Biochemistry Coursepack
Biochemistry Coursepack
Biochemistry Coursepack
Bonum Est Sui Diffusivum
Table of Contents
Bonum Est Sui Diffusivum SCIENCE PROGRAM
Biochemistry for Medical Laboratory Science
Course No.: MT 201
Course Title: Biochemistry for Medical Laboratory Science
Unit: 5 Units (3 Unit Lecture; 2 Units Laboratory)
Pre-/Co-Requisite: MT 105 and MT 107
Year Level: 2nd Year, 1st Semester
Course Description:
This course deals with the structure, classifications and functions of the different
biochemical substances in the body. This includes the chemistry of carbohydrates , lipids,
proteins ,enzymes , nucleic acids and its metabolism.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the learners are expected to:
1. Define common terms used in biochemistry
2. Describe the characteristics of simple and more complex organic compounds
commonly involved in biological reactions
1. Detect disparities in the standard technique, if there is any, and propose modification
through research.
2. Assume a stance in truth of every situation in phlebotomy regardless of personal interests
Learning Module No. 1
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the basic information and relevance of biochemistry.
2. Define common terms used in biochemistry
behavior? Which molecules are involved in processes like sleep, aggression and various
moods and emotions?
3. Medical Biochemistry
Medical biochemistry deals with the chemical aspects of both health and
diseases of human beings. Normal biochemical processes are the basis of health.
Conversely, every disease has a biochemical basis. That is, all diseases are
manifestations of abnormalities of molecules, chemical reactions, or processes. A
knowledge of biochemistry is essential to the understanding of all branches of medical
science, especially, physiology, immunology, pharmacology, pharmacy, toxicology,
pathology, general medicine, psychiatry, etc.
In pharmaceutical industry, for example, biochemistry is useful in the rational
design of new drugs – e.g. specific inhibitors of enzymes required for the replication of
viruses such as human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV)
Techniques of genetic engineering/DNA technology/recombinant DNA
techniques, the most advanced branch of biochemistry, have many medical applications:
Basic research for understanding structure and functions of DNA and proteins
Diagnosis of genetic and microbial diseases (e.g. aids)
Forensic applications (e.g. solving disputes of parenthood by DNA fingerprinting)
Production of proteins (in pharmaceutical industry) for:
a) Replacement therapy (e.g. insulin)
b) Disease prevention (e.g. vaccines)
c) Diagnostic tests (e.g. monoclonal antibodies).
d) Treatment of genetic diseases (e.g. gene therapy)
Most important use of medical biochemistry, however, is biochemical tests done
in the clinical laboratory.
The uses of biochemical tests are in – 1) diagnosis, 2) monitoring and 3)
screening of diseases
1. Diagnosis – confirming or ruling out clinical diagnosis and assessment of
severity/extent of diseases and prognosis
2. Monitoring – following the progress of disease and its response to treatment
3. Screening – to detect early disease or risk factors to develop disease
Broadly, uses of biochemistry for medical science are as follows:
1. To understand and reveal the fundamental causes and mechanisms of
disease processes.
2. To assist the diagnosis, monitoring and screening of specific diseases by the
judicious use of various biochemical laboratory tests.
3. To suggest rational strategy for the treatment and prevention of diseases.
Learning Module No. 2
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
1. Discuss the cell structure and its importance in the metabolism
2. Explain the energy production in the body and its pathway
- sum total of all the biochemical reactions that take place in a living organism
- an average human adult whose weight remains the same for 40 years processes about
6 tons of solid food and 10,000 gallons of water
Two Subtypes of Metabolic Reaction:
A. catabolism
- all metabolic reactions in which large biochemical molecules are broken down
to smaller ones
- usually release energy
- involved in the oxidation of glucose
B. anabolism
- all metabolic reaction in which small biochemical molecules are joined together
to form larger ones
- usually require energy
- ex. Synthesis of proteins from amino acids
- a series of consecutive biochemical reactions used to convert a starting material into
an end product
- major metabolic pathways for all life forms are similar which enables scientists to study
metabolic reactions in simpler life forms and use the results to help understand the
corresponding metabolic reactions in more complex organisms like humans
- linear: a series of reactions generates a final product
- one of the nucleotides present in RNA molecules
- ATP and ADP differ structurally from AMP only in the number of phosphate groups
- a phosphoester bond joins the first phosphoryl group to the pentose sugar ribose
- the other two phosphoryl groups are joined to one another by phosphoanhydride bonds
- functional group derived from a phosphate ion that is part of another molecule
- ATP: 3; ADP: 2; AMP: 1 phosphoanhydride bond
- chemical bond formed when two phosphate groups react with each other and a water
molecule is produces
- when two phosphate groups react with one another, a water molecule is produced hence
- ATP and ADP molecules readily undergo hydrolysis reactions in which phosphate groups (Pi,
inorganic phosphate) are released
- in metabolic pathways in which they are involved, the adenosine phosphates continually
change back and forth among the various forms
- these hydrolyses are energy-producing reactions that are used to drive cellular processes that
require energy input
- phosphoanhydride bonds in ATP and ADP are very reactive bonds that are require less energy
than normal to break
In chemical reaction, the energy balance between the bond breaking among reactants (energy
input) and new bond formation among products (energy release) determines whether there is a
net loss or a net gain of energy.
