23C 051901 Kikkoman LuciPacA3
23C 051901 Kikkoman LuciPacA3
23C 051901 Kikkoman LuciPacA3
LuciPac A3 Surface
manufactured by
Kikkoman Biochemifa Company
2-1-1, Nishi-shinbashi
Minato-ku, Tokyo 1005-0003
This method has been evaluated in the AOAC Research Institute Performance Tested MethodsSM Program and found to perform as stated in the applicability of the
method. This certificate indicates an AOAC Research Institute Certification Mark License Agreement has been executed which authorizes the manufacturer to display the
AOAC Research Institute Performance Tested Methods SM certification mark on the above-mentioned method for the period below. Renewal may be granted by the
Expiration Date under the rules stated in the licensing agreement.
Q Laboratories 4
Modification November 2019
1930 Radcliff Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45204
Analytes – Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate
(ADP) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP)
Under this AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM License Number, 051901 Under this AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM License Number, 051901
this method is distributed by: this method is distributed as:
1. AS ONE CORPORATION 1. LuciPac A3 Surface
2. FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation 2. LuciPac A3 Surface
3. KENIS LIMITED 3. LuciPac A3 Surface
4. Nippon Bacterial Test Co., Ltd. 4. LuciPac A3 Surface
5. Weber Scientific 5. LuciPac A3 Surface
Table 1. Method developer and independent laboratory pure analyte results using LuciPac A3 Surface/Lumitester
PD-30 system. (A) Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), (B) Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and (C) Adenosine
monophosphate (AMP) (1)
Kikkoman LuciPac A3 Surface, AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM Certification Number 051901
Table 2. Estimation of limit of detection (LOD) for adenosine triphosphate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and (C)
adenosine monophosphate (AMP)from the method developer and independent laboratory data of pure analytes using
LuciPac A3 Surface/Lumitester PD-30 system. (1)
a b c Calculated LOD,
Adenylate Xo sb m d e
RLU fmol/assay
ATP 5.2 1.4292 0.0409 10.6 3.3
ADP 4.9 0.3848 0.0955 7.3 0.9
AMP 6.5 0.5710 0.0767 9.6 1.8
ATP 3.1 1.5732 0.0511 9.1 3.0
ADP 4.0 1.5339 0.0400 9.7 2.9
AMP 5.3 0.9548 0.0554 9.3 2.5
The mean analytical value of the known negative matrix (Mean RLU for 0 fmol/assay in Table 1).
The intercept of the plots of standard deviation vs. mean LuciPac A3 Surface responses (Figure 3).
The slope of the plots of standard deviation vs. mean LuciPac A3 Surface responses (Figure 3).
Relative Light Unit. Each LOD (RLU) were calcurated using the formula: (X o + 3.3 x s b )/(1–1.65 m )
Each LOD (fmol/assay) was calculated by LOD (RLU) using the linearity curves in Figure 2 (Method
developer) and 4 (Independent laboratory).
Kikkoman LuciPac A3 Surface, AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM Certification Number 051901
Table 3. Replicate Relative Light Unit (RLU), mean RLU, sr and RSDr of the LuciPac A3 Surface method determined with various matrixes (1)
Table 4. Replicate Relative Light Unit (RLU), mean RLU, sr and RSDr of the LuciPac A3 Surface method determined with various microbes (1)
Mean RLUa
Water 1000 fmol ATPb 4000 fmol ATP Inhibition, %c
Sanitizer Cd Se CAf SAg CA SA 1000 fmol ATP 4000 fmol ATP
Sodium Hypochlorite 20 31 141 161 468 514 -8 -8
Peracetic acid 20 65 141 292 468 1231 -187 -160
Quaternary ammonium 20 27 141 130 468 363 29 25
Relative Light Unit
Adenosine triphosphate
A negative percent inhibition correlated to an increase in signal. Calculated using mean RLU and the following equation:
Inhibition (%) = {1-[(SA-S)/(CA-C)]}x100.
C = Signal from the control (analyte-free water) on the control surface (analyte-free water dried onto the stainless
steel surface).
S = Signal from the control (analyte-free water) on the disinfectant surface (disinfectant dried onto the stainless
steel surface).
CA = Signal from ATP on the control surface (analyte-free water and ATP dried onto the stainless steel surface).
SA = Signal from ATP on the disinfectant surface (disinfectant and ATP dried onto the stainless steel surface).
