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Dosen Pengampu : DR. Kiki Febrianto, S.TP.,M.Phil,Ph.d

Erika Arisetiana Dewi (156100100111022)
Pinctada Putri P. (156100100111021)
Melda (156100100111008)
Rahmat Yuliandri (156100100111021)






Drinks industry growth has escalated influenced by the increasing number of drink
products produced by some companies .This is because drinks are necessary for that is essential
for humans .One of the drinks industry that experienced rapid development is milk .Milk is a
material beverage was from cattle and nutrition has any high. Substances contained therein as
water , fat , protein , lactose or milk sugar .Milk also contain a range of different substance such
as an enzyme vitamin , and pholpholipids or substance with a material such as fat . One beverage
industry are experiencing rapid development is a milk drink.

An increase in the population figures and awareness of health in the community sparked
an upsurge in demand for milk drinks . Future demand for milk will increase in line with
population growth, increasing income or purchasing power, as well as food and nutrition
awareness. Future demand for milk will increase in line with population growth, increasing
income or purchasing power, as well as food and nutrition awareness. Can be seen from the table
Development of Milk Consumption in Indonesia that until recently milk imports to meet the
domestic production is still quite large, ie above 50 percent annually This is the total amount of
milk production in the country that have not been able to offset the total consumption in the
countr. Milk Consumption in Indonesia that until recently milk imports to meet the domestic
production is still quite large, ie above 50 percent annually This is the total amount of milk
production in the country that have not been able to offset the total consumption in the country.

Milk of a liquid in the pack is one of the products of the results of processing milk that
many of the residents working in .The change in the pattern live in a society to cause the need for
a nutritious beverage and practical becomes very important , this has led to liquid milk in packs
has many advantages compared with powdered milk .The abundant potential of the liquid milk in
packs make producers made an effort to develop milk into the form of packaging .The
development of these products includes in terms of age and tastes , so that springing liquid milk
products in packs as to a choice variety a sense of being adapted to consumer appetites.
High demand for the milk in packaging and technology development more advanced ,
produsen-produsen which moves in the dairy industry in packs continues to conduct set as
innovation to add excellence atribut-atribut their products , so that the product they have a real a
distinction than similar products with the aim of attract the interest of consumers.

One manufacturer that is engaged in the dairy industry is the Ultra Milk. PT Ultrajaya
Milk Products Industry and Trading (PT Ultrajaya) branded Ultra Milk, a product that has long
been producing liquid milk in containers since 1975. With sales growth of 15-20 percent per
year, making PT Ultrajaya become the market leader (market leader) in liquid milk industry.
Currently the Ultra Milk already has a market share reached 50 percent (Republika Online,
2005). The size of the market opportunity in the dairy industry in packaging liquid causing
increasing numbers of manufacturers are entering the industry. The net profit generated by PT
Ultrajaya it showed a net profit generated tends decreased as a result of intense competition in
the dairy industry per year. The main competitors are now constantly abreast of liquid milk is PT
Frisian Flag Indonesia (PT FFI) with brand flag. The development of liquid milk PT FFI
continue to increase by five per cent annually. By looking at the prospects in the liquid milk
industry in packaging the better, PT FFI endlessly innovations on its products. Recent PT FFI
launched a sterile liquid milk in bottles of 800 ml with a brand Yes !. It can affect the level of
consumer loyalty to products resulting Ultra Milk Milk Ultra position as a market leader in liquid
milk in containers is threatened. Based on the description of the above problems, the issues
discussed in this study is how the consumer characteristics Ultra Milk, How satisfaction and
customer loyalty to the attributes of Ultra Milk, What is the strategy to improve customer
satisfaction Ultra Milk.

This research was conducted with the number of respondents is 100 people. The sampling
technique used in this study is convinience sampling method. Convinience sampling method,
based on considerations of convenience to do so. Respondents in question is bersedian
respondents to be interviewed or visitors supermarkets and traditional markets which happen to
buy milk in Ultramilk packaging or had never consumed milk in containers Ultramilk or
consumers who previously had consumed Ultra Milk smaksimal one month prior to the interview
was conducted.
Respondents consisted of 35% male and 65% female with a lifespan of 16-18 years
(10%), 19-21 years (46%), 22-24 years (21%) and above 25 years (23). Most of the respondents
were students (71%) who occupy the boarding house / rent (77%) with the level of education
diploma / undergraduate (63%), high school graduates (27%) and the remaining elementary and
junior high graduates. They get information about milk ultramilk majority of TV advertising
(51%) and supermarkets (33%), as well as the rest of billboards, shop, friends and newspapers.
They buy milk ultramilk most of the supermarket or minimarket.