3. H3PO4
- weak triprotic inorganic acid
- parent molecule for phosphate groups
- exists in aqueous solution in several forms
- dominant form
Learning Module No. 3
Topic: Carbohydrates
Materials: Laptop and Internet Connection
Assessment: MCQ Post-Test via Infinit
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
1. Recognize and understand how carbohydrates produced in the body
2. Understand the complex function of the carbohydrates
3. Define and classify carbohydrates based on composition and structure
4. List the appropriate methods in quantifying carbohydrates
Carbohydrate Nomenclature
The predominant carbohydrates encountered in the body are structurally related to the
aldotriose glyceraldehyde and to the ketotriose dihydroxyacetone. All carbohydrates contain at
least one asymmetrical (chiral) carbon and are, therefore, optically active. In addition,
carbohydrates can exist in either of two conformations, as determined by the orientation of the
hydroxyl group about the asymmetric carbon farthest from the carbonyl. With a few exceptions,
those carbohydrates that are of physiological significance exist in the D-conformation. The mirror-
image conformations, called enantiomers, are in the L-conformation.
Classification of Carbohydrates
The monosaccharides commonly found in humans are classified according to the number of
carbons they contain in their backbone structures. The major monosaccharides contain four to
six carbon atoms. Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates in that they cannot be
hydrolyzed to smaller carbohydrates. The general chemical formula of an unmodified
monosaccharide is (C•H2O)n, where n is any number of three or greater.
4 Tetrose Erythrose
7 Heptose Sedoheptulose
(Glc), a monosaccharide (or simple sugar), is an important carbohydrate in biology. The living cell
uses it as a source of energy and metabolic intermediate. Glucose is one of the main products of
photosynthesis and starts cellular respiration in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The name
comes from the Greek word glykys (γλυκύς), which means "sweet", plus the suffix "-ose" which
denotes a carbohydrate
Glucose is commonly available in the form of a white substance or as a solid crystal. It can also
be commonly found as an aqueous solution
1. From Sucrose
If sucrose is boiled with dilute HCL or H2SO4 in alcoholic solution glucose and fructose are
obtained in equal amount
C12H22O11 + H2O C6H12O6 + C6H12O6
glucose fructose
2. From Starch
Glucose is obtained by hydrolysis of starch by boiling it with dilute H2SO4 at 393 K under
{ C6H10O5 }n + nH2O C6H12O6
393 k – 2-3 atm
Glucose (C6H12O6) contains six carbon atoms one of which is part of an aldehyde group and is
therefore referred to as an aldohexose. The glucose molecule can exist in an open-chain (acyclic)
and ring (cyclic) form (in equilibrium), the latter being the result of an covalent bond between the
aldehyde C atom and the C-5 hydroxyl group to form a six-membered cyclic hemiacetal. In water
solution both forms are in equilibrium, and at pH 7 the cyclic form is predominant. As the ring
contains five carbon atoms and one oxygen atom, which resembles the structure of pyran, the
cyclic form of glucose is also referred to as glucopyranose. In this ring, each carbon is linked to a
hydroxyl side group with the exception of the fifth atom, which links to a sixth carbon atom outside
the ring, forming a CH2OH group.
Glucose Structure
Fructose (or levulose) is a simple reducing sugar (monosaccharide) found in many foods and is
one of the three most important blood sugars along with glucose and galactose. Honey, tree fruits,
berries, melons, and some root vegetables, such as beets, sweet potatoes, parsnips, and onions,
contain fructose, usually in combination with sucrose and glucose. Fructose is also derived from
the digestion of sucrose, a disaccharide consisting of glucose and fructose that is broken down
by glycoside hydrolase enzymes during digestion. Fructose is the sweetest naturally occurring
sugar, estimated to be twice as sweet as sucrose.
