen who
empire, and at one time in Ireland, should be sought in vain to protect future generations
allowed to grow up." Congressman Smith's from the depredations of agents provocateurs.
opposition immediately aroused the ire of Presi- Today, no American citizen is secure in his
dent Theodore Roosevelt, a former police home, because he is subject at any moment to
commissioner of New York who had thrown his search and seizure by federal agents from any
support behind the establishment of the Bureau one of half-a-dozen departments. In this writer's
of Investigation. Roosevelt claimed that detec- researches over the past thirty years, one fact has
tives who were sworn to uphold the law could emerged - that those American leaders who
never violate it. In an effort to prevent the sought to defend the liberties of the people have
establishment of the Bureau of Investigation, had their names erased from the records of
Congress passed a bill on May 30, 1908, forbid- public service, while those leaders who have
ding the Department of Justice from borrowing betrayed the American people into the hands of
detectives from the Secret Service or any other sinister aliens, such as Woodrow Wilson, Fran-
agencies. klin D. Roosevelt, and their many mis-shapen
A month after Congress had adjourned, followers, are hailed as the champions ofliberty
the Department of Justice quietly set up the very and the saviors of the nation. One of J. Edgar
agency that Congress had refused to authorize, Hoover's first assignments with the Bureau of
calling it the Bureau of Investigation. Thus the Investigation was to accompany the team of
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federal agents which attacked the home of to be eroded away as soon as the fighters laid
Congressman Charles Lindbergh. The team had down their arms.
instructions to destroy all copies of Lindbergh's At the time J. Edgar Hoover began his
books which revealed the origins of Woodrow career of public service, government employ-
Wilson's involvement of our country in World ment, which even then was the city's largest
War I. They were told to use "all necessary industry, was regarded with polite contempt by
force" to carry out this objective, which gave Washington's older families. To the city's mon-
them carte blanche to kill if resistance was eyed class, with interests in real estate, banking
encountered. Although young Hoover was sent and other businesses, government employees
along merely as a departmental observer, a were beyond the pale. Local businessmen
safeguard against complaints because of Con- strictly adhered to a long-standing principle that
gressman Lindbergh's political prominence, they would never hire anyone who had been in
when the young Charles Lindbergh rushed out government employment. Their reasoning was
to defend his father's property, Hoover kicked beyond question. Because the government paid
him in the stomach, and he was dragged away by the lowest salaries in the area, no one of ability
two of the agents. Young Lindbergh never got would take a job there ifhe could obtain employ-
over this youthful tragedy, while J. Edgar ment in the higher-paying private sector. If a
Hoover in later years avoided meeting Lind- former government employee sought work in
bergh whenever he came to Washington. It is private business, he encountered the suspicion
doubtful if Lindbergh ever connected Hoover that he must be unemployable if he could not
with the team which attacked his home, but this hold a government job. This was the local status
may have been one reason why Hoover with- of the class of government servants to which J.
drew all cooperation of the FBI with the prose- Edgar Hoover had been bred and born. Signifi-
cution of Richard Bruno Hauptmann. The most cantly, throughout his life he had never consid-
important reason, of course, was that Hoover ered any job in private business, although, once
had been informed that the Jews were manufac- his propaganda had built himself up as an im-
turing a totally false and perjured chain of wit- portant figure, he had a number of attractive
nesses and testimony against Hauptmann, and offers. In fact, no private salary could have met
he wished to protect his beloved Bureau from the enormous expenses of his life as a public
becoming involved in such a precipitously dan- servant, with its many fringe benefits.
gerous affair. When young Hoover had completed his
The Lindbergh attack by the fledgling schooling, there was nothing in the area for him
Bureau of Investigation proves, that from its to do but go into government service. So greatly
inception, its principal function has been the has the situation changed that today it is difficult
control of political dissidents by any means, to reconstruct the atmosphere of the Washing-
book-burning, the manufacture of evidence, ton in which Hoover grew up. Government
and the work of agents provacateurs. Because servants are now an arrogant, well-paid bu-
Congressman Lindbergh had made his greatest reaucracy, with higher salaries than the
speeches on the floor of the House in opposition corrsponding private sector. Washington itself
to the establishment of the Federal Reserve is one of the wealthiest communities in the
System by the Money Trust, he was performing United States, with a "depression-proof' econ-
a heroic role in defending the liberties which our omy and the highest average family incomes.
forefathers had won for us. Like all revolutions Sixty years ago, Washington was almost a de-
since the beginnings of time, the high-water pressed area, with modest homes, very modest
mark of the people's freedom was the exact salaries, and very little social life. Crime was
conclusion of the American Revolution. The almost nonexistent. It was a sleepy southern
freedoms they had won at such cost had begun town, rigidly segregated, with Negroes occupy-
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ing the bottom of the scale in housing and in the League of Nations. Learning of Lodge's
income. Certainly those who had passed for association with young Hoover, Woodrow
white would make every effort to put as much Wilson sent an emissary to him suggesting that
social distance between themselves and their this involvement should persuade Lodge to
co-racialists as possible. Today the District of reverse his stand against the League of Nations,
Columbia is the largest Negro city in the world, with the clear threat that if not, much could be
with a crime rate eighteen times higherthan that made of the situation. This identical ploy was to
of London. This is the change which the "Great work some years later when Senator Vanden-
Gangbuster" lived through in his home town. berg, leader of the congressional opposition to
In that day, it would have been unthink- our involvement in the United Nations, was
able to cultivate a government employee for his seduced by an attractive British Secret Service
influence, as he had none. The press corps agent. Faced with exposure, Vandenberg as-
consisted largely of a group of "stringers", jour- tounded \Vashington politicians by suddenly
neyman reporters who filed stories whenever announcing that he was abandoning all opposi-
something occurred which was noteworthy tion to the United Nations and would hence-
(which was not often) and who were paid by the forth support it. He then led the fight for confir-
column-inch. Consequently, they lived very mation of our joining the United Nations.
