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Steel Questionnaire

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1) From the given steel knee brace as shown, if the compressive force P = 300kN and ∅ = 30°, compute

the diameter of the bolt if its allowable shearing stress is limited to 120 MPa and a bearing stress of the
plate of 100 MPa.

2) A double-angle tension member, 100mm x 100mm x 8mm is subjected to a tensile load, P = 400kN.
The diagonal member is on a slope of 4V:3H and it is connected to the supporting beam by a wide tee.
S1 = 38 mm t1=t2=t3=16 mm
S2 = 75mm S3 = 100mm
Allowable strength and stresses:
Yield strength = 248 MPa
Ultimate Strength = 400 MPa
Allow. Shearing stress on bolts = 150 MPa
Allow. Tensile stress on bolts = 195 MPa
Allowable bearing stress = 1.2 Fu
Assume the bolts are equally loaded

Determine the required diameter of the 3 bolts in shear connecting the double-angle member on the
wide tee.

3) A W16 x 100 is used as a column to carry an axial load of 5500 kN. The plate rests on full area of a
concrete compression block with f’c= 21 MPa. For steel plate, Fy= 345 MPa and for a wide flange, bf=
265mm and d=431 mm. If m = 1.1n. What is the thickness of the plate in mm?

4) A semi-circular steel section with effective length of 3 meters and a diameter “D” is used as a
compression member (supported with hinge at fixed at each ends). If its effective slenderness ratio is
equal to the NSCP limiting value, compute the value of D in millimeters. Use E=200 GPa and Fy = 248
5) Compute the safe value of P in the truss if it is governed by the strength of member CD. Use AISC
apecs, A36 steel (Fy=248 MPa and Fu = 400 MPa) and 1L 100 x 75 x 8 mm. Assume bolt holes (db + 3mm)
are provided in one pf the legs. Use C1=1.0 and 20 mm ∅ bolts.

6) A propped beam (fixed at left) with 8m span, is loaded with “P” at 3 meters from the left support.
Using plastic moment analysis, if Fy=250 MPa and plastic section modulus is 230,000 𝑚𝑚3 , compute the
safe value of P in kilonewtons.

7) A steel tube (E=200 GPa) of circular cross section is to carry axial load “Pu”. The inside diameter of the
tube is 90 mm with uniform thickness of 4 mm. If its length is 4 meters and using NSCP. Compute the
required “Pu” in kilonewtons.

8) A steel beam with span of 9 meters has the ff. properties d = 300 mm bf = 190 mm; tw=15 mm; tf =
21mm. Compute the slenderness ratio of the beam.

SITUATION 1 (NOS. 9-11) Light grade steel channel was used as a purlin of a truss. The top chord is
inclined 1V:4H and the distance between trusses is 6m. Weight of purlin is 85 N/m and spaced 1.2 on
centers. Dead load of roof materiasl is 790 Pa live load is 1000 Pa and windload is 1440 Pa. Coeff. Of
pressure at leeward and windward are 0.60 and 0.20 respectively. Assume all loads passes thru the
centroid if the section
Properties of channel C 200 x 76 mm
Sx = 619 000 𝑚𝑚3 ; Sy = 138,000𝑚𝑚3

9) Considering DL + LL load combination, compute the bending stress fbx in MPa.

10) Considering DL + LL load combination, compute the bending stress fby in MPa.
11) Considering 0.75 (DL + LL + WL) load combination at the windward side, compute the maximun ratio
of actual to allowable bending stress if Fbx = Fby = 200 MPa (interaction equation).
12) For the truss shown, if the truss is governed by the strength of diagonal member BI, compute the
value of P in kilonewtons. The truss is made of 2 angular section as shown.
Properties of 1L – 75 x75 x 6mm
A= 875 𝑚𝑚2 x=20.43 mm E=200 GPa Ix = Iy = 455.71 𝑥103 𝑚𝑚4 Fy = 248 MPa

13) A simple beam having a clockwise moment of 0.25 M at 10m from the left end. Properties of the
bem section:
Fy = 245 MPa d=533mm tf=16mm Sx = 2 077 000 𝑚𝑚2 rt = 53 mm
Tf=16mm bf=210 mm Fy= 248 MPa
Calculate the value of the moment at the midspan of the beam if the beam is not restrained against
lateral buckling.

14) A welded angular connection is shown below. The angular section 150 x 100 x 10 mm having an area
of 2400 𝑚𝑚2 is welded to a gusset plate having a thickness of 10 mm. All steel is A36 (Fy = 248 MPa, Fu
= 400 MPa) and E (70) electrodes (Fu = 484 MPa) is used. Using the Submerged-Arc Welding Process.
Compute the value of “a” if T = 420 kN.

15) For the welded bracket shown, it is carrying a load P = 180 kN. The weld thickness = 8mm. What is
the maximum shearing stress of the weld?

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