Structure of Fructose
Covalent bonds between the anomeric hydroxyl of a cyclic sugar and the hydroxyl of a second
sugar (or another alcohol containing compound) are termed glycosidic bonds, and the resultant
molecules are glycosides. The linkage of two monosaccharides to form disaccharides involves a
glycosidic bond. Several physiogically important disaccharides are sucrose, lactose and maltose.
• Sucrose: prevalent in sugar cane and sugar beets, is composed of glucose and fructose
through an -(1,2) -glycosidic bond.
• Lactose: is found exclusively in the milk of mammals and consists of galactose and
glucose in a -(1,4) glycosidic bond.
Most of the carbohydrates found in nature occur in the form of high molecular weight polymers
called polysaccharides. The monomeric building blocks used to generate polysaccharides can be
varied; in all cases, however, the predominant monosaccharide found in polysaccharides is D-
glucose. When polysaccharides are composed of a single monosaccharide building block, they
are termed homopolysaccharides. Polysaccharides composed of more than one type of
monosaccharide are termed heteropolysaccharides.
Starch is the major form of stored carbohydrate in plant cells. Its structure is identical to glycogen,
except for a much lower degree of branching (about every 20-30 residues). Unbranched starch is
called amylose; branched starch is called amylopectin.
Glycogen is the major form of stored carbohydrate in animals. This crucial molecule is a
homopolymer of glucose in -(1,4) linkage; it is also highly branched, with -(1,6) branch linkages
occurring every 8-10 residues. Glycogen is a very compact structure that results from the coiling
of the polymer chains. This compactness allows large amounts of carbon energy to be stored in
a small volume, with little effect on cellular osmolarity.
Cellulose is an organic compound with the formula (C6H10O5)n. It is a structural polysaccharide
derived from beta-glucoseCellulose is the primary structural component of green plants. The
primary cell wall of green plants is made of cellulose; acetic acid bacteria are also known to
synthesize cellulose, as well as many forms of algae, and the oomycetes. Cellulose was
discovered and isolated in the mid-nineteenth century by the French chemist Anselme Payenand,
as of the year 2006, the estimated annual production is 1.5x109 tonnes. Some animals,
particularly ruminants and termites, can digest cellulose with the help of symbiotic micro-
organisms (see methanogen). Cellulose is not digestible by humans and is often referred to as
'dietary fiber' or 'roughage', acting as a hydrophilic bulking agent for feces.
Learning Module No. 4
Topic: Lipids
Materials: Laptop and Internet Connection
Assessment: MCQ Post-Test via Infinit
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the general properties of lipids and fatty acids
2. Classify lipids
3. Discuss the role of triacylglycerol, sphingogycolipids and cholesterol in the body
4. Describe the digestion, absorption of carbohydrates in the body
5. List the appropriate methods in quantifying Lipds
Lipids in general
Lipids are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents, like chloroform
Lipids are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
Lipids have no generalized formula and much less oxygen compared to hydrogen
Lipids have a high proportion of non-polar carbon-hydrogen bonds, making them
Fat is a lipid in the solid state at 20oC
Oil is a lipid in the liquid state at 20oC
Simple lipids
Simple lipids are esters( )of fatty acids with various alcohol
Fats are esters of fatty acids with glycerol.
• Monoglyceride = 1 fatty acid molecule + 1 glycerol molecule
• Diglyceride = 2 fatty acid molecules + 1 glycerol molecule
• Triglyceride = 3 fatty acid molecules + 1 glycerol molecule
Structure of lipids
Lipids are composed of glycerol and fatty acids
• Glycerol is an alcohol with three carbons, each bearing a hydroxyl group (-OH)
• Fatty acids consist of a hydrocarbon chain and a carboxyl group, with the general
the chain.
v If more than one C=C is present, it is polyunsaturated
v This gives rise to unsaturated fatty acids and unsaturated fats
v Fats that are unsaturated have a lower melting and boiling
point, as the kinks prevents them from packing tightly with each
other, hence causing them to be usually liquid at room
v Most plant fats are unsaturated
Synthesis of lipids
Lipids are formed from the condensation reaction between glycerol and fatty acid molecules.
In the condensation reaction, each hydroxyl group (-OH) in the glycerol molecule reacts with
the carboxyl group (-COOH) of the fatty acid, producing one water molecule and an ester
bond ( ).
Condensation reaction = when two compounds are joined by the elimination of water
Phospholipids form the core of all biological molecules, and are made up of three kinds of
• Glycerol
o Forms the backbone of the phospholipid molecule
• Fatty acids
o Two fatty acids are attached
• Phosphate group
The simplest phospholipid is phosphatidic acid, consisting of a glycerol molecule, 2 fatty acid
molecules and one phosphoric acid.
