Pidato B.inggris SD

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Name : Kevin Raditya Dwi Anugrah

From : Maskumambang Elementary School

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh
‫ اَل َح ْو َل َو اَل ُق َّو َة اِاَّل بِاهلل َو َب ْع ُد‬،‫ول اهلل‬
ِ ‫السالَم َعلى رس‬
ُ َ َ ُ َّ ‫الصالَةُ َو‬
ِ ‫اهلل و احْل م ُد‬
َّ ‫هلل َو‬ ِ
ْ َ َ ‫ب ْس ِم‬
All Praise be to Allah Who has given us mercy and blassing, Who made the earth a
comfortable place to live, provided fresh water to drink, delicious food to eat, clean air to
breath, and provided the best example to follow, Rasulullah SAW The only peace be upon
Him and greetings we pray endlessly

Your honorable, master of ceremony

Your excellencies, the judges
and all my beloved brothers

In this fresh morning, allow me, Kevin Raditya Dwi Anugrah, From Maskumambang
Elementary School to speech in front of you all about the cleanliness

my beloved brothers,

Did you know that nature problems are unresolved problems? Nature problems are at
variance. starting from global warming, water and air pollution, including the plastics that
fill the oceans.
All of these problems are caused by humans who cannot protect their environment. In our
country, rivers are always used as the easiest place to dispose of garbage which eventually
makes it polluted and shallow, causing flooding during the rainy season, and make us
unable to use river water for daily needs
As students we have been taught the importance of maintaining a clean environment and
what the consequences are if we are negligent.
My brothers,
A clean environment will make us healthier and more comfortable. Imagine if we were in a
place full of garbage scattered, stinking, and dirty. Surely we will not feel at home there,
eager to move to a cleaner and tidier place. A clean environment does not happen by itself,
but it requires cooperation from everyone to always maintain a clean, green and healthy
My brothers,
No matter how small the garbage we throw away, it will be a big problem for the
sustainability of this nature. Not just about cleanliness and beauty, but about the destruction
of the source of life for humans, water will be polluted, bad air quality, and various other
problems that arise.
So it is only natural for us, as an educated generation, to start implementing a clean lifestyle,
not only for ourselves, but more importantly for the nature around us. Don't let our rivers
and streets be full of trash, our air is full of smoke. If we didn't start it, then who?
That’s all I can present to you, I apologize if there is a mistake and the last I say you

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh

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