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1.an Explanation of Function of The Front Office With Reference To Three Different Types of Accommodation Provider

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1.An explanation of function of the Front Office

with reference to three different types of
accommodation provider.
The front office beautiful. We can see
department is the in most of the hotel's
most visible front office or the
department in a hotel. entrance point of the
The focal point of hotel is decorated and
activity within the front made luxurious in
office is the reception every way. It is also
desk. The reception the communication
desk is usually the centre for the hotel
place in which guest operation. Front office
make the first department plays an
impression of the important role in
hotel. It is also the image building of a
communication center hotel.
of the hotel. Since it is
the first and last point
of guest contact with
the hotel the hotel
spends a lump sum
amount of money to
make it look more
luxurious and
Front office for providing information related to the
hotel, rooms, and facilities and about the
department source city or towns where the hotel is located.
Information centre of the front office is
(www.salayapavallion) also responsible for handling guest
mails and messages
The functions of ♦ Front Office Cashier:
different front office This section of the front office is located
sections are as at the front desk. Front office
cashier, working in this section is
follows: responsible for updating guest bills,
keeping up to date cash and credit
♦ Reservation: transactions of the guest and get them
settled before the guest departure. Front
A request for accommodation by the office cashier should ensure the timely
guest in a hotel for any particular period collection of all guest bills from different
is called reservation. Reservationists are outlets and posts them in respective
the employees responsible for accepting folios in case if the Front Office is not
or rejecting the reservations made by computerized.
the guests from different modes such as
telephone, e-mail, fax, letters, etc ♦ Business centre:

♦ Telephone Operator: Modern technology has changed the

pace of information system. People can
This is the separate section under front do their job in a home country from far
office department which is located on countries. The role of fax, photocopying
the back side of the hotel. They are and secretarial work is deemed
connected to the front desk and cannot important t to provide these types of
be seen by the guest. A telephone
services to the guest. There may be
operator is an employee in this section,
responsible for handling all incoming demand for guest to translate and
and outgoing guest call and hotel calls. interpret services as well as the hire of
Telephone operator is responsible for laptops, computers, and portable
posting of all charges incurred by the telephones in their rooms. The
guests and the hotel employees while responsibility of such type of services
making out calls. comes under business services may be
required in the business centre.
♦ Information Section:

This is another section under front office Three different type of

department, which is located at the
visible part of lobby separately within the accommodation provider
lobby area or joined together with the
front desk. This section is responsible are given below.
Hotel :
 Hotel is a place that provides
temporary sleeping
accommodations to travelers.
An example of a hotel is the
Ramada or the Holiday Inn where
travelers stay overnight. The
guest accommodation and dining
section of a cruise ship.


Motel is a convenient, temporary

sleeping place for people traveling
by car. An example of a motel is a
Super 8. Property owned by
a motel, as "motel towel",
"motel ashtray", possibly imprinted
or embroidered with the name of
the establishment, frequently
appropriated by tourists as a


Resort is defined as to turn to

something or someone for help,
often in a desperate way.
The definition of a resort is a
vacation place, often with food and
An example of resort would be any
of the Great Wolf Lodge water
park resorts.

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