Phospholipids are amphipathic, as they have a charged/ polar hydrophilic phosphate head
with a non-charged/ non-polar hydrophobic fatty acids tails
There are many important steroids like sex hormones and cholesterol
Cholesterol is highly hydrophobic (not amphipathic), as it only has a single hydroxyl group
(negligible compared to the rest of the carbon rings). It is also the most abundant steroid in
animals and is largely absent in plants
Functions of triglycerides
Function of triglycerides Structure Structure-function
As an efficient storage 1 triglyceride molecule Triglycerides can be stored in
molecule of energy consists of three fatty acids large amounts without
molecules attached to a having any effect on the
glycerol molecule by ester water potential of cells
They also cannot diffuse out
The triglyceride is large and of the cells while insoluble
uncharged, causing it to be
insoluble in water Hence making them the ideal
storage molecule
As compared to carbohydrates of similar mass, the ratio of
energy storing C-H bonds in triglycerides is more than twice
that of carbohydrates
Hence, as compared to the similar mass of carbohydrates, fat
yields more chemical energy then carbohydrates
This is important for dessert animals (like camels) who
survive off metabolic water
Provide buoyancy Triglycerides are less dense Allows aquatic mammals to
than water stay buoyant in water
As long-term energy store Triglycerides are only oxidized after carbohydrates are
Miscellaneous functions
Cholesterol is used in the synthesis of steroid hormones and vitamin D3
Lipids are also components of myelin sheath nerve cells, where they act as electrical insulators,
to allow rapid transmission of impulses along myelinated nerves
Learning Module No. 5
Topic: Proteins
Materials: Laptop and Internet Connection
Assessment: MCQ Post-Test via Infinit
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
1. Recall the structure and characteristics of proteins
2. Explain how the body metabolize, digest and reabsorbs proteins in the body.
3. List the appropriate methods in quantifying proteins
- Performs many vital functions in the body such as:
- Structural support; enzymes; movement; transport; recognition and receptor molecules;
regulation of proteins and DNA; hormones; antibodies; toxins and venoms
- The monomer of proteins is called AMINO ACID.
- Organic compounds containing an amine and carboxylic group and a carbon chain
specific to an amino acid.
1. Primary structure is the unique sequence of amino acids forming a polypeptide
- Primary structure of a protein is the precise sequence in which amino acids are linked
- Changing even a single amino acid alters secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures
– which can alter or destroy the biological function of a protein
- Example: Substitution of a single amino acid in hemoglobin produces an altered form
responsible for sickle-cell disease
2. Secondary structure is produced by the twists and turns of the amino acid chain
- The amino acid chain (primary structure) is folded into arrangements that form the
protein’s secondary structure
- Amino acid side groups extend outward from the twisted backbone
3. Tertiary structure is the folding of the amino acid chain, with its secondary structures,
into the overall 3Dshape of a protein
- Tertiary structure gives a protein its overall three-dimensional shape, or conformation
- The positions of secondary structures, disulfide linkages, and hydrogen bonds play
major roles in folding each protein into its tertiary structure
- Attractions between positively and negatively charged side groups and polar or nonpolar
associations also contribute to tertiary structure
- Tertiary structure determines a protein’s function
- The distribution and 3-D arrangement of side groups, in combination with their chemical
properties, determine the overall chemical activity of the protein
- Tertiary structure also determines the solubility of a protein, depending on the
arrangement of polar (hydrophilic) and nonpolar (hydrophobic) segments Tertiary
structure of most proteins is flexible, allowing them to undergo limited conformational
- Conformational changes are important to the function of enzymes, and to proteins
involved in cellular movements or transport of substances across cell membranes
- DENATURATION - Unfolding a protein from its active conformation so that it loses its
structure and function (caused by chemicals, changes in pH, or high temperatures)
- For some proteins, denaturation is permanent – for others, denaturation is reversible
4. Quaternary structure – when present, is formed from more than one polypeptide chain
- Some complex proteins, such as hemoglobin and antibody molecules, have quaternary
structure the presence and arrangement of two or more polypeptide chains
- Hydrogen bonds, polar and nonpolar attractions, and disulfide linkages hold the multiple
polypeptide chains together
- In many proteins, folding of the amino acid chain (or chains) produces large subdivisions
called domains
- In proteins with multiple functions, individual functions are often located in different
- Domains with similar functions are found in different proteins
- 3-D arrangement of amino acid chains within and between domains produces highly
specialized regions called motifs
• >100 naturally occurring, only 20 used in biosynthesis
• Consists of:
o a-carbon atom (which is bonded to)
o Hydrogen atom
o Amino group (-NH2)
o Carboxyl group (-COOH)
o Variable R group (aka side chain)
§ Different amino acids have different R groups
• Monomers: amino acids
o Dipeptide (2 residues)
o Tripeptide (3 residues)
o Oligopeptide (3-10 residues)
o Polypeptides (>10 residues)
• Formed through condensation/dehydration
o Links carboxyl group to amino group, removes water molecule
o Peptide bond!