close to starvation. Washington generated very However, Henry Cabot Lodge was no
little news of national importance, and the Vandenberg. He informed the emissary that he
government bureaus had no public relations should return to Woodrow Wilson and tell him
officials. Statements about changes of policy that he was too deeply involved in preparing an
would be delivered by the department heads edition on the Peck letters for publication to
themselves to two or three reporters, if any consider Wilson's proposal at the moment. The
showed up at all. There was no mad dash to the Peck letters, of course, consisted of Wilson's
telephone when these pronouncements were indiscreet outpourings to a lady friend. The Jews
received. Instead, the reporters sauntered to the had already blackmailed Wilson with them by
nearest dingy bars for several hours of serious forcing him to appoint the radical Zionist leader
drinking before they returned to their Brandeis to the Supreme Court. Lodge's reply
newsrooms. Although billions of dollars had sent Wilson into deep depression and, shortly
swept through the city during the government's afterwards, he suffered a massive stroke.
orgy of spending during World War I, very little In 1948, George Stimpson, founder of
of the money had remained there. Ithad all been the National Press Club, introduced me to a
seized and removed by various entrepreneurs in florid, paunchy man in his early sixties. His name
New York and other strongholds of the Zionists, meant nothing to me, and I paid little attention
for World War I had been the Jews' first great to him. The next day, Stimpson, in his wry way,
bid for power. The Washington government said to me, "Just what does it take to impress
clerks continued at their usual low salaries. you, anyway?" "What do you mean?" I asked. "I
YoungJ. Edgar Hoover's status began to introduced you to a former President of the
emerge when he was appointed Special Assis- United States yesterday, and you virtually ig-
tant to the Attorney General of the United nored him." "That man was a former President
States in 1919. At this time, the handsome young of the United States?" "He was indeed," said
man was twenty-four years old and still could be Stimpson. "I remember it well, as I was fairly
described as "petite" and "demure". One of his new in Washington at that time. When Wilson
special friends was the leonine Senator Henry had a stroke, it was feared that if word of his true
Cabot Lodge, who was leading the opposition in condition got out, it would paralyze the fight to
Congress to Woodrow Wilson's attempt to secure approval of the League ofN ations bill. So
abandon American sovereignty by involving us that no one could see his condition, he was

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spirited out of Washington, and his daughter-in- administration team and for the replacement of
law took him to the Pine Grove Inn in Asheville, William J. Burns by J. Edgar Hoover at the
North Carolina. They stayed there six weeks. Bureau oflnvestigation. At this time, WilliamJ.
During that time, the fellow to whom I intro- Burns was renowned as the world's most famous
duced you was a White House aide. Word was detective. Bum's father had been Police Com-
given out that although Wilson could not see missioner of Columbus, Ohio. At the age of
anyone, he would continue to fulfill his duties of twenty-four, young Burns exposed the election
office. Bills were signed and returned to Con- frauds of 1883. He joined the U.S. Secret Serv-
gress, statements of policy were issued by the ice, and soon uncovered a vast counterfeiting
White House, and it was all done by the fellow ring which had operated unmolested for twenty-
you met here. He and Mrs. Wilson were running five years. In New York, he solved the murder of
the United States, while Wilson remained hid- gambler Herman Rosenthal and sent a police
den in Asheville, N.C., unable to speak or move. lieutenant and four gunmen to the electric chair.
That story has never been told." The drive against the Communists re-
I later searched through all the biogra- sulted in the labeling of the Harding administra-
phies of Woodrow Wilson, and was never able to tion as the "most corrupt administration in
find mention of this unofficial President, who history" a falsehood which persists to this day.
