Taller de Comprension Lectora

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1. Match the world with the corresponding meaning:

a) Supply (d) All person

b) Demand (a) Disposition to offer product

c) High Price (e) The lifetime of goods and services

d) Mass market (b) Desire to buy any product

e) Life cycle (c) Experience

2. According to the next, mention the things people take into account to determine the

Market research findings are inportant in developing the overall marketing mix for a given
product. By identifying specific customer needs a business can adjust the features, appearence,
Price and distribution method for a target market segment.

3. Write F for false or T true

a) Production cost depends on Technology

F( ) T (X)

b) As greater the expectations are, the lower will be the offer from the companies

F (X) T( )

c) One of the four Ps of marketing mix is Package

F (X) T( )

d) Price is the amount a customer pays for the product.

F( ) T (X)

e) Planning is to transform and develop marketing objectives to marketing strategies

F (X) T( )

4. Answer the following questions

a) What is Benchmarking?

Benchmarking consists of taking "comparators" or benchmarks to those products,

services and work processes that belong to organizations that demonstrate best
practices in the area of interest, in order to transfer knowledge of best practices and
their application. According to Casadesús "it is a technique to search for the best
practices that can be found outside or sometimes within the company, in relation to
methods, processes of any kind, products or services, always aimed at continuous
improvement and mainly oriented to customers"
b) What is the process of Benchmarking?
Benchmarking is the practice of comparing business processes and performance
metrics to industry bests and best practices from other companies. Dimensions
typically measured are quality, time and cost. ... In project
management benchmarking can also support the selection, planning and delivery of

Select subject

Define the process

Identify potential partners

Identify data sources

Collect data and select partners

Determine the gap

Establish process differences

Target future performance


Adjust goal

Review and recalibrate

c) Naumber the aspects to be taken into account in Benchmarking

 Productivity: It is the search for excellence in the areas that control input
resources, and productivity can be expressed by the volume of production and
the consumption of resources that can be costs or capital.

 Time: Faster flows in administration, sales, production and distribution have

received greater attention as a potential factor for improving productivity and

 Rivalry: market structure in which there are enough bidders and claimants not
to influence the price.

 Sales: it is a consensual, bilateral, onerous and typical contract in which

anything of the parties (seller) is obliged to give something in favor of the
other (buyer) a change of a price in money.

 Service: A service in a set of activities that seek to satisfy the needs of a client.

 Supply: quantity of goods or services that producers are willing to sell to

consumers under market conditions.

 Technology: A set of instruments, technical resources or procedures used in a

specific field or sector.

5. Write a ten lines text that summarizes the topic of the activity

The activity seeks that we can recognize in the language of English, towards whom our product is

focused, the added values that we can offer and also the disadvantages that are around us, we
have a strong value over time but it must be our best friend in the times of productivity and

growth of the company. Something also very important that we could identify are the words that

are commonly used within the vocabulary of business and marketing, the end I think is that we

can grow our company in order to be able to potentiate our markets internationally, it is of great

importance That each of us can understand that international business and marketing is the axis of

the economy, since by empowering our podruct to the international arena we will be better able to

overcome the barriers.

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