• Backbone: regularly repeating part, main chain
• Variable part: distinctive vatiable R groups
• Amino-terminal (N-terminal) à start of polypeptide chain
Carboxyl-terminal (C-terminal) à end of polypeptide chain
• Folds into specific 3-D shape
Primary Structure
Refers to sequence and number of amino acids in a polypeptide chain.
• Bond: peptide bonds between successive a.a.
• Each polypeptide chain has unique sequence/number/type of a.a.
o Sequence determines type and location of cross linkages à pattern of folding à
unique 3-D conformation
o NOT random! à linking of a.a. determined by nucleotide sequences in genes
• Important in determining the function of the protein
o One amino acid alteration in the primary structure can alter the entire structure of
the protein
o Sequence of nucleotides in the gene + sequence of amino acid residues =
important in determining shape and function
o E.g. sickle cell anaemia à glutamic acid (6th a.a.) replaced with valine à results
in abnormal b-globin polypeptide à alters entire structure of the haemoglobin à
altered property (haemo molecules aggregate together at low oxygen
concentrations à causes red blood cells to change shape
• Primary structure remains unaffected during denaturation
Secondary Structure
Refers to spatial arrangement formed by regular coiling and pleating of a single polypeptie chain
• Bond: H bonds at regular intervals (between CO and NH grps of backbone)
• a-helix: single polypeptide chain coiled into an extended spiral spring
o CO groups of one turn linked to NH grps of the next turn (ALL CO & NH are
involved à stability) at every 4th peptide bond
o 3.6 amino acid residues in every turn
o E.g. keratin (structural protein of hair), wool, nails
• b-pleated sheet: when 2 or more regions/segments of a single polypeptide chain lying
side-by-side are linked by H-bonds
o NH & CO grps of one chain will form bonds with NH & CO grps from adjacent
chain (ALL involved à structure is stable and rigid)
o Runs parallel (same) or anti-parallel (opposite) à forms a flat sheet which
becomes folded
o R-groups are not involved in bonding à project above or below the plane
o E.g. Fibroin (silk produced by silkworms and spiders)
Tertiary Structure
Refers to the structure formed by extensive folding of a single polypeptide chain à compact
shape, gives overall 3-D shape of protein
• Bond: 4 types of interaction
o Hydrophobic interaction (weakest)
§ Between non-polar R-grps which interact and cluster at the core of the
protein (mutual exclusion from water)
§ Polypeptide folds to shield hydrophobic R-grps from aqueous
environment (hydrophobic point inwards; hydrophilic face outwards)
o Hydrogen bond
§ Between polar R-groups
§ Electropositive (H of –NH or –OH) and electronegative (O of C=O, N of N-
H) atoms form H bonds
§ Individually H bond is weak; but collectively it is strong
o Ionic bond
§ Between oppositely-charged groups of amino acids
§ COO- (acidic) and NH3+ (basic) found on R groups or at the ends of a
polypeptide chain
§ Change in pH à alter the changes and hence ionic bonds
§ Bonds are weak under aqueous conditions à charged groups are
surrounded by H20 molecules
o Disulphide bond (strongest)
§ Between 2 cysteine amino acid residues brought together by folding of
§ Strong covalent bonds à contribute to toughness (increase in bonds,
increase stability of protein to heat denaturation)
• Steric/spatial relation of residues that are far apart on chain as well as those which are
Quarternary structure
• Polypeptide = subunit
• Bonds: ionic boncs, hydrogen bonds, disulfide bonds & hydrophobic interactions
• Constituent chains may be identical or different
• 2 subunits = dimers
• more than 2 subunits = oliomers
• Not all proteins have quarternary structure à E.g. lysozome, myoglobin and albumin
Functions as structural and contractile Functions in a variety of metabolic roles.
