CE Struc Seismic-Fragility Final

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Alama, Marvin Alisson B., Castro, Jerson S., Lim*, Jameson Glen C., Salugsugan, Daisy Chris C.
Faculty Adviser: Lo, Dexter S.
Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering
Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan
Corrales-Hayes St., Cagayan de Oro City

Abstract - Earthquakes are amongst the most destructive disasters in the world, especially in the advent of rapid development and
unprecedented rise of buildings. During earthquakes, buildings are potentially one of the most vulnerable infrastructures. Cagayan
de Oro City is a rising metropolis and also an educational hub of the region. Thus, public school buildings are also on the rise,
with more than 600 classrooms built in the last six years. It is therefore imperative to know the structural performance of these
buildings should large earthquakes hit the city. This study determined the structural capacity of eight public high school buildings
subjected to potentially large earthquakes. The selected buildings were modelled and further subjected to pushover analysis. Using
the pushover results, fragility curves for each building were generated using the Fragility through Capacity Spectrum Assessment
method. The structural capacity is presented through fragility curves, which describes the probability of failure and level of
performance or damage states of these buildings at different ground motions. Results show that the dominant damage to be
observed by these schools during expected earthquake ground motions experienced in Cagayan de Oro City is “Moderate
Damage” where buildings will observe cracking in most beams and columns, and some yielding in a limited number. The results
can be used by government to prioritize which school buildings should undergo strengthening and retrofitting programs. The study
also came up with structural design recommendations and practices that could potentially improve the structural performance of
future school buildings.

Keywords: Capacity Spectrum, Pushover Analysis, Peak Ground Acceleration, Fragility Curve

