Etiology of Class II Malocclusions: Timothy Shaughnessy
Etiology of Class II Malocclusions: Timothy Shaughnessy
Etiology of Class II Malocclusions: Timothy Shaughnessy
In reviewing the literature relative to the develop- sia, and mobius syndrome are a few of the more widely
ment of Class II malocclusions, it can be learned that known.
"not every Class II is a Class II." Wemust rememberthat Inter-arch problems such as Class II and Class III
behind the soft tissue drape of the patient’s face is a malocclusions are genetic in nature, while intra-arch
totally dynamic process that can be influenced by our problems also have an environmental component as
heritage and altered by our environment. Werealize well.
when performing an occlusal evaluation of our young Looking at the importance of environmental vs.
patients, findings like distal step molar relation or an inherited factors in the etiology of malocclusions, it was
unusually large overjet may be presenting a false im- suggested that urbanization (and evolution) influence
pression of what appears to be a true skeletal Class II malocclusions, making them more severe. The evolu-
malocclusion. tionary factors involved are: a decrease in the size of the
In addition to distal step molar relation, or an unusu- jaws, size and number of the teeth. Wehave no control
ally large overjet, tooth size discrepancy with or without over these evolutionary factors (as well as the hereditary
malrelated mandible and maxilla may also give the first factors), whereas the environmental factors can often be
impression of a true skeletal Class II malocclusion. eliminated through preventive or interceptive treat-
Skeletal Class II malocclusions can be found to have ment at the appropriate time.
variants in one or more of the following regions: (1) Mandibular growth deficit following condylar frac-
maxillo-mandibular relationship (mandibular tures or major trauma to the joint complex is highly
retrognathism, midface protrusion or both); (2) the cra- likely. Proffit (1980) found between 5 and 10%of all
nial base (increased length of the anterior cranial base severe mandibular deficiency or asymmetry problems
will contribute to the midface protrusion, while length- were related to previous fracture of the mandibular
ening of the posterior cranial base will tend to position condylar process. In this article, Proffit cites Walkerand
the temporomandibular articulation more retrusively); also Gilhuus-Moeas noting that the younger the patient
(3) vertical dysplasia (anterior upper face height often at the time of the injury, the greater the potential for
greater than normal); (4) steep occlusal plane (a reflec- complete regeneration of the condyle, and healing with-
tion of vertical skeletal dysplasia). out residual deficit. Proffit (1978) states that Lundfound
Whatrole does genetics play in the etiology of Class essentially complete recovery in 75% of the children
II malocclusions? According to the study by Lundstrom with early condylar fractures. The treatment goals for
(1984), investigations published prior to that article patients with condylar fractures include the restoration
have suggested that about 40% of commonanomalies in of joint function, occlusion, and facial symmetry. The
tooth position and in the relationship between maxil- current theory on early treatment of condylar fracture in
lary and mandibular dental arches are due to genetic the growingchild calls for firm fixation for only I week,
differences between individuals. Corruccini and Potter with physical therapy and mouth opening exercises
(1980), in studies of different dental and occlusal vari- beginning immediately after release of the rigid fixa-
ables, found the heritability of dental overjet was re- tion.
duced to zero. Several syndromes have Class II maloc- Condylar fractures often go unnoticed and result in
clusions as a major finding. Of these syndromes, Class II malocclusions with asymmetry or severe
Treacher Collins, hemifacial microsomia, achondropla- mandibular deficiency. Progressive deformity is associ-
ated with mechanical limitations on growth and the
resulting condition is referred to as "functional
ankylosis." Ankylosis of the mandible can be thought of tal components. Changes in head, jaw, and tongue
as fusion across the TMJ. This fusion restricts motion position could be seen in the experimental group. Some
and inhibits growth. "In order to grow properly, the traits commonamong the sample were increased face
mandible must be able to translate" (Proffit 1980). height, steeper mandibular plane angle, and larger
Sometheories to explain the growth of the craniofa- gonial angle. It should be noted that someof the animals
cial complexinclude: (1) Sicher’s role of sutural growth; in the experimental group developed other than Class II
(2) Scott’s role of the cartilage and the knowledgethat malocclusions. Class III malocclusions as well as Class I
bone growth is secondary to cartilage growth; or (3) malocclusions were also seen. It is not the change in
Moss’s functional matrix hypothesis that cartilage and breathing pattern that caused the malocclusions, but
bone respond secondarily to soft tissue growth. Still rather it is the change in related functional demandson
another theory is that of the influence of mouth breath- the craniofacial musculature and their obligatory re-
ing vs. nasal breathing to which Harvold (1980) eluded. sponse. Proffit (1978) states that the postural positioning
Experiments on transplantation and obvious reac- of the head, mandible, and tongue are all at the subcon-
tions to manipulation of the sutures have, to some scious level. Dentoalveolar morphology can be shown
degree, ruled out the sutural growth theory. Cartilage to be related to head posture. The more the head is held
studies have shown both positive and negative influ- forward, the more likely that the upper dentoalveolar
ences on growth whentransplantation of cartilage is the height will be increased. Also, there will be an increase
variable factor of the studies. This depends upon in the steepness of the occlusal plane related to forward
whether the cartilage is primary (from the primordial posturing of the head.