remained with Mrs. Wilson during the remain- One of Daugherty's aides, Jess Smith, suppos-
der of Wilson's Presidency. edly committed suicide, and the sum of $10,000
J. Edgar Hoover's reputation as a great was found in his room. As it was promptly
anti-Communist originated with his service confiscated by the government, the ancient ploy
under William J. Burns, Chief of the Bureau of of planting it there was probably used. The
Investigation until 1924, when Hoover replaced discrediting of the Harding administration pro-
him. Harry Daugherty, President Harding's ceeded in a step-by-step program which was
right-hand man, and Burns had led the battle remarkably duplicated in the indictment of the
against the Communists and had thwarted the Nixon administration a few years later. The
take-over of the United States government by a "scandals" of the Harding administration re-
Communist revolution. During this battle, on sulted in the jailing of Daugherty, who was
June 2, 1919, Atty. Gen. A. Mitchell Palmer's replaced as Attorney General by John Edgar
homeat2132R. St. N.W., Washington, D.C. was Hoover's longtime friend and ally, Harlan Fiske
blown up. Across the street, Assistant Secretary Stone. Stone, a notorious left-winger, irnrnedi-
of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt opened his atelyfired Burns, replacing him with John Edgar
front door to find bits of the body of one of the Hoover. Furious at having been ousted after
bombers on his front porch. The bombing was in having wiped out the Communist menace in the
retaliation for the famed "Palmer raids", in United States, Burns sought help on Capitol
which thousands of wild-eyed Jewish Commu- Hill, telling friendly congressmen that Hoover
nist revolutionaries had been rounded up and had gotten his job "by the back door". He
deported as undesirable aliens. received sympathy but no active support. Under
The Communists now counter-attacked Stone and Hoover, the Bureau oflnvestigation's
on all fronts. The demand for "civil-rights" dates anti-Communist work came to a halt. The volu-
from this period, as well as the work of the minous files on Communist subversion were
American Civil Liberties Union. On June 1, packed away, never to be seen again. Priceless
1920, a special House of representatives Com- documentation on such Communist agitators as
mittee summoned Atty. Gen. Palmer before Felix Frankfurter was quietly disposed of.
them, demanding that the "rights" of the aliens However, this was but the opening gun in the
be protected. It was the opening gun for the campaign of the Communist apologists.
systematic destruction of the entire Harding A nation-wide press campaign attacked
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the Harding administration as "the most cor- However, geologists found that because of the
rupt in history". The keystone of the campaign sandy formation, the oil was sinking into the
was the "Teapot-Dome" scandal. Like the ground and should be recovered soon or it
Watergate scandal of a later era, it was labeled would be lost forever. It could only be saved by
"the crime of the century". For the first time, my pumping it out and storing it in tanks. Officials
researches have exposed the Teapot Dome as a approached Harry Sinclair and Edward L.
"media event", which was never a scandal at all. Doheny, proposing that they undertake the sal-
Instead, it was a convenient coverup for a much vage operation. Sinclair, an astute oil operator,
greater scandal, perpetrated by the very inter- investigated, and found that he could make a
ests which now accused the Harding administra- profit from the operation. He and Doheny set up
tion of corruption! In the early 1920's, a few a company, the Mammoth Oil Co., which leased
patriotic congressmen had begun investigations Teapot Dome from the government. The Secre-
into the billions of dollars stolen from the gov- tary of the Interior, Albert Fall, knowing little or
ernment during the Wilson administration. The nothing about the mechanics of the operation,
targets of this investigation were Bernard Bar- signed the lease as an ordinary part of his job.
uch (Wilson's head of the War Industries Little did he know that his name was to enterthe
Board), Eugene Meyer (head of the War Fi- American language as "fall guy", a "patsy who
nance Corporation, who printed millions of takes a fall" or serves a prison term for a crime
dollars of Liberty Bonds and sold them in dupli- in which he is taking the blame for someone else.
cate, keeping profits from the sale of the dupli- At this very time, Fall suddenly faced a
cates for himself) and the Rockefellers, who financial crisis. New Mexico officials, without
double-billed the military services for billions of prior notification, doubled the taxes on his
dollars worth of oil and other supplies. One ranch in the Tularosa basin. Fall, operating as
interesting result of this swindle was that Eu- the Tres Rios Land and Cattle Co. (jointly with
gene Meyer used his profits to buy the Allied his son-in-law Mahlon Everhart) owned the
Chemical Corporation and the Washington largest ranch in New Mexico, controlling
Post. It was the Washington Post, purchased 750,000 acres in an area of fifty-five miles by
with money stolen from the U.S.Governrnent, twenty-four miles. Faced with the loss of his
which "broke" the Watergate "scandal". The ranch, Fall mentioned to Harry Sinclair, who
details of the Rockefeller swindles had been habitually dealt in million-dollar deals, that he
worked out by their banker, Jacob Schiff of needed a loan to pay his taxes. Sinclair promptly
Kuhn-Loeb Co. and his Jewish cohort, Herbert lent him $200,000 and Doheny lent him
Lehman of Lehman Brothers banking house, $100,000. The loans were fully secured by notes
who had taken a job as procurement officer in against the land. Unknowingly, these principals
Washington with the U.S. Army. At the same were about to be "exposed" as the "criminals of
time, Senator James A. Reed was accusing the century".