proteins (e.g. haemoglobin, enzyme)
Structural protein; essential component Transport protein; pigment which
of connective tissue in tendons, bone, transports 02 found in rbc
skin and teeth (most abundant fibruous Structure
protein) • Quarternary structure: 4 polypeptide
Structure subunits (2 b-globin + 2 a-globin)
• helical polypeptide chain à • Each subunit = polypeptide
tropocollagen à fibril à fibres component ( globin) +
• 3 helical polypeptide chains prosthetic/non-protein component
wound around each other like a ( haem group)
rope – tropocollagen o Haem group: poryphin ring an
• H bonds further stabilize it and Fe2+ (which binds to O2, so 1 Hb
increase rigidity and tensile can carry up to 4 O2)
strength • Bonds: weak hydrophobic
• each helical polypeptide: about interactions and hydrogen bonds à
1000 a.a. (glycine-X- allows subunits to move, allowing a
proline/hydroprline) change in position that influences its
o glycine (smallest a.a.) à fits affinity for O2
restricted space @ centre of Cooperative binding of O2
triple helix (3 chains come 1 O2 molecule + 1 Hb subunit = structural
together) à tropocollagen change in remaining 3 subunits so that
forms inelastic tight coil their affinity for O2 increases (results in
o proline à bulky/inflexible à rapid uploading of O2 onto other
confers rigidity subunits) and vice versa
• unique secondary structure
• tropocollagen cross-links
(covalent bonds involving lysine
residues) with neighbouring tropo
running parallel à Forms fibrils à
fibrils unite to form fibres
o staggered/overlapping
minimizes points of
weaknesses along length
Learning Module No. 6
Topic: Enzymes
Materials: Laptop and Internet Connection
Assessment: MCQ Post-Test via Infinit
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
1. Recall the structure and characteristics of enzyme
2. Understand the nomenclature and classification of enzyme
3. Explain the activity of the enzyme
4. List the appropriate methods in quantifying enzymes
Activation energy is the energy required to start a reaction. All chemical reactions need
activation energy. Enzymes reduce the activation energy required to initiate a reaction.
• Enzymes are protein molecules that increase the rate of a chemical reaction (catalyst).
• They reduce the activation energy required to start a reaction
• They participate in reactions but are not used up or permanently altered in the reaction and
are available for reuse
• Without enzymes, metabolism is too slow for life to exist
• Enzymes are specific for one reaction - each enzyme acts on only one substrate. This is
because the active site of an enzyme matches that of only one substrate.
w Many enzymes are intracellular – they are used within cells that produce them
w Some enzymes are extracellular – they are secreted by cells and act outside. Eg: digestive
• Cofactors are non protein parts required by enzymes before they act. These parts include
metallic ions such as zinc and magnesium.
• If a cofactor is an organic molecule it’s called a coenzyme.
• Coenzymes are organic non-substrate molecules required to be present to increase the
ease with which the enzyme binds to the substrate. Many are vitamins, or are derived from
§ Enzymes have an optimal temperature, reflecting the optimal temperature of the organism.
§ If too much heat is applied the enzyme will permanently denature - causing it to permanently
lose its 3D shape, resulting in the reaction slowing and then eventually stopping.
§ When the temperature is too low, the enzyme will become inactive (but not denatured). It will
become active again once when it reaches optimal temperature.
§ Enzymes have optimal pH reflecting the pH of its working environment. Mostly pH 7 in
§ A change in pH from the optimum will change the hydrogen bonding between amino acids.
Hence, it will change the 3D structure of the enzyme and the shape of the active site, affecting
its ability to combine with substrate molecules. When this happens, the rate of metabolic
reaction declines.
w Competitive inhibition – inhibitors act by binding to the active site of the enzyme.
w Non-competitive inhibition – inhibitors act by binding to a distinct (allosteric) site away
from the active site and changing the shape of the active site
§ Increasing enzyme concentration will increase the rate of the reaction as there are more
enzymes reacting with substrates.
§ As a reaction progresses, the increasing concentration of product will also begin to exert an
effect, slowing the rate of reaction.
Learning Module No. 7
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
1. Recognize the structures of nucleic acids
2. Describe protein synthesis
3. List the appropriate methods in quantifying enzyme
Nucleic acids
Our class on DNA is divided into 3 parts: (I) Genetics (II) DNA structure (III) Concepts and
I. Genetics: In the primordial period, simple molecules were formed from atoms and from these
molecules, macromolecules were formed. These macromolecules formed life and all living
organisms. The classical genetic and heredity observations in the 19th century started the search
for the origin of life.
The transforming principle of DNA was demonstrated from the experiment in which non-
pathogenic (R-form) and virulent (S-form) but heat treated bacteria, when co-injected, could kill
the mice. After that, the link between genes (DNA) and genotype / phenotype was established.