I. INTRODUCTION analysis on each public-school building around the city and

create a baseline data for the vulnerability of these structures
An earthquake event is a standout amongst the most harming during earthquakes.
cataclysmic events the world is confronting now. This conveys
extraordinary danger to the general population and to the earth The main objective of the study is to investigate the seismic
particularly those with critical extents and forces. As indicated level performance of eight - public high school buildings of
by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology different structural designs within Cagayan de Oro City when
(PHIVOLCS, 2010), the Philippines is inside the Pacific subjected to earthquakes using fragility curves. The researchers
Sphere of the alleged "Ring of Fire," a district under the Pacific will pre-select the eight (8) specific public high school in
Ocean where the majority of the earthquakes and volcanic Cagayan de Oro City to investigate and analyze by using
eruptions happen. This makes the Philippine archipelago a pushover analysis. The pushover data will then be used to
subject to dangerous quakes. generate fragility curves to represent the probability of
structural damage due to various ground shakings, and more so
Buildings are potentially the most seismically vulnerable they describe a relationship between ground motion and level
elements during earthquake events. From the long history of of damage. This will then allow the researchers to determine
earthquakes that struck many parts of the world, the collapse of the prevailing factors which make a building vulnerable to
structures is the major cause of death of many people. Hence, seismic activities.
the necessity of designing buildings based on seismic codes
has become more pronounced than ever before to ensure the The study aspires to locate the vulnerable areas of the building
safety of the occupants against seismic activities. Through and assist the local government on the implementation of
fragility curves, seismic performance of buildings can be strengthening or retrofitting measures as mitigating plans on
evaluated by creating a representation of the probability of the design of pubic high school buildings. Over the years, there
structural damage due to various ground shakings. More so, were numerous accounts of damages and collapse of school
fragility curves describe a relationship between ground motion buildings due to earthquake hazards. Through the generation of
and level of damage. fragility curves, the local government units can then
legitimately address these variables on which to decrease the
Cagayan de Oro City, considered to be progressing as the next danger of the structures when subjected to seismic activities.
metropolis in the Philippines, is a conceivable victim of an This study is then to increase awareness and give
earthquake due to its proximity in the Tagoloan Fault Line. recommendations to the local government units toward the
With the city expanding in terms of development, more seismic level of performance of educational institutions at any
structures are built each year such as bridges and public time of the day.
buildings. One of the busiest construction projects in the city is
the construction of public-school buildings to cater the rising
student population. School buildings are prone to great risk to
seismic activities. The functionality and strength of these
structures are important factors in the safety of the students
inside the buildings. But due to lack of ample time and
resources, the government cannot conduct a detailed seismic
II. EXPERIMENTAL curves for seismic risk assessments evaluate overall structural
performance. This research focuses on the development of
The eight public high school buildings are the chosen areas of overall structural fragility functions for the purpose of seismic
interest for the study due to the consideration of its building risk assessments. Fragility curves are developed using the
dimensions. High school buildings have taller building Fragility through Capacity Spectrum Assessment (FRACAS)
structures than elementary buildings with a greater number of Software with different Peak Ground Accelerations (PGA) and
classrooms, making them more vulnerable and at great probability of exceedance.
exposure to seismic activities. These specific public schools
were considered because of their high population size, center The study utilizes the 3-D models created in SAP2000 v20 in
for academic and government activities, service as places for generating results and acquiring the necessary data in order to
evacuation centers and the availability of working plans by the generate capacity curves and fragility curves. Proper modeling
City Engineer’s Office. of the materials, joint connectivity, and other essential
structural properties from the design specifications into the
The eight (8) selected public high school buildings have structural analysis program is necessary in order to generate
similar building specifications, the major differences among accurate results. Also, the selection of numerical ground
the chosen buildings are the combination of number of stories motion data that will apply to the physical conditions of
and number of floors, as well as the general structural shapes. Cagayan de Oro City is also a critical factor in creating reliable
The school buildings were chosen to be different from each fragility curves.
other in terms of structural design, geometrical shape, and the
combination of the number of floors and classrooms in order to
make a general typology of public high school buildings
designed by the City Engineers’ Office. Further they are all III. 1. Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis
analyzed as “General Reinforced Concrete Frame Building”.
In this step, buildings were subjected to increasing earthquake
The reinforcement of the concrete has a huge role to impart a
lateral forces to determine its weak points. This analysis then
higher tensile strength and ductility to a building's structure.
generates pushover curves which represent the relationship
The structural behavior of the eight selected public high school
between the base shear and the monitored displacement of the
buildings due to earthquake loads were determined using the
buildings. Pushover curves were then utilized to plot seismic
Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis
fragility curves for each public high school building. After the
nonlinear static analysis of the buildings were performed,
The Nonlinear Static Analysis, also called as Pushover
failure due to shear and bending in beams and columns were
Analysis, provides the capacity of the structure, but does not
the observed failure modes of the buildings.
give directly the demands associated with a particular level of
seismic action. The static nonlinear analysis is performed
Shown in Table 1 below are the interpretation of the pushover
under existing vertical loads with gradually increasing defined
curves generated for each building that when increasing lateral
lateral loads. Structural loading magnitude is increased in an
forces were applied. In the case of Agusan National High
incremental way according to a certain predefined pattern and
School illustrated in Figure 1 and Figure 2, the longitudinal
hence the sequence of cracks, yielding, plastic hinge
axis of the structure is stronger than its transversal axis
formations, and failure modes of the structure are found.
withstanding a structural capacity of 23,643.49 kN for base
Consequently, at each event, the building structure experiences
shear at 59.57 mm displacement. Whereas, its transversal axis
a loss in stiffness. A plot of the total base shear versus roof
can only resist a base shear of up to 15,249.05 kN at 69.56 mm
displacement, at the center of mass of structure, is obtained to
displacement. Similar with the results of Agusan NHS, the
develop a capacity curve for the structure. The capacity curve
buildings of Bugo NHS, Cagayan de Oro NHS, Carmen NHS,
produces a target displacement equivalent to the one that will
and Lumbia NHS also have stronger longitudinal axis than the
be created under the design earthquake. The pushover analysis
transversal axis. On the contrary, the buildings of Balulang
allows loading the structure up to failure; thus, it can be
NHS, and Pagatpat NHS has higher structural capacity on the
considered as a procedure for estimating both collapse load and
transversal axis compared to the longitudinal axis.
ductility capacity. The ATC-40 and FEMA-356 documents
have developed modeling parameters, acceptance criteria and
procedures of pushover analysis which we have used in our P USHO V ER C URV E
The plastic regions of the building models should also be 16000
considered for the estimation of the actual deformation 14000

capacity, taking into account the nonlinearity in the materials. 12000

The end points of the beam and column will be modelled with 10000
plastic hinges assigned to them by the SAP2000 software. This 8000
is because the end points of the connection of the beam and 6000
column are the first to collapse and these areas are some of the 4000
critical points where failure happens due to hazard loads. 2000
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
Fragility and vulnerability curves that take on the form of
analytical functions are commonly used in seismic risk DISPLACEMENT (m)
assessment and loss estimation applications (Khater et al.
2003). The use of fragility curves within performance-based Fig 1. Pushover Curve of Agusan NHS Building (Transversal)
design is done through evaluation of the fragility of building
components, structural and non-structural, while fragility