Herbert Hoover of having squirreled away mil- The Rockefellers approached New York
lions of dollars in graft while acting as the head papers with the story, but not one editor would
of another Rothschild swindle, the Commission touch it because of the obvious libels against the
for Relief in Belgium. To forestall these investi- principals. They sent one of their hangers-on, an
gations, Baruch, Meyer, and Schiff invented the oilmannarnedJohnLeonStackwhoranerrands
Teapot-Dome story, selecting as their victims for them, to the most unsavory newspaper pub-
two oilmen, Harry Sinclair and Edward L. lisher in the United States, Harry Bonfils of the
Doheny, whom the Rockefellers had been Denver Post. Bonfils had been run out of Kansas
trying either to buy out or force out of business. City after operating a fake lottery there. His
Teapot Dorne was a western oil field swindles were so notorious that he caused nearly
which held much of the Navy's oil reserves. all states in the United States to enact laws

-- -----
Page 9

prohibiting lotteries, which laws remained in States government) were quietly dropped,
effect for many years. With his profits, Bonfils never to be mentioned again, while each week
bought the Denver Post, not because he was government officials revealed new prosecutions
interested in journalism, but because he could planned against the "criminals" of the Teapot-
and did use the newspaper for extortion and Dome affair.
blackmail. He would print up a front page de- Like the Watergate-show trials, the
tailing an escapade of a local "mark", and send Teapot Dome prosecutions were allowed to
the page over to the "mark", still wet from the dragon for many years. I twas not until 1931 that
press. Bonfils would demand from ten to twenty Secretary Fall was finally sent to prison, which
thousand dollars to refrain from printing the conveniently revived the entire "scandal" just in
story, which the "mark" usually paid. If he re- time for Roosevelt's successful campaign for the
fused, Bonfils had a lurid circulation-building presidency. The congressional investigations of
story for his front page. the affair, also like the Watergate burglary, were
Without revealing that his backers were conducted along strict party lines, with the
the Rockefellers, Stack promised Bonfils one Democratic leaders howling for more action
hundred thousand dollars if he would print the and the Republicans fighting a desperate and
Teapot Dome story. Bonfils, who immediately losing retreat. A Democratic congress, led by
saw the hand of the Rockefellers in the deal, Sen. Thomas J. Walsh of Montana, achieved the
demanded two hundred thousand dollars. Stack complete annihilation of a Republican admini-
agreed, paying Bonfils an advance of five thou- stration. Another Democratic prosecutor of the
sand dollars. Bonfils immediately headlined Teapot-Dome affair was Senator Burton
that the greedy vultures, Sinclair and Doheny, K. Wheeler. He was extremely anxious to gener-
had "stolen" the nation's oil reserves, leaving ate as much storm about Teapot Dome as pos-
the Country helpless in the face of possible sible, to cover up his own indictment in 1924 for
attack. This treasonable act had been made having accepted a $100,000 bribe from an oil
possible by their bribing of Secretary Fall. Once promoter, Gordon Campbell. Unlike Fall's loan
the story hit the front page, other editors across from Sinclair, Wheeler's acceptance of
the United States took it up, and any possible $100,000 from Campbell was an out-and-out
denials were ignored. In fact, the records of the payment for Wheeler's influence in obtaining
subsidence of the oil were not made public until oil rights in Wyoming. Nevertheless, Sen. Walsh,
1944, after Fall had died! the prosecutor of Teapot-Dome, acted as
Whatever fee Stack had been promised Wheeler's counsel and successfully defended
by the Rockefellers to publicize the story, he him on the charge of bribery.
refused to pay Bonfils anything further, pocket- The Wheeler scandal was to have a per-
ing whatever was left after the initial five-thou- manent effect on John Edgar Hoover. The
sand-dollar payment. Bonfils imperiled the Bureau of Investigation had sent agents to
entire Teapot-Dome story by threatening to sue Wyoming to look into the Wheeler affair, possi-
him for "breach of contract", but in some way, bly from political motives. Walsh, a fierce parti-
he was persuaded to remain silent, and Teapot san, vowed revenge on both Burns and Hoover.
Dome became history. Like the Watergate He cheered when Burns was removed, but was
break-in, the story remained front page news for no less resolved to have Hoover fired, publicly
many months, as the government dragged out stating on Capitol Hill that he would not rest
proceedings against the principals. The advan- until he got that "little...." When Franklin D.
tages of this strategy were obvious. All of the Roosevelt was elected President, he announced
proposed congressional investigations of Bar- that Sen.Walsh was to be his Attorney General.
uch, Meyer, and the Rockefellers (and the bil- On his way to the capitol to be sworn in, Walsh
lions of dollars they had defrauded the United boasted that his first official act would be to fire
Page 10
J. Edgar Hoover. Before he could be sworn in, Cabinet, the special files which he maintained in
Walsh died ofa heart attack. Fate, or some more his personal office. These files contained details
directly concerned agency, had intervened mi- in the sexual and financial peccadilloes of every
raculously to save Hoover's career. Walsh's prominent politician in the United States. They
political friends, dismayed and perhaps suspi- became as feared for what they did not contain
cious of Walsh's sudden demise, pursued the as for what they actually contained, because
campaign to have Hoover fired. Postmaster every politician had reason to fear that wiretaps
General Farley joined in the campaign to get and photographs of his most sordid moments
Hoover not from any personal animus, but reposed in the Black Cabinet. The result of this
because he wanted thepostforanold friend, Val campaign was that J. Edgar Hoover became
O'Farrell, under the time honored spoils system director of the Bureau for life, even though
in which Farley had been brought up. Not only every President after FDR swore that he in-
was Farley's effort unsuccessful, but it later cost tended to get rid of J. Edgar Hoover.