skeleton) or secondary cartilage. Primary cartilage is McNamara(1981) reviewed Linder-Aronson’ s work
growth center secondary cartilage, like that of from 1975 where it was shown, on a small sample size,
the condyle, is a growthsite. It has been shownthat there that removal of nasal obstruction (adenoidectomy) in
is a positive correlation betweenthe soft tissue influence children, followed for 5 years postoperatively, had an
and the growth of the craniofacial complex. For ex- °average
. reduction in the mandibular plane angle of 4
ample, excessive intracranial pressure will cause hydro- This was twice the reduction found in the control group
cephaly, with a markedincrease in the size of the calvar- (those without nasal airway obstruction and without
ium, whereas diminished growth of the brain causes adenoidectomy).
microcephaly. Whenan eye is removed from a child for . Are there other environmental factors that cause
treatment of a tumor, the orbit does not continue to grow Class II malocclusions? Early loss of maxillary primary
in the normal fashion. molars can influence the development of Class II maloc-
Normally, teeth are balanced between the tongue clusions by allowing the maxillary molar, that maybe in
and the lips. Resting pressure must be considered more an end-on relation with the mandibular molar, to slip
important than the pressure created during chewing, forward thus establishing a dental Class II situation. It
swallowing, or speaking, since the time we are at rest far would appear that local environmental factors influ-
outweighs the time we are performing these other func- ence a dental Class II morethan they influence a skeletal
tions. Whencomparing forces necessary to moveteeth, Class II. Understanding the etiology of the malocclu-
heavy intermittent pressure has less effect than light sion, should play a role in developing a treatment plan.
continuous forces.
Howdo habits relate to Class II malocclusions? As The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of
the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the
was previously stated, the light continuous forces are views of the Department of the Armyor the Department of Defense.
much more detrimental to the oral complex than are
heavy intermittent forces. Habits such as thumb suck- Dr. Shaughnessyis in the private practice of orthodontics in Marietta,
ing, when performed for fewer than 6 hr per day, have Georgia, and Dr. Shire is deputy director, U.S. ArmyPediatric Den-
tistry Residency Program, Ft. Lewis, Washington. Reprint requests
not been shownto be responsible for anterior open bites should be sent to: Dr. Lawrence H. Shire, QTRS2338 S. 3rd St., Ft.
or Class II malocclusions. Forward positioning of the Lewis, WA98433.
tongue (seen during swallowing in patients with ante-
rior open bite) is morelikely to be an effect than a cause. Corruccini RS, Potter RH: Genetic analysis of occlusal variation in
twins. AmI Orthod 78:140-54. 1980.
What is the mechanism by which nasal impairment
could alter dentofacial form? Harvoldet al. (1981), using Harvold EP etal: Primate experiments on oral respiration. AmJ
rhesus monkeys, forced them to become mouth breath- Orthod 79:359-72, 1981.
ers by mechanical obstruction of their nasal airway. He
Lundstrom A: Nature versus nurture in dentofacial variation. Eur J
was able to show that previously obligate nose breath- Orthod 6:77-91, 1984.
ers forced to breathe 100%of the time through their
mouth, exhibited changes in their soft tissue and skele-
The AmericanAcademy
of Pediatric Dentistry
Volume 10, Number4
Literature Review rience for both children and adults. He revealed data
Early orthodontic treatment continues to be contro- that suggested that children as youngas 3 and 4 years of
versial and the subject of arguments amongdentists, age are potentially influenced by physical attractive-
especially pediatric dentists and orthodontists. ness. He also noted that appearance creates certain
Clearly, there are psychological and sociological stereotypes, which stimulates expectations of specific
reasons for accepting the concept of early treatment. attributes, and that this process may actually emerge
Attractiveness does have an effect on one’s life. In 1978, shortly after birth and continue throughout life. Others
Kalick noted that cosmetic facial alterations improve a have suggested that as early as infancy, physical attrac-
patient’s appearance and thereby directly enhance his tiveness may have profound influences upon parental
or her social value. The way in which others perceive the attitudes, expectations, and behavior with their infants
individual is also based on attractiveness; physically (Hildebrant 1976; Boukydis 1977). Adams (1981)
made a most profound observation in noting that teach-
attractive persons are preferred to the unattractive and
ers, like parents, are influenced by attractiveness; teach-
thus receive preferential treatment (Bersheid and
Walster 1974; Adams and Crossman 1978; Bersheid ers were more attentive and positive to attractive chil-
1981). dren.
