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Tittle : The Environment Clean Assalamu'alaikum wr.

wb opening

I am Fachreza Noereyhan Canavaro from SDN Ketabang I Surabaya, I am in the sixth grade. I

am going to speak the environment clean.Praise and thanksgiving let us pray to the presence

of allah swt who has given us so many blessings, among them good health so that on this

occasion we can gather here.

First of all we need to know the environment is a place of life for all of us, mankind, where we

live. So we have to lake care of our environment so well that the earth produces our

benefits, not even a disaster for us.


One way that the environment does not provide disaster for us is to keep the environment

clean. In maintaining the cleanliness of the environment then we must know in advance

what is the meaning of environmental hygiene. The real meaning of environmental hygiene

is a state in which the environment is fit for humanity, where the state of human health can

be physically awake


Maintaining environmental hygiene is the best way to prevent diseases that lurk in the rainy

season as it is now. Maintaining cleanliness of the environment can start from cleaning up

our beloved school.

Maybe this is all i can say, more or less apologize, thank you for your attention

Fachreza Noereyhan Canavaro

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Tittle : The Environment Clean Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb opening

I am Muhammad Bajra Alghozi from SDN Ketabang I Surabaya, I am in the sixth grade. I am

going to speak the environment clean.Praise and thanksgiving let us pray to the presence of

allah swt who has given us so many blessings, among them good health so that on this

occasion we can gather here.

First of all we need to know the environment is a place of life for all of us, mankind, where we

live. So we have to lake care of our environment so well that the earth produces our

benefits, not even a disaster for us.


One way that the environment does not provide disaster for us is to keep the environment

clean. In maintaining the cleanliness of the environment then we must know in advance

what is the meaning of environmental hygiene. The real meaning of environmental hygiene

is a state in which the environment is fit for humanity, where the state of human health can

be physically awake


Maintaining environmental hygiene is the best way to prevent diseases that lurk in the rainy

season as it is now. Maintaining cleanliness of the environment can start from cleaning up

our beloved school.

Maybe this is all i can say, more or less apologize, thank you for your attention
Muhammad Bajra Alghozi


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