him the presidency of the United states. John For some years, a young man named
Edgar Hoover, never one to forget an injury, Clyde Tolson had beena close friend ofJ. Edgar
persuaded Roosevelt to refuse Farley the vice- Hoover. Tolson's background was similar to
presidencywhich would have later given him the Hoover's, an amiable young man who was taken
White House. up by important political figures. He had been
As the battle raged around Hoover, his confidential secretary to Newton D. Baker, Sec-
oldest ally, Harlan Fiske Stone, who had as- retary of War, and later went to night school and
cended to the Supreme Court, wrote an impas- obtained a law degree. In 1928, he joined the
sioned letter to FDR on Jan.2, 1932, urging that Bureau of Investigation as John Edgar's per-
he be retained as head of the Bureau of Investi- sonal confidant. An associate, William Sullivan,
gation. FDR cannily postponed a decision, al- later said, "But, for reasons that were never
lowing both Hoover's friends and his enemies to entirely clear, Tolson rose quickly and was soon
do favors for him while they waited for his working at the Director's side."
answer. The rash of kidnappings and bank rob- If Sullivan had ever intended to make
beries gave Roosevelt his out when he claimed these reasons more clear, he was denied the
that it was too dangerous a time to change the opportunity when he was shot and killed during
leadership of the Bureau. Not onlywasJ. Edgar a mysterious hunting "accident".
Hoover never allowed to forget that FDR had On May 18, 1934, FDR signed six special
saved his job, ensuring his continued loyalty, but crime bills which greatly increased Hoover's
Hoover launched on a furious campaign to power. The Bureau was renamed the Federal
amass as much dirt on all possible political Bureau ofinvestigation, and given mandates to
supporters in the future. The new Atty. Gen. investigate bank robberies, kidnappings and
Homer Cummings, had also urged Roosevelt to other felonies. Atty. Gen. Homer Cummings
retain Hoover, simply because his closest friend, requested]. Edgar Hoover to publicize the work
J. Bruce Kremer, national Democratic commit- of the Bureau, in order to give his agents greater
tee-man from Montana, was a long-time enemy public authority and acceptance. Hoover, who
of Burton Wheeler and wanted Hoover to had always managed to avoid the limelight,
remain and possibly do further damage to suddenly found he must make a complete rever-
Wheeler. sal. He somewhat reluctantly embarked on a
Deeply shaken by his narrow escape, public relations effort, hiring a well-known
Hoover ever afterwards devoted at least a third Washington newsman, Henry Suydam. Suydam
of the Bureau's manpower and resources to proved a brilliant success, and soon magazines,
doing favors for political friends and to re- radio and newsreels were filled with glowing
searching and maintaining his famous Black reports of the FBI achievements, even though

----- - ---
Page 11
(on closer inspection) they could have been seen feld Syndicate during the great days of the Big
to be less impressive than they were portrayed. Seven, in partnership with the Bronfman broth-
J. Edgar Hoover suddenly realized that ers in Canada and Longie Zwillman, "the Al
to the press corps, Suydam was beginning to be Capone of New Jersey''. Much of the liquor
the FBI. Suydam was let go, and his name was brought to Rum Row off the East Coast was
never again mentioned in the FBI building. He transported there by the Reinfeld Syndicate."
had become a non-person. Hoover now dealt On page 277, Messick writes: "The Reinfeld
directly with the press, making announcements Syndicate was divided into two parts; the Cana-
of the arrest of crime figures, and personally dian end was headed by the four Bronfman
editing all press releases to put himself in the brothers, Samuel, Abraham, Harry and Allen.
most favorable light. An old friend of Sen. They began as owners of a small hotel and ended
Walsh, Sen. McKellar, complained on the floor as the richest men in Canada and head of Distill-
of the Senate that Hoover had never fired a gun ers-Seagram. It was the Bronfmans' duty to buy
or made an arrest. Hoover quickly set up the Canadian booze and ship it around the East
arrest of a prominent fugitive, whom the FBI Coast to the Rum Rows of Boston and New
had been following for several months, the gang York".
leader Alvin Karpis. When Karpis left his room, The ADL propagandist Drew Pearson,
FBI agents rushed up to him, seized him, and who was succeeded by Jack Anderson, entered
took his gun. J. Edgar Hoover then stepped up many items in his diaries which he never saw fit
and informed Karp is that he was under arrest. In to publish in his column. On July 18, 1949, he
a typical FBI rnixup, it was discovered that no noted concerning Bill Helis, who had purchased
one had any handcuffs. An agent gallantly the Tanforan race track from Joe Reinfeld:
whipped off his tie and secured Karpis' hands "Now I understand why Bill Helis contributed
behind his back. The nation's press headlined three thousand dollars to the J. Edgar Hoover
Hoover's fearless deed, and silenced his critics Foundation. Heliswas a front for Joe Reinfeld."
on Capitol Hill. On April 10, 1950, in a speech before the
After some years, J. Edgar Hoover al- . United Jewish Appeal in Newark, N.J., Drew
lowed another protege, Louis Nichols, to take Pearson noted that Joe Reinfeld had contrib-
over much of the public relations chores. Not uted $110,000. Reinfeld's partner, the Jew
only did Nichols name his son after J. Edgar Longie Zwillman, later was under investigation
Hoover; he also set up the J. Edgar Hoover and conveniently "committed suicide" with a
Foundation. length of light cord when it was feared that he
Nichols found a number of Jewish multi- might talk.