Bersheid (1981) noted that physical appearance Graber (1981) relates a surge in orthodontic care for
makes a difference in one’s life -- in education and younger children under early orthodontic guidance for
careers. Allen (1978) showed that social choices were dentofacial esthetic purposes. Graber further notes that
based on appearance, which one would expect, but also most children present for care due to parental motiva-
noted that attractive persons were perceived to be more tion, seeking dental and facial form alteration for per-
honest and independent. Of special importance is an- sonal and social gain rather than biologic or physiologic
other of Bersheid’s commentsdescribing how behavior improvement.
is affected by our physical attractiveness, and howthat There are, of course, other reasons for early ortho-
behavior in turn affects another person’s behavior. Self- dontic treatment, especially for the Class II patient. Bass
esteem also is impacted by attractiveness, and has psy- (1983) raises the possibility of the risk of trauma
chological importance associated with a variety of be- unprotected incisors in active children. Approximately
haviors (Aronson and Mettee 1968). 10% of children with severe overjet will fracture or
Adams (1981) reported evidence exists to suggest avulse one or more maxillary incisors before attaining
that attractiveness has an impact upon the social expe- age 12 (Eichenbaum 1963; McEwenet al. 1967).
Another consideration is whether changes can be
effective in early treatment of Class II malocclusions. Samsoninto four major categories: (1) treatment timing;
Enlow (1982) relates that the face grows and develops (2) records and analysis; (3) treatment objectives; and
rapidly throughout the childhood period, as it "catches selection of clinician. Each of these were presented with
up" with the earlier maturing brain and brain case. Bass one or more subheadings in question form to stimulate
(1983) describes a first phase of orthodontics as discussion. The workshop then focused on each cate-
orthopedic phase to establish normal relationships of gory and discussed it.
the skeletal componentssupporting the dentition. This,
in turn, improves adverse soft tissue patterns. Treatment Timing
As discussed by Krieg (1987), there are growth spurts Age for Evaluation
between the ages of 5 and 12, which he describes as The workshop participants were interested in the
periods of growth in the craniofacial dimensions in age that a practitioner, regardless of specialty, should
which one period exceeds the growth velocity of a evaluate the developing dental and facial structures and
previous period by twice. He notes that spurts are found advise the parents regarding the need for detailed
throughout this age range, with highest peaks of growth orthodontic records and analysis. There is presently no
velocities in the younger age groups. He relates that due definitive literature available on the recommendedage
to the active growth that characterizes the childhood for a first orthodontic exam, so the workshoptried to
and juvenile growth periods, early treatment can be establish someguidelines.
quite advantageous for certain orthodontic problems. There was little disagreement among the workshop
Krieg adds that these youngerpatients are significantly participants that for any craniofacial anomalyincluding
more cooperative than older groups. There is then a cleft palate, an orthodontic evaluation should occur at
good possibility that the dentist’s efforts maybe helped birth, although this does not always mean a need for
by these growth spurts. immediate treatment. Such evaluation should by done
As early as 1960, Ricketts treated a sample of 8-year- by a team, and the dentist on the team, although usually
old Class II patients, and showed that the maxilla was a pediatric dentist, can be any dental practitioner (pedi-
not an immutable structure. He showed that forces atric dentist, orthodontist, or general dentist) whocan
transmitted to the sutures of the maxilla did affect the makea critical evaluation of the pati,ent.
growth of the maxilla, changed teeth dramatically, and Other patients whopresent to the dentist at birth or
relieved lip strain. Also, incisors were intruded and shortly thereafter do not need a team evaluation. Such
molars distalized. The distal movementof the maxillary patients are those whopresent due to parental concerns
first molar was most evident during the transition be- or physician referral, or where there is potential of
tween the primary and mixed dentitions. For this rea- malocclusion due to a family history or hereditary prob-
son, Ricketts concluded, early treatment seemed advis- lem. Also included in this category are asymmetries of
able for maximumorthodontic orthopedic correction the skull or face. Again, the workshop participants
even at the primary dentition level. Even earlier, Hahn agreed that usually a pediatric dentist was the practitio-
(1954) reported that treatment of extreme Class II, Divi- ner whoshould evaluate this patient, but that the evalu-
sion 1 malocclusions and maxillary protrusions in the ation could be performed by an orthodontist or general
primary dentition is valuable in that it retards the prog- practitioner qualified to do a critical examof the patient.
ress of the malocclusions and gives a better opportunity The practitioner should be familiar with normal vs.
for success in the second period of treatment. Kloehn abnormal skeletal and facial structures, growth and
(1954) agreed that treatment should be directed and development, and the temporomandibular joint com-
correlated with growth and not against it. He concluded plex. The College of Diplomates made the recommen-
that this philosophy demandsthat treatment be started dation that some type of documentation is needed for
as early as any factors and forces are recognized which these patients, including photographs.