Attributes that should be prioritized performance improvement is an attribute for the

content of preservatives and ease of obtaining the product. Attributes that should be maintained
its performance at this time is an additional attribute nutritional value, halal assurance and MOH
license, fluid viscosity product, the size of the volume of the product, and the condition of the
packaging at the time of consumption. Attributes are a low priority company includes a
distinctive aroma, variety of flavors, clarity of the expiration date, the retail price compared to
the volume of products and attractive packaging designs. Attributes can be drunk at any time is
an attribute that is considered excessive levels of performance by the consumer.
Product strategy the company can do is to support product sales facilities, such as the supply of
refrigeration. Pricing strategies that can be done is to determine the price in accordance with the
wishes of consumers, and if the company wants to raise the quality should also be improved.
Promotional strategy that can be done is by sponsoring certain activities that can enhance the
positive image of companies in the city of Bogor. Place or distribution strategy is to improve
distribution channels and establish good relations with local retailers, resulting in a mutually
beneficial relationship between the company and retailers.
5 sangat baik
0 baik
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m a e ga u s m duk uk tidak baik
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as ent iz i y bah saat um ndi pke ars le m
m k g n a in iba D e lu ero lu
K e e lai ga d im d n d a o
K i a i p
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D h D a e lal g n
ba K m a n a Uk
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T is
H an iaa emu
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K m er
Ja t
K e

Fig.1. assessment of respondents to some attribute ratings


Fig.2. The average results of the assessment of each attribute

Most respondents considered that the product demonstrated an excellent variation (37%)
and good (34%), as well as the scent and the packaging design and material content preserved,
some respondents argued very well and good. Respondents also appreciates good for nutrient
content, the viscosity of milk and its products in the market as well as the ease of obtaining halal
assurance and permit DEPKES. But for the retail price and the volume of milk, the respondents'
assessment varies greatly between less, adequate, good and excellent. It is also determined by the
economic level respondents. details of individual ratings for each attribute on the attachment.

A scale of 10 for excellent, 8 for both, 6 to sufficient, 4 for poor and 2 for no good,
obtained an average assessment of each attribute in chart 2. The graph shows that the average
ratings for each attribute respondents ranged between 7.4 up to 8.42. This means that in general
respondents dairy products ultramilk "good" in terms of attributes proposed.
The attributes that have a value above 8.0 is the ease of obtaining the product, the availability of
the expiration date, halal assurance, and packaging conditions when consumed as well as the
viscosity of milk. In contrast, the average assessment of the price and volume of products they
receive unsatisfactory ratings from consumers, despite the fact that opinion varies.

This is because the respondent had a varied economic backgrounds. Respondents with
higher incomes tend to think the price is cheap, while respondents from the students assume that
the price is quite expensive when compared to the volume of products. Absolute expiration date
is on each product so that the respondents are keen ultramilk will fill the "very good". Ultramilk
milk can be found in every mini market and small shops, so it attributes to "ease it" mostly filled
"good" and "excellent". Similarly, the condition of the packaging at the time of purchase, the
distributor actually maintain the condition of the packaging when the products are marketed to
consumers. Other attributes are somewhat less appreciated by the respondents, namely the
packaging, the majority of respondents consider the packaging less attractive, despite the fact it
does not make a product does not sell, because people seem to have high confidence in the milk

Tabel 1. Sebaran Jumlah dan Persentase Responden Menurut Karakteristik


Karakteristik Jumlah Responden Persentase(%)

Jenis Kelamin
55 55
• Laki-laki
45 45
• Perempuan
Jumlah 100 100
17 17
• 16tahun–18tahun
17 17
• 19tahun–21tahun
54 54
• 22tahun–24tahun
12 12
• >25tahun