millionaires who were more than willing to put The Bronfmans and Rosenstiehl were
up money for the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation. heavy contributors to the ADL, which had long-
The principal donors were the toy tycoon, Louis standing Mafia ties with the Jewish banker of
Marx, whose son-in-law, Daniel Ellsberg, stole the Mafia, Meyer Lansky, and other Jewish
the Pentagon Papers and gave them to the New gangsters who directed the supposedly "Sicil-
York Times, and the two largest whiskey ty- ian" crime syndicate. Their contributions to the
coons in America, the Bronfmans of Seagram J. Edgar Hoover Foundation became bread cast
Distilleries, and Lew Rosenstiehl of Schenley upon the waters, as they were richly rewarded
Distillers. These two Jews controlled seventy- when Louis Nichols used his FBI and Capitol
five percent of retail liquor sales in America. Hill connections to lobby through bills which
They also were long-time mobsters who had sur- saved them many millions of dollars. In 1958,
vived the rum-running wars of the 1920's. Nichols lobbied an excise tax bill through Con-
In his book, Secret File, Henry Messick gress which saved Schenley $50 million in taxes.
wrote, p.197: "Reinfeld had headed the Rein- He sponsored the Forand Bill which extended
Page 12
the storage period for whiskey from eight to disturbed when Valachi insisted he would talk
twenty years. Schenley stock increased 67 per- only if he would not be turned over to the FBI.
cent in value as soon as this bill was passed. Valachi knew that if the FBI got to him, the
Nichols retired from the FBI and acquired large Mafia contract on him would promptly be car-
estates in Virginia and New Jersey. ried out. He obtained residence on an Army
J. Edgar Hoover and his consort Clyde base and survived for many years.
Tolson for many years spent their winter vaca- For a number of years two special agents
tions as the guests of the Roney Plaza Hotel in of the FBI actually carried out many Mafia
Miami Beach, Florida. The Roney Plaza, which "hits" on contract from the leaders of organized
was also the Miami base of the columnist Walter crime. When Ian Fleming was stationed in
Winchell was the national headquarters of the Washington, he was told of the existence of
crime syndicate. Here the dons of the Mafia these two "specialists" who were "licensed to
families could gather in absolute safety. Hotel kill". He was inspired to write his famous .007
thieves knew better than to ever set foot in the series, even though the British never had such an
Roney Plaza, as they would exit in a box. This agent as James Bond, who was based solely on
hotel was the show place of the Schine chain of the FBI models.
hotels. Upstate farmers can still recall the days Not only did the leaders of organized
whenJ. Meyer Schinewalked from farm to farm crime lead a charmed existence during themany
with a pack on his back, peddling household years that J. Edgar Hoover headed the FBI; his
supplies to their wives. New York mobsters agents' actual ventures into gun battles with
resolved that they needed a quiet place in the criminals were often ludicrous or disastrous.
country in which they could torture and kill their State and local police were dismayed when
victims without interference. They bought a these "Keystone cops" stumbled into carefully
hotel and asked J. Meyer Schine to run it for planned forays against gangsters and com-
them. Soon Schinewas the president of a nation- pletely wrecked the setups designed to entrap
wide chain of hotels and theaters. When Robert them. On Dec. 15, 1936, one of the wildest gun
F. Kennedy was assassinated, it was in the battles in the history of New York took place,
Ambassador Hotel, a Schine Hotel, a fact which when FBI agents attacked the hiding place of a
his biographer (Arthur Schlesinger) found more notorious bank robber, Henry Brinetta. Local
than curious. police had Brinetta staked out and were waiting
The press showed no curiosity about for his partner, Merle Vandenbush, to appear,
Hoover's residence in the headquarters of the when the FBI (directed from a safe place in the
Mafia in Miami Beach, nor did they offer much rear by J. Edgar Hoover) launched a frontal
comment on what became an annual ritual, attack on Brinetta's hiding place. The ensuing
Hoover's press conference in which he de- fusillade was described by one reporter as
nounced the oft-repeated "myth" of a national reminiscent of the Battle of the Marne. Build-
crime syndicate. He dismissed all such reports as ings caught fire from the hail of bullets, and
the inventions of a few sensation seekers and as firemen tried to put out the flames while dodg-
complete nonsense. He continued to maintain ing bullets from both sides. New York Police
this article of faith even after the Kefauver Commissioner Lewis Valentine publicly de-
Hearings, which Kefauver had hoped would nounced Hoover and the FBI agents for need-
propel him into the presidency, but which had lessly endangering the lives of hundreds of citi-
the opposite effect, because three-fourths of zens. Undaunted, Hoover retired to his table at
potential campaign funds could only be raised a nightclub to regale Walter Winchell and other
from the Mafia-ADL alliance. The Valachi hangers-on with his story of the battle. Local
revelations did little to convince J. Edgar police later captured Merle Vandenbush in
Hoover of the existence of the Mafia, nor was he Armonk, N. Y., without a shot having been fired.
