People Skills
People Skills
People Skills
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INFORMS is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Interfaces
This is another in a series of articles about some of the most effective models, methods, and processes of orga-
nization development (OD), also known as change management, a discipline that offers much to professionals
intent on solving real- world problems. Because it is based on a systemic view of organizations, OD includes the
whole universe of fuzzy people issues that increasingly determine the success or failure of efforts to implement
otherwise flawless technical solutions. This article examines the increasingly important set of personal abilities
known as soft skills. The primary focus is on how modern change management principles and practices can
facilitate the development of soft skills, such as self-awareness, communication, collaboration, and leadership.
Key words : soft skills; skills development; change management; organization development; coaching;
mentoring; training; self-awareness; communication; collaboration; leadership.
(3) understand the business and soft skills (e.g., emotional
environment, (4) be intelligence)
directed and proactive, and (5) analyze
to higher-order IS solutions
skills (e.g., self-actualization). In the
sense that
to business problems. Beard et hard skills(2008)
al. are either innate
reportor learned that
opportunities associated with them. development of soft skills? Education and training are
Bronfenbrenner (1979) encapsulates all these con- arguably the basic mechanisms for developing hard
cepts in a single definition of human development skills (Dixon et al. 2010). Essentially, developing hard
laboration), and organizational (e.g., leadership) - Dixon J, Belnap C, Albrecht C, Lee K (2010) The importance of soft
skills. Corporate Finance Rev. 14(6):35-38.
described in the preceding paragraphs. Levasseur RE (1991a) People skills: Self-awareness - A critical skill
for MS/OR professionals. Interfaces 21(1):130-133.
Levasseur RE (1991b) People skills: Effective communication -
Soft skill category Self-study Training Mentoring Coaching A critical skill for MS/OR professionals. Interfaces 21(2):22-24.
Levasseur RE (1992) People skills: What every professional should
Personal P S S P know about designing and managing meetings. Interfaces
Interpersonal SPSS 22(2):11-14.
Group T T S P Levasseur RE (1996) People skills: Launching a cooperative learn-
Organizational T T S P ing team. Interfaces 26(6):112-116.
Levasseur RE (2001) People skills: Change management tools -
Table 1: This Jable indicates the
Lewin'sbest methods
change model. for
Interfaces 31(4):71-73. developing sp
types of soft skills.
Levasseur RE (2004) People skills: Change management tools - The
Note. P = Primary, S = Secondary,modernT = Tertiary.
leadership model. Interfaces 34(2):147-148.