Jumlah 100 100

Tempat Tinggal

• Rumah Sendiri 4 4

• Rumah OrangTua 21 21

• Rumah Kontrakan 74 74

• RumahSaudara 1 1

Jumlah 100 100


• Lulusan SMP 16 16

• Lulusan SMA 24 24

• Lulusan Diploma 22 22

• Lulusan S1 28 28

• Lulusan S2 10 10

Jumlah 100 100


• Tidak/ belumkerja 28 28

• Pelajar/ Mahasiswa 42 42

• Wiraswasta/ Pengusaha 11 11

• Ibu rumah tangga 5 5

• Pegawai swasta 14 14

• Lainnya - -

Jumlah 100 100


• <Rp.500.000 28 28

• Rp.500.001 -Rp.1.000.000 57 57

• Rp.1.000.001-Rp.2.000.000 7 7

• Rp.3.000.001-Rp.4.000.000 5 5

• Rp.4.000.001-Rp.6.000.000 2 2

• >Rp.6.000.001 1 1

Jumlah 100 100

Tabel 2. Sebaran Jumlah dan Persentase Responden Berdasarkan Sumber Informasi

Tentang Ultra Milk

Sumber Informasi Jumlah Responden Persentase(%)

Iklan di TV 32 32
Iklan Billboard 12 12
Iklan Radio - -
Relasi(teman,keluarga,dll) 18 18
Toko Kelontong/ Warung/Kios Rokok 17 17
Hypermarket/Supermarket/Minimarket 8 8
Tidak Ingat 11 11
Lainnya,kalau ada gratisan 2 2
Jumlah 100 100
Tabel 3. Sebaran Jumlah dan Persentase Responden Berdasarkan Tempat Pembelian Ultra

Tempat Membeli Jumlah Responden Persentase(%)

Supermarket 43 43
Warung 29 29
PinggirJalan/Gerobak 13 13
Pedagang - -
Kantin 11 11
Lainnya 4 4
Jumlah 100 100

Tabel 4. Sebaran Jumlah dan Persentase Responden berdasarkan Keputusan Pembelian Ultra

Keputusan Pembelian Jumlah Responden Persentase(%)

Mendadak 4 4
Selalu merencanakan dahulu 9 9
Tergantung situasi saat ini 35 35
Tidak pernah merencanakan 45 45
Lainnya 7 7
Jumlah 100 100

Tabel 5. Sebaran Jumlah dan Persentase Responden berdasarkan Pemberi Pengaruh

dalam Pembelian UltraMilk

Pemberi Pengaruh Jumlah Responden Persentase(%)

Inisiatif Sendiri 78 78
OrangTua 3 3
Teman 10 10
Pedagang - -
Iklan 7 7
Lainnya 2 2
Jumlah 100 100
Tabel 6. Sebaran Persentase Responden Menurut Penilaian Atas Tingkat Kepentingan
Tabel 6. Sebaran Persentase Responden Menurut Penilaian Atas Tingkat Kepentingan dan Tingkat Kinerja Atribut Susu

Tingkat Kinerja (X) Tingkat Kepentingan (Y)

Atribut Susu Ultra Sangat Baik Cukup Kurang Tidak Sangat Tidak Cukup Penting Sangat
Baik Baik Baik Penting Penting penting


Variasi pilihan rasa 37 34 22 5 2 2 7 32 31 28

Aroma yang khas 31 32 32 5 0 0 16 38 28 18
DesainKemasan yang menarik 25 36 33 6 0 0 4 30 33 33
Kekentalan cairan susu 35 40 19 6 0 0 9 35 25 31
Tambahan nilai gizi yang diperoleh 23 45 26 6 0 1 6 19 45 30
Kandungan bahan pengawet 31 23 39 7 0 0 9 26 31 34
Kondisi kemasan pada saat dikonsumsi 35 46 19 0 0 0 1 18 36 35
Dapat diminum kapan saja 30 36 34 0 0 0 3 36 30 31
Harga eceran dibanding volume 32 22 30 16 0 0 6 32 42 20
Jaminan Halal dan Izin Depkes Produk 35 49 14 2 0 0 9 18 41 32
Ketersediaan tanggal kada luarsa produk 42 42 13 3 0 0 6 13 33 48
Kemudahan memperoleh produk 37 34 34 0 0 0 4 27 31 38
UkuranVolume produk 32 20 35 13 0 0 6 25 34 35

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