Page 13
Because of such exploits, FBI agents had thugs stalk the streets, maiming and killing for
long encountered considerable hostility from profit, or (equally often) for pure savage pleas-
state and local police officials. To counteract ure in beating an elderly white person to death.
this hostility, J. Edgar Hoover set up a National In the name of "minority rights", policemen
Police School as an adjunct to his FBI Academy follow the training they received at the FBI
at Quantico Marine Base in Virginia. The osten- Academy, and look the other way.
sible purpose was to train police in the latest The chief publicist for the Mafia-ADL-
crime-fighting methods perfected by the FBI. In FBI alliance was a ratty New York Jew named
fact, the ADL took over the entire program of Walter Winchell. FBI agents learned that they
the police academy and used it to "politicize" should read Winchell's column every day, not
the police departments throughout the United only for the routine laudatory references to
States. Crime problems were ignored as the "The Director", but also to get the list of the
academy curriculum, prepared by the ADL, fo- day's enemies. During World War II, Winchell
cused on "minority rights" and the treatment of demanded a commission as an officer in the U.S.
the "disadvantaged". Those police who adopted Navy. He held court each night at the Stork Club
the ADL propaganda techniques were rapidly in his lieutenant-commander's uniform while
promoted, while those who resisted this Jewish American boys were dying in trenches fighting
indoctrination soon found all doors closed to the enemies of the Jews. J. Edgar Hoover and
them. The direct result of the FBI-ADL training Tolson were often guest at Winchell's table,
has been the death of more than one thousand along with Frank Costello and other leaders of
policemen at the hands of black thugs, the most organized crime. In answer to widespread pub-
recent case being a 16-year-old black youth who lic protest over Winchell's antics as a "combat
was brought to a station in a Washington, D.C. hero", Cong. John Rankin was asked on the
suburb for routine questioning. He seized a floor of Congress, "Just who is this \Valter
revolver from a policeman's holster and shot Winchell, anyway?" "Oh, he's just a dirty little
down two policemen in cold blood. He was kike," responded Rankin. Congressman Dick-
convicted of manslaughter and is expected to stein of New York, who had wangled Winchell's
serve about nine months in a "juvenile facility" naval commission at the personal request of the
where he will be a hero because he got two ADL, jumped up to protest Rankin's remark,
"honkies". but became so excited that he dropped dead.
One of the techniques developed by the Dickstein was the Jew who set up the original
ADL and used at the police academy requires a House Committee on Un-American Activities
white policeman to stand rigidly at attention to harass anti-Communists. It was then taken
while blacks shout every possible obscenity into over by the Texan, Cong. Maury Maverick, to
his face and then spit directly on him. Policemen expose the Communists. The ADL at that time
who resent this treatment are weeded out as began a frantic campaign to abolish the House
being "racially biased". TheADLalso instituted Committee on Un-American Activities, and
Civilian Review Boards to harass white police- succeeded after thirty-years' struggle.
men who arrested black criminals. The result of During the years before Pearl Harbor,
the ADL-FBI campaign has been a national when the Jews were frantically maneuvering the
breakdown of the enforcement oflaw and order. American people into their war to save Commu-
The American people are terrorized by thugs; nism from the German armies, the ADL forced
elderly white people starve to death in their J. Edgar Hoover to place the entire FBI at their
apartments because they dare not go out into the disposal to harass patriots and to end all resis-
street to buy food. Some of them commit suicide tance to our entering the war. They soon per-
because they can no longer face the horror of fected their techniques of ADL-provocateurs
their daily existence, in which gangs of black which they have used ever since, and which
Page 14
follow an unvarying pattern. An extremely en- nist courier. When Elizabeth Bentley tried to
thusiastic person joins a patriotic group, imme- expose a ring of communist agents, she had to
diately begins to contribute money, organizes visit FBI offices in New York and Connecticut
meetings and entertainments, and soon begins for more than three months before she could get
to criticize the members for not taking "more anyone to listen to her. In almost every trial of a
direct action". The provocateur proposes dyna- Communist agent, the FBI surveillance had
miting buildings, killing prominent Jews and been conducted in such a way that the judge was
politicians, and other actions, and brings in forced to throw out the indictment because of
supplies of guns and dynamite, which in every wiretaps or illegal searches.
instance is provided by the FBI. J. Edgar Hoover made public appeals
A typical operation concerned The that anyone having knowledge of Communist
Christian Front Sporting Club in Brooklyn. On subversion should do absolutely nothing except
Jan.15, 1940, the FBI arrested seventeen mem- notify an FBI office. The result was that citizens
bers of this group and charged them with plot- who reported instances of Communist espio-
ting to overthrow the government. The New nage were committed to insane asylums as
York World Telegram observed: "deluded overwrought paranoid cases with
"Although the men were taken to court obsessions of persecution". Many patriots
in handcuffs, guarded with care by deputy mar- (myself included) were systematically hounded
shals and G-Men, they looked anything but from their jobs and homes, their families were
dangerous. They were a shame-faced lot of low- harassed over a period of years, their telephones
paid white-collar workers and laborers." were tapped, their mail was seized, and their
The trial soon brought out the fact that neighbors were turned against them.
the only plot was the one set up by the FBI, which The nation now began to suffer an epi-
paid a professional informer, Denis Healey, and demic of bombings and killings which were the
his wife $1,300 to infiltrate the sporting club. work of paid FBI provocateurs. In 1970, the FBI
Healy obtained guns for the club from a Na- paid two informers $38,500 to set up an assassi-
tional-Guard armory, with FBI assistance, and nation in Meridian, Miss., in which a woman was
wined and dined the club members with FBI killed. Thousands of hippies went on the FBI
funds. When the members were drunk, Healy payrolls across the nation to set up other bomb-
opened the doors of the club, and FBI agents ings, riots and killings. The famed Kent State
with drawn guns rushed in and arrested the massacre litigations which were blamed on the
"conspirators". The outraged jury promptly National Guard, were dismissed in court be-
acquitted the Christian Front members of all cause the fatal shots had been fired by an FBI
charges. provocateur.