II. DNA structure: The genomic DNA of a eukaryotic cell is located in a special organelle, the
nucleus, whereas in a prokaryotic cell there is no nucleus. In a virus, including bacteriohage, the
genome is packed efficiently. In a human cell, the complete genetic DNA is organized into 23
pairs of chromosomes.
Chromatid is one of the two identical copies of DNA in a chromosome. The two copies
approach each other at the centromere. The ends of DNA in a chromosome are called telomere.
The location of a gene in a chromosome is marked as, say, 7q31.2 where 7 refers to the
chromosome number, q is the long arm (the short arm of the chromosome is called ‘p’), 3 refers
to the region of a chromosome when colored using a particular process, 1 refers to band 1 in that
region and 2 refers to a sub-band within band 1.
In the chromatin, DNA is wound around the histone core (made by 2 copies each of the
H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 proteins) and clamped by the H1 protein. Anytime this DNA is accessed
for any biochemical reaction, there will be physical rearrangement of DNA and the histone core
and furthermore the histone proteins undergo chemical modifications, like acetylation and
Two strands of DNA form duplex DNA through base-pairing. In a basepair, the two bases
are unlikely to be perfectly aligned or coplanar. In the same token, two adjacent basepairs also
need not be perfectly parallel to each other.
There are three forms of DNA: B-DNA, A-DNA and Z-DNA. The B form is the physiological
form. The other two forms are man-made from specific sequences. While the first two forms are
right handed helices, the last one is left-handed. In the B-form, the minor groove is narrow and
the major groove is wide whereas in the A and Z forms, the groove widths are nearly the same.
Also, a basepair in the B-form cuts the helical axis whereas in the A-form, a basepair is very much
away from the helical axis. However, in the Z-form a basepair lies in-between.
Supercoiled DNA: In a chromosome (or even in a circular plasmid), DNA exists in a supercoiled
form. Several studies have established the connection between the number of base-pairs (linking
number, twist) and the level of supercoiling (writhing number). Assume there are 260 B-DNA
base-pairs (10 base-pairs will form one full turn, Fig. 1; start from base-pair 1 on a strand and
come to the same but one earlier position on the same strand after 10 base-pairs; the next 10
base-pairs form the next one round and so on).
10 L = T + W; or 26 = 26 + 0
Now cut only one strand and unwind that strand two
times and reconnect the ends. That means, L becomes 24. In
7 order to balance the above equation, 24 = 26 – 2 or W becomes
6 -2. Or, the new circular adjusts (writhes) with two cross-overs.
5 If you over-wind by two, L = 28 and W = +2. Even now, the
4 circular DNA writhes by 2 but in the opposite direction.
Strand-1 Strand-2
Fig. 1. B-DNA Apart from DNA, RNAs are also very important in
several cellular processes. There are 3 types of RNA, mRNA,
rRNA and tRNA. Of these 3 classes, the tRNA is normally depicted in the ‘clover leaf’ form,
displaying its amino acid acceptor region and the anti-codon region. An amino-acyl tRNA
synthetase enzyme attaches a corresponding amino acid to the tRNA.
III. Applications and concepts: There are several applications and processes that
involve nucleic acids. However, due to limitation of time, we will learn only a few applications.
1. DNA replication: In molecular biology, the important fundamental processes are: the
cell cycle (including DNA replication – the making of DNA using a DNA template), transcription
(the making of mRNA using a DNA template) and translation (the making of a protein using mRNA
as a template). The next level of events includes reverse transcription (the making of DNA using
an RNA template) and the making of RNA using an RNA template. The making of a protein using
a DNA template is not yet known.
In prokaryotic DNA replication, DNA is unwound by enzymes like helicases and long
leading strands ( for the parental 3’ to 5’ strand) and several short lagging strands (for the parental
5’ to 3’ strand) are made by the DNA polymerase. The short fragments are joined by ligases. If
there is any problem during DNA synthesis, like base-pair mismatch, selected enzymes fix those
In a eukaryotic cell, there are several origins of DNA replication (dedicated sequences in
DNA) in a chromosome. DNA replication must be initiated only once per origin per cell cycle. First,
origin replication protein complex (ORC) binds to the origin of replication. The CDC6 protein
(CDC28 in yeast) binds to ORC. The CDT1 protein binds to CDC6. Next, the mini chromosome
maintenance proteins 2 to 7 (MCM 2-7) bind to the above proteins. The assembly of all these
proteins is called ‘licensing’ and the above complex of all these proteins is called the pre
replication complex (pre-RC).
There are two modes by which DNA re-replication is prevented. The first mode is through
the involvement of cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs). We are not going to review that mode here.
The other mode is through the involvement of geminin, a protein.
