CE Struc Seismic-Fragility Final
CE Struc Seismic-Fragility Final
CE Struc Seismic-Fragility Final
Abstract - Earthquakes are amongst the most destructive disasters in the world, especially in the advent of rapid development and
unprecedented rise of buildings. During earthquakes, buildings are potentially one of the most vulnerable infrastructures. Cagayan
de Oro City is a rising metropolis and also an educational hub of the region. Thus, public school buildings are also on the rise,
with more than 600 classrooms built in the last six years. It is therefore imperative to know the structural performance of these
buildings should large earthquakes hit the city. This study determined the structural capacity of eight public high school buildings
subjected to potentially large earthquakes. The selected buildings were modelled and further subjected to pushover analysis. Using
the pushover results, fragility curves for each building were generated using the Fragility through Capacity Spectrum Assessment
method. The structural capacity is presented through fragility curves, which describes the probability of failure and level of
performance or damage states of these buildings at different ground motions. Results show that the dominant damage to be
observed by these schools during expected earthquake ground motions experienced in Cagayan de Oro City is “Moderate
Damage” where buildings will observe cracking in most beams and columns, and some yielding in a limited number. The results
can be used by government to prioritize which school buildings should undergo strengthening and retrofitting programs. The study
also came up with structural design recommendations and practices that could potentially improve the structural performance of
future school buildings.
Keywords: Capacity Spectrum, Pushover Analysis, Peak Ground Acceleration, Fragility Curve
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Figure 5 shows the summarized fragility curves of “Slight Fig. 6. Fragility Curves of “Light” Damage State
Damage” of the eight selected public high school buildings.
Plotting the earthquake ground motion with the highest Table 5. Percentage Range for Light Damage State with PGA
probability of striking Cagayan de Oro City of 0.3g – 0.4g from 2.942 m/s2 to 3.923 m/s2
(2.942 m/s2 – 3.923 m/s2) on the figure, the following School Light Damage (%)
numerical values for each school to experience “Slight Agusan NHS 99 – 100
Damage” are shown in Table 4. Balulang NHS 99 – 100
Bugo NHS 99 – 100
Cagayan de Oro NHS 99 – 100
Carmen NHS 100
Lumbia NHS 100
Pagatpat NHS Bldg. 1 100
Pagatpat NHS Bldg. 2 100
The researchers would like to thank Dr. Arash Nassirpour and
Engr. Garnelo Cupay for sharing their profound wisdom during
the course of the research. Also, the researchers are immensely
grateful to the City Engineers’ Office for providing the
Fig. 8. Fragility Curves of “Extensive” Damage State necessary plans of the eight selected public high school
buildings. To Xavier University’s Kinaadman Support for
Table 7. Percentage Range for Extensive Damage State with Student Research (KSSR), the researchers express their
PGA from 2.942 m/s2 to 3.923 m/s2 gratitude to the office for the financial grant that they have
School Extensive Damage (%) given to defray the research expenses.
Balulang NHS 8 – 43
Pagatpat NHS Bldg. 1 1 – 19 VI. REFERENCES
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