During the 1950's, the FBI became the Although each president after FDR
chief financial backer of the Communist Party swore to get rid of J. Edgar Hoover, not one of
of America. At one point, it was estimated that them succeeded. Harry Truman had his friend
75 percent of all Communist Party donations Max Lowenthal write a book attacking Hoover
came from informers, who comprised 18 per- and the FBI, the first such work ever printed in
cent of the active employees. this country, but later he had to call on Hoover
J. Edgar Hoover, who had been ap- for assistance in protecting his homosexual as-
pointed Director to paralyze anti-Communist sistant, David Niles, a drunken Jewish Commu-
activity in the United States by his mentor, the nist who wandered the streets picking up truck
left-wing Harlan Fiske Stone, systematically drivers. When they threatened to beat him up,
thwarted efforts to combat Communist subver- the FBI agents who crouched behind garbage
sion. He ignored dozens of reports that Alger cans while Niles was cruising, would rush forth
Hiss, FDR's personal assistant, was a Commu- and rescue him.
Page 15

There were repeated charges of a he install on his desk for personal communica-
"Homintern", an international homosexual and tions began to ring. J. Edgar Hoover let it ring for
pro-Communist network of officials in Wash- a few tninutes, and then turned to Clyde Tolson.
ington and other countries. After swimming "I think it's time we put this damned
nude with President Lyndon Johnson in the thing back out on Helen Gandy's desk where it
White House pool, his intimate assistant, Wal- belongs," he said. He later boasted that he never
ter Jenkins, would wander over to the basement spoke to Robert F. Kennedy again during the six
restroom of the nearby YMCA in search of months that Kennedy stayed on as Attorney
further entertainment. He was arrested there in General. Having obtained his job as a result of
January 1959, but a second arrest (on Oct.7, the Teapot-Dome scandal, he now found him-
1964) by vice-squad detectives exposed his selfin a predicament as a result of the Watergate
White House connection. He was rushed to a affair. He had learned that the money for the
hospital, suffering from "fatigue". 1. Edgar Watergate break-in, which had been laundered
Hoover sent him flowers and despatched a through Mexico, had come from Dwayne An-
horde of FBI agents into the streets to counter- dreas. The interesting thing about this discovery
act the publicity. They conducted more than five was that Andreas had been a principal financial
hundred interviews in a vain attempt to cover up backer of Hubert Humphrey's campaign for the
the case. J. Edgar Hoover made it a nightly presidency, and had contributed many thou-
practice to call Lyndon 1ohnson and regale him sands of dollars to Humphrey to pay for his
with the latest information on the sexual pecca- children's education. It was unlikely that he
dilloes of his enetnies on Capitol Hill. Johnson's would have paid for the Watergate break-in
presidency was a welcome change from the unless it was to provide a possible excuse for
abuse which J. Edgar Hoover had to take from Nixon's impeachment if Humphrey should lose
Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy, who liked to the election.
stroll into Hoover's private office, unannounced 1. Edgar Hoover faced a dilemma.
(in shirt sleeves and leading a huge vicious dog) Should he let Nixon know about this discovery,
while he announced to no one in particular, "I which would save Nixon from impeachment; or
hate queers". Clyde Tolson was heard to ex- should he let matters take their course? He now
claim, after one such visit, "I hope someone made the tnistake of consulting his aides during
shoots and kills the son of a b ... ". Robert F. his indecision. The conspirators were immedi-
Kennedy had been the first Attorney General to ately informed of Hoover's findings. The entire
summonJ. Edgar Hoover to his office, instead of plot to thwart the expressed will of the American
making the pilgrimage to the venerable electorate was imperiled. Hoover must be dis-
Director's sanctum. He also demanded that posed of at once. That evening, as he entered his
Hoover immediately hire a large number of bullet-proof limousine, he was immediately
black agents. Hoover, like many who are passing strangled. He was driven to his home and the
as white, made no secret of his long-standing body was dumped by his bedside, where it was
dislike of Negroes. One can envision the glee discovered at 8:30 a.m. on May 2, 1972, by his
with which J. Edgar Hoover learned of the ap- maid, Annie Fields. Another little item we will
proaching affair in Dallas, plans which he care- never be able to prove. An era had ended.
fully withheld from the hated brother of the
victim. As soon as the good news was flashed
from Dallas, J. Edgar Hoover picked up the
phone and called Robert F. Kennedy at his
McLean home. "Your brother's been killed," he
said, and hung up. A few tninutes later, the
phone which Robert F. Kennedy had demanded


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