10000 Fig 3. Location of Critical Hinges of Agusan NHS Building


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07

Fig 2. Pushover Curve of Agusan NHS Building (Longitudinal)

Table 1. Base Shear versus Displacement Data
Transversal Axis Longitudinal Axis Fig 4. Location of Critical Hinges of Agusan NHS Building
Displa- Displa- (Longitudinal)
School Base Shear Base Shear
cement cement
(kN) (kN)
(mm) (mm) III. 2. Seismic Fragility Curves
15,249.05 69.56 23,643.49 59.57 The seismic fragility curves of the eight selected public high
Balulang school buildings were generated using the FRACAS method.
5,239.49 74.19 5,023.45 91.01 These curves present the probability of exceedance of the eight
Bugo NHS 17,333.28 50.53 24,226.43 56.45 selected public high school buildings when subjected to the
Cagayan de response spectra of actual and normalized ground motions. The
18,527.31 68.53 27,501.65 62.71 fragility curves are subdivided into seven damage states
Carmen ranging from “No-damage” to “Collapse”. Each damage state
10,740.99 66.04 12,812.2 60.18 is described according to the parameter of maximum inter-
Lumbia story drift response (ISDmax%) presented in Table 2.
7,074.90 55.12 10,579.08 53.51
Pagatpat Table 2. ISDmax% Values of the Damage Scale. (Source:
5,396.40 53.53 4,281.52 49.50 Rossetto & Elnashai. 2003)
NHS Bldg. 1
Pagatpat Damage State ISDMAX(%)
2,625.38 29.23 2,376.79 63.31
NHS Bldg. 2 None 0.00
Slight Damage 0.13
Moreover, this analysis monitors the hinge states and uses a
color scheme to show the different damage states of each Light Damage 0.19
building depending on the axis the lateral forces were applied. Moderate Damage 0.56
The blue color refers to ‘Immediate Occupancy’ (IO), light Extensive Damage 1.63
blue for ‘Life Safety’ (LS), green for ‘Collapse Prevention’
(CP) and yellow for ‘Collapse’ (C). Partial Collapse 3.34
Collapse 4.78
Based on the results of Agusan NHS shown in Figure 3, the
critical structural member or the first to collapse when an The fragility curves are a graphical representation between the
earthquake strikes in the transversal direction is the column probability of exceedance and the peak ground acceleration. As
near the stairs in the center located where the structure’s shape the level of PGA increases, the fragility curves show a higher
bends. On the other hand, shown in Figure 4, when an damage probability for each damage state.
earthquake strikes in the longitudinal direction, the critical
structural member is a column located in the exterior part of According to the Philippine Earthquake Model (PEM), the
the ramp where mid-landing slabs are located. The same is also earthquake ground motion with the highest probability of
true in the other remaining buildings when an earthquake striking Cagayan de Oro City is 0.3g – 0.4g (2.942 m/s 2 –
strikes in the transversal direction, the critical structural 3.923 m/s2). Common damage states experienced by the eight
member are all the columns located near the stairs. Also, when selected public high school buildings are “Slight Damage”,
there is an existence of ramps in the building, the critical “Light Damage”, “Moderate Damage” and “Extensive
structural member when an earthquake strikes in the Damage”. Expected physical damage to be observed for each
longitudinal direction is a column located in the exterior part of damage state are described in Table 3.
the ramp where the mid-landing slabs are located. However,
the critical member will still be the columns near the stairs
when there are no ramps and an earthquake strike in the
longitudinal direction.
Table 3. Expected Actual Damage from “Slight Damage” to
“Extensive Damage”
Damage State Expected Actual Damage
 Hair line cracks in columns and
Slight Damage
beams of frames
Light Damage  Shear cracks in non-structural walls
 Cracking in most beams and
Moderate Damage
 Some yielding in a limited number
 Limited concrete spalling
 Some spalling of concrete cover
 Buckling of reinforced rods
Extensive Damage
 Some elements will reach ultimate