Kikkoman LuciPac A3 Surface, AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM Certification Number 051901
Table 1. Pure analyte results using LuciPac A3 Surface/Lumitester Smart system. (A) Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), (B) Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and (C)
Adenosine monophosphate (AMP) (7)
ATP, fmol/assay
0 1 2.5 5 10 25 100
Mean RLUa 7.6 9.7 14.9 17.1 26.2 53.1 173.6
srb 1.4 1.8 2.5 1.9 3.3 5.2 16.7
RSDr, %c 18.8 18.9 16.9 11.2 12.4 9.9 9.6
Mean fmold -1.1 0.2 3.4 4.7 10.2 26.5 99.6
ADP, fmol/assay
0 1 2.5 5 10 25 100
Mean RLU 6.7 10.7 11.9 15.9 25.0 50.7 181.9
sr 2.2 2.5 2.0 2.3 3.3 3.8 11.6
RSDr, % 33.0 22.9 16.5 14.7 13.2 7.5 6.4
Mean fmol -0.5 1.8 2.5 4.8 10.0 24.8 100.1
AMP, fmol/assay
0 1 2.5 5 10 25 100
Mean RLU 7.3 10.9 13.2 16.0 25.8 51.0 181.6
sr 2.3 2.9 2.0 1.5 3.3 3.6 11.1
RSDr, % 31.0 26.5 15.5 9.3 12.9 7.0 6.1
Mean fmol -0.5 1.6 2.9 4.5 10.2 24.7 100.1
Relative Light Unit. Ten replicates were tested at each concentration.
b Standard Deviation of Repeatability.
Relative Standard Deviation of Repeatability.
d Amounts of the adenylate were converted from the mean RLU values using the linearity curves in Figure 2.
Kikkoman LuciPac A3 Surface, AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM Certification Number 051901
Figure 2. Dose response curves. LuciPac A3 Surface Relative Light Unit (RLU)
responses for (A) adenosine triphosphate (ATP); (B) adenosine diphosphate
(ADP); and (C) adenosine monophosphate (AMP). (7)
LuciPac A3 Surface RLU
y = 1.6489 x + 9.3693
160 R² = 0.9854
0 20 40 60 80 100
ATP (fmol/assay)
LuciPac A3 Surface RLU
y = 1.7427 x + 7.5319
160 R² = 0.9931
0 20 40 60 80 100
ADP (fmol/assay)
LuciPac A3 Surface RLU
y = 1.7335 x + 8.1494
160 R² = 0.9935
0 20 40 60 80 100
AMP (fmol/assay)
Kikkoman LuciPac A3 Surface, AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM Certification Number 051901
Table 2. Estimation of limit of detection (LOD) for adenosine triphosphate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and (C) adenosine monophosphate (AMP)from
the data of pure analytes using LuciPac A3 Surface/Lumitester Smart system. (7)
Calculated LOD,
Adenylate 𝑋𝑋�0a sbb mc
RLUd fmol/assaye
ATP 7.6 0.7497 0.0916 11.9 1.5
ADP 6.7 1.6060 0.0541 13.2 3.2
AMP 7.3 1.5531 0.0517 13.6 3.1
The mean analytical value of the known negative matrix (Mean RLU for 0 fmol/assay in Table 1).
b The intercept of the plots of standard deviation vs. mean LuciPac A3 Surface responses (Figure 3).
c The slope of the plots of standard deviation vs. mean LuciPac A3 Surface responses (Figure 3).
1. Tanaka, N., Saito, W., and Bakke, M., Validation Study of LuciPacTM A3 Surface for Hygiene Monitoring through Detection of ATP, ADP, and AMP from Stainless
Steel Surfaces, AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM certification number 051901. Approved May 2019.
2. Bakke, M., & Suzuki, S. (2018) J. Food Prot. 81, 729-737. doi: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-17-432
3. Viator, R., Gray, R. L., Sarver, R., Steiner, B., Mozola, M., & Rice, J. (2017) J. AOAC. Int. 100, 537-547. doi: 10.5740/jaoacint.16-0311
4. Porterfield, R. I., & Capone, J. J. (1984) Med. Devices Diagnostic Ind. 6, 45-50. doi: 10.1007/s11746-001-0401-1.
5. Rutala, W. A., & Weber, D. J. (2016) Am. J. Infect. Control 44, e69-76. doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2015.10.039
6. Kajiyama, N. & Nakano, E. (1994) Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 58, 1170-1171. doi: 10.1271/bbb.58.1170
7. Sakurai, K. and Nishimoto, K., Evaluation of Additional Validation Study of New Luminometer for LuciPakTM A3 Surface for Hygiene Monitoring through Detection
of ATP, ADP, and AMP, AOAC Performance Tested MethodsSM certification number 051901. Approved November 2019