Once DNA replication is initiated, Geminin binds to Cdt1 and primes it for degradation.
Once Cdt1 is removed from the pre-RC, there cannot be another DNA replication firing. At the
end of the cell cycle, even geminin is degraded. This way, DNA replication takes place only once
per cell cycle. We have published the structure of geminin. The geminin-Cdt1 complex structure
is also published by another group.
DNA repair: Several types of problems happen during DNA synthesis. One such repair is
DNA mismatch repair.
3. DNA microarray: This development is an important tool to study how a normal cell and
an affected cell (say, a cancer cell) behave and what are the genes that are up-regulated and
down-regulated. On a commercial DNA chip, unique and short single stranded DNA fragments of
all known human genes (as of today) are immobilized on glass. Take a normal cell and a cancer
cell. Make complementary DNA for all the RNAs in the cells. Treat the normal cell DNA with a dye
(say green) and that of the cancer cell with a red dye. Now pass the two pools of DNA through
the chip. The genes that are active only in the normal cell (thereby making mRNA and hence
cDNA) will bind to their complementary fragments (immobilized on the chip) and will emit green
signal when detected. Similarly, the genes that are active only in the cancer cell will bind to their
complementary fragments and will emit red signal. The genes that are common to both cells will
give out yellow signal. From this we can learn which genes are upregulated and down regulated
in a particular cell for a particular disease condition.
4. CpG methylation and gene silencing: The studies on how a tumor suppressor gene
is silenced in a cancer cell led to the discovery of CG methylation and gene silencing. Statistically,
the occurrence of C, followed by G, in a sequence seems to be very random. However, in most
of the genes, especially in the promoter region, CGs occur more frequently, called the CG islands.
The C of these CG bases get methylated. A set of proteins, called Methylated DNA Binding
Domain (MBD) proteisn (MeCP2, MBD 1-4) bind to these methylated regions of the promoter and
do not allow any access to RNA polymerase, thereby preventing transcription of the gene. The
pattern of CG methylation in a normal cell and cancer cell can identify the level of gene silencing
(and hence the indirect clues on the level of disease progress and treatment). CG methylation
can be studied using a technique called pyrosequencing.
5. Transgenic / reporter genes: Selected color displaying proteins, like green fluorescent
protein (GFP), can be used as reporters to identify the location of protein expression for a protein
of interest. The GFP gene is attached to the gene of our interest and injected in an embryo and
the location of protein expression is visually observed. Such techniques can be used to generate
multicolored ornamental fish for the same species.
Gene therapy: Certain diseases, like insulin dependent diabetes and hemophilia, occur
because of the lack of related proteins. The normal mode of treatment is administering these
proteins by injection. However, in gene therapy, in the case of diabetes, the gene of good insulin
is first inserted into a suitable vector with a promoter. This construct is delivered to the organ of
expression, say pancreas, using a modified virus, which is used as a delivering agent. Similarly,
the gene of Factor VIII is delivered to the liver. These genes express the corresponding proteins
at the corresponding organ.
6. DNA protein interaction: Several proteins interact with DNA. For example,
transcription factors bind to the promoter / enhancer regions of a gene. Restriction enzymes bind
to and cut DNA. DNA polymerase is involved in DNA replication and RNA polymerase is important
for transcription. Furthermore, amino-acyl tRNA synthetases bind to tRNAs and attach
corresponding amino acids to them.
7. RNA interference: Most of the free forms of RNA, messenger RNA molecules in
particular, are single strands. tRNAs and selected RNA regions are double-stranded. Many
viruses, however, form long stretches of double-stranded RNA when they replicate.
When our cells find double-stranded RNA, it is often a sign of an infection. However, plant
and animal cells have a more targeted defense that attacks the viral double stranded RNA directly,
termed RNA interference.
Viral double-stranded RNA are cut into pieces (about 21 base-pairs), called small
interfering RNA (SiRNA) by the protein Dicer. The argonaute protein strips away one strand from
the siRNA, and then looks for any messenger RNA that matches it. If it finds some, it cleaves the
RNA, destroying it. In this way, the cell removes any messenger RNA that is the same as the
original double-stranded piece found and processed by dicer.
Based on this principle, we can synthesize a non-natural interfering RNA, then insert it
into a cell to destroy any messenger RNA that we desire. Researchers use these small RNA
molecules to fight disease, for instance, using them to knock out cancer genes.
8. RNA modifying enzymes: RNA has to be modified in selected cellular processes. For
example, uridine is modified to pseudo-uridine by pseudo-uridine synthase enzymes. Another
example is PARN, which truncates the poly-A tail of mRNAS.