Figure 5 shows the summarized fragility curves of “Slight Fig. 6. Fragility Curves of “Light” Damage State
Damage” of the eight selected public high school buildings.
Plotting the earthquake ground motion with the highest Table 5. Percentage Range for Light Damage State with PGA
probability of striking Cagayan de Oro City of 0.3g – 0.4g from 2.942 m/s2 to 3.923 m/s2
(2.942 m/s2 – 3.923 m/s2) on the figure, the following School Light Damage (%)
numerical values for each school to experience “Slight Agusan NHS 99 – 100
Damage” are shown in Table 4. Balulang NHS 99 – 100
Bugo NHS 99 – 100
Cagayan de Oro NHS 99 – 100
Carmen NHS 100
Lumbia NHS 100
Pagatpat NHS Bldg. 1 100
Pagatpat NHS Bldg. 2 100

Figure 7 shows the summarized fragility curves of “Moderate

Damage” of the eight selected public high school buildings.
Plotting the earthquake ground motion with the highest
probability of striking Cagayan de Oro City of 0.3g – 0.4g
(2.942 m/s2 – 3.923 m/s2) on the figure, the following
numerical values for each school to experience “Moderate
Damage” are shown in Table 6.

Fig. 5. Fragility Curves of “Slight” Damage State

Table 4. Percentage Range for Slight Damage State with PGA
from 2.942 m/s2 to 3.923 m/s2
School Slight Damage (%)
Agusan NHS 100
Balulang NHS 100
Bugo NHS 99 – 100
Cagayan de Oro NHS 100
Carmen NHS 100
Lumbia NHS 100
Pagatpat NHS Bldg. 1 100
Pagatpat NHS Bldg. 2 100
Fig. 7. Fragility Curves of “Moderate” Damage State
Figure 6 shows the summarized fragility curves of “Light
Damage” of the eight selected public high school buildings. Table 6. Percentage Range for Moderate Damage State with
Plotting the earthquake ground motion with the highest PGA from 2.942 m/s2 to 3.923 m/s2
probability of striking Cagayan de Oro City of 0.3g – 0.4g School Slight Damage (%)
(2.942 m/s2 – 3.923 m/s2) on the figure, the following Agusan NHS 48 – 79
numerical values for each school to experience “Light Balulang NHS 64 – 92
Damage” are shown in Table 5. Bugo NHS 43 – 74
Cagayan de Oro NHS 48 – 79
Carmen NHS 50 – 81
Lumbia NHS 49 – 78
Pagatpat NHS Bldg. 1 78 – 94
Pagatpat NHS Bldg. 2 86 – 98

Figure 8 shows the summarized fragility curves of the three

high school buildings that reached the “Extensive Damage”
state. Plotting the earthquake ground motion with the highest performance compared to the school buildings having
probability of striking Cagayan de Oro City of 0.3g – 0.4g staircases only.
(2.942 m/s2 – 3.923 m/s2) on the figure, the following
numerical values for the schools to experience “Extensive Comparing all eight selected public high school buildings
Damage” are shown in Table 7. based on their fragility curves, the top three school buildings to
be prioritized for strengthening measures are Pagatpat National
High School’s building 2, Pagatpat National High School’s
buildings 1, and Balulang National High School’s building,
respectively. These three buildings are expected to experience
an “Extensive Damage” during PGA of 3.923 m/s 2, which is
the highest expected ground motion to hit Cagayan de Oro
City. Moreover, results show that no school building will
collapse during the PGA of 3.923 m/s2.

The researchers would like to thank Dr. Arash Nassirpour and
Engr. Garnelo Cupay for sharing their profound wisdom during
the course of the research. Also, the researchers are immensely
grateful to the City Engineers’ Office for providing the
Fig. 8. Fragility Curves of “Extensive” Damage State necessary plans of the eight selected public high school
buildings. To Xavier University’s Kinaadman Support for
Table 7. Percentage Range for Extensive Damage State with Student Research (KSSR), the researchers express their
PGA from 2.942 m/s2 to 3.923 m/s2 gratitude to the office for the financial grant that they have
School Extensive Damage (%) given to defray the research expenses.
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Pagatpat NHS Bldg. 1 1 – 19 VI. REFERENCES
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