will inhibit growth and development. Terry (1954) also One of four dual-trained pediatric dentist/ortho-
advocated early treatment of Class II malocclusionso In dontists attending the workshopnoted howlittle ortho-
1962, Hahn, Cheney, and Tweedall supported the the- dontic residency programs teach students concerning
ory of early treatment of Class II, Division 1 malocclu- normal pediatric developmental changes. It was agreed
sions, in the mixeddentition stage. that more information needs to be taught and shared in
It is clear from this brief review that there are socio- both pediatric dental and orthodontic residency pro-
psychological reasons for early treatment of Class II grams concerning early growth of the skull, face, and
malocclusions, and at least moderate psychological and dentition. It also was stated that orthodontists and other
mechanical evidence to support the effectiveness of this practitioners mustrealize that it is in the best interests of
treatment. children to allow more dissemination of information on
The workshop concerning Supervision of Class II
discrepancies was divided by moderator Dr. Gerald
The Class II malocclusions represent a treatment others -- emphasizes that particular aspect of the neu-
challenge for which various appliances can be used, romuscular physiology of the stomatognathic system
based on patient characteristics. This workshop ad- which its originator considered important. These vari-
dressed the following questions. ations are reflected in differences in the construction
1. Can the mandible be "grown?" and use of the appliance.
2. What is a functional appliance? Any appliance which alters growth is a functional
3. Whatcriteria should be considered in Class II correc- appliance. Headgear, for example, might be considered
tion? a functional appliance. A functional appliance ad-
4. What types of appliances are appropriate for Class II dresses; (1) mandibular position; (2) mandibular tooth
correction? position; and (3) the neuromuscular component of oro-
5. Does each treatment affect the growing face in the facial complex.
same way?
6. Whichcharacteristics of a Class II malocclusion favor WhatCriteria Should be Considered
in Class II Correction?
the selection of a functional appliance?’
7. What are the treatment effects of various appliances The following elements should be considered in the
according to the resource readings provided? use of any appliance in Class II correction:
Cephalometric appraisal -- Chin position/relation-
Discussion ships; maxillary position/relationships; mandibular
Can the Mandible be Grown? position/relationships; tooth position/relationships
Clinical appraisal -- Habits; breathing; posture; intelli-
It appears that with timely treatment and using an
gence; age of patient; temporomandibular joint status
appropriate appliance, the mandible can be stimulated
Complianceappraisal -- Goal-orientedi persistence;
to grow and improve the malocclusion to some degree.
adaptability to alternative appliance types to help pa-
The many variables affecting growth and its inherent
tient comply.
unpredictability makeit difficult to use growth stimula-
tion reliably.
Whattypes of appliances are appropriate
for Class II correction?
Whatis a Functional Appliance?
In a general sense, the following types of appliances
The variety of functional appliances complicates a
seem appropriate for Class II correction: (1) those aimed
definition. Each appliance reflects the philosophy, ob-
at orthodontic change; (2) those aimed at orthopedic
jectives, and experience of its originator. An encompass-
change; and (3) those aimed at alleviating parafunc-
ing definition of the functional appliance is:
tional habits.
A functional appliance works on the malocclusion by Ideally, an appliance should combineall 3 aspects of
employingthe activation of neuromuscularreflexes to guide treatment so as to address the individual patient’s
the developingjaws and erupting teeth of children into more needs. In most cases, the functional appliance is ortho-
acceptablerelationships. dontic, orthopedic, and corrects parafunctional prob-
Each appliance design -- the Frankel, Bionator, and lems.
Does Each Treatment Affect the Growing short corpus length; less-than-normal lower face height.
Face in the Same Way?
The workshop consensus was that all patients do not Whatare the Treatment Effects of Various
respond in the same fashion, nor do all appliances work Appliances According to the Resource
in the same way. Treatment outcomes may be similar, Readings Provided?
but the mechanisms and pathways may differ. The The Table depicts the anticipated treatment effects
Table shows the varying treatment effects of functional for the following structures: maxillary first permanent
appliances. molar; mandibular first permanent molar; upper lip;
chin; mandible; maxilla; maxillary incisor; and mandi-
WhichFactors of a Class II Malocclusion Favor the bular incisor.
Selection of a Functional Appliance? The appliances described in the resource readings
The following characteristics were identified as fa- and compared in discussion include the following fixed
vorable to the choice of a functional appliance: deep and removable appliances: Bionator; activator; head-
overbite; lower arch crowding; greater than normal gear (cervical, occipital, and hook-on); combinedhead-
overjet; Class II permanent molar relationship; protru- gear-activator; edgewise appliance; edgewise with
sive maxillary incisors; retruded mandibular incisors; Class II elastics; and Frankel II.
TA.LE.Class II Treatment